--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/contacts/symbian/contactsmodel/cntview/remoteview.cpp Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <cntviewbase.h>
+#include "cntviewprivate.h"
+#include <cntviewsortplugin.h>
+#include <cntviewsortpluginbase.h>
+#include "ccntserver.h" //for kslot1 and kslot2
+#include "rcntmodel.h"
+// uncomment define in header to select debug prints for API profiling
+#include "cntapiprofile.h"
+// RContactRemoteView.
+const TInt KCachedItemCountInvalid = -1;
+@capability ReadUserData
+void RContactRemoteView::OpenL(const CContactDatabase& aDb,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes,const TUid& aSortPluginImplUid,const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ HBufC8* pckgBuf = PackageSortOrderAndPluginDetailsLC(aSortOrder,aContactTypes,aSortPluginImplUid,aSortPluginName);
+ TIpcArgs args(pckgBuf->Length());
+ args.Set(KSlot1,pckgBuf);
+ TInt err = CreateSubSession(*aDb.iCntSvr, ECntCreateView, args );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pckgBuf);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void RContactRemoteView::OpenL(const CContactDatabase& aDb,const TDesC& aName,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes,const TUid& aSortPluginImplUid,const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ HBufC8* pckgBuf = PackageSortOrderAndPluginDetailsLC(aSortOrder,aContactTypes,aSortPluginImplUid,aSortPluginName);
+ TIpcArgs args(pckgBuf->Length());
+ args.Set(KSlot1,pckgBuf);
+ args.Set(KSlot2,&aName);
+ TInt err = CreateSubSession(*aDb.iCntSvr, ECntCreateNamedView, args );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pckgBuf);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }
+@capability None
+void RContactRemoteView::Close()
+ {
+ CloseSubSession(ECntCloseView);
+ if(iContact!=NULL)
+ {
+ delete iContact;
+ }
+ iSortOrder.Close();
+ }
+Returns the contact item at the specified index into the view.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aIndex Index
+CViewContact* RContactRemoteView::ContactAtL(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ const TContactItemId KUnknownContactId = -1;
+ // 4 context switches
+ TPckgBuf<TInt>pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(aIndex,&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewContactAtLength,args));
+ //
+ CViewContact* contact = CViewContact::NewLC(KUnknownContactId);
+ delete iContact;
+ iContact = contact;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(contact);
+ //
+ TInt contactLength=pckg();
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(contactLength);
+ TPtr8 bufPtr(buf->Des());
+ TIpcArgs args2(&bufPtr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewContactAt,args2));
+ RDesReadStream readStream(bufPtr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+ readStream >> *iContact;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // readStream , buf.
+ return iContact;
+ }
+Searches all contact items in the view for fields that contain the search
+strings specified.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings
+@param aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items
+@param find behaviour configuration uid to be passed to the server.
+ */
+void RContactRemoteView::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts, TBool aPrefixSearch,TUid aUid)
+ {
+ if(aUid != KNullUid)
+ {
+ TIpcArgs args(aUid.iUid);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntSendPluginUidToServer,args));
+ }
+ CBufBase* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL(32);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+ RBufWriteStream writeStream(*buffer);
+ CleanupClosePushL(writeStream);
+ writeStream.WriteUint32L(aPrefixSearch);
+ const TInt count = aFindWords.MdcaCount();
+ writeStream.WriteUint32L(count);
+ for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ {
+ TPtrC ptr = aFindWords.MdcaPoint(i);
+ writeStream.WriteUint32L(ptr.Length());
+ writeStream << ptr;
+ }
+ writeStream.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writeStream); //writeStream.Close()
+ TPtr8 ptr(buffer->Ptr(0));
+ const TInt bufferSize = buffer->Size();
+ TPckg<TInt> size(bufferSize);
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckg,&size,&ptr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntContactMatchingCriteriaExternalizedSize,args));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buffer);
+ //Internalize Contacts
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(pckg());
+ TPtr8 contactsbufPtr(buf->Des());
+ TIpcArgs args2(&contactsbufPtr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetContactMatchingCriteria,args2));
+ RDesReadStream readStream(contactsbufPtr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+ const TInt findCount = readStream.ReadUint32L();
+ for (TInt zz=0;zz<findCount;++zz)
+ {
+ CViewContact* thisContact = CViewContact::NewLC(KNullContactId);
+ readStream >> *thisContact;
+ aMatchedContacts.AppendL(thisContact);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(thisContact);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, buf);
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+TContactItemId RContactRemoteView::AtL(TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TContactItemId> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(aIndex,&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewAt,args));
+ return pckg();
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+TInt RContactRemoteView::CountL() const
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewCount,args));
+ return pckg();
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+TInt RContactRemoteView::FindL(TContactItemId aId) const
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(aId, &pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewFind,args));
+ return pckg();
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+HBufC* RContactRemoteView::AllFieldsLC(TInt aIndex,const TDesC& aSeparator) const
+ {
+ // 4 context switches
+ TPckgBuf<TInt>pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(aIndex,&aSeparator,&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntAllFieldsLength,args));
+ TInt fieldLength = pckg();
+ HBufC* buf=HBufC::NewLC(fieldLength);
+ TPtr8 narrowBufPtr((TUint8*)buf->Ptr(),buf->Des().MaxLength()*2); // Note, must call MaxLength because the cell allocated may be larger than aLength.
+ TIpcArgs args2(&narrowBufPtr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntAllFieldsText,args2));
+ TPtr bufPtr(buf->Des());
+ bufPtr.SetLength(narrowBufPtr.Length()/2);
+ return buf;
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void RContactRemoteView::ChangeSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder)
+ {
+ TInt size = aSortOrder.ExternalizedSize();
+ size +=sizeof(TInt32);//TContactViewPreferences
+ TIpcArgs args(size);
+ args.Set(KSlot1,PackageSortOrderLC(aSortOrder,ContactViewPreferencesL()));
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntChangeViewSortOrder,args));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf.
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void RContactRemoteView::GetSortOrderL(RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntViewSortOrderExternalizedSize,args));
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(pckg());
+ TPtr8 bufPtr(buf->Des());
+ TIpcArgs args2(&bufPtr);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetViewSortOrder,args2));
+ RDesReadStream readStream(bufPtr);
+ CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+ readStream >> aSortOrder;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //readStream // buf.
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void RContactRemoteView::RequestViewEvent(TPckgBuf<TContactViewEvent>& aEvent,TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ TIpcArgs args(&aEvent);
+ SendReceive(ECntRequestViewEvent,args,aStatus);
+ }
+@capability None
+TInt RContactRemoteView::CancelRequestViewEvent()
+ {
+ TIpcArgs args;
+ return SendReceive(ECntCancelRequestViewEvent,args);
+ }
+HBufC8* RContactRemoteView::PackageSortOrderLC(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes) const
+ {
+ TInt bufLength=aSortOrder.ExternalizedSize();
+ bufLength+=sizeof(TContactViewPreferences);//
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(bufLength);
+ TPtr8 bufPtr(buf->Des());
+ RDesWriteStream writeStream(bufPtr);
+ writeStream << (TInt32&)aContactTypes;
+ writeStream << aSortOrder;
+ bufPtr.SetLength(bufLength);
+ return buf;
+ }
+HBufC8* RContactRemoteView::PackageSortOrderAndPluginDetailsLC(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes,const TUid& aSortPluginImplUid,const TDesC8& aSortPluginName) const
+ {
+ // Make a packe that includes the sort plugin name
+ TInt bufLength = aSortOrder.ExternalizedSize();
+ bufLength += sizeof(TContactViewPreferences);
+ bufLength +=sizeof(TInt32);//length of UID
+ bufLength +=sizeof(TInt32);//length of aSortPluginName
+ bufLength +=aSortPluginName.Length();
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(bufLength);
+ TPtr8 bufPtr(buf->Des());
+ RDesWriteStream writeStream(bufPtr);
+ writeStream << (TInt32&)aContactTypes;
+ writeStream << aSortOrder;
+ writeStream.WriteInt32L(aSortPluginImplUid.iUid);
+ writeStream.WriteInt32L(aSortPluginName.Length());
+ writeStream.WriteL(aSortPluginName);
+ bufPtr.SetLength(bufLength);
+ return buf;
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+const RContactViewSortOrder& RContactRemoteView::SortOrderL()
+ {
+ iSortOrder.Close();
+ GetSortOrderL(iSortOrder);
+ return iSortOrder;
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+TContactViewPreferences RContactRemoteView::ContactViewPreferencesL()
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TContactViewPreferences> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetIncludedTypes,args));
+ return pckg();
+ }
+Convert between view indexes and contact ids.
+This method makes the request to the server.
+@capability ReadUserData
+ */
+void RContactRemoteView::GetContactIdsL(const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexes, CContactIdArray& aContactIds)
+ {
+ CBufBase* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL(32);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+ RBufWriteStream writeStream(*buffer);
+ CleanupClosePushL(writeStream);
+ const TInt count = aIndexes.Count();
+ writeStream.WriteUint32L(count);
+ for (TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+ {
+ writeStream.WriteUint32L(aIndexes[i]);
+ }
+ writeStream.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&writeStream); //writeStream.Close()
+ TPtr8 indexes(buffer->Ptr(0));
+ const TInt bufferSize = buffer->Size();
+ TPckg<TInt> size(bufferSize);
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(bufferSize);
+ TPtr8 ids(buf->Des());
+ TIpcArgs args(&size, &indexes, &ids);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetContactIds,args));
+ RDesReadStream readStream(ids);
+ CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+ CContactIdArray* array = CContactIdArray::NewLC();
+ readStream >> *array;
+ const TInt arrayCount = array->Count();
+ for(TInt loop=0;loop<arrayCount;loop++)
+ aContactIds.AddL((*array)[loop]);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4,buffer); //array, &readStream, buf, buffer
+ }
+Requests an array of contact IDs from the server-side view which
+match the filter provided by the client.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFilter Filter supplied by client
+@param aMatchingContacts Array of contacts which match the filter
+ */
+void RContactRemoteView::GetContactsMatchingFilterL(TInt aFilter, RArray<TContactIdWithMapping>& aMatchingContacts)
+ {
+ // Create a large enough buffer to hold whole view and ask server which contacts match
+ const TInt viewCount(CountL());
+ const TInt maxBufferSize = (1+(viewCount*2))*sizeof(TInt);
+ HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(maxBufferSize);
+ TPtr8 ids(buf->Des());
+ TIpcArgs args(aFilter,&ids);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetContactsMatchingFilter,args));
+ // Read results from buffer externalized by server
+ RDesReadStream readStream(ids);
+ CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+ const TInt count = readStream.ReadUint32L();
+ TContactIdWithMapping idMap;
+ for(TInt i=0;i<count;++i)
+ {
+ idMap.iId=readStream.ReadInt32L();
+ idMap.iMapping=readStream.ReadInt32L();
+ aMatchingContacts.AppendL(idMap);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,buf); //readStream, buf
+ }
+ * Get Implementation Uid of loaded Sort Plug-in from Server View
+ */
+TUid RContactRemoteView::GetViewSortPluginImplUidL() const
+ {
+ TUid uid;
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> pckg;
+ TIpcArgs args(&pckg);
+ User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(ECntGetSortPluginUidFromServer,args));
+ uid.iUid = pckg();
+ return uid;
+ }
+// CContactRemoteViewNotifier.
+CContactRemoteViewNotifier::CContactRemoteViewNotifier(RContactRemoteView& aView,TCallBack aCallBack)
+ : CActive(EPriorityStandard),iView(aView),iCallBack(aCallBack)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactRemoteViewNotifier::Start()
+ {
+ ASSERT(!IsActive());
+ iView.RequestViewEvent(iEvent,iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+const TContactViewEvent& CContactRemoteViewNotifier::Event() const
+ {
+ return MUTABLE_CAST(CContactRemoteViewNotifier*,this)->iEvent();
+ }
+void CContactRemoteViewNotifier::RunL()
+ {
+ iCallBack.CallBack();
+ Start();
+ }
+void CContactRemoteViewNotifier::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iView.CancelRequestViewEvent();
+ }
+// CContactRemoteViewBase.
+Cancels the active notifier and closes the session with the contacts server.
+@capability None
+ {
+ delete iNotifier;
+ iView.Close();
+ }
+CContactRemoteViewBase::CContactRemoteViewBase(const CContactDatabase& aDb)
+ : CContactViewBase(aDb), iCount(KCachedItemCountInvalid)
+/** Protected C++ constructor.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items. */
+ {
+ }
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver)
+/** Protected second phase constructor.
+Starts an active object which notifies this view (by calling its HandleContactViewEvent()
+function) when view events occur in the server side view. This remote view
+in turn passes the events to its observers.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aObserver An observer that receives notifications when this view is
+ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady
+event when the view is ready. An attempt to use the view before this notification
+causes a panic. */
+ {
+ CContactViewBase::ConstructL();
+ OpenL(aObserver);
+ iNotifier=new(ELeave) CContactRemoteViewNotifier(iView,TCallBack(NotifierCallBack,this));
+ iNotifier->Start();
+ }
+/** Returns the ID of the contact item at a specified index into the the server
+side view.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aIndex An index into the server side view.
+@leave KErrNotFound The index is greater than or equal to the number of items
+in the view.
+@leave KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.
+@return The ID of the contact item at the specified index.
+@panic CntLock 6 The index is less than zero. */
+TContactItemId CContactRemoteViewBase::AtL(TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiAtL, aIndex);
+ if (iState != EReady)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ return iView.AtL(aIndex);
+ }
+/** Returns the contact item at a specified index into the server side view.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aIndex An index into the server side view.
+@leave KErrNotFound The index is greater than or equal to the number of items
+in the view.
+@leave KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.
+@return The contact item at the specified index.
+@panic CntLock 6 The index is less than zero. */
+const CViewContact& CContactRemoteViewBase::ContactAtL(TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ if (iState != EReady)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ return *CONST_CAST(RContactRemoteView&,iView).ContactAtL(aIndex);
+ }
+/** Gets the total number of contact items in the server side view.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@leave KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.
+@return The number of contact items in the view.
+TInt CContactRemoteViewBase::CountL() const
+ {
+ if (iState != EReady)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ if (iCount == KCachedItemCountInvalid)
+ {
+ iCount = iView.CountL();
+ }
+ return iCount;
+ }
+/** Searches for a contact item in the server side view with the specified ID.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aId The ID of the contact item to search for.
+@leave KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.
+@return If found, the index into the view of the matching item. Otherwise,
+TInt CContactRemoteViewBase::FindL(TContactItemId aId) const
+ {
+ if (iState != EReady)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ return iView.FindL(aId);
+ }
+/** Gets a descriptor containing the contents of all fields specified in the server
+side view's sort order for an item in the view.
+The field separator is used to separate the contents of each field. It is
+not appended to the last field.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aIndex The index of the contact item into the view.
+@param aSeparator The string to use to separate the fields.
+@leave KErrNotFound The index is greater than or equal to the number of items
+in the view.
+@leave KErrNotReady The view is not ready for use.
+@return Pointer to the contact item descriptor.
+@panic CntLock 6 The index is less than zero. */
+HBufC* CContactRemoteViewBase::AllFieldsLC(TInt aIndex,const TDesC& aSeparator) const
+ {
+ if (iState != EReady)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ return iView.AllFieldsLC(aIndex,aSeparator);
+ }
+/** Searches all contact items in the server side view for fields that contain
+all of the search strings specified.
+The search uses wildcard matching so that the search strings can occur anywhere
+in the item's fields. For a match to occur, all of the search strings must
+be found in a contact item.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
+@param aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items. */
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts)
+ {
+ iView.ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(aFindWords,aMatchedContacts,EFalse,GetViewFindConfigPlugin());
+ }
+/** Searches all contact items in the server side view for fields that contain
+all of the search strings specified.
+Unlike ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(), the search term can only occur at the
+beginning of a field.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFindWords A descriptor array containing one or more search strings.
+@param aMatchedContacts On return, an array of matching contact items. */
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::ContactsMatchingPrefixL(const MDesCArray& aFindWords, RPointerArray<CViewContact>& aMatchedContacts)
+ {
+ iView.ContactsMatchingCriteriaL(aFindWords,aMatchedContacts,ETrue,GetViewFindConfigPlugin());
+ }
+TInt CContactRemoteViewBase::NotifierCallBack(TAny* aSelf)
+ {
+ CContactRemoteViewBase* self=STATIC_CAST(CContactRemoteViewBase*,aSelf);
+ self->HandleContactViewEvent(self->iNotifier->Event());
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::HandleContactViewEvent(const TContactViewEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ const TInt KInvalidValueForRemoteView = -1;
+ iCount = KCachedItemCountInvalid;
+ switch (aEvent.iEventType)
+ {
+ case TContactViewEvent::EUnavailable:
+ case TContactViewEvent::ESortError:
+ case TContactViewEvent::EServerError:
+ iState=ENotReady;
+ break;
+ case TContactViewEvent::EReady:
+ case TContactViewEvent::ESortOrderChanged:
+ iState=EReady;
+ break;
+ case TContactViewEvent::EItemAdded:
+ // should we consume the event?
+ // the very first EItemAdded event will be consumed in this view
+ // and not be broadcasted forward. This is because on server side
+ // EItemAdded events are sorted before being sent
+ if( aEvent.iContactId == KInvalidValueForRemoteView &&
+ aEvent.iInt == KInvalidValueForRemoteView)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TContactViewEvent::EItemRemoved:
+ break;
+ case TContactViewEvent::EGroupChanged:
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(EFalse);
+ }
+ NotifyObservers(aEvent);
+ }
+/** Gets the server side view's view preferences.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@return The view preferences. */
+TContactViewPreferences CContactRemoteViewBase::ContactViewPreferences()
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiContactViewPreferences);
+ TContactViewPreferences type=EContactsOnly;
+ TRAP_IGNORE(type = iView.ContactViewPreferencesL());
+ return type;
+ }
+/** Gets the server side view's sort order.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@return The sort order.
+const RContactViewSortOrder& CContactRemoteViewBase::SortOrderL() const
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteViewBase, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiSortOrder);
+ return CONST_CAST(RContactRemoteView&,iView).SortOrderL();
+ }
+This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing
+against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
+@capability ReadUserData
+TAny* CContactRemoteViewBase::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction,TAny* aParams)
+ {
+ switch(aFunction)
+ {
+ case ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction1:
+ {
+ TVirtualFunction1Params* vFuncParams = STATIC_CAST(TVirtualFunction1Params*,aParams);
+ GetContactIdsL(*vFuncParams->iIndexes,*vFuncParams->iIdArray);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ECContactViewBaseVirtualFunction2:
+ {
+ TVirtualFunction2Params* vFuncParams = STATIC_CAST(TVirtualFunction2Params*,aParams);
+ GetContactsMatchingFilterL(vFuncParams->iFilter, vFuncParams->iMatchingContacts);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return CContactViewBase::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(aFunction,aParams);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ * This function was earlier virtual.But it broke BC.so now,this function is
+ * a helper function called from the reserved virtual function that is implemented
+ * for BC proofing.The functionality of this function ,however,remains the same.
+ */
+/** Gets an array containing the IDs of the contact items at the specified indexes
+into the server side view.
+The IDs are appended to the array.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aIndexes An array of indexes into the server side view.
+@param aContactIds On return, an array to which the contact item IDs of each
+of the indexed items are appended. */
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::GetContactIdsL(const CArrayFix<TInt>& aIndexes, CContactIdArray& aContactIds)
+ {
+ iView.GetContactIdsL(aIndexes, aContactIds);
+ }
+Requests an array of contact IDs from the server-side view which
+match the filter provided by the client.
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactRemoteViewBase::GetContactsMatchingFilterL(TInt aFilter, RArray<TContactIdWithMapping>& aMatchingContacts)
+ {
+ iView.GetContactsMatchingFilterL(aFilter, aMatchingContacts);
+ }
+// CContactRemoteView.
+/** Allocates and constructs a remote contact view object.
+This function causes a new local view object to be created in the contacts
+server, unless one already exists with the specified view preferences and
+sort order. In that case, this client is given shared access to it.
+Starts the active notifier, so that this view receives change events from
+the server side view object. These change events are in turn passed to this
+view's observers.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aObserver An observer that receives notifications when this view is
+ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady
+event when the view is ready. An attempt to use the view before this notification
+causes a panic.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items.
+@param aSortOrder Specifies the fields to use to sort the items in the server
+side view.
+@param aContactTypes Specifies which types of contact items should be included
+in the view and the behaviour for items that do not have content in any of
+the fields specified in the sort order.
+@return The newly constructed remote view object. */
+EXPORT_C CContactRemoteView* CContactRemoteView::NewL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const CContactDatabase& aDb,
+ const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNewL, aSortOrder, aContactTypes);
+ CContactRemoteView* self=new(ELeave) CContactRemoteView(aDb);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aObserver,aSortOrder,aContactTypes);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+ return self;
+ }
+Allocates and constructs a remote contact view object.
+This function causes a new local view object to be created in the contacts
+server, unless one already exists with the specified view preferences and
+sort order. In that case, this client is given shared access to it.
+Starts the active notifier, so that this view receives change events from
+the server side view object. These change events are in turn passed to this
+view's observers.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aObserver An observer that receives notifications when this view is
+ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady
+event when the view is ready. An attempt to use the view before this notification
+causes a panic.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items.
+@param aSortOrder Specifies the fields to use to sort the items in the server
+side view.
+@param aContactTypes Specifies which types of contact items should be included
+in the view and the behaviour for items that do not have content in any of
+the fields specified in the sort order.
+@param aSortPluginName Specifies a plug-in that will be used to compare view contacts
+when the the view is sorted. This name is used by ECOM to select the plugin, and is matched
+with the "default_data" of all ECOM plugins that support the required interface.
+@return The newly constructed remote view object.
+EXPORT_C CContactRemoteView* CContactRemoteView::NewL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const CContactDatabase& aDb,
+ const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes,
+ const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNewL, aSortOrder, aContactTypes, aSortPluginName);
+ CContactRemoteView* self=new(ELeave) CContactRemoteView(aDb);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aObserver,aSortOrder,aContactTypes, aSortPluginName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+ return self;
+ }
+Gets the server side view's sort order, as set in the NewL() function.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aSortOrder On return, the sort order for the server side view.
+EXPORT_C void CContactRemoteView::GetSortOrderL(RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiGetSortOrderL);
+ iView.GetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing
+against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFunction An enum value that identifies which helper function is called.
+@param aParams Parameters to the helper function being called.
+@return Any return values of the helper function called from this function or NULL.
+TAny* CContactRemoteView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction,TAny* aParams)
+ {
+ return CContactRemoteViewBase::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(aFunction,aParams);
+ }
+/** Empty destructor. */
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewDestructor);
+ }
+Protected C++ constructor.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items.
+CContactRemoteView::CContactRemoteView(const CContactDatabase& aDb) : CContactRemoteViewBase(aDb)
+ {
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactRemoteView::ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes)
+ {
+ TUid sortPluginImplUid = FindDefaultViewSortPluginImplL();
+ iView.OpenL(iDb,aSortOrder,aContactTypes,sortPluginImplUid,KNullDesC8);
+ CContactRemoteViewBase::ConstructL(aObserver);
+ // load the (default) Sort Plugin on client side too
+ if (sortPluginImplUid != KNullUid)
+ {
+ LoadViewSortPluginL (sortPluginImplUid, aContactTypes);
+ // pass sort order to Sort Plugin
+ CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
+ sortPluginImpl->SetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactRemoteView::ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes, const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ TUid sortPluginImplUid = KNullUid;
+ if (aSortPluginName.Length())
+ {
+ sortPluginImplUid = FindSortPluginImplL(aSortPluginName);
+ }
+ iView.OpenL(iDb,aSortOrder,aContactTypes,sortPluginImplUid,aSortPluginName);
+ CContactRemoteViewBase::ConstructL(aObserver);
+ // load the Sort Plugin on client side too
+ if (sortPluginImplUid != KNullUid)
+ {
+ LoadViewSortPluginL (sortPluginImplUid, aContactTypes);
+ // pass sort order to Sort Plugin
+ CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
+ sortPluginImpl->SetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+ }
+// CContactNamedRemoteView.
+/** Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.
+This function causes a new named local view object to be created in the contacts
+server, unless one already exists with the specified name. In that case, this
+client is given shared access to it.
+The sort order and view preferences parameters are only used if a new view
+object is created in the server. They cannot be used to change the sort order
+or view preferences of an existing view in the server. If you want to re-sort
+a shared view, use ChangeSortOrderL().
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aObserver An observer that receives notifications when this view is
+ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady
+event when the view is ready. An attempt to use the view before this notification
+causes a panic.
+@param aName The name of the view object in the server. If a view with this
+name already exists, it is shared. If not, a new view with this name is created.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items.
+@param aSortOrder Specifies the fields to use to sort the items in the new
+server side view, if one is created.
+@param aContactTypes Specifies which types of contact items should be included
+in the new server side view and the behaviour for items that do not have content
+in any of the fields specified in the sort order. This is only used if a new
+server side view is created.
+@return The newly constructed named remote view object. */
+EXPORT_C CContactNamedRemoteView* CContactNamedRemoteView::NewL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const TDesC& aName,const CContactDatabase& aDb,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassNamedRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNewL, aName, aSortOrder, aContactTypes);
+ CContactNamedRemoteView* self=new(ELeave) CContactNamedRemoteView(aDb);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aObserver,aName,aSortOrder,aContactTypes);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+ return self;
+ }
+/** Allocates and constructs a named remote contact view object.
+This function causes a new named local view object to be created in the contacts
+server, unless one already exists with the specified name. In that case, this
+client is given shared access to it.
+The sort order and view preferences parameters are only used if a new view
+object is created in the server. They cannot be used to change the sort order
+or view preferences of an existing view in the server. If you want to re-sort
+a shared view, use ChangeSortOrderL().
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aObserver An observer that receives notifications when this view is
+ready for use and when changes take place in it. The observer receives a TContactViewEvent::EReady
+event when the view is ready. An attempt to use the view before this notification
+causes a panic.
+@param aName The name of the view object in the server. If a view with this
+name already exists, it is shared. If not, a new view with this name is created.
+@param aDb The underlying database containing the contact items.
+@param aSortOrder Specifies the fields to use to sort the items in the new
+server side view, if one is created.
+@param aContactTypes Specifies which types of contact items should be included
+in the new server side view and the behaviour for items that do not have content
+in any of the fields specified in the sort order. This is only used if a new
+server side view is created.
+@param aSortPluginName Specifies a plug-in that will be used to compare view contacts
+when the the view is sorted. This name is used by ECOM to select the plugin, and is matched
+with the "default_data" of all ECOM plugins that support the required interface.
+@return The newly constructed named remote view object. */
+EXPORT_C CContactNamedRemoteView* CContactNamedRemoteView::NewL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const TDesC& aName,const CContactDatabase& aDb,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes,
+ const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassNamedRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiNewL, aName, aSortOrder, aContactTypes, aSortPluginName);
+ CContactNamedRemoteView* self=new(ELeave) CContactNamedRemoteView(aDb);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aObserver,aName,aSortOrder,aContactTypes,aSortPluginName);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+ return self;
+ }
+/** Re-sorts the server side view using the specified sort order.
+The sort is done using a low priority idle time active object. When sorting
+is complete, all view observers are notified.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aSortOrder Specifies the fields to use to sort the items in the view. */
+EXPORT_C void CContactNamedRemoteView::ChangeSortOrderL(const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder)
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassNamedRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewApiChangeSortOrderL, aSortOrder);
+ iView.ChangeSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ // pass new sort order to Sort Plugin
+ CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
+ if (sortPluginImpl)
+ {
+ sortPluginImpl->SetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+ }
+This is a reserved virtual exported function that is used for BC proofing
+against present and future additions of new exported virtual functions.
+@capability ReadUserData
+@param aFunction An enum value that identifies which helper function is called.
+@param aParams Parameters to the helper function being called.
+@return Any return values of the helper function called from this function or NULL.
+TAny* CContactNamedRemoteView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(TFunction aFunction,TAny* aParams)
+ {
+ return CContactRemoteView::CContactViewBase_Reserved_1(aFunction,aParams);
+ }
+ {
+ TContactsApiProfile::CntViewMethodLog(TContactsApiProfile::ECntVwClassNamedRemoteView, TContactsApiProfile::ECntViewDestructor);
+ }
+CContactNamedRemoteView::CContactNamedRemoteView(const CContactDatabase& aDb) : CContactRemoteView(aDb)
+ {
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactNamedRemoteView::ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const TDesC& aName,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes)
+ {
+ TUid sortPluginImplUid = FindDefaultViewSortPluginImplL();
+ iView.OpenL(iDb,aName,aSortOrder,aContactTypes,sortPluginImplUid,KNullDesC8);
+ CContactRemoteViewBase::ConstructL(aObserver);
+ // load the (default) Sort Plugin on client side too
+ if (sortPluginImplUid != KNullUid)
+ {
+ LoadViewSortPluginL (sortPluginImplUid, aContactTypes);
+ // pass sort order to Sort Plugin
+ CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
+ sortPluginImpl->SetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+ }
+@capability ReadUserData
+void CContactNamedRemoteView::ConstructL(MContactViewObserver& aObserver,const TDesC& aName,const RContactViewSortOrder& aSortOrder,TContactViewPreferences aContactTypes, const TDesC8& aSortPluginName)
+ {
+ TUid sortPluginImplUid = KNullUid;
+ if (aSortPluginName.Length())
+ {
+ sortPluginImplUid = FindSortPluginImplL(aSortPluginName);
+ if (sortPluginImplUid == KNullUid)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ }
+ iView.OpenL(iDb,aName,aSortOrder,aContactTypes,sortPluginImplUid,aSortPluginName);
+ CContactRemoteViewBase::ConstructL(aObserver);
+ // load the same Sort Plugin on client side as on the Server side
+ sortPluginImplUid = iView.GetViewSortPluginImplUidL();
+ if (sortPluginImplUid != KNullUid)
+ {
+ LoadViewSortPluginL (sortPluginImplUid, aContactTypes);
+ // pass sort order to Sort Plugin
+ CViewContactSortPlugin* sortPluginImpl = SortPluginImpl();
+ sortPluginImpl->SetSortOrderL(aSortOrder);
+ }
+ }