changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 6 f8e15b44d440
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mtptransports/mtpptpiptransport/ptpipplugin/src/cptpipconnection.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:11:40 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1597 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @internalComponent
+// System includes
+#include "e32base.h"
+#include "ptpippanic.h"
+#include "e32property.h" 
+// MTP includes
+#include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
+#include <mtp/tmtptyperesponse.h>
+// Plugin includes
+#include "cptpipcommandhandler.h"
+#include "cptpipeventhandler.h"
+#include "cptpipconnection.h"
+#include "ptpipsocketpublish.h" 
+// File type constants.
+const TInt KMTPNullChunkSize(0x00020000); // 100KB
+const TUint32 KPTPIPDataHeaderSize = 12;  // Size of len, type and tran id. 
+#define UNUSED_VAR(a) (a) = (a)
+ PTPIP device class connection factory method.
+ @param aConnectionMgr The MTP connection manager interface.
+ @return A pointer to an PTPIP device class connection. Ownership IS transfered.
+ @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+ */
+CPTPIPConnection* CPTPIPConnection::NewL(MMTPConnectionMgr& aConnectionMgr )
+	{
+	CPTPIPConnection* self = new(ELeave) CPTPIPConnection(aConnectionMgr);
+	CleanupStack::PushL (self );
+	self->ConstructL ( );
+	CleanupStack::Pop (self );
+	return self;
+	}
+ Destructor
+ */
+CPTPIPConnection::~CPTPIPConnection( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("Destructor - Entry"));
+	StopConnection ( );
+	// Delete all the handlers which will close the sockets.
+	delete iCommandHandler;
+	delete iEventHandler;
+	delete iPTPIPCommandContainer;
+	delete iPTPIPDataContainer;
+	delete iPTPIPEventContainer;
+	iNullBuffer.Close();
+	__FLOG(_L8("Destructor - Exit"));
+	}
+ Second phase constructor
+ @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ConstructL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
+	__FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Entry"));
+	// Construct the Command and event handlers
+	iCommandHandler = CPTPIPCommandHandler::NewL (*this );
+	iEventHandler = CPTPIPEventHandler::NewL (*this );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer = CPTPIPGenericContainer::NewL ( );
+	iPTPIPDataContainer = CPTPIPDataContainer::NewL ( );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer = CPTPIPGenericContainer::NewL ( );
+	// Transfer the sockets
+	TransferSocketsL();
+	SetConnectionState (EInitialising );
+	CompleteSelf (KErrNone );
+	__FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Constructor
+ */
+CPTPIPConnection::CPTPIPConnection(MMTPConnectionMgr& aConnectionMgr ) :
+									CActive(EPriorityStandard), 
+									iConnectionMgr(&aConnectionMgr)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add (this );
+	}
+// MMTPTransportConnection functions
+ Binds the protocol layer. 
+ @param aProtocol - The connectionProtocol provides the SPI or the observer
+ for the communication to happen from the transport to the framework. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::BindL(MMTPConnectionProtocol& aProtocol )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("BindL - Entry"));
+	iProtocolLayer = &aProtocol;
+	__FLOG(_L8("BindL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Returns the protocol layer.
+ @return The SPI or the observer protocol layer
+ */
+MMTPConnectionProtocol& CPTPIPConnection::BoundProtocolLayer( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("BoundProtocolLayer - Entry"));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iProtocolLayer, Panic(EPTPIPBadState));
+	__FLOG(_L8("BoundProtocolLayer - Exit"));
+	return *iProtocolLayer;
+	}
+ Close the connection, stop all data transfer activity and and wait for the host 
+ to issue a Device Reset Request.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::CloseConnection( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("CloseConnection - Entry"));
+	StopConnection ( );
+	__FLOG(_L8("CloseConnection - Exit"));
+	}
+ A transaction is one set of request, data transfer and response phases. 
+ The fw calls this to mark the end of an MTP transaction. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::TransactionCompleteL(const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("TransactionCompleteL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Transaction Complete **************"));
+	SetTransactionPhase (EIdlePhase );
+	// Clear the cancel flag.
+	iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelNotReceived;
+	iCancelOnEventState = ECancelNotReceived;
+	// Again start listening for the command request. 
+	InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL( );
+	__FLOG(_L8("TransactionCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the fw to indicate that protocol layer is not using this transport anymore 
+ and so we will not have any callback/SPI funtions to the fw any more
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::Unbind(MMTPConnectionProtocol& /*aProtocol*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("Unbind - Entry"));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iProtocolLayer, Panic(EPTPIPBadState));
+	// Protocol will no longer be bound to the transport
+	iProtocolLayer = NULL;
+	__FLOG(_L8("Unbind - Exit"));
+	}
+ Not used
+ */
+TAny* CPTPIPConnection::GetExtendedInterface(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/)
+	{
+	return NULL;
+	}
+ * return PTPIP transport implementation UID
+ */
+TUint CPTPIPConnection::GetImplementationUid()
+    {
+    return KMTPPTPIPTransportImplementationUid;
+    }
+// Active Object functions
+ Used to cancel the outstanding requests, and reset internal states as appropriate. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::DoCancel( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Entry"));
+	iCommandHandler->Cancel( );
+	iEventHandler->Cancel( );
+	SetConnectionState(ECancelled );
+	__FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Exit"));
+	}
+The connection behaves as an active object during the PTPIP connection establishment phase.
+Subsequently, it behaves as a normal object whose functions are invoked by the MTP framework
+or by the SocketHandler on sending/ receiving data. 
+Thus the runl is not hit after the initial connection establishment. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::RunL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("RunL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Current State is %d, and status is %d"), iState, iStatus.Int()));
+	if(iStatus != KErrNone )
+		{
+		CloseConnection( );
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		switch(iState )
+		{
+		// ConstructL is complete, 
+		// the PTPIP connection establishment will be complete after the init ack is sent.
+		case EInitialising:
+			SendInitAckL( );
+			break;
+			// Now the PTPIP connection has been established. 
+		case EInitialisationComplete:
+			SetConnectionState(EStartListening );
+			CompleteSelf(KErrNone );
+			break;
+			// Start listeing for requests on the 2 channels
+		case EStartListening:
+			InitiateEventRequestPhaseL( );
+			InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL( );
+			break;
+		default:
+			__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Invalid  connection state"));
+			Panic(EPTPIPBadState );
+			break;
+		}
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("RunL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called when an error occurs in the RunL 
+ */
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+TInt CPTPIPConnection::RunError(TInt aError )
+TInt CPTPIPConnection::RunError(TInt /*aError*/ )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("RunError - Entry"));
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Error received is %d"), aError));
+	// Cancel all the outstanding requests.
+	Cancel( );
+	// Stop the connection, if necessary.
+	StopConnection( );
+	__FLOG(_L8("RunError - Exit"));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// Receive data functions
+ Called internally to recevive the commands over the command channel. 
+ This will invoke the command handler 
+ to listen on the socket and get the data into the buffers passed. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Phase 1 - Request **************"));
+	// Set current state to request phase
+	SetTransactionPhase(ERequestPhase );
+	// The PTPIP data buffer is a member of connection.  
+	// Since we are expecting a request now, set the payload to request type
+	iPTPIPRequestPayload.Reset( );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPRequestPayload );
+	// Call the CommandHandler to get the request in the container
+	iCommandHandler->ReceiveCommandRequestL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called to indicate completion of receive of data started by InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL.
+ There is no point in reporting the error up to the f/w since no transaction has started.
+ USB does nothing at this stage. In PTP , the connection is closed.
+ @param aError - The error if any, received from socket.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveCommandCompleteL(TInt aError )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandCompleteL - Entry"));
+	if(KErrNone != aError )
+		{
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP Error: Received error=%d in request phase, closing  connection"), aError));
+		CloseConnection( );
+		}
+	else if(ValidateTransactionPhase(ERequestPhase ) )
+		{
+		// Request block received.
+		TPTPIPTypeRequestPayload* pRequest = static_cast<TPTPIPTypeRequestPayload*>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Payload());
+		TUint16 op(pRequest->Uint16(TPTPIPTypeRequestPayload::EOpCode ));
+		TUint32	tran(pRequest->Uint32(TPTPIPTypeRequestPayload::ETransactionId ));
+		TUint32 sessionId = KMTPSessionNone;
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("Command block received with op = 0x%04X ,transId = %d"), op, tran));
+		// Reset the iMTPRequest.
+		iMTPRequest.Reset( );
+		// Setup the MTP request dataset buffer. Set Operation Code and TransactionID
+		iMTPRequest.SetUint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode, op );
+		iMTPRequest.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID, tran );
+		// Set SessionID.
+		if(op == EMTPOpCodeOpenSession )
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("Processing OpenSession request"));
+			}
+		else if(op == EMTPOpCodeCloseSession || op == EMTPOpCodeResetDevice )
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("Processing CloseSession or the ResetDevice request"));
+			// Force CloseSession requests to be processed outside an active session. 
+			// ResetDevice currently behaves the same way as CloseSession. 
+			iMTPRequest.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1,
+					iMTPSessionId );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			sessionId = iMTPSessionId;
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Processing general request on session %d"), sessionId));
+			}
+		iMTPRequest.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID,sessionId );
+		// Set Parameter 1 .. Parameter 5.
+		pRequest->CopyOut(iMTPRequest, TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1,	TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter5 );
+		pRequest->Reset( );
+		// Notify the protocol layer.
+		BoundProtocolLayer().ReceivedRequestL(iMTPRequest );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called to get data over the command channel,( in turn its called by f/ws ReceiveData)
+ @param aData - The buffer provided by the F/w in which to receive data.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveCommandDataL(MMTPType& aData )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandDataL - Entry"));
+	iRecvData = 0;
+	iTotalRecvData = 0;
+	// First we will receive a PTPIP start data packet which is stored in the commandContainer
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPStartDataPayload );
+	// The mtp buffer is passed from the framework and will be passed on as the payload.
+	// in the next ptpip data packet.
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetPayloadL(&aData );
+	iCommandHandler->ReceiveCommandDataL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandDataL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called to indicate completion of receive of data started by ReceiveCommandDataL.
+ Any errors received are sent back up to the framework. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveCommandDataCompleteL(TInt aError )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandDataCompleteL - Entry"));
+	if(ValidateTransactionPhase(EDataIToRPhase ) )
+		{
+		// Data block received, notify the protocol layer.
+		iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+		BoundProtocolLayer().ReceiveDataCompleteL(aError, *iPTPIPDataContainer->Payload(), iMTPRequest );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandDataCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the command handler to indicate completion of receive on the command channel.
+ Now check whether it was commands or data completion and call the appropriate function. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveCommandChannelCompleteL(TInt aError, MMTPType& /*aSource*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandChannelCompleteL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Receiving 1 ptpip packet on command/data channel complete **************"));
+	HandleTCPError(aError );
+	TUint32	typeCommand = iPTPIPCommandContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	TUint32	typeData = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("type on the command buffer is %d and type on the data buffer is %d"), typeCommand, typeData ) );
+	switch (typeCommand)
+	{
+	case EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationRequest:
+		ReceiveCommandCompleteL(aError );
+		break;
+	case EPTPIPPacketTypeStartData:
+		if(aError != KErrNone )
+			{
+			ReceiveCommandCompleteL(aError );
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Save the total data expected. 
+			iTotalRecvData =(static_cast<TPTPIPTypeStartDataPayload*>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Payload()))->Uint64(TPTPIPTypeStartDataPayload::ETotalSize );
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Total data to receive in data phase is %ld"), iTotalRecvData));						
+			//reset the command container 
+			iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+			iCommandHandler->ReceiveCommandDataL(*iPTPIPDataContainer );
+			}
+		break;
+	case EPTPIPPacketTypeCancel:
+		{
+		TMTPTypeInt32* pTransId;
+		pTransId = static_cast<TMTPTypeInt32*>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Payload());
+		iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdReceived;
+		HandleCommandCancelL(pTransId->Value());
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		// No known types came on the command container, now check the data container.
+		switch (typeData)
+		{
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeData:
+			// One PTPIP packet has been received. We will now continue getting the next PTPIP packets. 
+			iRecvData += iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketLength );
+			iRecvData -= KPTPIPDataHeaderSize; // The header size is not included in the total size sent. 
+			//If more data is expected,then set the flag to use the current offset
+			//in the chunk
+			if (iRecvData < iTotalRecvData)
+			{
+			iCommandHandler->iUseOffset = ETrue;	
+			}
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Data received so far in data phase is %ld"), iRecvData));
+			if(iRecvData <= iTotalRecvData )
+				{
+				iCommandHandler->ReceiveCommandDataL(*iPTPIPDataContainer );
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: The data received so far= %ld is more than expected data = %ld "), iRecvData, iTotalRecvData));
+				CloseConnection( );
+				}			
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeEndData:
+			iRecvData += iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketLength );
+			iRecvData -= KPTPIPDataHeaderSize; // The header size is not included in the total size sent. 
+			iCommandHandler->iUseOffset = EFalse;
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Data received so far in data phase is %ld"), iRecvData));
+			if(iTotalRecvData == iRecvData )
+				{
+				ReceiveCommandDataCompleteL(aError );
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: The data received so far= %ld is not equal to expected data = %ld "), iRecvData, iTotalRecvData));
+				CloseConnection( );
+				}
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeCancel:
+			{
+			TUint32 transId = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::ETransactionId);
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdReceived;
+			iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+			HandleCommandCancelL(transId);
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Unexpected type received,  data container = %d, command container =%d "), typeData, typeCommand));
+			CloseConnection( );
+			break;
+		} // switch data
+	} // switch command
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveCommandChannelCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by MTP fw to get data from the transport.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveDataL(MMTPType& aData, const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveDataL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Phase 2 - Data I to R **************"));
+	SetTransactionPhase(EDataIToRPhase );
+	ReceiveCommandDataL(aData );
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveDataL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by MTP fw to cancel the receiving data.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveDataCancelL(const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveDataCancelL - Entry"));
+	iCommandHandler->CancelReceiveL(KErrCancel );
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveDataCancelL - Exit"));
+	}
+ This will invoke the event handler to listen on the socket and get the events 
+ into the buffers passed. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::InitiateEventRequestPhaseL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("InitiateEventRequestPhaseL - Entry"));
+	// Initialise the PTP buffers to get the data. 
+	iPTPIPEventPayload.Reset( );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, NULL );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength,	NULL );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPEventPayload );
+	// Call the EventHandler
+	iEventHandler->ReceiveEventL(*iPTPIPEventContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("InitiateEventRequestPhaseL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Signals the completion of receving an event. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::ReceiveEventCompleteL(TInt aError, MMTPType& /*aSource*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveEventCompleteL - Entry"));
+	TUint32	type = iPTPIPEventContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Error value is %d and type is %d"), aError, type));
+	if(KErrNone != aError )
+		{
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP Error: Received error=%d in request phase, closing  connection"), aError));
+		CloseConnection( );
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// For a probe request, we just send a probe response and don't notify the MTP f/w. 
+		if( type == EPTPIPPacketTypeProbeRequest )
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("Received a probe request, sending back a probe response"));
+			// Send the response, 
+			iPTPIPEventContainer->SetPayloadL(NULL );
+			iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength, iPTPIPEventContainer->Size( ) );
+			iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, EPTPIPPacketTypeProbeResponse );
+			// Call the EventHandler
+			iEventHandler->SendEventL(*iPTPIPEventContainer );
+			}
+		else if(type == EPTPIPPacketTypeCancel )
+			{			
+			iCancelOnEventState = ECancelCmdReceived;
+			HandleEventCancelL(); 
+			}
+		else if(type == EPTPIPPacketTypeEvent )
+			{
+			// Request block received.
+			TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload* pEvent = static_cast<TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload*>(iPTPIPEventContainer->Payload());
+			TUint16	op(pEvent->Uint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode ));
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Event block 0x%04X received"), op));
+			// Reset the iMTPRequest.
+			iMTPEvent.Reset( );
+			// Setup the MTP request dataset buffer. Set Operation Code and TransactionID
+			iMTPEvent.SetUint16(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventCode, op );
+			iMTPEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventSessionID,	iMTPSessionId );
+			iMTPEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventTransactionID,	pEvent->Uint32(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::ETransactionId ) );
+			// Set Parameter 1 .. Parameter 3.
+			pEvent->CopyOut(iMTPRequest,TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter1, TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter3 );
+			pEvent->Reset( );
+			BoundProtocolLayer().ReceivedEventL(iMTPEvent );
+			InitiateEventRequestPhaseL( );
+			}
+		// If unexpected data is received , its ignored in the release mode. 
+		else
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR : Unknown event type received, ignoring it."));
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(type, Panic(EPTPIPBadState));
+			}
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ReceiveEventCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+// Send data functions
+ Called by the MTP f/w to send the response to the initiator.
+ Also called from this connection itself to send the cancel response. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendResponseL(const TMTPTypeResponse& aResponse,	const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendResponseL - Entry"));
+	// Update the transaction state.
+	SetTransactionPhase(EResponsePhase );
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Phase 3 - Response **************"));
+	if(iCancelOnCommandState  )
+		{
+		__FLOG(_L8("Cancel has been received from initiator, so send own response"));
+		SendCancelResponseL(aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID ));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TUint16	opCode(aRequest.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode ));
+		TUint16 rspCode(aResponse.Uint16(TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseCode ));
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("ResponseCode = 0x%04X, Operation Code = 0x%04X"), rspCode, opCode));
+		if((opCode == EMTPOpCodeOpenSession) &&(rspCode == EMTPRespCodeOK) )
+			{
+			// An session has been opened. Record the active SessionID.
+			iMTPSessionId = aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1 );
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Processing OpenSession response, SessionID = %d"), iMTPSessionId));
+			}
+		else if(((opCode == EMTPOpCodeCloseSession) ||
+				(opCode == EMTPOpCodeResetDevice))&&(rspCode == EMTPRespCodeOK) )
+			{
+			// An session has been closed. Clear the active SessionID.        
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("Processing CloseSession or ResetDevice response, SessionID = %d"), iMTPSessionId));
+			iMTPSessionId = KMTPSessionNone;
+			}
+		//Setup the parameter block payload dataset. Note that since this is a 
+		//variable length dataset, it must first be reset.
+		iPTPIPResponsePayload.Reset( );
+		TUint numberOfNullParam = TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter5 - TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter1 + 1;
+		iPTPIPResponsePayload.CopyIn(aResponse,	
+		                             TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter1, TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter5, 
+		                             ETrue,
+		                             numberOfNullParam);
+		iPTPIPResponsePayload.SetUint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode, rspCode );
+		iPTPIPResponsePayload.SetUint32(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::ETransactionId, aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID ) );
+		// Setup the command container.
+		iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(const_cast<TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload*>(&iPTPIPResponsePayload) );
+		iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(	CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength, static_cast<TUint32>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Size()) );
+		iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(	CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationResponse );
+		// Initiate the command send sequence.
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("Sending response 0x%04X(%d bytes)"),
+						iPTPIPResponsePayload.Uint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode),
+						iPTPIPCommandContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength)));
+		iCommandHandler->SendCommandL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendResponseL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Send response complete
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendCommandCompleteL(TInt aError )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandCompleteL - Entry"));
+	if(ValidateTransactionPhase(EResponsePhase ) )
+		{
+		BoundProtocolLayer().SendResponseCompleteL( aError,
+		                                            *static_cast<TMTPTypeResponse*>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Payload()), 
+		                                            iMTPRequest );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Send data complete
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendCommandDataCompleteL(TInt aError )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandDataCompleteL - Entry"));
+	if(ValidateTransactionPhase(EDataRToIPhase ) )
+		{
+		BoundProtocolLayer().SendDataCompleteL(aError, *iPTPIPDataContainer->Payload(), iMTPRequest );
+		}
+	SetConnectionState(EDataSendFinished);
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetPayloadL(NULL );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandDataCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the command handler to indicate completion of send on the command channel.
+ Now check whether it was commands or data completion and call the appropriate function. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendCommandChannelCompleteL(TInt aError, const MMTPType& /*aSource*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandChannelCompleteL - Entry"));
+	// Now see whether we have completed getting data or commands, and call the appropriate function.
+	TUint typeCommand = iPTPIPCommandContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	TUint typeData = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("type on the command buffer is %d and type on the data buffer is %d"), typeCommand, typeData ) );
+	// if we have received a cancel on the event channel then terminate the current sending
+	// and handle the receiving and sending of cancel on the channel.
+	if (iCancelOnEventState && !iCancelOnCommandState)
+		{
+		HandleCancelDuringSendL(); 	
+		}
+	// A command has been sent
+	else if((EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationResponse == typeCommand) &&(0 == typeData) )
+		{
+		// If this response was a cancel, then we don't inform the framework, as it was internally generated
+		if(iCancelOnCommandState )
+			{
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdHandled;
+			SendCommandCompleteL(aError );
+			HandleCommandCancelCompleteL( );
+			}
+		// Tell the framework that a command has been received. 
+		else
+			{
+			iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+			SendCommandCompleteL(aError );
+			}
+		}
+	// Tell the connection that data has been sent.
+	else if((EPTPIPPacketTypeEndData == typeData) &&(0 == typeCommand ) )
+			{
+			iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+			SendCommandDataCompleteL(aError );
+			}
+	// We sent the start data packet, and we now have to send the actual data.  
+	else if((EPTPIPPacketTypeStartData == typeCommand) &&(EDataSendInProgress == iState ) )
+			{
+			iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(	CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+			SendDataPacketL( );
+			}
+	// Any other type indicates a programming error, and a panic is raised. 
+	else
+		{
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Unexpected type in sent data, type = = %d, command =%d "), typeData, typeCommand));
+		Panic(EPTPIPBadState );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCommandChannelCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the MTP fw to send the data by the transport via the sockets
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendDataL(const MMTPType& aData,	const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG(_L8("******** Phase 2 - Data R to I **************"));
+	SetTransactionPhase(EDataRToIPhase );
+	SetConnectionState(EDataSendInProgress );
+	// Save the actual data in the dataContainer
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetPayloadL(const_cast<MMTPType*>(&aData) );
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketLength,	iPTPIPDataContainer->Size( ) );
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType,EPTPIPPacketTypeEndData );
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::ETransactionId,aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID ) );
+	// Create the start data ptpip packet. 
+	iPTPIPStartDataPayload.Reset( );
+	iPTPIPStartDataPayload.SetUint32(TPTPIPTypeStartDataPayload::ETransactionId, aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID ) );
+	iPTPIPStartDataPayload.SetUint64(TPTPIPTypeStartDataPayload::ETotalSize, aData.Size( ) );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPStartDataPayload );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength, iPTPIPCommandContainer->Size( ) );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType,	EPTPIPPacketTypeStartData );
+	// First send the start data packet, once this is complete, it will invoke the 
+	// SendCommandChannelCompleteL, where we will check the state and send the 
+	// actual data in the next packet, which has been saved in the dataContainer. 
+	SendStartDataPacketL( );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataL - Exit"));
+	}
+ The data will be sent in 2 ptpip operations. 
+ first the start data ptpip packet will be sent. This has the totalk size and transaction. 
+ next the actual data packet will be sent, with the end data ptp ip header.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendStartDataPacketL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendStartDataPacketL - Entry"));
+	SetConnectionState(EDataSendInProgress );
+	iCommandHandler->SendCommandL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendStartDataPacketL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Send the actual data, which has come from the MTP framework 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendDataPacketL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataPacketL - Entry"));
+	MMTPType* payLoad = iPTPIPDataContainer->Payload();
+	TPtr8 headerChunk(NULL, 0);
+	TBool hasTransportHeader = payLoad->ReserveTransportHeader(KPTPIPDataHeaderSize, headerChunk);
+	if (hasTransportHeader)
+	    {
+        const TInt KLengthOffset = 0;
+        const TInt KTypeOffset = 4;
+        const TInt KXIDOffset = 8;
+        TUint32 pkgLength = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketLength);
+        TUint32 pkgType = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType);
+        TUint32 transId = iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::ETransactionId);
+        memcpy(&(headerChunk[KLengthOffset]), &pkgLength, sizeof(TUint32));
+        memcpy(&(headerChunk[KTypeOffset]), &pkgType, sizeof(TUint32));
+        memcpy(&(headerChunk[KXIDOffset]), &transId, sizeof(TUint32));
+        SetConnectionState(EDataSendInProgress );
+        iCommandHandler->SendCommandDataL(*payLoad, transId);
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	    SetConnectionState(EDataSendInProgress );
+	    iCommandHandler->SendCommandDataL(*iPTPIPDataContainer,	iPTPIPDataContainer->Uint32L(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID ) );
+	    }
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataPacketL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the fw to cancel the sending of data
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendDataCancelL(const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataCancelL - Entry"));
+	iCommandHandler->CancelSendL(KErrCancel );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendDataCancelL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called by the fw to send an event. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendEventL - Entry"));
+    // Reset the event.
+    iMTPEvent.Reset(); 
+    MMTPType::CopyL(aEvent, iMTPEvent);
+	TUint16 opCode(aEvent.Uint16(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventCode ));
+	TUint32 tran(aEvent.Uint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventTransactionID ));
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8(" Sending event with Operation Code = 0x%04X and tran id = %d"), opCode, tran ));
+	TBool isNullParamValid = EFalse;
+	TUint numberOfNullParam = 0;
+	iPTPIPEventPayload.CopyIn(aEvent, 
+	                          TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter1,TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter3, 
+	                          isNullParamValid,
+	                          numberOfNullParam );
+	iPTPIPEventPayload.SetUint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode, opCode );
+	iPTPIPEventPayload.SetUint32(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::ETransactionId,	tran );
+	// Setup the bulk container.
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetPayloadL(const_cast<TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload*>(&iPTPIPEventPayload) );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength,	static_cast<TUint32>(iPTPIPEventContainer->Size()) );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, EPTPIPPacketTypeEvent );
+	// Initiate the event send sequence.
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Sending response 0x%04X(%d bytes)"),
+					iPTPIPEventPayload.Uint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode),
+					iPTPIPEventContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength)));
+	iEventHandler->SendEventL(*iPTPIPEventContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendEventL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Marks the completion of the asynchronous send event. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendEventCompleteL(TInt aError, const MMTPType& /*aSource*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendEventCompleteL - Entry"));
+	TUint type = iPTPIPEventContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	// Notify the fw that event was sent. 
+	if(type == EPTPIPPacketTypeEvent )
+		{
+		// Notify the fw
+		BoundProtocolLayer().SendEventCompleteL(aError, iMTPEvent );
+		}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	//In case we sent a probe response, we dont' need to notify the fw.
+	else
+		if(type == EPTPIPPacketTypeProbeResponse )
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("Probe response was sent successfully"));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If unexpected data was sent , it is ignored in the release mode. 
+			__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: An invalid send event completion signalled"));
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(type, Panic(EPTPIPBadState));
+			}
+	// Restart listening for events
+	InitiateEventRequestPhaseL( );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendEventCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+// Cancel handling functions
+ Handle the cancel on the event channel. This can come before 
+ or after the cancel on the command channle, and it can also come 
+ in any of the MTP transaction states ( request, response, data)
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleEventCancelL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleEventCancelL - Entry"));
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("iCancelOnCommandState = 0x%04X, and  iCancelOnEventState = 0x%04X"), iCancelOnCommandState, iCancelOnEventState));
+	// Check whether the cancel has already been received on the command channel. 
+	// If so then we can simply ignore this on the event channel. 
+	switch(iCancelOnCommandState )
+		{
+		case ECancelCmdHandled:
+			// Cancel has already been received and handled on the command channel
+			// ignore the cancel on event channel and reset the state to none, 
+			// and start listening for the next transaction.
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelNotReceived;
+			iCancelOnEventState = ECancelNotReceived;
+			InitiateEventRequestPhaseL();
+			break;
+		case ECancelCmdReceived:
+		case ECancelCmdHandleInProgress:
+			// cancel has already been received on the command channel and is being 
+			// handled. Ignore the cancel on event channel. 
+			iCancelOnEventState = ECancelEvtHandled;
+			break;
+		case ECancelNotReceived:
+			// cancel on command has not yet been received. depending on the current 
+			// mtp transaction state, handle the cancel. 
+			switch(iTransactionState )
+				{
+				case EDataIToRPhase:
+					SetNULLPacketL();
+					iCancelOnEventState = ECancelEvtHandled;
+					break;
+				case EDataRToIPhase:
+					// Set the commandHandler's cancel flag on. 
+					// It will complete sending the current PTPIP packet and then handle.
+					// Once a PTPIP packet has been sent , the sendCommandChannel complete will 
+					// be invoked, and the cancel will be checked and handled. 
+					iCancelOnEventState = ECancelEvtHandled;
+					iCommandHandler->SetCancel();
+					break;
+				case EResponsePhase:
+				case ERequestPhase:
+				default:
+					__FLOG(_L8(" Cancel received on event channel during a non data phase, ignoring, as this will be handled when its received on command channel."));
+					iCancelOnEventState = ECancelEvtHandled;
+					break;
+				}// end of switch for transaction phase.
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleEventCancelL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Handle the cancel on the command channel. This can come before 
+ or after the cancel on the event channel, and it can also come 
+ in any of the MTP transaction states ( request, response, data)
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleCommandCancelL(TUint32 aTransId )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCommandCancelL - Entry"));
+	switch(iTransactionState )
+		{
+		case ERequestPhase:
+			__FLOG(_L8(" Cancel received during the request phase before the request packet, ignoring."));
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdHandled;
+			if (iCancelOnEventState == ECancelNotReceived)
+				{
+				// Wait for it to be received on event
+				__FLOG(_L8("Awaiting cancel on the event channel."));
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				HandleCommandCancelCompleteL();
+				}			
+			InitiateCommandRequestPhaseL();
+			break;
+		case EDataRToIPhase:
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdHandleInProgress;
+			SendCancelToFrameworkL(aTransId );
+			SendCommandDataCompleteL(KErrCancel);
+			break;
+		case EDataIToRPhase:
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdHandleInProgress;
+			SendCancelToFrameworkL(aTransId );
+			ReceiveCommandDataCompleteL(KErrCancel);
+			break;
+		case EResponsePhase:
+			iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelCmdHandled;
+			if (iCancelOnEventState == ECancelNotReceived)
+				{
+				// Wait for it to be received on event
+				__FLOG(_L8("Awaiting cancel on the event channel."));
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				HandleCommandCancelCompleteL();
+				}
+			break;
+		}// switch
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCommandCancelL - Exit"));
+	}
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleCancelDuringSendL()
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCancelDuringSendL - Entry"));	
+	iCommandHandler->Cancel( );
+	// Now start listening for the cancel on command channel.
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(	CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType, 0 );
+	iPTPIPCommandCancelPayload.Set(0 );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPCommandCancelPayload );
+	iCommandHandler->ReceiveCommandRequestL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );	
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCancelDuringSendL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Called when the reponse to the cancel has been sent to the initiator
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleCommandCancelCompleteL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCommandCancelCompleteL - Entry"));	
+	//now cancel handling is complete.
+	if((ECancelCmdHandled == iCancelOnCommandState) &&(ECancelEvtHandled == iCancelOnEventState) )
+		{
+		__FLOG(_L8("Completed handling cancel on both channels. "));
+		// Cancel has already been received and handled on the command channel
+		// ignore the cancel on event channel and reset the state to none, 
+		// and start listening for the next transaction.
+		iCancelOnCommandState = ECancelNotReceived;
+		iCancelOnEventState = ECancelNotReceived;
+		// The transaction has been cancelled, now start listening again for next transaction.
+		InitiateEventRequestPhaseL();
+		}
+	// if the cancel has not been received yet on event, we wait for it. 
+	else if(ECancelEvtHandled != iCancelOnEventState )
+		{
+		__FLOG(_L8("Waiting for the cancel on the event channel. "));
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("HandleCommandCancelCompleteL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Inform the MTP framework that a cancel has been received. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendCancelToFrameworkL(TUint32 aTransId )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCancelToFramework - Entry"));
+	// Setup the MTP request dataset buffer. Set Operation Code and TransactionID
+	iMTPEvent.Reset( );
+	iMTPEvent.SetUint16(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventCode,	EMTPEventCodeCancelTransaction );
+	iMTPEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventSessionID, iMTPSessionId );
+	iMTPEvent.SetUint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventTransactionID, aTransId );
+	BoundProtocolLayer().ReceivedEventL(iMTPEvent );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCancelToFramework - Exit"));
+	}
+ Send the response to the cancel event. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendCancelResponseL(TUint32 aTransId )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCancelResponse - Entry"));
+	iPTPIPResponsePayload.Reset( );
+	iPTPIPResponsePayload.SetUint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode, EMTPRespCodeTransactionCancelled );
+	iPTPIPResponsePayload.SetUint32(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::ETransactionId, aTransId );
+	// Setup the command container.
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetPayloadL(const_cast<TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload*>(&iPTPIPResponsePayload) );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength, static_cast<TUint32>(iPTPIPCommandContainer->Size()) );
+	iPTPIPCommandContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType,	EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationResponse );
+	// Initiate the command send sequence.
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Sending response 0x%04X(%d bytes)"),
+					iPTPIPResponsePayload.Uint16(TPTPIPTypeResponsePayload::EResponseCode),
+					iPTPIPCommandContainer->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketLength)));
+	iCommandHandler->SendCommandL(*iPTPIPCommandContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendCancelResponse - Exit"));
+	}
+ * If the cancel packet is received on the event channel first
+ * and we are in the DataItoR phase, we have to continue reading and ignoreing the 
+ * data packets sent by the initiator, into dummy buffers until the cancel packet is received. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SetNULLPacketL()
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetNULLPacketL - Entry"));
+    // Setup the bulk container and initiate the bulk data receive sequence.
+    iNullBuffer.Close();
+    iNullBuffer.CreateL(KMTPNullChunkSize);
+    iNullBuffer.SetLength(KMTPNullChunkSize);
+    iNull.SetBuffer(iNullBuffer);
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetPayloadL(&iNull);
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetNULLPacketL - Exit"));
+	}
+// Getters , Setters and other helper functions
+ This function will transfer the two command and event sockets from the Controller
+ and indicate the successful transfer to the PTP controller
+ @leave - In case the Publish and Subscribe mechanism gives any errors while getting the 
+ property names, then a leave occurs. 
+ Also in case opening or transferring the socket fails, a leave is generated. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::TransferSocketsL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("TransferSocketsL - Entry"));
+	TName evtsockname, cmdsockname;
+	TUid propertyUid=iConnectionMgr->ClientSId();
+	User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(propertyUid, ECommandSocketName,	cmdsockname ));
+	User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(propertyUid, EEventSocketName, evtsockname ));
+	RSocketServ serversocket;
+	TInt err=serversocket.Connect( );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Connected to socketServer with %d code"), err) );
+	if (KErrNone == err)
+		{			
+		User::LeaveIfError(iCommandHandler->Socket().Open(serversocket ));
+		User::LeaveIfError(iEventHandler->Socket().Open(serversocket ));
+		User::LeaveIfError(err=iCommandHandler->Socket().Transfer(serversocket, cmdsockname ));
+		User::LeaveIfError(err=iEventHandler->Socket().Transfer(serversocket, evtsockname ));
+		}
+	iCommandHandler->SetSocketOptions();
+	iEventHandler->SetSocketOptions();
+	__FLOG(_L8("TransferSocketsL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Connection establishment has 4 steps, the first 3 are completed by the controller process:
+ 1. Initiator connects to command socket, sends the init command request
+ 2. Responder replies with the init command ack
+ 3. Initiator connects to the command socket, sends the init event request
+ 4. Responder replies with the init event ack or init event fail. 
+ The last step of sending the init ack is done by the transport plugin from 
+ the mtp process. This is done after the the framework has loaded, the sockets have
+ been transferred to this process and the transport is up. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SendInitAckL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendInitAckL - Entry"));
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetPayloadL(NULL );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(TPTPIPInitEvtAck::ELength,	iPTPIPEventContainer->Size( ) );
+	iPTPIPEventContainer->SetUint32L(TPTPIPInitEvtAck::EType, EPTPIPPacketTypeEventAck );
+	// Send the packet
+	iEventHandler->SendInitAck(iPTPIPEventContainer );
+	__FLOG(_L8("SendInitAckL - Exit"));
+	}
+ Stop the connection. 
+ First cancel the command and socket handlers which are controlled by it
+ and complete any data send of receive commands with error code of abort. 
+ Also inform the fw that connection is closed. 
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::StopConnection( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("StopConnection - Entry"));
+	if(ConnectionOpen( ) )
+		{
+		__FLOG(_L8("Stopping socket handlers"));
+		iEventHandler->Cancel( );
+		iCommandHandler->Cancel( );
+		if(iTransactionState == EDataIToRPhase )
+			{
+			__FLOG(_L8("Aborting active I to R data phase"));
+			TRAPD(err, BoundProtocolLayer().ReceiveDataCompleteL(KErrAbort, *iPTPIPDataContainer->Payload(), iMTPRequest));
+			UNUSED_VAR(err);
+			}
+		else
+			if(iTransactionState == EDataRToIPhase )
+				{
+				__FLOG(_L8("Aborting active R to I data phase"));
+				TRAPD(err, BoundProtocolLayer().SendDataCompleteL(KErrAbort, *iPTPIPDataContainer->Payload(), iMTPRequest))	;
+				UNUSED_VAR(err);
+				}
+		__FLOG(_L8("Notifying protocol layer connection closed"));
+		iConnectionMgr->ConnectionClosed(*this );
+		SetTransactionPhase(EUndefined );
+		SetConnectionState(EIdle );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("StopConnection - Exit"));
+	}
+ * Invoked by the SocketHandler when there is an error.
+ */
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleError(TInt aError)
+void CPTPIPConnection::HandleError(TInt /*aError*/)
+	{
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("SocketHandler received an error=%d, stopping connection.)"),aError));
+	StopConnection();
+	}
+ Used to trigger the RunL, by first setting itself to active and 
+ then simulating a fake asynchronous service provider which will complete us 
+ with a completion code.
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::CompleteSelf(TInt aCompletionCode )
+	{
+	// Setting ourselves active to wait to be done by ASP.
+	SetActive( );
+	// Simulating a fake ASP which completes us.
+	TRequestStatus* stat = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(stat, aCompletionCode );
+	}
+ Setter for transaction phase(request, dataItoR, dataRtoI, or response)
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SetTransactionPhase(TMTPTransactionPhase aPhase )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetTransactionPhase - Entry"));
+	iTransactionState = aPhase;
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Transaction Phase set to 0x%08X"), iTransactionState));
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetTransactionPhase - Exit"));
+	}
+ Setter for connection state,( initialising, send data, etc)
+ */
+void CPTPIPConnection::SetConnectionState(TConnectionState aState )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetConnectionState - Entry"));
+	iState = aState;
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("Connection state set to 0x%08X"), iState));
+	__FLOG(_L8("SetConnectionState - Exit"));
+	}
+ Getter 
+ */
+TBool CPTPIPConnection::ConnectionOpen( ) const
+	{
+	return((iState >= EInitialising) && (iState <= EDataSendFinished));
+	}
+ Getter for the command container, 
+ */
+CPTPIPGenericContainer* CPTPIPConnection::CommandContainer( )
+	{
+	return iPTPIPCommandContainer;
+	}
+ Getter for the event container
+ */
+CPTPIPGenericContainer* CPTPIPConnection::EventContainer( )
+	{
+	return iPTPIPEventContainer;
+	}
+ Getter for the data container
+ */
+CPTPIPDataContainer* CPTPIPConnection::DataContainer( )
+	{
+	return iPTPIPDataContainer;
+	}
+ Getter for the transaction phase: request, dataItoR, dataRtoI or response
+ */
+TMTPTransactionPhase CPTPIPConnection::TransactionPhase( ) const
+	{
+	return iTransactionState;
+	}
+ Takes the 4 bytes from the chunk(iReceiveChunkData) and return 
+ whether the type is a valid request, cancel or probe packet. 
+ @return: The container type, in case of an unknown type, 
+ the value 0 ( undefined) is returned
+ */
+TUint32 CPTPIPConnection::ValidateAndSetCommandPayloadL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateAndSetCommandPayload - Entry"));
+	TUint32 containerType = CommandContainer()->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTP packet type  = %d, adjust payload accordingly"), containerType));
+	switch(containerType )
+		{
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationRequest:
+			if (!ValidateTransactionPhase(ERequestPhase ))
+				{
+				__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Request data unexpected in this phase, setting type to undefined"));
+				containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+				}
+			// Nothing to do , the payload is already set.  In case this is unexpected, 
+			//then the validate function will close the connection. 
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeStartData:
+			if (!ValidateTransactionPhase(EDataIToRPhase ))
+				{
+				__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Start data unexpected in this phase, setting type to undefined"));
+				containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+				}
+			// Nothing to do , the payload is already set.  In case this is unexpected, 
+			//then the validate function will close the connection. 
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeCancel:
+			// This can come on the command channel either during the data phase or 
+			// during the command phase. 
+			// In data phase, no payload is needed on the data container. 
+			if (EDataIToRPhase == iTransactionState)
+				{
+				DataContainer()->SetPayloadL(NULL);
+				}
+			else 
+				{
+				CommandContainer()->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPCommandCancelPayload );
+				}
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeOperationResponse:
+			__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Response not expected from the initiator, setting type to undefined"));
+			containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;			
+			// As per the protocol, the initiator cannot send a response, 
+			// only the responder( here device)  will create a response, 
+			// if this is recieved it is an erro
+			break;
+		default:
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Invalid packet type received %d )"), containerType));
+			containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+			break;
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateAndSetCommandPayload - Exit"));
+	return containerType;
+	}
+ Takes the 4 bytes from the chunk(iReceiveChunkData) and return 
+ whether the type is a valid event packet. 
+ @return: The container type, in case of an unknown type, 
+ the value 0 ( undefined) is returned
+ */
+TUint32 CPTPIPConnection::ValidateDataPacketL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateDataPacketL - Entry"));
+	TUint32 containerType = DataContainer()->Uint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTP data packet type  = %d, "), containerType));
+	switch(containerType )
+		{
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeData:
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeEndData:
+			if (!ValidateTransactionPhase(EDataIToRPhase ))
+				{
+				__FLOG(_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Receiving data unexpected in this phase, setting type to undefined"));
+				containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+				}
+			break;
+		default:
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Unexpected or Invalid packet type received while expecting data packet%d )"), containerType));
+			containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+			break;
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateDataPacket - Exit"));
+	return containerType;
+	}
+ Takes the 4 bytes from the chunk(iReceiveChunkData) and return 
+ whether the type is a valid event packet. 
+ @return: The container type, in case of an unknown type, 
+ the value 0 ( undefined) is returned
+ */
+TUint32 CPTPIPConnection::ValidateAndSetEventPayloadL( )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateAndSetEventPayload - Entry"));
+	TUint32 containerType = EventContainer()->Uint32L(CPTPIPGenericContainer::EPacketType );
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTP event packet type  = %d, adjust payload accordingly"), containerType));
+	switch(containerType )
+		{
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeProbeRequest:
+			EventContainer()->SetPayloadL(NULL );
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeCancel:
+			EventContainer()->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPEventCancelPayload );
+			break;
+		case EPTPIPPacketTypeEvent:
+			EventContainer()->SetPayloadL(&iPTPIPEventPayload );
+			break;
+		default:
+			__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: Invalid packet type received %d )"), containerType));
+			containerType = EPTPIPPacketTypeUndefined;
+			break;
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateAndSetEventPayload - Exit"));
+	return containerType;
+	}
+ Processes bulk transfer request transaction state checking. If the transaction 
+ state is invalid, then the connection is shutdown.
+ @return ETrue if the control request completion status was abnormal, otherwise
+ EFalse.
+ */
+TBool CPTPIPConnection::ValidateTransactionPhase(
+		TMTPTransactionPhase aExpectedTransactionState )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateTransactionPhase - Entry"));
+	__FLOG_VA((_L8("transaction state = %d"), iTransactionState));
+	TBool valid(iTransactionState == aExpectedTransactionState);
+	if(!valid )
+		{
+		// Invalid transaction state, close the connection.
+		__FLOG_VA((_L8("PTPIP ERROR: invalid transaction state, current = %d, expected = %d"), iTransactionState, aExpectedTransactionState));
+		CloseConnection( );
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("ValidateTransactionPhase - Exit"));
+	return valid;
+	}
+ Convert the TCP errors, the disconnect should be reported as an abort, 
+ since that is what the MTP frameword expects.
+ */
+TBool CPTPIPConnection::HandleTCPError(TInt& aError )
+	{
+	__FLOG(_L8("TCPErrorHandled - Entry"));
+	TInt ret(EFalse);
+	if(aError == KErrDisconnected || aError == KErrEof)
+		{
+		aError = KErrAbort;
+		CloseConnection( );
+		ret = ETrue;
+		}
+	__FLOG(_L8("TCPErrorHandled - Exit"));
+	return ret;
+	}
+void CPTPIPConnection::SetDataTypeInDataContainerL(TPTPIPPacketTypeCode aType )
+	{
+	iPTPIPDataContainer->SetUint32L(CPTPIPDataContainer::EPacketType, aType );
+	}