changeset 0 876b1a06bc25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/contacts/symbian/contactsmodel/cntplsql/inc/cviewcontactmanager.h	Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+ @released
+#include "persistencelayer.h"
+#include <cntviewbase.h>
+class MContactViewSortObserver
+    {
+    public:
+    enum TIccViewNotify
+        {
+        TIccViewNotify_IccOnlyLocked,
+        TIccViewNotify_IccUnlocked          
+        };
+    public:
+    	virtual TBool IdleSorterNotifyL(TInt aSortErr) =0;
+    	virtual void  IccViewNotifyL(TInt aIccViewReady) =0;
+    };
+The CViewContactManager is an internal class responsible to sort contact view items, 
+according to sort plug-in, and provide CViewContact items for CContactLocalView.
+And it's the only view class interact with persistence layer(CPplContactViewItemManager)
+to retrieve contact view item from database.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CViewContactManager) : public CBase, public MContactViewSortObserver
+	{
+    static CViewContactManager* NewL(CContactLocalView& aLocalView, MLplPersistenceLayerFactory& aFactory, const CContactTextDef& aTextDef, TContactViewPreferences aViewPerference, CViewContactSortPlugin* aSortPlugin);
+	~CViewContactManager();
+	TContactItemId AtL(TInt aIndex) const;
+	TInt Count() const;
+	TInt FindL(TContactItemId aContactId) const;
+	void SortL();
+	void SortL(const CContactTextDef& aTextDef);
+	void StopSortL();
+    TInt InsertL(const TContactItemId aContactId, TContactViewPreferences& aViewPreference);
+	TInt RemoveL(const TContactItemId aContactId);
+	HBufC* AllFieldsLC(TInt aIndex, const TDesC& aSeparator) const;
+	const CViewContact& ContactAtL(TInt aIndex) const;
+	TBool IsICCSynchronised() const;
+    //Implementation for MContactSortObserver
+	TBool IdleSorterNotifyL(TInt aSortErr);
+    void  IccViewNotifyL(TInt aIccViewReady);
+	/* To represent the state when retrieving data from database */
+	enum TReadState 
+	    {
+	    EReadFullChunk,    // The read items reached the number of limitation per invocation
+	    EReadFullForMerge, // The read items reached the number of limitation per merge
+	    EReadCompleted     // Read is completed, no more view contact item in database.
+	    };
+	CViewContactManager(CContactLocalView& aLocalView, MLplViewIteratorManager& aLplViewMgr, TContactViewPreferences aViewPerference, CViewContactSortPlugin* aSortPlugin);
+	void ConstructL(MLplPersistenceLayerFactory& aFactory, const CContactTextDef& aTextDef);
+    TInt InsertViewContactL(const CViewContact* aNewContact, TBool aSortByIdOnly, TInt aStart);
+	void HeapSortL(RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aViewContacts);
+	RPointerArray<CViewContact>* MergeL(RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aLeftContacts, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aRightContacts);
+	TReadState ReadInViewContactsL(RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aViewContacts);
+	CViewContact& ViewContactAtL(TInt aIndex) const;
+    void ResetSort();
+	static TBool ContactCorrectType(TUid aType, TContactViewPreferences aTypeToInclude);
+	static void  ResetAndDestroyRPointerArrayPointer(TAny *aArray);
+	//These functions are copied from CContactViewBase classes
+	TBool  IsContactSortable(const CViewContact& aContact, TContactViewPreferences& aViewPreferences) const;
+	TInt   CompareContactsAndIdsL(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond) const;
+	TInt   TextCompareFieldsL(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond) const;
+	HBufC* FieldsWithSeparatorLC(const CViewContact& aViewContact, const TDesC& aSeparator) const;
+	static TInt CompareFieldsWithCollationLevel(const CViewContact& aFirst, const CViewContact& aSecond, TInt aCollationLevel, const TCollationMethod* aCollateMethod);
+	CContactLocalView& 		        iLocalView;
+	CIdleContactSorter*				iIdleSorter;
+	TInt                            iViewSessionId;
+	RPointerArray<CViewContact>*	iViewContacts;
+	RPointerArray<CViewContact>*    iUnsortedViewContacts;
+	RPointerArray<CViewContact>*    iViewContactsBuffer;
+	CViewContactSortPlugin*			iSortPluginImpl;  //this is not owned by the class
+    TContactViewPreferences         iViewPreferences;
+    TCollationMethod				iCollationMethod;	
+	MLplViewIteratorManager& 		iLplViewItemMgr;
+	};