changeset 54 4dc88a4ac6f4
parent 52 866b4af7ffbe
child 57 f6055a57ae18
--- a/obex/obexprotocol/obex/src/obexobjectexpandedbaseobject.cpp	Tue Sep 28 20:14:08 2010 +0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2361 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- @file
- @internalComponent
-#include <obex.h>
-#include <obex/internal/obexinternalheader.h>
-#include <obex/internal/obexpacket.h>
-#include "logger.h"
-#include "OBEXUTIL.H"
-#include "obexheaderutil.h"
-IF_FLOGGING(_LIT8(KLogComponent, "obex");)
-Default constructor for ObexObjects
-	{
-	ResetHeaders();
-	}
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject Destructor\r\n"));
-	ResetHeaders();
-	if (iObexHeader)
-		{
-		delete iObexHeader;
-		}
-	delete iHeaderSet;
-	}
-Sets header mask to 1's (include all), but valid mask to 0's (none valid).
-Also reset progress indicators to avoid any un-initialised transfer attempts
-void CObexBaseObject::ResetHeaders()
-	{
-	iHeaderMask = 0xFFFF;
-	iValidHeaders = 0x0000;
-	iSendProgress = EError;
-	iRecvProgress = EError;
-	iRecvBytes = 0;
-	if (iHttp)
-		{
-		iHttp->ResetAndDestroy();
-		delete iHttp;
-		iHttp = NULL;
-		}
-	// Here iHeaderSet can be NULL. This method is called in 
-	// CObexBaseObject::CObexBaseObject() that is called before the 
-	// derived class ConstructL() method. iHeaderSet is constructed in 
-	// CreateHeaderStorageDataL() called from ConstructL(). 
-	// So, in the constructor it is always NULL.
-	// This method is also called in CObexBaseObject::Reset() where iHeaderSet
-	// will be valid.
-	if (iHeaderSet)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		while (iHeaderSet->Count())
-			{
-			iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void CObexBaseObject::CreateHeaderStorageDataL()
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENotNullPointer));	
-	iHeaderSet = CObexHeaderSet::NewL();
-	if (iObexHeader == NULL)
-		{
-		iObexHeader = CObexHeader::NewL();
-		}
-	}
-Set the connection id.
-This method will check the headerset for a connectionId header. If one if located,
-then this will be modified for the new HV value. If not, a new connectionId header
-will be added.
-@param aFourByte The connectionID to be set
-void CObexBaseObject::SetConnectionIdL(TUint32 aFourByte)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L(">>CObexBaseObject::SetConnectionIdL"));
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetFourByte(TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID, aFourByte);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrConnectionID;
-	iHeaderMask |= KObexHdrConnectionID;
-	FLOG(_L("<<CObexBaseObject::SetConnectionIdL"));
-	}
-Returns the connection ID.
-@return	Returns KConnIDInvalid if no connectionID is set.
-TUint32 CObexBaseObject::ConnectionID()
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrConnectionID)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			return (iObexHeader->AsFourByte());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return KConnIDInvalid;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return KConnIDInvalid;
-		}
-	}
-Sets the Name attribute of the object.
-The Name is used to identify the object to the remote machine (or to identify 
-a received object). Note that in general, this is quite distinct from the 
-CObexFileObject::DataFile() attribute, which specifies where the body of the 
-object is stored. 
-@param aDesc Name attribute 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetNameL (const TDesC& aDesc)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EName, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetUnicodeL(TObexInternalHeader::EName, aDesc);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrName;
-	}
-Sets the Type attribute of the object. 
-This should be in the form of a valid IANA media type (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html).
-@param aDesc Type attribute 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetTypeL (const TDesC8& aDesc)
-	{
-	TInt len = aDesc.Length();
-	// make sure length does not include any null terms
-	while(len && aDesc[len - 1] == 0)
-		{
-		--len;
-		};
-	TPtrC8 src = aDesc.Left(len);
-	//leave room for exactly one null term
-	HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewL(src.Length() + 1);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
-	TPtr8 type(buf->Des());
-	type.Copy(src);
-	type.Append(0);
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EType, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetByteSeqL(TObexInternalHeader::EType, type);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrType;
-	}
-Sets the Length attribute of the object, in bytes. 
-Note that this does not necessarily have to match the exact size of the body 
-data, but is used to give an indication of the size to the receiving end.
-@param aLength Length attribute of the object 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetLengthL (const TUint32 aLength)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ELength, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetFourByte(TObexInternalHeader::ELength, aLength);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrLength;
-	}
-Sets the Time attribute of the object (stored in UTC).
-@param aLocalTime Time attribute in local time
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetTimeL (const TTime aLocalTime)
-	{
-	// Convert local time to UTC
-	TTime utcTime(aLocalTime);
-	utcTime -= User::UTCOffset();
-	SetUtcTimeL(utcTime);
-	}
-Sets the Time attribute of the object (stored in UTC).
-@param aUtcTime Time attribute in local time
-void CObexBaseObject::SetUtcTimeL (const TTime aUtcTime)
-	{
-	TBuf<16> timebuf;
-	aUtcTime.FormatL(timebuf, _L("%F%Y%M%DT%H%T%SZ"));
-	TBuf8<16> narrowBuf;
-	narrowBuf.Copy(timebuf);
-	SetTimeHeaderL(narrowBuf);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTime;
-	}
-Add a descriptor as the one and only Time header in an object.
-@param aTimeDes A narrow descriptor which will be stored in the object.
-void CObexBaseObject::SetTimeHeaderL(const TDesC8& aTimeDes)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ETime, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-	CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetByteSeqL(TObexInternalHeader::ETime, aTimeDes);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	}
-Sets the Description attribute of the object. 
-This is currently the easiest way to send proprietary information along with 
-an object.
-@param aDesc Description attribute 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetDescriptionL (const TDesC& aDesc)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EDescription, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetUnicodeL(TObexInternalHeader::EDescription, aDesc);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrDescription;
-	}
-Sets the Application Parameters attribute of the object.
-  This is expected to be of the format Tag-Length-Value, but this is not enforced.
-@param aDesc Application Parameters attribute 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetAppParamL (const TDesC8& aDesc)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::SetAppParamL"));
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-	CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetByteSeqL(TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam, aDesc);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrAppParam;
-	}
-Sets the Target attribute of the object.
-Generally, this will only have any useful meaning if the session Who attribute 
-of the remote machine is recognised, and particularly, when connected to a 
-strict peer (see CObex::IsStrictPeer()).
-@param aDesc Target attribute 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetTargetL (const TDesC8& aDesc)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-	//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-	iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-	if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ETarget, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-		{
-		iHeaderSet->DeleteCurrentHeader();
-		}
-	CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetByteSeqL(TObexInternalHeader::ETarget, aDesc);
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTarget;
-	}
-Add an Http header.
-@param aDesc HTTP header to be added to the object's collection of HTTP headers 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::AddHttpL (const TDesC8& aDesc)
-	{
-    CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
-	header->SetByteSeqL(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, aDesc);
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(header));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(header);
-	if (!iHttp)
-		{
-		iHttp = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<HBufC8>(2);
-		}
-	HBufC8* buf = aDesc.AllocLC();
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHttp->Append(buf));
-	CleanupStack::Pop(buf);
-	iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrHttp;  
-	}
-Adds a CObexHeader into the CObexHeaderSet
-@param aHeader A Pointer to a CObexHeader to be added to the CObexHeaderSet
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::AddHeaderL(CObexHeader& aHeader)
-	{
-	if (aHeader.HI() == TObexInternalHeader::EHttp)
-		{
-		// Add the HTTP header into the iHttp array to keep old and new
-		// http header storage consistent.
-		//
-		if (!iHttp)
-			{
-			iHttp = new(ELeave) RPointerArray<HBufC8>(2);
-			}
-		HBufC8* buf = (aHeader.AsByteSeq()).AllocLC();
-		LEAVEIFERRORL(iHttp->Append(buf));
-		CleanupStack::Pop();
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrHttp;  
-		}
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-	LEAVEIFERRORL(iHeaderSet->AddHeader(&aHeader));
-	switch (aHeader.HI())
-		{
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EName) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrName;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EType) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrType;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::ETime) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTime;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrConnectionID;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::ELength) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrLength;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EDescription) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrDescription;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::ECount) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrCount;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrAppParam;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::ETarget) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTarget;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::ECreatorID) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrCreatorID;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EWanUUID) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrWanUUID;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EObjectClass) :
-		{
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrObjectClass;  
-		break;
-		}
-	case (TObexInternalHeader::EEndOfBody) :
-		{
-		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(DataSize() == 0, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(EAddingInvalidEoBHeader));
-		iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrEndOfBody;
-		break;
-		}
-	default : 
-		{
-		if ((aHeader.HI() & 0x30) != 0)
-			{
-			iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrUserDefined;  
-			}
-		break;
-		}
-	}
-	}
-Resets the object, to make it represent nothing. 
-Call this before setting a CObexObject to represent a new object. 
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::Reset()
-	{
-	ResetHeaders();
-	ResetData();
-	}
-Makes a first level guess at setting the mime type from the
-file extension.
-This API is deprecated and may be removed at any time. For any production 
-applications, the versit and the Application architecture (see 
-RApaLsSession::RecognizeData) provide far more flexibilty and robustness.
-@deprecated 6.1
-void CObexBaseObject::GuessTypeFromExtL(const TDesC& aExt)
-	{
-	_LIT(KVcfType, ".vcf");
-	_LIT(KVcsType, ".vcs");
-	_LIT(KTxtType, ".txt");
-	_LIT8(KVcard, "text/x-vCard");
-	_LIT8(KVcalendar, "text/x-vCalendar");
-	_LIT8(KTextPlain, "text/plain");
-	iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrType;	// Default, if no others match
-	if(!aExt.CompareC(KVcfType))
-		{
-		SetTypeL(KVcard);
-		return;
-		}
-    if(!aExt.CompareC(KVcsType))
-		{ 
-        SetTypeL(KVcalendar);
-        return;
-        }
-	if(!aExt.CompareC(KTxtType))
-		{
-		SetTypeL(KTextPlain);
-		return;
-		}
-	}
-Gets the object's Name attribute.
-@return Object's Name attribute or KNullDesC if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C const TDesC& CObexBaseObject::Name()	
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrName)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a Name header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EName, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as Unicode
-			return (iObexHeader->AsUnicode());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (KNullDesC);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (KNullDesC);
-		}
-	}
-Gets the object's Type attribute.
-@return Object's Type attribute or KNullDesC8 if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CObexBaseObject::Type()
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrType)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a Type header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EType, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as ByteSequence
-			return (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (KNullDesC8);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (KNullDesC8);
-		}
-	}
-Gets the object's Length attribute.
-Note this might not match the size of the file (if any) to transfer.
-@return Object's Length attribute or 0 if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C TUint32 CObexBaseObject::Length()
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrLength)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a Length header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ELength, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as FourByte
-			return (iObexHeader->AsFourByte());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (0);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (0);
-		}
-	}
-Firstly updates the iHttp list, ensuring that the entries are 
-the same as those HTTP headers within the header set.
-(The iHttp list could have contained old headers that were removed from
-the headerset using the DeleteMasked operation)
-Returns a pointer to the Http header array or null if no headers defined.
-@return	A pointer to the Http header array or null if no headers defined 
-EXPORT_C const RPointerArray<HBufC8>* CObexBaseObject::Http() const
-	{
-	// if there are headers in the iHttp list
-	if (iHttp && (iHttp->Count()))
-		{
-		TInt httpCount = 0;
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		TInt err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-		while (err == KErrNone)
-			{
-			httpCount++;
-			err = iHeaderSet->Next();
-			if (!err)
-				{
-		 		err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-		 		}
-			}	
-		// check if number of HTTP in iHttp equals number in header set
-		// NB. if equal then they must be the same headers due to the way that the
-		// addition of HTTP headers has been implemented (ie. both AddHttpL and 
-		// AddHeader for Http, will update the iHTTP list, as well as HeaderSet)
-		//
-		if (httpCount != (iHttp->Count()))
-			{
-			// reset the header iterator to the start of the headerset
-			iHeaderSet->First();
-			TInt arrayIndex = 0;
-			// search for an Http header in the headerset
-		 	err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-			while (err == KErrNone)
-				{
-				//delete items from the iHttp list until an HTTP header with the same HV value
-				//as the HTTP header in the headerset has been located.
-				while ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()) != (((*iHttp)[arrayIndex])->Des()))
-					{
-					delete (*iHttp)[arrayIndex];
-					(*iHttp).Remove(arrayIndex);
-					}
-				arrayIndex++;
-				// search for an Http header in the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->Next();
-			 	err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-				}
-			// if the number of HTTP headers in the headerset is different to the iHTTP count
-			// then there must be some remaining headers at the end of the list, so remove 
-			// them
-			while (httpCount < (iHttp->Count()))
-				{
-				delete (*iHttp)[arrayIndex];
-				(*iHttp).Remove(arrayIndex);
-				}
-			}
-		// if there are no elements in the iHttp list, delete the list and return NULL			
-		if (iHttp->Count() == 0)
-			{
-			if (iHttp)
-				{
-				iHttp->ResetAndDestroy();
-				delete iHttp;
-				iHttp = NULL;
-				}
-			return NULL;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			//return the iHttp pointer
-			return iHttp;
-			}
-		}
-	else //iHttp && iHttp->Count
-		{
-		return NULL;
-		}
-	}
-Take time string specified in ISO8601 format and convert to a TTime
-@param aTime Time descriptor in ISO8601 format
-@param aResult Object to place resultant local time. Set to 0 if conversion fails.
-void ParseISO8601Time(const TDesC& aTimeDes, TTime& aResult)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L8("Parsing ISO 8601 format time"));
-	TInt yr, mn, dy, hr, mi, sc;
-	TLex lex(aTimeDes);
-	aResult = 0; // return TTime(0) by default
-	// Get date components
-	TUint num;
-	if (lex.Val(num) != KErrNone)
-		{
-		FLOG(_L8("Date not found"));
-		return;
-		}
-	dy = num % 100;
-	num /= 100;
-	mn = num % 100;
-	num /= 100;
-	yr = num;
-	if (lex.Get() != 'T')
-		{
-		FLOG(_L8("Char 'T' not found"));
-		return;
-		}
-	// Get time components
-	if (lex.Val(num) != KErrNone)
-		{
-		FLOG(_L8("Time not found"));
-		return;
-		}
-	sc = num % 100;
-	num /= 100;
-	mi = num % 100;
-	num /= 100;
-	hr = num;
-	// Convert components into a TTime
-	TDateTime dt;
-	if (dt.Set(yr,TMonth(mn-1),(dy-1),hr,mi,sc,0) != KErrNone) // day and month are zero based in TDateTime::Set
-		{
-		FLOG(_L8("Failed to convert time"));
-		return;
-		}
-	aResult = dt;
-	// If time is in UTC, convert to local time
-	if (lex.Get() == 'Z')
-		{
-		aResult += User::UTCOffset(); // includes any daylight saving correction
-		}
-	}
-Returns the time attribute of the object in local time.
-Returns TTime (0) if no valid time has been set.
-@return Object's Time attribute in local time or TTime(0) if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C const TTime CObexBaseObject::Time()
-	{
-	TTime newTime = TTime(0);
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrTime)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ETime, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			TBuf16<16> localbuf;
-			localbuf.Copy(iObexHeader->AsByteSeq());
-			ParseISO8601Time(localbuf, newTime);
-			}
-		}
-	return newTime;
-	}
-Gets the object's Description attribute.
-@return Object's Name attribute or KNullDesC if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C const TDesC& CObexBaseObject::Description()
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrDescription)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a Description header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EDescription, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as Unicode
-			return (iObexHeader->AsUnicode());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (KNullDesC);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (KNullDesC);
-		}
-	}
-Gets the object's Application Parameters attribute
-This function does not parse the Application Parameters attribute into the 
-expected Tag-Length-Value format.
-@return Object's Application Parameters attribute, or KNullDesC8 if none has been set 
-EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CObexBaseObject::AppParam() const
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrAppParam)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a AppParam header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as ByteSeq
-			return (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (KNullDesC8);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (KNullDesC8);
-		}
-	}
-Gets the object's Target attribute.
-@return Object's Target attribute or KNullDesC8 if it has not been set 
-EXPORT_C const TDesC8& CObexBaseObject::Target()
-	{
-	if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrTarget)
-		{
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-		//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-		//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-		iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-		// search for a Target header in the headerset
-		if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ETarget, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-			{
-			//header is found so return the HV as ByteSeq
-			return (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			return (KNullDesC8);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		return (KNullDesC8);
-		}
-	}
-@return A const reference to the HeaderSet object used by this object.
-@see CObexHeaderSet
-EXPORT_C const CObexHeaderSet& CObexBaseObject::HeaderSet() const
-	{
-	return *iHeaderSet;
-	}
-@return A reference to the HeaderSet object used by this object.
-@see CObexHeaderSet
-EXPORT_C CObexHeaderSet& CObexBaseObject::HeaderSet()
-	{
-	return *iHeaderSet;
-	}
-Prepare the object for sending. Each packet sent will contain aOpcode.
-@param aOpcode
-@return KErrNone
-TInt CObexBaseObject::InitSend(TObexOpcode aOpcode)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::InitSend"));
-	iSendHeaders = 0;
-	iSendBytes = 0;
-	iSendOpcode = aOpcode;
-	iSendProgress = EContinue;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Fill up the Connect command with the appropriate headers.
-@param aPacket The packet to be filled
-void CObexBaseObject::PrepareConnectionHeader(CObexPacket &aPacket)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::PrepareConnectionHeader\r\n"));
-	TObexInternalHeader header;
-	TObexHeaderMask remaininghdr = static_cast<TObexHeaderMask>(iValidHeaders & iHeaderMask);
-	if(remaininghdr)
-		{// ...there are some valid, unsent headers left to send.
-		//the Target header should be sent first
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrTarget) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareConnectionHeader - Preparing Target Header\r\n"));
-			if ( Target() != KNullDesC8 )
-				{
-				header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ETarget, (const_cast<TUint8*>(Target().Ptr())), Target().Size());
-				if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-					{
-					iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrTarget;
-					iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-Fill up aPacket with whatever is left to be sent of the object.
-Trys to get attribute headers out asap,
-and tacks as much of the data part of the object onto the end of each 
-packet as will fit. Returned value goes to EComplete on the call *after* 
-the final packet has been written(i.e. indicates nothing left to do).
-@param aPacket The packet to be filled
-@return Progress in writing out the object
-CObexBaseObject::TProgress CObexBaseObject::PrepareNextSendPacket(CObexPacket &aPacket)
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::PrepareNextSendPacket\r\n"));
-	// iHeaderSet is often dereferenced in this method. So it worth to check it
-	// at the beginning
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iHeaderSet, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(ENullPointer));
-	if(iSendProgress == ELastPacket)
-		{
-		/*
-		If the state was 'ELastPacket' as a result of the 
-		last call to this method, then the last packet will
-		now have been sent!
-		*/
-		iSendProgress = EComplete;
-		}
-	if(iSendProgress != EContinue)
-		{
-		FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - immediate exit\r\n"));
-		return(iSendProgress);
-		}
-	TObexInternalHeader header;
-	aPacket.Init(iSendOpcode); 
-	TInt startspace = aPacket.RemainingInsertSpace();
-	TObexHeaderMask remaininghdr = static_cast<TObexHeaderMask>(~iSendHeaders & iValidHeaders & iHeaderMask);
-	TBool suppressDataHeader = EFalse;
-	TBool firstHeader = ETrue;
-	if(remaininghdr)
-		{// ...there are some valid, unsent headers left to send.
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrTarget) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareConnectionHeader - Preparing Target Header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ETarget, (const_cast<TUint8*> (Target().Ptr())), Target().Size());
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrTarget;
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if (remaininghdr & KObexHdrConnectionID)
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EConnectionID header\r\n"));
-			TUint32 connID = ConnectionID();
-			if ( connID != KConnIDInvalid )
-				{
-				TUint32 newConnectionID = connID;
-              	header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID, newConnectionID);
-				if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-					{
-					iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-					iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrConnectionID;
-					//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-					firstHeader = EFalse;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrConnectionID;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrName) 
-			{ 
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EName header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EName, Name());
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrName;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrLength) 
-			{ 
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing ELength header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ELength, Length()); 
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrLength;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrType) 
-			{ 
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EType header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EType, (const_cast<TUint8*> (Type().Ptr())), Type().Size());
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrType;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrDescription) 
-			{ 
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EDescription header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EDescription, Description()); 
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrDescription;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrCount) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing ECount header\r\n"));
-			if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrCount)
-				{
-				//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-				//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-				if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ECount, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					TUint32 newCount = iObexHeader->AsFourByte();
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ECount, newCount);
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrCount;
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrCount;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrCount;
-				}
-			}
-		if (remaininghdr & KObexHdrAppParam)
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EAppParam header\r\n"));
-			header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam, (const_cast<TUint8*> (AppParam().Ptr())), AppParam().Size());
-			if (aPacket.InsertData(header))
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrAppParam;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			}
-		if (remaininghdr & KObexHdrHttp)
-			{
-			//no need to check iValidHeaders as if it is false then remaininghdr would be too.
-			//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-			//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-			iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-			TBool headerFound = EFalse;
-			TUint headerFoundCount = 0;
-			TUint headerHandledCount = 0;
-			TInt err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-			while (err == KErrNone)
-				{
-				headerFoundCount++;
-				if ( (!(iObexHeader->Attributes() & CObexHeader::ESent)) &&
-					 (!(iObexHeader->Attributes() & CObexHeader::ESuppressed)) )
-					{
-					//Unsent and Unsuppressed Http header had been found
-					headerFound = ETrue;
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, (const_cast<TUint8*> ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						headerHandledCount++;
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					else if (firstHeader)
-						{
-						// Had problems inserting the first HTTP header, Set it to suppressed.
-						// (this is also the first header in the packet, so we had the full
-						// packet size available)
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESuppressed));
-						headerHandledCount++;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					//Header has previously been sent/suppressed
-					headerHandledCount++;
-					}
-				iHeaderSet->Next();
-				err = iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EHttp, *iObexHeader);
-				}
-			if (headerFoundCount == headerHandledCount)
-				{
-				//All HTTP headers have been sent (or suppressed)
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrHttp;
-				}
-			// an unsent http header cannot be found in headerset so set flag to invalid
-			if (headerFound == EFalse)
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrHttp;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrCreatorID) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing ECreatorID header\r\n"));
-			if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrCreatorID)
-				{
-				//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-				//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-				if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ECreatorID, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ECreatorID, iObexHeader->AsFourByte());
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrCreatorID;
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrCreatorID;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrCreatorID;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrWanUUID) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EWanUUID header\r\n"));
-			if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrWanUUID)
-				{
-				//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-				//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-				if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EWanUUID, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EWanUUID, (const_cast<TUint8*> ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrWanUUID;
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrWanUUID;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrWanUUID;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrObjectClass) 
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing EObjectClass header\r\n"));
-			if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrObjectClass)
-				{
-				//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-				//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-				if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::EObjectClass, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::EObjectClass, (const_cast<TUint8*> ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrObjectClass;
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrObjectClass;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrObjectClass;
-				}				
-			}
-		if (remaininghdr & KObexHdrUserDefined)
-			{
-			TBool headerFound = EFalse;
-			TUint headerFoundCount = 0;
-			TUint headerSentCount = 0;
-			TInt err = 0;
-			//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-			//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-			iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-			for (TUint8 headerTypeIndex = TObexInternalHeader::EUnicode; 
-							headerTypeIndex <= TObexInternalHeader::E4Byte;)
-				// NB. iterative step not included in this for loop, this is done at the end 
-				//of the for loop: moves headerTypeIndex to the next type
-				{
-				for (TUint8 headerNameIndex = KObexUserDefinedHdrAddrMin; 
-							headerNameIndex <= KObexUserDefinedHdrAddrMax; headerNameIndex++)
-					{
-					TUint8 localHI = static_cast<TUint8>(headerTypeIndex | headerNameIndex);
-					iHeaderSet->First();
-					err = iHeaderSet->Find(localHI, *iObexHeader);
-					if (err == KErrNone)
-						{
-						headerFoundCount++;
-						if ((iObexHeader->Attributes() & CObexHeader::ESent) == 0)
-							{
-							headerFound = ETrue;
-							switch (headerTypeIndex)
-								{
-								case (TObexInternalHeader::EUnicode) : 
-								{
-								header.Set(localHI, iObexHeader->AsUnicode());
-								if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-									{
-									iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-									headerSentCount++;
-									//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-									firstHeader = EFalse;
-									}
-								break;
-								}
-								case (TObexInternalHeader::EByteSeq) : 
-								{
-								header.Set(localHI, (const_cast<TUint8*> ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
-								if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-									{
-									iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-									headerSentCount++;
-									//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-									firstHeader = EFalse;
-									}
-								break;
-								}
-								case (TObexInternalHeader::E1Byte) : 
-								{
-								header.Set(localHI, iObexHeader->AsByte());
-								if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-									{
-									iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-									headerSentCount++;
-									//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-									firstHeader = EFalse;
-									}
-								break;
-								}
-								case (TObexInternalHeader::E4Byte) : 
-								{
-								header.Set(localHI, iObexHeader->AsFourByte());
-								if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-									{
-									iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-									headerSentCount++;
-									//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-									firstHeader = EFalse;
-									}
-								break;
-								}
-								default  : 
-								{
-								break;
-								}
-								}
-							}
-						else	
-							{	
-							//header has been previously sent.
-							headerSentCount++;
-							}
-						}// header not found in headerset	
-					} //for loop: user defined header 'name' addresses
-	 			// set the header type to the next
-	 			//
-				switch (headerTypeIndex)
-					{
-					case (TObexInternalHeader::EUnicode) :
-						{
-						headerTypeIndex = TObexInternalHeader::EByteSeq;
-						break;	
-						}
-					case (TObexInternalHeader::EByteSeq) :
-						{
-						headerTypeIndex = TObexInternalHeader::E1Byte;
-						break;
-						}
-					case (TObexInternalHeader::E1Byte) :
-						{
-						headerTypeIndex = TObexInternalHeader::E4Byte;
-						break;
-						}
-					case (TObexInternalHeader::E4Byte) :
-						{
-						headerTypeIndex++; // incrementing this past E4Byte will cause for loop to exit
-						break;
-						}
-					default : {break;}
-						}
-				}//for loop: user defined header 'type' addresses
-			if (headerFoundCount == headerSentCount)
-				{
-				//All User defined headers have been sent
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrUserDefined;
-				}
-			// an unsent user defined header cannot be found in headerset so set flag to invalid
-			if (headerFound == EFalse)
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrUserDefined;
-				}
-			}
-		if(remaininghdr & KObexHdrTime)
-			{// Must be last, due to Windows 2000 parse bug (see defect v3 EDNJKIN-4N4G7K)
-			if (iValidHeaders & KObexHdrTime)
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing ETime header\r\n"));
-				//reset the mask so all headers are searched
-				//NB. SetMask sets the iterator at the start of the headerset
-				iHeaderSet->SetMask(NULL);
-				if (iHeaderSet->Find(TObexInternalHeader::ETime, *iObexHeader) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					header.Set(TObexInternalHeader::ETime, (const_cast<TUint8*> ((iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (iObexHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
-					if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-						{
-						//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-						iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrTime;
-						iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-						suppressDataHeader = ETrue; // Win2000 Bug work-aroung
-						firstHeader = EFalse;
-						}
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrTime;
-					}
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrTime;
-				}
-			}
-		remaininghdr = STATIC_CAST(TObexHeaderMask, ~iSendHeaders & iValidHeaders & iHeaderMask);
-		// Only add EoB if there is no other remaining headers
-		if (remaininghdr == KObexHdrEndOfBody)
-			{
-			//EoB can only be added in Empty objects.
-			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(DataSize() == 0, IrOBEXUtil::Panic(EAddingInvalidEoBHeader));
-			header.SetHI(TObexInternalHeader::EEndOfBody);
-			if(aPacket.InsertData(header)) 
-				{
-				iObexHeader->SetAttributes(static_cast<TUint16>(iObexHeader->Attributes() | CObexHeader::ESent));
-				iSendHeaders |= KObexHdrEndOfBody;
-				//set that a header has been added to this current packet
-				firstHeader = EFalse;
-				}
-			else if(aPacket.RemainingInsertSpace() != startspace) //something has been added
-				{
-				//There is no enough space for EOB this round, try again next time
-				return EContinue;			
-				}
-			//else if nothing has been added, EError will be returned
-			remaininghdr = STATIC_CAST(TObexHeaderMask, ~iSendHeaders & iValidHeaders & iHeaderMask); 
-			}
-		}
-	TInt dataspace = aPacket.RemainingInsertSpace() - KObexHeaderHILongSize;
-	TInt remainingdata = DataSize() - iSendBytes;
-	if(dataspace > 0 && remainingdata > 0 && !suppressDataHeader)
-		{// ...there's some room for data and we haven't sent it all, and we're allowed to add some
-		FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - preparing some additional data\r\n"));
-		TPtr8 bufptr(NULL, 0);
-		if(remainingdata <= dataspace)
-			{
-			header.SetDeferred(TObexInternalHeader::EEndOfBody, &bufptr, remainingdata, remainingdata);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			header.SetDeferred(TObexInternalHeader::EBody, &bufptr, 1, remainingdata - 1);
-			}
-		if(!aPacket.InsertData(header))
-			{
-			return(iSendProgress = EError);
-			}
-		else
-			{// Data header inserted, now load it up with data...
-			GetData(iSendBytes, bufptr);
-			if(bufptr.Length() < bufptr.MaxLength())
-				return(iSendProgress = EError);
-			iSendBytes += bufptr.Length();
-			remainingdata -= bufptr.Length();
-			}
-		}
-	if(!(remaininghdr || remainingdata > 0))
-		{// Check whether all(valid) headers and data will have been sent
-		iSendProgress = ELastPacket;
-		FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - All headers packaged setting Final Bit\r\n"));
-		aPacket.SetFinal();
-		}
-	else if(aPacket.RemainingInsertSpace() == startspace)
-		{
-		// There are pending header or data but we inserted nothing! 
-		// Some header isn't fitting into the packets provided. 
-		FLOG(_L("PrepareNextSendPacket - nothing was actually inserted\r\n"));
-		iSendProgress = EError;
-		}
-	return(iSendProgress);
-	}
-Prepare the object for receiving into.
-TInt CObexBaseObject::InitReceive()
-	{
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::InitReceive\r\n"));
-	// Always clear the object out before allowing it to receive anything
-	Reset();
-	iRecvBytes = 0;
-	iRecvProgress = EContinue;
-	return(KErrNone);
-	}
-Parse the passed packet, consuming headers into this object as appropriate.
-The returned progress can not be relied upon to indicate completion, because
-that is actually signalled at a diferent level, depending on the source of
-the packet(final bit or server complete response). Returning EComplete 
-simply indicates that all of the object body has been received.
-@param aPacket The packet to extract the headers from
-@return The progress of header extraction
-CObexBaseObject::TProgress CObexBaseObject::ParseNextReceivePacket(CObexPacket &aPacket)
-	{
-	iLastError = ERespInternalError;
-	FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::ParseNextReceivePacket\r\n"));
-	if(iRecvProgress != EContinue && iRecvProgress != EComplete)
-		{
-		FLOG(_L("CObexBaseObject::ParseNextReceivePacket Error!!! Exiting\r\n"));
-		return(iSendProgress);
-		}
-	TObexInternalHeader header;
-	while(aPacket.ExtractData(header))
-		{
-		switch(header.HI())
-			{
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EConnectionID:
-			{
-			if ( iHeaderMask & KObexHdrConnectionID )
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting CONNECTIONID\r\n"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrConnectionID;
-			 	TRAPD(err, SetConnectionIdL(header.HVInt()));
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EAppParam:
-			{
-			if ( iHeaderMask & KObexHdrAppParam )
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting APPPARAM\r\n"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrAppParam;
-				TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-				TRAPD(err, SetAppParamL(src));
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrAppParam; 
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EHttp:
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting Http\r\n"));
-			TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-			TRAPD(err, AddHttpL(src));
-			if (err)
-				{
-				return EError;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EName:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrName) 
-				{ 
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket Extracting NAME"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrName;
-				HBufC* newHeader = HBufC::New(header.HVSize());
-				if (!newHeader)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				//else
-				TPtr ptr(newHeader->Des()); 
-				TInt err = KErrNone;
-				if(header.GetHVText(ptr) == KErrNone) 
-					{
-					TRAP(err, SetNameL(*newHeader));
-					}
-				delete newHeader;
-				newHeader = NULL;
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EType:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrType) 
-				{ 
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TYPE\r\n"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrType;
-				TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-				// use SetTypeL(), to ensure null terms are handled correctly
-				TRAPD(err, SetTypeL(src));
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TYPE\r\n"));
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::ELength:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrLength)
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting LENGTH\r\n"));
-				TRAPD(err, SetLengthL(header.HVInt()));
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrLength;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::ETime:// Time is ISO 8601 format byte sequence.
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrTime)
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TIME in ISO 8601 format\r\n"));
-				TInt err = KErrGeneral;
-				TTime time;
-				// Use Win2k's incorrect TIME format header to calculate the size required.
-				// 2k inserts incorrect padding and uses Unicode format.  Allow a little extra
-				// just in case.  (Currently this should be 48 bytes)
-				static const TInt KMaxTIMESize = sizeof("yyyy.mm.ddThh:mm:ssZ") * 2 + 6;
-				TBuf<KMaxTIMESize> timebuf;
-				if(header.GetHVText(timebuf) == KErrNone && timebuf.LocateF('t') >= 0)
-					{
-					// Win2k sends an invalid TIME header, inserting unicode into a ByteSeq
-					// header, and inserting . and : characters between fields.  So copy char
-					// by char, ignoring invalid characters.
-					TBuf8<16> narrowTime;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-					TBool changed = EFalse;
-					for (TInt copyByte = 0; copyByte <= timebuf.Length()-1; copyByte++)
-						{
-						TChar chr(timebuf[copyByte]);
-						if (chr && (chr != 0x2e /* . */) && (chr != 0x3a /* : */))
-							{
-							if (narrowTime.Length() < narrowTime.MaxLength())
-								{
-								narrowTime.Append(chr);
-								}
-							}
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-						else
-							{
-							changed = ETrue;
-							}
-						}
-					// As we've mangled the header, output a log entry just in case...
-					FTRACE(if (changed) FLOG(_L(" - Windows non-compliant time header detected and converted")));
-					TRAP(err, SetTimeHeaderL(narrowTime));
-					}
-				if(err)
-					{
-					// Adding TIME header to object failed (out of memory?).
-					FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TIME in ISO 8601 format failed"));
-					// if adding TIME header to object failed, the header is ignored and the packet accepted
-					iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrTime;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					// Adding TIME header succeeded, make a note.
-					iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTime;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case KFourByteTimeHeaderAddress : // Time is no. of secs since 1/1/1970
-			if (iHeaderMask & KObexHdrTime)
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TIME in secs since 1/1/1970"));
-				TTimeIntervalSeconds secs = header.HVInt();
-				TRAPD(err, SetTimeL(TTime(TDateTime(1970, EJanuary, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) + secs));
-				if(err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrTime;
-				}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EDescription:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrDescription) 
-				{ 
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting DESCRIPTION\r\n"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrDescription;
-				HBufC* newHeader = HBufC::New(header.HVSize());
-				if (!newHeader)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				//else
-				TPtr ptr(newHeader->Des()); 
-				TInt err = KErrNone;
-				if(header.GetHVText(ptr) == KErrNone) 
-					{
-					TRAP(err, SetDescriptionL(*newHeader));
-					}
-				delete newHeader;
-				newHeader = NULL;
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::ECount:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrCount) 
-				{ 
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting Count\r\n"));
-				CObexHeader* newHeader = NULL;
-				TRAPD( err, newHeader = CObexHeader::NewL());
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				newHeader->SetFourByte(TObexInternalHeader::ECount, header.HVInt());
-				//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-				err = iHeaderSet->AddHeader(newHeader);
-				if (err)
-					{
-					delete newHeader;
-					newHeader = NULL;
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrCount;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::ETarget:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrTarget) 
-				{ 
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting TARGET\r\n"));
-				iValidHeaders &= ~KObexHdrTarget;
-				TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-				TRAPD(err, SetTargetL(src));
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::ECreatorID:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrCreatorID) 
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket Extracting CreatorID header"));
-				CObexHeader* fourByteHeader = NULL;
-				TRAPD( err, fourByteHeader = CObexHeader::NewL());
-				if (err)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				fourByteHeader->SetFourByte(TObexInternalHeader::ECreatorID, header.HVInt());
-				//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-				err = iHeaderSet->AddHeader(fourByteHeader);
-				if (err)
-					{
-					delete fourByteHeader;
-					fourByteHeader = NULL;
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrCreatorID;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EWanUUID:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrWanUUID) 
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket Extracting WanUUID header"));					
-				TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-				CObexHeader* byteseqHeader = NULL;
-				byteseqHeader = IrOBEXHeaderUtil::CreateAndSetByteSeqHeader(TObexInternalHeader::EWanUUID, src);
-				if (!byteseqHeader)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-				TInt err = iHeaderSet->AddHeader(byteseqHeader);
-				if (err)
-					{
-					delete byteseqHeader;
-					byteseqHeader = NULL;
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrWanUUID;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EObjectClass:
-			{
-			if(iHeaderMask & KObexHdrObjectClass) 
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket Extracting WanUUID header"));					
-				TPtrC8 src(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize());
-				CObexHeader* byteseqHeader = NULL;
-				byteseqHeader = IrOBEXHeaderUtil::CreateAndSetByteSeqHeader(TObexInternalHeader::EObjectClass, src);
-				if (!byteseqHeader)
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				//Transfer ownership of pointer to CObexHeaderSet
-				TInt err = iHeaderSet->AddHeader(byteseqHeader);
-				if (err)
-					{
-					delete byteseqHeader;
-					byteseqHeader = NULL;
-					return EError;
-					}
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrObjectClass;
-				}
-			}
-			break;
- 		case TObexInternalHeader::EBody:
- 			iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrBody;
- 			//Fall-through
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EEndOfBody:
-			{
-			FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting BODY\r\n"));
-			TPtr8 ptr(header.HVByteSeq(), header.HVSize(), header.HVSize());
-			if(header.HI() == TObexInternalHeader::EEndOfBody)
-				{// Body finished, there _could_ still be more headers, however...
-				iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrEndOfBody;
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket extracting ENDOFBODY\r\n"));
-				iRecvProgress = EComplete;
-				}
-			NewData(iRecvBytes, ptr);
-			if(ptr.Length() < header.HVSize())
-				{
-				return(iRecvProgress = EError);
-				}
-			iRecvBytes += ptr.Length();
-			}
-			break;
-		case TObexInternalHeader::EAuthChallenge:
-			{
-			iLastError = ERespUnauthorized;
-			return EError;
-			}
-		default:
-			{
-			// Non Standard header received so check for user defined header
-			// NB. All user defined headers are in range 0x30..0x3F
-			if ((iHeaderMask & KObexHdrUserDefined) &&
-			    ((header.HI() & 0x30) != 0))
-				{
-				FLOG(_L("ParseNextReceivePacket Extracting User Defined Unicode header"));
-				if( IrOBEXHeaderUtil::ParseHeader(header, *iHeaderSet) == KErrNone)
-					{
-					iValidHeaders |= KObexHdrUserDefined;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					return EError;
-					}
-				}
-			}	//	End of default
-			}	//	End of header type switch
-		}	//	End of while
-	return(iRecvProgress);
-	}
-Returns the Obex Error response code from the last call to CObexBaseObject::ParseNextReceivePacket
-@return The Obex Response code
-TObexResponse CObexBaseObject::GetLastError() const
-	{
-	return iLastError;
-	}
-Sets the header mask. aHeaderMask is built up by bit-wise ‘or’ing any of 
-the KObexHdr... constants.
-For example, if it is set to KObexHdrName | KObexHdrLength, only 
-these two headers will be specified in transfer operations with the remote 
-machine, even if there are other valid attributes which could be used. In 
-effect, this mask is bit-wise ‘and’ed with the "valid headers" mask when 
-determining which headers are valid for the purposes of transfers.
-@param aHeaderMask: the header mask to be set
-EXPORT_C void CObexBaseObject::SetHeaderMask(const TObexHeaderMask aHeaderMask)
-	{
-	iHeaderMask=aHeaderMask;
-	}
-Returns the number of bytes of the body of the object transferred so far 
-while sending this object.
-@return The number of bytes sent
-EXPORT_C TInt CObexBaseObject::BytesSent()
-	{
-	return(iSendBytes);
-	}
-Returns the number of bytes of the body of the object transferred while 
-receiving an object.
-@return The number of bytes received
-EXPORT_C TInt CObexBaseObject::BytesReceived()
-	{
-	return(iRecvBytes);
-	}
-Returns the currently set header mask. This defaults to 0xFF (i.e. allow 
-everything) when Reset () or InitFromFileL is called. This does not specify 
-which headers currently contain valid data--merely which headers will be 
-transferred if they do contain valid data.
-@return The currently set header mask
-EXPORT_C TObexHeaderMask CObexBaseObject::HeaderMask()
-	{
-	return iHeaderMask;
-	}
-Returns the current valid header mask. This allows inspection of the current
-set of valid headers, particularly useful for determining whether a put
-object contained a body header (important for deleting files as part of file
-@return The current valid header mask
-EXPORT_C TObexHeaderMask CObexBaseObject::ValidHeaders()
-	{
-	return iValidHeaders;
-	}