changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebCore/platform/gtk/gtkdrawing.h	Fri Sep 17 09:02:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+ * Netscape Communications Corporation.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *  Brian Ryner <bryner@brianryner.com>  (Original Author)
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+ * gtkdrawing.h: GTK widget rendering utilities
+ *
+ * gtkdrawing provides an API for rendering GTK widgets in the
+ * current theme to a pixmap or window, without requiring an actual
+ * widget instantiation, similar to the Macintosh Appearance Manager
+ * or Windows XP's DrawThemeBackground() API.
+ */
+#ifndef _GTK_DRAWING_H_
+#define _GTK_DRAWING_H_
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+/*** type definitions ***/
+typedef struct {
+  guint8 active;
+  guint8 focused;
+  guint8 inHover;
+  guint8 disabled;
+  guint8 isDefault;
+  guint8 canDefault;
+  /* The depressed state is for buttons which remain active for a longer period:
+   * activated toggle buttons or buttons showing a popup menu. */
+  guint8 depressed;
+  gint32 curpos; /* curpos and maxpos are used for scrollbars */
+  gint32 maxpos;
+} GtkWidgetState;
+typedef struct {
+  gint slider_width;
+  gint trough_border;
+  gint stepper_size;
+  gint stepper_spacing;
+  gint min_slider_size;
+} MozGtkScrollbarMetrics;
+typedef struct _GtkThemeParts {
+    GdkColormap* colormap;
+    GtkWidget* protoWindow;
+    GtkWidget* protoLayout;
+    GtkWidget* buttonWidget;
+    GtkWidget* toggleButtonWidget;
+    GtkWidget* buttonArrowWidget;
+    GtkWidget* checkboxWidget;
+    GtkWidget* radiobuttonWidget;
+    GtkWidget* horizScrollbarWidget;
+    GtkWidget* vertScrollbarWidget;
+    GtkWidget* spinWidget;
+    GtkWidget* hScaleWidget;
+    GtkWidget* vScaleWidget;
+    GtkWidget* entryWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxButtonWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxArrowWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxSeparatorWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxEntryWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxEntryTextareaWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxEntryButtonWidget;
+    GtkWidget* comboBoxEntryArrowWidget;
+    GtkWidget* handleBoxWidget;
+    GtkWidget* toolbarWidget;
+    GtkWidget* frameWidget;
+    GtkWidget* statusbarWidget;
+    GtkWidget* progresWidget;
+    GtkWidget* tabWidget;
+    GtkWidget* tooltipWidget;
+    GtkWidget* menuBarWidget;
+    GtkWidget* menuBarItemWidget;
+    GtkWidget* menuPopupWidget;
+    GtkWidget* menuItemWidget;
+    GtkWidget* imageMenuItemWidget;
+    GtkWidget* checkMenuItemWidget;
+    GtkWidget* treeViewWidget;
+    GtkTreeViewColumn* middleTreeViewColumn;
+    GtkWidget* treeHeaderCellWidget;
+    GtkWidget* treeHeaderSortArrowWidget;
+    GtkWidget* expanderWidget;
+    GtkWidget* toolbarSeparatorWidget;
+    GtkWidget* menuSeparatorWidget;
+    GtkWidget* hpanedWidget;
+    GtkWidget* vpanedWidget;
+    GtkWidget* scrolledWindowWidget;
+} GtkThemeParts;
+typedef enum {
+  MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_DOWN        = 1 << 0,
+  MOZ_GTK_STEPPER_BOTTOM      = 1 << 1,
+} GtkScrollbarButtonFlags;
+/** flags for tab state **/
+typedef enum {
+  /* first eight bits are used to pass a margin */
+  /* bottom tabs */
+  MOZ_GTK_TAB_BOTTOM          = 1 << 8,
+  /* the first tab in the group */
+  MOZ_GTK_TAB_FIRST           = 1 << 9,
+  /* the selected tab */
+  MOZ_GTK_TAB_SELECTED        = 1 << 10
+} GtkTabFlags;
+/** flags for menuitems **/
+typedef enum {
+  /* menuitem is part of the menubar */
+  MOZ_TOPLEVEL_MENU_ITEM      = 1 << 0
+} GtkMenuItemFlags;
+/* function type for moz_gtk_enable_style_props */
+typedef gint (*style_prop_t)(GtkStyle*, const gchar*, gint);
+/*** result/error codes ***/
+#define MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS 0
+/*** checkbox/radio flags ***/
+/*** widget type constants ***/
+typedef enum {
+  /* Paints a GtkButton. flags is a GtkReliefStyle. */
+  /* Paints a GtkCheckButton. flags is a boolean, 1=checked, 0=not checked. */
+  /* Paints a GtkRadioButton. flags is a boolean, 1=checked, 0=not checked. */
+  /**
+   * Paints the button of a GtkScrollbar. flags is a GtkArrowType giving
+   * the arrow direction.
+   */
+  /* Paints the trough (track) of a GtkScrollbar. */
+  /* Paints the slider (thumb) of a GtkScrollbar. */
+  /* Paints a GtkScale. */
+  /* Paints a GtkScale thumb. */
+  /* Paints a GtkSpinButton */
+  /* Paints the gripper of a GtkHandleBox. */
+  /* Paints a GtkEntry. */
+  /* Paints the native caret (or in GTK-speak: insertion cursor) */
+  /* Paints a GtkOptionMenu. */
+  /* Paints a dropdown arrow (a GtkButton containing a down GtkArrow). */
+  /* Paints an entry in an editable option menu */
+  /* Paints the container part of a GtkCheckButton. */
+  /* Paints the container part of a GtkRadioButton. */
+  /* Paints the label of a GtkCheckButton (focus outline) */
+  /* Paints the label of a GtkRadioButton (focus outline) */
+  /* Paints the background of a GtkHandleBox. */
+  /* Paints a toolbar separator */
+  /* Paints a GtkToolTip */
+  /* Paints a GtkFrame (e.g. a status bar panel). */
+  /* Paints a resize grip for a GtkWindow */
+  /* Paints a GtkProgressBar. */
+  /* Paints a progress chunk of a GtkProgressBar. */
+  /* Paints a tab of a GtkNotebook. flags is a GtkTabFlags, defined above. */
+  /* Paints the background and border of a GtkNotebook. */
+  /* Paints a GtkArrow for a GtkNotebook. flags is a GtkArrowType. */
+  /* Paints the background and border of a GtkTreeView */
+  /* Paints treeheader cells */
+  /* Paints sort arrows in treeheader cells */
+  /* Paints an expander for a GtkTreeView */
+  /* Paints a GtkExpander */
+  /* Paints the background of the menu bar. */
+  /* Paints the background of menus, context menus. */
+  /* Paints the arrow of menuitems that contain submenus */
+  /* Paints an arrow that points down */
+  /* Paints items of menubar and popups. */
+  /* Paints a GtkVPaned separator */
+  /* Paints a GtkHPaned separator */
+  /* Paints the background of a window, dialog or page. */
+} GtkThemeWidgetType;
+/*** General library functions ***/
+ * Initializes the drawing library.  You must call this function
+ * prior to using any other functionality.
+ * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there were no errors
+ *          MOZ_GTK_UNSAFE_THEME if the current theme engine is known
+ *                               to crash with gtkdrawing.
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_init();
+ * Instruct the drawing library to do all rendering based on
+ * the given collection of theme parts. If any members of the
+ * GtkThemeParts struct are NULL, they will be created lazily.
+ */
+moz_gtk_use_theme_parts(GtkThemeParts* parts);
+ * Enable GTK+ 1.2.9+ theme enhancements. You must provide a pointer
+ * to the GTK+ 1.2.9+ function "gtk_style_get_prop_experimental".
+ * styleGetProp:  pointer to gtk_style_get_prop_experimental
+ * 
+ * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_enable_style_props(style_prop_t styleGetProp);
+ * Perform cleanup of the drawing library. You should call this function
+ * when your program exits, or you no longer need the library.
+ *
+ * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_shutdown();
+ * Destroy the widgets in the given GtkThemeParts, which should
+ * be destroyed before the GtkThemeParts can be freed.
+ */
+void moz_gtk_destroy_theme_parts_widgets(GtkThemeParts* parts);
+/*** Widget drawing ***/
+ * Paint a widget in the current theme.
+ * widget:    a constant giving the widget to paint
+ * rect:      the bounding rectangle for the widget
+ * cliprect:  a clipprect rectangle for this painting operation
+ * state:     the state of the widget.  ignored for some widgets.
+ * flags:     widget-dependant flags; see the GtkThemeWidgetType definition.
+ * direction: the text direction, to draw the widget correctly LTR and RTL.
+ */
+moz_gtk_widget_paint(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, GdkDrawable* drawable,
+                     GdkRectangle* rect, GdkRectangle* cliprect,
+                     GtkWidgetState* state, gint flags,
+                     GtkTextDirection direction);
+/*** Widget metrics ***/
+ * Get the border size of a widget
+ * left/right:  [OUT] the widget's left/right border
+ * top/bottom:  [OUT] the widget's top/bottom border
+ * direction:   the text direction for the widget
+ * inhtml:      boolean indicating whether this widget will be drawn as a HTML form control,
+ *              in order to workaround a size issue (MOZ_GTK_BUTTON only, ignored otherwise)
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_widget_border(GtkThemeWidgetType widget, gint* left, gint* top, 
+                               gint* right, gint* bottom, GtkTextDirection direction,
+                               gboolean inhtml);
+ * Get the desired size of a GtkCheckButton
+ * indicator_size:     [OUT] the indicator size
+ * indicator_spacing:  [OUT] the spacing between the indicator and its
+ *                     container
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_checkbox_get_metrics(gint* indicator_size, gint* indicator_spacing);
+ * Get the desired size of a GtkRadioButton
+ * indicator_size:     [OUT] the indicator size
+ * indicator_spacing:  [OUT] the spacing between the indicator and its
+ *                     container
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_radio_get_metrics(gint* indicator_size, gint* indicator_spacing);
+ * Get the inner-border value for a GtkButton widget (button or tree header)
+ * widget:             [IN]  the widget to get the border value for 
+ * inner_border:       [OUT] the inner border
+ *
+ * returns:   MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_button_get_inner_border(GtkWidget* widget, GtkBorder* inner_border);
+/** Get the focus metrics for a treeheadercell, button, checkbox, or radio button.
+ * widget:             [IN]  the widget to get the focus metrics for    
+ * interior_focus:     [OUT] whether the focus is drawn around the
+ *                           label (TRUE) or around the whole container (FALSE)
+ * focus_width:        [OUT] the width of the focus line
+ * focus_pad:          [OUT] the padding between the focus line and children
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_widget_get_focus(GtkWidget* widget, gboolean* interior_focus,
+                         gint* focus_width, gint* focus_pad);
+ * Get the desired size of a GtkScale thumb
+ * orient:           [IN] the scale orientation
+ * thumb_length:     [OUT] the length of the thumb
+ * thumb_height:     [OUT] the height of the thumb
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_get_scalethumb_metrics(GtkOrientation orient, gint* thumb_length, gint* thumb_height);
+ * Get the desired metrics for a GtkScrollbar
+ * metrics:          [IN]  struct which will contain the metrics
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+moz_gtk_get_scrollbar_metrics(MozGtkScrollbarMetrics* metrics);
+ * Get the desired size of a dropdown arrow button
+ * width:   [OUT] the desired width
+ * height:  [OUT] the desired height
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_combo_box_entry_button_size(gint* width, gint* height);
+ * Get the desired size of a scroll arrow widget
+ * width:   [OUT] the desired width
+ * height:  [OUT] the desired height
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_tab_scroll_arrow_size(gint* width, gint* height);
+ * Get the desired size of a toolbar button dropdown arrow
+ * width:   [OUT] the desired width
+ * height:  [OUT] the desired height
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_downarrow_size(gint* width, gint* height);
+ * Get the desired size of a toolbar separator
+ * size:    [OUT] the desired width
+ *
+ * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_toolbar_separator_width(gint* size);
+ * Get the size of a regular GTK expander that shows/hides content
+ * size:    [OUT] the size of the GTK expander, size = width = height.
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_expander_size(gint* size);
+ * Get the size of a treeview's expander (we call them twisties)
+ * size:    [OUT] the size of the GTK expander, size = width = height.
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_treeview_expander_size(gint* size);
+ * Get the desired height of a menu separator
+ * size:    [OUT] the desired height
+ *
+ * returns: MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_menu_separator_height(gint* size);
+ * Get the desired size of a splitter
+ * size:          [OUT] width or height of the splitter handle
+ *
+ * returns:    MOZ_GTK_SUCCESS if there was no error, an error code otherwise
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_splitter_get_metrics(gint orientation, gint* size);
+ * Retrieve an actual GTK scrollbar widget for style analysis. It will not
+ * be modified.
+ */
+GtkWidget* moz_gtk_get_scrollbar_widget(void);
+ * Get the YTHICKNESS of a tab (notebook extension).
+ */
+gint moz_gtk_get_tab_thickness(void);
+ * Get a boolean which indicates whether or not to use images in menus.
+ * If TRUE, use images in menus.
+ */
+gboolean moz_gtk_images_in_menus(void);
+ * Retrieve an actual GTK progress bar widget for style analysis. It will not
+ * be modified.
+ */
+GtkWidget* moz_gtk_get_progress_widget(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */