--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/qtmobility.pro Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# config.pri specifies the configure options and is pulled in via staticconfig.pri
+!include($$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/config.pri) {
+ error("Please run configure script");
+ #also fails if .qmake.cache was not generated which may
+ #happen if we are trying to shadow build w/o running configure
+#don't build QtMobility if chosen config mismatches Qt's config
+win32:!contains(CONFIG_WIN32,build_all) {
+ contains(QT_CONFIG,debug):!contains(QT_CONFIG,release):contains(CONFIG_WIN32,release) {
+ # Qt only build in debug mode
+ error(QtMobility cannot be build in release mode if Qt is build in debug mode only)
+ }
+ !contains(QT_CONFIG,debug):contains(QT_CONFIG,release):contains(CONFIG_WIN32,debug) {
+ # Qt only build in release mode
+ error(QtMobility cannot be build in debug mode if Qt is build in release mode only)
+ }
+lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
+ error(Qt Mobility requires Qt 4.6 or higher. Qt $${QT_VERSION} was found.);
+contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4):lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 6) {
+ error(Qt Mobility requires Qt 4.6 or higher. Qt $${QT_VERSION} was found.);
+# MCL builds for Symbian do not run configure and require some manual setup steps.
+# This test permits SD builds to skip installation of mobility.prf from within qmake.
+# It is installed in a separate step. MCL builds for SD must set the
+# MOBILITY_SD_MCL_BUILD flag to yes.
+!contains(MOBILITY_SD_MCL_BUILD, yes) {
+ #generate prf file for Qt integration
+ PRF_OUTPUT=$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/features/mobility.prf
+ unix:!symbian:system(cat $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}/features/mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT)
+ win32:system(type $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}\features\mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT)
+ symbian:system(type $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}\features\mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT)
+ PRF_CONFIG=$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/features/mobilityconfig.prf
+ system(echo MOBILITY_CONFIG=$${mobility_modules} > $$PRF_CONFIG)
+ system(echo MOBILITY_VERSION = 1.0.2 >> $$PRF_CONFIG)
+ #symbian does not generate make install rule. we have to copy prf manually
+ symbian {
+ FORMATDIR=$$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]\mkspecs\features
+ FORMATDIR=$$replace(FORMATDIR,/,\\ )
+ system(copy "$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}\features\mobility.prf $$FORMATDIR")
+ system(copy "$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}\features\mobilityconfig.prf $$FORMATDIR")
+ }
+ # install config file
+ config.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs/features
+ config.files = $$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/features/mobilityconfig.prf
+ # install feature file
+ feature.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs/features
+ feature.files = $$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/features/mobility.prf
+ INSTALLS += feature config
+TEMPLATE = subdirs
+SUBDIRS += src
+contains(build_tools, yes) {
+ SUBDIRS += tools
+SUBDIRS += plugins
+#built documentation snippets, if enabled
+contains(build_docs, yes) {
+ SUBDIRS += doc
+ include(doc/doc.pri)
+ OTHER_FILES += doc/src/*.qdoc doc/src/examples/*.qdoc
+contains(build_unit_tests, yes):SUBDIRS+=tests
+contains(build_examples, yes):SUBDIRS+=examples
+#updating and deployment of translations requires Qt 4.6.3/qtPrepareTool
+!symbian:defined(qtPrepareTool):SUBDIRS += translations
+# install Qt style headers
+!symbian {
+ contains(mobility_modules,bearer) {
+ qtmheadersbearer.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtBearer
+ qtmheadersbearer.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtBearer/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheadersbearer
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,contacts) {
+ qtmheaderscontacts.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtContacts
+ qtmheaderscontacts.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtContacts/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderscontacts
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,location) {
+ qtmheaderslocation.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtLocation
+ qtmheaderslocation.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtLocation/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderslocation
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,messaging) {
+ qtmheadersmessaging.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtMessaging
+ qtmheadersmessaging.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtMessaging/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheadersmessaging
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,multimedia) {
+ qtmheadersmultimedia.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtMultimediaKit
+ qtmheadersmultimedia.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtMultimediaKit/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheadersmultimedia
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,publishsubscribe) {
+ qtmheaderspubsub.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtPublishSubscribe
+ qtmheaderspubsub.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtPublishSubscribe/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderspubsub
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,serviceframework) {
+ qtmheaderssfw.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtServiceFramework
+ qtmheaderssfw.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtServiceFramework/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderssfw
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,versit) {
+ qtmheadersversit.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtVersit
+ qtmheadersversit.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtVersit/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheadersversit
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,systeminfo) {
+ qtmheaderssysteminfo.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtSystemInfo
+ qtmheaderssysteminfo.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtSystemInfo/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderssysteminfo
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,sensors) {
+ qtmheaderssensors.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtSensors
+ qtmheaderssensors.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtSensors/*
+ INSTALLS += qtmheaderssensors
+ }
+} else {
+ #absolute path does not work and
+ #include <QtMyLibrary/class.h> style does not work either
+ qtmAppHeaders = include/QtContacts/* \
+ include/QtVersit/*
+ qtmMwHeaders = include/QtBearer/* \
+ include/QtLocation/* \
+ include/QtMessaging/* \
+ include/QtMultimediaKit/* \
+ include/QtPublishSubscribe/* \
+ include/QtServiceFramework/* \
+ include/QtSystemInfo/* \
+ include/QtSensors/*
+ contains(mobility_modules,contacts|versit) {
+ for(api, qtmAppHeaders) {
+ INCLUDEFILES=$$files($$api);
+ #files() attaches a ';' at the end which we need to remove
+ cleanedFiles=$$replace(INCLUDEFILES, ;,)
+ cleanedFiles=$$replace(cleanedFiles, \\\,/)
+ for(header, cleanedFiles) {
+ exists($$header):
+ BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "$$header $$APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH($$basename(header))"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ contains(mobility_modules,serviceframework|location|bearer|publishsubscribe|systeminfo|multimedia|messaging) {
+ for(api, qtmMwHeaders) {
+ INCLUDEFILES=$$files($$api);
+ #files() attaches a ';' at the end which we need to remove
+ cleanedFiles=$$replace(INCLUDEFILES, ;,)
+ cleanedFiles=$$replace(cleanedFiles, \\\, /)
+ for(header, cleanedFiles) {
+ exists($$header):
+ BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "$$header $$MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH($$basename(header))"
+ }
+ }
+ }