--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/messaging/win32wce/longstring.cpp Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include "longstring_p.h"
+#include "qmaillog.h"
+#include <QDataStream>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QtDebug>
+#include <ctype.h>
+// LongString: A string/array class for processing IETF documents such as
+// RFC(2)822 messages in a memory efficient method.
+// The LongString string/array class implemented in this file provides 2
+// primary benefits over the QString/QByteArray string/array classes namely:
+// 1) Inbuilt support for mmap'ing a file so that a string can parsed without
+// requiring all bytes of that string to be loaded into physical memory.
+// 2) left, mid and right methods that don't create deep copies of the
+// string data, this is achieved by using ref counting and
+// QByteArray::fromRawData
+// Normal QByteArray methods can be used on LongStrings by utilizing the
+// LongString::toQByteArray method.
+// Known Limitations:
+// 1) The internal representation is 8bit ascii, which is fine for 7bit ascii
+// email messages.
+// 2) The underlying data is treated as read only.
+// 3) mmap may not be supported on non *nix platforms.
+// Additionally LongString provides a case insensitive indexOf method, this
+// is useful as email fields/tokens (From, Date, Subject etc) are case
+// insensitive.
+#define REHASH(a) \
+ if (ol_minus_1 < sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT) \
+ hashHaystack -= (a) << ol_minus_1; \
+ hashHaystack <<= 1
+static int insensitiveIndexOf(const QByteArray& target, const QByteArray &source, int from, int off, int len)
+ const char* const matchBegin = target.constData();
+ const char* const matchEnd = matchBegin + target.length();
+ const char* const begin = source.constData() + off;
+ const char* const end = begin + len - (target.length() - 1);
+ const char* it = 0;
+ if (from >= 0) {
+ it = begin + from;
+ } else {
+ it = begin + len + from;
+ }
+ while (it < end)
+ {
+ if (toupper(*it++) == toupper(*matchBegin))
+ {
+ const char* restart = it;
+ // See if the remainder matches
+ const char* searchIt = it;
+ const char* matchIt = matchBegin + 1;
+ do
+ {
+ if (matchIt == matchEnd)
+ return ((it - 1) - begin);
+ // We may find the next place to search in our scan
+ if ((restart == it) && (*searchIt == *(it - 1)))
+ restart = searchIt;
+ }
+ while (toupper(*searchIt++) == toupper(*matchIt++));
+ // No match
+ it = restart;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ // Based on QByteArray::indexOf, except use strncasecmp for
+ // case-insensitive string comparison
+ const int ol = target.length();
+ if (from > len || ol + from > len)
+ return -1;
+ if (ol == 0)
+ return from;
+ const char *needle = target.data();
+ const char *haystack = source.data() + off + from;
+ const char *end = source.data() + off + (len - ol);
+ const uint ol_minus_1 = ol - 1;
+ uint hashNeedle = 0, hashHaystack = 0;
+ int idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < ol; ++idx) {
+ hashNeedle = ((hashNeedle<<1) + needle[idx]);
+ hashHaystack = ((hashHaystack<<1) + haystack[idx]);
+ }
+ hashHaystack -= *(haystack + ol_minus_1);
+ while (haystack <= end) {
+ hashHaystack += *(haystack + ol_minus_1);
+ if (hashHaystack == hashNeedle && *needle == *haystack
+ && strncasecmp(needle, haystack, ol) == 0)
+ {
+ return haystack - source.data();
+ }
+ REHASH(*haystack);
+ ++haystack;
+ }
+ return -1;
+class LongStringFileMapping
+ LongStringFileMapping();
+ LongStringFileMapping(const QString& name);
+ ~LongStringFileMapping();
+ const QString &fileName() const { return filename; }
+ int length() const { return len; }
+ bool mapped() const { return (buffer != 0); }
+ const QByteArray toQByteArray() const;
+ template <typename Stream> void serialize(Stream &stream) const;
+ template <typename Stream> void deserialize(Stream &stream);
+ void init();
+ void map() const;
+ QString filename;
+ mutable const char* buffer;
+ int len;
+ // We need to keep these in an external map, because QFile is noncopyable
+ struct QFileMapping
+ {
+ QFileMapping() : file(0), mapping(0), refCount(0), mapCount(0), size(0) {}
+ QFile* file;
+ char* mapping;
+ int refCount;
+ int mapCount;
+ qint64 size;
+ };
+ static QMap<QString, QFileMapping> fileMap;
+QMap<QString, LongStringFileMapping::QFileMapping> LongStringFileMapping::fileMap;
+template <typename Stream>
+Stream& operator<<(Stream &stream, const LongStringFileMapping& mapping) { mapping.serialize(stream); return stream; }
+template <typename Stream>
+Stream& operator>>(Stream &stream, LongStringFileMapping& mapping) { mapping.deserialize(stream); return stream; }
+ : buffer(0),
+ len(0)
+LongStringFileMapping::LongStringFileMapping(const QString& name)
+ : filename(name),
+ buffer(0),
+ len(0)
+ init();
+ if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
+ QMap<QString, QFileMapping>::iterator it = fileMap.find(filename);
+ if (it == fileMap.end()) {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to find mapped file:" << filename;
+ } else {
+ QFileMapping& fileMapping(it.value());
+ if (fileMapping.refCount > 1) {
+ fileMapping.refCount -= 1;
+ // See if we're the last user with a mapping
+ if (mapped() && (fileMapping.mapCount > 0)) {
+ fileMapping.mapCount -= 1;
+ if (fileMapping.mapCount == 0) {
+ // Unmap this file
+ if (fileMapping.file->unmap(reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(fileMapping.mapping))) {
+ fileMapping.mapping = 0;
+ } else {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to unmap file:" << filename;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We're the last user - delete the file
+ delete fileMapping.file;
+ fileMap.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void LongStringFileMapping::init()
+ if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
+ QMap<QString, QFileMapping>::iterator it = fileMap.find(filename);
+ if (it == fileMap.end()) {
+ // This file is not referenced yet
+ QFileInfo fi(filename);
+ if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile() && fi.isReadable()) {
+ filename = fi.absoluteFilePath();
+ if (fi.size() > 0) {
+ QFileMapping fileMapping;
+ fileMapping.file = new QFile(filename);
+ fileMapping.size = fi.size();
+ it = fileMap.insert(filename, fileMapping);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (it != fileMap.end()) {
+ len = it.value().size;
+ it.value().refCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+void LongStringFileMapping::map() const
+ if ((len > 0) && !filename.isEmpty()) {
+ QMap<QString, QFileMapping>::iterator it = fileMap.find(filename);
+ if (it != fileMap.end()) {
+ QFileMapping &fileMapping(it.value());
+ if (fileMapping.mapping == 0) {
+ if (fileMapping.file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+ fileMapping.mapping = reinterpret_cast<char*>(fileMapping.file->map(0, fileMapping.size));
+ fileMapping.file->close();
+ if (!fileMapping.mapping) {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to map file:" << filename;
+ }
+ } else {
+ qWarning() << "Unable to open file for mapping:" << filename;
+ }
+ }
+ buffer = fileMapping.mapping;
+ fileMapping.mapCount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+const QByteArray LongStringFileMapping::toQByteArray() const
+ if (!mapped())
+ map();
+ // Does not create a copy:
+ return QByteArray::fromRawData(buffer, len);
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongStringFileMapping::serialize(Stream &stream) const
+ stream << filename;
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongStringFileMapping::deserialize(Stream &stream)
+ stream >> filename;
+ init();
+class LongStringPrivate
+ LongStringPrivate();
+ LongStringPrivate(const QByteArray& ba);
+ LongStringPrivate(const QString& filename);
+ LongStringPrivate(const LongStringPrivate& other);
+ ~LongStringPrivate();
+ const LongStringPrivate &operator=(const LongStringPrivate &);
+ QString fileName() const;
+ int length() const;
+ bool isEmpty() const;
+ int indexOf(const QByteArray &target, int from) const;
+ void midAdjust(int i, int len);
+ void leftAdjust(int i);
+ void rightAdjust(int i);
+ const QByteArray toQByteArray() const;
+ QDataStream* dataStream() const;
+ QTextStream* textStream() const;
+ template <typename Stream> void serialize(Stream &stream) const;
+ template <typename Stream> void deserialize(Stream &stream);
+ mutable LongStringFileMapping* mapping;
+ mutable QByteArray data;
+ int offset;
+ int len;
+template <typename Stream>
+Stream& operator<<(Stream &stream, const LongStringPrivate& ls) { ls.serialize(stream); return stream; }
+template <typename Stream>
+Stream& operator>>(Stream &stream, LongStringPrivate& ls) { ls.deserialize(stream); return stream; }
+ : mapping(0),
+ offset(0),
+ len(0)
+LongStringPrivate::LongStringPrivate(const QByteArray& ba)
+ : mapping(0),
+ data(ba),
+ offset(0),
+ len(data.length())
+LongStringPrivate::LongStringPrivate(const QString& filename)
+ : mapping(new LongStringFileMapping(filename)),
+ offset(0),
+ len(mapping->length())
+LongStringPrivate::LongStringPrivate(const LongStringPrivate &other)
+ : mapping(0),
+ offset(0),
+ len(0)
+ this->operator=(other);
+ delete mapping;
+const LongStringPrivate &LongStringPrivate::operator=(const LongStringPrivate &other)
+ if (&other != this) {
+ delete mapping;
+ mapping = (other.mapping ? new LongStringFileMapping(other.mapping->fileName()) : 0);
+ data = (other.mapping ? QByteArray() : other.data);
+ offset = other.offset;
+ len = other.len;
+ }
+ return *this;
+QString LongStringPrivate::fileName() const
+ if (mapping) {
+ return mapping->fileName();
+ }
+ return QString();
+int LongStringPrivate::length() const
+ return len;
+bool LongStringPrivate::isEmpty() const
+ return (len == 0);
+int LongStringPrivate::indexOf(const QByteArray &target, int from) const
+ if (mapping) {
+ return insensitiveIndexOf(target, mapping->toQByteArray(), from, offset, len);
+ }
+ if (!data.isEmpty()) {
+ return insensitiveIndexOf(target, data, from, offset, len);
+ }
+ return -1;
+void LongStringPrivate::midAdjust(int i, int size)
+ i = qMax(i, 0);
+ if (i > len) {
+ len = 0;
+ } else {
+ int remainder = len - i;
+ if (size < 0 || size > remainder)
+ size = remainder;
+ offset += i;
+ len = size;
+ }
+void LongStringPrivate::leftAdjust(int size)
+ if (size < 0 || size > len)
+ size = len;
+ len = size;
+void LongStringPrivate::rightAdjust(int size)
+ if (size < 0 || size > len)
+ size = len;
+ offset = (len - size) + offset;
+ len = size;
+const QByteArray LongStringPrivate::toQByteArray() const
+ if (mapping) {
+ // Does not copy:
+ return QByteArray::fromRawData(mapping->toQByteArray().constData() + offset, len);
+ }
+ if (!data.isEmpty()) {
+ return QByteArray::fromRawData(data.constData() + offset, len);
+ }
+ return QByteArray();
+QDataStream* LongStringPrivate::dataStream() const
+ // This is safe because QByteArray has shared implementation objects:
+ const QByteArray input = toQByteArray();
+ return new QDataStream(input);
+QTextStream* LongStringPrivate::textStream() const
+ const QByteArray input = toQByteArray();
+ return new QTextStream(input);
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongStringPrivate::serialize(Stream &stream) const
+ bool usesMapping(mapping != 0);
+ stream << usesMapping;
+ if (usesMapping) {
+ stream << *mapping;
+ } else {
+ stream << data;
+ }
+ stream << offset;
+ stream << len;
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongStringPrivate::deserialize(Stream &stream)
+ bool usesMapping;
+ stream >> usesMapping;
+ if (usesMapping) {
+ mapping = new LongStringFileMapping();
+ stream >> *mapping;
+ } else {
+ stream >> data;
+ }
+ stream >> offset;
+ stream >> len;
+ : d(new LongStringPrivate())
+LongString::LongString(const LongString &other)
+ : d(new LongStringPrivate(*other.d))
+LongString::LongString(const QByteArray &ba)
+ : d(new LongStringPrivate(ba))
+LongString::LongString(const QString &fileName)
+ : d(new LongStringPrivate(fileName))
+ delete d;
+LongString &LongString::operator=(const LongString &other)
+ if (&other != this) {
+ delete d;
+ d = new LongStringPrivate(*other.d);
+ }
+ return *this;
+int LongString::length() const
+ return d->length();
+bool LongString::isEmpty() const
+ return d->isEmpty();
+void LongString::close()
+ QString filename(d->fileName());
+ delete d;
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ d = new LongStringPrivate();
+ } else {
+ d = new LongStringPrivate(filename);
+ }
+int LongString::indexOf(const QByteArray &target, int from) const
+ return d->indexOf(target, from);
+LongString LongString::mid(int i, int len) const
+ LongString copy(*this);
+ copy.d->midAdjust(i, len);
+ return copy;
+LongString LongString::left(int len) const
+ LongString copy(*this);
+ copy.d->leftAdjust(len);
+ return copy;
+LongString LongString::right(int len) const
+ LongString copy(*this);
+ copy.d->rightAdjust(len);
+ return copy;
+const QByteArray LongString::toQByteArray() const
+ return d->toQByteArray();
+QDataStream* LongString::dataStream() const
+ return d->dataStream();
+QTextStream* LongString::textStream() const
+ return d->textStream();
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongString::serialize(Stream &stream) const
+ d->serialize(stream);
+template <typename Stream>
+void LongString::deserialize(Stream &stream)
+ d->deserialize(stream);
+// We need to instantiate serialization functions for QDataStream
+template void LongString::serialize<QDataStream>(QDataStream&) const;
+template void LongString::deserialize<QDataStream>(QDataStream&);