changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 19 ef55b168cedb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     2 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 // All rights reserved.
     4 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 // at the URL "".
     8 //
     9 // Initial Contributors:
    10 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 //
    12 // Contributors:
    13 //
    14 // Description:
    15 // Implementation of CPackageDataTransfer
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21 */
    22 #include "sbedataowner.h"
    23 #include "sbebufferhandler.h"
    24 #include "sbpackagedatatransfer.h"
    25 #include "sblog.h"
    27 #include <babackup.h>
    28 #include <swi/backuprestore.h>
    29 #include <swi/sisregistryentry.h>
    30 #include <swi/sisregistrypackage.h>
    32 #include "sbeparserdefs.h"
    34 namespace conn
    35 	{
    36 	_LIT(KSys, "?:\\sys\\*");
    37 	_LIT(KResource, "?:\\resource\\*");
    38 	_LIT(KPrivateMatch, "?:\\private\\*");
    39 	_LIT(KImport, "*\\import\\*");
    40 	_LIT(KTempPath, ":\\system\\temp\\");
    42 	CPackageDataTransfer* CPackageDataTransfer::NewL(TUid aPid, CDataOwnerManager* aDOM)
    43 	/** Standard Symbian Constructor
    45 	@param aPid Package Id
    46 	@return a CPackageDataTransfer object
    47 	*/
    48 		{
    49 		CPackageDataTransfer* self = CPackageDataTransfer::NewLC(aPid, aDOM);
    50 		CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    51 		return self;
    52 		}
    54 	CPackageDataTransfer* CPackageDataTransfer::NewLC(TUid aPid, CDataOwnerManager* aDOM)
    55 	/** Standard Symbian Constructor
    57 	@param aPid Package Id
    58 	@return a CPackageDataTransfer object
    59 	*/
    60 		{
    61 		CPackageDataTransfer *self = new(ELeave) CPackageDataTransfer(aPid, aDOM);
    62 		CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    63 		self->ConstructL();
    64 		return self;
    65 		}
    67 	CPackageDataTransfer::CPackageDataTransfer(TUid aPid, CDataOwnerManager* aDOM) : 
    68 	/** Standard C++ Constructor
    70 	@param aPid Package Id
    71 	*/
    72 		iBufferSnapshotReader(NULL), 
    73 		iBufferFileWriter(NULL), iBufferSnapshotWriter(NULL), 
    74 		iPackageID(aPid), iSnapshot(NULL), iMetaData(NULL), ipDataOwnerManager(aDOM), iRestored(EFalse)
    75 	  	{
    76 	  	// needed for intiliazion
    77 	  	iDriveList.SetLength(KMaxDrives);
    78 	  	iDriveList.FillZ();
    79 	  	// needed for hashes in registry on drive C (i.e. MMC card app's hash)
    80 	  	iDriveList[EDriveC] = ETrue;
    81 		}
    83 	void CPackageDataTransfer::ConstructL()
    84 	/** Standard Symbian second phase constructor
    85 	*/
    86 		{
    87 		User::LeaveIfError(iSWIRestore.Connect());
    88 		User::LeaveIfError(iSWIBackup.Connect());
    89 		User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    90 		User::LeaveIfError(iFs.ShareProtected());
    91 		iRegistrationFile = HBufC::NewL(0);
    92 		iFileName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
    93 		iTempFileName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
    94 		}
    96 	CPackageDataTransfer::~CPackageDataTransfer()
    97 	/** Standard C++ Destructor
    98 	*/
    99 	  	{
   100 		iSWIRestore.Close();
   101 		iSWIBackup.Close();
   102 		iFileHandle.Close();
   103 		iFiles.ResetAndDestroy();
   104 		iPublicSelections.ResetAndDestroy();
   106 		delete iRegistrationFile;
   107 		delete iBufferFileWriter;
   108 		delete iBufferSnapshotReader;
   109 		delete iBufferSnapshotWriter;
   110 		delete iSnapshot;
   111 		delete iMetaData;
   112 		delete iFileName;
   113 		delete iTempFileName;
   114 		iFs.Close();
   115 		}
   118 	void CPackageDataTransfer::WriteData(TAny* aItem, TPtr8& aBuffer, 
   119 										 TInt aSize)
   120 	/** Used to write data to a buffer
   122 	@param aItem Item to write
   123 	@param aBuffer Buffer to write aItem to
   124 	@param aSize Size of the aItem
   125 	*/										 
   126 		{
   127 		TUint8 *pos = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aItem);
   128 		for (TInt i = 0; i < aSize; ++i)
   129 			{
   130 			aBuffer.Append(pos[i]);
   131 			}
   132 		}
   134 	TUid CPackageDataTransfer::PackageId() const
   135 	/** Returns the package Id
   137 	@return the package Id
   138 	*/
   139 		{
   140 		return iPackageID;
   141 		}
   143 	void CPackageDataTransfer::BuildPackageFileList()
   144 	/** Builds the file list of all files in the package on the given drive
   146 	@param aDriveNumber drive the files must be on to be included in the list
   147 	@param apSnapshot (OPTIONAL)A file will only be included if the file is not 
   148 					  in the snapshot is newer than the file in the snapshot
   149 	@param aFileNames on return the list of files
   150 	*/
   151 		{
   152 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::BuildPackageFileListL() - START");
   153 		// Establish a connection to the registry and read the list of
   154 		// filenames into array.
   155 		// 
   157 		iDriveList.SetLength(KMaxDrives);
   158 		iDriveList.FillZ();
   159 		// also set EDriveC to True for hashesh of the registry
   160 		iDriveList[EDriveC] = ETrue;
   162 		TUint count = iFiles.Count();
   163 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::BuildPackageFileListL() - No of files: %d", count);
   164 		while (count > 0)
   165 			{
   166 			count--;
   167 			TBool remove = EFalse;
   168 			TFileName fileName (*iFiles[count]);
   170 			if ((fileName.FindC(KPrimaryBackupRegistrationFile) < 0) &&
   171 				(fileName.MatchC(KSys) < 0) &&
   172 				(fileName.MatchC(KResource) < 0) && 
   173   				(fileName.MatchC(KImport) < 0 ))
   174 				{
   175 				remove = ETrue;	
   176 				}
   178 			// check read only media
   179 			if (!remove && (NULL != iFs.IsFileInRom(fileName)))
   180 				{
   181 				remove = ETrue;
   182 				}
   184 			// check if real entry
   185 			if (!remove)
   186 				{
   187 				TEntry entry;
   188 				TInt err = iFs.Entry(fileName, entry);
   189 				if (err != KErrNone)
   190 					{
   191 					remove = ETrue;
   192 					}
   193 				}
   195 			// remove?
   196 			if (remove)
   197 				{
   198 				delete iFiles[count];
   199 				iFiles[count] = NULL;
   200 				iFiles.Remove(count);
   201 				}
   202 			else
   203 				{
   204 				// append to drive list
   205 				TInt num;
   206 				TChar ch = fileName[0];
   207 				TInt err = iFs.CharToDrive(ch, num);
   208 				if (err == KErrNone)
   209 					{
   210 					iDriveList[num] = ETrue;
   211 					}
   212 				}
   213 			} // for
   216 		#ifdef SBE_LOGGING_ENABLED
   217 			const TUint fNameCount = iFiles.Count();
   218 	        if  (fNameCount)
   219 	            {
   220 	            for(TUint k=0; k<fNameCount; k++)
   221 	                {
   222 	                const TDesC& file = *iFiles[k];
   223 	                __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::BuildPackageFileListL() - Files Added - file entry[%03d] %S", k, &file);
   224 	                }
   225 	            }
   226 		#endif
   229 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::BuildPackageFileListL() - END");		
   230 		}
   233 	void CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL(TPackageDataType aTransferType, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint& aSize)
   234 	/** Get the expected data size of a request for data
   236 	@param aTransferType the type of data to check the size of
   237 	@param aDriveNumber the drive to check
   238 	@param aSize on return the size of the data
   239 	*/
   240 		{
   241 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL - Begin getmetadata");
   242 		if (iMetaData == NULL)
   243 			{
   244 			TRAPD(err, iMetaData = iSWIBackup.GetMetaDataL(iPackageID, iFiles));
   246 			if(KErrNotSupported == err)
   247 			    {//Non-Removable package, nothing to backup
   248 			    aSize = 0;
   249 			    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL - GetMetaDataL - KErrNotSupported");
   250 			    return;
   251 			    }
   252 			else if(KErrNone != err)
   253 			    {
   254 			    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL - GetMetaDataL leave with %d", err);
   255 			    User::Leave(err);
   256 			    }
   258 			iMetaDataSize = iMetaData->Size();
   259 			BuildPackageFileList();
   260 			}
   261 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL - End getmetadata");
   263 		if (!IsDataOnDrive(aDriveNumber))
   264 			{
   265 			// no data on drive
   266 			aSize = 0;
   267 			return;
   268 			}
   270 		aSize = iMetaData->Size();
   271 		TUint count = iFiles.Count();
   273 		switch (aTransferType)
   274 			{
   275 			case ESystemSnapshotData:
   276 				{
   277 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - START - ESystemSnapshotData - aDriveNumber: %c", aDriveNumber + 'A');
   278 				// Find all files
   279 				aSize = (count * sizeof(TSnapshot));
   280 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - passive snapshot count: %d", count);
   281 				for (TUint x = 0; x < count; x++)
   282 					{
   283 					const TDesC& fileName = *iFiles[x];
   284                 	const TInt fileSize = fileName.Length();;
   285                 	__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - passive snapshot file: %S, size: %d", &fileName, fileSize);
   286 					aSize += fileSize;
   287 					} // for x
   289 				break;
   290 				}
   291 			case ESystemData:
   292 				{
   293 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - START - ESystemData - aDriveNumber: %c", aDriveNumber + 'A');
   295 				aSize += sizeof(TInt);
   297 				TEntry entry;
   298 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - passive file count: %d", count);
   299 				for (TUint x = 0; x < count; x++)
   300 					{
   301 					const TDesC& fileName = *iFiles[x];
   302 					TInt err = iFs.Entry(fileName, entry);
   303 					TUint fileSize = entry.iSize;
   304 					__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - passive file: %S, size: %d", &fileName, fileSize);
   305 					switch(err)
   306 						{
   307 					case KErrNone:
   308 						aSize += fileSize;
   309 						break;
   310 					case KErrNotFound:
   311 					case KErrPathNotFound:
   312 					case KErrBadName:
   313 						__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - error getting passive file: %S, error: %d", &fileName, err);
   314 						break;
   315 					default:
   316 						User::Leave(err);
   317 						}
   318 					}
   320 				break;
   321 				}
   322 			default:
   323 				{
   324 				__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - No case for TransferType: %d, data owner 0x%08x", aTransferType, iPackageID.iUid);
   325 				User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   326 				}
   327 			} // switch
   328 		__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetExpectedDataSizeL() - END - size is: %d, data owner 0x%08x", aSize, iPackageID.iUid);
   329 		}
   331 	void CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, 
   332 	    									TPackageDataType aTransferType, 
   333 	    									TPtr8& aBuffer,
   334 	    									TBool& aLastSection)
   335 		/** Request data
   337 		@param aDriveNumber the drive you want data from
   338 		@param aTransferType the type of data you require
   339 		@param aBuffer the buffer to write the data
   340 		@param aLastSection has all the data been supplied. If all data is not
   341 			   supplied a further calls to the function will return the extra
   342 			   data.
   343 		*/
   344 		{
   345 		__LOG6("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL() - START - aDrive: %c, aTransferType: %d, iSecureId: 0x%08x, iState.iState: %d, iState.iTransferType: %d, aBuffer.Length(): %d", aDriveNumber + 'A', aTransferType, iPackageID.iUid, iState.iState, iState.iTransferType, aBuffer.Length());
   346         //__LOGDATA("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL() - %S", aBuffer.Ptr(), aBuffer.Length() );
   348 		TInt err = KErrNone;
   350 		if (iMetaData == NULL)
   351 			{
   352 			TRAPD(err, iMetaData = iSWIBackup.GetMetaDataL(iPackageID, iFiles));
   354             if(KErrNotSupported == err)
   355                 {//Non-Removable package, nothing to backup
   356                 iState.iState = ENone;
   357                 Cleanup();
   358                 return;
   359                 }
   360             else if(KErrNone != err)
   361                 {
   362                 iState.iState = ENone;
   363                 Cleanup();
   364                 User::Leave(err);
   365                 }
   367 			iMetaDataSize = iMetaData->Size();
   368 			BuildPackageFileList();
   369 			}
   371 		// Check our state
   372 		if (!((iState.iState == ENone) || (iState.iState == EBuffer) ||
   373 		     ((iState.iState == ERequest) && (iState.iDriveNumber == aDriveNumber) && 
   374 		      (iState.iTransferType == aTransferType))))
   375 			{
   376 		    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL() - bad state => ERROR => KErrNotReady");
   377 			User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
   378 			}
   380 		// Set the state?
   381 		if (iState.iState == ENone)
   382 			{
   383 			iState.iDriveNumber = aDriveNumber;
   384 			iState.iTransferType = aTransferType;
   385 			}
   387 		switch (aTransferType)
   388 			{
   389 			case ESystemSnapshotData:
   390 				{
   391 				TRAP(err, RequestSnapshotL(aDriveNumber, aBuffer, aLastSection));
   392 				break;
   393 				}
   394 			case ESystemData:
   395 				{
   396 				TRAP(err, DoRequestDataL(aDriveNumber, aBuffer, aLastSection));
   397 				break;
   398 				}
   399 			default:
   400 				{
   401 				err = KErrNotSupported;
   402 				}
   403 			} // switch
   405 		if (err != KErrNone)
   406 			{
   407 			iState.iState = ENone;
   408 			Cleanup();
   409 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL() - Left with error: %d", err);
   410 			User::Leave(err);
   411 			} // if
   412 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestDataL() - END");
   413 		}
   416 	void CPackageDataTransfer::ReadData(TAny* aDestinationAddress, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aSize)
   417 	/** Read data from the given buffer
   419 	@param aItem the item to fill
   420 	@param aBuffer the buffer to read the data from
   421 	@param aSize the size of the item to fill
   422 	*/
   423 		{
   424         TUint8* pos = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aDestinationAddress);
   425 		for (TInt i = 0; i < aSize; ++i)
   426 			{
   427 			pos[i] = aBuffer[i];
   428 			}
   429 		}
   431 	void CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL( const TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection)
   432 	/** Restores files from the buffer to the package.
   434 	@param aBuffer the buffer to read data from
   435 	@param aLastSection has all data been supplied
   436 	*/
   437 		{
   438 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - START - aLastSection: %d", aLastSection);
   439 		TUint8* current = const_cast<TUint8*>(aBuffer.Ptr());
   440 		const TUint8* end = current + aBuffer.Size();
   441 		while (current < end)
   442 			{
   443 			if (!iFixedHeaderRead)
   444 				{
   445 				if (ReadFromBufferF(iFixedHeader, current, end) == EFalse)
   446 					{
   447 					__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - ReadFromBufferF() returned False so breaking!");
   448 					break;
   449 					} // if
   451 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - fixed header - iFileNameLength:  %d", iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength);
   452                 __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - fixed header - iFileSize:        %d", iFixedHeader.iFileSize);
   453                 __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - fixed header - iAttributes:      %d", iFixedHeader.iAttributes);
   455                 if ((iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength > KMaxFileName) || (!iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength))
   456 					{
   457 					__LOG1("CBufferFileReader::SupplyFileDataL() - Leaving - iFileNameLength: %d more then MaxLength", iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength);
   458 					User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
   459 					}
   461 				iFixedHeaderRead = ETrue;
   462 				} //if
   463 			if (!iFileNameRead)
   464 				{
   465 				TPtr8 ptr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(const_cast<TUint16*>(iFileName->Des().Ptr())), iBytesRead,iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength * KCharWidthInBytes);
   467 				if (ReadFromBufferV(ptr, iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength * KCharWidthInBytes, current, end) == EFalse)
   468 					{
   469 					iBytesRead = ptr.Size();
   470 					__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - ReadFromBufferV() returned False - Filename bytes read: %d", iBytesRead);
   471 					break;
   472 					} // if
   474 				if (iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength > KMaxFileName)
   475 					{
   476 					__LOG("CBufferFileReader::SupplyFileDataL() - Leave with KErrOverflow");
   477 					User::Leave(KErrOverflow);
   478 					}
   480 				iFileName->Des().SetLength(iFixedHeader.iFileNameLength);
   481 				iFileNameRead = ETrue;
   483 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - FileName: %S", iFileName);
   484 				}
   486 				if (!iFileOpen)
   487 					{
   488 					TFileName tempPath;
   489 					// 0 is first character which will reperesent a drive
   490 					tempPath.Append((*iFileName)[0]);
   491 					tempPath.Append(KTempPath);
   492 					// Create file on the drive
   493 					TInt tempErr = iFs.MkDirAll(tempPath);
   494 					if (tempErr == KErrNone || tempErr == KErrAlreadyExists)
   495 						{
   496 						TFileName tempFile;
   497 						tempErr = iFileHandle.Temp(iFs, tempPath, tempFile, EFileWrite);
   498 						if (iTempFileName)
   499 							{
   500 							delete iTempFileName;
   501 							}
   502 						iTempFileName = tempFile.AllocL();
   503 						}
   505 					if (tempErr != KErrNone)
   506 						{
   507 						__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - Left creating temp file in: %S , with %d", &tempPath, tempErr);
   508 						User::Leave(tempErr);
   509 						}
   512 					iFileOpen = ETrue;
   513 					}
   515 			// Write to the file
   516 			TInt filesize;
   517 			iFileHandle.Size(filesize);
   519 			if ((end - current) >= (iFixedHeader.iFileSize - filesize))
   520 				{
   521 				TPtr8 ptr(current, iFixedHeader.iFileSize - filesize, iFixedHeader.iFileSize - filesize);
   522 				User::LeaveIfError(iFileHandle.Write(ptr));
   524 				// Write the attributes & modified time
   525 				User::LeaveIfError(iFileHandle.Set(iFixedHeader.iModified, iFixedHeader.iAttributes, KEntryAttNormal));
   527 				TInt err = KErrNone;
   528 				if (((*iFileName).FindC(KPrimaryBackupRegistrationFile) >= 0) ||
   529 					((*iFileName).MatchC(KSys) >= 0) ||
   530 					((*iFileName).MatchC(KResource) >= 0) ||
   531   					((*iFileName).MatchC(KImport) >= 0) )
   532 					{
   533 					__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - about to call RestoreFileL()");		
   534 					TRAP(err, iSWIRestore.RestoreFileL(iFileHandle, *iFileName));
   535 					__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - RestoreFileL() - err :%d", err);		
   536 					}
   537 				else if ((*iFileName).MatchC(KPrivateMatch) >= 0)
   538 					{
   539 					User::LeaveIfError(iFs.MkDirAll((*iFileName)));
   540 					User::LeaveIfError(iFileHandle.Rename((*iFileName)));
   541 					}
   544 				// Finished reset state
   545 				iFileHandle.Close();
   546 				// Delete temp file
   547 				if (iTempFileName)
   548 					{
   549 					// don't care if there is error
   550 					iFs.Delete(*iTempFileName);
   551 					delete iTempFileName;
   552 					iTempFileName = NULL;
   553 					}
   554 				iFileOpen = EFalse;
   555 				iFileNameRead = EFalse;
   556 				iFileName->Des().SetLength(0);
   557 				iFixedHeaderRead = EFalse;
   558 				iBytesRead = 0;
   560 				// Move current along
   561 				current += iFixedHeader.iFileSize - filesize;
   562 				}
   563 			else
   564 				{	
   565 				TInt fsize = end - current;
   566 				TPtr8 ptr(current, fsize, fsize);
   567 				User::LeaveIfError(iFileHandle.Write(ptr));
   568 				break;
   569 				}
   570 			} // while
   572 		if (aLastSection && iFileOpen)
   573 			{
   574 			User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   575 			} // if
   576 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyFileDataL() - END");
   577 		} // SupplyFileDataL
   579 	void CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, 
   580     									   TPackageDataType aTransferType, 
   581     									   TDesC8& aBuffer,
   582     									   TBool aLastSection)
   583 		/** Request data
   585 		@param aDriveNumber the drive you want data from
   586 		@param aTransferType the type of data you require
   587 		@param aBuffer the buffer to write the data
   588 		@param aLastSection is this the last section
   589 		*/
   590 		{
   591 		__LOG5("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyDataL() - START - aDrive: %c, aTransferType: %d, iSecureId: 0x%08x, iState.iState: %d, iState.iTransferType: %d", aDriveNumber + 'A', aTransferType, iPackageID.iUid, iState.iState, iState.iTransferType);
   593 		if (!iRestored)
   594 			{
   595 			TInt err = KErrNone;
   596 			if (!((iState.iState == ENone) ||
   597 			     ((iState.iState == ESupply || iState.iState == EBuffer) && (iState.iDriveNumber == aDriveNumber) && 
   598 			      (iState.iTransferType == aTransferType))))
   599 				{
   600 				__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyDataL() - bad state => ERROR => KErrNotReady");
   601 				User::Leave(KErrNotReady);			
   602 				}
   604 			// Set the state?
   605 			if (iState.iState == ENone)
   606 				{
   607 				iState.iDriveNumber = aDriveNumber;
   608 				iState.iTransferType = aTransferType;
   609 				} // if
   611 			switch (aTransferType)
   612 				{
   613 				case ESystemSnapshotData:
   614 					{
   615 					TRAP(err, SupplySnapshotL(aDriveNumber, aBuffer, aLastSection));
   616 					break;
   617 					}
   618 				case ESystemData:
   619 					{
   620 					TRAP(err, DoSupplyDataL(aDriveNumber, aBuffer, aLastSection));
   621 					break;
   622 					}
   623 				default:
   624 					{
   625 					err = KErrNotSupported;
   626 					}
   627 				} // switch
   629 			if (err != KErrNone) // Must reset state on error
   630 				{
   631 				iState.iState = ENone;
   632 				if (err != KErrAlreadyExists)
   633 					{
   634 					Cleanup();
   635 					iSWIRestore.Close();
   636 					User::LeaveIfError(iSWIRestore.Connect());
   637 					}
   638 				__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyDataL() - Left with error: %d", err);
   639 				User::Leave(err);
   640 				} //else
   641 			}
   643 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplyDataL() - END");
   645 		}
   647     void CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL(TDriveNumber /*aDriveNumber*/, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection)
   648 	/** Handles the actual supply of package data
   650 	@param aDriveNumber not used.
   651 	@param aBuffer the data that was supplied
   652 	@param aLastSection was this the last section of data
   653 	*/
   654     	{
   655     	__LOG3("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - START - aBuffer length: %d, aLastSection: %d, iState: %d", aBuffer.Length(), aLastSection, iState.iState);
   656         //__LOGDATA("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() -       %S", aBuffer.Ptr(), Min( aBuffer.Length(), 1024 ));
   658 		TInt currentPos = 0;
   659         const TInt sourceBufferLength = aBuffer.Length();
   661         if  ( iState.iState != ESupply )
   662             {
   663 		    if (iState.iState == ENone )
   664 			    {
   665 			    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - iState == ENone - set up for initial meta data read...");
   667                 // Retrieve metadata and file list from the buffer
   668 			    ReadData(&iMetaDataSize, aBuffer, sizeof(TInt));
   669 			    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - meta data size: %d", iMetaDataSize);
   670 			    currentPos += sizeof(TInt);
   672 			    if (iMetaDataSize >= (KMaxTInt/2) || iMetaDataSize < 0)
   673 				    {
   674 				    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - size read is too big");
   675 				    User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   676 				    }
   678 			    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - creating meta data buffer of length: %d bytes", iMetaDataSize);
   679 			    HBufC8* metaDataBuffer = HBufC8::NewL(iMetaDataSize);
   680                 delete iMetaData;
   681 			    iMetaData = metaDataBuffer;
   682                 TPtr8 data(iMetaData->Des());
   684                 if (iMetaDataSize > sourceBufferLength )
   685 				    {
   686 				    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - not enough source data to obtain entire meta data in one pass...");
   688                     if (aLastSection)
   689 					    {
   690 					    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - Underflow1");
   691 					    User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   692 					    }
   693                     else
   694                         {
   695                         data.Append(aBuffer.Mid(currentPos));
   696 				        iState.iState = EBuffer;
   697 				        __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - got %d bytes of meta data (%d bytes remaining) => changing state to EBuffer", data.Length(), iMetaDataSize - data.Length() );
   698                         }
   699 				    }
   700 			    else
   701 				    {
   702 				    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - able to read entire meta data buffer in a single pass... ");
   703 				    data.Append(aBuffer.Mid(currentPos, iMetaDataSize));
   704 				    currentPos += iMetaDataSize;
   705 				    }
   706 			    }
   707 		    else if (iState.iState == EBuffer)
   708 			    {
   709 			    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - iState == EBuffer, iMetaData length: %d", iMetaData->Length());
   710 			    TPtr8 ptr( iMetaData->Des() );
   711 			    const TInt leftToRead = iMetaDataSize - ptr.Length();
   712                 __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - meta data buffer left to read: %d", leftToRead);
   714                 if (sourceBufferLength < leftToRead)
   715 				    {
   716 				    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - not enough source data to obtain remaining required meta data in this pass...");
   718                     if (aLastSection)
   719 					    {
   720 					    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - Underflow2");
   721 					    User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
   722 					    }
   724 				    ptr.Append(aBuffer);
   725 				    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - meta data buffered again: %d", ptr.Length());
   726 				    iState.iState = EBuffer;
   727 				    return;
   728 				    }
   729 			    else
   730 				    {
   731 				    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - able to complete meta data read in this pass...");
   732                     ptr.Append( aBuffer.Left(leftToRead) );
   733                     __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - meta data finished buffering, meta data size is now: %d", ptr.Length());
   734 				    currentPos += leftToRead;
   735 				    }
   736 			    }
   738             const TBool metaDataComplete = ( iMetaData->Length() == iMetaDataSize );
   739     	    __LOG4("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - meta data complete?: %d ( %d bytes remaining out of total: %d with current length of: %d)", metaDataComplete, iMetaDataSize - iMetaData->Length(), iMetaDataSize, iMetaData->Length() );
   741             if  ( metaDataComplete )
   742                 {
   743     	        __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - Asking SWI to start a package...");
   744 		        iState.iState = ESupply;
   745 		        iSWIRestore.StartPackageL(iPackageID, *iMetaData);
   746 		        __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - SWI StartPackageL() completed OK");
   747                 }
   748             }
   750         if  ( iState.iState == ESupply )
   751             {
   752 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - iState == ESupply, currentPos: %d", currentPos);
   754             // Now restore each file and commit the changes 
   755             const TPtrC8 ptr( aBuffer.Mid( currentPos ) );
   756             //__LOGDATA("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - for supplyFileData   %S", ptr.Ptr(), Min( ptr.Length(), 1024 ));
   758 		    SupplyFileDataL(ptr, aLastSection);
   759 		    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - SupplyFileDataL() completed OK");
   761 		    if (aLastSection)
   762 			    {
   763 			    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - aLastSection - asking SWI to commit package...");
   764 			    // now we can finalise the restore
   765 			    iSWIRestore.CommitPackageL();
   766 			    __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - Package commited OK");
   767 			    iRestored = ETrue;
   768 			    iState.iState = ENone;
   770 			    Cleanup();
   771 			    iSWIRestore.Close();
   772 			    User::LeaveIfError(iSWIRestore.Connect());
   773 			    }
   774             }
   776 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoSupplyDataL() - END");
   777     	} // SupplyDataL
   779 	void CPackageDataTransfer::SupplySnapshotL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TBool aLastSection)
   780 	/** Handles the actual supply of snapshot data
   782 	@param aDriveNumber the drive the snapshot is for
   783 	@param aBuffer the data that was supplied
   784 	@param aLastSection was this the last section of data
   785 	*/
   786 		{
   787 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplySnapshotL() - START");
   788 		TInt err = KErrNone;
   789 		if (iBufferSnapshotReader == NULL)
   790 			{
   791 			CSnapshotHolder* snapshot = CSnapshotHolder::NewL();
   792 			delete iSnapshot;
   793 			iSnapshot = snapshot;
   794 			iSnapshot->iDriveNumber = aDriveNumber;
   795 			iBufferSnapshotReader = CBufferSnapshotReader::NewL(iSnapshot->iSnapshots);
   797 			TRAP(err, iBufferSnapshotReader->StartL(aBuffer, aLastSection));
   798 			} // if
   799 		else 
   800 			{
   801 			TRAP(err, iBufferSnapshotReader->ContinueL(aBuffer, aLastSection));
   802 			}
   804 		if ((err != KErrNone) || aLastSection)
   805 			{
   806 			delete iBufferSnapshotReader;
   807 			iBufferSnapshotReader = NULL;
   809 			User::LeaveIfError(err);
   810 			} // if
   811 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::SupplySnapshotL() - END");
   812 		}
   814     void CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection)
   815 	/** Handles the actual request for package data
   817 	@param aDriveNumber the drive the data is from
   818 	@param aBuffer the buffer to put the supplied data
   819 	@param aLastSection has all the data been supplied. If all data is not
   820 		   supplied a further calls to the function will return the extra
   821 		   data.
   822 	*/
   823     	{
   824     	__LOG3("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - START - iState: %d, iMetaData length: %d, iMetaDataSize: %d", iState.iState, iMetaData->Length(), iMetaDataSize);
   826         if (iState.iState == ENone || iState.iState == EBuffer)
   827 			{
   828 			if (!IsDataOnDrive(aDriveNumber))
   829 				{
   830 				aLastSection = ETrue;
   831     	        __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - END - no data on drive");
   832                 //__LOGDATA("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() -       %S", aBuffer.Ptr(), aBuffer.Length());
   833 				return;
   834 				}
   837             // Now write the meta data to the buffer. 
   838 			const TInt KSizeOfTInt = sizeof(TInt);
   839 			const TInt availableBuffer = aBuffer.MaxSize() - aBuffer.Size();
   840 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - available Buffer %d", availableBuffer);
   842 			if (iState.iState == ENone)
   843 				{		
   844 				if ((availableBuffer - KSizeOfTInt) >= iMetaDataSize)
   845 					{
   846 					__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = ENone - can write entire meta data in single pass...");
   848                     WriteData(&iMetaDataSize, aBuffer, KSizeOfTInt);
   849 					aBuffer.Append(*iMetaData);
   851                     __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = ENone - Written Meta Data, size %d", iMetaDataSize);
   852 					}
   853 				else if (availableBuffer - KSizeOfTInt > 0)
   854 					{
   855 				    // can we write metasize and something else?
   856 					__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = ENone - have room for some meta data (not all)...");
   858                     WriteData(&iMetaDataSize, aBuffer, KSizeOfTInt);
   860                     // Write as much meta data as we can (allowing for buffer size) in this pass.
   861                     const TInt amountOfMetaDataToWrite = availableBuffer - KSizeOfTInt;
   862 					aBuffer.Append(iMetaData->Left(amountOfMetaDataToWrite));
   864                     // need to get rid of KSizeOfTInt
   865 					iMetaDataLeft = iMetaDataSize - amountOfMetaDataToWrite;
   866 					aLastSection = EFalse;
   868                     iState.iState = EBuffer;
   869                     __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - END - iState = ENone - Written MetaData %d, left %d", amountOfMetaDataToWrite, iMetaDataLeft);
   870 					return;
   871 					}
   872 				else
   873 					{
   874 					__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - END - iState = ENone - not enough space to write MetaData, Return for more");
   875 					return;
   876 					}
   877 				}// if
   878 			else if (iState.iState == EBuffer)
   879 				{
   880 				if (availableBuffer - iMetaDataLeft >= 0)
   881 					{
   882                     const TInt readPosition = iMetaDataSize - iMetaDataLeft;
   883 					__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = EBuffer - enough space for remaining meta data in this pass, size %d, readPos: %d", iMetaDataLeft, readPosition);
   884 					aBuffer.Append(iMetaData->Mid(readPosition));
   885 					}
   886 				else 
   887 					{
   888 				    // continute buffer
   889 					const TInt readPosition = iMetaDataSize - iMetaDataLeft;
   890                     __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = EBuffer - Still buffering Meta Data, Left to write %d, readPos: %d", iMetaDataLeft, readPosition);
   892 					aBuffer.Append(iMetaData->Mid(readPosition, availableBuffer));
   893 					iMetaDataLeft -= availableBuffer;
   894 					aLastSection = EFalse;
   896                     __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState = EBuffer - END - Still buffering Meta Data, Left to write %d", iMetaDataLeft);
   897 					return;
   898 					}
   899 				}
   901 			TUint count = iFiles.Count();			
   902 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - No of fileNames: %d", count);
   904 			if (count == 0)
   905 				{
   906 				aLastSection = ETrue;
   907     	        __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - END - no files");
   908 				return;
   909 				}
   911 			CDesCArray* files = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KDesCArrayGranularity);
   912 			CleanupStack::PushL(files);
   913 			for (TUint i = 0; i < count; i++)
   914 				{
   915 				files->AppendL(*iFiles[i]);
   916 				}
   919 			__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - starting buffer file writer...");
   920 			CBufferFileWriter* bufferFileWriter = CBufferFileWriter::NewL(iFs, files);
   921    			delete iBufferFileWriter;  
   922    			iBufferFileWriter = bufferFileWriter;
   924 			iBufferFileWriter->StartL(aBuffer, aLastSection);
   925 			iState.iState = ERequest;
   926 			__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - iState is now ERequest");
   928 			if (aLastSection)
   929 				{
   930 				delete iBufferFileWriter;
   931 				iBufferFileWriter = NULL;
   932 				iState.iState = ENone;
   933 				} // if
   935             CleanupStack::Pop(files);
   936 			}
   937 		else if (iBufferFileWriter != NULL)
   938 			{
   939 			__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - continuing buffer file writer from last time...");
   940 			iBufferFileWriter->ContinueL(aBuffer, aLastSection);
   941 			if (aLastSection)
   942 				{
   943 				delete iBufferFileWriter;
   944 				iBufferFileWriter = NULL;
   945 				iState.iState = ENone;
   946 				}
   947 			}
   949         //__LOGDATA("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() -       %S", aBuffer.Ptr(), aBuffer.Length());
   950 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::DoRequestDataL() - END");			
   951     	} // RequestDataL
   953 	void CPackageDataTransfer::RequestSnapshotL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection)
   954 	/** Handles the request for snapshot data
   956 	@param aDriveNumber the drive the data is from
   957 	@param aBuffer the buffer to put the supplied data
   958 	@param aLastSection has all the data been supplied. If all data is not
   959 		   supplied a further calls to the function will return the extra
   960 		   data.
   961 	*/
   962 		{
   963 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestSnapshotL() - START");
   964 		if (iBufferSnapshotWriter == NULL)
   965 			{
   966 			if (!IsDataOnDrive(aDriveNumber))
   967 				{
   968 				aLastSection = ETrue;
   969 				return;
   970 				}
   972 			TUint count = iFiles.Count();
   973 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestSnapshotL() - No of fileNames: %d", count);
   974 			if (count > 0)
   975 				{
   976 				RSnapshots* snapshots = new(ELeave) RSnapshots();
   977 				TCleanupItem cleanup(CleanupRPointerArray, snapshots);
   978 				CleanupStack::PushL(cleanup);
   980 				while (count--)
   981 					{
   982 					TEntry entry;
   983 					const TDesC& fileName = *(iFiles[count]);
   984 					TInt err = iFs.Entry(fileName, entry);
   985 					if (err != KErrNone)
   986 						{
   987 						continue;
   988 						}
   989 					CSnapshot* snapshot = CSnapshot::NewLC(entry.iModified.Int64(), fileName);	
   990 					snapshots->AppendL(snapshot);
   991 					CleanupStack::Pop(snapshot);
   992 					}
   994 				// Create a buffer writer
   995 				// Convert entries into RSnapshots
   996 				// ownership transfer
   997 				CBufferSnapshotWriter* bufferSnapshotWriter = CBufferSnapshotWriter::NewL(snapshots);
   998    				CleanupStack::Pop(snapshots);
   999    				delete iBufferSnapshotWriter;  
  1000    				iBufferSnapshotWriter = bufferSnapshotWriter;
  1003 				iBufferSnapshotWriter->StartL(aBuffer, aLastSection);
  1005 				} // if
  1006 			else
  1007 				{
  1008 				aLastSection = ETrue;
  1009 				} // else
  1011 			} // if
  1012 		else
  1013 			{
  1014 			iBufferSnapshotWriter->ContinueL(aBuffer, aLastSection);
  1015 			} // else
  1017 		if (aLastSection)
  1018 			{
  1019 			delete iBufferSnapshotWriter;
  1020 			iBufferSnapshotWriter = NULL;
  1021 			}
  1022 		__LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::RequestSnapshotL() - END");
  1023 		}
  1026 	/** Cleanup of the internal data
  1027 	*/
  1028 	void CPackageDataTransfer::Cleanup()
  1029 		{
  1030 		delete iBufferFileWriter;
  1031   		iBufferFileWriter = NULL;
  1032    		delete iBufferSnapshotReader;
  1033   		iBufferSnapshotReader = NULL;
  1034    		delete iBufferSnapshotWriter;
  1035   		iBufferSnapshotWriter = NULL;
  1036    		delete iSnapshot;
  1037   		iSnapshot = NULL;
  1038   		delete iMetaData;
  1039   		iMetaData = NULL;
  1040 		}
  1042 	/**
  1043 	Checks if there is any data on the specified drive
  1045 	@param aDrive the drive to check on
  1046 	@return ETrue if there is any data
  1047 	*/
  1048 	TBool CPackageDataTransfer::IsDataOnDrive(TDriveNumber aDrive)
  1049 		{
  1050 		if (!iDriveList[aDrive])
  1051 			{
  1052 			return EFalse;
  1053 			}
  1054 		else
  1055 			{
  1056 			return ETrue;
  1057 			}
  1059 		}
  1061 	TCommonBURSettings CPackageDataTransfer::CommonSettingsL()
  1062 	/** Get the common settings of the data owner
  1064 	@pre CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() must have been called
  1065 	@return the common settings of the data owner
  1066 	@leave KErrNotReady if CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() not called
  1067 	*/
  1068 		{
  1069 		TCommonBURSettings settings = ENoOptions;
  1071 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::CommonSettingsL() - System Supported: %d", iSystemInformation.iSupported);
  1072 		if (iSystemInformation.iSupported)
  1073 			{
  1074 			settings |= EHasSystemFiles;
  1075 			}		
  1077 		return settings;
  1078 		}
  1080 	TPassiveBURSettings CPackageDataTransfer::PassiveSettingsL()
  1081 	/** Get the passive settings of the data owner
  1083 	@pre CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() must have been called
  1084 	@return the passive settings of the data owner
  1085 	@leave KErrNotReady if CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() not called
  1086 	*/
  1087 		{
  1088 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::CommonSettingsL() - Public Supported: %d", iPublicInformation.iSupported);
  1090 		TPassiveBURSettings settings = ENoPassiveOptions;
  1092 		if (iPublicInformation.iSupported)
  1093 			{
  1094 			settings |= EHasPublicFiles;
  1095 			} // if
  1098 		return settings;
  1099 		}
  1101 	TActiveBURSettings CPackageDataTransfer::ActiveSettingsL()
  1102 	/** Get the active settings of the data owner
  1104 	@pre CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() must have been called
  1105 	@return the active settings of the data owner
  1106 	@leave KErrNotReady if CPackageDataTransfer::ParseFilesL() not called
  1107 	*/
  1108 		{
  1109 		TActiveBURSettings settings = ENoActiveOptions;
  1111 		return settings;
  1112 		}
  1114 	/** Set the registration file for the package
  1115 	@param aFileName path including filename of the registration file
  1116 	*/
  1117 	void CPackageDataTransfer::SetRegistrationFileL(const TDesC& aFileName)
  1118 		{
  1119 		delete iRegistrationFile;
  1120 		iRegistrationFile = aFileName.AllocL();
  1121 		}
  1123 	/** Parses the package registration file
  1124 	@pre CPackageDataTransfer::SetRegistrationFile() must have been called
  1125 	*/
  1126 	void CPackageDataTransfer::ParseL()
  1127 		{
  1128 		if ((*iRegistrationFile).FindF(KPrimaryBackupRegistrationFile) == KErrNotFound)
  1129 			{
  1130 			User::Leave(KErrNotReady);
  1131 			}
  1133 		ipDataOwnerManager->ParserProxy().ParseL(*iRegistrationFile, *this);
  1134 		}
  1137 	void CPackageDataTransfer::GetRawPublicFileListL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, 
  1138 										   RRestoreFileFilterArray& aRestoreFileFilter)
  1139 	/** Gets the raw public file list 
  1141 	@param aDriveNumber the drive to return the list for
  1142 	@param aRestoreFileFilter on return the file filter
  1143 	*/
  1144 		{
  1145 		// Convert drive number to letter
  1146 		TChar drive;
  1147 		User::LeaveIfError(iFs.DriveToChar(aDriveNumber, drive));
  1149 		const TInt count = iPublicSelections.Count();
  1150 		for (TInt x = 0; x < count; x++)
  1151 			{
  1152 			CSelection* selection = iPublicSelections[x];
  1153 			TBool include = (selection->SelectionType() == EInclude);
  1154 			TFileName filename;
  1156 			const TDesC& selectionName = selection->SelectionName();
  1157 			// Name
  1158 			TBool add = false;
  1159 			if ((selectionName.Length() > 1) && (selectionName[1] == KColon()[0]))
  1160 				{
  1161 				// It has a drive specified
  1162 				TInt drive;
  1163 				iFs.CharToDrive(selectionName[0], drive);
  1164 				if (static_cast<TDriveNumber>(drive) == aDriveNumber)
  1165 					{
  1166 					add = true;
  1167 					filename.Append(selectionName);
  1168 					} // if
  1169 				} // if
  1170 			else if (selectionName[0] == KBackSlash()[0])
  1171 				{
  1172 				add = true;
  1173 				filename.Append(drive);
  1174 				filename.Append(KColon);
  1175 				filename.Append(selectionName);
  1176 				} // if
  1177 			else
  1178 				{
  1179 				filename.Append(drive);
  1180 				filename.Append(KColon);
  1181 				filename.Append(KBackSlash);
  1182 				filename.Append(selectionName);
  1183 				} // else
  1185 			if (add)
  1186 				{
  1187 				aRestoreFileFilter.AppendL(TRestoreFileFilter(include, filename));
  1188 				} // if
  1189 			} // for x
  1190 		}
  1193 	void CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RFileArray& aFiles)
  1194 	/** Gets the public file list
  1196 	Gets the public file list for the given drive
  1197 	@param aDriveNumber the drive to retrieve the public files for
  1198 	@param aFiles on return a list of public files
  1199 	*/
  1200 		{
  1201 		_LIT(KDrive, "?:");
  1202 		_LIT(KDriveAndSlash, "?:\\");
  1203 		_LIT( KExclamationAsDrive, "!"); // Used to generic drives for public data as in .SIS file package
  1205 		// Split selections into include and exclude
  1206 		RArray<TPtrC> include;
  1207 		CleanupClosePushL(include);
  1208 		RArray<TPtrC> exclude;
  1209 		CleanupClosePushL(exclude);
  1210 		TInt count = iPublicSelections.Count();
  1213         __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - file selection listing...:");
  1214 		for (TInt x = 0; x < count; x++)
  1215 			{
  1216             const TDesC& selectionName = iPublicSelections[x]->SelectionName();
  1217             __LOG3("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - selection[%03d]: %S, type: %d", x, &selectionName, iPublicSelections[x]->SelectionType());
  1218 			if (iPublicSelections[x]->SelectionType() == EInclude)
  1219 				{
  1220 				include.AppendL(selectionName);
  1221 				} // if
  1222 			else
  1223 				{
  1224 				exclude.AppendL(selectionName);
  1225 				} // else
  1226 			} // for x
  1228 		// Loop through all includes
  1229 		count = include.Count();
  1230         __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - include listing...:");
  1231 		for (TInt x = 0; x < count; x++)
  1232 			{
  1233 			TFileName fileName;
  1234 			TChar drive;
  1235 			User::LeaveIfError(iFs.DriveToChar(aDriveNumber, drive));
  1237             const TPtrC includeEntry( include[x] );
  1238             __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - entry[%03d] is: %S", x, &includeEntry);
  1240             // See if the drive is specified
  1241 			if (include[x][0] == KBackSlash()[0])
  1242 				{
  1243 				// Add the drive
  1244 				fileName.Append(drive);
  1245 				fileName.Append(KColon);
  1246 				fileName.Append(include[x]);
  1247 				}
  1248 			else
  1249 				{
  1250 				// Handle the Exclamation (!) in Public data paths, if any.  
  1251 				// Exclamation mark in place of drive letter means that the path is to be checked in all available drives.
  1252 				// And any dataowner can keep their public files in any drive and it can be mentioned in backup_registration file as below.
  1253 				// <public_backup>
  1254 				// <include_directory name="!:\mydatabases\" />
  1255 				// </public_backup>				
  1257 				if ( includeEntry[0] == KExclamationAsDrive()[0])
  1258 					{	
  1259 					// Map public data path using current drive being backed up.
  1260 					fileName.Zero();
  1261 					fileName.Append(drive);
  1262 					fileName.Append( includeEntry.Mid(1) );
  1263 					}
  1264 				else
  1265 					if (static_cast<TChar>(includeEntry[0]).GetUpperCase() == drive.GetUpperCase())
  1266 					{								
  1267 					fileName.Copy(includeEntry);
  1268 					} // else
  1270 				} // else
  1272             __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - entry[%03d] filename is therefore: %S", x, &fileName);
  1273 			if (fileName.Length() > 0)
  1274 				{
  1276 				// Check to see if fileName is just a drive(we cant get an entry)
  1277 				TBool isDrive = EFalse;
  1278 				if ((fileName.MatchF(KDrive) != KErrNotFound) ||
  1279 				    (fileName.MatchF(KDriveAndSlash) != KErrNotFound))
  1280 					{
  1281 					isDrive = ETrue;
  1282                     __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - filename is a drive");
  1283 					} // if
  1285 				TEntry entry;
  1286 				TBool isEntry = EFalse;
  1287 				if (!isDrive)
  1288 					{
  1289 					TInt err = iFs.Entry(fileName, entry);
  1290                     __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - get entry error: %d", err);
  1291 					entry.iName = fileName;
  1292 					switch (err)
  1293 						{
  1294 					case KErrNone:
  1295 						isEntry = ETrue;
  1296 						break;
  1297 					case KErrNotFound:
  1298 					case KErrPathNotFound:
  1299 					case KErrBadName:
  1300 						break;
  1301 					default:
  1302 						User::Leave(err);
  1303 						} // switch
  1304 					} // if
  1306 				if (isDrive || (isEntry && entry.IsDir()))
  1307 					{
  1308                     __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - parsing directory...");
  1309 					ParseDirL(fileName, exclude, aFiles);
  1311 				#ifdef SBE_LOGGING_ENABLED
  1312 					const TInt fNameCount = aFiles.Count();
  1313                     if  (fNameCount)
  1314                         {
  1315                         for(TInt k=0; k<fNameCount; k++)
  1316                             {
  1317                             const TDesC& fileName = aFiles[k].iName;
  1318                             __LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - directory entry[%03d] %S", k, &fileName);
  1319                             }
  1320                         }
  1322                     __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - end of parsing directory");
  1323 				#endif
  1324 					} // if
  1325 				else
  1326 					{
  1327 					if (isEntry)
  1328 						{
  1329                         const TBool isExcluded = IsExcluded(ETrue, fileName, exclude);
  1330 						if (!isExcluded)
  1331 							{
  1332 						    __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - adding fully verified file: %S", &fileName);
  1333 							// Add to list of files
  1334 							aFiles.AppendL(entry);
  1335 							} // if
  1336                         else
  1337                             {
  1338                             __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - file is excluded!");
  1339                             }
  1340 						} // if
  1341 					} // else
  1342 				} // if
  1343 			} // for x
  1345 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&exclude);
  1346 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&include);
  1347         __LOG("CPackageDataTransfer::GetPublicFileListL() - END");
  1348 		}
  1350 	void CPackageDataTransfer::ParseDirL(const TDesC& aDirName, const RArray<TPtrC>& aExclude, RFileArray& apFileEntries)
  1351 	/** Parses a directory for files.
  1353 	Parses the given directory for files. The function is called recursivily if a directory is found.
  1355 	@param aDirName the directory to search
  1356 	@param aExclude a list of directories or files to exclude
  1357 	@param apFileEntries Array of file entries to populate
  1358 	*/							   
  1359 		{
  1360 		CDir* pFiles = NULL;
  1362 		// This function requires a / on the end otherwise it does not work!
  1363 		TFileName path = aDirName;
  1364 		if (path[path.Length() - 1] != KBackSlash()[0])
  1365 			path.Append(KBackSlash);
  1367 		TInt err = iFs.GetDir(path, KEntryAttMatchMask, ESortNone, pFiles);
  1368 		CleanupStack::PushL(pFiles); // Add to cleanup stack
  1370 		if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound)) // Do we need to leave?
  1371 			{
  1372 			User::Leave(err);
  1373 			} // if
  1375 		TUint count = pFiles->Count();
  1376 		while(count--)
  1377 			{
  1378 			TEntry entry = (*pFiles)[count]; 
  1380 			// Build full path
  1381 			TFileName filename = path;
  1382 			filename.Append(entry.iName);
  1383 			entry.iName = filename;
  1385 			if (!IsExcluded(ETrue, filename, aExclude))
  1386 				{
  1387 				if (entry.IsDir())
  1388 					{
  1389 					ParseDirL(filename, aExclude, apFileEntries);
  1390 					} // if
  1391 				else
  1392 					{
  1393 					// Add to list of files
  1394 					apFileEntries.AppendL(entry);
  1395 					} // else
  1396 				} // if
  1397 			} // for x
  1399 		// Cleanup
  1400 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pFiles);
  1401 		}
  1403 	void CPackageDataTransfer::GetDriveListL(TDriveList& aDriveList)
  1404 	/** Get the drive list for the data owner
  1406 	@pre CDataOwner::ParseFilesL() must have been called
  1407 	@return the active settings of the data owner
  1408 	@leave KErrNotReady if CDataOwner::ParseFilesL() not called
  1409 	*/
  1410 		{
  1411         __LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetDriveListL() - Begin - SID: 0x%08x", iPackageID.iUid);
  1413 		// We now no longer return the Z drive, it has been decided that the Z drive will always be the
  1414 		// ROM. Backing up and restoring the ROM drive should not be possible, as what is the point
  1416 		// build package files
  1417 		if (iMetaData == NULL)
  1418 			{
  1419 			iMetaData = iSWIBackup.GetMetaDataL(iPackageID, iFiles);
  1420 			iMetaDataSize = iMetaData->Size();
  1421 			BuildPackageFileList();
  1422 			}
  1424 		TDriveList notToBackup = ipDataOwnerManager->Config().ExcludeDriveList();
  1426 		for (TInt i = 0; i < KMaxDrives; i++)
  1427 			{
  1428 			if (notToBackup[i]) // if this drive is set
  1429 				{
  1430 				// don't include this drive
  1431 				iDriveList[i] = EFalse;
  1432 				}
  1433 			}
  1435 		aDriveList = iDriveList;
  1436 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::GetDriveListL() - end - SID: 0x%08x", iPackageID.iUid);
  1437 		}
  1439 	TBool CPackageDataTransfer::IsExcluded(const TBool aIsPublic, const TDesC& aFileName, const RArray<TPtrC>& aExclude)
  1440 	/** Checks to see if a given file is excluded
  1442 	Checks to see if the given file is not in a private directory or in the exclude list.
  1444 	@param aFileName file to check
  1445 	@param aExclude list of excluded files
  1446 	@return ETrue if excluded otherwise EFalse
  1447 	*/
  1448 		{
  1449 		_LIT(KPrivateMatch, "?:\\private\\*");
  1450 		_LIT(KSystem, "?:\\system\\*");
  1451 		_LIT(KResource, "?:\\resource\\*");
  1452 		_LIT(KOther, "*\\..\\*");
  1453 		TBool ret = EFalse;
  1455 		// Check it is not in sys, resource, system or backwards path
  1456 		ret = (!((aFileName.MatchF(KSystem) == KErrNotFound) &&
  1457 			     (aFileName.MatchF(KResource) == KErrNotFound) &&
  1458 			     (aFileName.MatchF(KSys) == KErrNotFound) && 
  1459 			     (aFileName.MatchF(KOther) == KErrNotFound)
  1460 			    )
  1461 			  );
  1463 		// If this is public backup remove the private directory
  1464 		if (!ret && aIsPublic)
  1465 			{
  1466 		    ret = (!(aFileName.MatchF(KPrivateMatch) == KErrNotFound));
  1467 			}
  1469 		if (!ret)
  1470 			{
  1471 			// Is the file in the exclude list?
  1472 			const TInt count = aExclude.Count();
  1473 			for (TInt x = 0; !ret && x < count; x++)
  1474 				{
  1475 				if (aExclude[x][0] == KBackSlash()[0])
  1476 					{
  1477 					// Compare with out drive
  1478 					_LIT(KQuestionMark, "?");
  1479 					TFileName compare = KQuestionMark();
  1480 					compare.Append(aExclude[x]);
  1481 					ret = (!(aFileName.MatchF(compare) == KErrNotFound));
  1482 					} // if
  1483 				else
  1484 					{
  1485 					// Normal compare
  1486 					ret = (aFileName.CompareF(aExclude[x]) == 0);
  1487 					} // else
  1488 				} // for x
  1489 			} // if
  1491         __LOG2("CDataOwner::IsExcluded() - END - returns excluded: %d for file: %S", ret, &aFileName);
  1492 		return ret;
  1493 		}
  1495 		/**
  1496 	Method will be used for Sort on RPointerArray
  1498 	@param aFirst CPackageDataTransfer& package id to compare
  1499 	@param aSecond CPackageDataTransfer& package id to compare
  1501 	@see RArray::Sort()
  1502 	*/
  1503 	TInt CPackageDataTransfer::Compare(const CPackageDataTransfer& aFirst, const CPackageDataTransfer& aSecond)
  1504 		{
  1505 		if (aFirst.PackageId().iUid < aSecond.PackageId().iUid)
  1506 			{
  1507 			return -1;
  1508 			}
  1509  		else if (aFirst.PackageId().iUid > aSecond.PackageId().iUid)
  1510  			{
  1511  			return 1;
  1512  			}
  1513  		else 
  1514  			{
  1515  			return 0;
  1516  			}
  1517 		}
  1519 	/**
  1520 	Method will be used for Find on RPointerArray
  1522 	@param aFirst CPackageDataTransfer& package id to match
  1523 	@param aSecond CPackageDataTransfer& package id to match
  1525 	@see RArray::Find()
  1526 	*/
  1527 	TBool CPackageDataTransfer::Match(const CPackageDataTransfer& aFirst, const CPackageDataTransfer& aSecond)
  1528 		{
  1529 		return (aFirst.PackageId().iUid == aSecond.PackageId().iUid);
  1530 		}
  1533 	//	
  1534 	//  MContentHandler Implementaion //
  1535 	//
  1539 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartDocumentL(const RDocumentParameters& /*aDocParam*/, TInt aErrorCode)
  1540 	/** MContentHandler::OnStartDocumentL()
  1541 	*/
  1542 		{
  1543 		if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
  1544 			{
  1545 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartDocumentL() - error = %d", aErrorCode);
  1546 			User::Leave(aErrorCode);
  1547 			}
  1548 		}
  1550 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnEndDocumentL(TInt aErrorCode)
  1551 	/** MContentHandler::OnEndDocumentL()
  1552 	*/
  1553 		{
  1554 		// just to satisfy UREL compiler
  1555 		(void) aErrorCode;
  1556 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnEndDocumentL() - error = %d", aErrorCode);
  1557 		}
  1559 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, 
  1560 									  const RAttributeArray& aAttributes, 
  1561 									  TInt aErrorCode)
  1562 	/** MContentHandler::OnStartElementL()
  1564 	@leave KErrUnknown an unknown element
  1565 	*/
  1566 		{
  1567 		if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
  1568 			{
  1569 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartElementL() - error = %d", aErrorCode);
  1570 			User::Leave(aErrorCode);
  1571 			}
  1573 		TPtrC8 localName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
  1574 		if (localName == KIncludeFile) 
  1575 			{
  1576 			HandlePathL(EInclude, aAttributes, EFalse);
  1577 			}
  1578 		else if (!localName.CompareF(KIncludeDirectory))
  1579 			{
  1580 			HandlePathL(EInclude, aAttributes, ETrue);
  1581 			}
  1582 		else if (!localName.CompareF(KExclude))
  1583 			{
  1584 			HandlePathL(EExclude, aAttributes, EFalse);
  1585 			}
  1586 		else if (!localName.CompareF(KBackupRegistration))
  1587 			{
  1588 			HandleBackupRegistrationL(aAttributes);
  1589 			}
  1590 		else if (!localName.CompareF(KPublicBackup))
  1591 			{
  1592 			User::LeaveIfError(HandlePublicBackup(aAttributes));
  1593 			}
  1594 		else if (!localName.CompareF(KSystemBackup))
  1595 			{
  1596 			User::LeaveIfError(HandleSystemBackup(aAttributes));
  1597 			}
  1598 		else
  1599 			{
  1600 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartElementL() - Unknown element while parsing 0x%08x", iPackageID.iUid);
  1601 			}
  1603 		}
  1606 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnEndElementL(const RTagInfo& aElement, TInt aErrorCode)
  1607 	/** MContentHandler::OnEndElementL()
  1608 	*/
  1609 		{
  1610 		if (aErrorCode != KErrNone)
  1611 			{
  1612 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnEndElementL() - error = %d", aErrorCode);
  1613 			User::Leave(aErrorCode);
  1614 			}
  1616 		TPtrC8 localName = aElement.LocalName().DesC();
  1617 		if (!localName.CompareF(KPublicBackup))
  1618 			{
  1619 			iCurrentElement = ENoElement;
  1620 			} // if
  1621 		}
  1623 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnContentL(const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1624 	/** MContentHandler::OnContentL()
  1625 	*/
  1626 		{
  1627 		// Not handled
  1628 		}
  1630 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnStartPrefixMappingL(const RString& /*aPrefix*/, 
  1631 											const RString& /*aUri*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1632 	/** MContentHandler::OnStartPrefixMappingL()
  1633 	*/
  1634 		{
  1635 		// Not handled
  1636 		}
  1638 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnEndPrefixMappingL(const RString& /*aPrefix*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1639 	/** MContentHandler::OnEndPrefixMappingL()
  1640 	*/
  1641 		{
  1642 		// Not handled
  1643 		}
  1645 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL(const TDesC8& /*aBytes*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1646 	/** MContentHandler::OnIgnorableWhiteSpaceL()
  1647 	*/
  1648 		{
  1649 		// Not handled
  1650 		}
  1652 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnSkippedEntityL(const RString& /*aName*/, TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1653 	/** MContentHandler::OnSkippedEntityL()
  1654 	*/
  1655 		{
  1656 		// Not handled
  1657 		}
  1659 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnProcessingInstructionL(const TDesC8& /*aTarget*/, 
  1660 											   const TDesC8& /*aData*/, 
  1661 											   TInt /*aErrorCode*/)
  1662 	/** MContentHandler::OnProcessingInstructionL()
  1663 	*/
  1664 		{
  1665 		// Not handled
  1666 		}
  1668 	void CPackageDataTransfer::OnError(TInt aErrorCode)
  1669 	/** MContentHandler::OnError()
  1671 	@leave aErrorCode
  1672 	*/
  1673 		{
  1674 		(void)aErrorCode;
  1675 		__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::OnError() - error = %d", aErrorCode);
  1676 		}
  1678 	TAny* CPackageDataTransfer::GetExtendedInterface(const TInt32 /*aUid*/)
  1679 	/** MContentHandler::OnEndPrefixMappingL()
  1680 	*/
  1681 		{
  1682 		return NULL;
  1683 		}
  1685 	void CPackageDataTransfer::HandleBackupRegistrationL(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes)
  1686 	/** Handles the "backup_registration" element
  1688 	@param aAttributes the attributes for the element
  1689 	@return KErrNone no errors
  1690 	@return KErrUnknown unknown version
  1691 	*/
  1692 		{
  1693 		_LIT8(KVersion, "1.0");
  1695 		if (aAttributes.Count() == 1)
  1696 			{
  1697 			// Check the version is correct.
  1698 			if (aAttributes[0].Value().DesC() != KVersion()) // Only version we know about
  1699 				{
  1700 				__LOG1("CDataOwner::HandleBackupRegistrationL() - Unknown version at SID(0x%08x)", iPackageID.iUid);
  1701 				User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1702 				} // else
  1703 			} // if
  1704 		}
  1707 	TInt CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePublicBackup(const RAttributeArray& aAttributes)
  1708 	/** Handles the "public_backup" element
  1710 	@param aAttributes the attributes for the element
  1711 	@return KErrNone
  1712 	*/
  1713 		{
  1714 		iPublicInformation.iSupported = ETrue;
  1716 		if (aAttributes.Count() > 0)
  1717 			{
  1718             const TBool deleteBeforeRestore = ( aAttributes[0].Value().DesC().CompareF(KYes) == 0 );
  1719 			iPublicInformation.iDeleteBeforeRestore = deleteBeforeRestore;
  1720 			__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePublicBackup(0x%08x) - iPublicInformation.iDeleteBeforeRestore: %d", iPackageID.iUid, deleteBeforeRestore);
  1721 			} // if
  1723 		iCurrentElement = EPublic;
  1725 		return KErrNone;
  1726 		}
  1728 	TInt CPackageDataTransfer::HandleSystemBackup(const RAttributeArray& /*aAttributes*/)
  1729 	/** Handles the "system_backup" element
  1731 	@param aAttributes the attributes for the element
  1732 	@return KErrNone
  1733 	*/
  1734 		{
  1735 		iSystemInformation.iSupported = ETrue;
  1736 		__LOG2("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePublicBackup(0x%08x) - iSystemInformation.iSupported: %d", iPackageID.iUid, iSystemInformation.iSupported);
  1738 		return KErrNone;	
  1739 		}
  1742 	void CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(const TSelectionType aType, 
  1743 								  const RAttributeArray& aAttributes,
  1744 								  const TBool aDir)
  1745 	/** Handles the "include_file", "include_directory" and "exclude" elements
  1747 	@param aType The selection type 
  1748 	@param aAttributes The attributes for the element
  1749 	@param aDir The element was found in an <include_dir/> element?
  1750 	*/
  1751 		{
  1752 		// Check we dont have a NULL string
  1753 		if (aAttributes[0].Value().DesC().Length() > 0)
  1754 			{
  1755 			switch (iCurrentElement)
  1756 				{
  1757 			case EPublic:
  1758 					{
  1759 					TFileName selectionName;
  1760 					if (KErrNone == ipDataOwnerManager->ParserProxy().ConvertToUnicodeL(selectionName, aAttributes[0].Value().DesC()))
  1761 						{
  1762 						// 2 because we expect drive leter and semicollon
  1763 						if (selectionName.Length() > 2)
  1764 							{
  1765 							// Should we add a backslash
  1766 							if (aDir &&
  1767 							(selectionName[selectionName.Length() - 1] != '\\'))
  1768 								{
  1769 								selectionName.Append(KBackSlash);
  1770 								} // if
  1772 							if (selectionName[1] == ':')
  1773 								{
  1774 								CSelection* selection = CSelection::NewLC(aType, selectionName);
  1775 								iPublicSelections.AppendL(selection);
  1776 								CleanupStack::Pop(selection);
  1777 								__LOG3("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(0x%08x) - Added selection: %S [type: %d]", iPackageID.iUid, &selectionName, aType);
  1778 								} //if 
  1779 							}// if
  1780 						else
  1781 							{
  1782 							__LOG3("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(0x%08x) - Wrong format: %S [type: %d]", iPackageID.iUid, &selectionName, aType);
  1783 							}
  1784 						} // if
  1785 					else
  1786 						{
  1787 						__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(0x%08x) - EPublic - Could not convert filename", iPackageID.iUid);
  1788 						} // else
  1789 					break;
  1790 					};
  1791 			default:
  1792 					{
  1793 					__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(0x%08x) - Private data is Not Supported", iPackageID.iUid);		
  1794 					}
  1795 				break;
  1796 				} // switch
  1797 			} // if
  1798 		else
  1799 			{
  1800 			__LOG1("CPackageDataTransfer::HandlePathL(0x%08x) - Path attribute error", iPackageID.iUid);
  1801 			} // else
  1802 		}
  1803 //					// 
  1804 // MContentHandler //
  1805 //
  1808 	} // namespace