changeset 62 19bba8228ff0
parent 0 b497e44ab2fc
child 22 19fb38abab1d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fotaapplication/fotaserver/fotacustcmds/src/fotacustcmdallreasons.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:27:42 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* Implementation of CFotaCustCmdAllReasons class.
+#include "fotacustcmdallreasons.h"
+#include "fotastartupDebug.h"
+#ifdef __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
+#include <fotaengine.h>
+#include "fmsclient.h"
+#include "fotaserverPrivateCRKeys.h"
+#include "FotaIPCTypes.h"
+#include "fmsclientserver.h"
+#include <schtime.h>      
+#include <csch_cli.h>    
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+// RProperty
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+// Memory status PS key headers
+#include <UikonInternalPSKeys.h>
+// Loading application headers
+#include <apgcli.h>
+#include <apacmdln.h>
+//Middleware includes
+#include <dmeventnotifiercrkeys.h>
+#include <dmeventnotifiercommon.h>
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFotaCustCmdAllReasons* CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::NewL()
+	{
+  FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::NewL() BEGIN " ) );
+	return new ( ELeave ) CFotaCustCmdAllReasons;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::~CFotaCustCmdAllReasons
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+      FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::~CFotaCustCmdAllReasons()  " ) );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Initialize
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Initialize( CSsmCustomCommandEnv* /*aCmdEnv*/ )
+    {
+    FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::~Initialize()  " ) );
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Execute
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Execute(
+    const TDesC8& /*aParams*/,
+    TRequestStatus& aRequest )
+    {
+     FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::~Execute() BEGIN " ) );
+      aRequest = KRequestPending;
+ #ifdef __SYNCML_DM_FOTA
+    TRAP_IGNORE(ExecuteL());    
+ #endif
+    TRequestStatus* request = &aRequest;
+    User::RequestComplete( request, KErrNone );
+ FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::~Execute() END " ) ); 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::ExecuteL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::ExecuteL( )
+    {
+      FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::ExecuteL() Boot reason AllReason BEGIN " ) );
+        RFotaEngineSession fotaEngine;          
+       //CheckCenrep if GA feature in ON then start else nothing.
+       CRepository*    centrep( NULL);
+       TInt err= KErrNone;
+       TRAP( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+       TInt sendGAAfterrebootfeature = 0;
+       TInt val (EFotaDefault);
+       if ( err==KErrNone ) 
+           {
+           err = centrep->Get(  KFotaUpdateState, val );
+           if(err == KErrNone)
+               {
+               // check if there is GA pending
+               FTRACE(RDebug::Print(_L("[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]  startup reason is %d"), val));        
+               switch(val)
+                   {
+                   case EFotaDownloadInterrupted :
+                       {
+                       FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] AllReason: Start FMS server " ) ); 
+                       RFMSClient fmsClient;
+                       TRAPD(err, fmsClient.OpenL());
+                       if (err == KErrNone)
+                           {
+                           fmsClient.Close();
+                           FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] AllReason: Closing FMS server  " ) );
+                           }
+                       }
+                       break;
+                   case EFotaPendingGenAlert : 
+                       {
+                       FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] AllReason: Start fota server " ) );
+                       err = centrep->Get(  KGenericAlertResendAfterBoot, sendGAAfterrebootfeature );
+                       FTRACE(RDebug::Print(_L("[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] feature sendGenericAlert is %d"), sendGAAfterrebootfeature));        
+                       if (sendGAAfterrebootfeature==1)
+                           {
+                           TRAPD(oError,fotaEngine.OpenL());
+                           if(oError == KErrNone)
+                               {
+                               fotaEngine.Close();
+                               FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] AllReason: Closing fota server  " ) );
+                               }
+                           }
+                       }
+                       break;
+                   case EFotaUpdateInterrupted :    
+                       {
+                           FLOG(_L(" update interrupted >>"));
+                           RFMSClient fmsclient;
+                           TRAPD(err,fmsclient.OpenL());
+                           if(err)
+                           {  FLOG(_L( " opening fms failed " ) ); 
+                           }
+                           else
+                           {
+                           FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::going into FMS client side MonitorBatteryL() >>"));
+                           TRAPD(err1, fmsclient.MonitorForBatteryL(4)); // equal to EBatteryLevelLevel4
+                           if(err1)
+                           {
+                               FLOG(_L( " MonitorBatteryL failed "  ));
+                           }
+                            fmsclient.Close();
+                            FLOG(_L(" update interrupted <<"));
+                           }
+                       }
+                       break;
+                   default:
+                       {
+                       FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] pendingGAToSend is not SET " ) ); 
+                       }
+                       break;
+                   }
+               }
+            //Changes for resetting of timer.....   
+            TInt timerResetfeature(KErrNone); 
+            err = centrep->Get(  KFotaReminderTimerReset, timerResetfeature );
+             if((err == KErrNone) && (timerResetfeature==1)) //if reset timer feature on. 
+             {    
+                   TBool isFotaScheduled =EFalse;
+                   TRAPD(error , isFotaScheduled = FindScheduleL());           //check whether FOTA scheduled 
+                   if(error)
+                   {
+                       isFotaScheduled = EFalse;
+                   }
+                   if(isFotaScheduled)
+                   {   
+                     FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] fota operation is scheduled  " ) );   
+                     TRAPD(oError,fotaEngine.OpenL());
+                     if(oError)
+                      {
+                       FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] error in opening : so Closing fota server  " ) );
+                      }
+                     else
+                     {   
+                       TFotaScheduledUpdate           sched(-1,-1);   //trigger the Fota remainder dialog here..
+                       TPckg<TFotaScheduledUpdate>    p(sched);
+                       TRAPD(err, fotaEngine.ScheduledUpdateL(sched));
+                       if(err)
+                       {
+                         FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons] FirmwareUpdate scheduling failed   " ) );                
+                       }
+                       fotaEngine.Close();
+                      }
+                    }
+               }     
+           }
+       delete centrep;
+       {   // Write the code for starting the dmEventNotifier
+      	   TRAPD(err, checkDMEventNotifierL());
+        	 if(err)
+         	 {
+           		FLOG(_L("start DmEventNotifier.exe successfull"));
+         	 }
+         	 else
+           {
+           		FLOG(_L("start DmEventNotifier.exe un-successfull"));         
+         	 }
+     	 }
+       FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::ExecuteL() Boot reason AllReason END " ) );      
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::ExecuteCancel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::ExecuteCancel()
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Close
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Close()
+    {
+     FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::Close() " ) );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Release
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::Release()
+    {
+     FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::Close() " ) );
+	   delete this;
+    }
+TBool  CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::FindScheduleL()
+	FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::FindScheduleL()BEGIN " ) );
+	TScheduleEntryInfo2                     ret;    
+	RScheduler                              sc;
+	TTime                                   t; 
+	TTsTime                                 time;
+	TSchedulerItemRef                       scitem; 
+	CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>*     	aSchRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat <TSchedulerItemRef>(5);
+	TScheduleFilter                      	aFilter(EAllSchedules);
+	User::LeaveIfError( sc.Connect() );                             // xx
+	CleanupClosePushL( sc );
+	CleanupStack::PushL(aSchRefArray);
+	User::LeaveIfError( sc.GetScheduleRefsL( *aSchRefArray,aFilter) );  // xx
+	FLOG(_L("Schedule items: "));
+	for ( TInt i=0; i<aSchRefArray->Count(); ++i  )
+		{
+		  TSchedulerItemRef it = (*aSchRefArray)[i];
+		 if ( it.iName == TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid).Name()  )
+	   {
+	   	  	 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aSchRefArray);  
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sc);
+	   	  	 	return ETrue;
+	   }
+     }
+                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aSchRefArray);
+                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sc);
+     FLOG( _L( "[CFotaCustCmdAllReasons]::FindScheduleL()END " ) );            
+                 return EFalse; 
+void CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifierL()
+    FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - started"));
+    const TUid KAppDmEventNotifierUid = TUid::Uid(KAppUidDmEventNotifier); //UID3 from .mmp file
+    CRepository* cenrep (NULL);
+    cenrep = CRepository::NewLC( KAppDmEventNotifierUid );
+    TInt value (KErrNone);
+    TBool tocontinue (EFalse);
+    FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - checking for cenrep KDmEventNotifierEnabled"));
+    if ( ((cenrep->Get(KDmEventNotifierEnabled,value)) == KErrNone )
+            && (EHandlerRegistered == value || EHandlerNeedRegister == value )) // v alue != EHandlerNotRegistered 
+    {
+//        FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - cenrep KDmEventNotifierEnabled exist, value = (%d) "), value);
+				FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - cenrep KDmEventNotifierEnabled exist"));
+        tocontinue = ETrue;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //Log errors
+//        FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - checking for cenrep KDmEventNotifierEnabled does not exist: error: (%d) "), err);
+				FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - cenrep KDmEventNotifierEnabled does not exist or already registered"));
+        //delete cenrep; cenrep = NULL;
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cenrep
+        return;
+    }
+    TInt pMmcstatus = KErrNotFound;
+    TInt ret = RProperty::Get(KPSUidUikon, KUikMMCInserted, pMmcstatus);
+//    FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - checking for present Memory status: ret = (%d) , MMCStatus = (%d) "), ret, pMmcStatus);
+		FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - checking for memory status"));
+    if(!ret)
+    {
+        TInt sMMCStatus (KErrNotFound);
+        TInt error = cenrep->Get(KMMCStatus, sMMCStatus);
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cenrep
+        //FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - checking for previous Memory status, before phone off: error = (%d) , sMMCStatus = (%d) "), error, sMMCStatus);
+        if(error)
+        {
+        		FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - Error in memory status get"));
+            //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cenrep
+            return;    
+        }
+        if (pMmcstatus == sMMCStatus && tocontinue) // if sMMCStatus is 0 && pMMCStatus is 0. Or sMMCStatus is 1 && pMMCStatus is 1
+        {
+        //start the dm event notifier
+            RApaLsSession apaLsSession;
+            User :: LeaveIfError(apaLsSession.Connect());
+            TApaAppInfo appInfo;
+            FLOG(_L("RApaLsSession connection successful"));
+            FLOG(_L("Running dmeventnotifier.exe"));
+            _LIT(KExampleTaskHandlerExe, "dmeventnotifier.exe");
+            appInfo.iFullName = KExampleTaskHandlerExe;
+            CApaCommandLine* cmdLine  = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
+            cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( appInfo.iFullName );
+            TBuf<KMaxFileName> temp;
+            temp.Copy (appInfo.iFullName);
+            TInt err = apaLsSession.StartApp(*cmdLine);
+            User :: LeaveIfError(err);
+            CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(cmdLine);
+            apaLsSession.Close();
+            FLOG(_L("started dmeventnotifier.exe successfully"));
+        }
+    }
+    //CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // cenrep
+    FLOG(_L("CFotaCustCmdAllReasons::checkDMEventNotifier() - ended"));