** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include "support.h"
#include <qmessageaccountid.h>
#include <qmessagefolderid.h>
#include <qmessageid.h>
#include <qmessage_p.h>
#include <qmessagemanager.h>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QFile>
#include <QVector>
#include <QDebug>
#include <mapix.h>
#include <Mapidefs.h>
#include <Mapitags.h>
#include <MAPIUtil.h>
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#include <cemapi.h>
#include <messagingutil_p.h>
// Missing definitions
#define PST_CONFIG_UNICODE 0x80000000
#ifndef PR_PST_PATH_A
#define PR_PST_PATH_A PROP_TAG( PT_STRING8, 0x6700 )
namespace {
class Lptstr : public QVector<TCHAR>
Lptstr(int length) : QVector<TCHAR>(length){}
operator TCHAR* (){ return QVector<TCHAR>::data(); }
Lptstr LptstrFromQString(const QString &src)
uint length(src.length());
Lptstr dst(length+1);
const quint16 *data = src.utf16();
const quint16 *it = data, *end = data + length;
TCHAR *oit = dst;
for ( ; it != end; ++it, ++oit) {
*oit = static_cast<TCHAR>(*it);
*oit = TCHAR('\0');
return dst;
QString QStringFromLptstr(LPCTSTR data)
if (!data)
return QString();
return QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<const quint16*>(data));
class QueryAllRows
static const int BatchSize = 20;
QueryAllRows(LPMAPITABLE ptable,
LPSPropTagArray ptaga,
LPSRestriction pres,
LPSSortOrderSet psos,
bool setPosition = true);
bool query();
LPSRowSet rows() const;
QMessageManager::Error error() const;
LPSPropTagArray m_tagArray;
LPSRestriction m_restriction;
LPSSortOrderSet m_sortOrderSet;
LPSRowSet m_rows;
QMessageManager::Error m_error;
QueryAllRows::QueryAllRows(LPMAPITABLE ptable,
LPSPropTagArray ptaga,
LPSRestriction pres,
LPSSortOrderSet psos,
bool setPosition)
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
const ULONG options(TBL_BATCH);
const ULONG options(0);
bool initFailed = false;
initFailed |= FAILED(m_table->SetColumns(m_tagArray, options));
initFailed |= FAILED(m_table->Restrict(m_restriction, options));
initFailed |= FAILED(m_table->SortTable(m_sortOrderSet, options));
initFailed |= FAILED(m_table->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL));
if(initFailed) m_error = QMessageManager::ContentInaccessible;
m_rows = 0;
bool QueryAllRows::query()
if(m_error != QMessageManager::NoError)
return false;
m_rows = 0;
m_error = QMessageManager::NoError;
bool failed = FAILED(m_table->QueryRows( QueryAllRows::BatchSize, NULL, &m_rows));
m_error = QMessageManager::ContentInaccessible;
if(failed || m_rows && !m_rows->cRows) return false;
return true;
LPSRowSet QueryAllRows::rows() const
return m_rows;
QMessageManager::Error QueryAllRows::error() const
return m_error;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
GUID GuidPublicStrings = { 0x00020329, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46 };
GUID GuidPSMAPI = { 0x00020328, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46 };
void doInit()
static QMessageManager manager;
QByteArray binaryResult(const SPropValue &prop)
return QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(prop.Value.bin.lpb), prop.Value.bin.cb);
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IProfAdmin *openProfileAdmin()
IProfAdmin *profAdmin(0);
HRESULT rv = MAPIAdminProfiles(0, &profAdmin);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
qWarning() << "openProfileAdmin: MAPIAdminProfiles failed";
return profAdmin;
IMsgServiceAdmin *openServiceAdmin(const QByteArray &profileName, IProfAdmin *profAdmin)
IMsgServiceAdmin *svcAdmin(0);
HRESULT rv = profAdmin->AdminServices(reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(const_cast<char*>(profileName.data())), 0, 0, 0, &svcAdmin);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
qWarning() << "openServiceAdmin: AdminServices failed";
return svcAdmin;
typedef QPair<QByteArray, bool> ProfileDetail;
QList<ProfileDetail> profileDetails(LPPROFADMIN profAdmin)
QList<ProfileDetail> result;
LPMAPITABLE profileTable(0);
HRESULT rv = profAdmin->GetProfileTable(0, &profileTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_DEFAULT_PROFILE}};
QueryAllRows qar(profileTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), NULL, NULL);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
if (qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A) {
QByteArray profileName(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].Value.lpszA);
bool defaultProfile(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[1].Value.b);
result.append(qMakePair(profileName, defaultProfile));
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "profileNames: QueryAllRows failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "profileNames: GetProfileTable failed";
return result;
QByteArray findDefaultProfileName(IProfAdmin *profAdmin)
QByteArray defaultProfileName;
foreach (const ProfileDetail &profile, profileDetails(profAdmin)) {
if (profile.second) {
defaultProfileName = profile.first;
if (defaultProfileName.isEmpty()) {
qWarning() << "findDefaultProfileName: no default profile!";
return defaultProfileName;
typedef QPair<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray>, MAPIUID> ServiceDetail;
QList<ServiceDetail> serviceDetails(LPSERVICEADMIN svcAdmin)
QList<ServiceDetail> result;
IMAPITable *svcTable(0);
HRESULT rv = svcAdmin->GetMsgServiceTable(0, &svcTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
SizedSPropTagArray(3, cols) = {3, {PR_SERVICE_NAME_A, PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_SERVICE_UID}};
QueryAllRows qar(svcTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), 0, 0);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
if (qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == PR_SERVICE_NAME_A) {
QByteArray svcName(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].Value.lpszA);
QByteArray displayName;
if (qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[1].ulPropTag == PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A) {
displayName = QByteArray(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[1].Value.lpszA);
MAPIUID svcUid(*(reinterpret_cast<MAPIUID*>(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[2].Value.bin.lpb)));
result.append(qMakePair(qMakePair(svcName, displayName), svcUid));
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "serviceDetails: QueryAllRows failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "serviceDetails: GetMsgServiceTable failed";
return result;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
typedef QPair<QByteArray, QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > StoreDetail;
typedef QPair<QString, QByteArray> StoreDetail;
QList<StoreDetail> storeDetails(LPMAPISESSION session)
QList<StoreDetail> result;
IMAPITable *storesTable(0);
HRESULT rv = session->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &storesTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
SizedSPropTagArray(3, cols) = {3, {PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_RECORD_KEY, PR_ENTRYID}};
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRYID}};
QueryAllRows qar(storesTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), 0, 0, false);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
SPropValue *props(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps);
if (props[0].ulPropTag == cols.aulPropTag[0]) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
QByteArray storeName(props[0].Value.lpszA);
QByteArray recordKey(binaryResult(props[1]));
QByteArray entryId(binaryResult(props[2]));
result.append(qMakePair(storeName, qMakePair(recordKey, entryId)));
QString storeName(QStringFromLptstr(props[0].Value.lpszW));
QByteArray entryId(binaryResult(props[1]));
result.append(qMakePair(storeName, entryId));
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "storeDetails: QueryAllRows failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "storeDetails: GetMsgStoresTable failed";
return result;
QMessageAccountId accountIdFromRecordKey(const QByteArray &recordKey)
QByteArray encodedId;
QDataStream encodedIdStream(&encodedId, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
encodedIdStream << recordKey;
return QMessageAccountId(MessagingUtil::addIdPrefix(encodedId.toBase64()));
QMessageFolderId folderIdFromProperties(const QByteArray &recordKey, const QByteArray &entryId, const QByteArray &storeKey)
QByteArray encodedId;
QDataStream encodedIdStream(&encodedId, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
encodedIdStream << recordKey << storeKey;
if (!entryId.isEmpty()) {
encodedIdStream << entryId;
encodedIdStream << entryId << storeKey;
if (!recordKey.isEmpty()) {
encodedIdStream << recordKey;
return QMessageFolderId(MessagingUtil::addIdPrefix(encodedId.toBase64()));
QByteArray objectProperty(IMAPIProp *object, ULONG tag)
QByteArray result;
if (object) {
SPropValue *prop(0);
HRESULT rv = HrGetOneProp(object, tag, &prop);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
result = binaryResult(*prop);
} else {
qWarning() << "objectProperty: HrGetOneProp failed";
return result;
QString stringProperty(IMAPIProp *object, ULONG tag)
QString result;
if (object) {
SPropValue *prop(0);
HRESULT rv = HrGetOneProp(object, tag, &prop);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
result = QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<quint16*>(prop->Value.LPSZ));
} else if (rv != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) {
qWarning() << "stringProperty: HrGetOneProp failed";
return result;
ULONG createNamedProperty(IMAPIProp *object, const QString &name)
ULONG result = 0;
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
Lptstr nameBuffer = LptstrFromQString(name);
MAPINAMEID propName = { 0 };
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
propName.lpguid = &GuidPublicStrings;
propName.lpguid = &GuidPSMAPI;
propName.ulKind = MNID_STRING;
propName.Kind.lpwstrName = nameBuffer;
LPMAPINAMEID propNames = &propName;
SPropTagArray *props;
HRESULT rv = object->GetIDsFromNames(1, &propNames, MAPI_CREATE, &props);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
result = props->aulPropTag[0] | PT_UNICODE;
} else {
qWarning() << "createNamedProperty: GetIDsFromNames failed";
return result;
ULONG getNamedPropertyTag(IMAPIProp *object, const QString &name)
ULONG result = 0;
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
Lptstr nameBuffer = LptstrFromQString(name);
MAPINAMEID propName = { 0 };
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
propName.lpguid = &GuidPublicStrings;
propName.lpguid = &GuidPSMAPI;
propName.ulKind = MNID_STRING;
propName.Kind.lpwstrName = nameBuffer;
LPMAPINAMEID propNames = &propName;
SPropTagArray *props;
HRESULT rv = object->GetIDsFromNames(1, &propNames, 0, &props);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (props->aulPropTag[0] != PT_ERROR) {
result = props->aulPropTag[0] | PT_UNICODE;
} else {
qWarning() << "getNamedPropertyTag: GetIDsFromNames failed";
return result;
bool setNamedProperty(IMAPIProp *object, ULONG tag, const QString &value)
if (object && tag && !value.isEmpty()) {
SPropValue prop = { 0 };
prop.ulPropTag = tag;
prop.Value.LPSZ = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(const_cast<quint16*>(value.utf16()));
HRESULT rv = object->SetProps(1, &prop, 0);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
return true;
} else {
qWarning() << "setNamedProperty: SetProps failed";
return false;
QString getNamedProperty(IMAPIProp *object, ULONG tag)
QString result;
if (object && tag) {
SPropValue *prop(0);
HRESULT rv = HrGetOneProp(object, tag, &prop);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
result = QString::fromUtf16(reinterpret_cast<quint16*>(prop->Value.LPSZ));
} else if (rv != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) {
qWarning() << "getNamedProperty: HrGetOneProp failed";
return result;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IProviderAdmin *serviceProvider(const MAPIUID &svcUid, LPSERVICEADMIN svcAdmin)
IProviderAdmin *provider(0);
if (svcAdmin) {
HRESULT rv = svcAdmin->AdminProviders(const_cast<MAPIUID*>(&svcUid), 0, &provider);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
provider = 0;
qWarning() << "serviceProvider: AdminProviders failed";
return provider;
MAPIUID findProviderUid(const QByteArray &name, IProviderAdmin *providerAdmin)
MAPIUID result = { 0 };
IMAPITable *providerTable(0);
HRESULT rv = providerAdmin->GetProviderTable(0, &providerTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_SERVICE_NAME_A, PR_PROVIDER_UID}};
QueryAllRows qar(providerTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), 0, 0);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
SPropValue *props(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps);
if (props[0].ulPropTag == PR_SERVICE_NAME_A) {
QByteArray serviceName(props[0].Value.lpszA);
if (name.isEmpty() || (serviceName.toLower() == name.toLower())) {
result = *(reinterpret_cast<MAPIUID*>(props[1].Value.bin.lpb));
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "findProviderUid: QueryAllRows failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "findProviderUid: GetProviderTable failed";
return result;
IProfSect *openProfileSection(const MAPIUID &providerUid, IProviderAdmin *providerAdmin)
IProfSect *profileSection(0);
// Bypass the MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS_ERROR, as described at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/822977
const ULONG MAPI_FORCE_ACCESS = 0x00080000;
HRESULT rv = providerAdmin->OpenProfileSection(const_cast<MAPIUID*>(&providerUid), 0, MAPI_FORCE_ACCESS, &profileSection);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
qWarning() << "openProfileSection: OpenProfileSection failed";
profileSection = 0;
return profileSection;
template<typename T>
bool isEmpty(const T &v)
const char empty[sizeof(T)] = { 0 };
return (memcmp(empty, &v, sizeof(T)) == 0);
bool deleteExistingService(const MAPIUID &svcUid, LPSERVICEADMIN svcAdmin)
if (svcAdmin) {
QByteArray storePath;
// Find the Provider for this service
IProviderAdmin *provider = serviceProvider(svcUid, svcAdmin);
if (provider) {
MAPIUID providerUid = findProviderUid("MSUPST MS", provider);
if (!isEmpty(providerUid)) {
IProfSect *profileSection = openProfileSection(providerUid, provider);
if (profileSection) {
SPropValue *prop(0);
HRESULT rv = HrGetOneProp(profileSection, PR_PST_PATH_A, &prop);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
storePath = QByteArray(prop->Value.lpszA);
} else {
qWarning() << "deleteExistingService: HrGetOneProp failed";
if (!storePath.isEmpty()) {
// Delete the existing service
HRESULT rv = svcAdmin->DeleteMsgService(const_cast<MAPIUID*>(&svcUid));
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Delete the storage file
if (QFile::exists(storePath)) {
if (!QFile::remove(storePath)) {
qWarning() << "deleteExistingService: Unable to remove PST file at:" << storePath;
return true;
} else {
qWarning() << "deleteExistingService: DeleteMsgService failed";
return false;
QByteArray defaultProfile()
QByteArray result;
LPPROFADMIN profAdmin(0);
HRESULT rv = MAPIAdminProfiles(0, &profAdmin);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Find the default profile
foreach (const ProfileDetail &profile, profileDetails(profAdmin)) {
if (profile.second) {
result = profile.first;
} else {
qWarning() << "defaultProfile: MAPIAdminProfiles failed";
return result;
IMAPISession *profileSession(const QByteArray &profileName)
IMAPISession *session(0);
if (!profileName.isEmpty()) {
// Open a session on the profile
QByteArray name(profileName);
HRESULT rv = MAPILogonEx(0, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(name.data()), 0, MAPI_EXTENDED | MAPI_NEW_SESSION | MAPI_NO_MAIL, &session);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
session = 0;
qWarning() << "profileSession: MAPILogonEx failed";
return session;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IMAPISession *defaultSession() { return profileSession(defaultProfile()); }
ICEMAPISession *defaultSession()
ICEMAPISession *session(0);
// Open a session on the profile
HRESULT rv = MAPILogonEx(0, 0, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPMAPISESSION*>(&session));
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
session = 0;
qWarning() << "defaultSession: MAPILogonEx failed";
return session;
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
bool deleteExistingStore(const QByteArray &entryId, ICEMAPISession *session)
if (session) {
HRESULT rv = session->DeleteMsgStore(entryId.count(), reinterpret_cast<LPENTRYID>(const_cast<char*>(entryId.data())));
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
return true;
} else {
qWarning() << "deleteExistingStore: DeleteMsgStore failed";
return false;
IMsgStore *openStore(const QByteArray &entryId, IMAPISession* session)
IMsgStore *store(0);
if (session && !entryId.isEmpty()) {
HRESULT rv = session->OpenMsgStore(0, entryId.length(), reinterpret_cast<LPENTRYID>(const_cast<char*>(entryId.data())), 0, MDB_NO_MAIL | MDB_WRITE, reinterpret_cast<LPMDB*>(&store));
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
store = 0;
qWarning() << "openStore: OpenMsgStore failed";
return store;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IMsgStore *openStoreByName(const QByteArray &storeName, IMAPISession* session)
IMsgStore *openStoreByName(const QString &storeName, IMAPISession* session)
IMsgStore *store(0);
if (session && !storeName.isEmpty()) {
QByteArray entryId;
// Find the store with the specified name
IMAPITable *storesTable(0);
HRESULT rv = session->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &storesTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, PR_ENTRYID}};
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ENTRYID}};
QueryAllRows qar(storesTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), 0, 0, false);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
if (qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == cols.aulPropTag[0]) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
QByteArray name(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].Value.lpszA);
QString name(QStringFromLptstr(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].Value.lpszW));
if (name.toLower() == storeName.toLower()) {
entryId = binaryResult(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[1]);
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "openStoreByName: QueryAllRows failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "openStoreByName: GetMsgStoresTable failed";
if (!entryId.isEmpty()) {
store = openStore(entryId, session);
return store;
QByteArray rootFolderEntryId(IMsgStore *store)
return objectProperty(store, PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID);
IMAPIFolder *openFolder(const QByteArray &entryId, IMsgStore *store)
IMAPIFolder *folder(0);
if (store && !entryId.isEmpty()) {
ULONG type(0);
QByteArray entry(entryId);
HRESULT rv = store->OpenEntry(entry.length(), reinterpret_cast<LPENTRYID>(entry.data()), 0, MAPI_MODIFY, &type, reinterpret_cast<LPUNKNOWN*>(&folder));
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
folder = 0;
qWarning() << "openFolder: OpenEntry failed";
return folder;
IMAPIFolder *openFolder(const QByteArray &entryId, IMAPIFolder *container)
IMAPIFolder *folder(0);
if (container && !entryId.isEmpty()) {
ULONG type(0);
QByteArray entry(entryId);
HRESULT rv = container->OpenEntry(entry.length(), reinterpret_cast<LPENTRYID>(entry.data()), 0, MAPI_MODIFY, &type, reinterpret_cast<LPUNKNOWN*>(&folder));
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
folder = 0;
qWarning() << "openFolder: OpenEntry failed";
return folder;
QList<QByteArray> subFolderEntryIds(IMAPIFolder *folder)
QList<QByteArray> result;
if (folder) {
IMAPITable *hierarchyTable(0);
HRESULT rv = folder->GetHierarchyTable(MAPI_UNICODE, &hierarchyTable);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
SizedSPropTagArray(2, cols) = {2, {PR_OBJECT_TYPE, PR_ENTRYID}};
SizedSPropTagArray(1, cols) = {1, {PR_ENTRYID}};
QueryAllRows qar(hierarchyTable, reinterpret_cast<LPSPropTagArray>(&cols), NULL, NULL, false);
while(qar.query()) {
for (uint n = 0; n < qar.rows()->cRows; ++n) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
if ((qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == PR_OBJECT_TYPE) &&
(qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].Value.l == MAPI_FOLDER)) {
if (qar.rows()->aRow[n].lpProps[0].ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID) {
if(qar.error() != QMessageManager::NoError)
qWarning() << "subFolderEntryIds: QueryAllRows failed";
return result;
IMAPIFolder *subFolder(const QString &path, IMAPIFolder *folder, const QString &rootPath)
IMAPIFolder *result(0);
if (folder && !path.isEmpty()) {
// Find all folders in the current folder
foreach (const QByteArray &entryId, subFolderEntryIds(folder)) {
IMAPIFolder *childFolder = openFolder(entryId, folder);
if (childFolder) {
QString childPath;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
ULONG tag = getNamedPropertyTag(childFolder, "path");
if (tag) {
childPath = getNamedProperty(childFolder, tag);
// Folders do not support named properties on CE...
if (!rootPath.isEmpty()) {
childPath = rootPath + '/';
childPath += stringProperty(childFolder, PR_DISPLAY_NAME);
if (childPath == path) {
// This is the folder we're looking for
result = childFolder;
} else if (path.startsWith(childPath)) {
// This must be a parent of the folder we're looking for
result = subFolder(path, childFolder, childPath);
if (childFolder != result) {
if (result) {
return result;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IMAPIFolder *createFolder(const QString &name, IMAPIFolder *folder)
IMAPIFolder *newFolder(0);
if (folder && !name.isEmpty()) {
HRESULT rv = folder->CreateFolder(FOLDER_GENERIC, reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(const_cast<quint16*>(name.utf16())), 0, 0, MAPI_UNICODE, &newFolder);
if (HR_FAILED(rv)) {
newFolder = 0;
qWarning() << "createFolder: CreateFolder failed";
return newFolder;
QByteArray folderRecordKey(IMAPIFolder *folder)
return objectProperty(folder, PR_RECORD_KEY);
QByteArray folderEntryId(IMAPIFolder *folder)
return objectProperty(folder, PR_ENTRYID);
QByteArray storeRecordKey(IMsgStore *store)
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
return objectProperty(store, PR_RECORD_KEY);
return objectProperty(store, PR_ENTRYID);
namespace Support {
void clearMessageStore()
// Ensure the store is instantiated
// Remove any existing stores that we added previously
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
IProfAdmin *profAdmin = openProfileAdmin();
if (profAdmin) {
QByteArray defaultProfileName = findDefaultProfileName(profAdmin);
if (!defaultProfileName.isEmpty()) {
IMAPISession *session = profileSession(defaultProfileName);
if (session) {
IMsgServiceAdmin *svcAdmin = openServiceAdmin(defaultProfileName, profAdmin);
if (svcAdmin) {
char *providerName = "MSUPST MS";
QList<MAPIUID> obsoleteUids;
foreach (const ServiceDetail &svc, serviceDetails(svcAdmin)) {
// Find all services that have our provider
if (svc.first.first.toLower() == QByteArray(providerName).toLower()) {
IMsgStore *store = openStoreByName(svc.first.second, session);
if (store) {
// Did we create this store
ULONG tag = getNamedPropertyTag(store, "origin");
if (tag) {
if (getNamedProperty(store, tag) == "QMF") {
// This is an existing service we need to remove
foreach (const MAPIUID &uid, obsoleteUids) {
deleteExistingService(uid, svcAdmin);
ICEMAPISession *session = defaultSession();
if (session) {
QList<QByteArray> obsoleteEntryIds;
foreach (const StoreDetail &detail, storeDetails(session)) {
IMsgStore *store = openStore(detail.second, session);
if (store) {
// Did we create this store?
ULONG tag = getNamedPropertyTag(store, "origin");
if (tag) {
if (getNamedProperty(store, tag) == "QMF") {
// This is an existing store we need to remove
foreach (const QByteArray &entryId, obsoleteEntryIds) {
deleteExistingStore(entryId, session);
QMessageAccountId addAccount(const Parameters ¶ms)
QMessageAccountId result;
QString accountName(params["name"]);
QString fromAddress(params["fromAddress"]);
if (!accountName.isEmpty()) {
// Profile name must be ASCII
QByteArray name(accountName.toAscii());
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// See if a profile exists with the given name
IProfAdmin *profAdmin = openProfileAdmin();
if (profAdmin) {
QByteArray defaultProfileName = findDefaultProfileName(profAdmin);
if (!defaultProfileName.isEmpty()) {
IMAPISession *session = profileSession(defaultProfileName);
if (session) {
IMsgServiceAdmin *svcAdmin = openServiceAdmin(defaultProfileName, profAdmin);
if (svcAdmin) {
char *providerName = "MSUPST MS";
QList<QByteArray> existingServices;
foreach (const ServiceDetail &svc, serviceDetails(svcAdmin)) {
// Find all services that have our provider
if (svc.first.first.toLower() == QByteArray(providerName).toLower()) {
existingServices.append(QByteArray(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&svc.second), sizeof(MAPIUID)));
// Create a message service for this profile using the standard provider
HRESULT rv = svcAdmin->CreateMsgService(reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(providerName), 0, 0, 0);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Find which of the now-extant services was not in the previous set
foreach (const ServiceDetail &svc, serviceDetails(svcAdmin)) {
QByteArray uidData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&svc.second), sizeof(MAPIUID));
if ((svc.first.first.toLower() == QByteArray(providerName).toLower()) &&
!existingServices.contains(uidData)) {
// Create a .PST message store for this service
QByteArray path(QString("%1.pst").arg(name.constData()).toAscii());
SPropValue props[3] = { 0 };
props[0].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A;
props[0].Value.lpszA = name.data();
props[1].ulPropTag = PR_PST_PATH_A;
props[1].Value.lpszA = path.data();
props[2].ulPropTag = PR_PST_CONFIG_FLAGS;
props[2].Value.l = PST_CONFIG_UNICODE;
MAPIUID svcUid = svc.second;
rv = svcAdmin->ConfigureMsgService(&svcUid, 0, 0, 3, props);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
foreach (const StoreDetail &store, storeDetails(session)) {
if (store.first.toLower() == name.toLower()) {
result = accountIdFromRecordKey(store.second.first);
IMsgStore *newStore = openStore(store.second.second, session);
if (newStore) {
// Add an origin tag to this store
ULONG originTag = createNamedProperty(newStore, "origin");
if (originTag) {
setNamedProperty(newStore, originTag, "QMF");
if (!fromAddress.isEmpty()) {
// Try to set the address for this service, as a property of the store
ULONG addressTag = createNamedProperty(newStore, "fromAddress");
if (addressTag) {
setNamedProperty(newStore, addressTag, fromAddress);
} else {
qWarning() << "ConfigureMsgService failed";
} else {
qWarning() << "CreateMsgService failed";
ICEMAPISession *session(defaultSession());
if (session) {
QSet<QString> existingStoreNames;
foreach (const StoreDetail &detail, storeDetails(session)) {
if (existingStoreNames.contains(accountName)) {
qWarning() << "Store name already in use:" << accountName;
} else {
IMsgStore *newStore(0);
HRESULT rv = session->CreateMsgStore(reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(accountName.constData()), &newStore);
if (HR_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
// Add an origin tag to this store
ULONG originTag = createNamedProperty(newStore, "origin");
if (originTag) {
setNamedProperty(newStore, originTag, "QMF");
if (!fromAddress.isEmpty()) {
// Try to set the address for this service, as a property of the store
ULONG addressTag = createNamedProperty(newStore, "fromAddress");
if (addressTag) {
setNamedProperty(newStore, addressTag, fromAddress);
// Create an ID from the record key - actually, the entry ID for CE...
result = accountIdFromRecordKey(objectProperty(newStore, PR_ENTRYID));
} else {
qWarning() << "Unable to create new store:" << name;
qDebug() << "rv:" << hex << (ULONG) rv;
return result;
QMessageFolderId addFolder(const Parameters ¶ms)
QMessageFolderId result;
QString folderPath(params["path"]);
QString folderName(params["name"]);
QString parentPath(params["parentFolderPath"]);
QByteArray accountName(params["parentAccountName"].toAscii());
if (folderName.isEmpty()) {
int index = folderPath.lastIndexOf('/');
folderName = folderPath.mid(index + 1);
if (!folderName.isEmpty() && !folderPath.isEmpty() && !accountName.isEmpty()) {
// Open a session on the default profile
IMAPISession *session(defaultSession());
if (session) {
// Open the store for modification
IMsgStore *store = openStoreByName(accountName, session);
if (store) {
// Open the root folder for modification
IMAPIFolder *folder = openFolder(rootFolderEntryId(store), store);
if (folder) {
// Find the parent folder for the new folder
if (!parentPath.isEmpty()) {
IMAPIFolder *parentFolder = subFolder(parentPath, folder, QString());
folder = parentFolder;
if (folder) {
IMAPIFolder *newFolder = createFolder(folderName, folder);
if (newFolder) {
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
// Named properties not supported by folders on CE...
ULONG tag = createNamedProperty(newFolder, "path");
if (tag) {
setNamedProperty(newFolder, tag, folderPath);
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
QByteArray recordKey = folderRecordKey(newFolder);
QByteArray recordKey;
QByteArray entryId = folderEntryId(newFolder);
QByteArray storeKey = storeRecordKey(store);
result = folderIdFromProperties(recordKey, entryId, storeKey);
} else {
qWarning() << "Unable to locate parent folder for addition";
} else {
qWarning() << "Unable to open root folder for addition";
return result;
// The class 'MapiSession' is a friend of QMessageContentContainer - hijack it here
static QMessageId addMessage(const Support::Parameters ¶ms)
QString parentAccountName(params["parentAccountName"]);
QString parentFolderPath(params["parentFolderPath"]);
QString to(params["to"]);
QString cc(params["cc"]);
QString from(params["from"]);
QString date(params["date"]);
QString receivedDate(params["receivedDate"]);
QString subject(params["subject"]);
QString text(params["text"]);
QString mimeType(params["mimeType"]);
QString attachments(params["attachments"]);
QString priority(params["priority"]);
QString size(params["size"]);
QString type(params["type"]);
QString read(params["status-read"]);
QString hasAttachments(params["status-hasAttachments"]);
QMessageManager manager;
if (!to.isEmpty() && !from.isEmpty() && !date.isEmpty() && !subject.isEmpty() &&
!parentAccountName.isEmpty() && !parentFolderPath.isEmpty()) {
// Find the named account
QMessageAccountIdList accountIds(manager.queryAccounts(QMessageAccountFilter::byName(parentAccountName)));
if (accountIds.count() == 1) {
// Find the specified folder
QMessageFolderFilter filter(QMessageFolderFilter::byPath(parentFolderPath, QMessageDataComparator::Equal) & QMessageFolderFilter::byParentAccountId(accountIds.first()));
QMessageFolderIdList folderIds(manager.queryFolders(filter));
if (folderIds.count() == 1) {
QMessage message;
message.d_ptr->_parentFolderId = folderIds.first();
QList<QMessageAddress> toList;
foreach (const QString &addr, to.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) {
toList.append(QMessageAddress(QMessageAddress::Email, addr.trimmed()));
QList<QMessageAddress> ccList;
foreach (const QString &addr, cc.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) {
ccList.append(QMessageAddress(QMessageAddress::Email, addr.trimmed()));
if (!ccList.isEmpty()) {
message.setFrom(QMessageAddress(QMessageAddress::Email, from));
QDateTime dt(QDateTime::fromString(date, Qt::ISODate));
if (type.isEmpty()) {
} else {
if (type.toLower() == "mms") {
} else if (type.toLower() == "sms") {
} else if (type.toLower() == "instantmessage") {
} else {
if (!receivedDate.isEmpty()) {
QDateTime dt(QDateTime::fromString(receivedDate, Qt::ISODate));
if (!priority.isEmpty()) {
if (priority.toLower() == "high") {
} else if (priority.toLower() == "low") {
if (!size.isEmpty()) {
message.d_ptr->_size = size.toUInt();
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
message.setBody(text, mimeType.toAscii());
if (!attachments.isEmpty()) {
QMessage::StatusFlags flags(0);
if (read.toLower() == "true") {
flags |= QMessage::Read;
if (hasAttachments.toLower() == "true") {
flags |= QMessage::HasAttachments;
if (!manager.addMessage(&message)) {
qWarning() << "Unable to addMessage:" << to << from << date << subject;
} else {
return message.id();
} else {
qWarning() << "Unable to locate parent folder:" << parentFolderPath;
} else {
qWarning() << "Unable to locate parent account:" << parentAccountName;
} else {
qWarning() << "Necessary information missing";
return QMessageId();
namespace Support {
QMessageId addMessage(const Parameters ¶ms)
return MapiSession::addMessage(params);
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && !defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
* Returns true if a MAPI subsystem is available, as per the
* information at
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc815368.aspx
* Returns false if a MAPI subsystem could not be found.
bool mapiAvailable()
bool mapix = false;
LONG res = -1;
HKEY key;
L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Messaging Subsystem",
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
unsigned long type = REG_SZ;
unsigned long size = 512;
char ret[512] = "";
res = RegQueryValueExW(key,
if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS && (QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*)ret).toInt() == 1))
mapix = true;
return mapix;