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** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
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** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
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#include "qdeclarativevideo_p.h"
#include <qmediaplayercontrol.h>
#include <qmediaservice.h>
#include <qpaintervideosurface_p.h>
#include <qvideorenderercontrol.h>
void QDeclarativeVideo::_q_nativeSizeChanged(const QSizeF &size)
void QDeclarativeVideo::_q_error(int errorCode, const QString &errorString)
m_error = QMediaPlayer::Error(errorCode);
m_errorString = errorString;
emit error(Error(errorCode), errorString);
emit errorChanged();
\qmlclass Video QDeclarativeVideo
\brief The Video element allows you to add videos to a scene.
\inherits Item
This element is part of the \bold{Qt.multimedia 1.0} module.
import Qt 4.7
import Qt.multimedia 1.0
Video {
id: video
width : 800
height : 600
source: "video.avi"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
focus: true
Keys.onSpacePressed: video.paused = !video.paused
Keys.onLeftPressed: video.position -= 5000
Keys.onRightPressed: video.position += 5000
The Video item supports untransformed, stretched, and uniformly scaled video presentation.
For a description of stretched uniformly scaled presentation, see the \l fillMode property
The Video item is only visible when the \l hasVideo property is true and the video is playing.
\sa Audio
\class QDeclarativeVideo
\brief The QDeclarativeVideo class provides a video item that you can add to a QDeclarativeView.
QDeclarativeVideo::QDeclarativeVideo(QDeclarativeItem *parent)
: QDeclarativeItem(parent)
, m_graphicsItem(0)
m_graphicsItem = new QGraphicsVideoItem(this);
connect(m_graphicsItem, SIGNAL(nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)),
this, SLOT(_q_nativeSizeChanged(QSizeF)));
delete m_graphicsItem;
\qmlproperty url Video::source
This property holds the source URL of the media.
\qmlproperty url Video::autoLoad
This property indicates if loading of media should begin immediately.
Defaults to true, if false media will not be loaded until playback is started.
\qmlproperty bool Video::playing
This property holds whether the media is playing.
Defaults to false, and can be set to true to start playback.
\qmlproperty bool Video::paused
This property holds whether the media is paused.
Defaults to false, and can be set to true to pause playback.
\qmlsignal Video::onStarted()
This handler is called when playback is started.
\qmlsignal Video::onResumed()
This handler is called when playback is resumed from the paused state.
\qmlsignal Video::onPaused()
This handler is called when playback is paused.
\qmlsignal Video::onStopped()
This handler is called when playback is stopped.
\qmlproperty enumeration Video::status
This property holds the status of media loading. It can be one of:
\o NoMedia - no media has been set.
\o Loading - the media is currently being loaded.
\o Loaded - the media has been loaded.
\o Buffering - the media is buffering data.
\o Stalled - playback has been interrupted while the media is buffering data.
\o Buffered - the media has buffered data.
\o EndOfMedia - the media has played to the end.
\o InvalidMedia - the media cannot be played.
\o UnknownStatus - the status of the media is cannot be determined.
QDeclarativeVideo::Status QDeclarativeVideo::status() const
return Status(m_status);
\qmlsignal Video::onLoaded()
This handler is called when the media source has been loaded.
\qmlsignal Video::onBuffering()
This handler is called when the media starts buffering.
\qmlsignal Video::onStalled()
This handler is called when playback has stalled while the media buffers.
\qmlsignal Video::onBuffered()
This handler is called when the media has finished buffering.
\qmlsignal Video::onEndOfMedia()
This handler is called when playback stops because end of the media has been reached.
\qmlproperty int Video::duration
This property holds the duration of the media in milliseconds.
If the media doesn't have a fixed duration (a live stream for example) this will be 0.
\qmlproperty int Video::position
This property holds the current playback position in milliseconds.
\qmlproperty real Video::volume
This property holds the volume of the audio output, from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
\qmlproperty bool Video::muted
This property holds whether the audio output is muted.
\qmlproperty bool Video::hasAudio
This property holds whether the media contains audio.
bool QDeclarativeVideo::hasAudio() const
return m_playerControl == 0 ? false : m_playerControl->isAudioAvailable();
\qmlproperty bool Video::hasVideo
This property holds whether the media contains video.
bool QDeclarativeVideo::hasVideo() const
return m_playerControl == 0 ? false : m_playerControl->isVideoAvailable();
\qmlproperty real Video::bufferProgress
This property holds how much of the data buffer is currently filled, from 0.0 (empty) to 1.0
\qmlproperty bool Video::seekable
This property holds whether position of the video can be changed.
\qmlproperty real Video::playbackRate
This property holds the rate at which video is played at as a multiple of the normal rate.
\qmlproperty enumeration Video::error
This property holds the error state of the video. It can be one of:
\o NoError - there is no current error.
\o ResourceError - the video cannot be played due to a problem allocating resources.
\o FormatError - the video format is not supported.
\o NetworkError - the video cannot be played due to network issues.
\o AccessDenied - the video cannot be played due to insufficient permissions.
\o ServiceMissing - the video cannot be played because the media service could not be
QDeclarativeVideo::Error QDeclarativeVideo::error() const
return Error(m_error);
\qmlproperty string Video::errorString
This property holds a string describing the current error condition in more detail.
\qmlsignal Video::onError(error, errorString)
This handler is called when an \l {QMediaPlayer::Error}{error} has
occurred. The errorString parameter may contain more detailed
information about the error.
\qmlproperty enumeration Video::fillMode
Set this property to define how the video is scaled to fit the target area.
\o Stretch - the video is scaled to fit.
\o PreserveAspectFit - the video is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping
\o PreserveAspectCrop - the video is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping if necessary
The default fill mode is PreserveAspectFit.
QDeclarativeVideo::FillMode QDeclarativeVideo::fillMode() const
return FillMode(m_graphicsItem->aspectRatioMode());
void QDeclarativeVideo::setFillMode(FillMode mode)
\qmlmethod Video::play()
Starts playback of the media.
Sets the \l playing property to true, and the \l paused property to false.
void QDeclarativeVideo::play()
if (m_playerControl == 0)
\qmlmethod Video::pause()
Pauses playback of the media.
Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to true.
void QDeclarativeVideo::pause()
if (m_playerControl == 0)
\qmlmethod Video::stop()
Stops playback of the media.
Sets the \l playing and \l paused properties to false.
void QDeclarativeVideo::stop()
if (m_playerControl == 0)
void QDeclarativeVideo::paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
void QDeclarativeVideo::geometryChanged(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry)
QDeclarativeItem::geometryChanged(newGeometry, oldGeometry);
void QDeclarativeVideo::componentComplete()
if (m_mediaService) {
connect(m_playerControl, SIGNAL(audioAvailableChanged(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(hasAudioChanged()));
connect(m_playerControl, SIGNAL(videoAvailableChanged(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(hasVideoChanged()));
// ***************************************
// Documentation for meta-data properties.
// ***************************************
\qmlproperty variant Video::title
This property holds the tile of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Title}
\qmlproperty variant Video::subTitle
This property holds the sub-title of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::SubTitle}
\qmlproperty variant Video::author
This property holds the author of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Author}
\qmlproperty variant Video::comment
This property holds a user comment about the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Comment}
\qmlproperty variant Video::description
This property holds a description of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Description}
\qmlproperty variant Video::category
This property holds the category of the media
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Category}
\qmlproperty variant Video::genre
This property holds the genre of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Genre}
\qmlproperty variant Video::year
This property holds the year of release of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Year}
\qmlproperty variant Video::date
This property holds the date of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Date}
\qmlproperty variant Video::userRating
This property holds a user rating of the media in the range of 0 to 100.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::UserRating}
\qmlproperty variant Video::keywords
This property holds a list of keywords describing the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Keywords}
\qmlproperty variant Video::language
This property holds the language of the media, as an ISO 639-2 code.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Language}
\qmlproperty variant Video::publisher
This property holds the publisher of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Publisher}
\qmlproperty variant Video::copyright
This property holds the media's copyright notice.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Copyright}
\qmlproperty variant Video::parentalRating
This property holds the parental rating of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ParentalRating}
\qmlproperty variant Video::ratingOrganisation
This property holds the name of the rating organisation responsible for the
parental rating of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::RatingOrganisation}
\qmlproperty variant Video::size
This property property holds the size of the media in bytes.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Size}
\qmlproperty variant Video::mediaType
This property holds the type of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::MediaType}
\qmlproperty variant Video::audioBitRate
This property holds the bit rate of the media's audio stream ni bits per
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::AudioBitRate}
\qmlproperty variant Video::audioCodec
This property holds the encoding of the media audio stream.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::AudioCodec}
\qmlproperty variant Video::averageLevel
This property holds the average volume level of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::AverageLevel}
\qmlproperty variant Video::channelCount
This property holds the number of channels in the media's audio stream.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ChannelCount}
\qmlproperty variant Video::peakValue
This property holds the peak volume of media's audio stream.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::PeakValue}
\qmlproperty variant Video::sampleRate
This property holds the sample rate of the media's audio stream in hertz.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::SampleRate}
\qmlproperty variant Video::albumTitle
This property holds the title of the album the media belongs to.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::AlbumTitle}
\qmlproperty variant Video::albumArtist
This property holds the name of the principal artist of the album the media
belongs to.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::AlbumArtist}
\qmlproperty variant Video::contributingArtist
This property holds the names of artists contributing to the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ContributingArtist}
\qmlproperty variant Video::composer
This property holds the composer of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Composer}
\qmlproperty variant Video::conductor
This property holds the conductor of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Conductor}
\qmlproperty variant Video::lyrics
This property holds the lyrics to the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Lyrics}
\qmlproperty variant Video::mood
This property holds the mood of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Mood}
\qmlproperty variant Video::trackNumber
This property holds the track number of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::TrackNumber}
\qmlproperty variant Video::trackCount
This property holds the number of track on the album containing the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::TrackNumber}
\qmlproperty variant Video::coverArtUrlSmall
This property holds the URL of a small cover art image.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::CoverArtUrlSmall}
\qmlproperty variant Video::coverArtUrlLarge
This property holds the URL of a large cover art image.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::CoverArtUrlLarge}
\qmlproperty variant Video::resolution
This property holds the dimension of an image or video.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Resolution}
\qmlproperty variant Video::pixelAspectRatio
This property holds the pixel aspect ratio of an image or video.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::PixelAspectRatio}
\qmlproperty variant Video::videoFrameRate
This property holds the frame rate of the media's video stream.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::VideoFrameRate}
\qmlproperty variant Video::videoBitRate
This property holds the bit rate of the media's video stream in bits per
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::VideoBitRate}
\qmlproperty variant Video::videoCodec
This property holds the encoding of the media's video stream.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::VideoCodec}
\qmlproperty variant Video::posterUrl
This property holds the URL of a poster image.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::PosterUrl}
\qmlproperty variant Video::chapterNumber
This property holds the chapter number of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ChapterNumber}
\qmlproperty variant Video::director
This property holds the director of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Director}
\qmlproperty variant Video::leadPerformer
This property holds the lead performer in the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::LeadPerformer}
\qmlproperty variant Video::writer
This property holds the writer of the media.
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Writer}
// The remaining properties are related to photos, and are technically
// available but will certainly never have values.
#ifndef Q_QDOC
\qmlproperty variant Video::cameraManufacturer
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::CameraManufacturer}
\qmlproperty variant Video::cameraModel
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::CameraModel}
\qmlproperty variant Video::event
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Event}
\qmlproperty variant Video::subject
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Subject}
\qmlproperty variant Video::orientation
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Orientation}
\qmlproperty variant Video::exposureTime
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ExposureTime}
\qmlproperty variant Video::fNumber
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::FNumber}
\qmlproperty variant Video::exposureProgram
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ExposureProgram}
\qmlproperty variant Video::isoSpeedRatings
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ISOSpeedRatings}
\qmlproperty variant Video::exposureBiasValue
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ExposureBiasValue}
\qmlproperty variant Video::dateTimeDigitized
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::DateTimeDigitized}
\qmlproperty variant Video::subjectDistance
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::SubjectDistance}
\qmlproperty variant Video::meteringMode
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::MeteringMode}
\qmlproperty variant Video::lightSource
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::LightSource}
\qmlproperty variant Video::flash
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Flash}
\qmlproperty variant Video::focalLength
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::FocalLength}
\qmlproperty variant Video::exposureMode
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::ExposureMode}
\qmlproperty variant Video::whiteBalance
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::WhiteBalance}
\qmlproperty variant Video::DigitalZoomRatio
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::DigitalZoomRatio}
\qmlproperty variant Video::focalLengthIn35mmFilm
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::FocalLengthIn35mmFile}
\qmlproperty variant Video::sceneCaptureType
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::SceneCaptureType}
\qmlproperty variant Video::gainControl
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::GainControl}
\qmlproperty variant Video::contrast
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::contrast}
\qmlproperty variant Video::saturation
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Saturation}
\qmlproperty variant Video::sharpness
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::Sharpness}
\qmlproperty variant Video::deviceSettingDescription
\sa {QtMultimediaKit::DeviceSettingDescription}
#include "moc_qdeclarativevideo_p.cpp"