author Stefan Karlsson <>
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:37:54 +0100
changeset 13 a01b4044eb85
parent 0 d0791faffa3f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.

* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Declaration of CDataOwnerManager


// System
#include <e32base.h>
#include <connect/sbtypes.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <swi/sisregistrysession.h>
#include <badesca.h>

#include "sbeconfig.h"
#include "sbeparserproxy.h"
#include <connect/javamanagerinterface.h>

// Forwards
class CBaBackupSessionWrapper;
class CARC4;

namespace conn
	// Forwards
	class CDataOwner;
	class CABServer;
	class CBufferFileReader;
	class CPackageDataTransfer;
	class CDataOwnerManager;
	class CJavaDataOwnerManager;
	class CSecureBUREncryptKeySource;
	class CSBEDecompressAndEncrypt;
    /** The current request state 
    enum TState 
    	ENone, /*<! The DataOwnerManager is not requesting or supplying */ 
    	ERequest, /*<! The DataOwnerManager is currently dealing with a request */
    	ESupply, /*<! The DataOwnerManager is currently dealing with a supply */
    	EBuffer /*<! The DataOwnerManager is currently dealing with buffering */

	// Globals
	_LIT(KStar, "*");
	_LIT(KPrivate, "\\private\\");
	_LIT(KBackSlash, "\\");
	_LIT(KColon, ":");
	_LIT(KBackupRegistrationFile, "backup_registration*.xml");
	_LIT(KPrimaryBackupRegistrationFile, "backup_registration.xml");
	_LIT(KImportDir, "\\private\\10202D56\\import\\packages\\");

		Simple container to map Secure ID's to there assocaited Data Owner
    class CDataOwnerContainer : public CBase
    		static CDataOwnerContainer* NewL(TSecureId aSid, CDataOwnerManager* apDataOwnerManager);
    		static TInt Compare(const CDataOwnerContainer& aFirst, const CDataOwnerContainer& aSecond);
			static TBool Match(const CDataOwnerContainer& aFirst, const CDataOwnerContainer& aSecond);
    		TSecureId SecureId() const;
    		CDataOwner& DataOwner() const;
        	CDataOwnerContainer(TSecureId aSID);
        	void ConstructL(CDataOwnerManager* apDataOwnerManager);
        	TSecureId       iSecureId; /*<! Contains the secure ID */
        	CDataOwner*     ipDataOwner; /*<! Contains the data owner.*/
    /** The state of the data owner manager
    class TDOMState
		TState          	iState; /*<! The current state of the DataOwnerManager */
		TSecureId       	iSID; /*<! The secure ID we are currently working with */

	Manager for data owners.
	class CDataOwnerManager : public CBase
	    // Construction
	    static CDataOwnerManager* NewLC();
	    // Methods
	    void SetBURModeL(const TDriveList& aDriveList, TBURPartType aBURType, 
						TBackupIncType aBackupIncType);
	    void GetDataOwnersL(RPointerArray<CDataOwnerInfo>& aDataOwners);
	    void GetExpectedDataSizeL(CSBGenericTransferType* aGenericTransferType, TUint& aSize);
	    void GetPublicFileListL(CSBGenericDataType* aGenericDataType, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RFileArray& aFiles);
	    void GetRawPublicFileListL(CSBGenericDataType* aGenericDataType, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, 
	    						   RRestoreFileFilterArray& aRestoreFileFilter);
	    void GetXMLPublicFileListL(TSecureId aSID, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, HBufC*& aBuffer);
	    void SetSIDListForPartialBURL(TDesC8& aFlatArrayPtr);
	    void SIDStatusL(RSIDStatusArray& aSIDStatus);
	    void AllSnapshotsSuppliedL();
	    void GetNextPublicFileL(CSBGenericDataType* aGenericDataType, TBool aReset,
	                           TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TEntry& aEntry);
	    // Global heap 
	    void SupplyDataL(CSBGenericTransferType* aGenericTransferType, TDesC8& aBuffer, 
	    				 TBool aLastSection);
	    void RequestDataL(CSBGenericTransferType* aGenericTransferType,
	    	    		  TPtr8& aBuffer, TBool& aLastSection);
	    // Accessors
	    void SetActiveBackupServer(CABServer* aABServer);
	    RFs& GetRFs();
	    CABServer& ABServer();
	    CDataOwner& DataOwnerL(TSecureId aSID);
	    TDriveList& DriveList();
	    TBURPartType BURType() const;
	    TBackupIncType IncType() const;
		void AllSystemFilesRestoredL();
		CSBEConfig& Config();
		inline CSBEParserProxy& ParserProxy();
		TBool IsSetForPartialL(TSecureId aSecureId) const;

		// Constructor
		void ConstructL();
		// Methods
		void FindDataOwnersL();
		CDataOwnerContainer* FindL(TSecureId aSID);
		CPackageDataTransfer* FindPackageDataContainerL(TUid pid);
		void StripSecureIdL(const TDesC& aStrip, TSecureId& aSecureId);
		void UpdateDataOwnersPartialStateL();
		void FindImportPackagesL(Swi::RSisRegistrySession& aRegistry, RPointerArray<CDataOwnerInfo>& aDataOwners);
		void FindRegistrationFilesL(const TDesC& aPath, CDesCArray& aFiles);
	    RPointerArray<CDataOwnerContainer>  iDataOwners; /*<! An array of TDataOwnerContainers */
		RPointerArray<CPackageDataTransfer> iPackageDataOwners; /*<! An array of package data transfer objects */
	    TDOMState           iState; /*!< The state of the DataOwnerManager */
	    // Current backup options (set in SetBURModeL -> needed for active clients)
	    TDriveList			iDriveList; /*<! Drive list for backup */
	    TBURPartType		iBURType; /*<! Backup/restore type */
	    TBackupIncType		iIncType; /*<! Incrementatl type */
	    // Resources
	    CABServer*          ipABServer; /*!< The active backup server */
	    RFs					iFs; /*!< A RFs used in this class and all DataOwners */
	    CBufferFileReader*	iBufferFileReader; /*<! Used to restore registration files */
	    CSBEDecompressAndEncrypt* iDecompressor;
	    /** Set to true if we need to reset the device after a restore */
	    TBool				iResetAfterRestore;
	    /** Object to handle Java data owners */
		CJavaManagerInterface* iJavaDOM;
	    /** List of Secure IDs for Partial Restore */
	    RSIDArray* iSIDListForPartial;
	    /** Config for SBE */
	    CSBEConfig* iConfig;
	    /** Base Backup Session Wrapper */
	    CBaBackupSessionWrapper* iBaBackupSession;
	    /** Backup Registration Parser Proxy */
	    CSBEParserProxy*		 iParserProxy;
    inline TDriveList& CDataOwnerManager::DriveList()
    Return the list of drives specified for the operation
    @return Drivelist
    	return iDriveList;
    inline TBURPartType CDataOwnerManager::BURType() const
    Return the partial backup type
    @return The partial backup type
    	return iBURType;
    inline TBackupIncType CDataOwnerManager::IncType() const
    Return the incremental backup type
    @return The incremental backup type
    	return iIncType;
    Return Active Backup Server
    @return reference to Active Backup Server
	inline CABServer& CDataOwnerManager::ABServer()
		return *ipABServer;
	Return Parser Proxy
	@return reference to Parser Proxy
	inline CSBEParserProxy& CDataOwnerManager::ParserProxy()
		return *iParserProxy;
	} // namespace conn