changeset 57 f6055a57ae18
parent 0 d0791faffa3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/obex/obexprotocol/obex/src/TObexServerStatePutOpFinal.cpp	Tue Oct 19 11:00:12 2010 +0800
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <obex.h>
+#include <obex/internal/obexinternalheader.h>
+#include "obexserverstatemachine.h"
+Final PUT Operation Receive State
+Waiting for reply from server app to an async notification PutCompleteIndication
+Any OBEX operation will cause a Protocol Error
+Chaging the MObexServerNotifyAsync via CObexServer::Start() will cause a Panic
+A Reset event (Protocol Error, Server Stop, Transport Down) will cancel the notification and move the machine to Disconnected
+The NotificationComplete event send the response back to the client and mvoe the state machine to Ready
+	{
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	_LIT8(KName, "PutOpFinalPut");
+	iName = KName;
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Entry(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext)
+	{
+	// Chain on to Put() to start receiving object
+	//return Put(aContext, aContext.LastReceivedPacket());
+	aContext.Notification().PutCompleteIndication();
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Connect(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, CObexPacket& /*aPacket*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Disconnect(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, CObexPacket& /*aPacket*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Put(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, CObexPacket& /*aPacket*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Get(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, CObexPacket& /*aPacket*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::SetPath(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, CObexPacket& /*aPacket*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Abort(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::OverrideRequestHandling(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, TObexResponse /*aResponse*/)
+	{
+	aContext.Owner().Error(KErrIrObexPacketDuringWait);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Start(CObexServerStateMachine& /*aContext*/)
+	{
+	// Panic - trying to change interface during wait
+	IrOBEXUtil::Panic(EChangeInterfaceDuringWait);
+	}
+// Utility function to handle the optional header set to send at the completion of the Put
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::PrepareFinalResponseHeaderSet(CObexHeader* aHeader, CObexHeaderSet& aHeaderSet, CObexPacket& aPacket)
+	{
+	//	We have some additional headers to send, on a best effort
+	//	basis...
+	TObexInternalHeader intHeader;
+	aHeaderSet.First();
+	TBool insertedOK=ETrue;
+	while(insertedOK && (aHeaderSet.This(aHeader)==KErrNone))
+		{
+		switch(aHeader->Type())
+			{
+		case CObexHeader::EUnicode:
+			intHeader.Set(aHeader->HI(), aHeader->AsUnicode());
+			break;
+		case CObexHeader::EByteSeq:
+			intHeader.Set(aHeader->HI(), (const_cast<TUint8*> ((aHeader->AsByteSeq()).Ptr())), (aHeader->AsByteSeq()).Size());
+			break;
+		case CObexHeader::EByte:
+			intHeader.Set(aHeader->HI(), aHeader->AsByte());
+			break;
+		case CObexHeader::EFourByte:
+			intHeader.Set(aHeader->HI(), aHeader->AsFourByte());
+			break;
+			}
+		insertedOK=aPacket.InsertData(intHeader); 
+		(void)aHeaderSet.Next();
+		}
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::Reset(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext)
+	{
+	// Cancel notification - if it has not already been activated
+	if (!aContext.IsCallBackActive())
+		{
+		aContext.Notification().CancelIndicationCallback();
+		}
+	aContext.CancelCallBack();
+	aContext.ChangeState(CObexServerStateMachine::EDisconnected);
+	}
+void TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::RequestCompleteNotificationCompleted(CObexServerStateMachine& aContext, TObexResponse aAppResponse)
+	{
+	aContext.SetAppResponse(aAppResponse);
+	aContext.CallBack(TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::ProcessNotification);
+	}
+TInt TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::ProcessNotification(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	CObexServerStateMachine& context = *static_cast<CObexServerStateMachine*>(aPtr);
+	context.Transport().SendPacket().Init(context.AppResponse());
+	context.Transport().SendPacket().SetFinal();	//	Because it is
+	// Check for additional headers to send
+	if(context.PutFinalResponseHeaderSet())
+		{
+		PrepareFinalResponseHeaderSet(	context.GetHeader(),
+						*(context.PutFinalResponseHeaderSet()),
+						context.Transport().SendPacket());
+		// delete the headers now they've been used
+		context.SetPutFinalResponseHeaderSet(NULL);
+		}
+	context.Transport().Send();
+	context.ChangeState(CObexServerStateMachine::EReady);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TBool TObexServerStatePutOpFinal::ValidResponse(TObexResponse aResponseCode)
+	{
+	return (aResponseCode>0 && aResponseCode<=255 && aResponseCode != ERespContinue);
+	}