* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: File Transfer Controller implementation
#include <stringresourcereader.h>
#include <sconftp.rsg>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <connect/sbdefs.h> // to get backup/restore mode
#include <driveinfo.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <sysutil.h>
#include <CDirectoryLocalizer.h>
#include "sconfshandler.h"
#include "sconconsts.h"
#include "irmcconsts.h"
#include "cntparserclient.h"
#include "cntparserinfolog.h"
#include "debug.h"
// ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::NewL()
// Two-phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSConFsHandler* CSConFsHandler::NewL( RFs& aFs )
CSConFsHandler* self = new (ELeave) CSConFsHandler( aFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::~CSConFsHandler()
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iLocalizer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, const TPtrC aPathName
// , const TInt aMemNumber )
// Parses folder and file listing from specified directory
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, const TPtrC aPathName,
const TInt aMemNumber )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL aPathName = %S", &aPathName );
if( aPathName.Length() == 0 )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, const TPtrC aPathName ) : No path" );
return KErrArgument;
if( aPathName.Length() > KDriveLength && !BaflUtils::FolderExists( iFs, aPathName ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, const TPtrC aPathName ) : Current folder doesn't exist any more" );
return KErrNotFound;
TInt driveNumber;
TInt err = iFs.CharToDrive(aPathName[0], driveNumber);
if( err )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL : CharToDrive err: %d", err );
return KErrNotFound;
TUint driveStatus;
err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus( iFs, driveNumber, driveStatus);
if( err )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL : DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus err: %d", err );
return KErrNotFound;
// check mem type (DEV, DEV2, MMC, MMC2..)
TBuf8<KSConMemTypeMaxLength> memType;
if( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveInternal )
memType.Copy( KSConMemoryTypeDev );
if( aMemNumber > 1 )
else if( driveStatus & DriveInfo::EDriveRemovable )
memType.Copy( KSConMemoryTypeMmc );
if( aMemNumber > 1 )
CDir *entryList = 0;
CDir *dirList = 0;
// show only normal files and folders
TUint entryAttMask = KEntryAttNormal;
// get folders and files
err = iFs.GetDir( aPathName, entryAttMask, ESortByName,
entryList, dirList );
if ( err )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "ParseFolderListL GetDir returned: %d", err );
return err;
CleanupStack::PushL( entryList );
CleanupStack::PushL( dirList );
TInt offset = 0;
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderList XML creation" );
//Create folder XML
aBuffer->ResizeL( KSConXmlDocBegin().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( offset, KSConXmlDocBegin );
offset += KSConXmlDocBegin().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( offset, KSConXmlParentFolder().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( offset, KSConXmlParentFolder );
offset += KSConXmlParentFolder().Length();
HBufC* fullNameBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr fullName = fullNameBuf->Des();
// Print folders to folder listing object
for( TInt i = 0; i < dirList->Count(); i++ )
const TEntry entry = ( *dirList )[i];
fullName.Copy( aPathName );
fullName.Append( entry.iName );
fullName.Append( KPathDelimiter );
// show path if not exluded
TBool proceed = !IsExludedPath( fullName );
if ( proceed )
PrintFolderL( aBuffer, offset, fullName, memType, entry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullNameBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dirList );
LOGGER_WRITE("Print files");
// Print files to folder listing object
for( TInt j = 0; j < entryList->Count(); j++ )
const TEntry entry = ( *entryList )[j];
PrintFileL( aBuffer, offset, entry );
LOGGER_WRITE("files printed");
//Write the end of XML
aBuffer->ExpandL( offset, KSConXmlFolderListEnd().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( offset, KSConXmlFolderListEnd );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entryList );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::ParseFolderListL() : returned %d", err );
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::PrintFolderL
// Prints folder entry to folder listing object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::PrintFolderL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, TInt& aOffset, const TDesC& aFullPath,
const TDesC8& aMemType, const TEntry& aFolderEntry )
// initialize Localizer
iLocalizer->SetFullPath( aFullPath );
TBool dataPath( EFalse );
if ( aFullPath.CompareF( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() ) == 0 ) // datapath
// printable folder is C:\Data (Localized)
dataPath = ETrue;
// print foldername
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlFolderNameBegin().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlFolderNameBegin );
aOffset += KSConXmlFolderNameBegin().Length();
HBufC8* folderBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr8 folderName = folderBuf->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( folderName, aFolderEntry.iName ) );
//Replace special characters
ReplaceSpecialChars( folderName );
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, folderName.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, folderName );
aOffset += folderName.Length();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folderBuf );
// print modified time
TBuf<KSConDateMaxLength> modifiedTime;
TTime time = aFolderEntry.iModified;
time.FormatL( modifiedTime, KSConXmlDate );
TBuf8<KSConDateMaxLength> modifiedTime8;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( modifiedTime8, modifiedTime ) );
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlModified().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlModified );
aOffset += KSConXmlModified().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, modifiedTime8.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, modifiedTime8 );
aOffset += modifiedTime8.Length();
// print attributes
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlUserAttributes().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserAttributes );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserAttributes().Length();
// Add user-perm info
if( aFolderEntry.IsReadOnly() )
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length();
else if( iLocalizer->IsLocalized() || dataPath ) // delete disabled
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryDrive().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryDrive );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryDrive().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryArchive().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryArchive );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryArchive().Length();
// print memory type
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlMemoryType().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlMemoryType );
aOffset += KSConXmlMemoryType().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, aMemType.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, aMemType );
aOffset += aMemType.Length();
// print label if exists
if( iLocalizer->IsLocalized() )
//get localized folder name
HBufC8* labelBuf =
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( iLocalizer->LocalizedName() );
CleanupStack::PushL( labelBuf );
TPtrC8 label = labelBuf->Des();
//memory label
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlMemoryLabel().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlMemoryLabel );
aOffset += KSConXmlMemoryLabel().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, label.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, label );
aOffset += label.Length();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( labelBuf );
if ( dataPath ) // datapath
//memory label
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlMemoryLabel().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlMemoryLabel );
aOffset += KSConXmlMemoryLabel().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, iDataPathName.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, iDataPathName );
aOffset += iDataPathName.Length();
// print ending
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlFileEnd().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlFileEnd );
aOffset += KSConXmlFileEnd().Length();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::PrintFileL
// Prints file entry to folder listing object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::PrintFileL( CBufFlat* aBuffer, TInt& aOffset, const TEntry& aFileEntry )
LOGGER_WRITE_1("CSConFsHandler::PrintFileL, filename: %S", &aFileEntry.iName );
HBufC8* fileBuf = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr8 fileName = fileBuf->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( fileName, aFileEntry.iName ) );
//Replace special characters
ReplaceSpecialChars( fileName );
// print filename
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlFileNameBegin().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlFileNameBegin );
aOffset += KSConXmlFileNameBegin().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, fileName.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, fileName );
aOffset += fileName.Length();
// print size
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlSize().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlSize );
aOffset += KSConXmlSize().Length();
fileName.Delete( 0, fileName.Length() ); // re-use fileName descriptor
fileName.AppendNum( aFileEntry.iSize );
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, fileName.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, fileName );
aOffset += fileName.Length();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileBuf );
// print modified
TBuf<KSConDateMaxLength> modifiedTime;
TTime time = aFileEntry.iModified;
time.FormatL( modifiedTime, KSConXmlDate );
TBuf8<KSConDateMaxLength> modifiedTime8;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( modifiedTime8, modifiedTime ) );
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlModified().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlModified );
aOffset += KSConXmlModified().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, modifiedTime8.Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, modifiedTime8 );
aOffset += modifiedTime8.Length();
// attributes
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlUserAttributes().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserAttributes );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserAttributes().Length();
if( aFileEntry.IsSystem() )
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length();
else if( aFileEntry.IsReadOnly() )
LOGGER_WRITE("was readonly" );
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryReadOnly().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset,
KSConXmlUserEntryArchive().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlUserEntryArchive );
aOffset += KSConXmlUserEntryArchive().Length();
//Word document
if ( aFileEntry.iType.IsPresent( KSConWordUid ) ||
aFileEntry.iName.Find( KSConEpocWordExt ) == aFileEntry.iName.Length() - 4 )
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlType().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlType );
aOffset += KSConXmlType().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlTypeWord().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlTypeWord );
aOffset += KSConXmlTypeWord().Length();
//Sheet document
else if ( aFileEntry.iType.IsPresent( KSConSheetUid ) ||
aFileEntry.iName.Find( KSConEpocSheetExt ) == aFileEntry.iName.Length() - 4 )
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlType().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlType );
aOffset += KSConXmlType().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlTypeSheet().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlTypeSheet );
aOffset += KSConXmlTypeSheet().Length();
aBuffer->ExpandL( aOffset, KSConXmlFileEnd().Length() );
aBuffer->Write( aOffset, KSConXmlFileEnd );
aOffset += KSConXmlFileEnd().Length();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL( CObexFileObject*& aFileObject,
// const TPtrC aPathName, const TPtrC aFileName )
// Gets a file object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL( CObexFileObject*& aFileObject,
const TPtrC aPathName, const TPtrC aFileName )
LOGGER_WRITE_2( "CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL aFileName = %S aPathName = %S", &aFileName, &aPathName );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if( ( aPathName.Length() == 0 || aFileName.Length() == 0 ) &&
!( aFileName==KPhoneBookIrMCL2Request ||
aFileName==KInfoLogIrMCL2Request ) )
return KErrArgument;
if( aPathName.Length() + aFileName.Length() > KMaxFileName )
return KErrAbort;
HBufC* pathBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr pathBufPtr = pathBuf->Des();
/*These modifiactions are mean to catch an IrMC L2 request.
If the request is made, then the requested phonebook file and
info log -file are created. Path and filename is also changed
to point to these created files.*/
if( aFileName == KPhoneBookIrMCL2Request ||
aFileName == KInfoLogIrMCL2Request )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler: IrMC L2 request!" );
TInt err;
TInt status;
TInt contactsSaved = 0;
RCntParserServer cntParserServer;
err = cntParserServer.Connect();
if( err != KErrNone )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler: Cannot connect to the cntparserserver, ABORT!" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pathBuf );
return KErrAbort;
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler: Time to call CreateIrMCL2PhoneBook" );
TBool force = ( aFileName == KInfoLogIrMCL2Request );
status=cntParserServer.CreateIrMCL2PhoneBook( KMaximumNumberOfContacts,
force );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserServer.CreateIrMCL2PhoneBook returned %d", status );
//Check how many vcards were saved
contactsSaved = cntParserServer.ContactsSaved();
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserServer.ContactsSaved returned %d", contactsSaved );
err = cntParserServer.Disconnect();
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CntParserServer.Disconnect() %d", err );
if( err != KErrNone )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pathBuf );
return KErrAbort;
//save info.log, if pb.vcf has changed (Note: KPBNotUpdated is returned
// if no changes made to pb.vcf)
if( status == KErrNone )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler: Create info.log" );
CCntParserInfoLog* infoLog=CCntParserInfoLog::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( infoLog );
//see KMaximumNumberOfContacts for more details
infoLog->SetMaximumRecords( contactsSaved );
infoLog->SetTotalRecords( contactsSaved );
TFileName privatepath( K_C_ROOT );
privatepath.Append( KInfoLogIrMCL2File );
infoLog->SaveToFileL( privatepath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( infoLog );
if( aFileName == KInfoLogIrMCL2Request )
//Changes filename and path to info.log
pathBufPtr.Copy( KInfoLogPathAndFileName );
//Changes filename and path to pb.vcf
pathBufPtr.Copy( KPbPathAndFileName );
pathBufPtr.Copy( aPathName );
pathBufPtr.Append( aFileName );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL() : aFileObject->InitFromFileL( pathBufPtr )" );
TRAP( ret, aFileObject->InitFromFileL( pathBufPtr ) );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL() : aFileObject->InitFromFileL( pathBufPtr ) ok" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pathBuf );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::GetFileObjectL( CObexFileObject*& aFileObject, const TPtrC aPathName, const TPtrC aFileName ) : returned %d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL( const TPtrC aFullPathName, const TTime aTime,
// const TPtrC aTempFileName )
// Stores a file object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL( const TPtrC aFullPathName,
const TTime aTime, const TPtrC aTempFileName )
LOGGER_WRITE_2( "CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL aFullPathName = %S aTempFileName = %S", &aFullPathName, &aTempFileName );
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if( aFullPathName.Length() == 0 )
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
return KErrPathNotFound;
ret = ValidateFileName( aFullPathName );
if( ret == KErrNone )
TUint attr;
TInt err = iFs.Att( BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName(aFullPathName), attr );
if ( err == KErrNone && attr & KEntryAttReadOnly )
// folder is read only, permission denied
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
ret = KErrAccessDenied;
else if( !BaflUtils::FileExists( iFs, aFullPathName ) )
// file does not exist, rename.
ret = iFs.Rename( aTempFileName, aFullPathName );
if( ret == KErrNone )
ret = iFs.SetModified( aFullPathName, aTime );
ret = KErrNone;
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL() file exists. replace" );
// file exists. Replace if not read-only file.
TUint attr;
ret = iFs.Att( aFullPathName, attr );
// Check permissions
if( ret == KErrNone && ( attr == KEntryAttNormal ||
attr == KEntryAttArchive ) && !(attr & KEntryAttReadOnly) )
ret = iFs.Replace( aTempFileName, aFullPathName );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL() iFs.Replace ret %d", ret);
//Set correct time stamp
if( ret == KErrNone )
ret = iFs.SetModified( aFullPathName, aTime );
ret = KErrNone;
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL() no permissions" );
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
ret = KErrAccessDenied;
iFs.Delete( aTempFileName );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::SaveFileObjectL() : returned %d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::ValidateFileName( const TPtrC aName )
// Validates the file name
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::ValidateFileName( const TPtrC aName )
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if( !iFs.IsValidName( aName ) )
ret = KErrBadName;
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::ValidateFileName( const TPtrC aName ) : returned %d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL( const TPtrC aFolderPath )
// Creates a folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL( const TPtrC aFolderPath )
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if( aFolderPath.Length() == 0 )
return KErrArgument;
if( aFolderPath.Length() > KMaxPath )
return KErrAbort;
if( BaflUtils::PathExists( iFs, aFolderPath ) )
return KErrAlreadyExists;
// get restore mode
TBool restoreInProgress( EFalse );
RProperty backupProperty;
TInt burState( 0 );
TInt burErr = backupProperty.Get( KUidSystemCategory, conn::KUidBackupRestoreKey, burState );
const conn::TBURPartType partType =
static_cast< conn::TBURPartType >( burState & conn::KBURPartTypeMask );
if( burErr == KErrNone &&
( partType == conn::EBURRestorePartial || partType == conn::EBURRestoreFull ) )
// restore mode
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL() restore mode" );
restoreInProgress = ETrue;
// check permissions if not restore mode
if ( !restoreInProgress )
if ( IsExludedPath( aFolderPath ) )
// user has no access to this folder
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL() KErrAccessDenied" );
return KErrAccessDenied;
// user can create whole folder path at once and we need to check that
// user has permission to create folders. We need to find first folder that
// should be created, and see if parent folder has read-only permission.
HBufC* fullPath = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr fullPathPtr = fullPath->Des();
TBool parentFound(EFalse);
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::CreateFolder() start loop" );
TInt err(KErrNone);
while (!parentFound && err==KErrNone)
err = GetParentFolder( fullPathPtr, fullPathPtr );
if( err == KErrNone )
if (BaflUtils::PathExists( iFs, fullPathPtr ))
parentFound = ETrue;
TUint attr;
ret = iFs.Att( fullPathPtr, attr );
if ( ret == KErrNone && (attr & KEntryAttReadOnly || attr & KEntryAttSystem) )
// parent folder is read-only
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL() KErrAccessDenied" );
err = KErrAccessDenied;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullPath );
if ( err == KErrAccessDenied )
return KErrAccessDenied;
ret = iFs.MkDirAll( aFolderPath );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::CreateFolderL( const TPtrC aFolderPath ) : returned %d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::DeleteObjectL( const TPtrC aFullPath )
// Removes a folder or a file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::DeleteObjectL( const TPtrC aFullPath )
LOGGER_WRITE_1("aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath);
TInt ret( KErrNone );
if( aFullPath.Length() == 0 )
return KErrArgument;
if( aFullPath.Length() > KMaxFileName )
return KErrAbort;
TUint attr;
// get source folder permissions.
ret = iFs.Att( BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName(aFullPath), attr );
if ( ret == KErrNone && (attr & KEntryAttReadOnly || attr & KEntryAttSystem ) )
return KErrAccessDenied;
// Check file/folder permissions
ret = iFs.Att( aFullPath, attr );
if ( ret == KErrNone && ( attr & KEntryAttReadOnly || attr & KEntryAttSystem ) )
return KErrAccessDenied;
TBool isFolder(EFalse);
ret = BaflUtils::IsFolder( iFs, aFullPath, isFolder );
if( isFolder && ret == KErrNone )
HBufC* fullPath = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr fullPathPtr = fullPath->Des();
fullPathPtr.Copy( aFullPath );
//check if there is a slash at the end
if( fullPathPtr.LocateReverse( KPathDelimiter ) != fullPathPtr.Length()-1 )
fullPathPtr.Append( KPathDelimiter );
if ( !IsFolderVisible( fullPathPtr ) )
LOGGER_WRITE("folder was not visible");
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullPath );
return KErrNotFound;
else if ( !IsFolderDeletable( fullPathPtr ) )
LOGGER_WRITE("folder was not deletable");
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullPath );
return KErrAccessDenied;
ret = iFs.RmDir( fullPathPtr );
LOGGER_WRITE_1("iFs.RmDir err: %d", ret);
//delete non-empty folder
if( ret != KErrNone )
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL( iFs );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileMan );
// if directory contains read-only files, those files are not deleted
// and KErrAccessDenied is returned.
ret = fileMan->RmDir( fullPathPtr );
LOGGER_WRITE_1("fileMan->RmDir err: %d", ret);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan ); //fileman
if( ret == KErrNone )
// check is delete operation really succesfully completed
if( BaflUtils::PathExists( iFs, fullPathPtr ) )
// Folder still exist, return error
// KErrBadName mapped to precondition failed error.
ret = KErrBadName;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fullPath ); //fullPath
else if (ret == KErrNone)
// deleting file
if ( IsExludedPath( aFullPath ) )
LOGGER_WRITE("Cannot delete from specified folder, return KErrAccessDenied");
ret = KErrAccessDenied;
ret = iFs.Delete( aFullPath );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::DeleteObjectL() : returned %d", ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::CopyOrMoveFile()
// Copy or Move file/folder.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL( const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aTarget,
const TBool aUseCopyCommand)
TInt lastError(KErrNone);
TBool isFolder;
if( !iFs.IsValidName( aSource ) || !iFs.IsValidName( aTarget ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Not valid name" );
User::Leave( KErrBadName );
// will leave if source (file/folder) does not exists.
User::LeaveIfError( BaflUtils::IsFolder(iFs, aSource, isFolder ) );
// Check source file/folder permissions
TUint attr;
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Att( aSource, attr ) );
if ( !aUseCopyCommand && (attr & KEntryAttReadOnly || attr & KEntryAttSystem ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : no permissions, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
HBufC* sourceFolderBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr sourceFolder = sourceFolderBuf->Des();
HBufC* targetFolderBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr targetFolder = targetFolderBuf->Des();
sourceFolder.Copy( BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName(aSource) );
targetFolder.Copy( BaflUtils::DriveAndPathFromFullName(aTarget) );
// check disk space
TInt driveNumber;
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.CharToDrive(targetFolder[0], driveNumber) );
TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
TInt err = iFs.Volume(volumeInfo, driveNumber);
if( err != KErrNone )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : iFs.Volume err %d", err );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if( !isFolder )
// file handling routines
if( !IsFolderVisible( aSource ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Current folder doesn't exist" );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
else if( !aUseCopyCommand && IsFolderReadOnly( sourceFolder ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : folder read only, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
// source file is ok, check target
if( !IsFolderVisible( targetFolder ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Current target file/folder doesn't exist" );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
else if( IsFolderReadOnly( targetFolder ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : folder read only, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
TBool diskFull( EFalse );
TEntry fileEntry;
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Entry( aSource, fileEntry ) );
if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, fileEntry.iSize, driveNumber ) )
diskFull = ETrue;
// target ok, ready to copy or move
CFileMan* fileMan=CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
if( aUseCopyCommand )
if( diskFull )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : disk full" );
User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Copy file" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Copy( aSource, aTarget, 0 ) );
if( aSource.Find( aTarget.Left(2) ) == KErrNone)
// same drive
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Rename file" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Rename( aSource, aTarget, 0 ) );
// different drive
if( diskFull )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : disk full" );
User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : copy file" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Copy( aSource, aTarget, 0 ) );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : delete original" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Delete( aSource, 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileMan ); // fileMan
// set trailing backslash after the final directory name
HBufC* tmpSourceBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr tmpSourcePtr = tmpSourceBuf->Des();
HBufC* tmpTargetBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
TPtr tmpTargetPtr = tmpTargetBuf->Des();
tmpSourcePtr.Copy( aSource );
if( tmpSourcePtr.LocateReverse( KPathDelimiter ) != tmpSourcePtr.Length()-1 )
tmpSourcePtr.Append( KPathDelimiter );
tmpTargetPtr.Copy( aTarget );
if( tmpTargetPtr.LocateReverse( KPathDelimiter ) != tmpTargetPtr.Length()-1 )
tmpTargetPtr.Append( KPathDelimiter );
if( !IsFolderVisible( tmpSourcePtr ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Current folder doesn't exist" );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
else if( !aUseCopyCommand && IsFolderReadOnly( sourceFolder ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : sourcefolder read only, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
else if( !aUseCopyCommand && !IsFolderDeletable( tmpSourcePtr ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : source folder read only, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
else if( !IsFolderVisible( targetFolder ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Current target base-folder doesn't exist" );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
else if( IsFolderReadOnly( targetFolder) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : target folder read only, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAccessDenied );
else if( BaflUtils::FolderExists(iFs, tmpTargetPtr ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : target folder exist, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
else if ( tmpTargetPtr.Find( tmpSourcePtr ) == KErrNone )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : conflict, abort" );
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
// is folder empty
TBool emptyFolder( ETrue );
CDir *entryList = 0;
CDir *dirList = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.GetDir( tmpSourcePtr, KEntryAttNormal, EDirsAnyOrder,
entryList, dirList ) );
if( entryList->Count() > 0 || dirList->Count() > 0 )
emptyFolder = EFalse;
delete entryList;
delete dirList;
// get folder size
TBool diskFull( EFalse );
if( !emptyFolder )
TInt64 folderSize = GetFolderSizeL(tmpSourcePtr);
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : folderSize: %d", folderSize );
if ( SysUtil::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, folderSize, driveNumber ) )
diskFull = ETrue;
CFileMan* fileMan = CFileMan::NewL(iFs);
// ready to copy or move
if( aUseCopyCommand )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Copy folder" );
if( emptyFolder )
// folder is empty, can't copy folder. Create new empty folder.
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.MkDir( tmpTargetPtr ) );
// folder not empty
if( diskFull )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : disk full" );
User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
fileMan->Copy( aSource, aTarget, CFileMan::ERecurse ) );
if( lastError == KErrNone )
lastError = fileMan->GetLastError();
TUint attr;
TInt err = iFs.Att( tmpSourcePtr, attr );
if ( err == KErrNone && (attr & KEntryAttReadOnly ) )
//set read only attribute
err = iFs.SetAtt( tmpTargetPtr, KEntryAttReadOnly, KEntryAttArchive );
if (err != KErrNone)
// can't set attribute
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : iFs.SetAtt err: %d",err );
if( aSource.FindF( aTarget.Left(2) ) == KErrNone)
// same drive
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Rename folder" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->Rename( aSource, aTarget, 0 ) );
// different drive
if( diskFull )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : disk full" );
User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : Copy folder" );
if( emptyFolder )
// folder is empty, can't copy empty folder. Create empty folder.
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.MkDir( tmpTargetPtr ) );
fileMan->Copy( aSource, aTarget, CFileMan::ERecurse ) );
// copy completed, delete original folder.
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::DoCopyOrMoveFileL : delete original" );
User::LeaveIfError( fileMan->RmDir( tmpSourcePtr ) );
// check was delete operation succesfully completed
if( BaflUtils::PathExists( iFs, tmpSourcePtr ) )
// Folder still exist, return error
lastError = KErrAccessDenied;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileMan); // fileMan
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tmpTargetBuf); // tmpTargetBuf
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tmpSourceBuf); // tmpSourceBuf
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( targetFolderBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sourceFolderBuf );
if( lastError != KErrNone )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFTP::DoCopyOrMoveFileL() : lastError: %d", lastError );
User::Leave( lastError );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::IsFolderVisible()
// Check if folder can be showed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSConFsHandler::IsFolderVisible( const TDesC& aFullPath )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath );
TBool visible(EFalse);
if( !BaflUtils::FolderExists( iFs, aFullPath ) )
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::IsFolderVisible() notExist ret EFalse" );
return EFalse;
// don't show if folder is exluded
visible = !IsExludedPath( aFullPath );
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::IsFolderVisible() : end, ret %d", (TInt)visible );
return visible;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::IsFolderReadOnly()
// Check if folder is read only (system folder)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSConFsHandler::IsFolderReadOnly( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath );
TBool readOnly(EFalse);
// C-drive root is read only, but there are some exceptions
readOnly = IsExludedPath( aFullPath );
if ( aFullPath.CompareF( K_C_ROOT ) == 0 )
// Root of C-drive is read-only
LOGGER_WRITE("Root of C-Drive is read only");
readOnly = ETrue;
// Check folder permissions
TUint attr;
TInt err = iFs.Att( aFullPath, attr );
LOGGER_WRITE_1("iFs.Att err: %d", err);
if ( err == KErrNone && (attr & KEntryAttReadOnly || attr & KEntryAttSystem ) )
LOGGER_WRITE("Folder is readonly");
readOnly = ETrue;
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::IsFolderReadOnly() : end, ret %d", (TInt)readOnly );
return readOnly;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::IsFolderDeletable()
// Check if folder can be deleted. Localized folders cannot delete.
// In C-drive folders can be deleted only from under C:\\Data\\
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSConFsHandler::IsFolderDeletable( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath );
TBool deleteAllowed(ETrue);
TPath PhoneMem( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() ); // "C:\\Data\\"
if ( aFullPath.CompareF( PhoneMem ) == 0 )
// C:\\Data\\
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::IsFolderDeletable() datapath, ret EFalse" );
deleteAllowed = EFalse;
else if ( IsExludedPath( aFullPath ) )
deleteAllowed = EFalse;
iLocalizer->SetFullPath( aFullPath );
if ( iLocalizer->IsLocalized() ) // delete disabled
// Cannot delete localized paths (default paths)
deleteAllowed = EFalse;
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::IsFolderDeletable() : end, ret %d", (TInt)deleteAllowed );
return deleteAllowed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::GetParentFolder( const TPtrC aFullPath, TDes& aParent)
// Get parent folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSConFsHandler::GetParentFolder( const TDesC& aFullPath, TDes& aParent)
if (aFullPath.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter) == aFullPath.Length()-1 )
// remove backlash
TInt pos = aParent.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
if (pos != KErrNotFound)
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::GetParentFolder : end KErrNone" );
return KErrNone;
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "CSConFsHandler::GetParentFolder : end err %d", pos);
return pos;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::CSConFsHandler()
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSConFsHandler::CSConFsHandler( RFs& aFs ) : iFs(aFs)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::ConstructL()
// Initializes member data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::ConstructL()
iLocalizer = CDirectoryLocalizer::NewL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::GetDataPathNameL()
// Updates the name of the data folder from a localized string
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::GetDataPathNameL()
//Read memory string and convert it
TFileName file( KSConResourceName );
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFs, file );
CStringResourceReader* reader = CStringResourceReader::NewL( file );
CleanupStack::PushL( reader );
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( iDataPathName,
reader->ReadResourceString( R_SECON_DATA_FOLDER ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( reader );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::GetFolderSizeL()
// Get folder (and subfolders) size
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt64 CSConFsHandler::GetFolderSizeL( const TDesC& aFullPath )
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath );
TInt64 totalSize(0);
CDir* dir( NULL );
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.GetDir(aFullPath, KEntryAttMatchMask, ESortByName, dir) );
for( TInt i=0; i<dir->Count(); ++i )
TEntry entry = (*dir)[i];
if( !entry.IsDir() )
// file
totalSize += entry.iSize;
// folder
HBufC* subfolderBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxPath );
TPtr subfolderPtr = subfolderBuf->Des();
subfolderPtr.Append( KPathDelimiter );
LOGGER_WRITE( "CSConFsHandler::GetFolderSizeL() : get subfolder size" );
totalSize += GetFolderSizeL( subfolderPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( subfolderBuf );
return totalSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::ReplaceSpecialChars()
// Replace special characters to xml compliant
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSConFsHandler::ReplaceSpecialChars( TDes8& aDes )
for( TInt i = 0; i < aDes.Length(); i++ )
switch( aDes[i] )
case '&':
aDes.Delete( i, 1 );
aDes.Insert( i, KReplace1 );
case '<':
aDes.Delete( i, 1 );
aDes.Insert( i, KReplace2 );
case '>':
aDes.Delete( i, 1 );
aDes.Insert( i, KReplace3 );
case '"':
aDes.Delete( i, 1 );
aDes.Insert( i, KReplace4 );
case '\'':
aDes.Delete( i, 1 );
aDes.Insert( i, KReplace5 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSConFsHandler::IsExludedPath()
// Some folders are exluded from user access
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSConFsHandler::IsExludedPath( const TDesC& aFullPath ) const
TInt exluded(ETrue);
LOGGER_WRITE_1( "aFullPath: %S", &aFullPath );
TPath mmcRoot( PathInfo::MemoryCardRootPath() );
if ( aFullPath.Length() == KDriveLength )
// root paths not exluded
exluded = EFalse;
else if ( aFullPath.FindF( K_C_ROOT ) == 0 )
if ( aFullPath.FindF( PathInfo::PhoneMemoryRootPath() ) == 0 )
// C:\\Data is visible, not exluded
exluded = EFalse;
else {
// other paths on C-drive are exluded
LOGGER_WRITE_1("CSConFsHandler::IsExludedPath() Path '%S' is not visible to user", &aFullPath);
exluded = ETrue;
// hide undesired folders from E: root level
else if( aFullPath.CompareF( mmcRoot ) == 0 )
if ( aFullPath.FindF( KSConSys ) == KDriveLength )
LOGGER_WRITE( "hiding mmcRoot KSConSys" );
exluded = ETrue;
else if( aFullPath.FindF( KSConResource ) == KDriveLength )
LOGGER_WRITE( "hiding mmcRoot KSConResource" );
exluded = ETrue;
else if( aFullPath.FindF( KSConPrivate ) == KDriveLength )
LOGGER_WRITE( "mmcRoot KSConPrivate" );
exluded = ETrue;
else if( aFullPath.FindF( KSConSystem ) == KDriveLength )
LOGGER_WRITE( "hiding mmcRoot KSConSystem" );
exluded = ETrue;
// end of E: root level handling
// don't exlude paths from other drives
exluded = EFalse;
return exluded;
// End of file