changeset 61 b183ec05bd8c
parent 59 13d7c31c74e0
child 62 19bba8228ff0
equal deleted inserted replaced
59:13d7c31c74e0 61:b183ec05bd8c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   stores update package to filesystem
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <ecom.h>
    22 #include <implementationproxy.h>
    23 #include <centralrepository.h>
    24 #include <sysutil.h> 
    25 #include "fotadiskstoragePrivateCRKeys.h"
    26 #include "fotaDiskStorage.h"
    27 #include "fotadebug.h"
    29 // CONSTANTS
    30 // System Critical Level (128KB) plus 5KB for fota operations.
    31 const TInt KSystemCriticalWorkingspace = 136192;
    33 // MACROS
    34 #ifdef __EABI__
    36 typedef TAny*   TProxyNewLPtr;
    37 #define IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(aUid, aFuncPtr) {{aUid},(TProxyNewLPtr)(aFuncPtr)}
    38 #endif
    39 #endif
    41 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
    43 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 // CFotaDiskStorage::CFotaDiskStorage()
    45 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 //
    47 CFotaDiskStorage::CFotaDiskStorage ()
    48     {
    49     }
    51 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // CFotaDiskStorage::NewL()
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 CFotaDiskStorage* CFotaDiskStorage::NewL()
    56     {
    57     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::NewL()"));
    58     CFotaDiskStorage* self = new ( ELeave ) CFotaDiskStorage;
    59     FLOG(_L("  CFotaDiskStorage created at %X "), self);
    60     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    61     self->ConstructL();
    62     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    63     return self;
    64     }
    66 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // CFotaDiskStorage::ConstructL() 
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 void CFotaDiskStorage::ConstructL() 
    71     {
    72     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::ConstructL() >>"));
    73     TInt err;
    74     User::LeaveIfError ( iFs.Connect() );
    76     // Ensures that fotaserver private dir exists
    77     err = iFs.MkDirAll(KDummyFilePath);
    78     if ( err!=KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone )
    79         {
    80         FLOG(_L(" created priv dir err %d"),err);
    81         User::Leave ( err ) ;
    82         }
    83     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::ConstructL()  sessionpath to %S")
    84                         , &KDummyFilePath,err);
    85     User::LeaveIfError ( iFs.SetSessionPath ( KDummyFilePath ) );
    87     // newdummy remains should not exist now. safety.
    88     err = iFs.Delete ( _L("newdummy") ) ;
    89     if ( err!=KErrNone && err!= KErrNotFound ) User::Leave (err);
    91     // Get write limit 
    92     TInt writelimit( KFileReservationDefaultSize );
    93     TInt chunksize ( iChunkSize );
    94     CRepository* centrep( NULL);
    95     TRAP(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaDiskStorage ) );
    96     if ( centrep ) 
    97         {
    98         err = centrep->Get( KFotaDiskSpaceReservationKey, writelimit );
    99         err = centrep->Get( KFotaDiskSpaceReservationChunkKey, chunksize );
   100         }
   101     iDummySize = writelimit;
   102     iChunkSize = chunksize;
   103     delete centrep;
   105     AdjustDummyStorageL();
   106     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::ConstructL() <<"));
   107     }
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 // CFotaDiskStorage::~CFotaDiskStorage ()
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 CFotaDiskStorage::~CFotaDiskStorage ()
   114     {
   115     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::~CFotaDiskStorage ()"));
   116     iFileWriteStream.Close();
   117     iFs.Close();
   118     }
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 // CFotaDiskStorage::IsPackageStoreSizeAvailableL
   123 // does the pkg fit to reservation or filesystem
   124 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   125 //
   126 CFotaStorage::TFreeSpace CFotaDiskStorage::IsPackageStoreSizeAvailableL(TInt& aSize)
   127     {
   128     CFotaStorage::TFreeSpace isavailable;
   129     TInt            swupdSize(0);
   130     TInt            dummySize(0);
   131     SpaceAllocatedBySWUPDFilesL( swupdSize, dummySize);
   133     if ( aSize <= dummySize ) 
   134         {        
   135         // fits to reservation
   136         isavailable = CFotaStorage::EFitsToReservation;
   137         }
   138     else
   139         {
   140         // doesnt fit to reservation, does it fit to filesystem?
   141         TInt sizeNeededFromFS = aSize - dummySize ;
   142         if ( sizeNeededFromFS < 0 ) sizeNeededFromFS = 0;
   143         TBool critical = SysUtil::FFSSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( &iFs, sizeNeededFromFS );
   144         if ( critical )
   145         	{
   146 					// how much space would be needed
   147 					TVolumeInfo vi;
   148         	iFs.Volume(vi,EDriveC);
   150 					TInt neededspace = sizeNeededFromFS - vi.iFree + KSystemCriticalWorkingspace;
   151 					FLOG(_L("neededspace = %d vi.iFree = %d "), neededspace , vi.iFree);		
   152 					FLOG(_L(" neededspace = sizeNeededFromFS - vi.iFree + KSystemCriticalWorkingspace;") );
   153         	//= aSize - vi.iFree;
   154         	aSize = neededspace;
   155         	isavailable = CFotaStorage::EDoesntFitToFileSystem;
   156         	}
   157         else
   158         	{
   159 					isavailable = CFotaStorage::EFitsToFileSystem;
   160         	}
   161         }
   162         TInt fitstodummy = isavailable==CFotaStorage::EFitsToReservation?1:0 ;
   163         TInt fitstoFS = isavailable==CFotaStorage::EFitsToFileSystem?1:0 ;
   164         TInt DoesntFitToFS = 	isavailable==CFotaStorage::EDoesntFitToFileSystem?1:0 ; 
   166     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::IsPackageStoreSizeAvailableL %d<%d (sz vs dummy) => fitstodummy:%d fitstoFS:%d DoesntFitToFS:%d")
   167         ,aSize,dummySize,fitstodummy,fitstoFS,DoesntFitToFS );
   169     return isavailable;
   170     }
   173 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // CFotaDiskStorage::AdjustDummyStorageL()
   175 // Ensure that total of iDummySize bytes are reserved by .swupd files and 
   176 // dummy file.
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 //
   179 TInt CFotaDiskStorage::AdjustDummyStorageL  ( )
   180     {
   181     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::AdjustDummyStorageL >>"));
   182     // Count size reserved by .swupd files
   183     // CDir*       list;
   184     TInt        err;
   185     TInt        swupdSize(0);
   186     TInt        dummySize(0);
   187     RFile       dummy;
   189     TRAP(err,SpaceAllocatedBySWUPDFilesL( swupdSize, dummySize));
   191     // Calculate space for dummy file
   192     TInt targetsize = iDummySize - swupdSize;
   193     if ( targetsize<0 ) 
   194         {
   195         targetsize=0;
   196         }
   198     // Reduce dummy file size 
   199     if ( dummySize != targetsize || dummySize ==0 ) 
   200         {
   201         FLOG(_L("   dummy new size %d (old %d)"), targetsize,dummySize);
   203         err = dummy.Open(iFs, KDummyFileName, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive);
   205         if (err == KErrNotFound ) 
   206             {
   207             User::LeaveIfError(dummy.Replace(iFs, KDummyFileName
   208                                 , EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive)); 
   209             }
   210         else
   211             if ( err!=KErrNone) User::LeaveIfError (err);
   213         CleanupClosePushL(dummy);
   214         TInt err= dummy.SetSize (targetsize);
   215         if (err!=KErrNone)
   216         	{
   217         	FLOG(_L("Error while creating reserved space:  %d "),err );
   218         	}
   219         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // dummy
   220         }
   221     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::AdjustDummyStorageL, reserved file size = %d <<"),targetsize);
   222     return 0;
   223     }
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // CFotaDiskStorage::OpenUpdatePackageStore
   227 // Open upd pkg store for writing (writes to dummy file).
   228 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 TInt CFotaDiskStorage::OpenUpdatePackageStoreL(const TInt aPkgId,TInt aNewDummySize
   230                                                 , RWriteStream*& aPkgStore)
   231 	{
   232     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::OpenUpdatePackageStore"));
   233     TInt        err (KErrNone);
   235     // Remove reserved memory
   236     RFile tmp;
   237     err = tmp.Open(iFs, KDummyFileName, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive);
   238     CleanupClosePushL(tmp);
   239     if ( !err )
   240     	{
   241         FLOG(_L("Removing the reserved memory as download has started"), iDummySize);
   242         tmp.SetSize( KErrNone );
   243         }
   244     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tmp ); 
   245 	// flexible mem handling: increase dummy size to receive over sized package
   246     if (iDummySize < aNewDummySize)
   247     	iDummySize = aNewDummySize;
   248     FLOG(_L("Newer dummy size = %d"),iDummySize);
   250     TBuf<KMaxFileName>    swupd;
   252     swupd.AppendNum(aPkgId);
   253     swupd.Append(_L(".swupd"));
   254     err = iFileWriteStream.Open(iFs, swupd, EFileWrite) ;
   255     if (err == KErrNotFound ) 
   256         {
   257         User::LeaveIfError(iFileWriteStream.Replace(iFs, swupd
   258                                                             , EFileWrite));
   259         }
   260     else
   261         if ( err!=KErrNone) User::LeaveIfError (err);
   263     //Positioning the seek if the file is already present (in case of resume)
   264 	TEntry entry;
   265 	TInt size (KErrNone);
   266 	err = iFs.Entry(swupd,entry);
   267 	if (!err)
   268 		size = entry.iSize; 
   269 	if (size)
   270 		{
   271 	    MStreamBuf* x = iFileWriteStream.Sink();
   272 	    TStreamPos pos(0);
   273 	    TRAPD(err2, pos = x->TellL(MStreamBuf::EWrite));
   275 	    pos+=size;
   276 	    TRAP(err2, x->SeekL(MStreamBuf::EWrite,pos ));
   277 		}
   278     aPkgStore = &iFileWriteStream;
   279     return err;
   280     }
   282 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CFotaDiskStorage::GetDownloadedUpdatePackageSizeL
   284 // Gets the downloaded update package size in bytes
   285 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 void CFotaDiskStorage::GetDownloadedUpdatePackageSizeL(const TInt aPkgId, TInt& aSize)
   288 	{
   289 	FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::GetDownloadedUpdatePackageSizeL >>"));
   290 	aSize = 0;
   292     TBuf<KMaxFileName>    swupd;
   294     swupd.AppendNum(aPkgId);
   295     swupd.Append(_L(".swupd"));
   297 	TInt err(KErrNone);
   298 	TEntry entry;
   299 	err = iFs.Entry(swupd,entry);
   300 	if (!err)
   301 	aSize = entry.iSize; 
   302 	FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::GetDownloadedUpdatePackageSizeL,err = %d, aSize = %d <<"),err, aSize);
   303 	}
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 // CFotaDiskStorage::UpdatePackageDownloadComplete
   308 // closes the stream and frees resources
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 void CFotaDiskStorage::UpdatePackageDownloadCompleteL(const TInt aPkgId)
   311     {
   312     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::UpdatePackageDownloadComplete(const TInt aPkgId)"));
   313     RFile       fswupd;
   314     TBuf<KMaxFileName>    fn;
   315     TInt        err;
   316     iFileWriteStream.Close();
   317     if(iBytesWritten<1) 
   318         {
   319         FLOG(_L("  no bytes received!"));
   320 //        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   321         return;
   322         }
   323     TBuf<KMaxFileName>    swupd;
   325     swupd.AppendNum(aPkgId);
   326     swupd.Append(_L(".swupd"));
   328     // open swupd file for reading
   329     err = fswupd.Open(iFs, swupd, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive);
   330     FLOG(_L("  open err %d"),err);
   331     if (err == KErrNotFound ) 
   332         {
   333         FLOG(_L("swupd not found, creaeting"));
   334         User::LeaveIfError(fswupd.Replace(iFs, swupd
   335                                         ,EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive)); 
   336         }
   337     else
   338         if ( err!=KErrNone) User::LeaveIfError (err);
   339     CleanupClosePushL(fswupd);
   341     RFile       ND;
   342     User::LeaveIfError ( ND.Replace ( iFs, KDummyFileName, EFileWrite ) );
   343     CleanupClosePushL  ( ND);
   344     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // dummies
   345     AdjustDummyStorageL();
   346     }
   348 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   349 // CFotaDiskStorage::GetUpdatePackageLocation
   350 // Gets update package location, that is , path.
   351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   352 void CFotaDiskStorage::GetUpdatePackageLocationL(const TInt aPkgId
   353                                                         , TDes8& aPath )
   354 {
   355     TBuf8<20> fn;
   356     fn.AppendNum(aPkgId);
   357     fn.Append(_L8(".swupd"));
   358     TInt pathlength = ((TDesC16)KDummyFilePath).Length();
   359     HBufC8* path = HBufC8::NewLC( pathlength );
   360     path->Des().Copy( KDummyFilePath );
   362     aPath.Append( path->Des() );
   363     aPath.Append(fn);
   364     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( path );
   365 }
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CFotaDiskStorage::GetUpdatePackageIds
   369 // getupdate package ids
   370 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   371 void CFotaDiskStorage::GetUpdatePackageIdsL(TDes16& aPackageIdList)
   372     {
   373     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::GetUpdatePackageIds"));
   374     // Read all .swupd files and parse pkg ids from filenames
   375     TInt err;
   376     CDir*   list;
   377     err=iFs.GetDir (_L("*.swupd"), KEntryAttNormal ,ESortByName, list  );
   378     for(int i=0; i<list->Count() ;++i )
   379         {
   380         TEntry t = (*list)[i];
   381         TParse  p;
   382         TInt16  pkgid;
   383         p.Set(t.iName,NULL,NULL);
   384         TLex    lex(p.Name());
   385         err = lex.Val(pkgid);
   386         FLOG(_L("   %S"),&t.iName);
   387         if(err==KErrNone)
   388             {
   389             TPtrC  filename(p.Name());
   390             FLOG(_L("  pkig found: %d"), pkgid);
   391             TDateTime d = t.iModified.DateTime();
   392             aPackageIdList.Append (pkgid);   
   393             }
   394         }
   395     delete list;
   396     }
   398 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   399 // CFotaDiskStorage::DeleteUpdatePackageL 
   400 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 void  CFotaDiskStorage::DeleteUpdatePackageL (const TInt aPkgId)
   402     {
   403     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::DeleteUpdatePackageL %d >>"),aPkgId);
   404     RFile       dummy;
   405     TInt err=    dummy.Open(iFs, KDummyFileName , EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive);
   406     FLOG(_L("Error opening the reserved file...%d"),err);
   407     CleanupClosePushL ( dummy );
   408     TRAP(err, DoDeleteUpdatePackageL ( dummy, aPkgId, 0 ));
   409     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
   410     AdjustDummyStorageL();
   412     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::DeleteUpdatePackageL %d, err = %d <<"),aPkgId, err);
   413     }
   415 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   416 // CFotaDiskStorage::DoDeleteUpdatePackageL 
   417 // Delete swupd by chunking data to dummy (param) file. Will grow dummy 
   418 // independently, but takes already allocated bytes into account.
   419 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 void  CFotaDiskStorage::DoDeleteUpdatePackageL ( RFile& dummy, TInt aPkgId
   421                                                     , TInt aAlreadyAllocated)
   422     {
   423     // Open swupd file 
   424     TInt      err;
   425     TBuf8<KMaxFileName> swupdpath;
   426     TBuf<KMaxFileName>  swupdpath16;
   427     GetUpdatePackageLocationL ( aPkgId, swupdpath) ;
   428     swupdpath16.Copy ( swupdpath );
   429     RFile       swupd;
   430     err = swupd.Open( iFs, swupdpath16, EFileWrite );
   431     if ( err == KErrNotFound )      return; // no need to delete
   432     if ( err != KErrNone )          User::Leave ( err );
   433     CleanupClosePushL ( swupd );
   435     // Reduce dummy size
   436     TInt dummytargetsize = iDummySize - aAlreadyAllocated;
   437     for ( TInt p=0; p<10000 ; ++p )
   438         {
   439         TInt        dsize;
   440         TInt        swupdsize(0);
   441         User::LeaveIfError( dummy.Size( dsize ) );
   442         User::LeaveIfError( swupd.Size( swupdsize) );
   443         TInt        chunk =  swupdsize > iChunkSize ? iChunkSize : swupdsize;
   445         // Ensure that dummy dosnt get oversized
   446         if ( dsize <= dummytargetsize  && dsize + chunk >= dummytargetsize ) 
   447                     chunk = dummytargetsize - dsize;
   449         // Safety
   450         if ( dsize >= dummytargetsize ) break;
   452         FLOG(_L("  deleting swupd:  dummy %d\t  swupd %d\t chunk%d"),dsize
   453                                                 ,swupdsize,chunk);
   454         if (chunk>0)
   455             {
   456             User::LeaveIfError( dummy.SetSize( dsize + chunk ) );
   457             User::LeaveIfError( swupd.SetSize( swupdsize - chunk ) );
   458             }
   459         else 
   460             break;
   461         }
   462     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // swupd 
   464     // Delete swupd  (dummy file is big enough now)
   465     err = iFs.Delete ( swupdpath16 ) ;
   466     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::DoDeleteUpdatePackageL deleted ,err %d"),err);
   467     if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound ) 
   468         {
   469         User::Leave ( err );
   470         }
   471     }
   473 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   474 // CFotaDiskStorage::SpaceAllocatedBySWUPDFilesL
   475 // Counts space allocated by swupd files
   476 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 void CFotaDiskStorage::SpaceAllocatedBySWUPDFilesL( TInt& aSwupdSize, TInt& aDummySize )
   478     {
   479     CDir*       list;
   480     TInt        err;
   481     // TInt        (0);
   482     aSwupdSize = 0;
   483     aDummySize = 0;
   484     err = iFs.GetDir (_L("*.swupd"), KEntryAttNormal ,ESortByName, list );
   485     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   486     CleanupStack::PushL ( list );
   488     // get sizes of swupd files
   489     for(int i=0; i<list->Count() ;++i )
   490         {
   491         TEntry t = (*list)[i];
   492         TParse  p;
   493         TInt16  pkgid;
   495         p.Set(t.iName,NULL,NULL);
   496         TLex    lex(p.Name());
   497         err = lex.Val(pkgid);
   498         if(err==KErrNone)
   499             {
   500             TPtrC  filename(p.Name());
   501             aSwupdSize += t.iSize;
   502             }
   503         }
   504     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
   506     // get size of dummyfile
   507     err = iFs.GetDir (KDummyFileName, KEntryAttNormal ,ESortByName, list );
   508     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   509     CleanupStack::PushL ( list );
   510     if ( list->Count() >0 )
   511         {
   512         TEntry t = (*list)[0];
   513         aDummySize = t.iSize;
   514         }
   515     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
   516     FLOG(_L("CFotaDiskStorage::SpaceAllocatedBySWUPDFilesL dummy:%d swupd:%d")
   517                         ,aDummySize,aSwupdSize);
   518     }        
   520 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   521 // Global implementation uid array
   522 // Define the Implementation UIDs for JP2K decoder.
   523 // (other items were commented in a header).
   524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 //
   526 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
   527 {
   528     // implementation_uid
   529     IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY( 0x10207385 , CFotaDiskStorage::NewL )
   530 };
   532 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
   534 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 // ImplementationGroupProxy Implements proxy interface for ECom
   536 // Exported proxy for instantiation method resolution.
   537 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //
   539 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(  //lint !e714 Used by ECom
   540     TInt& aTableCount ) // Number of tables 
   541     {
   542     aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( 
   543                                                         TImplementationProxy );
   544     return ImplementationTable;
   545     }