// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// mw/remoteconn/mtpfws/mtpfw/dataproviders/dputility/inc/cmtpfullenumservicehandler.h
// FullEnum Service Handler
#include <mtp/cmtptypeserviceproplist.h>
#include <mtp/tmtptypeguid.h>
#include <mtp/cmtptypeobjectpropdesc.h>
#include "mmtpservicehandler.h"
class CMTPTypeServiceInfo;
class CMTPTypeServiceCapabilityList;
class CMTPTypeDeleteServicePropList;
class CMTPTypeServicePropDescList;
class CRepository;
class CMTPFullEnumDataCodeMgr;
High level interface to MTP request processor
class CMTPFullEnumServiceHandler: public CBase
// , public MMTPServiceHandler
// Basic function
static IMPORT_C CMTPFullEnumServiceHandler* NewL(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework,
const CMTPFullEnumDataCodeMgr& aDataCodeMgr,
CRepository& aRepository,
TUint aNormalServiceID,
const TDesC& aKnowledgeObjectSUID,
const TMTPTypeGuid& aServiceFormatGUID);
IMPORT_C ~CMTPFullEnumServiceHandler();
// MMTPServiceHandler
IMPORT_C TMTPResponseCode GetServiceCapabilityL(TUint16 aServiceFormatCode, CMTPTypeServiceCapabilityList& aServiceCapabilityList) const;
IMPORT_C TMTPResponseCode GetServicePropDescL(TUint16 aServicePropertyCode, CMTPTypeServicePropDescList& aPropDescList) const;
// FullEnum specific APIs
IMPORT_C TMTPResponseCode GetServicePropetyL(TUint16 aPropertyCode, CMTPTypeServicePropList& aPropList) const;
IMPORT_C TMTPResponseCode SetServicePropetyL(TUint16 aPropEnumIndex, const CMTPTypeServicePropListElement& aElement);
IMPORT_C TMTPResponseCode DeleteServiceProperty(TUint16 aPropEnumIndex);
// Property value of FullEnum Service need store in central repository
enum TMTPServiceStoreKeyNum
EVersionProps = 0x1, // Version Props
EReplicaID = 0x2, // Set by synchost at first sync, store in db.
EKnowledgeObjectID = 0x3,// Use object handle which store in framework.
ESyncFormat = 0x04, // Format GUID for the obj that is to be sync.
ELocalOnlyDelete = 0x05, // Boolean, set by synchost.
EFilterType = 0x06, // Set by synchost, device just store it.
ELastSyncProxyID = 0x07, // a GUID indicating the last sync proxy to perform a sync operation
ESyncObjectReference = 0x08, //Describing whether object references should be included as part of the sync process or not
CMTPFullEnumServiceHandler(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework,
const CMTPFullEnumDataCodeMgr& aDataCodeMgr,
CRepository& iRepository,
TUint aNormalServiceID,
const TDesC& aKnowledgeObjectSUID,
const TMTPTypeGuid& aServiceFormatGUID);
void ConstructL();
void LoadServicePropValueL();
MMTPDataProviderFramework& iFramework;
const CMTPFullEnumDataCodeMgr& iDataCodeMgr;
// Store service property
CRepository& iRepository;
// data from Normal Service
TUint iNormalServiceID;
TMTPTypeGuid iNormalServiceFormatGUID;
const TDesC& iKnowledgeObjectSUID;
//FullEnum Sync Service propterties which are writable
TMTPTypeGuid iReplicateID;
TMTPTypeGuid iLastSyncProxyID;
TMTPSyncSvcLocalOnlyDelete iLocalOnlyDelete;
TMTPSyncSvcSyncObjectReferences iSyncObjectReference;
TMTPSyncSvcFilterType iFilterType;