changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 47 63cf70d3ecd8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent
    19 */
    21 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    23 #include "cmtpsession.h"
    25 // Class constants.
    26 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"Session");)
    28 #ifdef _DEBUG
    30 /**
    31 CMTPSession panics
    32 */
    33 _LIT(KMTPPanicCategory, "CMTPSession");
    34 enum TMTPPanicReasons
    35     {
    36     EMTPPanicBusy = 0,
    37     EMTPPanicStraySignal = 1,
    38     };
    40 LOCAL_C void Panic(TInt aReason)
    41     {
    42     User::Panic(KMTPPanicCategory, aReason);
    43     }
    45 #endif //_DEBUG
    47 /**
    48 CMTPSession factory method. A pointer to the new CMTPSession instance is placed
    49 on the cleanup stack.
    50 @param aMTPId The session identifier assigned by the MTP connection on which 
    51 the session resides. 
    52 @param aUniqueId The session identifier assigned by the MTP data provider framework that 
    53 is unique across all active connections.
    54 @return Pointer to the new CMTPSession instance. Ownership IS transfered.
    55 @leave One of the system wide error codes.
    56 */
    57 CMTPSession* CMTPSession::NewLC(TUint32 aMTPId, TUint aUniqueId)
    58     {
    59     CMTPSession* self = new(ELeave) CMTPSession(aMTPId, aUniqueId);
    60     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    61     self->ConstructL();
    62     return self;
    63     }
    65 /**
    66 Destructor.
    67 */ 
    68 CMTPSession::~CMTPSession()
    69     {
    70     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPSession - Entry"));
    71     iRoutingRegistrations.Close();
    72     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPSession - Exit"));
    73     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    74     }
    76 /**
    77 Provides the next expected TransactionID. Transaction IDs are assigned 
    78 in incremental sequence by the MTP initiator in the range 0x00000001 to
    79 0xFFFFFFFE.
    80 @return The next TransactionID expected on the session.
    81 */
    82 TUint32 CMTPSession::ExpectedTransactionId() const
    83     {
    84     __FLOG(_L8("ExpectedTransactionId - Entry"));
    85     __FLOG_VA((_L8("iExpectedTransactionId = 0x%08X"), iExpectedTransactionId));
    86     __FLOG(_L8("ExpectedTransactionId - Exit")); 
    87     return iExpectedTransactionId; 
    88     }
    90 /**
    91 Increments the next expected TransactionID to the next value in the sequence.
    92 TransactionIDs are assigned by the MTP initiator starting from 0x00000001. 
    93 When the TransactionID increments to 0xFFFFFFFF it wraps back to 0x00000001.
    94 */
    95 void CMTPSession::IncrementExpectedTransactionId()
    96     {
    97     __FLOG(_L8("IncrementExpectedTransactionId - Entry"));
    98     if (++iExpectedTransactionId == KMTPTransactionIdLast)
    99         {
   100         iExpectedTransactionId = KMTPTransactionIdFirst;
   101         }
   102     __FLOG_VA((_L8("iExpectedTransactionId = 0x%08X"), iExpectedTransactionId));
   103     __FLOG(_L8("IncrementExpectedTransactionId - Exit"));
   104     }
   106 /**
   107 Sets or resets the session's active transaction request dataset. The active 
   108 transaction request dataset should only be set at the start of the transaction 
   109 (ERequestPhase), and reset and the end of the transaction (ECompletingPhase).
   110 @param aRequest The active transaction request dataset.
   111 */
   112 void CMTPSession::SetActiveRequestL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest)
   113     {
   114     __FLOG(_L8("SetActiveRequestL - Entry"));
   115     MMTPType::CopyL(aRequest, iActiveRequest);    
   116     __FLOG(_L8("SetActiveRequestL - Exit"));
   117     }
   119 /**
   120 Sets the session's transaction phase state variable.
   121 @param aPhase The new transaction phase state value.
   122 */
   123 void CMTPSession::SetTransactionPhase(TMTPTransactionPhase aPhase)
   124     {
   125     __FLOG(_L8("SetTransactionPhase - Entry"));
   126     iTransactionPhase = aPhase;
   127     __FLOG_VA((_L8("iTransactionPhase = 0x%08X"), iTransactionPhase));
   128     __FLOG(_L8("SetTransactionPhase - Exit"));
   129     }
   132 /**
   133 Provides the current MTP transaction state for the session.
   134 @return The MTP transaction state for the session.
   135 */
   136 TMTPTransactionPhase CMTPSession::TransactionPhase() const
   137     {
   138     __FLOG(_L8("TransactionPhase - Entry"));
   139     __FLOG_VA((_L8("iTransactionPhase = 0x%08X"), iTransactionPhase));
   140     __FLOG(_L8("TransactionPhase - Exit"));
   141 	return  iTransactionPhase;
   142     }
   144 TInt CMTPSession::RouteRequest(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest)
   145     {
   146     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequest - Entry"));
   147     TInt ret(KErrNotFound);
   149     // Attempt to match the request to existing registrations.
   150     TInt idx(iRoutingRegistrations.FindInOrder(aRequest, CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder));
   151     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   152         {
   153         // Retrieve the request registration.
   154         const TMTPTypeRequest& registration(iRoutingRegistrations[idx]);
   156         /*
   157         Extract the registered DP ID. For convenience the DP ID is saved in 
   158         the registered request, in the TransactionID element (which is unused 
   159         for routing).
   160         */  
   161         ret = registration.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID);
   163         /* 
   164         Recognised follow-on request types match one request occurence 
   165         and are then deleted.
   166         */
   167         TUint16 op(aRequest.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
   168         if ((op == EMTPOpCodeSendObject) ||
   169             (op == EMTPOpCodeTerminateOpenCapture))
   170             {
   171             __FLOG_VA((_L8("Unregistering follow-on request 0x%08X"), op));
   172             iRoutingRegistrations.Remove(idx);
   173             }
   174         }
   176     __FLOG_VA((_L8("DP ID = %d"), ret));
   177     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequest - Exit"));
   178     return ret;
   179     }
   181 void CMTPSession::RouteRequestRegisterL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, TInt aDpId)
   182     {
   183     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegisterL - Entry"));
   184     // Locate any pre-existing registration (which if found, will be overwritten).
   185     TInt idx(iRoutingRegistrations.FindInOrder(aRequest, CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder));
   186     if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   187         {
   188         iRoutingRegistrations.InsertInOrderL(aRequest, CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder);
   189         User::LeaveIfError(idx = iRoutingRegistrations.FindInOrder(aRequest, CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder));
   190         }
   192     /*
   193     For convenience the DP ID is saved in the registered request, in the 
   194     TransactionID element (which is unused for routing).
   195     */
   196     iRoutingRegistrations[idx].SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID, aDpId);
   197     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegisterL - Exit"));
   198     }
   200 /**
   201 Indicates if a routing request is registered on the session with the 
   202 specified MTP operation code.
   203 @param aOpCode The MTP operation code.
   204 @return ETrue if a routing request with the specified MTP operation code is 
   205 registered on the session, otherwise EFalse.
   206 */
   207 TBool CMTPSession::RouteRequestRegistered(TUint16 aOpCode) const
   208     {
   209     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestPending - Entry"));
   210     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestPending - Entry"));
   211     return (iRoutingRegistrations.Find(aOpCode, CMTPSession::RouteRequestMatchOpCode) != KErrNotFound);
   212     }
   214 void CMTPSession::RouteRequestUnregister(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest)
   215     {
   216     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestUnregister - Entry"));
   217     TInt idx(iRoutingRegistrations.FindInOrder(aRequest, CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder));
   218     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   219         {
   220         iRoutingRegistrations.Remove(idx);
   221         }
   222     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestUnregister - Exit"));
   223     }
   225 void CMTPSession::StorePendingEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent)
   226     {
   227     MMTPType::CopyL(aEvent, iPendingEvent);
   228     }
   230 TBool CMTPSession::CheckPendingEvent(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest) const
   231     {
   232     TBool ret = EFalse;
   234     // Compare transaction ID in the request and any pending event
   235     if ( aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID)  
   236          == iPendingEvent.Uint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventTransactionID) )
   237         {
   238         ret = ETrue;
   239         }
   241     return ret;
   242     }
   244 const TMTPTypeEvent& CMTPSession::PendingEvent() const
   245     {
   246     return iPendingEvent;
   247     }
   249 /**
   250 Completes the currently pending asynchronous request status with the specified
   251 completion code.
   252 @param aErr The asynchronous request completion request.
   253 */
   254 void CMTPSession::CompletePendingRequest(TInt aErr)
   255     {
   256     __FLOG(_L8("CompletePendingRequest - Entry"));
   258     if (iRequestStatus != NULL)
   259         {
   260         __ASSERT_DEBUG(*iRequestStatus == KRequestPending, Panic(EMTPPanicStraySignal));
   261         User::RequestComplete(iRequestStatus, aErr);
   262         }
   264     __FLOG(_L8("CompletePendingRequest - Exit"));
   265     }
   268 /**
   269 Indicates if an asynchronous request is currently pending.
   270 @return ETrue if an asynchronous request is currently pending, otherwise 
   271 EFalse.
   272 */
   273 TBool CMTPSession::RequestPending() const
   274     {
   275     return (iRequestStatus != NULL);        
   276     }
   278 /**
   279 Set the status to complete for the currently pending asynchronous request.
   280 @param aStatus The asynchronous request status to complete.
   281 */
   282 void CMTPSession::SetRequestPending(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   283     {
   284     __FLOG(_L8("SetRequestPending - Entry"));
   285     __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iRequestStatus, Panic(EMTPPanicBusy));
   286     iRequestStatus = &aStatus;
   287     *iRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
   288     __FLOG(_L8("SetRequestPending - Exit"));
   289     }
   291 const TMTPTypeRequest& CMTPSession::ActiveRequestL() const
   292     {
   293     __FLOG(_L8("ActiveRequestL - Entry"));
   295     if (iTransactionPhase == EIdlePhase)
   296         {
   297         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);            
   298         }
   300     __FLOG(_L8("ActiveRequestL - Exit"));
   301     return iActiveRequest;  
   302     }
   304 TUint32 CMTPSession::SessionMTPId() const
   305     {
   306     __FLOG(_L8("SessionMTPId - Entry"));
   307     __FLOG_VA( (_L8("Session MTP ID = %d"), iIdMTP) );
   308     __FLOG(_L8("SessionMTPId - Exit"));
   309     return iIdMTP;        
   310     }
   312 TUint CMTPSession::SessionUniqueId() const
   313     {
   314     __FLOG(_L8("SessionUniqueId - Entry"));
   315     __FLOG(_L8("SessionUniqueId - Exit"));
   316     return iIdUnique;        
   317     }
   319 TAny* CMTPSession::GetExtendedInterface(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/)
   320     {
   321     __FLOG(_L8("GetExtendedInterface - Entry"));
   322     __FLOG(_L8("GetExtendedInterface - Exit"));
   323     return NULL;        
   324     }
   326 /**
   327 Constructor.
   328 */
   329 CMTPSession::CMTPSession(TUint32 aMTPId, TUint aUniqueId) :
   330     iExpectedTransactionId(KMTPTransactionIdFirst),
   331     iIdMTP(aMTPId),
   332     iIdUnique(aUniqueId),
   333     iRequestStatus(NULL)
   334     {
   336     }
   338 void CMTPSession::ConstructL()
   339     {
   340     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   341     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Entry"));
   342     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Exit"));
   343     }
   345 TBool CMTPSession::RouteRequestMatchOpCode(const TUint16* aOpCode, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest)
   346     {
   347     return (aRequest.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == *aOpCode);
   348     }
   350 TInt CMTPSession::RouteRequestOrder(const TMTPTypeRequest& aLeft, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRight)
   351     {
   352     TInt unequal(aLeft.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) - aRight.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
   353     if (!unequal)
   354         {
   355         for (TUint i(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1); ((i <= TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter5) && (!unequal)); i++)
   356             {
   357             unequal = aLeft.Uint32(i) - aRight.Uint32(i);
   358             }
   359         }
   360     return unequal;
   361     }