changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebCore/rendering/RenderSVGResourceGradient.cpp	Fri Sep 17 09:02:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org>
+ *               2008 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org>
+ *               2008 Dirk Schulze <krit@webkit.org>
+ * Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "RenderSVGResourceGradient.h"
+#include "GradientAttributes.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "SVGRenderSupport.h"
+#include <wtf/UnusedParam.h>
+namespace WebCore {
+RenderSVGResourceGradient::RenderSVGResourceGradient(SVGGradientElement* node)
+    : RenderSVGResourceContainer(node)
+    , m_savedContext(0)
+    deleteAllValues(m_gradient);
+    m_gradient.clear();
+void RenderSVGResourceGradient::invalidateClients()
+    const HashMap<RenderObject*, GradientData*>::const_iterator end = m_gradient.end();
+    for (HashMap<RenderObject*, GradientData*>::const_iterator it = m_gradient.begin(); it != end; ++it)
+        markForLayoutAndResourceInvalidation(it->first, false);
+    deleteAllValues(m_gradient);
+    m_gradient.clear();
+void RenderSVGResourceGradient::invalidateClient(RenderObject* object)
+    ASSERT(object);
+    if (!m_gradient.contains(object))
+        return;
+    delete m_gradient.take(object);
+    markForLayoutAndResourceInvalidation(object, false);
+static inline AffineTransform absoluteTransformFromContext(GraphicsContext* context)
+    // Extract current transformation matrix used in the original context. Note that this coordinate
+    // system is flipped compared to SVGs internal coordinate system, done in WebKit level. Fix
+    // this transformation by flipping the y component.
+    return context->getCTM() * AffineTransform().flipY();
+static inline bool createMaskAndSwapContextForTextGradient(GraphicsContext*& context,
+                                                           GraphicsContext*& savedContext,
+                                                           OwnPtr<ImageBuffer>& imageBuffer,
+                                                           const RenderObject* object)
+    const RenderObject* textRootBlock = SVGRenderSupport::findTextRootObject(object);
+    AffineTransform transform(absoluteTransformFromContext(context));
+    FloatRect maskAbsoluteBoundingBox = transform.mapRect(textRootBlock->repaintRectInLocalCoordinates());
+    IntRect maskImageRect = enclosingIntRect(maskAbsoluteBoundingBox);
+    if (maskImageRect.isEmpty())
+        return false;
+    // Allocate an image buffer as big as the absolute unclipped size of the object
+    OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> maskImage = ImageBuffer::create(maskImageRect.size());
+    if (!maskImage)
+        return false;
+    GraphicsContext* maskImageContext = maskImage->context();
+    // Transform the mask image coordinate system to absolute screen coordinates
+    maskImageContext->translate(-maskAbsoluteBoundingBox.x(), -maskAbsoluteBoundingBox.y());
+    maskImageContext->concatCTM(transform);
+    imageBuffer = maskImage.release();
+    savedContext = context;
+    context = maskImageContext;
+    return true;
+static inline AffineTransform clipToTextMask(GraphicsContext* context,
+                                             OwnPtr<ImageBuffer>& imageBuffer,
+                                             const RenderObject* object,
+                                             GradientData* gradientData)
+    const RenderObject* textRootBlock = SVGRenderSupport::findTextRootObject(object);
+    // The mask image has been created in the device coordinate space, as the image should not be scaled.
+    // So the actual masking process has to be done in the device coordinate space as well.
+    AffineTransform transform(absoluteTransformFromContext(context));
+    context->concatCTM(transform.inverse());
+    context->clipToImageBuffer(transform.mapRect(textRootBlock->repaintRectInLocalCoordinates()), imageBuffer.get());
+    context->concatCTM(transform);
+    AffineTransform matrix;
+    if (gradientData->boundingBoxMode) {
+        FloatRect maskBoundingBox = textRootBlock->objectBoundingBox();
+        matrix.translate(maskBoundingBox.x(), maskBoundingBox.y());
+        matrix.scaleNonUniform(maskBoundingBox.width(), maskBoundingBox.height());
+    }
+    matrix.multLeft(gradientData->transform);
+    return matrix;
+bool RenderSVGResourceGradient::applyResource(RenderObject* object, RenderStyle* style, GraphicsContext*& context, unsigned short resourceMode)
+    ASSERT(object);
+    ASSERT(style);
+    ASSERT(context);
+    ASSERT(resourceMode != ApplyToDefaultMode);
+    // Be sure to synchronize all SVG properties on the gradientElement _before_ processing any further.
+    // Otherwhise the call to collectGradientAttributes() in createTileImage(), may cause the SVG DOM property
+    // synchronization to kick in, which causes invalidateClients() to be called, which in turn deletes our
+    // GradientData object! Leaving out the line below will cause svg/dynamic-updates/SVG*GradientElement-svgdom* to crash.
+    SVGGradientElement* gradientElement = static_cast<SVGGradientElement*>(node());
+    if (!gradientElement)
+        return false;
+    gradientElement->updateAnimatedSVGAttribute(anyQName());
+    if (!m_gradient.contains(object))
+        m_gradient.set(object, new GradientData);
+    GradientData* gradientData = m_gradient.get(object);
+    bool isPaintingText = resourceMode & ApplyToTextMode;
+    // Create gradient object
+    if (!gradientData->gradient) {
+        buildGradient(gradientData, gradientElement);
+        // CG platforms will handle the gradient space transform for text after applying the
+        // resource, so don't apply it here. For non-CG platforms, we want the text bounding
+        // box applied to the gradient space transform now, so the gradient shader can use it.
+        if (gradientData->boundingBoxMode && !isPaintingText) {
+        if (gradientData->boundingBoxMode) {
+            FloatRect objectBoundingBox = object->objectBoundingBox();
+            gradientData->userspaceTransform.translate(objectBoundingBox.x(), objectBoundingBox.y());
+            gradientData->userspaceTransform.scaleNonUniform(objectBoundingBox.width(), objectBoundingBox.height());
+        }
+        gradientData->userspaceTransform.multLeft(gradientData->transform);
+        gradientData->gradient->setGradientSpaceTransform(gradientData->userspaceTransform);
+    }
+    if (!gradientData->gradient)
+        return false;
+    // Draw gradient
+    context->save();
+    if (isPaintingText) {
+        if (!createMaskAndSwapContextForTextGradient(context, m_savedContext, m_imageBuffer, object)) {
+            context->restore();
+            return false;
+        }
+        context->setTextDrawingMode(resourceMode & ApplyToFillMode ? cTextFill : cTextStroke);
+    }
+    const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle();
+    ASSERT(svgStyle);
+    if (resourceMode & ApplyToFillMode) {
+        context->setAlpha(svgStyle->fillOpacity());
+        context->setFillGradient(gradientData->gradient);
+        context->setFillRule(svgStyle->fillRule());
+    } else if (resourceMode & ApplyToStrokeMode) {
+        if (svgStyle->vectorEffect() == VE_NON_SCALING_STROKE)
+            gradientData->gradient->setGradientSpaceTransform(transformOnNonScalingStroke(object, gradientData->userspaceTransform));
+        context->setAlpha(svgStyle->strokeOpacity());
+        context->setStrokeGradient(gradientData->gradient);
+        SVGRenderSupport::applyStrokeStyleToContext(context, style, object);
+    }
+    return true;
+void RenderSVGResourceGradient::postApplyResource(RenderObject* object, GraphicsContext*& context, unsigned short resourceMode)
+    ASSERT(context);
+    ASSERT(resourceMode != ApplyToDefaultMode);
+    if (resourceMode & ApplyToTextMode) {
+        // CG requires special handling for gradient on text
+        if (m_savedContext && m_gradient.contains(object)) {
+            GradientData* gradientData = m_gradient.get(object);
+            // Restore on-screen drawing context
+            context = m_savedContext;
+            m_savedContext = 0;
+            gradientData->gradient->setGradientSpaceTransform(clipToTextMask(context, m_imageBuffer, object, gradientData));
+            context->setFillGradient(gradientData->gradient);
+            const RenderObject* textRootBlock = SVGRenderSupport::findTextRootObject(object);
+            context->fillRect(textRootBlock->repaintRectInLocalCoordinates());
+            m_imageBuffer.clear();
+        }
+        UNUSED_PARAM(object);
+    } else {
+        if (resourceMode & ApplyToFillMode)
+            context->fillPath();
+        else if (resourceMode & ApplyToStrokeMode)
+            context->strokePath();
+    }
+    context->restore();
+void RenderSVGResourceGradient::addStops(GradientData* gradientData, const Vector<Gradient::ColorStop>& stops) const
+    ASSERT(gradientData->gradient);
+    const Vector<Gradient::ColorStop>::const_iterator end = stops.end();
+    for (Vector<Gradient::ColorStop>::const_iterator it = stops.begin(); it != end; ++it)
+        gradientData->gradient->addColorStop(*it);