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#include "qversitcontactexporter.h"
#include "qversitcontactexporter_p.h"
#include "qvcardbackuphandlers_p.h"
#include "qmobilityglobal.h"
#include <qcontact.h>
#include <qcontactdetail.h>
\class QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler
\brief The QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler class is an interface for clients wishing to
implement custom export behaviour for certain contact details.
This interface is replaced by QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2.
\ingroup versit
\sa QVersitContactExporter
\fn QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler::~QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler()
Frees any memory in use by this handler.
\fn bool QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler::preProcessDetail(const QContact& contact, const QContactDetail& detail, QVersitDocument* document)
Process \a detail and update \a document with the corresponding QVersitProperty(s).
\a contact provides the context within which the detail was found.
Returns true if the detail has been handled and requires no further processing, false otherwise.
This function is called on every QContactDetail encountered during an export. Supply this
function and return true to implement custom export behaviour.
\fn bool QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler::postProcessDetail(const QContact& contact, const QContactDetail& detail, bool alreadyProcessed, QVersitDocument* document)
Process \a detail and update \a document with the corresponding QVersitProperty(s).
\a contact provides the context within which the detail was found.
\a alreadyProcessed is true if the detail has already been processed either by
\l preProcessDetail() or by QVersitContactExporter itself.
Returns true if the detail has been handled, false otherwise.
This function is called on every \l QContactDetail encountered during an export. This can be
used to implement support for QContactDetails not supported by QVersitContactExporter.
\class QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2
\brief The QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2 class is an interface for clients wishing to
implement custom export behaviour for certain contact details.
This interface supercedes QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler.
\ingroup versit
\sa QVersitContactExporter
\fn QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::~QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2()
Frees any memory in use by this handler.
\fn void QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::detailProcessed(const QContact& contact, const QContactDetail& detail, const QSet<QString>& processedFields, const QVersitDocument& document, QList<QVersitProperty>* toBeRemoved, QList<QVersitProperty>* toBeAdded)
Process \a detail and provide a list of updated \l{QVersitProperty}{QVersitProperties} by
modifying the \a toBeRemoved and \a toBeAdded lists.
This function is called on every QContactDetail encountered during an export, after the detail has
been processed by the QVersitContactExporter. An implementation of this function can be made to
provide support for QContactDetails not supported by QVersitContactExporter.
The supplied \a contact is the container for the \a detail. \a processedFields contains a list of
fields in the \a detail that were considered by the QVersitContactExporter in processing the
detail. \a document holds the state of the document before the detail was processed by the
\a toBeRemoved and \a toBeAdded are initially filled with a list of properties that the exporter
will remove from and add to the document. These lists can be modified (by removing, modifying or
adding properties) by the handler to control the changes that will actually be made to the
document. If a property is to be modified in the document, the old version will appear in the
\a toBeRemoved list and the new version will appear in the \a toBeAdded list.
After the handler returns control back to the exporter, the properties in the \a toBeRemoved
list will be removed and the properties in the \a toBeAdded list will be appended to the document.
\fn void QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::contactProcessed(const QContact& contact, QVersitDocument* document)
Perform any final processing on the \a document generated by the \a contact. This can be
implemented by the handler to clear any internal state before moving onto the next contact.
This function is called after all QContactDetails have been handled by the
\fn int QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::version() const
Returns the version of the handler. Currently, always returns 2.
\class QVersitContactExporter
\brief The QVersitContactExporter class converts \l {QContact}{QContacts} into
\l {QVersitDocument}{QVersitDocuments}.
\ingroup versit
This class is used to convert lists of \l {QContact}{QContacts} (which may be stored in a
QContactManager) into lists of \l {QVersitDocument}{QVersitDocuments} (which may be written to
an I/O device using QVersitReader. Unless there is an error, there is a one-to-one mapping
between contacts and Versit documents. The exporter can be extended by clients by associating
resource and detail handlers.
A \l QVersitResourceHandler is associated with the exporter to supply the behaviour for loading
files from persistent storage. By default, this is set to a \l QVersitDefaultResourceHandler,
which supports basic resource loading from the file system. An alternative resource handler
can be specified with setResourceHandler().
By associating a \l QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2 with the exporter using
setDetailHandler(), the client can pass in a handler to override the processing of details and/or
handle details that QVersitContactExporter doesn't support. A "backup" handler is provided by
QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::createBackupHandler(), which serializes any details
that the standard QVersitContactExporter doesn't support to the vCard.
An example usage of QVersitContactExporter:
\snippet ../../doc/src/snippets/qtversitdocsample/qtversitdocsample.cpp Export example
\section1 Exporting group relationships
The exporter does not handle QContactRelationships at all.
Some managers use the \l{QContactRelationship::HasMember}{HasMember} QContactRelationship along
with contacts of type \l{QContactType::TypeGroup}{TypeGroup} to indicate categorization of
contacts. In vCard, categorization is represented by the CATEGORIES property, which has
semantics most similar to the QContactTag detail. For contact manager backends that supports
groups but not QContactTag, if the categorization information needs to be retained through
CATEGORIES vCard properties, extra work can be done to convert from group relationships to
QContactTag before passing the contact list to the exporter. Below is some example code that
does this translation.
\snippet ../../doc/src/snippets/qtversitdocsample/qtversitdocsample.cpp Export relationship example
\sa QVersitDocument, QVersitProperty, QVersitResourceHandler, QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2
\enum QVersitContactExporter::Error
This enum specifies an error that occurred during the most recent call to exportContacts()
\value NoError The most recent operation was successful
\value EmptyContactError One of the contacts was empty
\value NoNameError One of the contacts has no QContactName field
Constructs and returns a detail handler that encodes all details not handled by the base exporter.
The caller is responsible for deleting the object.
This handler encodes all writable details that the exporter doesn't recognise. The format it uses
to encode the detail is as follows:
\o All generated properties will have the name X-NOKIA-QCONTACTFIELD
\o All generated properties will have a single Versit group, and all properties generated from a
single detail will have the same group.
\o All generated properties will have at least the parameters DETAIL, which holds the definition
name of the QContactDetail from which it was generated, and FIELD, which holds the name of the
field within the detail from which it was generated.
\o If the field is of type QString or QByteArray, the property's value is set directly to the
value of the field. (For a QByteArray value, the QVersitWriter will base-64 encode it.)
\o If the field is of type bool, int, uint, QDate, QTime, QDateTime or QUrl a the property's
value is set to a string representation of the field. A parameter DATATYPE is added to the
property with value BOOL, INT, UINT, DATE, TIME or DATETIME depending on the type.
\o If the field is of some other type, the field value is encoded to a QByteArray via QDataStream
(and the resulting byte array is base-64 encoded by the QVersitWriter). In this case, the
parameter DATATYPE=VARIANT is added to the Versit property.
For example, a detail with definition name "Pet" and fields "Name"="Rex" and
"Age"=(int)14 will be exported to the vCard properties:
And the next detail (say, "Pet" with a field "Name"="Molly" will generate:
The properties produced by this class can be imported by the importer "backup" property handler
(created by QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandlerV2::createBackupHandler()) to reproduce the
original \l{QContactDetail}{QContactDetails}.
Clients wishing to implement their own detail handler and also benefit from the functionality of
the backup handler can use this function to construct one, and wrap a custom
QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2 around it. In the implementation of detailProcessed and
contactProcessed, the respective functions in the backup handler should be called as the last
step (ensuring the arguments are correctly updated and passed through).
QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2* QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2::createBackupHandler() {
return new QVCardExporterBackupHandler;
* Constructs a new contact exporter
: d(new QVersitContactExporterPrivate())
* Frees any memory in use by this contact exporter.
delete d;
* Converts \a contacts into a list of corresponding QVersitDocuments, using the format given by
* \a versitType.
* Returns true on success. If any of the contacts could not be exported, false is returned and
* errors() will return a list describing the errors that occurred. The successfully exported
* documents will still be available via documents().
bool QVersitContactExporter::exportContacts(
const QList<QContact>& contacts,
QVersitDocument::VersitType versitType)
int contactIndex = 0;
bool ok = true;
foreach (const QContact& contact, contacts) {
QVersitDocument versitDocument;
QVersitContactExporter::Error error;
if (d->exportContact(contact, versitDocument, &error)) {
} else {
d->mErrors.insert(contactIndex, error);
ok = false;
return ok;
* Returns the documents exported in the most recent call to exportContacts().
* \sa exportContacts()
QList<QVersitDocument> QVersitContactExporter::documents() const
return d->mDocuments;
* Returns the map of errors encountered in the most recent call to exportContacts(). The key is
* the index into the input list of contacts and the value is the error that occurred on that
* contact.
* \sa exportContacts()
QMap<int, QVersitContactExporter::Error> QVersitContactExporter::errors() const
return d->mErrors;
* \deprecated
* Sets \a handler to be the handler for processing QContactDetails, or 0 to have no handler.
* Does not take ownership of the handler. The client should ensure the handler remains valid for
* the lifetime of the exporter. This function is used for version 1 handlers.
* Only one detail handler can be set. If another detail handler (of any version) was
* previously set, it will no longer be associated with the exporter.
void QVersitContactExporter::setDetailHandler(QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler* handler)
d->mDetailHandlerVersion = 1;
d->mDetailHandler = handler;
d->mDetailHandler2 = 0;
* Sets \a handler to be the handler for processing QContactDetails, or 0 to have no handler.
* Does not take ownership of the handler. The client should ensure the handler remains valid for
* the lifetime of the exporter. This function is used for version 2 and higher handlers.
* Only one detail handler can be set. If another detail handler (of any version) was
* previously set, it will no longer be associated with the exporter.
void QVersitContactExporter::setDetailHandler(QVersitContactExporterDetailHandlerV2* handler)
if (handler)
d->mDetailHandlerVersion = handler->version();
d->mDetailHandler = 0;
d->mDetailHandler2 = handler;
* \deprecated
* Gets the handler for processing QContactDetails.
QVersitContactExporterDetailHandler* QVersitContactExporter::detailHandler() const
return d->mDetailHandler;
* Sets \a handler to be the handler to load files with, or 0 to have no handler.
* Does not take ownership of the handler. The client should ensure the handler remains valid for
* the lifetime of the exporter.
void QVersitContactExporter::setResourceHandler(QVersitResourceHandler* handler)
d->mResourceHandler = handler;
* Returns the associated resource handler.
QVersitResourceHandler* QVersitContactExporter::resourceHandler() const
return d->mResourceHandler;