changeset 0 876b1a06bc25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qservicemanager/tst_qservicemanager.cpp	Wed Aug 25 15:49:42 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1495 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <qservicemanager.h>
+#include <qservicecontext.h>
+#include <qabstractsecuritysession.h>
+#include <qserviceinterfacedescriptor_p.h>
+#include "../../sampleserviceplugin/sampleserviceplugin.h"
+#include "../qsfwtestutil.h"
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QtCore>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QPair>
+#define QTRY_COMPARE(a,e)                       \
+    for (int _i = 0; _i < 5000; _i += 100) {    \
+        if ((a) == (e)) break;                  \
+        QTest::qWait(100);                      \
+    }                                           \
+    QCOMPARE(a, e)
+#define QTRY_VERIFY(a)                       \
+    for (int _i = 0; _i < 5000; _i += 100) {    \
+        if (a) break;                  \
+        QTest::qWait(100);                      \
+    }                                           \
+    QVERIFY(a)
+#define PRINT_ERR(a) qPrintable(QString("error = %1").arg(a.error()))
+typedef QList<QtMobility::QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList;
+typedef QHash<QtMobility::QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Attribute, QVariant> DescriptorAttributes;
+inline uint qHash(const QtMobility::QServiceInterfaceDescriptor &desc)
+    return qHash(desc.serviceName()) + qHash(desc.interfaceName()) + desc.majorVersion() * 7 + desc.minorVersion() * 7;
+static DescriptorAttributes defaultDescriptorAttributes()
+    DescriptorAttributes props;
+    //props[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Capabilities] = QStringList();
+    props[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = "";
+    props[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::ServiceDescription] = "";
+    props[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::InterfaceDescription] = "";
+    return props;
+static const DescriptorAttributes DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTIES = defaultDescriptorAttributes();
+static QStringList validPluginFiles()
+    // these are the plugins under tests/ which point to real service plugins
+    // that can be used for testing (i.e. plugins that can be loaded, invoked)
+    QStringList files;
+    files << "plugins/tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin" << "plugins/tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin2";
+    return files;
+static const QStringList VALID_PLUGIN_FILES = validPluginFiles();
+// Helper function for debugging. Useful e.g. for checking what is difference between
+// two descriptors (in addition to attributes printed below, the \
+// QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::== operator also compares
+// attributes.
+static void printDescriptor (QServiceInterfaceDescriptor &desc) {
+    qDebug("***QServiceInterfaceDescriptor printed:");
+    qDebug() << "***majorVersion:" << desc.majorVersion();
+    qDebug() << "***minorVersion:" << desc.minorVersion();
+    qDebug() << "***interfaceName:" << desc.interfaceName();
+    qDebug() << "***serviceName:" << desc.serviceName();
+    qDebug() << "***customAttributes:" << desc.customAttributes();
+    qDebug() << "***isValid(): " << desc.isValid();
+    qDebug() << "***scope (user:0, system:1): " << desc.scope();
+class MySecuritySession : public QAbstractSecuritySession
+    MySecuritySession() {}
+    virtual ~MySecuritySession() {}
+    virtual bool isAllowed(const QStringList&) { return true; }
+class MyServiceContext : public QServiceContext
+    MyServiceContext() {}
+    ~MyServiceContext() {}
+    virtual void notify(ContextType, const QVariant&) {}
+class ServicesListener : public QObject
+public slots:
+    void serviceAdded(const QString &name , QService::Scope scope) {
+        params.append(qMakePair(name, scope));
+    }
+    void serviceRemoved(const QString &name, QService::Scope scope) {
+        params.append(qMakePair(name, scope));
+    }
+    QList<QPair<QString, QService::Scope> > params;
+class tst_QServiceManager: public QObject
+    QString xmlTestDataPath(const QString &xmlFileName)
+    {
+        // On Symbian applicationDirPath returns application's private directory
+        return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins/xmldata/" + xmlFileName;
+    }
+    QByteArray createServiceXml(const QString &serviceName, const QByteArray &interfaceXml, const QString &path, const QString &description = QString()) const
+    {
+        QString xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n";
+        xml += "<service>\n";
+        xml += "<name>" + serviceName + "</name>\n";
+        xml += "<filepath>" + path + "</filepath>\n";
+        xml += "<description>" + description + "</description>\n";
+        xml += interfaceXml;
+        xml += "</service>\n";
+        return xml.toLatin1();
+    }
+    QByteArray createServiceXml(const QString &serviceName, const QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> &descriptors) const
+    {
+        Q_ASSERT(descriptors.count() > 0);
+        return createServiceXml(serviceName, createInterfaceXml(descriptors),
+                descriptors[0].attribute(QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location).toString(),
+                descriptors[0].attribute(QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::ServiceDescription).toString());
+    }
+    QByteArray createInterfaceXml(const QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> &descriptors) const
+    {
+        QByteArray interfacesXml;
+        foreach (const QServiceInterfaceDescriptor &desc, descriptors) {
+            QString version = QString("%1.%2").arg(desc.majorVersion()).arg(desc.minorVersion());
+            interfacesXml += createInterfaceXml(desc.interfaceName(), version,
+                    desc.attribute(QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::InterfaceDescription).toString());
+        }
+        return interfacesXml;
+    }
+    QByteArray createInterfaceXml(const QString &name, const QString &version = "1.0", const QString &description = QString()) const
+    {
+       QString xml = "<interface>\n";
+        xml += "<name>" + name + "</name>\n";
+        xml += "<version>" + version + "</version>\n";
+        xml += " <description>" + description + "</description>\n";
+        xml += "</interface>\n";
+        return xml.toLatin1();
+    }
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor createDescriptor(const QString &interfaceName, int major, int minor, const QString &serviceName, const DescriptorAttributes &attributes = DescriptorAttributes(), QService::Scope scope = QService::UserScope) const
+    {
+        QString version = QString("%1.%2").arg(major).arg(minor);
+        QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate *priv = new QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
+        priv->serviceName = serviceName;
+        priv->interfaceName = interfaceName;
+        priv->major = major;
+        priv->minor = minor;
+        priv->scope = scope;
+        priv->attributes = attributes;
+        foreach (QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Attribute key, DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTIES.keys()) {
+            if (!priv->attributes.contains(key))
+                priv->attributes[key] = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_PROPERTIES[key];
+        }
+        QServiceInterfaceDescriptor desc;
+        QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate::setPrivate(&desc, priv);
+        return desc;
+    }
+    void deleteTestDatabasesAndWaitUntilDone()
+    {
+        QSfwTestUtil::removeTempUserDb();
+        QSfwTestUtil::removeTempSystemDb();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(!QFile::exists(QSfwTestUtil::tempUserDbDir()));
+        QTRY_VERIFY(!QFile::exists(QSfwTestUtil::tempSystemDbDir()));
+    }
+private slots:
+    void initTestCase();
+    void cleanupTestCase();
+    void init();
+    void constructor();
+    void constructor_scope();
+    void constructor_scope_data();
+    void findServices();
+    void findServices_data();
+    void findServices_scope();
+    void findServices_scope_data();
+    void findInterfaces_filter();
+    void findInterfaces_filter_data();
+    void findInterfaces_scope();
+    void findInterfaces_scope_data();
+    void loadInterface_string();
+    void loadInterface_descriptor();
+    void loadInterface_descriptor_data();
+    void loadInterface_testLoadedObjectAttributes();
+    void loadLocalTypedInterface();
+    void addService();
+    void addService_data();
+    void addService_testInvalidServiceXml();
+    void addService_testPluginLoading();
+    void addService_testPluginLoading_data();
+    void addService_testInstallService();
+    void removeService();
+    void setInterfaceDefault_strings();
+    void setInterfaceDefault_strings_multipleInterfaces();
+    void setInterfaceDefault_descriptor();
+    void setInterfaceDefault_descriptor_data();
+    void interfaceDefault();
+    void serviceAdded();
+    void serviceAdded_data();
+    void serviceRemoved();
+    void serviceRemoved_data();
+void tst_QServiceManager::initTestCase()
+    qRegisterMetaType<QService::Scope>("QService::Scope");
+    QSfwTestUtil::setupTempUserDb();
+    QSfwTestUtil::setupTempSystemDb();
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeDatabases_symbian();
+void tst_QServiceManager::init()
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    // Wait a millisecond so that QServiceManagers are destroyed and release
+    // the database file (otherwise QFile::remove will get a permission denied -->
+    // in next case, the isEmpty() check fails).
+    QTest::qWait(1);
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeTempUserDb();
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeTempSystemDb();
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeDatabases_symbian();
+    QSettings settings("com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.tests", "SampleServicePlugin");
+    settings.setValue("installed", false);
+void tst_QServiceManager::cleanupTestCase()
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeTempUserDb();
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeTempSystemDb();
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QSfwTestUtil::removeDatabases_symbian();
+    //use QEventLopp::DeferredDeletion
+    //QServiceManager::loadInterface makes use of deleteLater() when
+    //cleaning up service objects and their respective QPluginLoader
+    //we want to force the testcase to run the cleanup code
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+void tst_QServiceManager::constructor()
+    QObject o;
+    QServiceManager mgr(&o);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.scope(), QService::UserScope);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.parent(), &o);
+void tst_QServiceManager::constructor_scope()
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope);
+    QObject o;
+    QServiceManager mgr(scope, &o);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.scope(), scope);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.parent(), &o);
+void tst_QServiceManager::constructor_scope_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope");
+    QTest::newRow("user") << QService::UserScope;
+    QTest::newRow("system") << QService::SystemScope;
+void tst_QServiceManager::findServices()
+    QFETCH(QList<QByteArray>, xmlBlocks);
+    QFETCH(QStringList, interfaceNames);
+    QFETCH(QSet<QString>, searchByInterfaceResult);
+    QFETCH(QSet<QString>, searchAllResult);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QServiceFilter wildcardFilter;
+    // Check that nothing is found neither with default search or interface-search
+    QVERIFY(mgr.findServices().isEmpty());
+    foreach (const QString &interface, interfaceNames)
+        QVERIFY(mgr.findServices(interface).isEmpty());
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findInterfaces(wildcardFilter).count(), 0);
+    // Add all services from the xmlBlocks list
+    foreach (const QByteArray &xml, xmlBlocks) {
+        QBuffer buffer;
+        buffer.setData(xml);
+        QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    }
+    // Check that all services are found with default search
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices().toSet(), searchAllResult);
+    // Check that all services are found based on interface search
+    foreach (const QString &interface, interfaceNames)
+        QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices(interface).toSet(), searchByInterfaceResult);
+    // Check that nothing is found with empty interface
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.invalid.interface") , QStringList());
+void tst_QServiceManager::findServices_data()
+    QTest::addColumn< QList<QByteArray> >("xmlBlocks");
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("interfaceNames");
+    QTest::addColumn< QSet<QString> >("searchByInterfaceResult");
+    QTest::addColumn< QSet<QString> >("searchAllResult");
+    QStringList interfaces;
+    interfaces << "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA";
+    interfaces << "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB";
+    QByteArray interfacesXml;
+    for (int i=0; i<interfaces.count(); i++)
+        interfacesXml += "\n" + createInterfaceXml(interfaces[i]);
+    QTest::newRow("one service")
+            << (QList<QByteArray>() << createServiceXml("SomeTestService", interfacesXml, VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first()))
+            << interfaces
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "SomeTestService")
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "SomeTestService");
+    QTest::newRow("multiple services with same interfaces")
+            << (QList<QByteArray>() << createServiceXml("SomeTestService", interfacesXml, VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0])
+                                    << createServiceXml("SomeSimilarTestService", interfacesXml, VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[1]))
+            << interfaces
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "SomeTestService" << "SomeSimilarTestService")
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "SomeTestService" << "SomeSimilarTestService");
+    QStringList interfaces2;
+    interfaces2 << "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceY";
+    interfaces2 << "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceZ";
+    QByteArray interfacesXml2;
+    for (int i=0; i<interfaces2.count(); i++)
+        interfacesXml2 += "\n" + createInterfaceXml(interfaces2[i]);
+    QTest::newRow("multiple services with different interfaces")
+            << (QList<QByteArray>() << createServiceXml("SomeTestService", interfacesXml, VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0])
+                                    << createServiceXml("TestServiceWithOtherInterfaces", interfacesXml2, VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[1]))
+            << interfaces2
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "TestServiceWithOtherInterfaces")
+            << (QSet<QString>() << "SomeTestService" << "TestServiceWithOtherInterfaces");
+void tst_QServiceManager::findServices_scope()
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QSKIP("There is no difference between user and system scope in symbian", SkipAll);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_add);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_find);
+    QFETCH(bool, expectFound);
+    QByteArray xml = createServiceXml("SomeTestService",
+            createInterfaceXml("com.nokia.qt.TestInterface"), VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0]);
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QServiceManager mgrUser(QService::UserScope);
+    QServiceManager mgrSystem(QService::SystemScope);
+    QServiceManager &mgrAdd = scope_add == QService::UserScope ? mgrUser : mgrSystem;
+    QServiceManager &mgrFind = scope_find == QService::UserScope ? mgrUser : mgrSystem;
+    QVERIFY2(mgrAdd.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgrAdd));
+    QStringList result = mgrFind.findServices();
+    QCOMPARE(!result.isEmpty(), expectFound);
+void tst_QServiceManager::findServices_scope_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_add");
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_find");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("expectFound");
+    QTest::newRow("user scope")
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("system scope")
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::SystemScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("user scope - add, system scope - find")
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::SystemScope << false;
+    QTest::newRow("system scope - add, user scope - find")
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+void tst_QServiceManager::findInterfaces_filter()
+    QFETCH(QByteArray, xml);
+    QFETCH(QServiceFilter, filter);
+    QFETCH(QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor>, expectedInterfaces);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> result = mgr.findInterfaces(filter);
+    QCOMPARE(result.toSet(), expectedInterfaces.toSet());
+void tst_QServiceManager::findInterfaces_filter_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("xml");
+    QTest::addColumn<QServiceFilter>("filter");
+    QTest::addColumn<ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList>("expectedInterfaces");
+    QString serviceName = "SomeTestService";
+    DescriptorAttributes attributes;
+    attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first();
+    QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> descriptors;
+    descriptors << createDescriptor("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA", 1, 0, serviceName, attributes);
+    descriptors << createDescriptor("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", 1, 0, serviceName, attributes);
+    descriptors << createDescriptor("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", 2, 0, serviceName, attributes);
+    descriptors << createDescriptor("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", 2, 3, serviceName, attributes);
+    QByteArray serviceXml = createServiceXml(serviceName, descriptors);
+    QServiceFilter filter;
+    QTest::newRow("empty/wildcard filter")
+            << serviceXml
+            << QServiceFilter()
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA");
+    QTest::newRow("by interface name (A)")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(0, 1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB");
+    QTest::newRow("by interface name (B)")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setServiceName(serviceName);
+    QTest::newRow("by service name, should find all")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.invalid.interface");
+    QTest::newRow("by non-existing interface name")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setServiceName("InvalidServiceName");
+    QTest::newRow("by non-existing service name")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    //version lookup testing for existing interface
+    //valid from first version onwards
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.0");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.0 DefaultMatch, should find all B interfaces")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.0", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.0 MinimumMatch, should find all B interfaces")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.0", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.0 ExactMatch, find B 1.0 only")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1, 1);
+    //valid with exact version match
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "2.0");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 2.0 DefaultMatch, find B 2.0+")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(2);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "2.0", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 2.0 MinimumMatch, find B 2.0+")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(2);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "2.0", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 2.0 ExactMatch, find B 2.0")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(2, 1);
+    //valid but not exact version match
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.9");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.9 DefaultMatch, find B 1.9+")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(2);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.9", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.9 MinimumMatch, find B 1.9+")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(2);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "1.9", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 1.9 ExactMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    //version doesn't exist yet
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "3.9");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 3.9 DefaultMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "3.9", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 3.9 MinimumMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "3.9", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name 3.9 ExactMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << ServiceInterfaceDescriptorList();
+    //invalid version tag 1 -> match anything
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "x3.9");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name x3.9 DefaultMatch")
+            << serviceXml<< filter
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "x3.9", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name x3.9 MinimumMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "x3.9", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name x3.9 ExactMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors;
+    //envalid/empty version tag
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "");
+    QTest::newRow("by empty version string DefaultMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by empty version string MinimumMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch); //what's the result of this?
+    QTest::newRow("by empty version string ExactMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors.mid(1);
+    //invalid version tag 2
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "abc");
+    QTest::newRow("by version name abc DefaultMatch")
+            << serviceXml<< filter
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "abc", QServiceFilter::MinimumVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name abc MinimumMatch")
+            << serviceXml<< filter
+            << descriptors;
+    filter = QServiceFilter();
+    filter.setInterface("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB", "abc", QServiceFilter::ExactVersionMatch);
+    QTest::newRow("by version name abc ExactMatch")
+            << serviceXml
+            << filter
+            << descriptors;
+void tst_QServiceManager::findInterfaces_scope()
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QSKIP("There is no difference between user and system scope in symbian", SkipAll);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_add);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_find);
+    QFETCH(bool, expectFound);
+    QByteArray xml = createServiceXml("SomeTestService",
+            createInterfaceXml("com.nokia.qt.TestInterface"), VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0]);
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QServiceManager mgrUser(QService::UserScope);
+    QServiceManager mgrSystem(QService::SystemScope);
+    QServiceManager &mgrAdd = scope_add == QService::UserScope ? mgrUser : mgrSystem;
+    QServiceManager &mgrFind = scope_find == QService::UserScope ? mgrUser : mgrSystem;
+    QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> result = mgrFind.findInterfaces(QString());
+    QVERIFY(result.isEmpty());
+    QVERIFY2(mgrAdd.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgrAdd));
+    result = mgrFind.findInterfaces("SomeTestService");
+    QCOMPARE(!result.isEmpty(), expectFound);
+    result = mgrFind.findInterfaces(QString());
+    if (expectFound)
+        QVERIFY(result.count() == 1);
+    else
+        QVERIFY(result.isEmpty());
+    result = mgrFind.findInterfaces("NonExistingService");
+    QVERIFY(result.isEmpty());
+void tst_QServiceManager::findInterfaces_scope_data()
+    findServices_scope_data();
+void tst_QServiceManager::loadInterface_string()
+    // The sampleservice.xml and sampleservice2.xml services in
+    // tests/sampleserviceplugin and tests/sampleserviceplugin2 implement a
+    // common interface, "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA". If both are
+    // registered, loadInterface(QString) should return the correct one
+    // depending on which is set as the default.
+    // Real servicenames and classnames
+    QString serviceA = "SampleService";
+    QString serviceAClassName = "SampleServicePluginClass";
+    QString serviceB = "SampleService2";
+    QString serviceBClassName = "SampleServicePluginClass2";
+    QObject *obj = 0;
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QString commonInterface = "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA";
+    // Add first service. Adds the service described in
+    // c/Private/<uid3 of this executable>/plugins/xmldata/sampleservice.xml
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml")), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    obj = mgr.loadInterface(commonInterface, 0, 0);
+    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+    QCOMPARE(QString(obj->metaObject()->className()), serviceAClassName);
+    delete obj;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    // Add first service. Adds the service described in
+    // c/Private/<uid3 of this executable>/plugins/xmldata/sampleservice2.xml
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice2.xml")), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    // if first service is set as default, it should be returned
+    QVERIFY(mgr.setInterfaceDefault(serviceA, commonInterface));
+    obj = mgr.loadInterface(commonInterface, 0, 0);
+    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+    QCOMPARE(QString(obj->metaObject()->className()), serviceAClassName);
+    delete obj;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    // if second service is set as default, it should be returned
+    QVERIFY(mgr.setInterfaceDefault(serviceB, commonInterface));
+    obj = mgr.loadInterface(commonInterface, 0, 0);
+    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+    QCOMPARE(QString(obj->metaObject()->className()), serviceBClassName);
+    delete obj;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+void tst_QServiceManager::loadInterface_descriptor()
+    QFETCH(QServiceInterfaceDescriptor, descriptor);
+    QFETCH(QString, className);
+    QObject* obj;
+    {
+        QServiceManager mgr;
+        MySecuritySession session;
+        MyServiceContext context;
+        obj = mgr.loadInterface(descriptor, &context, &session);
+        QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+        QCOMPARE(className, QString(obj->metaObject()->className()));
+    }
+    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+    delete obj;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+void tst_QServiceManager::loadInterface_descriptor_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor>("descriptor");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("className");
+    QLibrary lib;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor descriptor;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate *priv = new QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
+    priv->interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA";    // needed by service plugin implementation
+    lib.setFileName(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins/tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin");
+    QVERIFY(lib.load());
+    QVERIFY(lib.unload());
+#if defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = "plugins/" + lib.fileName();
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  lib.fileName();
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate::setPrivate(&descriptor, priv);
+    QTest::newRow("tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin")
+            << descriptor
+            << "SampleServicePluginClass";
+    lib.setFileName(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins/tst_sfw_testservice2plugin");
+    QVERIFY(lib.load());
+    QVERIFY(lib.unload());
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  "plugins/" + lib.fileName();
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  lib.fileName();
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate::setPrivate(&descriptor, priv);
+    QTest::newRow("tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin2")
+            << descriptor
+            << "TestService";
+void tst_QServiceManager::loadInterface_testLoadedObjectAttributes()
+    QLibrary lib(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins/tst_sfw_testservice2plugin");
+    QVERIFY(lib.load());
+    QVERIFY(lib.unload());
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor descriptor;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate *priv = new QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
+    priv->interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA";    // needed by service plugin implementation
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  "plugins/" + lib.fileName();
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  lib.fileName();
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate::setPrivate(&descriptor, priv);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    MySecuritySession session;
+    MyServiceContext context;
+    QObject *obj = mgr.loadInterface(descriptor, &context, &session);
+    QVERIFY(obj != 0);
+    bool invokeOk = false;
+    QString name;
+    // check attributes
+    QMetaProperty nameProperty = obj->metaObject()->property(obj->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("name"));
+    QVERIFY(nameProperty.isValid());
+    QVERIFY(nameProperty.write(obj, "A service name"));
+    QCOMPARE(nameProperty.read(obj), QVariant("A service name"));
+    // check signals
+    QVERIFY(obj->metaObject()->indexOfSignal("someSignal()") >= 0);
+    QSignalSpy spy(obj, SIGNAL(someSignal()));
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "someSignal");
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    QVERIFY(spy.count() == 1);
+    // check slots
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "callSlot");
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "callSlotAndSetName", Q_ARG(QString, "test string"));
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "callSlotAndReturnName", Q_RETURN_ARG(QString, name));
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    QCOMPARE(name, QString("test string"));
+    // check invokables
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "callInvokable");
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    // call method on a returned object
+    QObject *embeddedObj = 0;
+    int value = 0;
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "embeddedTestService", Q_RETURN_ARG(QObject*, embeddedObj));
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(embeddedObj, "callWithInt", Q_RETURN_ARG(int, value), Q_ARG(int, 10));
+    QVERIFY(invokeOk);
+    QCOMPARE(value, 10);
+    // call a method that is not invokable via meta system
+    invokeOk = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(embeddedObj, "callNormalMethod");
+    QVERIFY(!invokeOk);
+    delete obj;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+void tst_QServiceManager::loadLocalTypedInterface()
+    //ensure the plugin exists 
+    QLibrary lib(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/plugins/tst_sfw_sampleserviceplugin");
+    QCOMPARE(lib.load(), true);
+    lib.unload();
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    MySecuritySession session;
+    MyServiceContext context;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor descriptor;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate *priv = new QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
+    priv->interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA";    // needed by service plugin implementation
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  "plugins/" + lib.fileName();
+    priv->attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] =  lib.fileName();
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptorPrivate::setPrivate(&descriptor, priv);
+    //use manual descriptor -> avoid database involvement
+    SampleServicePluginClass *plugin = 0;
+    plugin = mgr.loadLocalTypedInterface<SampleServicePluginClass>(descriptor, &context, &session);
+    QVERIFY(plugin != 0);
+    QCOMPARE(plugin->context(), (QServiceContext *)&context);
+    QCOMPARE(plugin->securitySession(), (QAbstractSecuritySession *)&session);
+    delete plugin;
+    plugin = 0;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    //use database descriptor
+    QFile file1(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml"));
+    QVERIFY(file1.exists());
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&file1), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA"), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceB"), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceC"), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> ifaces = mgr.findInterfaces("SampleService");
+    QList<SampleServicePluginClass*> serviceObjects;
+    QVERIFY(ifaces.count() == 3);
+    for (int i = 0; i<ifaces.count(); i++) {
+        plugin = mgr.loadLocalTypedInterface<SampleServicePluginClass>(ifaces.at(i), &context, &session);
+        if (ifaces.at(i).interfaceName() == "com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceC") {
+            QVERIFY(plugin == 0);
+        } else {
+            QVERIFY(plugin != 0);
+            QCOMPARE(plugin->context(), (QServiceContext *)&context);
+            QCOMPARE(plugin->securitySession(), (QAbstractSecuritySession *)&session);
+            plugin->testSlotOne();
+            serviceObjects.append(plugin);
+        }
+    }
+    //test for a bug where two service instances from same plugin
+    //caused a crash when the first instance was deleted and 
+    //the second instance called
+    QVERIFY(serviceObjects.count() == 2);
+    delete serviceObjects.takeFirst();
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    plugin = serviceObjects.takeFirst();
+    plugin->testSlotOne();
+    delete plugin;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    //use default lookup
+    plugin = mgr.loadLocalTypedInterface<SampleServicePluginClass>("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA", &context, &session);
+    QVERIFY(plugin != 0);
+    QCOMPARE(plugin->context(), (QServiceContext *)&context);
+    QCOMPARE(plugin->securitySession(), (QAbstractSecuritySession *)&session);
+    delete plugin;
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents|QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion);
+    plugin = 0;
+    //use totally wrong but QObject based template class type
+    QFile *w = mgr.loadLocalTypedInterface<QFile>("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA", &context, &session);
+    QVERIFY(!w);
+    //use non QObject based template class type
+    //doesn't compile and should never compile
+    //QString* s = mgr.loadLocalTypedInterface<QString>("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA", &context, &session);
+    //QVERIFY(!s);
+#define TST_QSERVICEMANAGER_ADD_SERVICE(paramType, file) { \
+    if (paramType == "QString") \
+        QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(file->fileName()), PRINT_ERR(mgr)); \
+    else if (paramType == "QIODevice") \
+        QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(file), PRINT_ERR(mgr)); \
+    else \
+        QFAIL("tst_QServiceManager::addService(): Bad test parameter"); \
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService()
+    QFETCH(QString, paramType);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QString commonInterface = "com.qt.serviceframework.tests.CommonInterface";
+    QByteArray xmlA = createServiceXml("ServiceA", createInterfaceXml(commonInterface), VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0]);
+    QByteArray xmlB = createServiceXml("ServiceB", createInterfaceXml(commonInterface), VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[1]);
+    QTemporaryFile *tempFileA = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+    QVERIFY2(tempFileA->open(), "Can't open temp file A");
+    tempFileA->write(xmlA);
+    tempFileA->seek(0);
+    QTemporaryFile *tempFileB = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+    QVERIFY2(tempFileB->open(), "Can't open temp file B");
+    tempFileB->write(xmlB);
+    tempFileB->seek(0);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices(), QStringList("ServiceA"));
+    // the service should be automatically set as the default for its
+    // implemented interfaces since it was the first service added for them
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(commonInterface).serviceName(), QString("ServiceA"));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(commonInterface).serviceName(), QString("ServiceA"));
+    // add second service
+    QStringList result = mgr.findServices();
+    QCOMPARE(result.count(), 2);
+    QVERIFY(result.contains("ServiceA"));
+    QVERIFY(result.contains("ServiceB"));
+    // the default does not change once ServiceB is added
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(commonInterface).serviceName(), QString("ServiceA"));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(commonInterface).serviceName(), QString("ServiceA"));
+    delete tempFileA;
+    delete tempFileB;
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("paramType");
+    QTest::newRow("string") << "QString";
+    QTest::newRow("iodevice") << "QIODevice";
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService_testInvalidServiceXml()
+    QBuffer buffer;
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QVERIFY2(!mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    // a service with no interfaces
+    QString xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n";
+    xml += "<service><name>SomeService</name><filepath>" + VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first() + "</filepath>\n";
+    xml += "</service>\n";
+    buffer.close();
+    buffer.setData(xml.toLatin1());
+    QVERIFY(!mgr.addService(&buffer));
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.findServices().isEmpty(), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService_testPluginLoading()
+    QFETCH(QString, pluginPath);
+    QFETCH(bool, isAdded);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QByteArray xml = createServiceXml("SomeService", createInterfaceXml("com.qt.serviceframework.Interface"), pluginPath);
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer) == isAdded, PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    // the service should not be added if the service plugin cannot be loaded
+    if (!isAdded)
+        QVERIFY(mgr.findServices().isEmpty());
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService_testPluginLoading_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("pluginPath");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("isAdded");
+    QTest::newRow("valid path") << VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first() << true;
+    QTest::newRow("invalid path") << "no_such_plugin" << false;
+void tst_QServiceManager::addService_testInstallService()
+    QSettings settings("com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.tests", "SampleServicePlugin");
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), false);
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml")), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices(), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    // test installService() was called on the plugin
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), true);
+void tst_QServiceManager::removeService()
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QVERIFY(!mgr.removeService("NonExistentService"));
+    QSettings settings("com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.tests", "SampleServicePlugin");
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), false);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml")), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA"), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), true);
+    QVERIFY(mgr.removeService("SampleService"));
+    QVERIFY(mgr.findServices().isEmpty());
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA"), QStringList());
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), false);
+    // add it again, should still work
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml")), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.findServices("com.nokia.qt.TestInterfaceA"), QStringList("SampleService"));
+    QCOMPARE(settings.value("installed").toBool(), true);
+void tst_QServiceManager::setInterfaceDefault_strings()
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QString interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.tests.AnInterface";
+    DescriptorAttributes attributes;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor descriptor;
+    QByteArray xml;
+    attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0];
+    descriptor = createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 0, "ServiceA", attributes);
+    xml = createServiceXml("ServiceA",
+            createInterfaceXml(QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor>() << descriptor),
+            attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location].toString());
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    // fails if the specified interface hasn't been registered
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("ServiceA", interfaceName), false);
+    // now it works
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("ServiceA", interfaceName), true);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(interfaceName), descriptor);
+    // replace the default with another service
+    attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[1];
+    descriptor = createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 0, "ServiceB", attributes);
+    xml = createServiceXml("ServiceB",
+            createInterfaceXml(QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor>() << descriptor),
+            attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location].toString());
+    buffer.close();
+    buffer.setData(xml);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("ServiceB", interfaceName), true);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(interfaceName), descriptor);
+    // bad arguments
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("", ""), false);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("blah", "blah"), false);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("SampleService", ""), false);
+void tst_QServiceManager::setInterfaceDefault_strings_multipleInterfaces()
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QString interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.tests.AnInterface";
+    DescriptorAttributes attributes;
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor descriptor;
+    QByteArray xml;
+    // if there are multiple interfaces, the default should be the latest version
+    attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = VALID_PLUGIN_FILES[0];
+    QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor> descriptorList;
+    descriptorList << createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 0, "ServiceC", attributes)
+                   << createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 8, "ServiceC", attributes)
+                   << createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 3, "ServiceC", attributes);
+    xml = createServiceXml("ServiceC", createInterfaceXml(descriptorList),
+            attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location].toString());
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault("ServiceC", interfaceName), true);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(interfaceName), descriptorList[1]);
+void tst_QServiceManager::setInterfaceDefault_descriptor()
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_add);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_find);
+    QFETCH(bool, expectFound);
+    QServiceManager mgr(scope_add);
+    QServiceInterfaceDescriptor desc;
+    QString interfaceName = "com.nokia.qt.serviceframework.TestInterface";
+    DescriptorAttributes attributes;
+    attributes[QServiceInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first();
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault(desc), false);
+    desc = createDescriptor(interfaceName, 1, 0, "SomeService", attributes,
+            scope_add);
+    // fails if the specified interface hasn't been registered
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault(desc), false);
+    // now it works
+    QByteArray xml = createServiceXml("SomeService",
+            createInterfaceXml(QList<QServiceInterfaceDescriptor>() << desc), VALID_PLUGIN_FILES.first());
+    QBuffer buffer(&xml);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr));
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.setInterfaceDefault(desc), true);
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(interfaceName), desc);
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QCOMPARE(mgr.interfaceDefault(interfaceName).isValid(), expectFound);
+    QServiceManager mgrWithOtherScope(scope_find);
+    QCOMPARE(mgrWithOtherScope.interfaceDefault(interfaceName).isValid(), expectFound);
+void tst_QServiceManager::setInterfaceDefault_descriptor_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_add");
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_find");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("expectFound");
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    // Symbian implementation hard-codes user-scope for everything, do not test any system scope-stuff
+    // because returned service interface descriptor is always in user-scope
+    QTest::newRow("user scope")
+                << QService::UserScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("user scope")
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("system scope")
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::SystemScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("user scope - add, system scope - find")
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::SystemScope << false;
+    QTest::newRow("system scope - add, user scope - find")
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+#endif /* Q_OS_SYMBIAN */
+void tst_QServiceManager::interfaceDefault()
+    QServiceManager mgr;
+    QVERIFY(!mgr.interfaceDefault("").isValid());
+void tst_QServiceManager::serviceAdded()
+    QFETCH(QByteArray, xml);
+    QFETCH(QString, serviceName);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_modify);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_listen);
+    QFETCH(bool, expectSignal);
+    QBuffer buffer;
+    buffer.setData(xml);
+    QServiceManager mgr_modify(scope_modify);
+    QServiceManager mgr_listen(scope_listen);
+    // ensure mgr.connectNotify() is called
+    ServicesListener *listener = new ServicesListener;
+    connect(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceAdded(QString,QService::Scope)),
+            listener, SLOT(serviceAdded(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QSignalSpy spyAdd(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceAdded(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QVERIFY2(mgr_modify.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr_modify));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 1);
+    }
+    if (expectSignal) {
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.at(0).at(0).toString(), serviceName);
+        QCOMPARE( listener->params.at(0).second , scope_modify);
+    }
+    listener->params.clear();
+    // Pause between file changes so they are detected separately
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QSignalSpy spyRemove(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QVERIFY(mgr_modify.removeService(serviceName));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 1);
+    }
+#if !defined (Q_OS_WIN) && !defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    // on win and symbian, cannot delete the database while it is in use
+    // try it again after deleting the database
+    deleteTestDatabasesAndWaitUntilDone();
+    // Pause between file changes so they are detected separately
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    spyAdd.clear();
+    buffer.seek(0);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr_modify.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr_modify));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 1);
+    }
+    if (expectSignal) {
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.at(0).at(0).toString(), serviceName);
+        QCOMPARE(listener->params.at(0).second, scope_modify);
+    }
+    // ensure mgr.disconnectNotify() is called
+    disconnect(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)),
+            listener, SLOT(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    delete listener;
+void tst_QServiceManager::serviceAdded_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("xml");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("serviceName");
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_modify");
+    QTest::addColumn<QService::Scope>("scope_listen");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("expectSignal");
+    QFile file1(xmlTestDataPath("sampleservice.xml"));
+    QVERIFY(file1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly));
+    QFile file2(xmlTestDataPath("testserviceplugin.xml"));
+    QVERIFY(file2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly));
+    QByteArray file1Data = file1.readAll();
+#if defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    // Symbian implementation hard-codes (ignores) scopes for everything, do not test mixed-scope stuff
+    QTest::newRow("SampleService, user scope") << file1Data << "SampleService"
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::SystemScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("TestService, user scope") << file2.readAll() << "TestService"
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::SystemScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("SampleService, user scope") << file1Data << "SampleService"
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("TestService, user scope") << file2.readAll() << "TestService"
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("system scope") << file1Data << "SampleService"
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::SystemScope << true;
+    QTest::newRow("modify as user, listen in system") << file1Data << "SampleService"
+            << QService::UserScope << QService::SystemScope << false;
+    QTest::newRow("modify as system, listen in user") << file1Data << "SampleService"
+            << QService::SystemScope << QService::UserScope << true;
+#endif /* Q_OS_SYMBIAN */
+void tst_QServiceManager::serviceRemoved()
+    QFETCH(QByteArray, xml);
+    QFETCH(QString, serviceName);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_modify);
+    QFETCH(QService::Scope, scope_listen);
+    QFETCH(bool, expectSignal);
+    QBuffer buffer;
+    buffer.setData(xml);
+    QServiceManager mgr_modify(scope_modify);
+    QServiceManager mgr_listen(scope_listen);
+    // ensure mgr.connectNotify() is called
+    ServicesListener *listener = new ServicesListener;
+    connect(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)),
+            listener, SLOT(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QSignalSpy spyAdd(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceAdded(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QVERIFY2(mgr_modify.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr_modify));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 1);
+    }
+    // Pause between file changes so they are detected separately
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QSignalSpy spyRemove(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    QVERIFY(mgr_modify.removeService(serviceName));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 1);
+    }
+    if (expectSignal) {
+        QCOMPARE(spyRemove.at(0).at(0).toString(), serviceName);
+        QCOMPARE(listener->params.at(0).second , scope_modify);
+    }
+    listener->params.clear();
+#if !defined (Q_OS_WIN) && !defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    // on win and symbian, cannot delete the database while it is in use
+    // try it again after deleting the database
+    deleteTestDatabasesAndWaitUntilDone();
+    // Pause between file changes so they are detected separately
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    spyAdd.clear();
+    buffer.seek(0);
+    QVERIFY2(mgr_modify.addService(&buffer), PRINT_ERR(mgr_modify));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyAdd.count(), 1);
+    }
+    spyRemove.clear();
+    // Pause between file changes so they are detected separately
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QVERIFY(mgr_modify.removeService(serviceName));
+    if (!expectSignal) {
+        QTest::qWait(2000);
+        QCOMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 0);
+    } else {
+        QTRY_COMPARE(spyRemove.count(), 1);
+    }
+    if (expectSignal) {
+        QCOMPARE(spyRemove.at(0).at(0).toString(), serviceName);
+        QCOMPARE(listener->params.at(0).second , scope_modify);
+    }
+    // ensure mgr.disconnectNotify() is called
+    disconnect(&mgr_listen, SIGNAL(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)),
+            listener, SLOT(serviceRemoved(QString,QService::Scope)));
+    delete listener;
+void tst_QServiceManager::serviceRemoved_data()
+    serviceAdded_data();
+#include "tst_qservicemanager.moc"