changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
child 2 303757a437d3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebCore/plugins/symbian/PluginViewSymbian.cpp	Fri Sep 17 09:02:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "PluginView.h"
+#include "Bridge.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "DocumentLoader.h"
+#include "Element.h"
+#include "FocusController.h"
+#include "Frame.h"
+#include "FrameLoadRequest.h"
+#include "FrameLoader.h"
+#include "FrameTree.h"
+#include "FrameView.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "HTMLPlugInElement.h"
+#include "HostWindow.h"
+#include "Image.h"
+#include "JSDOMBinding.h"
+#include "KeyboardEvent.h"
+#include "MouseEvent.h"
+#include "NotImplemented.h"
+#include "Page.h"
+#include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h"
+#include "PlatformMouseEvent.h"
+#include "PluginContainerSymbian.h"
+#include "PluginDebug.h"
+#include "PluginMainThreadScheduler.h"
+#include "PluginPackage.h"
+#include "QWebPageClient.h"
+#include "RenderLayer.h"
+#include "ScriptController.h"
+#include "Settings.h"
+#include "npfunctions.h"
+#include "npinterface.h"
+#include "npruntime_impl.h"
+#include "qgraphicswebview.h"
+#include "runtime_root.h"
+#include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QRegion>
+#include <QVector>
+#include <QWidget>
+#include <runtime/JSLock.h>
+#include <runtime/JSValue.h>
+using JSC::ExecState;
+using JSC::Interpreter;
+using JSC::JSLock;
+using JSC::JSObject;
+using JSC::UString;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace WTF;
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace HTMLNames;
+void PluginView::updatePluginWidget()
+    if (!parent())
+        return;
+    ASSERT(parent()->isFrameView());
+    FrameView* frameView = static_cast<FrameView*>(parent());
+    IntRect oldWindowRect = m_windowRect;
+    IntRect oldClipRect = m_clipRect;
+    m_windowRect = IntRect(frameView->contentsToWindow(frameRect().location()), frameRect().size());
+    m_clipRect = windowClipRect();
+    m_clipRect.move(-m_windowRect.x(), -m_windowRect.y());
+    if (m_windowRect == oldWindowRect && m_clipRect == oldClipRect)
+        return;
+    // in order to move/resize the plugin window at the same time as the rest of frame
+    // during e.g. scrolling, we set the mask and geometry in the paint() function, but
+    // as paint() isn't called when the plugin window is outside the frame which can
+    // be caused by a scroll, we need to move/resize immediately.
+    if (!m_windowRect.intersects(frameView->frameRect()))
+        setNPWindowIfNeeded();
+void PluginView::setFocus(bool focused)
+    if (platformPluginWidget()) {
+        if (focused)
+            platformPluginWidget()->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason);
+    } else {
+        Widget::setFocus(focused);
+    }
+void PluginView::show()
+    setSelfVisible(true);
+    if (isParentVisible() && platformPluginWidget())
+        platformPluginWidget()->setVisible(true);
+void PluginView::hide()
+    setSelfVisible(false);
+    if (isParentVisible() && platformPluginWidget())
+        platformPluginWidget()->setVisible(false);
+void PluginView::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntRect& rect)
+    if (!m_isStarted) {
+        paintMissingPluginIcon(context, rect);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (context->paintingDisabled())
+        return;
+    m_npWindow.ws_info = (void*)(context->platformContext());
+    setNPWindowIfNeeded();
+    if (m_isWindowed && platformPluginWidget())
+        static_cast<PluginContainerSymbian*>(platformPluginWidget())->adjustGeometry();
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    context->save();
+    IntRect clipRect(rect);
+    clipRect.intersect(frameRect());
+    context->clip(clipRect);
+    context->translate(frameRect().location().x(), frameRect().location().y());
+    QPaintEvent ev(rect);
+    QEvent& npEvent = ev;
+    dispatchNPEvent(npEvent);
+    context->restore();
+// TODO: Unify across ports.
+bool PluginView::dispatchNPEvent(NPEvent& event)
+    if (!m_plugin->pluginFuncs()->event)
+        return false;
+    PluginView::setCurrentPluginView(this);
+    JSC::JSLock::DropAllLocks dropAllLocks(JSC::SilenceAssertionsOnly);
+    setCallingPlugin(true);
+    bool accepted = m_plugin->pluginFuncs()->event(m_instance, &event);
+    setCallingPlugin(false);
+    PluginView::setCurrentPluginView(0);
+    return accepted;
+void PluginView::handleKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent* event)
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    QEvent& npEvent = *(event->keyEvent()->qtEvent());
+    if (!dispatchNPEvent(npEvent))
+        event->setDefaultHandled();
+void PluginView::handleMouseEvent(MouseEvent* event)
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent) {
+        // Give focus to the plugin on click
+        if (Page* page = m_parentFrame->page())
+            page->focusController()->setActive(true);
+        focusPluginElement();
+    }
+    QEvent::Type type;
+    if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent)
+        type = QEvent::MouseButtonPress;
+    else if (event->type() == eventNames().mousemoveEvent)
+        type = QEvent::MouseMove;
+    else if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent)
+        type = QEvent::MouseButtonRelease;
+    else
+        return;
+    QPoint position(event->offsetX(), event->offsetY());
+    Qt::MouseButton button;
+    switch (event->which()) {
+    case 1:
+        button = Qt::LeftButton;
+        break;
+    case 2:
+        button = Qt::MidButton;
+        break;
+    case 3:
+        button = Qt::RightButton;
+        break;
+    default:
+        button = Qt::NoButton;
+    }
+    Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0;
+    if (event->ctrlKey())
+        modifiers |= Qt::ControlModifier;
+    if (event->altKey())
+        modifiers |= Qt::AltModifier;
+    if (event->shiftKey())
+        modifiers |= Qt::ShiftModifier;
+    if (event->metaKey())
+        modifiers |= Qt::MetaModifier;
+    QMouseEvent mouseEvent(type, position, button, button, modifiers); 
+    QEvent& npEvent = mouseEvent;
+    if (!dispatchNPEvent(npEvent))
+        event->setDefaultHandled();
+void PluginView::setParent(ScrollView* parent)
+    Widget::setParent(parent);
+    if (parent)
+        init();
+void PluginView::setNPWindowRect(const IntRect&)
+    if (!m_isWindowed)
+        setNPWindowIfNeeded();
+void PluginView::setNPWindowIfNeeded()
+    if (!m_isStarted || !parent() || !m_plugin->pluginFuncs()->setwindow)
+        return;
+    if (m_isWindowed) {
+        ASSERT(platformPluginWidget());
+        platformPluginWidget()->setGeometry(m_windowRect);
+        // if setMask is set with an empty QRegion, no clipping will
+        // be performed, so in that case we hide the plugin view
+        platformPluginWidget()->setVisible(!m_clipRect.isEmpty());
+        platformPluginWidget()->setMask(QRegion(m_clipRect));
+        m_npWindow.x = m_windowRect.x();
+        m_npWindow.y = m_windowRect.y();
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.left = max(0, m_clipRect.x());
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.top = max(0, m_clipRect.y());
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.right = m_clipRect.x() + m_clipRect.width();
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.bottom = m_clipRect.y() + m_clipRect.height();
+    } else {
+        // always call this method before painting.
+        m_npWindow.x = 0;
+        m_npWindow.y = 0;
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.left = 0;
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.top = 0;
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.right = m_windowRect.width();
+        m_npWindow.clipRect.bottom = m_windowRect.height();
+        m_npWindow.window = 0;
+    }
+    m_npWindow.width = m_windowRect.width();
+    m_npWindow.height = m_windowRect.height();
+    PluginView::setCurrentPluginView(this);
+    JSC::JSLock::DropAllLocks dropAllLocks(JSC::SilenceAssertionsOnly);
+    setCallingPlugin(true);
+    m_plugin->pluginFuncs()->setwindow(m_instance, &m_npWindow);
+    setCallingPlugin(false);
+    PluginView::setCurrentPluginView(0);
+void PluginView::setParentVisible(bool visible)
+    if (isParentVisible() == visible)
+        return;
+    Widget::setParentVisible(visible);
+    if (isSelfVisible() && platformPluginWidget())
+        platformPluginWidget()->setVisible(visible);
+NPError PluginView::handlePostReadFile(Vector<char>& buffer, uint32_t len, const char* buf)
+    notImplemented();
+    return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+bool PluginView::platformGetValueStatic(NPNVariable variable, void* value, NPError* result)
+    switch (variable) {
+    case NPNVjavascriptEnabledBool:
+        *static_cast<NPBool*>(value) = true;
+        *result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+        return true;
+    case NPNVSupportsWindowless:
+        *static_cast<NPBool*>(value) = true;
+        *result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+        return true;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+bool PluginView::platformGetValue(NPNVariable, void*, NPError*)
+    return false;
+void PluginView::invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect)
+    if (m_isWindowed) {
+        platformWidget()->update(rect);
+        return;
+    }
+    invalidateWindowlessPluginRect(rect);
+void PluginView::invalidateRect(NPRect* rect)
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    if (!rect) {
+        invalidate();
+        return;
+    }
+    IntRect r(rect->left, rect->top, rect->right - rect->left, rect->bottom - rect->top);
+    m_invalidRects.append(r);
+    if (!m_invalidateTimer.isActive())
+        m_invalidateTimer.startOneShot(0.001);
+void PluginView::invalidateRegion(NPRegion region)
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    if (!region) 
+        return;
+    QVector<QRect> rects = region->rects();
+    for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i) {
+        const QRect& qRect = rects.at(i);
+        m_invalidRects.append(qRect);
+        if (!m_invalidateTimer.isActive())
+            m_invalidateTimer.startOneShot(0.001);
+    }
+void PluginView::forceRedraw()
+    if (m_isWindowed)
+        return;
+    invalidate();
+bool PluginView::platformStart()
+    ASSERT(m_isStarted);
+    ASSERT(m_status == PluginStatusLoadedSuccessfully);
+    show();
+    if (m_isWindowed) {
+        QWebPageClient* client = m_parentFrame->view()->hostWindow()->platformPageClient();
+        QGraphicsProxyWidget* proxy = 0;
+        if (QGraphicsWebView *webView = qobject_cast<QGraphicsWebView*>(client->pluginParent()))
+            proxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget(webView);
+        PluginContainerSymbian* container = new PluginContainerSymbian(this, proxy ? 0 : client->ownerWidget(), proxy);
+        setPlatformWidget(container);
+        if (proxy)
+            proxy->setWidget(container);
+        m_npWindow.type = NPWindowTypeWindow;
+        m_npWindow.window = (void*)platformPluginWidget();
+    } else {
+        setPlatformWidget(0);
+        m_npWindow.type = NPWindowTypeDrawable;
+        m_npWindow.window = 0; // Not used?
+    }    
+    setNPWindowIfNeeded();
+    return true;
+void PluginView::platformDestroy()
+    if (platformPluginWidget()) {
+        PluginContainerSymbian* container = static_cast<PluginContainerSymbian*>(platformPluginWidget());
+        if (container && container->proxy())
+            delete container->proxy();
+        else
+            delete container;
+    }
+void PluginView::halt()
+void PluginView::restart()
+} // namespace WebCore