transplant of Cenrep files from SFL for 'Bug 1848 - Remconn missing Cenrep files (crml, confml)'
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <mtp/cmtpdataproviderplugin.h>
#include "mtpdebug.h"
#include "mmtpenumerationcallback.h"
#include "rmtpdevicedpsingletons.h"
#include "rmtpdpsingletons.h"
#include "mextndevplugincallback.h"
#include "mmtpdevdpextn.h"
#include "cmtpgetdevicepropdesc.h"
#include "cmtpdevicedatastore.h"
#include "cmtpdevdpextnmap.h"
#include <mtp/tmtptypeevent.h>
class CMTPDevDpExclusionMgr;
class CMTPFSEnumerator;
class CMTPStorageWatcher;
class MMTPRequestProcessor;
class CMtpExtnDevicePropPlugin;
class CMTPDeviceDataStore;
Implements the MTP device data provider plug-in.
class CMTPDeviceDataProvider :
public CMTPDataProviderPlugin,
public MMTPEnumerationCallback , public MExtnDevPluginCallback
enum TEnumerationState
static TAny* NewL(TAny* aParams);
private: // From CMTPDataProviderPlugin
void Cancel();
void ProcessEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
void ProcessNotificationL(TMTPNotification aNotification, const TAny* aParams);
void ProcessRequestPhaseL(TMTPTransactionPhase aPhase, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
void StartObjectEnumerationL(TUint32 aStorageId, TBool aPersistentFullEnumeration);
void StartStorageEnumerationL();
void Supported(TMTPSupportCategory aCategory, RArray<TUint>& aArray) const;
private: // MMTPEnumerationCallback
void NotifyEnumerationCompleteL(TUint32 aStorageId, TInt aError);
CMTPDeviceDataProvider(TAny* aParams);
void ConstructL();
TInt LocateRequestProcessorL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
TInt LocateRequestProcessorL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
void SessionClosedL(const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange& aSession);
void SessionOpenedL(const TMTPNotificationParamsSessionChange& aSession);
TInt FindExtnPlugin(TUint aOpcode);
void LoadExtnPluginsL();
//from MExtnDevPluginCallback
void OnDevicePropertyChangedL (TMTPDevicePropertyCode& aPropCode);
* This method return reference MMTPDataProviderFramework
MMTPDataProviderFramework& DataProviderFramework ();
private: // Owned
FLOGGER debug trace member variable.
The active request processors table. Multiple request processors may be
active in a multi-session MTP environment.
RPointerArray<MMTPRequestProcessor> iActiveProcessors;
The device DP singletons.
RMTPDeviceDpSingletons iDevDpSingletons;
The dp utilities singleton.
RMTPDpSingletons iDpSingletons;
The device dp object enumeration state.
TEnumerationState iEnumeratingState;
The device dp folder enumerator.
CMTPFSEnumerator* iEnumerator;
The device dp exlusion manager.
CMTPDevDpExclusionMgr* iExclusionMgr;
The list of storages to be enumerated.
RArray<TUint32> iPendingEnumerations;
The system storages watcher.
CMTPStorageWatcher* iStorageWatcher;
The device Dp extension plugin map array.
RPointerArray<CDevDpExtnPluginMap> iExtnPluginMapArray;//2113
The event dataset.
TMTPTypeEvent iEvent;
//not owned by this class
CMTPDeviceDataStore *iPtrDataStore;
TInt iActiveProcessor;
TBool iActiveProcessorRemoved;