changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4f2f89ce4247
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org>
     3  *               2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org>
     4  * Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved.
     5  *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
     8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     9  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    10  *
    11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14  * Library General Public License for more details.
    15  *
    16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    17  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    18  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    19  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    20  *
    21  */
    23 #include "config.h"
    24 #if ENABLE(SVG)
    25 #include "RenderSVGResourceClipper.h"
    27 #include "AffineTransform.h"
    28 #include "FloatRect.h"
    29 #include "GraphicsContext.h"
    30 #include "HitTestRequest.h"
    31 #include "HitTestResult.h"
    32 #include "ImageBuffer.h"
    33 #include "IntRect.h"
    34 #include "RenderObject.h"
    35 #include "RenderStyle.h"
    36 #include "RenderSVGResource.h"
    37 #include "SVGClipPathElement.h"
    38 #include "SVGElement.h"
    39 #include "SVGRenderSupport.h"
    40 #include "SVGStyledElement.h"
    41 #include "SVGStyledTransformableElement.h"
    42 #include "SVGUnitTypes.h"
    43 #include "SVGUseElement.h"
    44 #include <wtf/UnusedParam.h>
    46 namespace WebCore {
    48 RenderSVGResourceType RenderSVGResourceClipper::s_resourceType = ClipperResourceType;
    50 RenderSVGResourceClipper::RenderSVGResourceClipper(SVGClipPathElement* node)
    51     : RenderSVGResourceContainer(node)
    52     , m_invalidationBlocked(false)
    53 {
    54 }
    56 RenderSVGResourceClipper::~RenderSVGResourceClipper()
    57 {
    58     deleteAllValues(m_clipper);
    59     m_clipper.clear();
    60 }
    62 void RenderSVGResourceClipper::invalidateClients()
    63 {
    64     if (m_invalidationBlocked)
    65         return;
    67     HashMap<RenderObject*, ClipperData*>::const_iterator end = m_clipper.end();
    68     for (HashMap<RenderObject*, ClipperData*>::const_iterator it = m_clipper.begin(); it != end; ++it)
    69         markForLayoutAndResourceInvalidation(it->first);
    71     deleteAllValues(m_clipper);
    72     m_clipper.clear();
    73     m_clipBoundaries = FloatRect();
    74 }
    76 void RenderSVGResourceClipper::invalidateClient(RenderObject* object)
    77 {
    78     if (m_invalidationBlocked)
    79         return;
    81     ASSERT(object);
    82     if (!m_clipper.contains(object))
    83         return;
    85     delete m_clipper.take(object);
    86     markForLayoutAndResourceInvalidation(object);
    87 }
    89 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::applyResource(RenderObject* object, RenderStyle*, GraphicsContext*& context, unsigned short resourceMode)
    90 {
    91     ASSERT(object);
    92     ASSERT(context);
    93 #ifndef NDEBUG
    94     ASSERT(resourceMode == ApplyToDefaultMode);
    95 #else
    96     UNUSED_PARAM(resourceMode);
    97 #endif
    99     // Early exit, if this resource contains a child which references ourselves.
   100     if (containsCyclicReference(node()))
   101         return false;
   103     applyClippingToContext(object, object->objectBoundingBox(), object->repaintRectInLocalCoordinates(), context);
   104     return true;
   105 }
   107 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::pathOnlyClipping(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& objectBoundingBox)
   108 {
   109     // If the current clip-path gets clipped itself, we have to fallback to masking.
   110     if (!style()->svgStyle()->clipperResource().isEmpty())
   111         return false;
   112     WindRule clipRule = RULE_NONZERO;
   113     Path clipPath = Path();
   115     // If clip-path only contains one visible shape or path, we can use path-based clipping. Invisible
   116     // shapes don't affect the clipping and can be ignored. If clip-path contains more than one
   117     // visible shape, the additive clipping may not work, caused by the clipRule. EvenOdd
   118     // as well as NonZero can cause self-clipping of the elements.
   119     // See also http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/painting.html#FillRuleProperty
   120     for (Node* childNode = node()->firstChild(); childNode; childNode = childNode->nextSibling()) {
   121         RenderObject* renderer = childNode->renderer();
   122         if (!renderer)
   123             continue;
   124         // Only shapes or paths are supported for direct clipping. We need to fallback to masking for texts.
   125         if (renderer->isSVGText())
   126             return false;
   127         if (!childNode->isSVGElement() || !static_cast<SVGElement*>(childNode)->isStyledTransformable())
   128             continue;
   129         SVGStyledTransformableElement* styled = static_cast<SVGStyledTransformableElement*>(childNode);
   130         RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
   131         if (!style || style->display() == NONE || style->visibility() != VISIBLE)
   132              continue;
   133         const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle();
   134         // Current shape in clip-path gets clipped too. Fallback to masking.
   135         if (!svgStyle->clipperResource().isEmpty())
   136             return false;
   137         // Fallback to masking, if there is more than one clipping path.
   138         if (clipPath.isEmpty()) {
   139             clipPath = styled->toClipPath();
   140             clipRule = svgStyle->clipRule();
   141         } else
   142             return false;
   143     }
   144     // Only one visible shape/path was found. Directly continue clipping and transform the content to userspace if necessary.
   145     if (static_cast<SVGClipPathElement*>(node())->clipPathUnits() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) {
   146         AffineTransform transform;
   147         transform.translate(objectBoundingBox.x(), objectBoundingBox.y());
   148         transform.scaleNonUniform(objectBoundingBox.width(), objectBoundingBox.height());
   149         clipPath.transform(transform);
   150     }
   151     // The SVG specification wants us to clip everything, if clip-path doesn't have a child.
   152     if (clipPath.isEmpty())
   153         clipPath.addRect(FloatRect());
   154     context->beginPath();
   155     context->addPath(clipPath);
   156     context->clipPath(clipRule);
   157     return true;
   158 }
   160 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::applyClippingToContext(RenderObject* object, const FloatRect& objectBoundingBox,
   161                                                       const FloatRect& repaintRect, GraphicsContext* context)
   162 {
   163     if (!m_clipper.contains(object))
   164         m_clipper.set(object, new ClipperData);
   166     ClipperData* clipperData = m_clipper.get(object);
   167     if (!clipperData->clipMaskImage) {
   168         if (pathOnlyClipping(context, objectBoundingBox))
   169             return true;
   170         createClipData(clipperData, objectBoundingBox, repaintRect);
   171     }
   173     if (!clipperData->clipMaskImage)
   174         return false;
   176     context->clipToImageBuffer(repaintRect, clipperData->clipMaskImage.get());
   177     return true;
   178 }
   180 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::createClipData(ClipperData* clipperData, const FloatRect& objectBoundingBox, const FloatRect& repaintRect)
   181 {
   182     IntRect clipMaskRect = enclosingIntRect(repaintRect);
   183     clipperData->clipMaskImage = ImageBuffer::create(clipMaskRect.size());
   184     if (!clipperData->clipMaskImage)
   185         return false;
   187     GraphicsContext* maskContext = clipperData->clipMaskImage->context();
   188     ASSERT(maskContext);
   190     maskContext->save();
   191     maskContext->translate(-repaintRect.x(), -repaintRect.y());
   193     // clipPath can also be clipped by another clipPath.
   194     if (RenderSVGResourceClipper* clipper = getRenderSVGResourceById<RenderSVGResourceClipper>(this->document(), style()->svgStyle()->clipperResource())) {
   195         if (!clipper->applyClippingToContext(this, objectBoundingBox, repaintRect, maskContext)) {
   196             maskContext->restore();
   197             return false;
   198         }            
   199     }
   201     SVGClipPathElement* clipPath = static_cast<SVGClipPathElement*>(node());
   202     if (clipPath->clipPathUnits() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) {
   203         maskContext->translate(objectBoundingBox.x(), objectBoundingBox.y());
   204         maskContext->scale(objectBoundingBox.size());
   205     }
   207     // Draw all clipPath children into a global mask.
   208     for (Node* childNode = node()->firstChild(); childNode; childNode = childNode->nextSibling()) {
   209         RenderObject* renderer = childNode->renderer();
   210         if (!childNode->isSVGElement() || !static_cast<SVGElement*>(childNode)->isStyled() || !renderer)
   211             continue;
   212         RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
   213         if (!style || style->display() == NONE || style->visibility() != VISIBLE)
   214             continue;
   216         WindRule newClipRule = style->svgStyle()->clipRule();
   217         bool isUseElement = renderer->isSVGShadowTreeRootContainer();
   218         if (isUseElement) {
   219             SVGUseElement* useElement = static_cast<SVGUseElement*>(childNode);
   220             renderer = useElement->rendererClipChild();
   221             if (!renderer)
   222                 continue;
   223             if (!useElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::clip_ruleAttr))
   224                 newClipRule = renderer->style()->svgStyle()->clipRule();
   225         }
   227         // Only shapes, paths and texts are allowed for clipping.
   228         if (!renderer->isRenderPath() && !renderer->isSVGText())
   229             continue;
   231         // Save the old RenderStyle of the current object for restoring after drawing
   232         // it to the MaskImage. The new intermediate RenderStyle needs to inherit from
   233         // the old one.
   234         RefPtr<RenderStyle> oldRenderStyle = renderer->style();
   235         RefPtr<RenderStyle> newRenderStyle = RenderStyle::clone(oldRenderStyle.get());
   236         SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = newRenderStyle.get()->accessSVGStyle();
   237         svgStyle->setFillPaint(SVGPaint::defaultFill());
   238         svgStyle->setStrokePaint(SVGPaint::defaultStroke());
   239         svgStyle->setFillRule(newClipRule);
   240         newRenderStyle.get()->setOpacity(1.0f);
   241         svgStyle->setFillOpacity(1.0f);
   242         svgStyle->setStrokeOpacity(1.0f);
   243         svgStyle->setFilterResource(String());
   244         svgStyle->setMaskerResource(String());
   246         // The setStyle() call results in a styleDidChange() call, which in turn invalidations the resources.
   247         // As we're mutating the resource on purpose, block updates until we've resetted the style again.
   248         m_invalidationBlocked = true;
   249         renderer->setStyle(newRenderStyle.release());
   251         // In the case of a <use> element, we obtained its renderere above, to retrieve its clipRule.
   252         // We hsve to pass the <use> renderer itself to renderSubtreeToImage() to apply it's x/y/transform/etc. values when rendering.
   253         // So if isUseElement is true, refetch the childNode->renderer(), as renderer got overriden above.
   254         SVGRenderSupport::renderSubtreeToImage(clipperData->clipMaskImage.get(), isUseElement ? childNode->renderer() : renderer);
   256         renderer->setStyle(oldRenderStyle.release());
   257         m_invalidationBlocked = false;
   258     }
   260     maskContext->restore();
   262     return true;
   263 }
   265 void RenderSVGResourceClipper::calculateClipContentRepaintRect()
   266 {
   267     // This is a rough heuristic to appraise the clip size and doesn't consider clip on clip.
   268     for (Node* childNode = node()->firstChild(); childNode; childNode = childNode->nextSibling()) {
   269         RenderObject* renderer = childNode->renderer();
   270         if (!childNode->isSVGElement() || !static_cast<SVGElement*>(childNode)->isStyled() || !renderer)
   271             continue;
   272         if (!renderer->isRenderPath() && !renderer->isSVGText() && !renderer->isSVGShadowTreeRootContainer())
   273             continue;
   274         RenderStyle* style = renderer->style();
   275         if (!style || style->display() == NONE || style->visibility() != VISIBLE)
   276              continue;
   277         m_clipBoundaries.unite(renderer->localToParentTransform().mapRect(renderer->repaintRectInLocalCoordinates()));
   278     }
   279 }
   281 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::hitTestClipContent(const FloatRect& objectBoundingBox, const FloatPoint& nodeAtPoint)
   282 {
   283     // FIXME: We should be able to check whether m_clipper.contains(object) - this doesn't work at the moment
   284     // as resourceBoundingBox() has already created ClipperData, even if applyResource() returned false.
   285     // Early exit, if this resource contains a child which references ourselves.
   286     if (containsCyclicReference(node()))
   287         return false;
   289     FloatPoint point = nodeAtPoint;
   290     if (!SVGRenderSupport::pointInClippingArea(this, point))
   291         return false;
   293     if (static_cast<SVGClipPathElement*>(node())->clipPathUnits() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) {
   294         AffineTransform transform;
   295         transform.translate(objectBoundingBox.x(), objectBoundingBox.y());
   296         transform.scaleNonUniform(objectBoundingBox.width(), objectBoundingBox.height());
   297         point = transform.inverse().mapPoint(point);
   298     }
   300     for (Node* childNode = node()->firstChild(); childNode; childNode = childNode->nextSibling()) {
   301         RenderObject* renderer = childNode->renderer();
   302         if (!childNode->isSVGElement() || !static_cast<SVGElement*>(childNode)->isStyled() || !renderer)
   303             continue;
   304         if (!renderer->isRenderPath() && !renderer->isSVGText() && !renderer->isSVGShadowTreeRootContainer())
   305             continue;
   306         IntPoint hitPoint;
   307         HitTestResult result(hitPoint);
   308         if (renderer->nodeAtFloatPoint(HitTestRequest(HitTestRequest::SVGClipContent), result, point, HitTestForeground))
   309             return true;
   310     }
   312     return false;
   313 }
   315 bool RenderSVGResourceClipper::childElementReferencesResource(const SVGRenderStyle* style, const String& referenceId) const
   316 {
   317     if (!style->hasClipper())
   318         return false;
   320     return style->clipperResource() == referenceId;
   321 }
   323 FloatRect RenderSVGResourceClipper::resourceBoundingBox(RenderObject* object)
   324 {
   325     // Resource was not layouted yet. Give back the boundingBox of the object.
   326     if (selfNeedsLayout())
   327         return object->objectBoundingBox();
   329     if (m_clipBoundaries.isEmpty())
   330         calculateClipContentRepaintRect();
   332     if (static_cast<SVGClipPathElement*>(node())->clipPathUnits() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) {
   333         FloatRect objectBoundingBox = object->objectBoundingBox();
   334         AffineTransform transform;
   335         transform.translate(objectBoundingBox.x(), objectBoundingBox.y());
   336         transform.scaleNonUniform(objectBoundingBox.width(), objectBoundingBox.height());
   337         return transform.mapRect(m_clipBoundaries);
   338     }
   340     return m_clipBoundaries;
   341 }
   343 }
   345 #endif // ENABLE(SVG)