changeset 0 b497e44ab2fc
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:b497e44ab2fc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  DS server alert handler
    15 *
    16 */
    20 //system includes
    21 #include <s32mem.h>
    22 #include <SyncMLDef.h>
    23 #include <implementationproxy.h>	// TImplementationProxy definition
    24 #include <nsmlconstants.h>
    25 #include <nsmldebug.h>
    26 #include <nsmlunicodeconverter.h>
    27 #include <NSmlPrivateAPI.h>
    29 #include "WBXMLSyncMLParser.h"
    30 #include "WBXMLParser.h"
    31 #include "WBXMLParserError.h"
    32 #include "smlmetinfdtd.h"
    33 #include "NSmlURI.h"
    34 #include "nsmldsalert.h"
    35 #include "nsmldssettings.h"
    37 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    40 // CNSmlDSAlert::CNSmlDSAlert()
    41 // Constructor
    42 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    43 //
    44 CNSmlDSAlert::CNSmlDSAlert()
    45     {
    46 	}
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    50 // CNSmlDSAlert::NewL()
    51 // Creates new instance of CNSmlDSAlert. 
    52 // Does not leave instance pointer to CleanupStack.
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 CNSmlDSAlert* CNSmlDSAlert::NewL()
    56     {
    57 	CNSmlDSAlert* self = new (ELeave) CNSmlDSAlert();
    58 	return self;
    59     }
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    62 // CNSmlDSAlert::~CNSmlDSAlert()
    63 // Destructor
    64 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 CNSmlDSAlert::~CNSmlDSAlert()
    67     {
    68 	}
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CNSmlDSAlert::StartSync( const TDesC8& aSyncMLMessage, TInt aTransport, TBTDevAddr aBTAddress,
    72 //    						const TDesC& aBTName, MNSmlAlertObexPluginContext* aPluginContext )
    73 // Both standards supported (1.1 and 1.2)
    74 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 	TNSmlAlertResult CNSmlDSAlert::StartSyncL(
    77     const TDesC8& aSyncMLMessage,
    78     TInt aTransport,
    79     TBTDevAddr /* aBTAddress */,
    80     const TDesC& /* aBTName */,
    81     MNSmlAlertObexPluginContext* /* aPluginContext */)
    82  	{
    83 	DBG_FILE(_S8("CNSmlDSAlert::StartSync begins"));
    84 	// Handling 1.2 Notification package
    85 	//==================================
    86 	TSmlProtocolVersion protocol(ESmlVersion1_2);
    88 	if ( ! Is12Package( aSyncMLMessage ) )
    89 		{
    90 		// Handling 1.1 Package0
    91 		//======================
    92 		TRAPD( parseErr, ParseMessageL( aSyncMLMessage ) );
    93 		if ( ( parseErr != KErrNone ) || (iPacketShouldGoToMdo) )
    94 			{
    95 			// It may be MDO package
    96 			return TNSmlAlertResult( ENSmlErrNotConsumed );
    97 			}
    99 		protocol = ESmlVersion1_1_2;
   101 		}
   103 	RNSmlPrivateAPI privateApi;
   104 	TRAPD(openErr, privateApi.OpenL());
   106 	if ( openErr != KErrNone )
   107 		{
   108 		return ENSmlErrUndefined;
   109 		}
   111 	const TUid transportId = { aTransport };
   113 	TRAPD(connErr, privateApi.SendL(aSyncMLMessage, ESmlDataSync, 
   114 	        protocol, transportId ));
   116 	if ( connErr != KErrNone )
   117 		{
   118 		privateApi.Close();
   119 		return ENSmlErrUndefined;
   120 		}
   122 	privateApi.Close();
   124 	return ENSmlErrNone;
   125 	}
   129 //
   130 //  Private member functions
   131 //
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   134 // CNSmlDSAlert::Is12Package( const TDesC8& aTriggerMessage ) const
   135 // 
   136 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   137 TBool CNSmlDSAlert::Is12Package( const TDesC8& aTriggerMessage ) const
   138 	{
   139 	if ( aTriggerMessage.Length() > KNSmlDSAlertVersionPos )
   140 		{
   141 		TInt version;
   142 		version = ((TUint8) aTriggerMessage[ KNSmlDSAlertVersionPos ]) << 8;
   143 		version |= (TUint8) aTriggerMessage[ KNSmlDSAlertVersionPos + 1 ];
   144 		version = version >> 6;
   145 		if ( version == KNSmlDSAlertVersion )
   146 			{
   147 			return ETrue;
   148 			}
   149 		}
   150 	return EFalse;
   151 	}
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CNSmlDSAlert::ParseMessageL( const TDesC8& aSyncMLMessage )
   156 // 
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   158 void CNSmlDSAlert::ParseMessageL( const TDesC8& aSyncMLMessage )
   159     {
   160 	DBG_FILE(_S8("CNSmlDSAlert::ParseMessageL begins"));
   161     CWBXMLSyncMLDocHandler* docHandler = CWBXMLSyncMLDocHandler::NewL( this );
   162 	CleanupStack::PushL( docHandler );
   163 	CWBXMLParser* parser = CWBXMLParser::NewL();
   164 	CleanupStack::PushL( parser );
   165 	parser->SetDocumentHandler( docHandler );
   166 	parser->SetExtensionHandler( docHandler );
   167 	RDesReadStream readStream;
   168 	readStream.Open( aSyncMLMessage );
   169 	CleanupClosePushL ( readStream );
   170 	parser->SetDocumentL( readStream );
   171 	TWBXMLParserError ret = KWBXMLParserErrorOk;
   172 	while ( ret == KWBXMLParserErrorOk )
   173 		{
   174 	    ret = parser->ParseL();
   175 		}
   176 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); //readStream, parser, docHandler
   177 	DBG_FILE(_S8("CNSmlDSAlert::ParseMessageL ends"));
   178 	}
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   182 // CNSmlDSAlert::PCDATAToUnicodeLC( const SmlPcdata_t& aPcdata, HBufC*& aUnicodeData ) const
   183 // Converts data in Pcdata structure (used by xml parser)
   184 // to Unicode 
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 void CNSmlDSAlert::PCDATAToUnicodeLC( const SmlPcdata_t& aPcdata, HBufC*& aUnicodeData ) const
   187 	{
   188 	if ( !aPcdata.content )
   189 		{
   190 		aUnicodeData = NULL;
   191 		aUnicodeData = HBufC::NewLC( 0 );
   192 		}
   193 	TPtr8 pcdata( (TUint8*) aPcdata.content, aPcdata.length, aPcdata.length );
   194 	TrimRightSpaceAndNull( pcdata );
   195 	NSmlUnicodeConverter::HBufC16InUnicodeLC( pcdata, aUnicodeData );    
   196 	}
   198 /// ---------------------------------------------------------
   199 // CNSmlDSAlert::TrimRightSpaceAndNull( TDes8& aDes ) const
   200 // Trims right spaces and zero terminator (NULL) 
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   202 void CNSmlDSAlert::TrimRightSpaceAndNull( TDes8& aDes ) const
   203 	{
   204 	aDes.TrimRight();
   205 	if ( aDes.Length() > 0 )
   206 		{
   207 		if ( aDes[aDes.Length() - 1] == NULL )
   208 			{
   209 			aDes.SetLength( aDes.Length() - 1 );
   210 			}	
   211 		}
   212 	}
   214 //
   215 // Callback functions implementation
   216 //
   217 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   218 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlAlertCmdFuncL
   219 // Alert command from server.  
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   221 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlAlertCmdFuncL( SmlAlertPtr_t /*aAlert*/ )
   222 	{
   223 	return 0;
   224 	}
   225 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   226 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlGetCmdFuncL
   227 // Get command from server
   228 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   229 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlGetCmdFuncL( SmlGetPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   230 	{
   231 	return 0;
   232 	}
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlPutCmdFuncL
   235 // Put command from server
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   237 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlPutCmdFuncL( SmlPutPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   238 	{
   239 	return 0;
   240 	}
   241 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlResultsCmdFuncL
   243 // Results command from server
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   245 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlResultsCmdFuncL( SmlResultsPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   246 	{
   247 	return 0;
   248 	}
   249 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   250 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlStatusCmdFuncL
   251 // Status command from server
   252 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   253 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlStatusCmdFuncL( SmlStatusPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   254 	{
   255 	return 0;
   256 	}
   257 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   258 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartMessageFuncL
   259 // SyncHdr from server
   260 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   261 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartMessageFuncL( SmlSyncHdrPtr_t aSyncHdr )
   262 	{
   264 	if ( !aSyncHdr || !aSyncHdr->source || !aSyncHdr->source->locURI  ) 
   265 		{
   266 		User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
   267 		}
   269     if ( ( aSyncHdr->meta ) &&
   270 		 ( aSyncHdr->meta->content ) &&
   271          ( aSyncHdr->meta->contentType == SML_PCDATA_EXTENSION ) && 
   272          ( aSyncHdr->meta->extension == SML_EXT_METINF ) )
   273         {
   274         SmlMetInfMetInf_t* metInf;
   275         metInf = (SmlMetInfMetInf_t*) aSyncHdr->meta->content;
   276         if ( metInf->emi )
   277             {
   278             TPtr8 emi( ( TUint8* ) metInf->emi->data->content,
   279                        metInf->emi->data->length,
   280                        metInf->emi->data->length );
   281             TrimRightSpaceAndNull( emi );
   283             if ( emi.Match(KMdoAgentSupportedVersion) != KErrNotFound )
   284                 {
   285                 // the sync message should go to mdo, instead of ds
   286                 iPacketShouldGoToMdo = ETrue;
   287                 return 0;
   288                 }
   289             }
   290         }
   292   	return 0;
   293 	}
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndMessageFuncL
   296 // End of SyncML message was reached
   297 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   298 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndMessageFuncL( Boolean_t /*aFinal*/ )
   299 	{
   300 	return 0;
   301 	}
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartSyncFuncL
   304 // Sync command from server
   305 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   306 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartSyncFuncL( SmlSyncPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   307 	{
   308 	return 0;
   309 	}
   310 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   311 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndSyncFuncL
   312 // End of Sync command was reached
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   314 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndSyncFuncL()
   315 	{
   316 	return 0;
   317 	}
   318 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   319 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartAtomicFuncL
   320 // Atomic command from server, Atomic is not supported
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   322 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartAtomicFuncL( SmlAtomicPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   323 	{
   324 	return 0;
   325 	}
   326 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndAtomicFuncL
   328 // End of Atomic command was reached, Atomic is not supported
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   330 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndAtomicFuncL()
   331 	{
   332 	return 0;
   333 	}
   334 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   335 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartSequenceFuncL
   336 // Sequence command from server, Sequence is not supported
   337 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   338 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlStartSequenceFuncL( SmlSequencePtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   339 	{
   340 	return 0;
   341 	}
   342 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   343 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndSequenceFuncL
   344 // 
   345 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   346 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlEndSequenceFuncL()
   347 	{
   348 	return 0;
   349 	}
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   351 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlAddCmdFuncL
   352 // 
   353 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   354 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlAddCmdFuncL( SmlAddPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   355 	{
   356 	return 0;
   357 	}
   358 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   359 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlCopyCmdFuncL
   360 // 
   361 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   362 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlCopyCmdFuncL( SmlCopyPtr_t /*aContent*/)
   363 	{
   364 	return 0;
   365 	}
   366 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   367 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlDeleteCmdFuncL
   368 // 
   369 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   370 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlDeleteCmdFuncL( SmlDeletePtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   371 	{
   372 	return 0;
   373 	}
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   375 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlExecCmdFuncL
   376 // 
   377 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   378 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlExecCmdFuncL( SmlExecPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   379 	{
   380 	return 0;
   381 	}
   382 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   383 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlMapCmdFuncL
   384 // 
   385 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   386 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlMapCmdFuncL( SmlMapPtr_t /*aContent*/ )   
   387 	{
   388 	return 0;
   389 	}
   390 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   391 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlReplaceCmdFuncL
   392 // 
   393 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   394 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlReplaceCmdFuncL( SmlReplacePtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   395 	{
   396 	return 0;
   397 	}
   398 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   399 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlSearchCmdFuncL
   400 // 
   401 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   402 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlSearchCmdFuncL( SmlSearchPtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   403 	{
   404 	return 0;
   405 	}
   407 //1.2 CHANGES: Move command
   408 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   409 // CNSmlDSAlert::smlMoveCmdFuncL
   410 // 
   411 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   412 Ret_t CNSmlDSAlert::smlMoveCmdFuncL( SmlMovePtr_t /*aContent*/ )
   413 	{
   414 	return 0;
   415 	}
   416 //Changes end
   419 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 // Implementationproxy for ECOM
   421 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   422 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 // Constants for implementation proxy
   424 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   427 #define IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(aUid, aFuncPtr)	{{aUid},(aFuncPtr)}
   428 #endif
   430 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
   431     {
   433     };
   435 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 // TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy
   437 // Implementation proxy
   438 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
   440     {
   441 	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDSAlert::ImplementationGroupProxy(): begin");
   442     aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
   443 	_DBG_FILE("CNSmlDSAlert::ImplementationGroupProxy(): end");
   444     return ImplementationTable;
   445 	}
   447 //  End of File