changeset 0 4f2f89ce4247
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/WebCore/rendering/RenderTextControlSingleLine.cpp	Fri Sep 17 09:02:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *           (C) 2008 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/) 
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "RenderTextControlSingleLine.h"
+#include "CSSStyleSelector.h"
+#include "Event.h"
+#include "EventNames.h"
+#include "Frame.h"
+#include "FrameView.h"
+#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
+#include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "HitTestResult.h"
+#include "InputElement.h"
+#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
+#include "MouseEvent.h"
+#include "PlatformKeyboardEvent.h"
+#include "RenderLayer.h"
+#include "RenderScrollbar.h"
+#include "RenderTheme.h"
+#include "SearchPopupMenu.h"
+#include "SelectionController.h"
+#include "Settings.h"
+#include "SimpleFontData.h"
+#include "TextControlInnerElements.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace HTMLNames;
+RenderTextControlSingleLine::RenderTextControlSingleLine(Node* node, bool placeholderVisible)
+    : RenderTextControl(node, placeholderVisible)
+    , m_searchPopupIsVisible(false)
+    , m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator(false)
+    , m_searchEventTimer(this, &RenderTextControlSingleLine::searchEventTimerFired)
+    , m_searchPopup(0)
+    if (m_searchPopup) {
+        m_searchPopup->disconnectClient();
+        m_searchPopup = 0;
+    }
+    if (m_innerBlock)
+        m_innerBlock->detach();
+    if (m_innerSpinButton)
+        m_innerSpinButton->detach();
+    if (m_outerSpinButton)
+        m_outerSpinButton->detach();
+RenderStyle* RenderTextControlSingleLine::textBaseStyle() const
+    return m_innerBlock ? m_innerBlock->renderer()->style() : style();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::addSearchResult()
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());
+    if (input->maxResults() <= 0)
+        return;
+    String value = input->value();
+    if (value.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    Settings* settings = document()->settings();
+    if (!settings || settings->privateBrowsingEnabled())
+        return;
+    int size = static_cast<int>(m_recentSearches.size());
+    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        if (m_recentSearches[i] == value)
+            m_recentSearches.remove(i);
+    }
+    m_recentSearches.insert(0, value);
+    while (static_cast<int>(m_recentSearches.size()) > input->maxResults())
+        m_recentSearches.removeLast();
+    const AtomicString& name = autosaveName();
+    if (!m_searchPopup)
+        m_searchPopup = SearchPopupMenu::create(this);
+    m_searchPopup->saveRecentSearches(name, m_recentSearches);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::stopSearchEventTimer()
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    m_searchEventTimer.stop();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::showPopup()
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    if (m_searchPopupIsVisible)
+        return;
+    if (!m_searchPopup)
+        m_searchPopup = SearchPopupMenu::create(this);
+    if (!m_searchPopup->enabled())
+        return;
+    m_searchPopupIsVisible = true;
+    const AtomicString& name = autosaveName();
+    m_searchPopup->loadRecentSearches(name, m_recentSearches);
+    // Trim the recent searches list if the maximum size has changed since we last saved.
+    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());
+    if (static_cast<int>(m_recentSearches.size()) > input->maxResults()) {
+        do {
+            m_recentSearches.removeLast();
+        } while (static_cast<int>(m_recentSearches.size()) > input->maxResults());
+        m_searchPopup->saveRecentSearches(name, m_recentSearches);
+    }
+    m_searchPopup->show(absoluteBoundingBoxRect(true), document()->view(), -1);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::hidePopup()
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    if (m_searchPopup)
+        m_searchPopup->hide();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::subtreeHasChanged()
+    bool wasChanged = wasChangedSinceLastChangeEvent();
+    RenderTextControl::subtreeHasChanged();
+    InputElement* input = inputElement();
+    // We don't need to call sanitizeUserInputValue() function here because
+    // InputElement::handleBeforeTextInsertedEvent() has already called
+    // sanitizeUserInputValue().
+    // sanitizeValue() is needed because IME input doesn't dispatch BeforeTextInsertedEvent.
+    input->setValueFromRenderer(input->sanitizeValue(text()));
+    if (m_cancelButton)
+        updateCancelButtonVisibility();
+    // If the incremental attribute is set, then dispatch the search event
+    if (input->searchEventsShouldBeDispatched())
+        startSearchEventTimer();
+    if (!wasChanged && node()->focused()) {
+        if (Frame* frame = this->frame())
+            frame->textFieldDidBeginEditing(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
+    }
+    if (node()->focused()) {
+        if (Frame* frame = document()->frame())
+            frame->textDidChangeInTextField(static_cast<Element*>(node()));
+    }
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
+    RenderTextControl::paint(paintInfo, tx, ty);
+    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground && m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator) {
+        IntRect contentsRect = contentBoxRect();
+        // Center vertically like the text.
+        contentsRect.setY((height() - contentsRect.height()) / 2);
+        // Convert the rect into the coords used for painting the content
+        contentsRect.move(tx + x(), ty + y());
+        theme()->paintCapsLockIndicator(this, paintInfo, contentsRect);
+    }
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
+    paintBoxDecorationsWithSize(paintInfo, tx, ty, width() - decorationWidthRight(), height());
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::addFocusRingRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int tx, int ty)
+    int w = width() - decorationWidthRight();
+    if (w && height())
+        rects.append(IntRect(tx, ty, w, height()));
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::layout()
+    int oldHeight = height();
+    calcHeight();
+    int oldWidth = width();
+    calcWidth();
+    bool relayoutChildren = oldHeight != height() || oldWidth != width();
+    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
+    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = m_innerBlock ? m_innerBlock->renderBox() : 0;
+    // Set the text block height
+    int desiredHeight = textBlockHeight();
+    int currentHeight = innerTextRenderer->height();
+    if (currentHeight > height()) {
+        if (desiredHeight != currentHeight)
+            relayoutChildren = true;
+        innerTextRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
+        if (m_innerBlock)
+            innerBlockRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length(desiredHeight, Fixed));
+    }
+    // Set the text block width
+    int desiredWidth = textBlockWidth();
+    if (desiredWidth != innerTextRenderer->width())
+        relayoutChildren = true;
+    innerTextRenderer->style()->setWidth(Length(desiredWidth, Fixed));
+    if (m_innerBlock) {
+        int innerBlockWidth = width() - borderAndPaddingWidth();
+        if (innerBlockWidth != innerBlockRenderer->width())
+            relayoutChildren = true;
+        innerBlockRenderer->style()->setWidth(Length(innerBlockWidth, Fixed));
+    }
+    RenderBlock::layoutBlock(relayoutChildren);
+    // Center the child block vertically
+    RenderBox* childBlock = innerBlockRenderer ? innerBlockRenderer : innerTextRenderer;
+    currentHeight = childBlock->height();
+    if (currentHeight < height())
+        childBlock->setY((height() - currentHeight) / 2);
+    // Ignores the paddings for the inner spin button.
+    if (RenderBox* spinBox = m_innerSpinButton ? m_innerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        spinBox->setLocation(spinBox->x() + paddingRight(), borderTop());
+        spinBox->setHeight(height() - borderTop() - borderBottom());
+    }
+    // Center the spin button vertically, and move it to the right by
+    // padding + border of the text fields.
+    if (RenderBox* spinBox = m_outerSpinButton ? m_outerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        int diff = height() - spinBox->height();
+        // If the diff is odd, the top area over the spin button takes the
+        // remaining one pixel. It's good for Mac NSStepper because it has
+        // shadow at the bottom.
+        int y = (diff / 2) + (diff % 2);
+        int x = width() - borderRight() - paddingRight() - spinBox->width();
+        spinBox->setLocation(x, y);
+    }
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int xPos, int yPos, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
+    // If we're within the text control, we want to act as if we've hit the inner text block element, in case the point
+    // was on the control but not on the inner element (see Radar 4617841).
+    // In a search field, we want to act as if we've hit the results block if we're to the left of the inner text block,
+    // and act as if we've hit the close block if we're to the right of the inner text block.
+    if (!RenderTextControl::nodeAtPoint(request, result, xPos, yPos, tx, ty, hitTestAction))
+        return false;
+    // If we hit a node inside the inner text element, say that we hit that element,
+    // and if we hit our node (e.g. we're over the border or padding), also say that we hit the
+    // inner text element so that it gains focus.
+    if (result.innerNode()->isDescendantOf(innerTextElement()) || result.innerNode() == node())
+        hitInnerTextElement(result, xPos, yPos, tx, ty);
+    // If we found a spin button, we're done.
+    if (m_innerSpinButton && result.innerNode() == m_innerSpinButton)
+        return true;
+    if (m_outerSpinButton && result.innerNode() == m_outerSpinButton)
+        return true;
+    // If we're not a search field, or we already found the speech, results or cancel buttons, we're done.
+    if (!m_innerBlock || result.innerNode() == m_resultsButton || result.innerNode() == m_cancelButton)
+        return true;
+    if (m_innerBlock && m_speechButton && result.innerNode() == m_speechButton)
+        return true;
+    Node* innerNode = 0;
+    RenderBox* innerBlockRenderer = m_innerBlock->renderBox();
+    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
+    IntPoint localPoint = result.localPoint();
+    localPoint.move(-innerBlockRenderer->x(), -innerBlockRenderer->y());
+    int textLeft = tx + x() + innerBlockRenderer->x() + innerTextRenderer->x();
+    if (m_resultsButton && m_resultsButton->renderer() && xPos < textLeft)
+        innerNode = m_resultsButton.get();
+    if (!innerNode && m_speechButton && m_speechButton->renderer()) {
+        int buttonLeft = textLeft + innerTextRenderer->width();
+        if (m_cancelButton) {
+            RenderBox* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton->renderBox();
+            cancelRenderer->calcWidth();
+            buttonLeft += cancelRenderer->width() + cancelRenderer->marginLeft() + cancelRenderer->marginRight();
+        }
+        if (xPos > buttonLeft)
+            innerNode = m_speechButton.get();
+    }
+    if (!innerNode) {
+        int textRight = textLeft + innerTextRenderer->width();
+        if (m_cancelButton && m_cancelButton->renderer() && xPos > textRight)
+            innerNode = m_cancelButton.get();
+    }
+    if (innerNode) {
+        result.setInnerNode(innerNode);
+        localPoint.move(-innerNode->renderBox()->x(), -innerNode->renderBox()->y());
+    }
+    result.setLocalPoint(localPoint);
+    return true;
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::forwardEvent(Event* event)
+    RenderBox* innerTextRenderer = innerTextElement()->renderBox();
+    if (event->type() == eventNames().blurEvent) {
+        if (innerTextRenderer) {
+            if (RenderLayer* innerLayer = innerTextRenderer->layer())
+                innerLayer->scrollToOffset(style()->direction() == RTL ? innerLayer->scrollWidth() : 0, 0);
+        }
+        capsLockStateMayHaveChanged();
+    } else if (event->type() == eventNames().focusEvent)
+        capsLockStateMayHaveChanged();
+    if (!event->isMouseEvent()) {
+        RenderTextControl::forwardEvent(event);
+        return;
+    }
+    FloatPoint localPoint = innerTextRenderer->absoluteToLocal(static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->absoluteLocation(), false, true);
+    int textRight = innerTextRenderer->borderBoxRect().right();
+    if (RenderBox* speechBox = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        if (localPoint.x() >= speechBox->x() && localPoint.x() < speechBox->x() + speechBox->width()) {
+            m_speechButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_resultsButton && localPoint.x() < innerTextRenderer->borderBoxRect().x())
+        m_resultsButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
+    else if (m_cancelButton && localPoint.x() > textRight)
+        m_cancelButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
+    else if (m_innerSpinButton && localPoint.x() > textRight && localPoint.x() < textRight + m_innerSpinButton->renderBox()->width())
+        m_innerSpinButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
+    else if (m_outerSpinButton && localPoint.x() > textRight)
+        m_outerSpinButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
+    else
+        RenderTextControl::forwardEvent(event);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
+    RenderTextControl::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
+    if (RenderObject* innerBlockRenderer = m_innerBlock ? m_innerBlock->renderer() : 0) {
+        // We may have set the width and the height in the old style in layout().
+        // Reset them now to avoid getting a spurious layout hint.
+        innerBlockRenderer->style()->setHeight(Length());
+        innerBlockRenderer->style()->setWidth(Length());
+        innerBlockRenderer->setStyle(createInnerBlockStyle(style()));
+    }
+    if (RenderObject* resultsRenderer = m_resultsButton ? m_resultsButton->renderer() : 0)
+        resultsRenderer->setStyle(createResultsButtonStyle(style()));
+    if (RenderObject* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton ? m_cancelButton->renderer() : 0)
+        cancelRenderer->setStyle(createCancelButtonStyle(style()));
+    if (RenderObject* spinRenderer = m_outerSpinButton ? m_outerSpinButton->renderer() : 0)
+        spinRenderer->setStyle(createOuterSpinButtonStyle());
+    if (RenderObject* speechRenderer = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderer() : 0)
+        speechRenderer->setStyle(createSpeechButtonStyle(style()));
+    setHasOverflowClip(false);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::capsLockStateMayHaveChanged()
+    if (!node() || !document())
+        return;
+    // Only draw the caps lock indicator if these things are true:
+    // 1) The field is a password field
+    // 2) The frame is active
+    // 3) The element is focused
+    // 4) The caps lock is on
+    bool shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator = false;
+    if (Frame* frame = document()->frame())
+        shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator = inputElement()->isPasswordField()
+                                      && frame->selection()->isFocusedAndActive()
+                                      && document()->focusedNode() == node()
+                                      && PlatformKeyboardEvent::currentCapsLockState();
+    if (shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator != m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator) {
+        m_shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator = shouldDrawCapsLockIndicator;
+        repaint();
+    }
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::hasControlClip() const
+    bool clip = m_cancelButton;
+    if (m_speechButton)
+        clip = true;
+    return clip;
+IntRect RenderTextControlSingleLine::controlClipRect(int tx, int ty) const
+    // This should only get called for search & speech inputs.
+    ASSERT(hasControlClip());
+    IntRect clipRect = IntRect(m_innerBlock->renderBox()->frameRect());
+    clipRect.move(tx, ty);
+    return clipRect;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::textBlockWidth() const
+    int width = RenderTextControl::textBlockWidth();
+    if (RenderBox* resultsRenderer = m_resultsButton ? m_resultsButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        resultsRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width -= resultsRenderer->width() + resultsRenderer->marginLeft() + resultsRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    if (RenderBox* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton ? m_cancelButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        cancelRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width -= cancelRenderer->width() + cancelRenderer->marginLeft() + cancelRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    if (RenderBox* spinRenderer = m_innerSpinButton ? m_innerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        spinRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width -= spinRenderer->width() + spinRenderer->marginLeft() + spinRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    if (RenderBox* speechRenderer = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        speechRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width -= speechRenderer->width() + speechRenderer->marginLeft() + speechRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    return width - decorationWidthRight();
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::decorationWidthRight() const
+    int width = 0;
+    if (RenderBox* spinRenderer = m_outerSpinButton ? m_outerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        spinRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width += spinRenderer->width() + spinRenderer->marginLeft() + spinRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    if (width > 0)
+        width += paddingRight() + borderRight();
+    return width;
+float RenderTextControlSingleLine::getAvgCharWidth(AtomicString family)
+    // Since Lucida Grande is the default font, we want this to match the width
+    // of MS Shell Dlg, the default font for textareas in Firefox, Safari Win and
+    // IE for some encodings (in IE, the default font is encoding specific).
+    // 901 is the avgCharWidth value in the OS/2 table for MS Shell Dlg.
+    if (family == AtomicString("Lucida Grande"))
+        return scaleEmToUnits(901);
+    return RenderTextControl::getAvgCharWidth(family);
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::preferredContentWidth(float charWidth) const
+    int factor = inputElement()->size();
+    if (factor <= 0)
+        factor = 20;
+    int result = static_cast<int>(ceilf(charWidth * factor));
+    float maxCharWidth = 0.f;
+    AtomicString family = style()->font().family().family();
+    // Since Lucida Grande is the default font, we want this to match the width
+    // of MS Shell Dlg, the default font for textareas in Firefox, Safari Win and
+    // IE for some encodings (in IE, the default font is encoding specific).
+    // 4027 is the (xMax - xMin) value in the "head" font table for MS Shell Dlg.
+    if (family == AtomicString("Lucida Grande"))
+        maxCharWidth = scaleEmToUnits(4027);
+    else if (hasValidAvgCharWidth(family))
+        maxCharWidth = roundf(style()->font().primaryFont()->maxCharWidth());
+    // For text inputs, IE adds some extra width.
+    if (maxCharWidth > 0.f)
+        result += maxCharWidth - charWidth;
+    if (RenderBox* resultsRenderer = m_resultsButton ? m_resultsButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        result += resultsRenderer->borderLeft() + resultsRenderer->borderRight() +
+                  resultsRenderer->paddingLeft() + resultsRenderer->paddingRight();
+    if (RenderBox* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton ? m_cancelButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        result += cancelRenderer->borderLeft() + cancelRenderer->borderRight() +
+                  cancelRenderer->paddingLeft() + cancelRenderer->paddingRight();
+    if (RenderBox* spinRenderer = m_innerSpinButton ? m_innerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        result += spinRenderer->minPrefWidth();
+    if (RenderBox* speechRenderer = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        result += speechRenderer->borderLeft() + speechRenderer->borderRight() +
+                  speechRenderer->paddingLeft() + speechRenderer->paddingRight();
+    }
+    return result;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::preferredDecorationWidthRight() const
+    int width = 0;
+    if (RenderBox* spinRenderer = m_outerSpinButton ? m_outerSpinButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        spinRenderer->calcWidth();
+        width += spinRenderer->minPrefWidth() + spinRenderer->marginLeft() + spinRenderer->marginRight();
+    }
+    if (width > 0)
+        width += paddingRight() + borderRight();
+    return width;
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::adjustControlHeightBasedOnLineHeight(int lineHeight)
+    if (RenderBox* resultsRenderer = m_resultsButton ? m_resultsButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        toRenderBlock(resultsRenderer)->calcHeight();
+        setHeight(max(height(),
+                  resultsRenderer->borderTop() + resultsRenderer->borderBottom() +
+                  resultsRenderer->paddingTop() + resultsRenderer->paddingBottom() +
+                  resultsRenderer->marginTop() + resultsRenderer->marginBottom()));
+        lineHeight = max(lineHeight, resultsRenderer->height());
+    }
+    if (RenderBox* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton ? m_cancelButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        toRenderBlock(cancelRenderer)->calcHeight();
+        setHeight(max(height(),
+                  cancelRenderer->borderTop() + cancelRenderer->borderBottom() +
+                  cancelRenderer->paddingTop() + cancelRenderer->paddingBottom() +
+                  cancelRenderer->marginTop() + cancelRenderer->marginBottom()));
+        lineHeight = max(lineHeight, cancelRenderer->height());
+    }
+    if (RenderBox* speechRenderer = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderBox() : 0) {
+        toRenderBlock(speechRenderer)->calcHeight();
+        setHeight(max(height(),
+                  speechRenderer->borderTop() + speechRenderer->borderBottom() +
+                  speechRenderer->paddingTop() + speechRenderer->paddingBottom() +
+                  speechRenderer->marginTop() + speechRenderer->marginBottom()));
+        lineHeight = max(lineHeight, speechRenderer->height());
+    }
+    setHeight(height() + lineHeight);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::createSubtreeIfNeeded()
+    bool createSubtree = inputElement()->isSearchField();
+    if (inputElement()->isSpeechEnabled())
+        createSubtree = true;
+    if (!createSubtree) {
+        RenderTextControl::createSubtreeIfNeeded(m_innerBlock.get());
+        bool hasSpinButton = inputElement()->hasSpinButton();
+        if (hasSpinButton && !m_innerSpinButton) {
+            m_innerSpinButton = SpinButtonElement::create(node());
+            m_innerSpinButton->attachInnerElement(node(), createInnerSpinButtonStyle(), renderArena());
+        }
+        if (hasSpinButton && !m_outerSpinButton) {
+            m_outerSpinButton = SpinButtonElement::create(node());
+            m_outerSpinButton->attachInnerElement(node(), createOuterSpinButtonStyle(), renderArena());
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!m_innerBlock) {
+        // Create the inner block element
+        m_innerBlock = TextControlInnerElement::create(node());
+        m_innerBlock->attachInnerElement(node(), createInnerBlockStyle(style()), renderArena());
+    }
+    if (inputElement()->hasSpinButton() && !m_outerSpinButton) {
+        m_outerSpinButton = SpinButtonElement::create(node());
+        m_outerSpinButton->attachInnerElement(node(), createOuterSpinButtonStyle(), renderArena());
+    }
+    if (inputElement()->isSearchField()) {
+        if (!m_resultsButton) {
+            // Create the search results button element.
+            m_resultsButton = SearchFieldResultsButtonElement::create(document());
+            m_resultsButton->attachInnerElement(m_innerBlock.get(), createResultsButtonStyle(m_innerBlock->renderer()->style()), renderArena());
+        }
+    }
+    // Create innerText element before adding the other buttons.
+    RenderTextControl::createSubtreeIfNeeded(m_innerBlock.get());
+    if (inputElement()->isSearchField()) {
+        if (!m_cancelButton) {
+            // Create the cancel button element.
+            m_cancelButton = SearchFieldCancelButtonElement::create(document());
+            m_cancelButton->attachInnerElement(m_innerBlock.get(), createCancelButtonStyle(m_innerBlock->renderer()->style()), renderArena());
+        }
+    }
+    if (inputElement()->isSpeechEnabled() && !m_speechButton) {
+        // Create the speech button element.
+        m_speechButton = InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::create(document());
+        m_speechButton->attachInnerElement(m_innerBlock.get(), createSpeechButtonStyle(m_innerBlock->renderer()->style()), renderArena());
+    }
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::updateFromElement()
+    createSubtreeIfNeeded();
+    RenderTextControl::updateFromElement();
+    if (m_cancelButton)
+        updateCancelButtonVisibility();
+    if (m_placeholderVisible) {
+        // node() must be an HTMLInputElement. WMLInputElement doesn't support placeholder.
+        ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+        ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+        innerTextElement()->setInnerText(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->strippedPlaceholder(), ec);
+        ASSERT(!ec);
+    } else {
+        if (!inputElement()->suggestedValue().isNull())
+            setInnerTextValue(inputElement()->suggestedValue());
+        else
+            setInnerTextValue(inputElement()->value());
+    }
+    if (m_searchPopupIsVisible)
+        m_searchPopup->updateFromElement();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::cacheSelection(int start, int end)
+    inputElement()->cacheSelection(start, end);
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createInnerTextStyle(const RenderStyle* startStyle) const
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> textBlockStyle;
+    if (m_placeholderVisible) {
+        if (RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(INPUT_PLACEHOLDER))
+            textBlockStyle = RenderStyle::clone(pseudoStyle);
+    } 
+    if (!textBlockStyle) {
+        textBlockStyle = RenderStyle::create();   
+        textBlockStyle->inheritFrom(startStyle);
+    }
+    adjustInnerTextStyle(startStyle, textBlockStyle.get());
+    textBlockStyle->setWhiteSpace(PRE);
+    textBlockStyle->setWordWrap(NormalWordWrap);
+    textBlockStyle->setOverflowX(OHIDDEN);
+    textBlockStyle->setOverflowY(OHIDDEN);
+    // Do not allow line-height to be smaller than our default.
+    if (textBlockStyle->font().lineSpacing() > lineHeight(true, true))
+        textBlockStyle->setLineHeight(Length(-100.0f, Percent));
+    textBlockStyle->setDisplay(m_innerBlock || inputElement()->hasSpinButton() ? INLINE_BLOCK : BLOCK);
+    // We're adding one extra pixel of padding to match WinIE.
+    textBlockStyle->setPaddingLeft(Length(1, Fixed));
+    textBlockStyle->setPaddingRight(Length(1, Fixed));
+    // When the placeholder is going to be displayed, temporarily override the text security to be "none".
+    // After this, updateFromElement will immediately update the text displayed.
+    // When the placeholder is no longer visible, updatePlaceholderVisiblity will reset the style, 
+    // and the text security mode will be set back to the computed value correctly.
+    if (m_placeholderVisible)
+        textBlockStyle->setTextSecurity(TSNONE);
+    return textBlockStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createInnerBlockStyle(const RenderStyle* startStyle) const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> innerBlockStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    innerBlockStyle->inheritFrom(startStyle);
+    innerBlockStyle->setDisplay(inputElement()->hasSpinButton() ? INLINE_BLOCK : BLOCK);
+    innerBlockStyle->setDirection(LTR);
+    // We don't want the shadow dom to be editable, so we set this block to read-only in case the input itself is editable.
+    innerBlockStyle->setUserModify(READ_ONLY);
+    return innerBlockStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createResultsButtonStyle(const RenderStyle* startStyle) const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> resultsBlockStyle;
+    if (input->maxResults() < 0)
+        resultsBlockStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(SEARCH_DECORATION);
+    else if (!input->maxResults())
+        resultsBlockStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(SEARCH_RESULTS_DECORATION);
+    else
+        resultsBlockStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(SEARCH_RESULTS_BUTTON);
+    if (!resultsBlockStyle)
+        resultsBlockStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    if (startStyle)
+        resultsBlockStyle->inheritFrom(startStyle);
+    return resultsBlockStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createCancelButtonStyle(const RenderStyle* startStyle) const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> cancelBlockStyle;
+    if (RefPtr<RenderStyle> pseudoStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(SEARCH_CANCEL_BUTTON))
+        // We may be sharing style with another search field, but we must not share the cancel button style.
+        cancelBlockStyle = RenderStyle::clone(pseudoStyle.get());
+    else
+        cancelBlockStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    if (startStyle)
+        cancelBlockStyle->inheritFrom(startStyle);
+    cancelBlockStyle->setVisibility(visibilityForCancelButton());
+    return cancelBlockStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createInnerSpinButtonStyle() const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> buttonStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(INNER_SPIN_BUTTON);
+    if (!buttonStyle)
+        buttonStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    buttonStyle->inheritFrom(style());
+    return buttonStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createOuterSpinButtonStyle() const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> buttonStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(OUTER_SPIN_BUTTON);
+    if (!buttonStyle)
+        buttonStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    buttonStyle->inheritFrom(style());
+    return buttonStyle.release();
+PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createSpeechButtonStyle(const RenderStyle* startStyle) const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> buttonStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(INPUT_SPEECH_BUTTON);
+    if (!buttonStyle)
+        buttonStyle = RenderStyle::create();
+    if (startStyle)
+        buttonStyle->inheritFrom(startStyle);
+    return buttonStyle.release();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::updateCancelButtonVisibility() const
+    if (!m_cancelButton->renderer())
+        return;
+    const RenderStyle* curStyle = m_cancelButton->renderer()->style();
+    EVisibility buttonVisibility = visibilityForCancelButton();
+    if (curStyle->visibility() == buttonVisibility)
+        return;
+    RefPtr<RenderStyle> cancelButtonStyle = RenderStyle::clone(curStyle);
+    cancelButtonStyle->setVisibility(buttonVisibility);
+    m_cancelButton->renderer()->setStyle(cancelButtonStyle);
+EVisibility RenderTextControlSingleLine::visibilityForCancelButton() const
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());
+    return input->value().isEmpty() ? HIDDEN : VISIBLE;
+const AtomicString& RenderTextControlSingleLine::autosaveName() const
+    return static_cast<Element*>(node())->getAttribute(autosaveAttr);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::startSearchEventTimer()
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    unsigned length = text().length();
+    // If there's no text, fire the event right away.
+    if (!length) {
+        stopSearchEventTimer();
+        static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->onSearch();
+        return;
+    }
+    // After typing the first key, we wait 0.5 seconds.
+    // After the second key, 0.4 seconds, then 0.3, then 0.2 from then on.
+    m_searchEventTimer.startOneShot(max(0.2, 0.6 - 0.1 * length));
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::searchEventTimerFired(Timer<RenderTextControlSingleLine>*)
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->onSearch();
+// PopupMenuClient methods
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::valueChanged(unsigned listIndex, bool fireEvents)
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    ASSERT(static_cast<int>(listIndex) < listSize());
+    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node());
+    if (static_cast<int>(listIndex) == (listSize() - 1)) {
+        if (fireEvents) {
+            m_recentSearches.clear();
+            const AtomicString& name = autosaveName();
+            if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+                if (!m_searchPopup)
+                    m_searchPopup = SearchPopupMenu::create(this);
+                m_searchPopup->saveRecentSearches(name, m_recentSearches);
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        input->setValue(itemText(listIndex));
+        if (fireEvents)
+            input->onSearch();
+        input->select();
+    }
+String RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemText(unsigned listIndex) const
+    int size = listSize();
+    if (size == 1) {
+        ASSERT(!listIndex);
+        return searchMenuNoRecentSearchesText();
+    }
+    if (!listIndex)
+        return searchMenuRecentSearchesText();
+    if (itemIsSeparator(listIndex))
+        return String();
+    if (static_cast<int>(listIndex) == (size - 1))
+        return searchMenuClearRecentSearchesText();
+    return m_recentSearches[listIndex - 1];
+String RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemLabel(unsigned) const
+    return String();
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemIsEnabled(unsigned listIndex) const
+     if (!listIndex || itemIsSeparator(listIndex))
+        return false;
+    return true;
+PopupMenuStyle RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemStyle(unsigned) const
+    return menuStyle();
+PopupMenuStyle RenderTextControlSingleLine::menuStyle() const
+    return PopupMenuStyle(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor), style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor), style()->font(), style()->visibility() == VISIBLE, style()->textIndent(), style()->direction());
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::clientInsetLeft() const
+    // Inset the menu by the radius of the cap on the left so that
+    // it only runs along the straight part of the bezel.
+    return height() / 2;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::clientInsetRight() const
+    // Inset the menu by the radius of the cap on the right so that
+    // it only runs along the straight part of the bezel (unless it needs
+    // to be wider).
+    return height() / 2;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::clientPaddingLeft() const
+    int padding = paddingLeft();
+    if (RenderBox* resultsRenderer = m_resultsButton ? m_resultsButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        padding += resultsRenderer->width();
+    return padding;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::clientPaddingRight() const
+    int padding = paddingRight();
+    if (RenderBox* cancelRenderer = m_cancelButton ? m_cancelButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        padding += cancelRenderer->width();
+    if (RenderBox* speechRenderer = m_speechButton ? m_speechButton->renderBox() : 0)
+        padding += speechRenderer->width();
+    return padding;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::listSize() const
+    // If there are no recent searches, then our menu will have 1 "No recent searches" item.
+    if (!m_recentSearches.size())
+        return 1;
+    // Otherwise, leave room in the menu for a header, a separator, and the "Clear recent searches" item.
+    return m_recentSearches.size() + 3;
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::selectedIndex() const
+    return -1;
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::popupDidHide()
+    m_searchPopupIsVisible = false;
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemIsSeparator(unsigned listIndex) const
+    // The separator will be the second to last item in our list.
+    return static_cast<int>(listIndex) == (listSize() - 2);
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemIsLabel(unsigned listIndex) const
+    return listIndex == 0;
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::itemIsSelected(unsigned) const
+    return false;
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::setTextFromItem(unsigned listIndex)
+    ASSERT(node()->isHTMLElement());
+    static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->setValue(itemText(listIndex));
+FontSelector* RenderTextControlSingleLine::fontSelector() const
+    return document()->styleSelector()->fontSelector();
+HostWindow* RenderTextControlSingleLine::hostWindow() const
+    return document()->view()->hostWindow();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::autoscroll()
+    RenderLayer* layer = innerTextElement()->renderBox()->layer();
+    if (layer)
+        layer->autoscroll();
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::scrollWidth() const
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        return innerTextElement()->scrollWidth();
+    return RenderBlock::scrollWidth();
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::scrollHeight() const
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        return innerTextElement()->scrollHeight();
+    return RenderBlock::scrollHeight();
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::scrollLeft() const
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        return innerTextElement()->scrollLeft();
+    return RenderBlock::scrollLeft();
+int RenderTextControlSingleLine::scrollTop() const
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        return innerTextElement()->scrollTop();
+    return RenderBlock::scrollTop();
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::setScrollLeft(int newLeft)
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        innerTextElement()->setScrollLeft(newLeft);
+void RenderTextControlSingleLine::setScrollTop(int newTop)
+    if (innerTextElement())
+        innerTextElement()->setScrollTop(newTop);
+bool RenderTextControlSingleLine::scroll(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier, Node** stopNode)
+    RenderLayer* layer = innerTextElement()->renderBox()->layer();
+    if (layer && layer->scroll(direction, granularity, multiplier))
+        return true;
+    return RenderBlock::scroll(direction, granularity, multiplier, stopNode);
+PassRefPtr<Scrollbar> RenderTextControlSingleLine::createScrollbar(ScrollbarClient* client, ScrollbarOrientation orientation, ScrollbarControlSize controlSize)
+    RefPtr<Scrollbar> widget;
+    bool hasCustomScrollbarStyle = style()->hasPseudoStyle(SCROLLBAR);
+    if (hasCustomScrollbarStyle)
+        widget = RenderScrollbar::createCustomScrollbar(client, orientation, this);
+    else
+        widget = Scrollbar::createNativeScrollbar(client, orientation, controlSize);
+    return widget.release();
+InputElement* RenderTextControlSingleLine::inputElement() const
+    return toInputElement(static_cast<Element*>(node()));