changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebCore/loader/CachedResource.h	Fri Sep 17 09:02:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+    Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (knoll@mpi-hd.mpg.de)
+    Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org>
+    Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (sam.weinig@gmail.com)
+    Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef CachedResource_h
+#define CachedResource_h
+#include "CachePolicy.h"
+#include "FrameLoaderTypes.h"
+#include "PlatformString.h"
+#include "ResourceResponse.h"
+#include <wtf/HashCountedSet.h>
+#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
+#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
+#include <wtf/Vector.h>
+#include <time.h>
+namespace WebCore {
+class Cache;
+class CachedMetadata;
+class CachedResourceClient;
+class CachedResourceHandleBase;
+class DocLoader;
+class Frame;
+class InspectorResource;
+class Request;
+class PurgeableBuffer;
+// A resource that is held in the cache. Classes who want to use this object should derive
+// from CachedResourceClient, to get the function calls in case the requested data has arrived.
+// This class also does the actual communication with the loader to obtain the resource from the network.
+class CachedResource : public Noncopyable {
+    friend class Cache;
+    friend class InspectorResource;
+    enum Type {
+        ImageResource,
+        CSSStyleSheet,
+        Script,
+        FontResource
+        , XSLStyleSheet
+        , XBL
+        , LinkPrefetch
+    };
+    enum Status {
+        NotCached,    // this URL is not cached
+        Unknown,      // let cache decide what to do with it
+        New,          // inserting new item
+        Pending,      // only partially loaded
+        Cached        // regular case
+    };
+    CachedResource(const String& url, Type);
+    virtual ~CachedResource();
+    virtual void load(DocLoader* docLoader)  { load(docLoader, false, DoSecurityCheck, true); }
+    void load(DocLoader*, bool incremental, SecurityCheckPolicy, bool sendResourceLoadCallbacks);
+    virtual void setEncoding(const String&) { }
+    virtual String encoding() const { return String(); }
+    virtual void data(PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> data, bool allDataReceived);
+    virtual void error() { }
+    virtual void httpStatusCodeError() { error(); } // Images keep loading in spite of HTTP errors (for legacy compat with <img>, etc.).
+    const String &url() const { return m_url; }
+    Type type() const { return static_cast<Type>(m_type); }
+    void addClient(CachedResourceClient*);
+    void removeClient(CachedResourceClient*);
+    bool hasClients() const { return !m_clients.isEmpty(); }
+    void deleteIfPossible();
+    enum PreloadResult {
+        PreloadNotReferenced,
+        PreloadReferenced,
+        PreloadReferencedWhileLoading,
+        PreloadReferencedWhileComplete
+    };
+    PreloadResult preloadResult() const { return static_cast<PreloadResult>(m_preloadResult); }
+    void setRequestedFromNetworkingLayer() { m_requestedFromNetworkingLayer = true; }
+    virtual void didAddClient(CachedResourceClient*);
+    virtual void allClientsRemoved() { }
+    unsigned count() const { return m_clients.size(); }
+    Status status() const { return static_cast<Status>(m_status); }
+    void setStatus(Status status) { m_status = status; }
+    unsigned size() const { return encodedSize() + decodedSize() + overheadSize(); }
+    unsigned encodedSize() const { return m_encodedSize; }
+    unsigned decodedSize() const { return m_decodedSize; }
+    unsigned overheadSize() const;
+    bool isLoaded() const { return !m_loading; } // FIXME. Method name is inaccurate. Loading might not have started yet.
+    bool isLoading() const { return m_loading; }
+    void setLoading(bool b) { m_loading = b; }
+    virtual bool isImage() const { return false; }
+    bool isPrefetch() const
+    {
+        return type() == LinkPrefetch;
+        return false;
+    }
+    unsigned accessCount() const { return m_accessCount; }
+    void increaseAccessCount() { m_accessCount++; }
+    // Computes the status of an object after loading.  
+    // Updates the expire date on the cache entry file
+    void finish();
+    // Called by the cache if the object has been removed from the cache
+    // while still being referenced. This means the object should delete itself
+    // if the number of clients observing it ever drops to 0.
+    // The resource can be brought back to cache after successful revalidation.
+    void setInCache(bool inCache) { m_inCache = inCache; }
+    bool inCache() const { return m_inCache; }
+    void setInLiveDecodedResourcesList(bool b) { m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList = b; }
+    bool inLiveDecodedResourcesList() { return m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList; }
+    void setRequest(Request*);
+    SharedBuffer* data() const { ASSERT(!m_purgeableData); return m_data.get(); }
+    void setResponse(const ResourceResponse&);
+    const ResourceResponse& response() const { return m_response; }
+    // Sets the serialized metadata retrieved from the platform's cache.
+    void setSerializedCachedMetadata(const char*, size_t);
+    // Caches the given metadata in association with this resource and suggests
+    // that the platform persist it. The dataTypeID is a pseudo-randomly chosen
+    // identifier that is used to distinguish data generated by the caller.
+    void setCachedMetadata(unsigned dataTypeID, const char*, size_t);
+    // Returns cached metadata of the given type associated with this resource.
+    CachedMetadata* cachedMetadata(unsigned dataTypeID) const;
+    bool canDelete() const { return !hasClients() && !m_request && !m_preloadCount && !m_handleCount && !m_resourceToRevalidate && !m_proxyResource; }
+    bool isExpired() const;
+    // List of acceptable MIME types separated by ",".
+    // A MIME type may contain a wildcard, e.g. "text/*".
+    String accept() const { return m_accept; }
+    void setAccept(const String& accept) { m_accept = accept; }
+    bool errorOccurred() const { return m_errorOccurred; }
+    void setErrorOccurred(bool b) { m_errorOccurred = b; }
+    bool sendResourceLoadCallbacks() const { return m_sendResourceLoadCallbacks; }
+    virtual void destroyDecodedData() { }
+    void setDocLoader(DocLoader* docLoader) { m_docLoader = docLoader; }
+    bool isPreloaded() const { return m_preloadCount; }
+    void increasePreloadCount() { ++m_preloadCount; }
+    void decreasePreloadCount() { ASSERT(m_preloadCount); --m_preloadCount; }
+    void registerHandle(CachedResourceHandleBase* h) { ++m_handleCount; if (m_resourceToRevalidate) m_handlesToRevalidate.add(h); }
+    void unregisterHandle(CachedResourceHandleBase* h) { ASSERT(m_handleCount > 0); --m_handleCount; if (m_resourceToRevalidate) m_handlesToRevalidate.remove(h); if (!m_handleCount) deleteIfPossible(); }
+    bool canUseCacheValidator() const;
+    bool mustRevalidate(CachePolicy) const;
+    bool isCacheValidator() const { return m_resourceToRevalidate; }
+    CachedResource* resourceToRevalidate() const { return m_resourceToRevalidate; }
+    bool isPurgeable() const;
+    bool wasPurged() const;
+    // This is used by the archive machinery to get at a purged resource without
+    // triggering a load. We should make it protected again if we can find a
+    // better way to handle the archive case.
+    bool makePurgeable(bool purgeable);
+    void setEncodedSize(unsigned);
+    void setDecodedSize(unsigned);
+    void didAccessDecodedData(double timeStamp);
+    bool isSafeToMakePurgeable() const;
+    HashCountedSet<CachedResourceClient*> m_clients;
+    String m_url;
+    String m_accept;
+    Request* m_request;
+    ResourceResponse m_response;
+    double m_responseTimestamp;
+    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> m_data;
+    OwnPtr<PurgeableBuffer> m_purgeableData;
+    void addClientToSet(CachedResourceClient*);
+    // These are called by the friendly Cache only
+    void setResourceToRevalidate(CachedResource*);
+    void switchClientsToRevalidatedResource();
+    void clearResourceToRevalidate();
+    void updateResponseAfterRevalidation(const ResourceResponse& validatingResponse);
+    double currentAge() const;
+    double freshnessLifetime() const;
+    RefPtr<CachedMetadata> m_cachedMetadata;
+    double m_lastDecodedAccessTime; // Used as a "thrash guard" in the cache
+    unsigned m_encodedSize;
+    unsigned m_decodedSize;
+    unsigned m_accessCount;
+    unsigned m_handleCount;
+    unsigned m_preloadCount;
+    unsigned m_preloadResult : 2; // PreloadResult
+    bool m_inLiveDecodedResourcesList : 1;
+    bool m_requestedFromNetworkingLayer : 1;
+    bool m_sendResourceLoadCallbacks : 1;
+    bool m_errorOccurred : 1;
+    bool m_inCache : 1;
+    bool m_loading : 1;
+    unsigned m_type : 3; // Type
+    unsigned m_status : 3; // Status
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    bool m_deleted;
+    unsigned m_lruIndex;
+    CachedResource* m_nextInAllResourcesList;
+    CachedResource* m_prevInAllResourcesList;
+    CachedResource* m_nextInLiveResourcesList;
+    CachedResource* m_prevInLiveResourcesList;
+    DocLoader* m_docLoader; // only non-0 for resources that are not in the cache
+    // If this field is non-null we are using the resource as a proxy for checking whether an existing resource is still up to date
+    // using HTTP If-Modified-Since/If-None-Match headers. If the response is 304 all clients of this resource are moved
+    // to to be clients of m_resourceToRevalidate and the resource is deleted. If not, the field is zeroed and this
+    // resources becomes normal resource load.
+    CachedResource* m_resourceToRevalidate;
+    // If this field is non-null, the resource has a proxy for checking whether it is still up to date (see m_resourceToRevalidate).
+    CachedResource* m_proxyResource;
+    // These handles will need to be updated to point to the m_resourceToRevalidate in case we get 304 response.
+    HashSet<CachedResourceHandleBase*> m_handlesToRevalidate;