author Markku Kaurila <>
Fri, 03 Sep 2010 15:27:00 +0100
changeset 2 81ad59d81c0f
parent 0 876b1a06bc25
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revise header exports in, to fix Bug 3312

* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#include <ecom/implementationproxy.h>
#include <cntdb.h>
#include "cntphone.h"

This is the specification for the implementation of the phone number parser. 
This has been provided by Pekka Jokela (Nokia).

1.   If the first character of the number is '+',  the  '+' character is
left out, and the real phone number is considered to begin right after

 * If there is a '(' as the first character and the plus sign follows then
  i.e. first two characters = '(+' then they must both be removed and the 
  real phone number is considered to begin after them

2.   If the number begins with a  '*' or '#' symbol, all characters to
the last '*' or '#' symbol are ignored, and the real phone number is
considered to begin right after that.

*    If there is '+' character right after the last '#' or '*', the  '+'
character is left out, and the real phone number is considered to
begin after that.

*    If there is '+' character within first five characters, all
characters to the '+' symbol are ignored, and the real phone number is
considered to begin right after that.

3.   If the number contains special characters 'p',' w' and '+' , all
characters after the first special character are ignored.

If the number contains '*' and '#' symbols, i.e. there is a
supplementary service code or a feature code within the number:
*    If the code is finished by '*' or by '#  the real phone number can
be separated easily (refer to the table below, example 1). Even
possible '+' symbol after the code can be left out (example 2).
*    If the code is finished by a digit, the real phone number can not be
separated from the code. In most cases, this is not a problem, because
only seven last digits are significant for comparison (example 3). If
there is '+' symbol between the code and the real phone number, the
'+' has to be within first five characters or otherwise it is
considered to start a DTMF function. (example 4)

These all match 1234567:
*#42# 0401234567 p123
*#42# +358401234567 p123
*61 0401234567
*61 +358401234567
+358401234567 +3
+358401234567 p123
(+358) 1234567

And these something else:
*#42# 0401234567#p123 -> empty
*12345+0401234567 -> 12345
*+123+456+++++++++++ ->123

The relevant ETSI specifications are:
ETSI 02.07 - MS Features. Section B.3.4. 
ETSI 03.14 - Defines what DTMF digits are.
ETSI 11.11 - Section 10.5.1. Defines the Separator digit.


const TInt KPlusWithinChars = 5;
const TText KSymbolPause = 'p';
const TText KSymbolWait = 'w';
const TText KSymbolPlus = '+';
const TText KSymbolAsterisk = '*';
const TText KSymbolHash = '#';
//const symbol for checking the opening bracket before a plus
const TText KSymbolOpenBrace = '(';

 * Extracts the real phone number from a contacts phone number field.
 * This method strips away any DTMF strings or extended services. An empty 
 * descriptor is returned in aRawNumber if the field doesn't have a valid phone 
 * number.
 * @param aTextualNumber Descriptor containing a contacts model phone number field 
 * @param aRawNumber Descriptor to write the raw number to (loaned by caller)
void CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser::ExtractRawNumber(const TDesC& aTextualNumber, TDes& aRawNumber)

	TInt length = aTextualNumber.Length();
	if (length==0)

	TPtrC numberPtr( aTextualNumber );
	TUint firstChar = numberPtr[0];
	//gobble spaces
	while (TChar(firstChar).IsSpace())
		if (length==0)
		firstChar = numberPtr[0];

    // Get left hand side
    if ( firstChar == KSymbolAsterisk || firstChar == KSymbolHash )
        //Check if there is plus on first five chars:
        TInt newStartPlace = numberPtr.Locate( KSymbolPlus );
        if ( newStartPlace>=KPlusWithinChars || newStartPlace==KErrNotFound )
            // There is always star or hash...
            newStartPlace = Max( numberPtr.LocateReverse(KSymbolAsterisk ) ,numberPtr.LocateReverse( KSymbolHash) );

        length = length - newStartPlace -1;
        if ( length <= 0 )
        numberPtr.Set( numberPtr.Right( length ) );
        firstChar = numberPtr[0];

	//test condition to satisfy the removal of '(' the next if 
	//statement removes the '+' if needed
	if ( firstChar == KSymbolOpenBrace )
		numberPtr.Set( numberPtr.Right( length ) );
		// This may be the only character in the descriptor so only access if
		// 1 or more characters left.
		if (length > 0 )
			firstChar = numberPtr[0];

    if ( firstChar == KSymbolPlus )
        numberPtr.Set( numberPtr.Right( length ) );

	if (length==0)

    // Find right hand side
    TLex numberLexer( numberPtr );
    for ( ; ; )
        TChar nextChar = numberLexer.Peek();
        if ( !nextChar )

        if ( nextChar.IsDigit() )
            aRawNumber.Append( nextChar );
        else if ( nextChar == KSymbolAsterisk || nextChar == KSymbolHash )
            if ( nextChar == KSymbolPause
                 || nextChar == KSymbolWait
                 || nextChar == KSymbolPlus)

CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser* CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser::NewL()
	CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser* self = new (ELeave) CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser();  // calls c'tor
	return self;
// Export the implementation collection function
const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
    IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x102035FC, 	CContactDefaultPhoneNumberParser::NewL)

EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
    aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);

    return ImplementationTable;

 * Standard Epoc32 Dll Entry point