changeset 55 1c556dee8eb1
parent 54 085438c28042
child 60 eb6690d0d439
--- a/policymanagement/policyengine/policyengineui/src/PolicyEngineUi.cpp	Fri Jul 23 13:39:21 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of policymanagement components
-#include "PolicyEngineUI.h"
-#include <hbpopup.h>
-#include <hbinputdialog.h>
-#include <hbdocumentloader.h>
-#include <hbdialog.h>
-#include <hblabel.h>
-#include <hbaction.h>
-#include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
-#include <HbMessageBox.h>
-#include <hbdevicenotificationdialog.h>
-#include "Logger.h"
-const int KMaxTries = 4;
-const int KMaxCodeLength = 4;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::PolicyEngineUI()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-PolicyEngineUI::PolicyEngineUI(const QVariantMap& parameters)
-    {
-    estbTrustCount = KMaxTries;
-    DisplayNotificationDialog(parameters);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::~PolicyEngineUI()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::DisplayNotificationDialog()
-// Read the parameters sent from client
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::DisplayNotificationDialog(const QVariantMap& parameters)
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ DisplayNotificationDialog +" );
-    QVariantMap::const_iterator i = parameters.constBegin();
-    while (i != parameters.constEnd())
-        {
-        if (i.key().toAscii() == "serverdisplayname")
-            {
-            iServerName = i.value().toString();
-            }
-        else if (i.key().toAscii() == "fingerprint")
-            {
-            iFingerprint = i.value().toString();
-            }
-        ++i;
-        }
-    TBuf<50> server(iServerName.utf16());
-    TBuf<10> buffer(iFingerprint.utf16());
-    LOGSTRING2( "serverdisplayname %S", &server );
-    LOGSTRING2( "fingerprint %S", &buffer );
-    ShowInputDialog();
-    LOGSTRING( "- DisplayNotificationDialog -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::ShowInputDialog()
-// Show the accept control dialog
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::ShowInputDialog()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ ShowInputDialog +" );
-    HbDocumentLoader loader;
-    bool ok = false;
-    loader.load(":/xml/dialog.docml", &ok);
-    if (!ok)
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    HbDialog *dialog1 =
-            qobject_cast<HbDialog *> (loader.findWidget("dialog"));
-    //set heading content
-    HbLabel *contentheading = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (loader.findWidget(
-            "qtl_dialog_pri_heading"));
-    QString heading(hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_security_information"));
-    contentheading->setPlainText(heading);
-    //set body content
-    HbLabel *contentbody = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (loader.findWidget(
-            "qtl_dialog_pri5"));
-    QString body(
-            (hbTrId("txt_device_update_info_1_server_wants_to_contro").arg(
-                    iServerName)));
-    contentbody->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
-    contentbody->setPlainText(body);
-    HbAction *primaryAction = qobject_cast<HbAction *> (
-            dialog1->actions().at(0));
-    HbAction *secondaryAction = qobject_cast<HbAction *> (
-            dialog1->actions().at(1));
-    //set dialog properties
-    dialog1->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
-    dialog1->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::NoDismiss);
-    QObject::connect(primaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(onOKSelected()));
-    QObject::connect(secondaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(onCancelSelected()));
-    if (dialog1)
-        dialog1->show();
-    LOGSTRING( "- ShowInputDialog -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::onOKSelected()
-// Show the user input dialog once control is accepted
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::onOKSelected()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ onOKSelected +" );
-    HbDocumentLoader loader;
-    bool ok = false;
-    loader.load(":/xml/InputDialog.docml", &ok);
-    if (!ok)
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    mdialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog *> (loader.findWidget("dialog"));
-    //set heading content
-    HbLabel *contentheading = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (loader.findWidget(
-            "qtl_dialog_pri_heading"));
-    QString heading(hbTrId("txt_device_update_title_security_information"));
-    contentheading->setPlainText(heading);
-    //set label
-    HbLabel *contentlabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (loader.findWidget(
-            "HeadingLabel"));
-    contentlabel->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
-    QString label(
-                (hbTrId("txt_device_update_info_enter_first_4_characters_of").arg(
-                        iServerName)));
-    contentlabel ->setPlainText(label);
-    //set length for editline
-    mContentEdit = qobject_cast<HbLineEdit*> (loader.findWidget("InputLine"));
-    mContentEdit->setMaxLength(KMaxCodeLength);
-    //set dialog properties
-    mdialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
-    mdialog->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::NoDismiss);
-    HbAction* primaryAction = (HbAction*) (mdialog->actions().at(0));
-    HbAction *secondaryAction = (HbAction*) (mdialog->actions().at(1));
-    primaryAction->setEnabled(false);
-    QObject::connect(primaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(establishTrust()));
-    QObject::connect(secondaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-            SLOT(cancelTrust()));
-    QObject::connect(mContentEdit, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this,
-            SLOT(codeTextChanged()));
-    if (mdialog)
-        mdialog->show();
-    LOGSTRING( "- onOKSelected -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::onCancelSelected()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::onCancelSelected()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ onCancelSelected +" );
-    QVariantMap result;
-    result.insert("keyResponse", -1);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogData(result);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogClosed();
-    LOGSTRING( "- onCancelSelected -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::onTrustCreation()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::onTrustCreation()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ onTrustCreation +" );
-    QVariantMap result;
-    result.insert("keyResponse", 0);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogData(result);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogClosed();
-    LOGSTRING( "- onTrustCreation -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::establishTrust()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::establishTrust()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ establishTrust +" );
-    bool retVal; // return value from code verification API.
-    estbTrustCount--;
-    retVal = verifyFingerPrint();
-    if (retVal)
-        {
-        LOGSTRING( "Trust Created" );
-        //Reset the counter.
-        estbTrustCount = 0;
-        onTrustCreation();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        //check the number of tries.
-        if (estbTrustCount == 0)
-            {
-            //Access denied.
-            LOGSTRING( "Access Denied" );
-            HbMessageBox *msgBox = new HbMessageBox();
-            msgBox->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(hbTrId(
-                    "txt_device_update_title_security_information")));
-            msgBox->setText(hbTrId(
-                    "txt_device_update_info_security_info_access_denied"));
-            msgBox->setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
-            msgBox->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
-            HbAction *action = (HbAction*) (msgBox->actions().at(0));
-            QObject::connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-                    SLOT(onCancelSelected()));
-            msgBox->show();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            LOGSTRING2( "tries left %i", estbTrustCount );
-            //Code didnot match.
-            HbDocumentLoader loader;
-            bool ok = false;
-            loader.load(":/xml/InputDialog.docml", &ok);
-            if (!ok)
-                {
-                return;
-                }
-            mdialog = qobject_cast<HbDialog *> (loader.findWidget("dialog"));
-            //set heading content
-            HbLabel *contentheading = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
-                    loader.findWidget("qtl_dialog_pri_heading"));
-            contentheading->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
-            QString heading(hbTrId(
-                    "txt_device_update_title_security_information"));
-            contentheading->setPlainText(heading);
-            //set label
-            HbLabel *contentlabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
-                    loader.findWidget("HeadingLabel"));
-            QString
-                    label(
-                            (hbTrId(
-                                    "txt_device_update_info_security_information_did_no").arg(
-                                    estbTrustCount)));
-            contentlabel->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
-            contentlabel->setPlainText(label);
-            mContentEdit = qobject_cast<HbLineEdit*> (loader.findWidget(
-                    "InputLine"));
-            mContentEdit->setMaxLength(KMaxCodeLength);
-            mdialog->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
-            mdialog->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::NoDismiss);
-            HbAction* primaryAction = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (
-                    mdialog->actions().at(0));
-            HbAction *secondaryAction = qobject_cast<HbAction*> (
-                    mdialog->actions().at(1));
-            primaryAction->setEnabled(false);
-            QObject::connect(primaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-                    SLOT(establishTrust()));
-            QObject::connect(secondaryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
-                    SLOT(cancelTrust()));
-            QObject::connect(mContentEdit, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this,
-                    SLOT(codeTextChanged()));
-            if (mdialog)
-                mdialog->show();
-            }
-        }
-    LOGSTRING( "- establishTrust -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::cancelTrust()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::cancelTrust()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ cancelTrust +" );
-    //Reset the counter.
-    estbTrustCount = 0;
-    QVariantMap result;
-    result.insert("keyResponse", -1);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogData(result);
-    emit
-    deviceDialogClosed();
-    LOGSTRING( "- cancelTrust -" );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::setDeviceDialogParameters()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool PolicyEngineUI::setDeviceDialogParameters(const QVariantMap &parameters)
-    {
-	Q_UNUSED(parameters);
-    LOGSTRING( "+ setDeviceDialogParameters +" );
-    return true;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::deviceDialogError()
-// Get error
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int PolicyEngineUI::deviceDialogError() const
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ deviceDialogError +" );
-    return 0;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::PolicyEngineUI()
-// Close device dialog
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::closeDeviceDialog(bool byClient)
-    {
-	Q_UNUSED(byClient);
-    LOGSTRING( "+ closeDeviceDialog +" );
-    close();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::PolicyEngineUI()
-// Return display widget
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HbDialog *PolicyEngineUI::deviceDialogWidget() const
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ deviceDialogWidget +" );
-    return const_cast<PolicyEngineUI*> (this);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::PolicyEngineUI()
-// Verify the user entered code
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool PolicyEngineUI::verifyFingerPrint()
-    {
-    LOGSTRING( "+ verifyFingerPrint +" );
-    QString enteredCode = mContentEdit->text();
-    TBuf<10> buffer(enteredCode.utf16());
-    LOGSTRING2( "User entered code %i", &buffer);
-    LOGSTRING2( "User entered code %S", &buffer);
-    if (enteredCode.compare(iFingerprint, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
-    {
-        LOGSTRING( "+ fingerprint MATCH !!!! +" );
-        return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        LOGSTRING( "+  fingerprint DOESNOT MATCH  +" );
-        return false;
-    }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PolicyEngineUI::codeTextChanged()
-// checks the entered text length and enables the OK option accordingly.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PolicyEngineUI::codeTextChanged()
-    {
-    QString str = mContentEdit->text();
-    if (str.length() >= KMaxCodeLength)
-        mdialog->actions().at(0)->setEnabled(true);
-    else
-        mdialog->actions().at(0)->setEnabled(false);
-    }