changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 12 8b094906a049
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <bautils.h>
    17 #include <mtp/cmtptypestring.h>
    18 #include <mtp/mtpdatatypeconstants.h>
    19 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    21 #include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
    22 #include "cmtpstoragemgr.h"
    24 // Class constants.
    25 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"StorageMgr");)
    27 // StorageID bit manipulation patterns.
    28 static const TUint32    KLogicalIdMask(0x0000FFFF);
    29 static const TUint32    KPhysicalIdMask(0xFFFF0000);
    31 static const TUint      KLogicalNumberMask(0x000000FF);
    32 static const TUint      KLogicalOwnerShift(8);
    33 static const TUint      KPhysicalNumberShift(16);
    34 static const TUint      KPhysicalOwnerShift(24);
    35 static const TUint8     KMaxOwnedStorages(0xFF);
    37 /**
    38 MTP data provider framework storage manager factory method.
    39 @return A pointer to an MTP data provider framework storage manager. Ownership 
    40 IS transfered.
    41 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
    42 */
    43 EXPORT_C CMTPStorageMgr* CMTPStorageMgr::NewL()
    44     {
    45     CMTPStorageMgr* self = new(ELeave) CMTPStorageMgr();
    46     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    47     self->ConstructL();
    48     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    49     return self;
    50     }
    52 /**
    53 Destructor.
    54 */
    55 EXPORT_C CMTPStorageMgr::~CMTPStorageMgr()
    56     {
    57     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPStorageMgr - Entry"));
    58     iPhysicalStorageNumbers.Reset();
    59     iStorages.ResetAndDestroy();
    60     iSingletons.Close();
    61     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPStorageMgr - Exit"));
    62     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    63     }
    65 /**
    66 Extracts the storage number of the logical storage ID encoded in the specified
    67 StorageID.
    68 @param aStorageId The storage ID.
    69 @return The storage number.
    70 */
    71 EXPORT_C TUint CMTPStorageMgr::LogicalStorageNumber(TUint32 aStorageId) 
    72     {
    73     return (aStorageId & KLogicalNumberMask);
    74     }
    76 /**
    77 Extracts the ID of the data provider responsible for the logical storage ID 
    78 encoded in the specified StorageID.
    79 @param aStorageId The storage ID.
    80 @return The data provider owner ID.
    81 */    
    82 EXPORT_C TUint CMTPStorageMgr::LogicalStorageOwner(TUint32 aStorageId) 
    83     {
    84     return ((aStorageId & KLogicalIdMask) >> KLogicalOwnerShift);
    85     }
    87 /**
    88 Extracts the storage number of the physical storage ID encoded in the specified
    89 StorageID.
    90 @param aStorageId The storage ID.
    91 @return The storage number.
    92 */
    93 EXPORT_C TUint CMTPStorageMgr::PhysicalStorageNumber(TUint32 aStorageId) 
    94     {
    95     return ((aStorageId & KPhysicalIdMask) >> KPhysicalNumberShift);
    96     }
    98 /**
    99 Extracts the ID of the data provider responsible for the physical storage ID 
   100 encoded in the specified StorageID.
   101 @param aStorageId The storage ID.
   102 @return The data provider owner ID.
   103 */
   104 EXPORT_C TUint CMTPStorageMgr::PhysicalStorageOwner(TUint32 aStorageId) 
   105     {
   106     return ((aStorageId & KPhysicalIdMask) >> KPhysicalOwnerShift);
   107     }
   109 /**
   110 Sets the default MTP StorageID. This should be set once at start up and not 
   111 subsequently changed.
   112 @param aStorageId The system default MTP StorageID.
   113 @panic USER 0, in debug builds only, if the default StorageID is set more than
   114 once.
   115 */    
   116 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::SetDefaultStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId)
   117     {
   118     __FLOG(_L8("SetDefaultStorageId - Entry"));
   119     iDefaultStorageId = aStorageId;
   120     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Default StorageId = 0x%08X"), aStorageId));
   121     __FLOG(_L8("SetDefaultStorageId - Exit"));
   122     }
   124 /**
   125 Creates a mapping between the specified Symbian OS drive number and MTP 
   126 StorageID.
   127 @param aDriveNumber The Symbian OS drive number.
   128 @param aStorageId The MTP StorageID.
   129 @leave One of the sysem wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   130 */
   131 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::SetDriveMappingL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TUint32 aStorageId)
   132     {
   133     __FLOG(_L8("DefineDriveNumberMapping - Entry"));
   134     iMapDriveToStorage[aDriveNumber] = aStorageId;
   135     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Drive number %d = StorageID 0x%08X"), aDriveNumber, aStorageId));
   136     __FLOG(_L8("DefineDriveNumberMapping - Exit"));
   137     }
   139 /**
   140 Sets the framework storages owner identifier. This should be set once at start 
   141 up and not subsequently changed.
   142 @param aDataProviderId The framework storages owner identifier.
   143 @panic USER 0, in debug builds only, if the framework storages owner identifier
   144 is set more than once.
   145 */    
   146 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::SetFrameworkId(TUint aDataProviderId)
   147     {
   148     __FLOG(_L8("SetFrameworkStoragesOwner - Entry"));
   149     __ASSERT_DEBUG((iFrameworkId == KErrNotFound), User::Invariant());
   150     iFrameworkId = aDataProviderId;
   151     __FLOG_VA((_L8("System storages owner DP Id = %d"), aDataProviderId));
   152     __FLOG(_L8("SetFrameworkStoragesOwner - Exit"));
   153     }    
   155 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage)
   156     {
   157     __FLOG(_L8("AllocateLogicalStorageIdL - Entry"));
   158     TUint id(AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(aDataProviderId, PhysicalStorageId(aDriveNumber), aStorage));
   159     __FLOG(_L8("AllocateLogicalStorageIdL - Exit"));
   160     return id;
   161     }
   163 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage)
   164     {
   165     __FLOG(_L8("AllocateLogicalStorageIdL - Entry"));
   166     //if support uninstall DP, comment the below assert.
   167     //__ASSERT_DEBUG((aDataProviderId < iSingletons.DpController().Count()), User::Invariant());
   169     // Resolve the physical storage.
   170     CMTPStorageMetaData& physical(StorageMetaDataL(aPhysicalStorageId));
   171     // Validate the SUID and storage type.
   172     if (iStorages.Find(aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid), StorageKeyMatchSuid) != KErrNotFound)
   173         {
   174         // SUID is not unique.
   175         User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   176         }
   177     else if (aStorage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType) != physical.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType))
   178         {
   179         // Physical/logical storage type mis-match.
   180         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   181         }
   182     else if (aStorage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType) == CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem)
   183         {   
   184         // Validate that the SUID path exists.
   185         if (!BaflUtils::PathExists(iSingletons.Fs(), aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid)))
   186             {
   187             User::Leave(KErrPathNotFound);
   188             }
   190         // Validate that the SUID path corresponds to the physical storage drive.
   191         TInt storageDrive(DriveNumber(aPhysicalStorageId));
   192         TParse p;
   193         User::LeaveIfError(p.Set(aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid), NULL, NULL));
   194         TInt suidDrive(0);
   195         User::LeaveIfError(iSingletons.Fs().CharToDrive(TChar(p.Drive()[0]), suidDrive));
   196         if (suidDrive != storageDrive)
   197             {
   198             // SUID path/physical storage drive mis-match.
   199             User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   200             }
   201         }
   203     // Allocate a logical StorageId.
   204     TInt32 id(AllocateLogicalStorageId(aDataProviderId, aPhysicalStorageId));
   205     User::LeaveIfError(id);
   207     // Create the logical storage meta-data.
   208     CMTPStorageMetaData* logical(CMTPStorageMetaData::NewLC(aStorage));
   209     logical->SetUint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId, id);
   211     // Store the logical storage meta-data.
   212     iStorages.InsertInOrderL(logical, StorageOrder);
   213     CleanupStack::Pop(logical);
   215     // Associate the logical and physical storages.
   216     RArray<TUint> logicals;
   217     CleanupClosePushL(logicals);
   218     physical.GetUintArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds, logicals);
   219     logicals.InsertInOrderL(id);
   220     physical.SetUintArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds, logicals);
   221     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&logicals);
   223 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   224     HBufC8* buf(HBufC8::NewLC(aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid).Length()));
   225     buf->Des().Copy(aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid));
   226     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Allocated logical StorageID 0x%08X for storage SUID %S"), id, buf));
   227     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   228 #endif // __FLOG_ACTIVE    
   229     __FLOG(_L8("AllocateLogicalStorageIdL - Exit"));
   230     return id;
   231     }
   233 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage)
   234     {
   235     __FLOG(_L8("AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL - Entry"));
   237     // Validate the SUID.
   238     if (iStorages.Find(aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid), StorageKeyMatchSuid) != KErrNotFound)
   239         {
   240         // SUID is not unique.
   241         User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   242         }
   244     // Allocate a physical StorageId.
   245     TInt32 id(AllocatePhysicalStorageId(aDataProviderId));
   246     User::LeaveIfError(id);
   248     // Create the physical storage meta-data.
   249     CMTPStorageMetaData* physical(CMTPStorageMetaData::NewLC(aStorage));
   250     const RArray<TUint> noStorages;
   251     physical->SetUint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId, id);
   252     physical->SetUintArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds, noStorages);
   254     // Store the physical storage meta-data.
   255     iStorages.InsertInOrderL(physical, StorageOrder);
   256     CleanupStack::Pop(physical);
   258     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Allocated physical StorageID 0x%08X"), id));
   259     __FLOG(_L8("AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL - Exit"));
   260     return id;
   261     }
   263 EXPORT_C TInt CMTPStorageMgr::DeallocateLogicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aLogicalStorageId)
   264     {
   265     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocateLogicalStorageId - Entry"));
   266     TInt ret(KErrArgument);
   268     // Validate the StorageID.
   269     if (LogicalStorageId(aLogicalStorageId))
   270         {
   271         ret = iStorages.FindInOrder(aLogicalStorageId, StorageOrder);
   272         if (ret != KErrNotFound)
   273             {
   274             // Validate the storage owner.
   275             if (LogicalStorageOwner(iStorages[ret]->Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId)) != aDataProviderId)
   276                 {
   277                 ret = KErrAccessDenied;
   278                 }
   279             else
   280                 {
   281                 TRAPD(err, RemoveLogicalStorageL(ret));
   282                 ret = err;
   283                 }
   284             }
   285         }
   286     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocateLogicalStorageId - Exit"));
   287     return ret;
   288     }
   290 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::DeallocateLogicalStorageIds(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId)
   291     {
   292     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocateLogicalStorageIds - Entry"));
   293     TInt ret(iStorages.FindInOrder(aPhysicalStorageId, StorageOrder));
   294     if (ret != KErrNotFound)
   295         {
   296         const RArray<TUint>& logicals(iStorages[ret]->UintArray(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds));
   297         TUint count(logicals.Count());
   298         while (count)
   299             {
   300             const TUint KIdx(count - 1);
   301             if (LogicalStorageOwner(logicals[KIdx]) == aDataProviderId)
   302                 {
   303                 DeallocateLogicalStorageId(aDataProviderId, logicals[KIdx]);
   304                 }
   305             count--;
   306             }
   307         }
   308     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocateLogicalStorageIds - Exit"));
   309     }
   311 EXPORT_C TInt CMTPStorageMgr::DeallocatePhysicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId)
   312     {
   313     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocatePhysicalStorageId - Entry"));
   314     TInt ret(KErrArgument);
   316     // Validate the StorageID.
   317     if (!LogicalStorageId(aPhysicalStorageId))
   318         {
   319         ret = iStorages.FindInOrder(aPhysicalStorageId, StorageOrder);
   320         if (ret != KErrNotFound)
   321             {
   322             // Validate the storage owner.
   323             if (PhysicalStorageOwner(iStorages[ret]->Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId)) != aDataProviderId)
   324                 {
   325                 ret = KErrAccessDenied;
   326                 }
   327             else
   328                 {
   329                 // Deallocate all associated logical storages.
   330                 const RArray<TUint>& logicals(iStorages[ret]->UintArray(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds));
   331                 TUint count(logicals.Count());
   332                 while (count)
   333                     {
   334                     const TUint KIdx(--count);
   335                     DeallocateLogicalStorageId(aDataProviderId, logicals[KIdx]);
   336                     }
   338                 // Delete the storage.
   339                 delete iStorages[ret];
   340                 iStorages.Remove(ret);
   341                 }
   342             }
   343         }
   344     __FLOG(_L8("DeallocatePhysicalStorageId - Exit"));
   345     return ret;
   346     }
   348 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::DefaultStorageId() const
   349     {
   350     __FLOG(_L8("DefaultStorageId - Entry"));
   351     __FLOG(_L8("DefaultStorageId - Exit"));
   352     return iDefaultStorageId;
   353     }
   355 EXPORT_C TInt CMTPStorageMgr::DriveNumber(TUint32 aStorageId) const
   356     {
   357     __FLOG(_L8("DriveNumber - Entry"));
   358     TInt drive(KErrNotFound);
   359     if (PhysicalStorageOwner(aStorageId) == iFrameworkId)
   360         {
   361         const TUint32 KPhysicalId(PhysicalStorageId(aStorageId));
   362         const TUint KCount(iMapDriveToStorage.Count());
   363         for (TUint i(0); ((i < KCount) && (drive == KErrNotFound)); i++)
   364             {
   365             if (PhysicalStorageId(iMapDriveToStorage[i]) == KPhysicalId)
   366                 {
   367                 drive = i;
   368                 }
   369             }
   370         }
   371     __FLOG(_L8("DriveNumber - Exit"));
   372     return drive;
   373     }
   375 EXPORT_C TInt32 CMTPStorageMgr::FrameworkStorageId(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber) const
   376     {
   377     __FLOG(_L8("FrameworkStorageId - Entry"));
   378     TInt32 ret(KErrNotFound);
   379     TInt32 id(iMapDriveToStorage[aDriveNumber]);
   380     if ((id != KErrNotFound) && (LogicalStorageId(id)))
   381         {
   382         ret = id;
   383         }
   384     __FLOG(_L8("FrameworkStorageId - Exit"));
   385     return ret;
   386     }
   388 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::GetAvailableDrivesL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDrives) const
   389     {
   390     __FLOG(_L8("GetAvailableDrivesL - Entry"));
   391     aDrives.Reset();
   392     for (TUint i(0); (i < iMapDriveToStorage.Count()); i++)
   393         {
   394         if (iMapDriveToStorage[i] != KErrNotFound)
   395             {
   396             aDrives.AppendL(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(i));
   397             }
   398         }
   399     __FLOG(_L8("GetAvailableDrivesL - Exit"));
   400     }
   402 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::GetLogicalStoragesL(const TMTPStorageMgrQueryParams& aParams, RPointerArray<const CMTPStorageMetaData>& aStorages) const
   403     {
   404     __FLOG(_L8("GetLogicalStoragesL - Entry"));
   405     aStorages.Reset();
   406     const TBool KAllStorages(aParams.StorageSuid() == KNullDesC);
   407     const TBool KAllStorageSystemTypes(aParams.StorageSystemType() == CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeUndefined);
   408     const TUint KCount(iStorages.Count());
   409     for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
   410         {
   411         const CMTPStorageMetaData& storage(*iStorages[i]);
   412         if (((KAllStorages) || (storage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid) == aParams.StorageSuid())) &&
   413             ((KAllStorageSystemTypes) || (storage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType) == aParams.StorageSystemType())) &&
   414             (LogicalStorageId(storage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId))))
   415             {
   416             aStorages.AppendL(iStorages[i]);
   417             }
   418         }
   419     __FLOG(_L8("GetLogicalStoragesL - Exit"));
   420     }
   422 EXPORT_C void CMTPStorageMgr::GetPhysicalStoragesL(const TMTPStorageMgrQueryParams& aParams, RPointerArray<const CMTPStorageMetaData>& aStorages) const
   423     {
   424     __FLOG(_L8("GetPhysicalStoragesL - Entry"));
   425     aStorages.Reset();
   426     const TBool KAllStorages(aParams.StorageSuid() == KNullDesC);
   427     const TBool KAllStorageSystemTypes(aParams.StorageSystemType() == CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeUndefined);
   428     const TUint KCount(iStorages.Count());
   429     for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
   430         {
   431         const CMTPStorageMetaData& storage(*iStorages[i]);
   432         if (((KAllStorages) || (storage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid) == aParams.StorageSuid())) &&
   433             ((KAllStorageSystemTypes) || (storage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType) == aParams.StorageSystemType())) &&
   434             (!LogicalStorageId(storage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId))))
   435             {
   436             aStorages.AppendL(iStorages[i]);
   437             }
   438         }
   439     __FLOG(_L8("GetPhysicalStoragesL - Exit"));
   440     }
   442 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::LogicalStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const
   443     {
   444     __FLOG(_L8("LogicalStorageId - Entry"));
   445     __FLOG(_L8("LogicalStorageId - Exit"));
   446     return (aStorageId & KLogicalIdMask);
   447     }
   449 EXPORT_C TInt32 CMTPStorageMgr::LogicalStorageId(const TDesC& aStorageSuid) const
   450     {
   451     __FLOG(_L8("LogicalStorageId - Entry"));
   452     TInt32 id(KErrNotFound);
   453     TInt idx(iStorages.Find(aStorageSuid, StorageKeyMatchSuid));
   454     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   455         {
   456         id = iStorages[idx]->Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId);
   457         if (!LogicalStorageId(id))
   458             {
   459             id = KErrNotFound;
   460             }
   461         }
   462     __FLOG(_L8("LogicalStorageId - Exit"));
   463     return id;
   464     }
   466 EXPORT_C TInt32 CMTPStorageMgr::PhysicalStorageId(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber) const
   467     {
   468     __FLOG(_L8("PhysicalStorageId - Entry"));
   469     TInt32 storageId(iMapDriveToStorage[aDriveNumber]);
   470     if (storageId != KErrNotFound)
   471         {
   472         storageId = PhysicalStorageId(storageId);
   473         }
   474     __FLOG(_L8("PhysicalStorageId - Exit"));
   475     return storageId;
   476     }
   478 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::PhysicalStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const
   479     {
   480     __FLOG(_L8("PhysicalStorageId - Entry"));
   481     __FLOG(_L8("PhysicalStorageId - Exit"));
   482     return (aStorageId & KPhysicalIdMask);
   483     }
   485 EXPORT_C const CMTPStorageMetaData& CMTPStorageMgr::StorageL(TUint32 aStorageId) const
   486     {
   487     __FLOG(_L8("StorageL - Entry"));
   488     TInt idx(iStorages.FindInOrder(aStorageId, StorageOrder));
   489     User::LeaveIfError(idx);
   490     __FLOG(_L8("StorageL - Exit"));
   491     return *iStorages[idx];
   492     }
   494 EXPORT_C TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::StorageId(TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId, TUint32 aLogicalStorageId) const
   495     {
   496     __FLOG(_L8("StorageId - Entry"));
   497     __FLOG(_L8("StorageId - Exit"));
   498     return (aPhysicalStorageId | aLogicalStorageId);
   499     }
   501 EXPORT_C TBool CMTPStorageMgr::ValidStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const
   502     {
   503     __FLOG(_L8("ValidStorageId - Entry"));
   504     TInt idx(iStorages.FindInOrder(aStorageId, StorageOrder));
   505     if(KErrNotFound == idx)
   506     	{
   507     	__FLOG(_L8("ValidStorageId - False Exit"));
   508     	return EFalse;
   509     	}
   511     _LIT(KSeperator,"\\");
   512 	TBool ret = ETrue;
   513 	if(iStorages[idx]->Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType) == CMTPStorageMetaData::ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem)
   514 		{
   515 		const TDesC& KSuid(iStorages[idx]->DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid));
   516 		if(LogicalStorageId(aStorageId) || (KSuid.Right(1) == KSeperator))
   517 			{
   518 			ret = BaflUtils::PathExists(iSingletons.Fs(), KSuid);
   519 			}
   520 		else if(KSuid.Length() >= KMaxFileName)
   521 			{
   522 			ret = EFalse;
   523 			}
   524 		else
   525 			{
   526 			TFileName buf;
   527 			buf.Append(KSuid);
   528             buf.Append(KSeperator);
   530             ret = BaflUtils::PathExists(iSingletons.Fs(), buf);
   531 			}
   532 		}
   534     __FLOG(_L8("ValidStorageId - Exit"));
   536     return ret;
   537     }
   539 EXPORT_C CMTPTypeString* CMTPStorageMgr::VolumeIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aStorageId, const TDesC& aVolumeIdSuffix) const
   540     {
   541     __FLOG(_L8("VolumeIdL - Entry"));
   543     // Validate the StorageId.
   544     TUint owner(LogicalStorageId(aStorageId) ? LogicalStorageOwner(aStorageId) : PhysicalStorageOwner(aStorageId));
   545     if (!ValidStorageId(aStorageId))
   546         {
   547         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   548         }
   549     else if (aDataProviderId != owner)
   550         {
   551         User::Leave(KErrAccessDenied);
   552         }
   554     // Generate a unique volume ID.
   555     RBuf16 buffer;
   556     buffer.CreateL(KMTPMaxStringCharactersLength);
   557     CleanupClosePushL(buffer);
   558     buffer.Format(_L("%08X"), aStorageId); 
   560     if (aVolumeIdSuffix.Length() != 0)
   561         {
   562         // Append the separator and suffix, truncating if necessary.
   563         buffer.Append(_L("-"));
   564         buffer.Append(aVolumeIdSuffix.Left(KMTPMaxStringCharactersLength - buffer.Length()));
   565         }
   567     CMTPTypeString* volumeId = CMTPTypeString::NewL(buffer);
   568 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buffer);  
   569     __FLOG(_L8("VolumeIdL - Exit"));
   570     return volumeId;
   571     }   
   573 /**
   574 Constructor.
   575 */
   576 CMTPStorageMgr::CMTPStorageMgr() :
   577     iFrameworkId(KErrNotFound)
   578     {
   580     }
   582 /**
   583 Second phase constructor.
   584 @leave One of the system wide error code, if a processing failure occurs.
   585 */
   586 void CMTPStorageMgr::ConstructL()
   587     {
   588     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   589     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Entry"));
   590     iSingletons.OpenL();
   591     for (TUint i(0); (i < KMaxDrives); i++)
   592         {
   593         iMapDriveToStorage[i] = KErrNotFound;
   594         }
   595     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Exit"));
   596     }
   598 /**
   599 Allocates a new 32-bit logical StorageId for the storage owner as a partition 
   600 of the specified physical MTP StorageID.
   601 @param aDataProviderId The storage owner data provider identifier.
   602 @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID.
   603 @return The new logical StorageId.
   604 @return KErrNotFound, if the specified physical MTP StorageID does not exist
   605 @return KErrOverflow, if the maximum number of storages would be exceeded.
   606 */
   607 TInt32 CMTPStorageMgr::AllocateLogicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId)
   608     {
   609     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("AllocateLogicalStorageId - Entry"));
   610     TInt ret(iStorages.FindInOrder(aPhysicalStorageId, StorageOrder));
   611     if (ret != KErrNotFound)
   612         {
   613         // Scan for the first available storage number.
   614         const RArray<TUint>& logicalIds(iStorages[ret]->UintArray(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds));
   615         TUint num(1);
   616         do
   617             {
   618             ret = EncodeLogicalStorageId(aPhysicalStorageId, aDataProviderId, num);
   619             }
   620         while ((logicalIds.FindInOrder(ret) != KErrNotFound) &&
   621                 (++num <= KMaxOwnedStorages));
   623         if (num >= KMaxOwnedStorages)
   624             {
   625             ret = KErrOverflow;
   626             }
   627         }
   628     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("AllocateLogicalStorageId - Exit"));
   629     return ret;
   630     }
   632 /**
   633 Allocates a new 32-bit physical StorageId for the storage owner.
   634 @param aDataProviderId The storage owner data provider identifier.
   635 @return The new physical StorageId.
   636 @return KErrOverflow, if the maximum number of storages would be exceeded.
   637 @return One of the system wide error code, if a processing failure occurs.
   638 */
   639 TInt32 CMTPStorageMgr::AllocatePhysicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId)
   640     {
   641     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("AllocatePhysicalStorageId - Entry"));
   642     TInt32 ret(KErrNone);
   643     while ((iPhysicalStorageNumbers.Count() < (aDataProviderId + 1)) && (ret == KErrNone))
   644         {
   645         ret = iPhysicalStorageNumbers.Append(0);
   646         }
   648     if (ret == KErrNone)
   649         {
   650         if (iPhysicalStorageNumbers[aDataProviderId] < KMaxOwnedStorages)
   651             {
   652             ret = EncodePhysicalStorageId(aDataProviderId, ++iPhysicalStorageNumbers[aDataProviderId]);
   653             }
   654         else
   655             {
   656             ret = KErrOverflow;
   657             }
   658         }
   659     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("AllocatePhysicalStorageId - Exit"));
   660     return ret;
   661     }
   663 /**
   664 Encodes the specified physical MTP StorageID, data provider identifier, and 
   665 storage number as a fully formed MTP StorageID.
   666 @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID.
   667 @param aDataProviderId The data provider identifier.
   668 @param aStorageNumber The storage number.
   669 @return The fully formed MTP StorageID.
   670 */	
   671 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodeLogicalStorageId(TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId, TUint aDataProviderId, TUint aStorageNumber)
   672     {
   673     return (StorageId(aPhysicalStorageId, (EncodeLogicalStorageOwner(aDataProviderId) | EncodeLogicalStorageNumber(aStorageNumber))));
   674     }
   676 /**
   677 Encodes the storage identifier as the logical storage number in a fully formed 
   678 MTP StorageID.
   679 @param aStorageNumber The storage number.
   680 @return The encoded logical storage number.
   681 */	
   682 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodeLogicalStorageNumber(TUint aStorageNumber)
   683 	{
   684 	return (aStorageNumber);
   685 	}
   687 /**
   688 Encodes the specified data provider identifier as the logical storage owner 
   689 in a fully formed MTP StorageID.
   690 @param aDataProviderId The data provider identifier.
   691 @return The encoded logical storage owner.
   692 */
   693 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodeLogicalStorageOwner(TUint aDataProviderId)
   694 	{
   695 	return (aDataProviderId << KLogicalOwnerShift);
   696 	}
   698 /**
   699 Encodes the specified data provider identifier and storage number as an  
   700 physical MTP StorageID.
   701 @param aDataProviderId The data provider identifier.
   702 @param aStorageNumber The storage number.
   703 @return The encoded physical MTP StorageID.
   704 */	
   705 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodePhysicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint aStorageNumber)
   706     {
   707     return (EncodePhysicalStorageOwner(aDataProviderId) | EncodePhysicalStorageNumber(aStorageNumber));
   708     }
   710 /**
   711 Encodes the storage identifier as the physical storage number in a fully formed 
   712 MTP StorageID.
   713 @param aStorageNumber The storage number.
   714 @return The encoded physical storage number.
   715 */	
   716 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodePhysicalStorageNumber(TUint aStorageNumber)
   717 	{
   718 	return (aStorageNumber << KPhysicalNumberShift);
   719 	}
   721 /**
   722 Encodes the specified data provider identifier as the physical storage owner 
   723 in a fully formed MTP StorageID.
   724 @param aDataProviderId The data provider identifier.
   725 @return The encoded physical storage owner.
   726 */
   727 TUint32 CMTPStorageMgr::EncodePhysicalStorageOwner(TUint aDataProviderId)
   728 	{
   729 	return (aDataProviderId << KPhysicalOwnerShift);
   730 	}
   732 /**
   733 Removes the logical storages table entry at the specified index.
   734 @param aIdx The storages table index.
   735 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   736 */
   737 void CMTPStorageMgr::RemoveLogicalStorageL(TUint aIdx)
   738     {
   739     __FLOG(_L8("RemoveLogicalStorageL - Entry"));
   740     TUint32 id(iStorages[aIdx]->Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId));
   742     // Disassociate the logical and physical storages.
   743     CMTPStorageMetaData& physical(StorageMetaDataL(PhysicalStorageId(id)));
   744     RArray<TUint> logicals;
   745     CleanupClosePushL(logicals);
   746     physical.GetUintArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds, logicals);
   747     logicals.Remove(logicals.FindInOrderL(id));
   748     physical.SetUintArrayL(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageLogicalIds, logicals);
   749     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&logicals);
   751     // Delete the storage.
   752     delete iStorages[aIdx];
   753     iStorages.Remove(aIdx);
   754     __FLOG(_L8("RemoveLogicalStorageL - Entry"));
   755     }
   757 /**
   758 Provides a non-const reference to the storage meta-data for the specified 
   759 logical MTP StorageID.
   760 @param aStorageId The physical or fully formed logical MTP StorageID.
   761 @leave KErrNotFound if the specified StorageID does not exist.
   762 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   763 */
   764 CMTPStorageMetaData& CMTPStorageMgr::StorageMetaDataL(TUint32 aStorageId)
   765     {
   766     __FLOG(_L8("StorageMetaDataL - Entry"));
   767     TInt idx(iStorages.FindInOrder(aStorageId, StorageOrder));
   768     User::LeaveIfError(idx);
   769     __FLOG(_L8("StorageMetaDataL - Exit"));
   770     return *iStorages[idx];
   771     }
   773 /**
   774 Implements a storage key match identity relation using 
   775 @see CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid.
   776 @param aSuid The storage SUID key value.
   777 @param aStorage The storage meta-data.
   778 @return ETrue if the storage matches the key relation, otherwise EFalse.
   779 */ 
   780 TBool CMTPStorageMgr::StorageKeyMatchSuid(const TDesC* aSuid, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage)
   781     {
   782     return (*aSuid == aStorage.DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid));
   783     }
   785 /**
   786 Implements an @see TLinearOrder function for @see CMTPStorageMetaData objects 
   787 based on relative @see CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId.
   788 @param aL The first object instance.
   789 @param aR The second object instance.
   790 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
   791 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
   792 greater than the second.
   793 */
   794 TInt CMTPStorageMgr::StorageOrder(const CMTPStorageMetaData& aL, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aR)
   795     {
   796     return (aL.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId) - aR.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId));
   797     }
   799 /**
   800 Implements an @see CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId key order function.
   801 @param aKey The key value.
   802 @param aR The storage meta-data.
   803 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
   804 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
   805 greater than the second.
   806 */
   807 TInt CMTPStorageMgr::StorageOrder(const TUint32* aKey, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage)
   808     {
   809     return (*aKey - aStorage.Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageId));
   810     }