changeset 0 876b1a06bc25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dist/changes-1.0.0	Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Welcome to Qt Mobility 1.0.0. Qt Mobility 1.0.0 contains a number of API
+improvements and bug fixes since Qt Mobility 1.0.0-beta1. For
+more details, please refer to the online documentation included in this
+distribution. The documentation is also available online:
+  http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qtmobility-1.0
+Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
+corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker or the Merge Request queue
+of the public source repository.
+Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com
+Merge Request:  http://qt.gitorious.org
+*                          Library                                         *
+ - Fixed MOBILITY-748: Private Qt header usage has been removed
+ - Fixed MOBILITY-600: Memory leak on Mac fixed
+ - Multiple optimizations on Mac OS
+ - Maemo 5 and Maemo 6 use exact same code base
+ - ConnectInBackground support for Symbian added
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) specific fixes
+    * Fixed QTMOBILITY-70: bearermonitor application has serious layout issues
+      preventing any use of the app
+    * Fixed MOBILITY-723: BearerEx test application isn't usable in N900
+    * Fixed MOBILITY-600: QNetworkSession is not asynchronous on Maemo and
+      leads to crashes
+ - Static analysis errors fixed
+ - A large number of API changes have been made.  These were largely
+   cosmetic or minor structural changes - the overall structure of the
+   API is similar to the beta, with more consistency between different
+   parts (particularly related to returning bool and using a map of
+   errors)
+    * The QContactAction (& related classes and APIs) has been removed - the
+      intent is to re-add them once their design and implementation has been
+      stabilized.
+    * Some functionality has been removed (relationship ordering, action
+      preferences for details).
+    * QContactAvatar has been split into QContactThumbnail and QContactAvatar.
+    * QContactOnlineAccount has been split into QContactPresence and QCOA
+ - A number of new functions have been added (QCM::compatibleContact, 
+      QCM::synthesizeContactDisplayLabel)
+ - The API uses QImage instead of QPixmap, to avoid non-gui thread
+   issues with QPixmap usage.
+ - The names of details, and the keys of fields in details are now
+   restricted to Latin 1 (for performance and memory usage optimization).
+ - Bugs fixed etc
+ - A number of API changes have been made, to make it easier to use
+   the QtVersit library for simple tasks (like reading directly from
+   a QByteArray), and to make the API more consistent with QtContacts
+ - The API uses QImage instead of QPixmap, to avoid non-gui thread
+   issues with QPixmap usage.
+ - API change
+    * QGeoPositionInfo::dateTime()/setDateTime() changed into
+      QGeoPositionInfo::timestamp()/setTimestamp() respectively.
+    * Added serialization functions for QGeoSatelliteInfo
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
+    * SMS and Email message types supported.
+    * modest process must be restarted before Fremantle backend is fully
+      operational. This can be achieved by restarting the device.
+ - API changes
+    * QMessageAddress::recipient()/setRecipient renamed to 
+      QMessageAddress::addressee()/setAddressee respectively.
+    * QMessage::XMPP renamed to QMessage::InstantMessage.
+ - Symbian specific fixes
+    * Notifications which are related to internal folders (0x100001
+      and 0x100002) are ignored.
+    * Notifications about messages which are "created and then
+      immediately removed" (before message can be read to QMessage) are
+      removed from notifications queue and are not ever tried to
+      deliver.
+    * Improved message filtering functionality in case when whole
+      message should be used for filtering but whole message can not
+      be read yet from message store.
+    * Notifications which can be delivered immediately will be
+      delivered without putting notifications into queue.
+    * The following filter now works:
+      registerNotificationFilter(
+          QMessageFilter::byStandardFolder(QMessage::InboxFolder) &
+          QMessageFilter::byType(QMessage::Mms))
+ - Regression in keepintouch example fixed, incorrect results were returned 
+   when 'but not last' checkbox was unchecked.
+ - Format of identifiers changed
+   * For forwards compatibility.
+ - Symbian backend improvements
+    * AudioCapture
+      - Bug fixes and codec support improvements
+    * Mediaplayer
+      - Audio routing implemented (destinations speaker, headphones, default)
+    * Camera
+      - Camera bug fixes and feature improvements
+      - Note: Camera eventually separated from QtMedia API (has its own plugin)
+ - Symbian^3 backend for audio recording (uses OpenMaxAL)
+ - Tweaked few examples to have more features
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
+ - AudioCapture
+ - API changes
+    * Added CoverArtImage, PosterImage, and ThumbnailImage meta-data keys to
+      address embedded images.
+    * Changed QVideoWidget to use the Qt::AspectRatioMode enumeration instead
+      of defining its own enumeration of the same name.
+ - Behavioural changes
+   * Changed to QVideoWidget to consistently not fill the background with black
+     by default.
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) GConf backend finalized
+    * Support for monitoring changes in GConf
+    * Serialize unsupported QVariant data types in string with BASE64 encoding
+    * Autotests
+    * Example application modified to be usable in N900
+ - Symbian backend improvements
+    * Mainly security fixes
+       - Security token usage in databases, db server in protected namespace etc.
+    * Capability fixes (reduced)
+ - Mac
+    * Implemented remaining backend.
+    * Fix memory leakage.
+ - Maemo 5 (Fremantle)
+    * Implemented remaining backend.
+    * Improved implementation of Maemo's WLAN networkSignalStrengthChanged().
+    * Improved network mode and network status.
+    * Example application modified to better fit in N900's horizontal screen
+    * Screensaver inhibit implemented
+ - Linux
+    * Storage volume names are now more consistant across the platforms.
+ - Symbian
+    * Improved colorDepth detection on some versions.
+    * Improved power state detection.
+    * Fix network name on some versions.
+ - Signals/timers/event loops not started unless something is connected to the Q_SIGNAL.
+ - Improved QML support.
+ - rssi timers now fire every 5 seconds on all platforms.
+ - Added currentMode to API.
+ - currentMode() added in network info
+ - Fixed MOBILITY-748: Private Qt header usage has been removed
+ - QSensorReading::value() is no longer virtual.
+ - Many sensor classes have been changed. Please see the documentation on each sensor class in use.
+ - Change qtimestamp type declaration to avoid an interaction between the compiler and Qt's meta system.
+ - Added QSensorBackend::sensor().
+ - Replaced updatePolicy and updateInterval with dataRate.
+ - Removed polling.
+ - Added meta-data properties for sensors.
+ - Added error reporting functions.
+ - Removed setType().
+ - Renamed QSensor::connect() to QSensor::connectToBackend().
+Qt Mobility Plugins
+ - mobapicontactspluginsymbian was renamed to qtcontacts_symbian.
+ - mobapicontactspluginsymbiansim was renamed to qtcontacts_symbiansim.
+ - m3u was renamed to qtmedia_m3u.
+ - QtMobilityMmfEngine was renamed to qtmedia_mmfengine.
+*                      Platform Specific Changes                           *
+Qt Mobility for Symbian
+ -  Contacts
+    * Bug fix: Display label of a contact now does not include organization if first name or last name are available
+    * Bug fix: Several fixes to contact filtering
+    * Bug fix: Backends were instantiated twice. This caused for example a problem with SamplePhonebook startup; the application sometimes refused to re-start after it had been closed.
+    * Bug fix: Adding contacts to a group or removing contacts from a group caused contactsChanged signal to be emitted instead of relationshipsAdded/Removed in other contact manager instances.
+    * Bug fix: Adding a group caused also a contactsChanged signal to be emitted in the contact manager instance that created the group
+    * Bug fix: QContactThumbnail was not shown in the name list view of S60 Phonebook on some S60 platforms.
+    * Bug fix: Signal emissions when self contact is changed
+    * Bug fix: Groups did not have timestamp and guid details.
+    * Bug fix: S60 3.1 does not support timestamps for contacts but it was still part of the detail definition schema.
+    * SIM backend now supports also SDN (Service Dialling Numbers) and FDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers)
+    * Also SIM backend now emits signals
+    * SIM backend now implements also the asynchronous QContactManager API
+    * SIM contact phone numbers now don't have any sub type (previously they were using "mobile" sub type)
+    * SIM contacts now use custom label as the name field instead of first name
+    * SamplePhonebook can now be used to access and save also SIM contacts
+    * Bugfix: Saving SIM contacts now preserves the original contact detail instances instead of replacing them with new instances (with different ids).
+    * A work-around for issues with several consecutive SIM contacts operations
+    * A work-around for issue on S60 3.1 products that made the device reboot when trying to delete non-existing contacts
+    * Bug fix: Batch saving of SIM contacts did not update contact details
+    * The schema definition of SIM backend now does not include e-mail and nick name details in case they are not supported by the SIM card
+    * Trying to save too long details to a SIM card now gives an appropriate error