changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 6 f8e15b44d440
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <mtp/cmtpdataproviderplugin.h>
    17 #include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
    18 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    19 #include <mtp/mtpdataproviderapitypes.h>
    21 #include "cmtpdataprovider.h"
    22 #include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
    23 #include "cmtpframeworkconfig.h"
    24 #include "cmtpstoragemgr.h"
    25 #include "cmtpobjectmgr.h"
    26 #include "cmtpstoragewatcher.h"
    27 #include "rmtpdevicedpsingletons.h"
    28 #include "cmtpdevicedpconfigmgr.h"
    31 // Class constants.
    32 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"StorageWatcher");)
    33 static const TBool KAllDrives(ETrue);
    34 static const TBool KAvailableDrives(EFalse);
    36 const TInt KFolderExclusionGranularity = 8;
    38 /**
    39 MTP system storage watcher factory method.
    40 @return A pointer to an MTP system storage watcher object. Ownership IS 
    41 transfered.
    42 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
    43 */
    44 CMTPStorageWatcher* CMTPStorageWatcher::NewL(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework)
    45     {
    46     CMTPStorageWatcher* self = new (ELeave) CMTPStorageWatcher(aFramework);
    47     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    48     self->ConstructL();
    49     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    50     return self;
    51     }
    53 /**
    54 Destructor.
    55 */    
    56 CMTPStorageWatcher::~CMTPStorageWatcher()
    57     {
    58     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPStorageWatcher - Entry"));
    59     Cancel();
    60     delete iFolderExclusionList;
    61     iDpSingletons.Close();
    62     iDrivesExcluded.Close();
    63     iFrameworkSingletons.Close();
    64     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPStorageWatcher - Exit"));
    65     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    66     }
    68 void CMTPStorageWatcher::EnumerateStoragesL()
    69     {
    70     __FLOG(_L8("EnumerateStoragesL - Entry"));
    72     //Use Hash to replace it
    73     AppendFolderExclusionListL();
    75     // Retrieve the drive exclusion list.
    76     iFrameworkSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetValueL(CMTPFrameworkConfig::EExcludedStorageDrives, iDrivesExcluded);
    77     iDrivesExcluded.Sort();
    79     // Claim system storages ownership.
    80     CMTPStorageMgr& mgr(iFrameworkSingletons.StorageMgr());
    81     mgr.SetFrameworkId(iFramework.DataProviderId());
    83     /* 
    84     Enumerate the initial drive set. 
    86         1.   Enumerate each known drive as a physical storage.
    87     */
    88     iDrivesConfig = DriveConfigurationL(KAllDrives);
    89     CMTPStorageMetaData* storage = CMTPStorageMetaData::NewLC();
    90     storage->SetUint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType, CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem);
    91     _LIT(KSuidTemplate, "?:");
    92     RBuf suid;
    93     suid.CleanupClosePushL();
    94     suid.Assign((KSuidTemplate().AllocL()));
    96     for (TInt drive(0); (drive < KMaxDrives); drive++)
    97         {
    98         const TUint32 mask(1 << drive);
    99         if (iDrivesConfig & mask)
   100             {
   101             TChar driveChar;
   102             User::LeaveIfError(iFramework.Fs().DriveToChar(drive, driveChar));
   103             suid[0] = driveChar;
   104             storage->SetDesCL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid, suid);
   106             TUint32 id(mgr.AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL(iFramework.DataProviderId(), *storage));
   107             mgr.SetDriveMappingL(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(drive), id);
   108             }
   109         }
   111     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&suid);
   112     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storage);
   114     /* 
   115         2.  If so configured, enumerate a single logical storage for each of 
   116             the available drives.
   117     */
   118     if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   119         {
   120         iDrivesConfig = DriveConfigurationL(KAvailableDrives);
   122         for (TInt drive(0); (drive < KMaxDrives); drive++)
   123             {
   124             const TUint32 mask(1 << drive);
   125             if (iDrivesConfig & mask)
   126                 {
   127                 StorageAvailableL(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(drive));
   128                 }
   129             }
   130         }
   132     // Set the default storage.
   133     TUint defaultDrive;
   134     iFrameworkSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetValueL(CMTPFrameworkConfig::EDefaultStorageDrive, defaultDrive);
   136     if ( defaultDrive <= EDriveZ )
   137         {
   138         // Default drive is specified by drive number.. retrieve from manager..
   139         if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   140             {
   141             mgr.SetDefaultStorageId(mgr.FrameworkStorageId(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(defaultDrive)));
   142             }
   143         else
   144             {
   145             mgr.SetDefaultStorageId(mgr.PhysicalStorageId(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(defaultDrive)));
   146             }
   147         }
   148     else
   149        {
   150        // Default drive is specified by storage number
   151        mgr.SetDefaultStorageId(defaultDrive);
   152        }
   154     __FLOG(_L8("EnumerateStoragesL - Exit"));
   155     }
   157 /**
   158 Initiates storage change notice subscription.
   159 */
   160 void CMTPStorageWatcher::Start()
   161     {
   162     __FLOG(_L8("Start - Entry"));
   163     if (!(iState & EStarted))
   164         {
   165         __FLOG(_L8("Starting RFs notifier"));
   166         TRequestStatus* status(&iStatus);
   167         User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   168         SetActive();
   169         iState |= EStarted;
   170         }
   171     __FLOG(_L8("Start - Exit"));    
   172     }
   174 void CMTPStorageWatcher::DoCancel()
   175     {
   176     __FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Entry"));
   177     __FLOG(_L8("Stopping RFs notifier"));
   178     iFrameworkSingletons.Fs().NotifyChangeCancel();
   179     iState &= (!EStarted);
   180     __FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Exit"));
   181     }
   183 /**
   184 Append all DPs folder exclusion list strings in Device DP
   185  */
   186 void CMTPStorageWatcher::AppendFolderExclusionListL()
   187     {
   188     CDesCArraySeg* folderExclusionSets = new (ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(KFolderExclusionGranularity);
   189     CleanupStack::PushL(folderExclusionSets);
   190     CMTPDataProviderController& dps(iFrameworkSingletons.DpController());
   191     TUint currentDpIndex = 0, count = dps.Count();
   192     while (currentDpIndex < count)
   193         {
   194         CMTPDataProvider& dp(dps.DataProviderByIndexL(currentDpIndex));
   195         if(KMTPImplementationUidDeviceDp != dp.ImplementationUid().iUid)
   196             {
   197             folderExclusionSets->Reset();
   198             dp.Plugin().SupportedL(EFolderExclusionSets,*folderExclusionSets);
   199             for(TInt i = 0; i < folderExclusionSets->Count(); ++i)
   200                 {
   201                 TPtrC16 excludedFolder = (*folderExclusionSets)[i];
   202                 iFolderExclusionList->AppendL(excludedFolder);
   203                 }
   204             }
   205         currentDpIndex++;
   206         }
   207     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(folderExclusionSets);
   208     }
   210 /**
   211 Handles leaves occurring in RunL.
   212 @param aError leave error code
   213 @return KErrNone
   214 */
   215 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   216 TInt CMTPStorageWatcher::RunError(TInt aError)
   217 #else
   218 TInt CMTPStorageWatcher::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
   219 #endif
   220     {
   221     __FLOG(_L8("RunError - Entry"));
   222     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Error = %d"), aError));
   224     // Ignore the error, meaning that the storages may not be accurately accounted for
   225     RequestNotification();
   227     __FLOG(_L8("RunError - Exit"));
   228     return KErrNone;
   229     }
   231 void CMTPStorageWatcher::RunL()
   232     {
   233     __FLOG(_L8("RunL - Entry"));
   234     const TUint32 previous(iDrivesConfig);
   235     const TUint32 current(DriveConfigurationL(KAvailableDrives));
   236     if (current != previous)
   237         {        
   238         const TUint32 changed(current ^ previous);
   239         const TUint32 added(changed & current);
   240         const TUint32 removed(changed & previous);
   241         TInt i(KMaxDrives);
   242         while (i--)
   243             {
   244             const TUint32 mask(1 << i);
   245             if (added & mask)
   246                 {
   247                 StorageAvailableL(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(i));
   248                 }
   249             else if (removed & mask)
   250                 {
   251                 StorageUnavailableL(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(i));
   252                 }
   253             }
   254         }
   255     iDrivesConfig = current;
   256     RequestNotification();
   257     __FLOG(_L8("RunL - Exit"));
   258     }
   260 /**
   261 Constructor.
   262 @param aConnectionMgr The MTP connection manager interface.
   263 */
   264 CMTPStorageWatcher::CMTPStorageWatcher(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework) :
   265     CActive(EPriorityStandard),
   266     iFramework(aFramework)
   267     {
   268     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   269     }
   271 /**
   272 Second phase constructor.
   273 */
   274 void CMTPStorageWatcher::ConstructL()
   275     {
   276     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   277     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Entry"));
   278     iFrameworkSingletons.OpenL();
   279     iFrameworkSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetValueL(CMTPFrameworkConfig::ELogicalStorageIdsAllocationEnable, iAllocateLogicalStorages);
   281     RMTPDeviceDpSingletons devSingletons;
   282     devSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   283     CleanupClosePushL(devSingletons);
   285     iDpSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   286     iFolderExclusionList = devSingletons.ConfigMgr().GetArrayValueL(CMTPDeviceDpConfigMgr::EFolderExclusionList); 
   287     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&devSingletons);
   288     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Exit"));
   289     }
   291 TUint32 CMTPStorageWatcher::DriveConfigurationL(TBool aAllDrives) const
   292     {
   293     __FLOG(_L8("DriveConfigurationL - Entry"));
   294     TUint32     config(0);
   295     TDriveList  drives;
   296     RFs&        fs(iFrameworkSingletons.Fs());
   297     User::LeaveIfError(fs.DriveList(drives));
   298     TInt i(KMaxDrives);
   299     while (i--)
   300         {        
   301         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive number %d, available = 0x%02d"), i, drives [i]));
   302         if ((drives[i]) &&
   303             (!Excluded(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(i))))
   304             {
   305             TDriveInfo info;
   306             User::LeaveIfError(fs.Drive(info, i));
   307             if ((info.iType != EMediaNotPresent) || (aAllDrives))
   308                 {
   309                 TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
   310                 if(KErrNone == fs.Volume(volumeInfo,i))
   311                 	{
   312                 	config |=  (1 << i);
   313                 	}
   314                 }
   315             }
   316         }
   317     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drives list = 0x%08X, AllDrives = %d"), config, aAllDrives));
   318     __FLOG(_L8("DriveConfigurationL - Exit"));
   319     return config;
   320     }
   322 TBool CMTPStorageWatcher::Excluded(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber) const
   323     {
   324     __FLOG(_L8("Excluded - Entry"));
   325     TBool ret(iDrivesExcluded.FindInOrder(aDriveNumber) != KErrNotFound);
   326     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive = %d, excluded = %d"), aDriveNumber, ret));
   327     __FLOG(_L8("Excluded - Exit"));
   328     return ret;
   329     }
   331 void CMTPStorageWatcher::RequestNotification()
   332     {
   333     __FLOG(_L8("RequestNotification - Entry"));
   334     _LIT(KPath, "?:\\..");
   335     iFrameworkSingletons.Fs().NotifyChange(ENotifyEntry, iStatus, KPath);
   336     SetActive();
   337     __FLOG(_L8("RequestNotification - Exit"));
   338     }
   340 void CMTPStorageWatcher::SendEventL(TUint16 aEvent, TUint32 aStorageId)
   341     {
   342     __FLOG(_L8("SendEventL - Entry"));
   343     if (iState & EStarted)
   344         {
   345         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Sending event 0x%04X for StorageID 0x%08X"), aEvent, aStorageId));
   346         iEvent.Reset();
   347         iEvent.SetUint16(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventCode, aEvent);
   348         iEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventSessionID, KMTPSessionAll);
   349         iEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventTransactionID, KMTPTransactionIdNone);
   350         iEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventParameter1, aStorageId);
   351         iFramework.SendEventL(iEvent);
   352         }
   353     __FLOG(_L8("SendEventL - Exit"));
   354     }
   356 /**
   357 Configures the specified drive as an available MTP storage.
   358 @param aDriveNumber The Symbian OS file system drive number.
   359 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   360 */    
   361 void CMTPStorageWatcher::StorageAvailableL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
   362     {
   363     __FLOG(_L8("StorageAvailableL - Entry"));
   364     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive = %d is available."), aDriveNumber));
   365     CMTPStorageMgr& mgr(iFrameworkSingletons.StorageMgr());
   366     TInt32 physical(mgr.PhysicalStorageId(aDriveNumber));
   367     _LIT(KSuidTemplate, "?:");
   368     // Generate the storage SUID as the drive root folder.
   369     RBuf suid;
   370     suid.CleanupClosePushL();
   371     suid.Assign((KSuidTemplate().AllocL()));
   372     TChar driveChar;
   373     User::LeaveIfError(iFramework.Fs().DriveToChar(aDriveNumber, driveChar));
   374     driveChar.LowerCase();
   375     suid[0] = driveChar;
   376     // Create the storage meta-data.
   377     CMTPStorageMetaData* storage = CMTPStorageMetaData::NewLC();
   378     storage->SetUint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType, CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem);
   379     storage->SetDesCL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid, suid);
   380     if(physical == KErrNotFound)
   381     	{
   382         TUint32 id(mgr.AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL(iFramework.DataProviderId(), *storage));
   383         mgr.SetDriveMappingL(aDriveNumber, id);
   384     	}
   385     physical = mgr.PhysicalStorageId(aDriveNumber);
   387     User::LeaveIfError(physical);
   388     TUint32 logical(physical);
   390     // If configured to do so, assign a logical storage ID mapping.
   391     if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   392         {
   393         __FLOG(_L8("Assigning local storage ID mapping"));
   395         // Try to read from resource file to use a specified root dir path, if available.
   396         RBuf rootDirPath;
   397         rootDirPath.CreateL(KMaxFileName);
   398         rootDirPath.CleanupClosePushL();
   399         RMTPDeviceDpSingletons devSingletons;
   400         devSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   401         CleanupClosePushL(devSingletons);
   402         TRAPD(resError, devSingletons.ConfigMgr().GetRootDirPathL(aDriveNumber, rootDirPath));
   403         __FLOG_VA((_L8("ResError = %d"), resError));
   404         if ((KErrNone == resError) && (0 < rootDirPath.Length()))
   405             {
   406             __FLOG(_L8("Reading resource file succeeded"));
   407             // If there is a root directory information in rss file then check the directory exist or not. 
   408             // If not exists, then create it. 
   409             // Before doing anything, delete the leading and trailing white space.
   410             rootDirPath.Trim();       
   411             TBuf<KMaxFileName> buffer;
   412             buffer.Append(driveChar);
   413             _LIT(KSeperator,":");
   414             buffer.Append(KSeperator);
   415             buffer.Append(rootDirPath);
   416             TInt error = iFramework.Fs().MkDir(buffer);
   417             suid.Close();
   418             _LIT(KSuidTemplate, "?:\\");
   419             suid.Assign((KSuidTemplate().AllocL()));
   420             driveChar.LowerCase();
   421             suid[0] = driveChar;
   423             if ((KErrNone == error) || (KErrAlreadyExists == error))
   424                 {
   425                 __FLOG(_L8("Overwriting SUID to specified root dir path from resource file"));  
   426                 //if dir already existed or created, make that as root directory
   427                 suid.ReAllocL(buffer.Length());
   428                 suid = buffer;
   429                 }
   430             }
   431         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&devSingletons);
   432         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rootDirPath);
   434         // Set up folder exclusion list
   435         CDesCArraySeg* storageExclusions = new (ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(KFolderExclusionGranularity);
   436         CleanupStack::PushL(storageExclusions);
   437         TInt excludedFolderCount = iFolderExclusionList->Count();
   439         for (TInt i = 0; i < excludedFolderCount; ++i)
   440             {
   441             TPtrC16 excludedFolder = (*iFolderExclusionList)[i];
   443             if (excludedFolder[0] == '?' ||
   444                 excludedFolder[0] == '*' ||
   445                 excludedFolder[0] == suid[0])
   446                 {
   447                 storageExclusions->AppendL(excludedFolder);
   448                 }
   449             }
   450         for ( TInt i=0; i<storageExclusions->Count();++i)
   451             {
   452             HBufC16* temp = static_cast<TPtrC16>((*storageExclusions)[i]).AllocL();
   453             TPtr16 tempptr(temp->Des());
   454             tempptr[0] = suid[0];
   455             storage->SetHashPath(tempptr,i);
   456             delete temp;
   457             }
   459         storage->SetDesCL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid, suid);
   460         storage->SetDesCArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EExcludedAreas, *storageExclusions);
   461         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storageExclusions);
   463         // Create the logical StorageID and drive mapping.
   464         logical = mgr.AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(iFramework.DataProviderId(), physical, *storage);
   465         mgr.SetDriveMappingL(aDriveNumber, logical);
   467         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive = %d mapped as storage 0x%08X"), aDriveNumber, logical));
   468         }
   470     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storage);
   471     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&suid);
   473     // Notify the active data providers.
   474     if (iState & EStarted)
   475         {
   476         TMTPNotificationParamsStorageChange params = {physical};
   477         iFrameworkSingletons.DpController().NotifyDataProvidersL(EMTPStorageAdded, static_cast<TAny*>(&params));
   478         }
   480     // Notify any connected Initiator(s).
   481     if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   482         {
   483         SendEventL(EMTPEventCodeStoreAdded, logical);
   484         }
   486     __FLOG(_L8("StorageAvailableL - Exit"));
   487     }
   489 /**
   490 Configures the specified drive as an unavailable MTP storage.
   491 @param aDriveNumber The Symbian OS file system drive number.
   492 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   493 */    
   494 void CMTPStorageWatcher::StorageUnavailableL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
   495 {
   496     __FLOG(_L8("StorageUnavailableL - Entry"));
   497     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive = %d is unavailable."), aDriveNumber));
   498     CMTPStorageMgr& mgr(iFrameworkSingletons.StorageMgr());
   499     TInt32 physical(mgr.PhysicalStorageId(aDriveNumber));
   500     User::LeaveIfError(physical);
   501     TUint32 logical(0);
   503     // If configured to do so, assign a logical storage ID mapping.
   504     if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   505         {
   506         logical = mgr.FrameworkStorageId(aDriveNumber);
   508         // Deassign the logical storage ID mapping.
   509         mgr.DeallocateLogicalStorageIds(iFramework.DataProviderId(), physical);
   510         mgr.SetDriveMappingL(aDriveNumber, physical);
   511         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive = %d unmapped as storage 0x%08X"), aDriveNumber, logical));
   512         }
   514     // Notify the active data providers.
   515     TMTPNotificationParamsStorageChange params = {physical};
   516     iFrameworkSingletons.DpController().NotifyDataProvidersL(EMTPStorageRemoved, static_cast<TAny*>(&params));
   518     // Notify any connected Initiator(s).
   519     if (iAllocateLogicalStorages)
   520         {
   521         SendEventL(EMTPEventCodeStoreRemoved, logical);
   522         }   
   523     __FLOG(_L8("StorageUnavailableL - Exit"));
   524     }