author hgs
Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:40:03 +0800
changeset 51 64200268cac2
parent 29 3ae5cb0b4c02
child 54 4dc88a4ac6f4
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Definitions needed for common stream functionality

 * TODO: When local media is of type RComm, listening on it is started with
 * RComm::NotifyDataAvailable() call. Check that USB ACM port and Irda RCOMM
 * (and any other new media in the future) behaves correctly so that when
 * RComm::ReadOneOrMore() is issued, the read is issued immediately without
 * checking for new data. If waiting for new data happens in this
 * NotifyDataAvailable/ReadOneOrMore combination, raise a defect to Symbian.

#include "DunStream.h"
#include "DunDebug.h"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::~CDunStream()" )));
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::~CDunStream() complete" )));

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets data to initial values
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDunStream::ResetData()
    // APIs affecting this:
    // AddConnMonCallback()
    // AddSkippedError()
    // Internal

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds error code to consider as "no error" to either endpoint
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::AddSkippedError( TInt aError,
                                  TDunOperationType aOperationType )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError()" ) ));
    RArray<TInt>* okErrors = NULL;
    if ( aOperationType == EDunOperationTypeRead )
        okErrors = &iOkErrorsR;
    else if ( aOperationType == EDunOperationTypeWrite )
        okErrors = &iOkErrorsW;
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError() (ERROR) complete" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    if ( aError >= 0 )  // errors can't be >= 0
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError() (ERROR) complete" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    TInt retTemp = okErrors->Find( aError );
    if ( retTemp != KErrNotFound )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError() (already exists) complete" ) ));
        return KErrAlreadyExists;
    retTemp = okErrors->Append( aError );
    if ( retTemp != KErrNone )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError() (append failed!) complete" ) ));
        return retTemp;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddSkippedError() complete" ) ));
    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds callback for line status change controlling
// The callback will be called when serious read error is detected
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::AddConnMonCallback( MDunConnMon* aCallback,
                                     TDunOperationType aOperationType )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddConnMonCallback()" ) ));
    RPointerArray<MDunConnMon>* callbacks = NULL;
    if ( aOperationType == EDunOperationTypeRead )
        callbacks = &iCallbacksR;
    else if ( aOperationType == EDunOperationTypeWrite )
        callbacks = &iCallbacksW;
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddConnMonCallback() (ERROR) complete" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    if ( !aCallback )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddConnMonCallback() (aCallback) not initialized!" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    TInt retTemp = callbacks->Find( aCallback );
    if ( retTemp != KErrNotFound )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddCallback() (already exists) complete" ) ));
        return KErrAlreadyExists;
    retTemp = callbacks->Append( aCallback );
    if ( retTemp != KErrNone )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddCallback() (append failed!) complete" ) ));
        return retTemp;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::AddCallback() complete" ) ));
    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets buffering for this stream
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::SetBuffering( TPtr8* aBufferPtr )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetBuffering()" ) ));
    if ( !aBufferPtr )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetBuffering() (aBufferPtr) not initialized!" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    if ( iBufferPtr )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetBuffering() (already exists) complete" ) ));
        return KErrAlreadyExists;
    iBufferPtr = aBufferPtr;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetBuffering() complete" ) ));
    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets media to use for this endpoint
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::SetMedia( RComm* aComm, TDunMediaContext aMediaContext )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RComm)" ) ));
    if ( !aComm )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RComm) (aComm not initialized!) complete" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    if ( aMediaContext == EDunMediaContextNetwork )
        iNetwork = aComm;
    else if ( aMediaContext == EDunMediaContextLocal )
        iComm = aComm;
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RComm) (ERROR) complete" )));
        return KErrGeneral;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RComm) complete" ) ));
    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets media to use for this endpoint
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::SetMedia( RSocket* aSocket,
                           TDunMediaContext aMediaContext )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RSocket)" ) ));
    if ( !aSocket )
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RSocket) (aSocket not initialized!) complete" ) ));
        return KErrGeneral;
    if ( aMediaContext == EDunMediaContextLocal )
        iSocket = aSocket;
        FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RSocket) (not supported) complete" ) ));
        return KErrNotSupported;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::SetMedia() (RSocket) complete" ) ));
    return KErrNone;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets media context
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDunMediaContext CDunStream::GetMediaContext( TDunStreamType aStreamType )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::GetMediaContext()" ) ));
    if ( aStreamType == EDunStreamTypeUpstream )
        if ( iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeRead )
            return EDunMediaContextLocal;
        else if ( iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeWrite )
            return EDunMediaContextNetwork;
            return EDunMediaContextUndefined;
    else if ( aStreamType == EDunStreamTypeDownstream )
        if ( iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeRead )
            return EDunMediaContextNetwork;
        else if ( iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeWrite )
            return EDunMediaContextLocal;
            return EDunMediaContextUndefined;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::GetMediaContext() complete" ) ));
    return EDunMediaContextUndefined;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check whether an error code is severe error or not
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CDunStream::ProcessErrorCondition( TInt aError, TBool& aIsError )
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::ProcessErrorCondition() (Dir=%d)" ), iDirection));
    aIsError = EFalse;
    if ( aError != KErrNone )
        aIsError = ETrue;
        RArray<TInt>* okErrors = NULL;
        if ( iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeRead )
            okErrors = &iOkErrorsR;
        else // iOperationType == EDunOperationTypeWrite
            okErrors = &iOkErrorsW;
        TInt retTemp = okErrors->Find( aError );
        if ( retTemp == KErrNotFound )
            FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::ProcessErrorCondition() (Dir=%d) (%d=ETrue) complete" ), iDirection, aError));
            return ETrue;
    FTRACE(FPrint( _L("CDunStream::ProcessErrorCondition() (Dir=%d) (%d=EFalse) complete" ), iDirection, aError));
    return EFalse;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDunStream::CDunStream
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDunStream::CDunStream() : CActive( EPriorityHigh )
    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initializes this class
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CDunStream::Initialize()
    // Don't initialize iUtility here (it is set through NewL)
    iBufferPtr = NULL;
    iReadLengthSocket = 0;
    iOperationType = EDunOperationTypeUndefined;
    iTransferState = EDunStateIdle;
    iDirection = EDunDirectionUndefined;
    iNetwork = NULL;
    iSocket = NULL;
    iComm = NULL;