changeset 34 35ca36ca93d1
parent 28 85e0c0339cc3
--- a/mtpfws/mtpfw/inc/mtpframeworkconst.h	Fri Jun 11 16:26:25 2010 +0100
+++ b/mtpfws/mtpfw/inc/mtpframeworkconst.h	Thu Jul 22 16:43:05 2010 +0100
@@ -81,14 +81,5 @@
 const TUint KMTPProxyDPID = 2; 
-//MTP should reserve some disk space to prevent OOD(Out of Disk) monitor 
-//popup 'Out of memory' note.When syncing music through ovi player,
-//sometimes device screen get freeze with this note
-//Be default, this value is read from Central Respository, if error while
-//reading, use this one
-const TInt KFreeSpaceThreshHoldDefaultValue(20*1024*1024);//20M bytes
-//Beside the OOD threshold value, we need to reserve extra disk space
-//for harvest server do the harvest, set this as 1M
-const TInt KFreeSpaceExtraReserved(1024*1024);//1M bytes