changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 6 f8e15b44d440
child 17 aabe5387f5ce
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mtpfws/mtpfw/src/cmtpobjectstore.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:11:40 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include "tmtptypeobjecthandle.h"
+#include <mtp/cmtpobjectmetadata.h>
+#include <mtp/cmtptypearray.h>
+#include <mtp/mmtpobjectmgr.h>
+#include <mtp/mtpdatatypeconstants.h>
+#include <mtp/mtpobjectmgrquerytypes.h>
+#include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
+#include <mtp/tmtptypeuint32.h>
+#include "cmtphandleallocator.h"
+#include "cmtpobjectstore.h"
+#include "cmtpreferencemgr.h"
+#include "dbutility.h"
+#include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
+#include "cmtpdataprovider.h"
+#include "cmtpdpidstore.h"
+#include "cmtppkgidstore.h"
+#include "cmtpdeltadatamgr.h"
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include "cmtpstoragemgr.h"
+_LIT(KMTPDbDriveLocation, "c:");
+_LIT(KMTPBackSlash, "\\");
+_LIT(KMTPHandleObjectDbName, "MTPObjectStore.db");
+_LIT(KMTPNoBackupFolderName, "nobackup");
+_LIT(KSQLHandleTableName, "HandleStore");
+_LIT(KSQLHandleId, "HandleIndex");
+_LIT(KSQLCreateHandleIndexText,"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX HandleIndex on HandleStore (HandleId)");
+_LIT(KSQLSuidHash, "SuidIndex");
+_LIT(KSQLCreateSuidIndexText,"CREATE INDEX SuidIndex on HandleStore (SuidHash)");
+_LIT(KSQLParentHandle, "ParentHandleIndex");
+_LIT(KSQLCreateParentHandleText,"CREATE INDEX ParentHandleIndex on HandleStore (ParentHandle)");
+_LIT(KMTPFormat, "MTP");
+const TInt KMaxLimitCommitInEnumeration = 1024;
+const TInt KMaxLimitCommitAfterEnumeration = 256;
+const TInt KMaxLimitCompactInEnumeration = 2048;
+const TInt KMaxLimitCompactAfterEnumeration = 1024;
+ MTP object meta data store factory method. 
+ @return A pointer to a new CMTPObjectStore instance, ownership IS transferred.
+ @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+ */
+CMTPObjectStore* CMTPObjectStore::NewL()
+	{
+	CMTPObjectStore* self = new (ELeave) CMTPObjectStore();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+ Destructor.
+ */
+	{
+	delete iCompactor;
+	delete iReferenceMgr;
+	delete iHandleAllocator;
+	delete iMtpDeltaDataMgr;
+	delete iDPIDStore;
+	delete iPkgIDStore;
+	delete iSentinal;
+	TRAP_IGNORE(CommitTransactionL());
+	iDatabase.Compact();
+	iBatched.Close();
+	iBatched_SuidHashID.Close();
+	CloseDb();
+	iSingletons.Close();
+	iNonPersistentDPList.Close();
+	iEnumeratingCacheObjList.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+ Provides a reference to the object meta data store database.
+ @return The object information store database.
+ */
+RDbDatabase& CMTPObjectStore::Database()
+	{
+	return iDatabase;
+	}
+ Provides a reference to the DPID store object.
+ @return The DPID store.
+ */
+CMTPDPIDStore& CMTPObjectStore::DPIDStore() const
+	{
+	return *iDPIDStore;
+	}
+CMTPPkgIDStore& CMTPObjectStore::PkgIDStore() const
+	{
+	return *iPkgIDStore;
+	}
+ Provides a reference to the reference manager object.
+ @return The reference manager.
+ */
+CMTPReferenceMgr& CMTPObjectStore::ReferenceMgr() const
+	{
+	return *iReferenceMgr;
+	}
+Provides a reference to the MTP delta Data manager object.
+@return The MTP delta data manager.
+CMtpDeltaDataMgr* CMTPObjectStore:: MtpDeltaDataMgr() const
+	{
+	return iMtpDeltaDataMgr;
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveNonPersistentObjectsL(TUint /*aDataProviderId*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::MarkNonPersistentObjectsL(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32)
+	{
+	TInt result = iNonPersistentDPList.InsertInOrder(aDataProviderId);
+	if(result != KErrAlreadyExists)
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(result);
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::MarkDPLoadedL(TUint aDataProviderId, TBool aFlag)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("MarkDPFlafFalseL - Entry"));
+	if (!aFlag)
+		{
+		_LIT(KSQLMarkfalgDPFalse, "UPDATE HandleStore SET DPFlag = %u WHERE DataProviderId = %u");
+		iSqlStatement.Format(KSQLMarkfalgDPFalse, aFlag, aDataProviderId);
+		User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(iSqlStatement));
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("MarkNonPersistentObjectsL - Exit"));
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::FilterObject(const RDbTable& aCurrRow,const TUint32 aStorageID,const TUint32 aFormatCode,const TUint32 aDpID) const
+    {
+    return  ( ((KMTPStorageAll==aStorageID) ||(aCurrRow.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId)== aStorageID)) 
+            &&((0 == aFormatCode)||(aCurrRow.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatCode) == aFormatCode)) 
+            &&((aDpID==KMTPDataProviderAll)||(aCurrRow.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDataProviderId) == aDpID ))
+            );
+    }
+void CMTPObjectStore::TraverseL(const TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams& aParams, MTraverseAction& action) const
+	{
+	RDbTable temp;
+	CleanupClosePushL(temp);
+	temp.Open(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, RDbRowSet::EUpdatable);
+	TUint32 tmpStorageID = 0;
+	TBool bStorageAvailable = ETrue;
+	if (aParams.iParentHandle == 0)
+		{//ParentHandle is not used to filter the objects. Need to iterate throught all objects in the storage to filter based on format/dpid/storatgeid.
+		//Do not using index to iterate through the whole storage is faster than index iteration.
+		temp.FirstL();
+		while (!temp.AtEnd())
+			{
+			temp.GetL();
+			if ((MTraverseAction::EAllDP == action.Target()) || (temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDPFlag) == 1))//If the DP is loaded or ation for all dps.
+				{
+				if((aParams.iStorageId == KMTPStorageAll) &&(aParams.iFormatCode == 0)&&(iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDataProviderId)).SupportedCodes( EServiceIDs ).Count() != 0))
+				    {
+				    temp.NextL();
+				    continue;
+				    }
+				//check StorageID ,DPID and Formatcode
+				if ( !FilterObject(temp,aParams.iStorageId,aParams.iFormatCode,aParams.iDpId) )
+				    {
+						temp.NextL();
+						continue;
+				    }
+				//verify the whether the storageID is validated.   
+				if(tmpStorageID != temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId))
+					{
+					tmpStorageID = temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId);
+					bStorageAvailable = iSingletons.StorageMgr().ValidStorageId( tmpStorageID );
+					}
+				if(!bStorageAvailable)
+					{
+					temp.NextL();
+					continue;
+					}
+				action.DoL(temp); 
+				}
+			temp.NextL();
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{//Fetch the root directory
+		temp.SetIndex(KSQLParentHandle);
+		if (temp.SeekL((TUint) aParams.iParentHandle))
+			{//every storageID has the same root directory handles.KMTPHandleNoParent, therefore, need to filter the storageID
+			//if it is not KMTPStorageAll
+			while (!temp.AtEnd())
+				{
+				temp.GetL();
+				if (temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreParentHandle) == aParams.iParentHandle)
+					{
+					if ((MTraverseAction::EAllDP == action.Target()) || (temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDPFlag) == 1))//If the DP is loaded or ation for all dps.
+						{
+            if((aParams.iStorageId == KMTPStorageAll) &&(aParams.iFormatCode == 0)&&(iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDataProviderId)).SupportedCodes( EServiceIDs ).Count() != 0))
+                {
+                temp.NextL();
+                continue;
+                }
+						//check StorageID ,DPID and Formatcode
+						if ( !FilterObject(temp,aParams.iStorageId,aParams.iFormatCode,aParams.iDpId) )
+						    {
+								temp.NextL();
+								continue;
+						    }
+						//verify the whether the storageID is validated.   
+						if(tmpStorageID != temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId))
+							{
+							tmpStorageID = temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId);
+							bStorageAvailable = iSingletons.StorageMgr().ValidStorageId( tmpStorageID );
+							}
+						if(!bStorageAvailable)
+							{
+							temp.NextL();
+							continue;
+							}
+						action.DoL(temp);
+						}
+					temp.NextL();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					break;//has jumped over the range of handles with the same parent handle
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&temp);
+	//Since we fetch all handles as requested, therefore, we do not open aContext to indicate the query is completed.
+	}
+TUint CMTPObjectStore::CountL(const TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams& aParams) const
+	{
+	TUint i = 0;
+	TCountAction action(i);
+	TraverseL(aParams, action);
+	return i;
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::CommitReservedObjectHandleL(CMTPObjectMetaData& aObject)
+	{
+	//After the PutL called the cursor's position is not well defined.
+	iCachedHandle = 0;
+	iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+	TInt64 id = iHandleAllocator->NextPOUIDL();
+	aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EIdentifier, id);
+	TFileName suid;
+	suid.CopyLC(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+	TUint32 suidHash = DefaultHash::Des16(suid);
+	TUint32 handle = aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CMTPObjectStore::DBUpdateFailRecover, &iBatched));
+	iBatched.InsertL();
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreHandleId, handle);
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreSUIDHash, suidHash);
+	DbColWriteStreamL(iBatched, EObjectStoreSUID, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));	
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDataProviderId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatSubCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreStorageId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreModes,aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EModes));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStorePOUID, id);
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreParentHandle, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDPFlag, 1);
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreNonConsumable, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::ENonConsumable));
+	iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreName, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::EName));
+	iBatched.PutL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&iBatched);
+	IncTranOpsNumL();
+	}
+ This API is designed intended for coping with the MTP operation GetObjectHandles which has 3 parameters.
+ 1. StorageID
+ 2. FormatCode
+ 3. ParentHandle.
+ The first parameter contains the StorageID of the storage for which the list of Object Handles is desired. 
+ A value of 0xFFFFFFFF may be used to indicate that a list of Object Handles of all objects on all storages 
+ should be returned. If a storage is specified and the storage is unavailable, this operation should return Store_Not_Available.
+ The second parameter is optional, and contains an Object Format datacode. Object Formats are described
+ in section 4, "Object Formats". If the second parameter contains a non-0x00000000 value, it specifies that 
+ a list of object handles referencing objects of a certain object format is desired. If the parameter is not used, 
+ it should contain a value of 0x00000000 and objects should be included in the response dataset regardless 
+ of their object format. If this parameter is not supported, the responder should return a response code of 
+ Specification_By_Format_Unsupported.
+ The third parameter may be used to restrict the list of objects that are returned by this operation to objects 
+ directly contained in a particular folder (Association). If this parameter contains a non-0x00000000 value, 
+ the responder should return a list of objects which have as their ParentObject the folder (Association) 
+ that is identified by this parameter. If the number of objects that are contained in the root of a storage is desired, 
+ a value of 0xFFFFFFFF may be passed in this operation, which indicates that only those objects with no ParentObject
+ should be returned. If the first parameter indicates that all storages are included in this query, then a value of 0xFFFFFFFF
+ should return a list of all objects at the root level of all storages. If this parameter is unused, it should contain a value of 0x00000000. 
+ If the third parameter is unsupported and a non-0x00000000 value is sent in this operation, a response of 
+ Parameter_Unsupported should be returned. If the use of the third parameter is supported, but the value 
+ contained does not reference an actual object on the device, a response of Invalid_ObjectHandle should be returned. 
+ If the use of the third parameter is supported and it contains a valid Object Handle, but the object referenced 
+ is not of type Association, then a response of Invalid_ParentObject should be returned.
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::GetObjectHandlesL(const TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams& aParams, RMTPObjectMgrQueryContext& /*aContext*/, RArray<TUint>& aHandles) const
+	{
+	TGetHandlesAction action(aHandles);
+	TraverseL(aParams, action);
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::GetObjectSuidsL(const TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams& aParams, RMTPObjectMgrQueryContext& /*aContext*/, CDesCArray& aSuids) const
+	{
+	//take the similar approach for GetObjectHandlesL, but need to pay attention for the memory usage, since every SUID might take
+	//maximum 255 bytes, if there are totally 10K objects, the maximum memory usage will be 2.5M, consider to get it in multiple calls instead of one.
+	TGetSuidsAction action(aSuids);
+	TraverseL(aParams, action);
+	}
+TUint32 CMTPObjectStore::HandleL(const TDesC& aSuid) const
+	{
+	TUint32 handle = KMTPHandleNone;
+	if (LocateBySuidL(aSuid))
+		{
+		handle = iBatched_SuidHashID.ColUint32(EObjectStoreHandleId);
+		}
+	return handle;
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::DBUpdateFailRecover(TAny* aTable)
+	{
+	reinterpret_cast<RDbTable*> (aTable)->Cancel();
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::InsertObjectL(CMTPObjectMetaData& aObject)
+	{
+	//_LIT(KInsert, "CMTPObjectStore::InsertObjectL");
+	//volatile TTimer t(KInsert);
+	__FLOG(_L8("InsertObjectL - Entry"));
+	iCachedHandle = 0;
+	iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+	TBool needToInsert = EFalse;
+	TBool needUpdateOwner = EFalse;
+	TUint dpId(aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+	TFileName suid;
+	suid.CopyLC(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+	TUint32 suidHash = DefaultHash::Des16(suid);
+	TUint32 parentHandle = aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle);
+	TUint32 handle = KMTPHandleNone, handleInDB = KMTPHandleAll;
+	TInt64 id = 0;
+	// Check if the dp is enumerating
+	if (iSingletons.DpController().EnumerateState() != CMTPDataProviderController::EEnumerated && iCacheExist)
+		{
+		//it is in the object enumeration phase. 
+		// if it's see if we have an object with the same SUID
+		//When the MTP server startup the object enumeration, it will fetch all of the object's (SUIDHash and Handles) into in-memory ordered array.
+		//this function is to try to match the handleID for the incoming suidHash/SUID/DPID, if matched in memory, it will return the handleID
+		//considering the possible conflicting of the SUID for different file name, it need to consult the SUID in the table for eactly match.
+		//Therefore, for each object matching, it need one table lookup and file name cope and match operation.
+		//If it matched, do nothing for the table, but remove it from the in-memory ordered array.
+		//if there is no match, it is a new object, insert it into table.
+		iSentinal->iObjSuiIdHash = suidHash;
+		iSentinal->iSuidPtr.Set(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+		TInt found = iEnumeratingCacheObjList.FindInOrder(iSentinal, TLinearOrder<CEnumertingCacheItem>(CEnumertingCacheItem::Compare));
+		if (KErrNotFound != found)
+			{//There is a match
+			if(NULL == iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found]->iSuid)
+				{//need extra check for hash collision
+				handleInDB = HandleL(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+				}
+			handle = iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found]->iObjHandleId;
+			if((handleInDB != KMTPHandleAll) && (handleInDB != handle)) //hash collision
+				{
+				needToInsert = ETrue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle, handle);
+				id = iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found]->iPOUID;
+				aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EIdentifier, id);
+				if(iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found]->iFormatcode != aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode))
+					{//have different owner
+					needUpdateOwner = ETrue;
+					}
+				delete iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found];
+				iEnumeratingCacheObjList.Remove(found);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{//This is a totally new object. insert it after check the db to prevent user wrong operation
+			handle = HandleL(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+			if (handle == KMTPHandleNone)
+				{
+				needToInsert = ETrue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		handle = HandleL(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+		if (handle != KMTPHandleNone)
+			{
+				//Leaves if id already exists in suid map table 
+			User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
+			}
+		// dp is not enumerating, do a plain insert
+		needToInsert = ETrue;
+		}
+	if (needToInsert)//needToInsert and needUpdateOwner can't be true at same time
+		{
+		TUint32 parentHandle(aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle));
+		handle = iHandleAllocator->NextIdL(dpId);
+		id = iHandleAllocator->NextPOUIDL();
+		aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle, handle);
+		aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EIdentifier, id);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CMTPObjectStore::DBUpdateFailRecover, &iBatched));
+		iBatched.InsertL();
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreHandleId, handle);
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreSUIDHash, suidHash);
+		DbColWriteStreamL(iBatched, EObjectStoreSUID, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDataProviderId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatSubCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreStorageId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreModes, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EModes));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStorePOUID, id);
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreParentHandle, parentHandle);
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDPFlag, 1);
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreNonConsumable, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::ENonConsumable));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreName, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::EName));
+		iBatched.PutL();
+		CleanupStack::Pop(&iBatched);
+		IncTranOpsNumL();
+		}
+	else if(needUpdateOwner)
+		{
+		if(iBatched.SeekL(static_cast<TUint>(handle)))
+			{
+			CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CMTPObjectStore::DBUpdateFailRecover, &iBatched));
+			iBatched.UpdateL();
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDataProviderId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatSubCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreStorageId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreModes, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EModes));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreNonConsumable, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::ENonConsumable));
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreName, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::EName));
+			iBatched.PutL();
+			CleanupStack::Pop(&iBatched);
+			IncTranOpsNumL();	
+			}
+		}
+	if ((needToInsert || needUpdateOwner) && IsMediaFormat(aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode)))
+		{
+		if (iUpdateDeltaDataTable)
+			{
+			iMtpDeltaDataMgr->UpdateDeltaDataTableL(id, CMtpDeltaDataMgr::EAdded);
+			}
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("InsertObjectL - Exit"));
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::IncTranOpsNumL()
+	{
+	iTransactionOps++;
+	if (iTransactionOps % iMaxCommitLimit == 0)
+		{
+		CommitTransactionL();
+		if (iTransactionOps % iMaxCompactLimit == 0)
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Compact());
+			}
+		BeginTransactionL();
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::BeginTransactionL()
+	{
+	if (!iDatabase.InTransaction())
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Begin());
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::CommitTransactionL()
+	{
+	if (iDatabase.InTransaction())
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Commit());
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::InsertObjectsL(RPointerArray<CMTPObjectMetaData>& aObjects)
+	{
+	TInt count = aObjects.Count();
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+		{
+		InsertObjectL(*aObjects[i]);
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::ModifyObjectL(const CMTPObjectMetaData& aObject)
+	{
+	TUint32 handle = aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle);
+	TFileName suid;
+	suid.CopyLC(aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));
+	TUint32 suidHash = DefaultHash::Des16(suid);
+	if (LocateByHandleL(handle))
+		{
+		//After the PutL called the cursor's position is not well defined.
+		iCachedHandle = 0;
+		iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+		TInt64 id = iBatched.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID);
+		TUint32 suidHashOld = iBatched.ColUint32(EObjectStoreSUIDHash);
+		TUint32 parentOld = iBatched.ColUint32(EObjectStoreParentHandle);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CMTPObjectStore::DBUpdateFailRecover, &iBatched));
+		iBatched.UpdateL();
+		if(suidHashOld != suidHash)
+			{//change on index column will impact the performace
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreSUIDHash, suidHash);
+			}
+		if(parentOld != aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle))
+			{//change on index column will impact the performace
+			iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreParentHandle, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle));
+			}
+		DbColWriteStreamL(iBatched, EObjectStoreSUID, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid));		
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDataProviderId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreFormatSubCode, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreStorageId, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreModes, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EModes));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreDPFlag, 1);
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreNonConsumable, aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::ENonConsumable));
+		iBatched.SetColL(EObjectStoreName, aObject.DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::EName));
+		iBatched.PutL();
+		CleanupStack::Pop(&iBatched);
+		IncTranOpsNumL();
+		if (aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EObjectMetaDataUpdate) && IsMediaFormat(aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode)))
+			{
+			if (iUpdateDeltaDataTable)
+				{
+				iMtpDeltaDataMgr->UpdateDeltaDataTableL(id, CMtpDeltaDataMgr::EModified);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::ObjectL(const TMTPTypeUint32& aHandle, CMTPObjectMetaData& aBuf) const
+	{
+	TUint32 handleId = aHandle.Value();
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle, handleId);
+	return GetObjectL(handleId, aBuf);
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::ObjectExistsL(const TUint32 aHandle)
+	{
+	return LocateByHandleL(aHandle, EFalse);
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::BuildObjectMetaDataL(CMTPObjectMetaData& aBuf, const RDbTable& aTable) const
+	{
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle, aTable.ColUint32(EObjectStoreHandleId));
+	TFileName suid;
+    DbColReadStreamL(aTable, EObjectStoreSUID, suid);
+    aBuf.SetDesCL(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid, suid);
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode, aTable.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatCode));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode, aTable.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatSubCode));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId, aTable.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDataProviderId));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle, aTable.ColUint32(EObjectStoreParentHandle));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId, aTable.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EModes, aTable.ColUint8(EObjectStoreModes));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EIdentifier, aTable.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID));
+	aBuf.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::ENonConsumable, aTable.ColUint8(EObjectStoreNonConsumable));
+	aBuf.SetDesCL(CMTPObjectMetaData::EName, aTable.ColDes(EObjectStoreName));
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::ObjectL(const TDesC& aSuid, CMTPObjectMetaData& aBuf) const
+	{
+	if (LocateBySuidL(aSuid))
+		{
+		BuildObjectMetaDataL(aBuf, iBatched_SuidHashID);
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+const TPtrC CMTPObjectStore::ObjectSuidL(TUint32 aHandle) const
+	{
+	//iBatched owns the memory of Suid ?
+	if (!LocateByHandleL(aHandle))
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+    DbColReadStreamL(iBatched, EObjectStoreSUID, iSuidBuf);
+	return iSuidBuf;
+	}
+TMTPTypeUint128 CMTPObjectStore::PuidL(TUint32 aHandle)
+	{
+	if (!LocateByHandleL(aHandle))
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	TUint64 highHalfPOUID = static_cast<TUint64> (iBatched.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID));
+	// We actually use the first 64 bits to represent the PUID. this will represent 2^64=16 G xG objects, it is reasonable 
+	//to assume the Phone, as a resource-constrained device, never will reach that number, therefore, we choose
+	//only 64 bit to represent the POUID Of the objects on phone.
+	TMTPTypeUint128 result;
+	result.Set(1, highHalfPOUID);	//for the ONB
+	return result;
+	}
+TMTPTypeUint128 CMTPObjectStore::PuidL(const TDesC& aSuid)
+	{
+	if (!LocateBySuidL(aSuid))
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	TUint64 highHalfPOUID = static_cast<TUint64> (iBatched_SuidHashID.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID));
+	// We actually use the first 64 bits to represent the PUID. this will represent 2^64=16 G xG objects, it is reasonable 
+	//to assume the Phone, as a resource-constrained device, never will reach that number, therefore, we choose
+	//only 64 bit to represent the POUID Of the objects on phone.
+	TMTPTypeUint128 result;
+	result.Set(1, highHalfPOUID);	//for the ONB
+	return result;
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveObjectL(const TMTPTypeUint32& aHandle)
+	{
+	if (LocateByHandleL(aHandle.Value()))
+		{
+		if (iSingletons.DpController().EnumerateState() != CMTPDataProviderController::EEnumerated &&
+			IsMediaFormat(iBatched.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatCode)))
+			{
+			iMtpDeltaDataMgr->UpdateDeltaDataTableL(iBatched.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID), CMtpDeltaDataMgr::EDeleted);
+			}
+		iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+		iCachedHandle = 0;
+		iBatched.DeleteL();
+		IncTranOpsNumL();
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveObjectL(const TDesC& aSuid)
+	{
+	if(LocateBySuidL(aSuid))
+		{
+		if (iSingletons.DpController().EnumerateState() != CMTPDataProviderController::EEnumerated &&
+			IsMediaFormat(iBatched_SuidHashID.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatCode)))
+			{
+			iMtpDeltaDataMgr->UpdateDeltaDataTableL(iBatched_SuidHashID.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID), CMtpDeltaDataMgr::EDeleted);
+			}
+		iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+		iCachedHandle = 0;
+		iBatched_SuidHashID.DeleteL();
+		IncTranOpsNumL();
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveObjectsL(const CDesCArray& aSuids)
+	{
+	TUint i(aSuids.Count());
+	while (i--)
+		{
+		RemoveObjectL(aSuids[i]);
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveObjectsL(TUint aDataProviderId)
+	{
+	iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+	iCachedHandle = 0;
+	TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams params(KMTPStorageAll, 0, 0, aDataProviderId);
+	TDelAction action(*this, MTraverseAction::EAllDP);
+	TraverseL(params, action);
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::RemoveObjectsByStorageIdL(TUint32 aStorageId)
+	{
+	iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+	iCachedHandle = 0;
+	TMTPObjectMgrQueryParams params(aStorageId, 0, 0);
+	TDelAction action(*this);
+	TraverseL(params, action);
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::ReserveObjectHandleL(CMTPObjectMetaData& aObject, TUint64 /*aSpaceRequired*/)
+	{
+	const TUint dp(aObject.Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId));
+	const TUint32 id(iHandleAllocator->NextIdL(dp));
+	aObject.SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle, id);
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::UnreserveObjectHandleL(const CMTPObjectMetaData& /*aObjectInfo*/)
+	{
+	}
+ Clean unloaded data provider contents from object store
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::CleanL()
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("CleanL - Entry"));
+	Swi::RSisRegistrySession sisSession;
+	User::LeaveIfError(sisSession.Connect());
+	CleanupClosePushL(sisSession);
+	const RArray<TUint>& loadedDPIDs = iPkgIDStore->DPIDL();
+	RArray<TUint> unInstalledDpIDs;
+	CleanupClosePushL(unInstalledDpIDs);
+	for (TUint idx(0); (idx < loadedDPIDs.Count()); ++idx)
+		{
+		TUid pkgUid = TUid::Uid(iPkgIDStore->PKGIDL(idx));
+		if (!sisSession.IsInstalledL(pkgUid))
+			{
+			//DP is uninstalled, remove DP related data from database.
+			TUint thisID = loadedDPIDs[idx];
+			__FLOG_1(_L("Data provider[%d] is removed from device!"),thisID);
+			unInstalledDpIDs.AppendL(thisID);
+			}
+		}
+	for (TUint index = 0; index < unInstalledDpIDs.Count(); ++index)
+		{
+		RemoveObjectsL(unInstalledDpIDs[index]);
+		iPkgIDStore->RemoveL(unInstalledDpIDs[index]);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&unInstalledDpIDs);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sisSession);
+	__FLOG(_L8("CleanL - Exit"));
+	}
+TUint CMTPObjectStore::ObjectOwnerId(const TMTPTypeUint32& aHandle) const
+    {
+    if (!LocateByHandleL(aHandle.Value()))
+        {
+        return 0xff;
+        }
+    return iBatched.ColUint32(EObjectStoreDataProviderId);
+    }
+ Standard c++ constructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ Second phase constructor.
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::ConstructL()
+	{
+	__FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
+	iMaxCommitLimit = KMaxLimitCommitInEnumeration;
+	iMaxCompactLimit = KMaxLimitCompactInEnumeration;
+	iSingletons.OpenL();
+	InitializeDbL();
+	iCompactor = CDbCompactor::NewL(&iDatabase);
+	iMtpDeltaDataMgr = CMtpDeltaDataMgr::NewL(iDatabase);
+	iReferenceMgr = CMTPReferenceMgr::NewL(*this);
+	iDPIDStore = CMTPDPIDStore::NewL(iDatabase);
+	iPkgIDStore = CMTPPkgIDStore::NewL(iDatabase);
+	iBatched.Open(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, RDbRowSet::EUpdatable);
+	iBatched.SetIndex(KSQLHandleId);
+	iBatched_SuidHashID.Open(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, RDbRowSet::EUpdatable);
+	iBatched_SuidHashID.SetIndex(KSQLSuidHash);
+	iHandleAllocator = CMTPHandleAllocator::NewL(*this);
+	iSentinal = CEnumertingCacheItem::NewL(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+	BeginTransactionL();
+	}
+ Initialises the database, it creates the table and index if the database does not exist, otherwise,
+ it open the existing table and index
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::InitializeDbL()
+	{
+	TFileName fullName;
+	GetFullPathName(KMTPNoBackupFolderName, fullName);
+	BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(iSingletons.Fs(), fullName);
+	fullName.Append(KMTPBackSlash);
+	fullName.Append(KMTPHandleObjectDbName);
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if (!BaflUtils::FileExists(iSingletons.Fs(), fullName))
+		{
+		CreateDbL(fullName);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		err = OpenDb(fullName);
+		if (iDatabase.IsDamaged())
+			{
+			err = iDatabase.Recover();
+			}
+		}
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		CloseDb();
+		CreateDbL(fullName);
+		}
+	}
+ Create the database with the specified database name
+ @param aFileName    The name of the database to create
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::CreateDbL(const TDesC& aFileName)
+	{
+	BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(iSingletons.Fs(), aFileName);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Replace(iSingletons.Fs(), aFileName, KMTPFormat));
+	// Create table and index
+	CreateHandleTableL();
+	CreateHandleIndexL();
+	//This is the very very 1st time of MTP server running, therefore, all of the objects in the HandleStore should be added items
+	//roundtrip table will fetch the added items directly from the handlestore, do not popluate the added items to round-trip table
+	//until the enumeration is finished.
+	iUpdateDeltaDataTable = EFalse;
+	}
+ Open the database with the specified database name
+ @param aFileName    The name of the database to open
+ */
+TInt CMTPObjectStore::OpenDb(const TDesC& aFileName)
+	{
+	TInt err = iDatabase.Open(iSingletons.Fs(), aFileName, KMTPFormat);
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		TRAP(err,
+			CreateHandleTableL();
+			CreateHandleIndexL();
+			)
+		}
+	iUpdateDeltaDataTable = ETrue;
+	return err;
+	}
+ Close the current opened database
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::CloseDb()
+	{
+	iDatabase.Close();
+	}
+ Create the table for storing the mapping from object handle to other properties (data provider id, storage id, formatcode, etc.)
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::CreateHandleTableL()
+	{
+	if (!DBUtility::IsTableExistsL(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName))
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(KSQLCreateHandleTableText));
+		}
+	}
+ Create three index on the table: 1. Handle, 2. SuidHash, 3. ParentHandle
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::CreateHandleIndexL()
+	{
+	if (DBUtility::IsTableExistsL(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName))
+		{
+		if (!DBUtility::IsIndexExistsL(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, KSQLHandleId))
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(KSQLCreateHandleIndexText));
+			}
+		if (!DBUtility::IsIndexExistsL(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, KSQLSuidHash))
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(KSQLCreateSuidIndexText));
+			}
+		if (!DBUtility::IsIndexExistsL(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, KSQLParentHandle))
+			{
+			User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Execute(KSQLCreateParentHandleText));
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+		}
+	}
+ Get the full path of the database 
+ @param aFileName    The file name of the database to be retrieved
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::GetFullPathName(const TDesC& aName, TFileName& aFileName) const
+	{
+	iSingletons.Fs().PrivatePath(aFileName);
+	aFileName.Insert(0, KMTPDbDriveLocation);
+	aFileName.Append(aName);
+	}
+ Initialize the handle allocator for this DP with the minimum object ID to use.
+ This must not be called while an initiator has an open session or it could cause
+ an object ID to be reused.
+ @param aDataProviderId Data provider ID whose handle allocator must be initialized
+ */
+void CMTPObjectStore::RestorePersistentObjectsL(TUint)
+	{
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::LocateByHandleL(const TUint aHandle, const TBool aReadTable /*default = ETrue*/) const
+	{
+	TBool result = EFalse;
+	if(IsInvalidHandle(aHandle))
+		{
+		return result;
+		}
+	if (iCachedHandle == aHandle)
+		{
+		result = ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (iBatched.SeekL(aHandle))
+			{
+			iCachedHandle = aHandle;
+			result = ETrue;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iCachedHandle = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	if (result && aReadTable)
+		{
+		iBatched.GetL();
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::LocateBySuidL(const TDesC& aSuid) const
+	{
+	TBool result = EFalse;
+	TFileName suid;
+	suid.CopyLC(aSuid);
+	TUint32 suidHash = DefaultHash::Des16(suid);
+	if (iCachedSuidHash == suidHash && iCachedSuidHash != 0) //the hash may generate 0 and we use 0 as a sentinel
+		{
+		iBatched_SuidHashID.GetL();
+	    DbColReadStreamL(iBatched_SuidHashID, EObjectStoreSUID, suid);	    
+		if (suid.CompareF(aSuid) == 0 )
+			{
+			result = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	if (!result)
+		{
+		if (iBatched_SuidHashID.SeekL(static_cast<TUint> (suidHash)))
+			{//found, but there might be multiple entries since SUIDhash might possible conflict.
+			while (!iBatched_SuidHashID.AtEnd())
+				{
+				iBatched_SuidHashID.GetL();
+		        DbColReadStreamL(iBatched_SuidHashID, EObjectStoreSUID, suid);				
+				if (suid.CompareF(aSuid) == 0)
+					{
+					result = ETrue;
+					iCachedSuidHash = suidHash;
+					break;
+					}
+				else if (iBatched_SuidHashID.ColUint32(EObjectStoreSUIDHash) == suidHash)
+					{
+					iBatched_SuidHashID.NextL();
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+					break;//Not found
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+ Get an object for the current query
+ @param aBuf if found, contains the pointer to the created object info,
+ @return ETrue if the object is found, otherwise, EFalse
+ */
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::GetObjectL(TUint32 aHandle, CMTPObjectMetaData& aObject) const
+	{
+	if (LocateByHandleL(aHandle))
+		{
+		BuildObjectMetaDataL(aObject, iBatched);
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+ Determine if the object is of WMP supported media format
+ @param aObject the object meta data
+ @return ETrue if it is of WMP supported media format. EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::IsMediaFormat(TUint32 aFormatCode)
+	{
+	switch (aFormatCode)
+		{
+		//case EMTPFormatCodeUndefined:
+		//case EMTPFormatCodeAssociation:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAIFF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeWAV:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeMP3:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAVI:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeMPEG:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeASF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeEXIFJPEG:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeTIFFEP:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeFlashPix:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeBMP:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeCIFF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeGIF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeJFIF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeCD:
+		case EMTPFormatCodePICT:
+		case EMTPFormatCodePNG:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeTIFF:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeTIFFIT:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeJP2:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeJPX:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeUndefinedFirmware:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeWindowsImageFormat:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeUndefinedAudio:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeWMA:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeOGG:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAAC:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAudible:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeWMV:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeMP4Container:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeMP2:
+		case EMTPFormatCode3GPContainer:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractMultimediaAlbum:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractImageAlbum:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractAudioAlbum:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractVideoAlbum:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractAudioVideoPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractAudioPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeAbstractVideoPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeWPLPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeM3UPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeMPLPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodeASXPlaylist:
+		case EMTPFormatCodePLSPlaylist:
+			return ETrue;
+		default:
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::CalcFreeHandlesL(TUint aDataProviderId)
+	{
+	TMTPTypeObjectHandle handleType(0, aDataProviderId);
+	TUint32 minHandleForDP = handleType.Value();
+	iCachedSuidHash = 0;
+	iCachedHandle = 0;
+	TUint32 preHandle = minHandleForDP, curHandle = 0;
+	if (iBatched.SeekL((TUint) minHandleForDP, RDbTable::ELessThan))
+		{
+		iBatched.NextL();
+		while (!iBatched.AtEnd())
+			{
+			iBatched.GetL();
+			curHandle = iBatched.ColUint32(EObjectStoreHandleId);
+			TMTPTypeObjectHandle handleType(curHandle);
+			if (handleType.DpId() == aDataProviderId)
+				{
+				if(++ preHandle < curHandle)//base on the handle is allocated continuously
+					{
+					if(!iHandleAllocator->AppendHandleBlockL(aDataProviderId, preHandle, curHandle - preHandle))
+						{
+						break;
+						}
+					preHandle = curHandle;
+					}
+				iBatched.NextL();
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				//Has gone over the current DPid, break;
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::EstablishDBSnapshotL(TUint32 aStorageId)
+	{
+	//Currently, i only do this for File DP since it is non-persistent, later, if we take the proposal that 
+	//1. FileDP is the last DP to be enumerated.
+	//2. FileDP will san the whole file system, and will try to enumerate all of the objects(might on behalf of another DP) if the objects is still not
+	// in the object store after all other DP finish its enumeration.
+	//3. Then notify the related DP about the newly added objects by notification API;
+	//_LIT(KInsert, "CMTPObjectStore::EstablishDBSnapshotL");
+	//volatile TTimer t(KInsert);
+	RDbTable temp;
+	CleanupClosePushL(temp);
+	temp.Open(iDatabase, KSQLHandleTableName, RDbRowSet::EUpdatable);
+    if(!iCacheExist)
+        {
+	TInt32 count = temp.CountL(RDbRowSet::EQuick);
+        iEnumeratingCacheObjList.ReserveL(count);
+        }
+	temp.FirstL();
+	while (!temp.AtEnd())
+		{
+		temp.GetL();
+        if (temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDPFlag) == 1 && (KMTPStorageAll == aStorageId || temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreStorageId) == aStorageId))
+			{
+			TUint32 handleID = temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreHandleId);
+			TInt64 pUID = temp.ColInt64(EObjectStorePOUID);
+			iHandleAllocator->SetIdL(handleID, pUID);
+			CEnumertingCacheItem* item = CEnumertingCacheItem::NewLC(
+					temp.ColUint32(EObjectStoreSUIDHash), handleID,
+					temp.ColUint16(EObjectStoreFormatCode), pUID, temp.ColUint8(EObjectStoreDataProviderId));
+			TInt result = iEnumeratingCacheObjList.InsertInOrder(item, TLinearOrder<CEnumertingCacheItem>(CEnumertingCacheItem::Compare));
+			if (KErrAlreadyExists == result) //hash collision
+				{
+				TInt found = iEnumeratingCacheObjList.FindInOrder(item, TLinearOrder<CEnumertingCacheItem>(CEnumertingCacheItem::Compare));
+				CEnumertingCacheItem* colliItem = iEnumeratingCacheObjList[found];
+                TFileName suid;
+				if (colliItem->iSuid == NULL)
+					{
+					if (!LocateByHandleL(colliItem->iObjHandleId))
+					    {
+					    DbColReadStreamL(iBatched, EObjectStoreSUID, suid);
+					    colliItem->iSuid = suid.AllocL();
+					    colliItem->iSuidPtr.Set(*colliItem->iSuid);
+					    }
+					}
+                DbColReadStreamL(temp, EObjectStoreSUID, suid);
+                item->iSuid = suid.AllocL();
+				item->iSuidPtr.Set(*item->iSuid);
+                result = iEnumeratingCacheObjList.InsertInOrder(item, TLinearOrder<CEnumertingCacheItem>(CEnumertingCacheItem::Compare));
+				}
+            if(result != KErrAlreadyExists)
+				{
+				User::LeaveIfError(result);
+				}
+			CleanupStack::Pop(item);
+			}
+		temp.NextL();
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&temp);
+	iCacheExist = ETrue;
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::CleanDBSnapshotL()
+	{
+	//For those items left in the iEnumeratingCacheObjList, remove the object entry if the DPID of the handle is not persistent. and populate the 
+	//roundtrip table if needed.
+	//and then close the iEnumeratingCacheObjList to release the memory.
+	//_LIT(KInsert, "CMTPObjectStore::CleanDBSnapshot");
+	//volatile TTimer t(KInsert);
+	if(iCacheExist)
+	    {
+	        iCacheExist = EFalse;
+	    }
+	else 
+	    return;
+	for (TInt i = iEnumeratingCacheObjList.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+		{
+		TInt rc = iNonPersistentDPList.FindInOrder(iEnumeratingCacheObjList[i]->iDpID);
+		if (rc != KErrNotFound)
+			{//This is a non persistent DP.
+			RemoveObjectL(iEnumeratingCacheObjList[i]->iObjHandleId);
+			}
+		}
+	iNonPersistentDPList.Close();
+	iEnumeratingCacheObjList.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iUpdateDeltaDataTable = ETrue;
+	iMaxCommitLimit = KMaxLimitCommitAfterEnumeration;
+	iMaxCompactLimit = KMaxLimitCompactAfterEnumeration;
+    CommitTransactionL();
+    User::LeaveIfError(iDatabase.Compact());
+    BeginTransactionL();
+	}
+CMTPObjectStore::CEnumertingCacheItem::CEnumertingCacheItem(TUint32 aSuidHash, TUint32 aHandle, TUint32 aFormat, TUint64 aId, TUint8 aDpID)
+	{
+	iObjSuiIdHash = aSuidHash;
+	iObjHandleId = aHandle;
+	iFormatcode = aFormat;
+	iPOUID = aId;
+	iDpID = aDpID;
+	}
+TInt CMTPObjectStore::CEnumertingCacheItem::Compare(const CEnumertingCacheItem& aFirst, const CEnumertingCacheItem& aSecond)
+	{
+	if (aFirst.iObjSuiIdHash > aSecond.iObjSuiIdHash)
+		{
+		return 1;
+		}
+	else if (aFirst.iObjSuiIdHash < aSecond.iObjSuiIdHash)
+		{
+		return -1;
+		}
+	if ((aFirst.iSuidPtr.Length() != 0) && (aSecond.iSuidPtr.Length() != 0))
+		{
+		return aFirst.iSuidPtr.CompareF(aSecond.iSuidPtr);
+		}
+	return 0;
+	}
+TBool CMTPObjectStore::IsInvalidHandle( TUint32 aHandle ) const
+	{
+	return ( (KMTPHandleAll == aHandle) || (KMTPHandleNone == aHandle) );
+	}
+void CMTPObjectStore::DbColWriteStreamL(RDbTable& aTable, TDbColNo aCol, const TDesC16& aDes)
+    {
+    RDbColWriteStream suid;
+    suid.OpenLC(aTable, aCol);
+    suid.WriteL(aDes);
+    suid.Close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // suid
+    }
+void CMTPObjectStore::DbColReadStreamL(const RDbTable& aTable, TDbColNo aCol, TDes16& aDes) const
+    {
+    RDbColReadStream suid;
+    suid.OpenLC(aTable, aCol);
+    suid.ReadL(aDes, aTable.ColLength(aCol));
+    suid.Close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // suid
+    }