** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include "qmobilityglobal.h"
// Mapping between a string in versit specifications and Qt contacts
struct VersitMapping {
const char* versitString;
const char* contactString;
// Mapping between a string in versit specifications and Qt contact details
struct VersitDetailMapping {
const char* versitPropertyName;
const char* detailDefinitionName;
const char* detailFieldName;
//! [File extension mappings]
// Mappings from mime types to file extensions
const VersitMapping versitFileExtensionMappings[] = {
{"application/octet-stream", "obj"},
{"audio/x-pn-realaudio", "ra"},
{"application/xml", "wsdl"},
{"application/octet-stream", "dll"},
{"image/x-cmu-raster", "ras"},
{"application/x-pn-realaudio", "ram"},
{"application/x-bcpio", "bcpio"},
{"application/x-sh", "sh"},
{"video/mpeg", "m1v"},
{"image/x-xwindowdump", "xwd"},
{"video/x-msvideo", "avi"},
{"image/x-ms-bmp", "bmp"},
{"application/x-shar", "shar"},
{"application/x-javascript", "js"},
{"application/x-wais-source", "src"},
{"application/x-dvi", "dvi"},
{"audio/x-aiff", "aif"},
{"text/plain", "ksh"},
{"application/msword", "dot"},
{"message/rfc822", "mht"},
{"application/x-pkcs12", "p12"},
{"text/css", "css"},
{"application/x-csh", "csh"},
{"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "pwz"},
{"application/pdf", "pdf"},
{"application/x-netcdf", "cdf"},
{"text/plain", "pl"},
{"text/plain", "c"},
{"image/jpeg", "jpe"},
{"image/jpeg", "jpg"},
{"text/x-python", "py"},
{"text/xml", "xml"},
{"image/jpeg", "jpeg"},
{"application/postscript", "ps"},
{"application/x-gtar", "gtar"},
{"image/x-xpixmap", "xpm"},
{"application/x-hdf", "hdf"},
{"message/rfc822", "nws"},
{"text/tab-separated-values", "tsv"},
{"application/xml", "xpdl"},
{"application/pkcs7-mime", "p7c"},
{"application/postscript", "eps"},
{"image/ief", "ief"},
{"application/octet-stream", "so"},
{"application/vnd.ms-excel", "xlb"},
{"image/x-portable-bitmap", "pbm"},
{"application/x-texinfo", "texinfo"},
{"application/vnd.ms-excel", "xls"},
{"application/x-tex", "tex"},
{"text/richtext", "rtx"},
{"text/html", "html"},
{"audio/x-aiff", "aiff"},
{"audio/x-aiff", "aifc"},
{"application/octet-stream", "exe"},
{"text/x-sgml", "sgm"},
{"image/tiff", "tif"},
{"video/mpeg", "mpeg"},
{"application/x-ustar", "ustar"},
{"image/gif", "gif"},
{"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "ppt"},
{"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "pps"},
{"text/x-sgml", "sgml"},
{"image/x-portable-pixmap", "ppm"},
{"application/x-latex", "latex"},
{"text/plain", "bat"},
{"video/quicktime", "mov"},
{"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "ppa"},
{"application/x-troff", "tr"},
{"application/xml", "rdf"},
{"application/xml", "xsl"},
{"message/rfc822", "eml"},
{"application/x-netcdf", "nc"},
{"application/x-sv4cpio", "sv4cpio"},
{"application/octet-stream", "bin"},
{"text/plain", "h"},
{"application/x-tcl", "tcl"},
{"application/msword", "wiz"},
{"application/octet-stream", "o"},
{"application/octet-stream", "a"},
{"application/postscript", "ai"},
{"audio/x-wav", "wav"},
{"text/x-vcard", "vcf"},
{"image/x-xbitmap", "xbm"},
{"text/plain", "txt"},
{"audio/basic", "au"},
{"application/x-troff", "t"},
{"image/tiff", "tiff"},
{"application/x-texinfo", "texi"},
{"application/oda", "oda"},
{"application/x-troff-ms", "ms"},
{"image/x-rgb", "rgb"},
{"application/x-troff-me", "me"},
{"application/x-sv4crc", "sv4crc"},
{"video/quicktime", "qt"},
{"video/mpeg", "mpa"},
{"video/mpeg", "mpg"},
{"video/mpeg", "mpe"},
{"application/msword", "doc"},
{"image/x-portable-graymap", "pgm"},
{"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "pot"},
{"application/x-mif", "mif"},
{"application/x-troff", "roff"},
{"text/html", "htm"},
{"application/x-troff-man", "man"},
{"text/x-setext", "etx"},
{"application/zip", "zip"},
{"video/x-sgi-movie", "movie"},
{"application/x-python-code", "pyc"},
{"image/png", "png"},
{"application/x-pkcs12", "pfx"},
{"message/rfc822", "mhtml"},
{"application/x-tar", "tar"},
{"image/x-portable-anymap", "pnm"},
{"application/x-python-code", "pyo"},
{"audio/basic", "snd"},
{"application/x-cpio", "cpio"},
{"application/x-shockwave-flash", "swf"},
{"audio/mpeg", "mp3"},
{"audio/mpeg", "mp2"}
//! [File extension mappings]