changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 27 81da3301b632
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 /**
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 * Declaration of CDataOwner
    16 * 
    17 *
    18 */
    22 /**
    23  @file
    24 */
    25 #ifndef __DATAOWNER_H__
    26 #define __DATAOWNER_H__
    28 /// System
    29 #include <e32base.h>
    30 #include <connect/sbtypes.h>
    31 #include <f32file.h>
    32 #include <xml/contenthandler.h> // MContentHandler mix in class
    34 // Other
    35 #include "sbeparserproxy.h"
    36 #include "sbebufferhandler.h"
    37 #include "sbedataownermanager.h"
    39 using namespace Xml;
    41 namespace conn
    42 	{
    44 	void CleanupRPointerArray(TAny* aPtr);
    46 	/** Name of Central Repository Server
    47 	@internalTechnology
    48 	*/
    50 	_LIT(KCentRepProcessName, "centralrepositorysrv.exe");
    51 	_LIT8(KYes, "yes");
    53 	// Forwards
    54 	class CABServer;
    55 	class CDataOwnerManager;
    56 	class CBufferFileWriter;
    57 	class CBufferFileReader;
    58 	class CBufferSnapshotWriter;
    59 	class CBufferSnapshotReader;
    61 	/** Enumeration to specify if a selection should be included or excluded
    62         @internalComponent
    63 	*/
    64 	enum TSelectionType 
    65 		{
    66 		EInclude, /*<!< Is included */
    67 		EExclude /*!< Is excluded */
    68 		};
    71 	/** Simple class to store registraion file selections
    72         @internalComponent
    73 	*/
    74 	class CSelection : public CBase
    75 		{
    76 	public:
    77 		static CSelection* NewLC(TSelectionType aType, const TDesC& aSelection);
    78 		~CSelection();
    79 		TSelectionType SelectionType() const;
    80 		const TDesC& SelectionName() const;
    82 	private:
    83 		CSelection(TSelectionType aType);
    84 		void ConstructL(const TDesC& aSelection);
    86 	private:
    87     	TSelectionType		iType; /*<! The type of the selection */
    88     	HBufC*		       	iSelection; /*<! The actual selection */
    89 		};
    91 	/** An RArray of selections
    92 		@internalComponent
    93 	*/
    94 	typedef RPointerArray<CSelection> RSelections;
    96 	/** Simple class to store passive information
    97         @internalComponent
    98 	*/
    99 	class TPassiveInformation
   100 		{
   101 	public:
   102 		TPassiveInformation() :
   103 			iSupported(EFalse),
   104 			iSupportsSelective(EFalse),
   105 			iDeleteBeforeRestore(EFalse),
   106 			iBaseBackupOnly(EFalse)
   107 		/** C++ Constructor
   108 		*/
   109 			{}
   110 	public:
   111 		TUint8		iSupported; /*<! supported */
   112 		TUint8		iSupportsSelective; /*<! Supports selective */
   113 		TUint8		iDeleteBeforeRestore; /*<! Delete before restore */
   114 		TUint8		iBaseBackupOnly; /*<! Base backup */
   115 		};
   117 	/** Simple class to store public backup information
   118         @internalComponent
   119 	*/
   120 	class TPublicInformation
   121 		{
   122 	public:
   123 		TPublicInformation() :
   124 			iSupported(EFalse), iDeleteBeforeRestore(EFalse)
   125 			/** C++ Constructor
   126 			*/
   127 			{}
   128 	public:
   129 		TUint8		iSupported; /*<! supported */
   130 		TUint8		iDeleteBeforeRestore; /*<! Delete before restore */
   131 		};
   133 	/** Simple class to store system backup information
   134         @internalComponent
   135 	*/
   136 	class TSystemInformation
   137 		{
   138 	public:
   139 		TSystemInformation() :
   140 			iSupported(EFalse)
   141 		/** C++ Constructor
   142 		*/
   143 			{}
   144 	public:
   145 		TUint8	iSupported; /*!< backup system files */
   146 		};
   148 	/** Information about proxy data owners (i.e. CentRep etc.)
   149 	@internalComponent
   150 	*/	
   151 	class TProxyInformation
   152 		{
   153 	public:
   154 		/** C++ Constructor
   155 		*/
   156 		TProxyInformation() : iDataRequested(EFalse), iDataSupplied(EFalse), iOpInProgress(EFalse)
   157 			{}
   158 	public:
   159 		TSecureId 	iSecureId; /*!< The secure ID of the proxy data manager */
   160 		TInt		iDataRequested; /*!< Data has already been requested from this data owner. While restoring it is used for Proxy data length*/
   161 		TInt 		iDataSupplied; /*!< Data has already been supplied to this data owner. While restoring it is used for consumed/restored data length.  */
   162 		TBool		iOpInProgress; /*!< The proxy hasn't yet completed the op and is waiting a further call. While restoring it is used for proxy finished flag and 1 means proxy data finished 0 means has more data to store  */
   163 		};
   165 	/** Simple class to store restore information
   166         @internalComponent
   167 	*/
   168 	class TRestoreInformation
   169 		{
   170 	public:
   171 		/** C++ Constructor
   172 		*/
   173 		TRestoreInformation() :
   174 			iSupported(EFalse), iRequiresReboot(EFalse)
   175 			{};
   176 	public:
   177 		TUint8	iSupported; /*<! supported */
   178 		TUint8	iRequiresReboot; /*<! requires reboot */
   179 		};
   181 	/** enum representing TActiveType */
   182     enum TActiveType
   183     	{
   184     	EActiveOnly = 0, /*<! Data Owner have Active Implementaion only */
   185     	EActiveAndProxyImpl = 1, /*<! Data Owner have Active and Proxy Implementation */
   186     	EProxyImpOnly = 2, /*<! Data Owner have only Proxy Implementation */
   187     	};
   189 	/** Simple class to store active information
   190         @internalComponent
   191 	*/
   192 	class TActiveInformation
   193 		{
   194 	public:
   195 		/** C++ Constructor
   196 		*/
   197 		TActiveInformation() :
   198 			iSupported(EFalse), iRequiresDelayToPrepareData(EFalse),
   199 			iSupportsSelective(EFalse), iSupportsIncremental(ETrue), iActiveDataOwner(EFalse), iActiveType(EActiveOnly)
   200 				{
   201 				}
   202 	public:
   203 		TUint8 	iSupported; /*<! supported? */
   204 		TName	iProcessName; /*<! Active process name */
   205 		TUint8	iRequiresDelayToPrepareData; /*<! Requires delay to prepare data */
   206 		TUint8	iSupportsSelective; /*<! Supports selective */
   207 		TUint8	iSupportsIncremental; /*<! Supports Incremental */
   208 		TUint8	iActiveDataOwner; /*<! Although we say we're active, we're not really */
   209 		TActiveType	iActiveType; /*<! Type of the Active DO */
   210 		};
   212 	/** Data Owner support classes and enums */
   214 	/**
   215 	This class holds the state of the data owner by the drive
   216 	@internalComponent
   217 	*/
   218 	class TDataOwnerStateByDrive
   219 		{
   220 	public:
   221 		TDataOwnerStateByDrive(TDriveNumber aDrive) : iDrive(aDrive), iPassiveSnapshotReceived(EFalse),
   222 	    	iPassiveBaseDataReceived(EFalse), iPassiveIncDataReceived(EFalse), 
   223 	    	iPassiveSnapshotRequested(EFalse), iPassiveBaseDataRequested(EFalse), 
   224 	    	iPassiveIncDataRequested(EFalse), iActiveSnapshotReceived(EFalse),
   225 	    	iActiveBaseDataReceived(EFalse), iActiveIncDataReceived(EFalse), 
   226 	    	iActiveSnapshotRequested(EFalse), iActiveBaseDataRequested(EFalse), 
   227 	    	iActiveIncDataRequested(EFalse), iFirstActiveTransaction(ETrue),
   228 	    	iDeleteBeforeRestorePerformed(EFalse), iOpInProgress(EFalse)
   229 	    	{}
   231 	public:
   232 		TDriveNumber iDrive; /*!< Record whether any snapshot data has been received */
   233 	    TUint8 iPassiveSnapshotReceived; /*!< Record whether any snapshot data has been received */
   234 	    TUint8 iPassiveBaseDataReceived; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been received */
   235 	    TUint8 iPassiveIncDataReceived; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been received */
   236 	    TUint8 iPassiveSnapshotRequested; /*!< Record whether any snapshot data has been requested */
   237 	    TUint8 iPassiveBaseDataRequested; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been requested */
   238 	    TUint8 iPassiveIncDataRequested; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been requested */
   239 	    TUint8 iActiveSnapshotReceived; /*!< Record whether any snapshot data has been received */
   240 	    TUint8 iActiveBaseDataReceived; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been received */
   241 	    TUint8 iActiveIncDataReceived; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been received */
   242 	    TUint8 iActiveSnapshotRequested; /*!< Record whether any snapshot data has been requested */
   243 	    TUint8 iActiveBaseDataRequested; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been requested */
   244 	    TUint8 iActiveIncDataRequested; /*!< Record whether or not any data has been requested */
   245 	    TUint8 iFirstActiveTransaction; /*!< Is this the first of an active transaction sequence */
   246 	    TUint8 iDeleteBeforeRestorePerformed; /*!< Have we performed the delete before restore */
   247  	    TUint8 iOpInProgress; /*!< The active data owner hasn't yet completed the op and is waiting a further call */
   248 		};
   251 	/**
   252 	This class holds the state of each proxy for a particular drive
   253 	@internalComponent
   254 	*/
   255 	class TProxyStateByDrive
   256 		{
   257 	public:
   258 		TProxyStateByDrive(TDriveNumber aDrive, TInt aProxy) : iDrive(aDrive), iProxy(aProxy),
   259 			iDataRequested(EFalse), iDataSupplied(EFalse), iOpInProgress(EFalse)
   260 	    	{}
   262 	public:
   263 		TDriveNumber iDrive; /*!< The drive that this state relates to */
   264 		TInt iProxy; /*!< The proxy that this state relates to */
   265 		TUint8 iDataRequested; /*!< Data has already been requested from this data owner */
   266 		TUint8 iDataSupplied; /*!< Data has already been supplied to this data owner */
   267 		TUint8 iOpInProgress; /*!< The proxy hasn't yet completed the op and is waiting a further call */
   268 		};
   271     /** Class to store the state of the data owner
   272     @internalComponent
   273     */
   274     class TDOState
   275     	{
   276     public:
   277         TState          	iState; /*<! The current state of the DOM */
   278         TDriveNumber    	iDriveNumber; /*<! The drive number for the current request */
   279         TTransferDataType   iTransferType; /*<! The transfer type of the current request */
   280     	};
   283     /** Class representing the snapshot
   284     @internalComponent
   285     */
   286     class CSnapshotHolder : public CBase
   287     	{
   288     public:
   289     	// Constructors
   290     	static CSnapshotHolder* NewL();
   291     	static CSnapshotHolder* NewLC();
   292     	~CSnapshotHolder();
   294     	// Members
   295     	TDriveNumber	iDriveNumber;
   296     	RSnapshots		iSnapshots;
   297     private:
   298     	CSnapshotHolder();
   299     	};
   301 	/** A data owner
   303 	@internalTechnology
   304 	*/
   305 	class CDataOwner : public CBase, public MContentHandler, public MValidationHandler
   306 		{
   307 	public:
   308 	    static CDataOwner* NewL(TSecureId aSID, CDataOwnerManager* apDataOwnerManager);
   309 		static CDataOwner* NewLC(TSecureId aSID, CDataOwnerManager* pDataOwnerManager);
   310 	    ~CDataOwner();
   313 	    // Methods
   314 	    void AddRegistrationFilesL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   315 	    void ParseFilesL();
   316 	    void GetExpectedDataSizeL(TTransferDataType aTransferType, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aSize);
   317 	    void GetPublicFileListL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RFileArray& aFiles);
   318 	    void GetRawPublicFileListL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RRestoreFileFilterArray& aRestoreFileFilter);
   319 	    void SupplyDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TTransferDataType aTransferType, TDesC8& aBuffer,
   320 	                     TBool aLastSection);
   321 	    void RequestDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TTransferDataType aTransferType, TPtr8& aBuffer,
   322 	    				  TBool& aLastSection);
   323 		void RestoreCompleteL();
   324 		void GetNextPublicFileL(TBool aReset, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TEntry& aEntry);
   326 	    // Accessors
   327 	    TSecureId SecureId() const;
   328 	    TDataOwnerStatus ReadyState();
   329 		void SetReadyState(TDataOwnerStatus aDataOwnerStatus);
   330 	    TCommonBURSettings CommonSettingsL();
   331 	    TPassiveBURSettings PassiveSettingsL();
   332 	    TActiveBURSettings ActiveSettingsL();
   333 	    void GetDriveListL(TDriveList& aDriveList);
   334 	    void SetBackedUpAsPartial(TBool aPartial);
   335 	    TBool PartialAffectsMe() const;
   336 		void StartProcessIfNecessaryL();
   337 		void BuildDriveStateArrayL();
   338 		void DisableSystemData();
   339 		TActiveInformation ActiveInformation();
   340 		TBool ValidFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   342 		// MContentHandler
   343 		void OnStartDocumentL(const RDocumentParameters& aDocParam, TInt aErrorCode);
   344 		void OnEndDocumentL(TInt aErrorCode);
   345 		void OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, TInt aErrorCode);
   346 		void OnEndElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode);
   347 		void OnContentL(const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode);
   348 		void OnStartPrefixMappingL(const RString& aPrefix, const RString& aUri, TInt aErrorCode);
   349 		void OnEndPrefixMappingL(const RString& aPrefix, TInt aErrorCode);
   350 		void OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8& aBytes, TInt aErrorCode);
   351 		void OnSkippedEntityL(const RString& aName, TInt aErrorCode);
   352 		void OnProcessingInstructionL(const TDesC8& aTarget, const TDesC8& aData, TInt aErrorCode);
   353 		void OnError(TInt aErrorCode);
   354 		TAny* GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 aUid);
   355 		// MContentHandler
   357 	private:
   358 	    // Constructors
   359 	    CDataOwner(TSecureId aSID, CDataOwnerManager* apDataOwnerManager);
   360 	    void ConstructL();
   362 		// Methods
   363 		void PrivatePathL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   364 		void ParseFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
   365 		TInt GetDrive(const TDesC& aPath) const;
   366 		void BuildFileListL(const RSelections& aFileSelection, 
   367 							const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber,
   368 							const TTransferDataType aTransferType,
   369 							const TBool aIsPublic,
   370 							RSnapshots* apSnapshot,
   371 							RFileArray* apFileEntries,
   372 							CDesCArray* apFileNames);
   373 		void AddDBMSFilesL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, 
   374 						   CDesCArray* apFileNames, 
   375 						   RFileArray* apEntries);
   376 		void ParseDirL(const TDesC& aDirName, 
   377 					   const RArray<TPtrC>& aExclude, 
   378 					   const TTransferDataType aTransferType,
   379 					   const TBool aIsPublic,
   380 					   RSnapshots* apSnapshots,
   381 					   RFileArray* apFileEntries, 
   382 					   CDesCArray* apFileNames);
   383 		TBool IsExcluded(const TBool aIsPublic, const TDesC& aFileName, const RArray<TPtrC>& aExclude);
   384 		void IsNewerL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TEntry& aFile, const RSnapshots* aSnapshots, TBool& aNewer);
   385 		RSnapshots* FindSnapshot(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber);
   386 		void ResetState();
   387 		TDataOwnerStateByDrive& StateByDriveL(TDriveNumber& aDrive);
   388 		TProxyStateByDrive& ProxyStateByDriveL(TDriveNumber& aDrive, TInt aProxy);
   389 		void CleanupBeforeRestoreL(TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber);
   391 		// Supply
   392 		void SupplyPassiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection);
   393 		void SupplyPassiveBaseDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection);
   395 		// Request
   396 		void RequestPassiveSnapshotDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection);
   397 		void RequestPassiveDataL(TTransferDataType aTransferType, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection);
   398 		void ProcessRequestDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TTransferDataType aTransferType, 
   399     			TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection);
   400     	void ProcessSupplyDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TTransferDataType aTransferType, 
   401 				TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection);
   402 		TInt AddProxyToList(TProxyInformation aProxy);
   405 		// private methods for parsing
   406 	private:
   407 		// Element handlers 
   408   		void HandleBackupRegistrationL(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   409   		void HandlePathL(const TSelectionType aType, const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, const TBool aDir);
   410   		TInt HandlePassiveBackup(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   411   		TInt HandlePublicBackup(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   412   		TInt HandleSystemBackup(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   413   		TInt HandleCenrepBackup(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   414  		TInt HandleProxyDataManager(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   415   		TInt HandleDBMSBackupL(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   416   		TInt HandleActiveBackupL(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   417   		TInt HandleRestore(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes);
   418 	private:
   419 		// Internal
   420 	    TDOState           				iState; /*<! The state of the data owner */
   421 	    TDataOwnerStatus				iStatus; /*!< Is the DO ready for operations - only relevant for active */
   422 	    CDesCArray*						iRegistrationFiles; /*<! A list of registration files for this data owner */
   423 	    TUint8							iFilesParsed; /*<! Have we parsed the registration files */
   424 	    TUint8							iPrimaryFile; /*<! Have we found a primary file */
   425 	    TUint8							iBackupAsPartial; /*!< Will this DO be backed up as partial */
   427 	    // Options
   428 	    TSecureId            			iSecureId; /*<! The data owners SID */
   429 	    TPassiveInformation				iPassiveInformation; /*<! Passive backup information */
   430 	    TPublicInformation				iPublicInformation; /*<! Public backup information */
   431 	    TSystemInformation				iSystemInformation; /*<! System backup information */
   432 	    TActiveInformation				iActiveInformation; /*<! Active information */
   433 	    TRestoreInformation				iRestoreInformation; /*<! restore information */
   434 	    RArray<TProxyInformation>		iProxyInformationArray; /*!< The various proxies that we support */
   435 	    TBufC<KMaxPackageNameLength>	iName; /*<! The data owners nice name */
   436 	    RArray<TDataOwnerStateByDrive>	iStateByDrive; /*<! Array storing the state of the DO's by drive */
   437 	    RArray<TProxyStateByDrive>		iProxyStateByDrive; /*<! Array storing the state of the proxies for each drive */
   438 		RArray<TUid>					iDBMSSelections; /*<! Array storing the list of DBMS selections */
   440 	    // Reader\Writer handlers
   441 	    CBufferFileWriter*				iBufferFileWriter; /*<! Handles writing files to the buffer */
   442 	    CBufferFileReader*				iBufferFileReader; /*<! Handles reading files from the buffer */
   443 	    CBufferSnapshotWriter*			iBufferSnapshotWriter; /*<! Handles writing snapshots to the buffer */
   444 	    CBufferSnapshotReader*			iBufferSnapshotReader; /*<! Handles reading snapshots from the buffer */
   446 	    // Selections
   447 	    RSelections						iPassiveSelections; /*<! Passive selections */
   448 	    RSelections						iPublicSelections; /*<! Public selections */
   450         // Snapshots
   451 	    CSnapshotHolder*				iTempSnapshotHolder; /*<! Hold a temporary snapshot */
   452 	    RPointerArray<CSnapshotHolder>	iSnapshots; /*<! Stores the snapshots we have been sent */
   454 	    // Resources
   455 	    CDataOwnerManager*				ipDataOwnerManager; /*<! To access resources */
   456 	 	HBufC*							iPrivatePath; /*<! The path to the private directory */
   458 	 	/* Simple enumeration: What is our current element?
   459 		*/
   460 		enum TCurrentElement 			{ENoElement = 0, // No element 
   461 										 EPassive = 1, // Passive element 
   462 										 EPublic = 2 // Public element
   463 										};
   465 		TCurrentElement					iCurrentElement; /*<! Current element */
   467 	 	RArray<RDir>					iPublicDirStack; /*<! Stack of public directories for enumerating public files */
   468 	 	RPointerArray<HBufC>			iPublicDirNameStack; /*<! Directory names corresponding to entries in the above stack */
   469 		RArray<TPtrC>					iPublicExcludes; /*<! Stores list of excludes while enumerating public files */
   470 		TInt							iPublicFileIndex; /*<! Index of current element being enumerated in public file list */
   471 		TInt 							iCurrentProxy;  // Used to restore the proxy data
   473 		};
   475 	}
   476 #endif // __DATAOWNER_H__