// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// mw/remoteconn/mtpfws/mtpfw/dataproviders/dputility/inc/mtpsvcdpconst.h
#include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
service types defined in MTP
typedef enum
EMTPServiceTypeNormal = 0,
EMTPServiceTypeAbstract = 1
} TMTPServiceType;
Abstract service types defined in MTP
typedef enum
EMTPFullEnumSyncService = 0,
} TMTPAbstrctServiceType;
// Service Name definition
_LIT(KFullEnumServiceName, "FullEnumSync");
// FullEnum Sync Service GUID, specified by Spec.
const TUint32 KMTPFullEnumServiceGUID[] = {0x28d3aac9, 0xc07544be, 0x888165f3, 0x8d305909};
// FullEnumm Sync Service Persistent GUID, specified by Symbian/Nokia Implementation.
const TUint32 KMTPFullEnumServicePSGUID[] = {0x102827A1, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000};
Service property definition
//FullEnum Sync Service Namespace for Service Property, specified by Spec.
const TUint32 KMTPFullEnumSyncServiceNSGUID[] = {0x63b10e6c, 0x4f3a456d, 0x95cb9894, 0xedec9fa5};
//SyncSvc Service Namespace for Service Property, specified by Spec.
const TUint32 KMTPSyncSvcServiceNSGUID[] = {0x703d392c, 0x532c4607, 0x91589cea, 0x742f3a16};
// FullEnum/Anchor Sync service property value definition
typedef enum
EMTPServicePropertyVersionProps = 0,
EMTPServicePropertyProviderVersion, // In Simulator, it's not supported.
EMTPServicePropertySyncFormat, // In Simulator, it's moved to normal service property
EMTPServicePropertySyncObjectReferences, // In Simulator, it's not supported.
} TMTPAbstractServiceProperty;
// Define Full Enumeration Sync service property name
_LIT(KNameFullEnumVersionProps, "FullEnumVersionProps");
_LIT(KNameFullEnumReplicaID, "FullEnumReplicaID");
_LIT(KNameFullEnumKnowledgeObjectID, "FullEnumKnowledgeObjectID");
_LIT(KNameFullEnumLastSyncProxyID, "FullEnumLastSyncProxyID");
_LIT(KNameFullEnumProviderVersion, "FullEnumProviderVersion");
_LIT(KNameSyncSvcLocalOnlyDelete, "LocalOnlyDelete");
_LIT(KNameSyncSvcSyncFormat, "SyncFormat");
_LIT(KNameSyncSvcFilterType, "FilterType");
_LIT(KNameSyncSvcSyncObjectReferences, "SyncObjectReferences");
Abstract service format definition
// Define all the abstract service format
typedef enum
} TMTPAbstractServiceFormatType;
_LIT(KNameFullEnumSyncKnowledege, "FullEnumSyncKnowledge");
_LIT(KNameFullEnumSyncKnowledegeMIMEType, "");
Format property definition
---------Supported Property Namespaces--------------
FullEnum Knowledge Format : { Generic Object Namespace Properties; }
// FullEnum Sync Service > Knowledge Format GUID, specified by Spec.
const TUint32 KMTPFullEnumSyncKnowledgeFormatGUID[] = {0x221bce32, 0x221b4f45, 0xb48b80de, 0x9a93a44a};
// Generic Object Namespace GUID for Service Format, specified by Spec.
const TUint32 KMTPGenericObjectNSGUID[] = {0xEF6B490D, 0x5CD8437A, 0xAFFCDA8B, 0x60EE4A3C};
//Sync Object Namespace for Service Format, specified by Spec. Current this value comes from Simulator.
const TUint32 KMTPSyncObjcetNSGUID[] = {0x37364f58, 0x2f744981, 0x99a57ae2, 0x8aeee319};
// Generic Object Namespace prop code value defnition
typedef enum
EMTPGenObjPropCodeParentID = EMTPObjectPropCodeParentObject,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeName = EMTPObjectPropCodeName,
EMTPGenObjPropCodePersistentUniqueObjectIdentifier = EMTPObjectPropCodePersistentUniqueObjectIdentifier,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeObjectFormat = EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectFormat,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeObjectSize = EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectSize,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeStorageID = EMTPObjectPropCodeStorageID,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeObjectHidden = EMTPObjectPropCodeHidden,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeNonConsumable = EMTPObjectPropCodeNonConsumable,
EMTPGenObjPropCodeDateModified = EMTPObjectPropCodeDateModified,
// LastAuthorProxyID is from Simulator, and is not a Generic Object property. For conveniency, put it here.
EMTPSvcObjPropCodeLastAuthorProxyID = EMTPObjectPropCodeVendorExtensionStart + 1,
} TMTPGenericObjectProperty;
// Normal service Object Extension definition should start with this value
const TUint16 KMTPNormalServiceObjExtensionStart = EMTPObjectPropCodeVendorExtensionStart + 2;
// Define Generic Object Property name string
_LIT(KObjPropNameParentID, "ParentID");
_LIT(KObjPropNameName, "Name");
_LIT(KObjPropNamePUOID, "PersistentUID");
_LIT(KObjPropNameObjectFormat, "ObjectFormat");
_LIT(KObjPropNameObjectSize, "ObjectSize");
_LIT(KObjPropNameStorageID, "StorageID");
_LIT(KObjPropNameHidden, "Hidden");
_LIT(KObjPropNameNonConsumable, "NonConsumable");
_LIT(KObjPropNameDateModified, "DateModified");
_LIT(KObjPropNameLastAuthorProxyID, "LastAuthorProxyID");
// FullEnum Knowledge Format object prop array
const TUint16 KMTPFullEnumSyncKnowledgeObjectProperties[] =
EMTPSvcObjPropCodeLastAuthorProxyID // Simulator defined
Value Range definition
// Enum value describing type of hidden.
typedef enum
EMTPUnInitialized = 0xFF,
EMTPGenObjNotHidden = 0,
EMTPGenObjHidden = 1
} TMTPGenObjHidden;
// Enum value describing type of the filter
typedef enum
EMTPSyncSvcFilterNone = 0,
EMTPSyncSvcFilterContactsWithPhone = 1,
EMTPSyncSvcFilterTaskActive = 2,
EMTPSyncSvcFilterCalendarWindowWithRecurrence = 3,
EMTPSyncSvcFilterUnInitialized = ~0
} TMTPSyncSvcFilterType;
// Boolean flag indicating whether deletion of objects on the service host
// should be treated as "local only" and not propogated to other sync
// participants. The alternative is "true sync" in which deletes on the
// service host are propogated to all other sync participants.
typedef enum
EMTPLocalOnlyDeleteFalse = 0,
EMTPLocalOnlyDeleteTrue = 1,
EMTPLocalOnlyDeleteUnInitialized = ~0
} TMTPSyncSvcLocalOnlyDelete;
// Boolean flag describing whether object references should be included
// as part of the sync process or not.
typedef enum
EMTPSyncObjectReferencesDisabled = 0x00,
EMTPSyncObjectReferencesEnabled = 0xFF
} TMTPSyncSvcSyncObjectReferences;
Simple const value definition
// Define abstract service info const variable
_LIT(KMTPExtension, "microsoft.com/DeviceServices: 1.0");
// the default value of BaseFormat in service info dataset
const TUint16 KBaseFormatCode = 0x00;
// the default value of ServiceVersion in service info dataset
const TUint32 KMTPDefaultServiceVersion = 0x64;
// the default value of ProviderVersion in service property, 0 is reserved, so start from 1.
const TUint32 KMTPDefaultProviderVersion = 0x01;
// the default value of ServiceType in service info dataset
// 0 if standard service. 1 if abstract
const TUint32 KMTPDefaultServiceType = 0x00;
// the default value of BaseServiceID in service info dataset
const TUint32 KMTPDefaultBaseServiceID = 0x00;
// the value in spec. to sepcify to do some operation on all service properties.
const TUint32 KMTPServicePropertyAll = 0x00000000;
const TUint32 KMTPUnInitialized32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const TUint64 KMTPUnInitialized64 = ~0; //MAKE_TINT64(KMTPUnInitialized32, KMTPUnInitialized32);
const TUint32 KMaxSUIDLength = 50;
const TUint64 KObjectSizeNotAvaiable = ~0;
const TUint32 KLongStringMaxLength = 0x1000;
// the old names, It'd better be renamed.
// Knowledge object prop array Group 2
const TUint16 KMTPKnowledgeObjectPropertiesGroup2[] =
// Knowledge object prop array Group 5
const TUint16 KMTPKnowledgeObjectPropertiesGroup5[] =
// Knowledge object prop array Group 1
const TUint16 KMTPKnowledgeObjectPropertiesGroup1[] =
#endif // __MTPSVCDPCONST_H__