--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/fotaapplication/fotaserver/src/FotaServer.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:14:24 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2705 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: Fota server update and download functionality
+ *
+ */
+#include <apgtask.h>
+#include <apgwgnam.h>
+#include <schtime.h>
+#include <csch_cli.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <ApUtils.h>
+#include <commdb.h>
+#include <DevManInternalCRKeys.h>
+#include <nsmlconstants.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <sysversioninfo.h>
+#include <hbstackedlayout.h>
+#include <hbmainwindow.h>
+#include <hbview.h>
+#include <featmgr.h>
+#include <DevEncProtectedPSKey.h>
+#include <hbapplication.h>
+#include <xqconversions.h>
+#include <hbtransparentwindow.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <es_enum_internal.h>
+#include <es_sock_partner.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <xqserviceutil.h>
+#include "FotaServer.h"
+#include "FotaSrvDebug.h"
+#include "FotasrvSession.h"
+#include "fotaConst.h"
+#include "nsmldmtreedbclient.h"
+#include "fotaserverPrivatePSKeys.h"
+#include "FotaNetworkRegStatus.h"
+#include "FotaDlMgrClient.h"
+#include "fotadevicedialogobserver.h"
+#include "fotanotifiers.h"
+#include "fotaserverPrivatePSKeys.h"
+#define __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(x) if(KErrNone!=x) {FLOG(_L("LEAVE in %s: %d"), __FILE__, __LINE__); User::Leave(x); }
+TInt CFotaServer::iSessionCount = 0;
+// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GetPredefinedNodeL
+// function to get preconfigured node for FUMO
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GetPredefinedNodeL(TDes8& aNode)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("GetPredefinedNodeL() Begin"));
+ CRepository* centrep(NULL);
+ aNode.Zero();
+ centrep = CRepository::NewLC(TUid::Uid(0x101F9A0A));
+ if (centrep)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("centralrepository found End"));
+ TFullName temp;
+ if (centrep->Get(KDevManFUMOPredefinedNodes, temp) == KErrNone
+ && temp.Length())
+ {
+ temp.Trim();
+ aNode.Copy(temp);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(centrep);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("GetPredefinedNodeL() End"));
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DeleteFUMOTreeL
+// function to get preconfigured node for FUMO
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DeleteFUMOTreeL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("DeleteFUMOTreeL() Begin"));
+ const TUint32 KNSmlFotaAdapterUid = 0x101F9A09;
+ _LIT8( KNSmlFumoPath, "FUMO" );
+ _LIT8( KNSmlFumoSeparator, "/" );
+ const TInt KGranularity = 10;
+ TBuf8<KMaxFullName> temp;
+ GetPredefinedNodeL(temp);
+ RNSmlDMCallbackSession session;
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(session.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(session);
+ CBufBase *emptyList = CBufFlat::NewL(0);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(emptyList);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TSmlDmMappingInfo>* UriSegList;
+ UriSegList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSmlDmMappingInfo> (KGranularity);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(UriSegList);
+ session.GetUriSegListL(KNSmlFotaAdapterUid, KNSmlFumoPath, *UriSegList);
+ for (TUint16 i = 0; i < UriSegList->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (temp.Length() && UriSegList->At(i).iURISeg.Find(temp)
+ != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("DeleteFUMOTreeL predefined match =%S"), &temp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ TBuf8<KMaxFullName> tempFumo;
+ tempFumo.Append(KNSmlFumoPath);
+ tempFumo.Append(KNSmlFumoSeparator);
+ tempFumo.Append(UriSegList->At(i).iURISeg);
+ FLOG(_L("DeleteFUMOTreeL() call update mapping info for node %S"), &tempFumo);
+ session.UpdateMappingInfoL(KNSmlFotaAdapterUid, tempFumo, *emptyList);
+ }
+ // session.UpdateMappingInfoL(KNSmlFotaAdapterUid,KNSmlFumoPath,*emptyList);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(UriSegList);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(emptyList);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&session); //session
+ FLOG(_L("DeleteFUMOTreeL() End"));
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::NewInstance
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFotaServer* CFotaServer::NewInstance(HbMainWindow& mainwindow)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::NewInstance >>"));
+ CFotaServer* self = new CFotaServer(mainwindow);
+ if (self)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, self->ConstructL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete self; self = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::NewInstance >>"));
+ return self;
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaSrvSession::NewSessionL()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSession2* CFotaServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion&, const RMessage2&) const
+ {
+ iSessionCount++;
+ FLOG(_L("Number of active sessions = %d"), iSessionCount);
+ return new (ELeave) CFotaSrvSession();
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ReportFwUpdateStatusL(TPackageState& aState)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ReportFwUpdateStatusL >>"));
+ TFotaClient requester = GetUpdateRequester();
+ if (requester == EDMHostServer)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Reporting status back to hostserver..."));
+ ServerCanShut(EFalse);
+ CreateDeviceManagementSessionL(aState);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //iServerCanShut = EFalse; Don't do here. Should be set in downloadmgrcli based on error type.
+ //ResetFotaStateL(aState.iPkgId);
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaDefault);
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ FLOG(_L("Not reporting status as requester is unknown!"));
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ReportFwUpdateStatusL >>"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::StartDownloadDialog(const QString &aName,
+ const QString &aVersion, const TInt &aSize)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StartDownloadDialog >>"));
+ //The dialog should not timeout here.
+ if (!iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ //ConstructApplicationUI(ETrue);
+ iFullScreenDialog = new FotaFullscreenDialog(this);
+ }
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetSoftwareDetails(aSize, aVersion, aName);
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetWarningDetails(EHbFotaDownload);
+ TBool postpone = IsUserPostponeAllowed();
+ if (!postpone)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Disabling option to resume later!"));
+ iFullScreenDialog->DisableRSK(ETrue);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StartDownloadDialog <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::UpdateDownloadDialog(TInt aProgress)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::UpdateDownloadDialog >>"));
+ if (!iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ QString name = XQConversions::s60Desc8ToQString(
+ iPackageState.iPkgName);
+ QString version = XQConversions::s60Desc8ToQString(
+ iPackageState.iPkgVersion);
+ StartDownloadDialog(name, version, iPackageState.iPkgSize);
+ ConstructApplicationUI(ETrue);
+ }
+ iFullScreenDialog->UpdateProgressBar(aProgress);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::UpdateDownloadDialog <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ShowDialogL(TFwUpdNoteTypes adialogid)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ShowDialogL adialogid = %d<<"), adialogid);
+ if (iNotifier)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Deleting the open device dialog!!"));
+ iNotifier->Cancel();
+ }
+ ServerCanShut(EFalse);
+ iDialogId = (TInt) adialogid;
+ iNotifParams = CHbSymbianVariantMap::NewL();
+ HBufC* keyDialog = HBufC::NewL(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(keyDialog);
+ *keyDialog = KKeyDialog;
+ HBufC* keyParam1 = HBufC::NewL(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(keyParam1);
+ *keyParam1 = KKeyParam1;
+ HBufC* keyParam2 = HBufC::NewL(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(keyParam2);
+ *keyParam2 = KKeyParam2;
+ HBufC* keyParam3 = HBufC::NewL(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(keyParam3);
+ *keyParam3 = KKeyParam3;
+ HBufC* keyParam4 = HBufC::NewL(10);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(keyParam4);
+ *keyParam4 = KKeyParam4;
+ CHbSymbianVariant* dialogId = CHbSymbianVariant::NewL(&adialogid,
+ CHbSymbianVariant::EInt);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(dialogId);
+ iNotifParams->Add(*keyDialog, dialogId);
+ if (!iNotifier)
+ iNotifier = CFotaDownloadNotifHandler::NewL(this);
+ switch (adialogid)
+ {
+ case EFwUpdNotEnoughBattery:
+ case EFwUpdDeviceBusy:
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::EFwUpdNotEnoughBattery/EFwUpdDeviceBusy"));
+ iNotifier->LaunchNotifierL(iNotifParams, adialogid);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EFwUpdResumeUpdate:
+ case EFwUpdResumeDownload:
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::EFwUpdResumeUpdate / EFwUpdResumeDownload"));
+ CHbSymbianVariant* param1Val = CHbSymbianVariant::NewL(
+ &iPackageState.iPkgSize, CHbSymbianVariant::EInt);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(param1Val);
+ iNotifParams->Add(*keyParam1, param1Val);
+ TBuf16<KFotaMaxPkgNameLength> temp1;
+ temp1.Copy(iPackageState.iPkgVersion);
+ CHbSymbianVariant* param2Val = CHbSymbianVariant::NewL(
+ //&iPackageState.iPkgVersion, CHbSymbianVariant::EDes);
+ &temp1, CHbSymbianVariant::EDes);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(param2Val);
+ iNotifParams->Add(*keyParam2, param2Val);
+ TBuf16<KFotaMaxPkgNameLength> temp2;
+ temp2.Copy(iPackageState.iPkgName);
+ CHbSymbianVariant* param3Val = CHbSymbianVariant::NewL(
+ &temp2, CHbSymbianVariant::EDes);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(param3Val);
+ iNotifParams->Add(*keyParam3, param3Val);
+ TBool postpone = IsUserPostponeAllowed();
+ CHbSymbianVariant* param4Val = CHbSymbianVariant::NewL(&postpone,
+ CHbSymbianVariant::EInt);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(param4Val);
+ iNotifParams->Add(*keyParam4, param4Val);
+ iNotifier->LaunchNotifierL(iNotifParams, adialogid);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::default"));
+ //Do nothing
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ShowDialogL >>"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::HandleDialogResponse(int response, TInt aDialogId)
+ {
+ FLOG( _L("CFotaServer::HandleDialogResponse, response = %d dialog = %d >>"), response, aDialogId);
+ switch (aDialogId)
+ {
+ case EFwUpdNotEnoughBattery:
+ case EFwUpdDeviceBusy:
+ {
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ }
+ break;
+ case EFwUpdResumeDownload:
+ {
+ if (response == EHbLSK) //Continue
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("User accepted to resume the download"));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(CancelFmsL());
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DownloaderL()->TryResumeDownloadL());
+ }
+ else //Resume Later
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("User denied resuming the download"));
+ DecrementUserPostponeCount();
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaDownloadInterrupted);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(InvokeFmsL());
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EFwUpdResumeUpdate:
+ {
+ if (response == EHbLSK) //Continue
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("User accepted to resume the update"));
+ iPackageState.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ TRAPD(err,
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL( iPackageState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBResult );
+ );
+ FLOG(_L("Updating the fota database... err = %d"), err);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ TRAP(err, iUpdater->StartUpdateL( iPackageState ));
+ FLOG(_L("Starting update, err = %d"), err);
+ }
+ else //Update Later
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("User denied resuming the update"));
+ iPackageState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUserCancelled;
+ TRAPD(err,
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL( iPackageState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBState|EFDBResult );
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ );
+ FLOG(_L("Updating the fota database... err = %d"), err);
+ DecrementUserPostponeCount();
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaUpdateInterrupted);
+ TRAP(err, InvokeFmsL());
+ FLOG(_L("Invoking fms, err = %d"), err);
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ //Do nothing
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ if(iNotifParams)
+ {
+ delete iNotifParams; iNotifParams = NULL;
+ }
+ if(iNotifier)
+ {
+ delete iNotifier; iNotifier = NULL;
+ }*/
+ iDialogId = 0;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::HandleDialogResponse<<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::SetServerActive(TBool aValue)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetServerActive, aValue = %d"), aValue);
+ TInt err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid), KFotaServerActive,
+ aValue);
+ FLOG(_L("RProperty SetServerActive Set %d, err = %d"), aValue, err);
+ if (err == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ err = RProperty::Define(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid), KFotaServerActive,
+ RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
+ err = RProperty::Set(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid), KFotaServerActive,
+ aValue);
+ FLOG(_L("RProperty SetServerActive Set %d, err = %d"), aValue,
+ err);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetServerActive <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ShowFullScreenDialog(TInt aType)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ShowFullScreenDialog, type = %d >>"), aType);
+ if (!iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ const QString ver = QString::fromUtf8( reinterpret_cast<const char*> (iPackageState.iPkgVersion.Ptr()), iPackageState.iPkgVersion.Length());
+ const QString name = QString::fromUtf8( reinterpret_cast<const char*> (iPackageState.iPkgName.Ptr()), iPackageState.iPkgName.Length());
+ iFullScreenDialog = new FotaFullscreenDialog(this);
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetSoftwareDetails(iPackageState.iPkgSize, ver, name);
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetWarningDetails(EHbFotaDownload);
+ ConstructApplicationUI(ETrue);
+ }
+ if (aType == EHbFotaUpdate)
+ {
+ iFullScreenDialog->UpdateProgressBar(100);
+ TBool postpone = IsUserPostponeAllowed();
+ if (!postpone)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Disabling option to resume later!"));
+ iFullScreenDialog->DisableRSK(ETrue);
+ }
+ iFullScreenDialog->ShowUpdateDialog();
+ }
+ else if (aType == EHbFotaLowBattery)
+ {
+ iFullScreenDialog->UpdateProgressBar(100);
+ iFullScreenDialog->DisableRSK(EFalse);
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetWarningDetails(EHbFotaLowBattery);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ShowFullScreenDialog <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CreateDeviceManagementSessionL
+// Creates DM session
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::CreateDeviceManagementSessionL(TPackageState& aState)
+ {
+ _L("[cfotasever] CreateDeviceManagementSessionL dms >> profid %d\
+ %d counts left ,sml handle %d, iNetworkAvailable=%d"),
+ aState.iProfileId, aState.iSmlTryCount, iSyncMLSession.Handle(),
+ iNetworkAvailable);
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaPendingGenAlert);
+ if (!iNetworkAvailable)
+ {
+ iRetryingGASend = ETrue;
+ iPackageState = aState;
+ StartNetworkMonitorL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBool dbAlreadyOpen = iDatabase->IsOpen();
+ TBool triesLeft(EFalse);
+ iNetworkAvailable = EFalse; // to check network again when GA is sent next time
+ if (iSyncMLSession.Handle())
+ {
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ }
+ if (!dbAlreadyOpen)
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ // There is still tries left
+ if (aState.iSmlTryCount > 0)
+ {
+ triesLeft = ETrue;
+ FLOG(_L(" decrementing the retry count"));
+ aState.iSmlTryCount = aState.iSmlTryCount - 1;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(aState, KNullDesC8, EFDBSmlTryCount);
+ }
+ // out of tries, set state to idle
+ else
+ {
+ triesLeft = EFalse;
+ FLOG(_L(" out of tries, resetting pkg state"));
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaDefault);
+ aState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EIdle;
+ aState.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(aState, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ }
+ if (!dbAlreadyOpen)
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ if (triesLeft)
+ {
+ CRepository *cenrep = CRepository::NewL(
+ KCRUidDeviceManagementInternalKeys);
+ TInt x = cenrep->Set(KDevManClientInitiatedFwUpdateId,
+ iPackageState.iProfileId);
+ delete cenrep;
+ FLOG(_L("Status writing the cenrep for GA: %d"), x);
+ iSyncMLSession.OpenL();
+ if (aState.iIapId <0)
+ aState.iIapId = 0;
+ FLOG(_L("IAP set in the Fota profile %d is :%d"),
+ aState.iProfileId, aState.iIapId);
+ FLOG(_L("From Db Using IAP: %d to send GA"), aState.iIapId);
+ RSyncMLDevManJob dmJob;
+ TBuf<10> genalertap, temp;
+ genalertap.Zero();
+ temp.Zero();
+ genalertap.Append(KNSmlDMJobIapPrefix);
+ temp.Num(aState.iIapId);//Decimal Iap
+ if (temp.Length() <= KNSmlHalfTransportIdLength && aState.iIapId
+ > KErrNotFound && CheckIapExistsL(aState.iIapId))
+ {
+ genalertap.AppendFill('0', KNSmlHalfTransportIdLength
+ - temp.Length());
+ genalertap.Append(temp);
+ TLex gavalue(genalertap);
+ TInt temp2(0);
+ gavalue.Val(temp2);
+ dmJob.CreateL(iSyncMLSession, aState.iProfileId, temp2);
+ iSyncMLAttempts = KSyncmlAttemptCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSyncMLAttempts = 0;
+ dmJob.CreateL(iSyncMLSession, aState.iProfileId);
+ }
+ // If there's no iapid defined, sml will pop up connection dialog.
+ // In that case, only one connection attempt is allowed.
+ iSyncJobId = dmJob.Identifier();
+ iSyncProfile = aState.iProfileId;
+ dmJob.Close();
+ iSyncMLSession.RequestEventL(*this);
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotasever] CreateDeviceManagementSessionL dms << profid %d"), aState.iProfileId);
+ }
+// ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::CFotaServer()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CFotaServer::CFotaServer(HbMainWindow& mainwindow) :
+ CServer2(EPriorityStandard, EUnsharableSessions) /*CServer2(0)*/,
+ iDatabase(0), iInitialized(EFalse), iDownloader(0), iUpdater(0),
+ iDownloadFinalizer(0), iUpdateFinalizer(0), iTimedExecuteResultFile(0), iTimedSMLSessionClose(0),
+ iAppShutter(0), iMonitor(NULL), iSyncMLAttempts(0), iSyncJobId(-1),iRetryingGASend(EFalse),
+ iNetworkAvailable(EFalse),iFullScreenDialog(NULL), iNotifParams(NULL), iNotifier(NULL),
+ iServerCanShut(EFalse), iAsyncOperation(EFalse),iDialogId (0), iConstructed(EFalse), iMainwindow(mainwindow)
+ {
+ RProcess pr;
+ TFullName fn = pr.FullName();
+ TUint prid = pr.Id();
+ FLOG(_L( "CFotaServer::CFotaServer process(id %d)%S. this 0x%x"), prid,
+ &fn, this);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DoExecuteResultFileL
+// Interprets result of update (file update.resp)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DoExecuteResultFileL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoExecuteResultFileL() >>"));
+ if (iTimedExecuteResultFile)
+ {
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedExecuteResultFile;
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile = NULL;
+ }
+ iUpdater = CFotaUpdate::NewL(this);
+ iUpdater->ExecuteUpdateResultFileL();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoExecuteResultFileL() <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// StaticDoExecuteResultFile
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static TInt StaticDoExecuteResultFile(TAny *aPtr)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoExecuteResultFile() >>"));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aPtr, User::Panic(KFotaPanic, KErrBadHandle) );
+ CFotaServer* srv = (CFotaServer*) aPtr;
+ TRAPD( err, srv->DoExecuteResultFileL() );
+ if (err)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoExecuteResultFile ERROR %d"), err);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoExecuteResultFile() <<"));
+ return err;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::CFotaServer()
+// Constructor. Can't do all constructing since fotaserver might call itself
+// recursively (via downloadmgr).
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ConstructL() >>"));
+ TBool updated(EFalse);
+ TInt err;
+ iLastFwUrl.Zero();
+ StartL(KFotaServerName);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iFs.Connect());
+ err = iFs.CreatePrivatePath(EDriveC);
+ if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(err);
+ }
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iFs.SetSessionToPrivate(EDriveC));
+ if (!iDatabase)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err,iDatabase = CFotaDB::NewL() );
+ if (err)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer:: DB creationg error %d"), err);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(err);
+ }
+ }
+ updated = CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateResults(iFs);
+ // Update has happened, and result file is in place
+ if (updated)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("scheduling update result file execution"));
+ ServerCanShut(EFalse);
+ if (iTimedExecuteResultFile)
+ {
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedExecuteResultFile;
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile = NULL;
+ }
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile = CPeriodic::NewL(EPriorityNormal);
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile->Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KDownloadFinalizerWaitTime), TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KDownloadFinalizerWaitTime), TCallBack(
+ StaticDoExecuteResultFile, this));
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ConstructL() <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::ClientAwareConstructL
+// Does rest of constructing, if not done. If parent of this fotaserver
+// instance is another fotaserver, skip maintenance operations (since parent
+// takes care of them). DmHOstserver triggers cleanup for states: 20,70,80
+// ,90,100 , must handle state 60 here
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ClientAwareConstructL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ClientAwareConstructL >>"));
+ if (iInitialized)
+ return;
+ ConstructApplicationUI(EFalse);
+ CreateDiskReservation();
+ TFotaClient client = CFotaSrvSession::CheckClientSecureIdL(aMessage);
+ RArray<TInt> states;
+ TPackageState state;
+ CleanupClosePushL(states);
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->GetAllL(states);
+ TBool dlactive(EFalse);
+ dlactive = DownloaderL()->IsDownloadActive();
+ FLOG(_L("Download active value is:%d "), (TInt) dlactive);
+ // Loop states.
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < states.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ TPackageState tmp;
+ tmp = iDatabase->GetStateL(states[i],iLastFwUrl);
+ FLOG(_L(" 1 got state id:%d state:%d result:%d"), tmp.iPkgId,
+ tmp.iState, tmp.iResult);
+ //Download was started earlier and was interrupted.
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate || tmp.iState
+ == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing || tmp.iState
+ == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ TBool ispkgvalid = ETrue;
+ //Software version check from the time download started.
+ TRAPD(err1,ispkgvalid= CheckSWVersionL() )
+ if (err1 == KErrNone && !ispkgvalid)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Mismatch in software version since the download started! Hence resetting!"));
+ DownloaderL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL();
+ tmp.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailed;
+ tmp.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResPackageMismatch;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(tmp, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update has been started (60)
+ // If there is no result file, means that update agent failed
+ // to run. Must get back to 50 to allow user to try again.
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateProgressing
+ && iTimedExecuteResultFile == NULL)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" State EUpdateProgressing found, UA didnt run! id %d "), tmp.iPkgId);
+ tmp.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(tmp, KNullDesC8, EFDBState);
+ }
+ // These states need must trigger generic alert! (70+ )
+ if (tmp.iState >= RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailed && client != EDMHostServer)
+ {
+ if (iSyncMLSession.Handle() == NULL)
+ {
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ ReportFwUpdateStatusL(tmp);
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadComplete
+ && tmp.iResult == RFotaEngineSession::EResSuccessful && client != EDMHostServer)
+ {
+ ReportFwUpdateStatusL(tmp);
+ }
+ if (dlactive == EFalse) //if download is not active, EStartingDownload should be reset to EDownloadFailed
+ {
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingDownload)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Resetting state %d to 20..."), tmp.iState);
+ tmp.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadFailed;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(tmp, KNullDesC8, EFDBState);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ }
+ else if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingDownload)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Resetting state %d to 30..."), tmp.iState);
+ tmp.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(tmp, KNullDesC8, EFDBState);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Firmware update state is EDownloadProgressing"));
+ //FMS will start fota server when it is appropriate to resume download.
+ }
+ else if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Firmware update state is EStartingUpdate"));
+ //FMS will start fota server when it is appropriate to start install.
+ }
+ if (tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadFailed && client != EDMHostServer)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Resetting state %d to 20..."), tmp.iState);
+ DownloaderL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL();
+ tmp.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResDLFailDueToNWIssues;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(tmp, KNullDesC8, EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ ReportFwUpdateStatusL(tmp);
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ }
+ }
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&states);
+ iInitialized = ETrue;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ClientAwareConstructL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// StaticDoFinalizeDownload
+// Intermediate function
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static TInt StaticDoFinalizeDownload(TAny *aPtr)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoFinalizeDownload() >>"));
+ CFotaServer* srv = (CFotaServer*) aPtr;
+ TRAPD( err, srv->DoFinalizeDownloadL() );
+ if (err)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoFinalizeDownload ERROR %d"), err);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoFinalizeDownload() <<"));
+ return err;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::FinalizeDownload
+// Initialize finalization of download
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::FinalizeDownloadL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::FinalizeDownload() >> state:%d result:%d"),
+ iPackageState.iState, iPackageState.iResult);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDownloader, User::Panic(KFotaPanic, KErrBadHandle ));
+ if (iDownloadFinalizer)
+ {
+ iDownloadFinalizer->Cancel();
+ delete iDownloadFinalizer;
+ iDownloadFinalizer = NULL;
+ }
+ iDownloadFinalizer = CPeriodic::NewL(EPriorityMuchMore);
+ // Not restarting,quick finalize
+ iDownloadFinalizer->Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KDownloadFinalizerWaitTime), TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KDownloadFinalizerWaitTime), TCallBack(StaticDoFinalizeDownload,
+ this));
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::FinalizeDownload() <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DoFinalizeDownloadL
+// Finalize download. Free resources
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DoFinalizeDownloadL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoFinalizeDownloadL() >> state:%d result:%d"),
+ iPackageState.iState, iPackageState.iResult);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iDownloader, User::Panic(KFotaPanic, KErrBadHandle ));
+ if (iDownloadFinalizer)
+ {
+ iDownloadFinalizer->Cancel();
+ delete iDownloadFinalizer;
+ iDownloadFinalizer = NULL;
+ }
+ // Set downloader's ending state to DB
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ if (iPackageState.iResult != RFotaEngineSession::EResDLFailDueToDeviceOOM)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Adjusting the reserved memory..."));
+ DownloaderL()->CreateDiskReservation();
+ }
+ // Initiate update
+ if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadComplete
+ && iPackageState.iUpdateLtr)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Download has paused due to an error. Invoking FMS..."));
+ if (iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ iFullScreenDialog->Close();
+ iFullScreenDialog->deleteLater();
+ iFullScreenDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaDownloadInterrupted);
+ InvokeFmsL();
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ iAsyncOperation = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ iFullScreenDialog->Close();
+ iFullScreenDialog->deleteLater();
+ iFullScreenDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ ConstructApplicationUI(EFalse);
+ ReportFwUpdateStatusL(iPackageState);
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ iAsyncOperation = EFalse;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoFinalizeDownloadL() <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// StaticDoCloseSMLSession
+// Intermediate function
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static TInt StaticDoCloseSMLSession(TAny *aPtr)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoCloseSMLSession() >>"));
+ CFotaServer* srv = (CFotaServer*) aPtr;
+ TRAPD( err, srv->DoCloseSMLSessionL() );
+ if (err)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoCloseSMLSession ERROR %d"), err);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("[cfotaserver] StaticDoCloseSMLSession() <<"));
+ return err;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DoCloseSMLSessionL
+// Close syncml session, or resync
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DoCloseSMLSessionL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoCloseSMLSessionL() >>"));
+ // Must still try to sync
+ if (iSyncMLAttempts > 0)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" trycount %d => creating new job"), iSyncMLAttempts);
+ RSyncMLDevManJob dmJob;
+ if (iPackageState.iIapId > KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("DoCloseSMLSessionL new job uses iap from fotadb %d"),
+ iPackageState.iIapId);
+ dmJob.CreateL(iSyncMLSession, iSyncProfile, iPackageState.iIapId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("DoCloseSMLSessionL new job uses iap from profile"));
+ dmJob.CreateL(iSyncMLSession, iSyncProfile);
+ }
+ iSyncMLAttempts--;
+ iSyncJobId = dmJob.Identifier();
+ dmJob.Close();
+ }
+ else
+ // We ran out of attempts, close sml
+ {
+ if (iSyncMLSession.Handle())
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" Closing syncml session"));
+ iSyncMLSession.CancelEvent();
+ iSyncMLSession.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ if (iTimedSMLSessionClose)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" closing smlsession timer"));
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedSMLSessionClose;
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose = NULL;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoCloseSMLSessionL() <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::TryResumeDownloadL
+// Tries to resume the download operation
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::TryResumeDownloadL(TFotaClient aClient, TBool aSilentDl)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::TryResumeDownloadL, client = %d aSilent = %d >>"),
+ (TInt) aClient, aSilentDl);
+ //Check whether there is a paused resume actually.
+ iAsyncOperation = ETrue;
+ SetServerActive(ETrue);
+ WakeupServer();
+ if (DownloaderL()->IsDownloadActive())
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Another download is already active, hence returning..."));
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR (KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ if (iPackageState.iPkgId == KErrNotFound)
+ iPackageState = GetStateL(-1); //Gets the state of the current/last fota download
+ FLOG(_L("Session type is =%d "), iPackageState.iSessionType);
+ if (iPackageState.iState != RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("There are no paused downloads currently; hence leaving with KErrNotFound..."));
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR (KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ //Resume download now
+ iPackageState.iSessionType = aSilentDl;
+ if (aSilentDl && iPackageState.iResult
+ == RFotaEngineSession::EResUserCancelled)
+ {
+ //If user has paused download earlier, then resume should be non-silent.
+ FLOG(_L("Converting to non-silent download as user had paused it earlier!"));
+ iPackageState.iSessionType = EFalse;
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE(SetIapToUseL());
+ FLOG(_L("Using IAP = %d for the download"), iPackageState.iIapId);
+ FLOG(_L("Session type = %d"), iPackageState.iSessionType);
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBIapId||EFDBSessionType);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ if (iPackageState.iSessionType || aClient == EOMADMAppUi)
+ {
+ ConstructApplicationUI(EFalse);
+ DownloaderL()->TryResumeDownloadL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowDialogL(EFwUpdResumeDownload);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::TryResumeDownloadL <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::PauseDownloadL()
+ {
+ if (DownloaderL()->IsDownloadActive())
+ {
+ DownloaderL()->PauseDownloadL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("No download is active. Hence leaving with KErrNotFound"));
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::InvokeFmsL
+// Starts Fota Monitory Service with relevant parameters for monitoring.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::InvokeFmsL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::InvokeFmsL >>"));
+ //Collect all information needed to invoke FMS.
+ CancelFmsL();
+ FLOG(_L("State as recorded in fota db:"));
+ FLOG(_L("iPkgId = %d"), iPackageState.iPkgId);
+ FLOG(_L("iProfileId = %d"), iPackageState.iProfileId);
+ FLOG(_L("iPkgName = %S"), &iPackageState.iPkgName);
+ FLOG(_L("iPkgVersion = %S"), &iPackageState.iPkgVersion);
+ FLOG(_L("iSendAlert = %d"), iPackageState.iSendAlert);
+ FLOG(_L("iIapId = %d"), iPackageState.iIapId);
+ FLOG(_L("iPkgSize = %d"), iPackageState.iPkgSize);
+ FLOG(_L("iSessionType = %d"), iPackageState.iSessionType);
+ FLOG(_L("iState = %d"), iPackageState.iState);
+ FLOG(_L("iResult = %d"), iPackageState.iResult);
+ if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ //Finding the reason for download interrupt
+ TFmsIpcCommands reason(EDLGeneralInterrupt); // 13
+ switch (iPackageState.iResult)
+ {
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EResUserCancelled:
+ {
+ reason = EDLUserInterrupt; //10
+ break;
+ }
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EResDLFailDueToNWIssues:
+ {
+ reason = EDLNetworkInterrupt; //11
+ break;
+ }
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EResDLFailDueToDeviceOOM:
+ {
+ reason = EDLMemoryInterrupt; //12
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ //reason is already EGeneralInterrupt
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //Finding the drive number
+ TBuf<KMaxPath> path;
+ path.Zero();
+ DownloaderL()->GetUpdatePackageLocation(path);
+ TInt drive(EDriveC); //Default drive is Phone Memory
+ TParse p;
+ if (path.Length() && !p.Set(path, NULL, NULL))
+ {
+ TDriveName drivename(p.Drive());
+ TDriveUnit driveunit(drivename);
+ if (iFs.IsValidDrive((TInt) driveunit)) //some crash here
+ drive = driveunit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Error while parsing for drive number! defaulting to Phone Memory (C)"));
+ }
+ TInt dlsize = DownloaderL()->GetDownloadPackageSize();
+ TInt neededsize = iPackageState.iPkgSize - dlsize;
+ if (neededsize < 0)
+ neededsize = 0;
+ FLOG(_L("Launching FMS with params... reason = %d, iapid = %d, drive = %d, neededsize = %d"),
+ reason, iPackageState.iIapId, drive, neededsize);
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ iFMSClient.NotifyForResumeL(reason, iPackageState.iIapId,
+ (TDriveNumber) drive, neededsize);
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ }
+ else if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
+ {
+ //Finding the reason for update interrupt
+ TFmsIpcCommands reason(ENoInterrupt);
+ switch (iPackageState.iResult)
+ {
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EResUserCancelled:
+ {
+ reason = EDLUserInterrupt;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EResLowBattery:
+ {
+ reason = EUpdMonitorbattery;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("Launching FMS with params... reason = %d, iapid = %d"), reason, iPackageState.iIapId);
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ iFMSClient.NotifyForUpdateL(reason);
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::InvokeFmsL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::CancelFmsL
+// Cancels any outstanding monitoring requests in Fota Monitory Service
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::CancelFmsL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CancelFmsL >>"));
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ iFMSClient.Cancel();
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CancelFmsL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::SetStartupReason
+// Sets the startup reason for Fota. This is used in Fota Startup pluggin.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::SetStartupReason(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetStartupReason, aReason = %d >>"), aReason);
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Set(KFotaUpdateState, aReason);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetStartupReason, err = %d <<"), err);
+ }
+void CFotaServer::SetUpdateRequester(TFotaClient aRequester)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetUpdateRequester, requester = %d >>"),
+ aRequester);
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) )
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Set(KUpdateRequesterUid, (TInt) aRequester);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetUpdateRequester, err = %d <<"), err);
+ }
+TFotaClient CFotaServer::GetUpdateRequester()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetUpdateRequester >>"));
+ TInt ret(EUnknown);
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Get(KUpdateRequesterUid, ret);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetUpdateRequester, requester = %d, err = %d <<"),
+ ret, err);
+ return (TFotaClient) ret;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::~CFotaServer()
+// Frees database, download, chunk, filewriter, etc resources
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::~CFotaServer >>"));
+ if (iDatabase)
+ {
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ delete iDatabase;
+ iDatabase = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iUpdater)
+ {
+ delete iUpdater;
+ iUpdater = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iDownloadFinalizer)
+ {
+ iDownloadFinalizer->Cancel();
+ delete iDownloadFinalizer;
+ iDownloadFinalizer = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iUpdateFinalizer)
+ {
+ iUpdateFinalizer->Cancel();
+ delete iUpdateFinalizer;
+ iUpdateFinalizer = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iTimedExecuteResultFile)
+ {
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedExecuteResultFile;
+ iTimedExecuteResultFile = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iTimedSMLSessionClose)
+ {
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedSMLSessionClose;
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iFs.Handle())
+ iFs.Close();
+ if (iSyncMLSession.Handle())
+ iSyncMLSession.Close();
+ if (iMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iMonitor;
+ iMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iFMSClient.Handle())
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ if (iDownloader)
+ {
+ delete iDownloader;
+ iDownloader = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iFullScreenDialog)
+ {
+ iFullScreenDialog->deleteLater();
+ }
+ /*
+ if (iNotifParams)
+ {
+ delete iNotifParams;
+ iNotifParams = NULL;
+ }
+ if (iNotifier)
+ {
+ delete iNotifier;
+ iNotifier = NULL;
+ }*/
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::~CFotaServer <<"));
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DeletePackageL
+// Deletes update package from db
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DeletePackageL(const TInt aPkgId)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DeletePackageL >> id %d"), aPkgId);
+ DownloaderL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DeletePackageL <<"));
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DownloadL
+// Create package downloader and download update package.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DownloadL(TDownloadIPCParams aParams,
+ const TDesC8& aPkgURL, TFotaClient aRequester, TBool aSilent,
+ TBool aUpdateLtr)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] Download >>"));
+ iAsyncOperation = ETrue;
+ SetServerActive(ETrue);
+ WakeupServer();
+ if (DownloaderL()->IsDownloadActive())
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("One download is already active, hence leaving!"));
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrAlreadyExists);
+ }
+ TBuf<KSysVersionInfoTextLength> temp;
+ if (GetSoftwareVersion(temp) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ RFileWriteStream wstr;
+ CleanupClosePushL(wstr);
+ TInt err1 = wstr.Replace(iFs, KSWversionFile, EFileWrite);
+ if (err1 == KErrNone)
+ {
+ HBufC16* swv;
+ swv = HBufC16::NewLC(temp.Length());
+ swv->Des().Copy(temp);
+ wstr.WriteInt16L(swv->Des().Length()); // length
+ wstr.WriteL(swv->Des());
+ wstr.WriteInt16L(0);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(swv);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&wstr); // wstr
+ }
+ iPackageState = aParams;
+ iPackageState.iUpdateLtr = aUpdateLtr;
+ iPackageState.iSessionType = aSilent;
+ iPackageState.iIapId = -2; //Signifies default connection to use.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(SetIapToUseL());
+ FLOG(_L("Using IAP = %d for the download"), iPackageState.iIapId);
+ //First entry to fota database
+ FLOG(_L("DownloadManagerClient::DownloadL, State 1 - writing to database"));
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, aPkgURL, EFDBState | EFDBResult
+ | EFDBProfileId | EFDBPkgUrl | EFDBPkgName | EFDBVersion
+ | EFDBUpdateLtr | EFDBSessionType | EFDBIapId);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ //Cancel any outstanding requests to monitor.
+ CancelFmsL();
+ SetUpdateRequester(aRequester);
+ ResetCounters();
+ DownloaderL()->DownloadL(aPkgURL);
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] Download <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::UpdateL
+// Start update
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::TryUpdateL(TFotaClient aClient)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::TryUpdateL, client = %d >>"), (TInt) aClient);
+ iAsyncOperation = ETrue;
+ SetServerActive(ETrue);
+ WakeupServer();
+ TBool isPkgvalid(ETrue);
+ isPkgvalid = CheckSWVersionL();
+ if (!isPkgvalid)
+ {
+ FLOG( _L("Fota Update:: Firmware version mismatch! Resetting fota state"));
+ ResetFotaStateToFailL();
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ if (iPackageState.iPkgId == KErrNotFound)
+ iPackageState = GetStateL(-1);
+ iPackageState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iPackageState.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ iPackageState.iSendAlert = EFalse;
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaUpdateInterrupted);
+ if (IsDeviceDriveBusyL())
+ {
+ _L("Fota Update:: Device encryption is onging, hence aborting update!"));
+ ShowDialogL(EFwUpdDeviceBusy);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Firmware version check okie"));
+ if (!iUpdater)
+ {
+ iUpdater = CFotaUpdate::NewL(this);
+ }
+ if (aClient != EFMSServer)
+ {
+ //Check any active phone call
+ TInt callactive(EFalse);
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ TInt err1 = iFMSClient.IsPhoneCallActive(callactive);
+ if (callactive)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Active call found; differing showing the install dialog!"));
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ iFMSClient.NotifyForUpdateL(EUpdMonitorPhoneCallEnd);
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Active phone call check okie "));
+ TBool batt = iUpdater->CheckBatteryL();
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ batt = ETrue;
+ if (aClient == EOMADMAppUi || aClient == EDMHostServer)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Device Updates/Adapter. Show Full screen dialog."));
+ LoopBatteryCheckL(batt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (batt)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Not Device Updates. Show device dialog."));
+ ShowDialogL(EFwUpdResumeUpdate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Not Device Updates. Leave and monitor for battery."));
+ iPackageState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResLowBattery;
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBState
+ | EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ InvokeFmsL();
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrBadPower);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowDialogL(EFwUpdResumeUpdate);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::TryUpdateL <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::LoopBatteryCheckL(TBool aBatteryLevel)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::LoopBatteryCheckL, level = %d"), aBatteryLevel);
+ if (aBatteryLevel)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Battery check success; monitoring battery until update"));
+ ShowFullScreenDialog(EHbFotaUpdate);
+ ConstructApplicationUI(ETrue);
+ iUpdater->MonitorBatteryChargeLevel();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Battery check failed; monitoring for charger connection"));
+ iPackageState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResLowBattery;
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ ShowFullScreenDialog(EHbFotaLowBattery);
+ ConstructApplicationUI(ETrue);
+ iUpdater->MonitorBatteryChargingStatus();
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::LoopBatteryCheckL <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::FinalizeUpdate()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::FinalizeUpdate >>"));
+ if (iPackageState.iResult == RFotaEngineSession::EResLowBattery)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(InvokeFmsL());
+ }
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ ServerCanShut(ETrue);
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::FinalizeUpdate <<"));
+ }
+FotaFullscreenDialog* CFotaServer::FullScreenDialog()
+ {
+ return iFullScreenDialog;
+ }
+void CFotaServer::HandleFullScreenDialogResponse(TInt aResponse)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::HandleFullScreenDialogResponse, response = %d >>"),
+ aResponse);
+ TBool active (EFalse);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(active = DownloaderL()->IsDownloadActive());
+ CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
+ if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ //swapProcess(EFalse);
+ ConstructApplicationUI(EFalse);
+ if (aResponse == EHbLSK)
+ {
+ //HIDE is pressed
+ FLOG(_L("HIDE is pressed"));
+ if (env)
+ {
+ CApaWindowGroupName* wgName (NULL);
+ TRAP_IGNORE( wgName = CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(env->WsSession()));
+ if (wgName)
+ {
+ wgName->SetHidden(EFalse); // hides us from FSW and protects us from OOM FW etc.
+ delete wgName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DecrementUserPostponeCount();
+ if (active)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CONTINUE LATER is pressed on update dialog"));
+ /*
+ if (env)
+ {
+ CApaWindowGroupName* wgName;
+ TRAP_IGNORE(wgName = CApaWindowGroupName::NewL(env->WsSession()));
+ if (wgName)
+ {
+ wgName->SetHidden(ETrue); // hides us from FSW and protects us from OOM FW etc.
+ delete wgName;
+ }
+ }*/
+ TRAP_IGNORE(PauseDownloadL());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadComplete
+ || iPackageState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
+ {
+ if (aResponse == EHbLSK)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CONTINUE is pressed/Timeout on update dialog"));
+ iPackageState.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ TRAPD(err,
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL( iPackageState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBResult );
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ );
+ FLOG(_L("Updating the fota database... err = %d"), err);
+ TInt callactive(EFalse);
+ TRAP(err,
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ TInt err1 = iFMSClient.IsPhoneCallActive(callactive);
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ );
+ if (callactive)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Fota Update:: Active call found; differing showing the install dialog!"));
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
+ TRAP(err,
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(iPackageState, KNullDesC8, EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ );
+ TRAP(err,
+ iFMSClient.OpenL();
+ iFMSClient.NotifyForUpdateL(EUpdMonitorPhoneCallEnd);
+ iFMSClient.Close();
+ );
+ FLOG(_L("Deleting the fullscreen dialog..."));
+ iFullScreenDialog->deleteLater();
+ iFullScreenDialog = NULL;
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAP(err, iUpdater->StartUpdateL( iPackageState ));
+ FLOG(_L("Starting update, err = %d"), err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CONTINUE LATER is pressed on update dialog"));
+ ConstructApplicationUI(EFalse);
+ iUpdater->CancelMonitor();
+ if (iFullScreenDialog->IsLSKEnabled())
+ {
+ DecrementUserPostponeCount();
+ }
+ iPackageState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUserCancelled;
+ TRAPD(err,
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL( iPackageState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBState|EFDBResult );
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ );
+ FLOG(_L("Updating the fota database... err = %d"), err);
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaUpdateInterrupted);
+ SetServerActive(EFalse);
+ TRAP(err, InvokeFmsL());
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ iAsyncOperation = EFalse;
+ FLOG(_L("Invoking fms, err = %d"), err);
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::HandleFullScreenDialogResponse <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::UpdateBatteryLowInfo(TBool aValue)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::UpdateBatteryLowInfo >>"));
+ if (aValue)
+ {
+ _L("Fota Update:: Battery has become low; disabling installation"));
+ iPackageState.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ iDatabase->SetStateL( iPackageState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBResult );
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ );
+ ShowFullScreenDialog(EHbFotaLowBattery);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ShowFullScreenDialog(EHbFotaUpdate);
+ _L("Fota Update:: Battery is still sufficient; enabling installation"));
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::UpdateBatteryLowInfo <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::CheckSWVersionL
+// Check the s/w version
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFotaServer::CheckSWVersionL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CheckSWVersionL >>"));
+ TBuf<KSysVersionInfoTextLength> temp;
+ HBufC16* message16 = NULL;
+ TBool isPkgvalid(ETrue);
+ if (GetSoftwareVersion(temp) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ //TBuf<KSysVersionInfoTextLength>swvfromfile;
+ //Fetch the software version ...
+ RFileReadStream rstr;
+ TInt err1 = rstr.Open(iFs, KSWversionFile, EFileRead);
+ if (err1 == KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupClosePushL(rstr);
+ TInt msglen = rstr.ReadInt16L();
+ if (msglen > 0)
+ {
+ message16 = HBufC16::NewLC(msglen + 1);
+ TPtr16 tempswv = message16->Des();
+ TRAPD(err, rstr.ReadL(tempswv,msglen ));
+ if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrEof)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" file read err %d"), err); //User::Leave( err );
+ msglen = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" msglen %d"), msglen);
+ TPtr swvfromfile = message16->Des();
+ FLOG(_L(" swvfromfile=%S"), message16);
+ //Compare the software versions to decide whether the download is still valid or not.
+ if (msglen != temp.Length() || temp.Compare(tempswv)
+ != KErrNone)
+ {
+ isPkgvalid = EFalse;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::software not matching >>"));
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(message16);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rstr);
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CheckSWVersionL <<"));
+ return isPkgvalid;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::ScheduledUpdateL
+// Update, triggered by scheduler
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ScheduledUpdateL(TFotaScheduledUpdate aUpdate,
+ TFotaClient aClient)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ScheduledUpdateL >>"));
+ iAsyncOperation = ETrue;
+ WakeupServer();
+ TPackageState s = GetStateL(aUpdate.iPkgId);
+ if (s.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Trying to resume the download in non-silent mode"));
+ iPackageState = s;
+ TryResumeDownloadL(aClient, EFalse);
+ }
+ else if (s.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
+ {
+ // If update is in progress, do not start new one (multiple popups)
+ if (iUpdater)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("\t\tupdate in progress"));
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Trying to resume the installation in non-silent mode"));
+ iPackageState = s;
+ TryUpdateL(aClient);
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ScheduledUpdateL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::DoConnect
+// From CServer2. Initializes class members.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::DoConnect(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoConnect(const RMessage2 &aMessage) >>"));
+ // In case shutdown is in progress, cancel it.
+ if (iInitialized == EFalse)
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, ClientAwareConstructL( aMessage ) );
+ if (err)
+ FLOG(_L(" ClientAwareConstructL err %d"), err);
+ }
+ CServer2::DoConnect(aMessage);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DoConnect(const RMessage2 &aMessage) <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::GetStateL
+// Get state of a download package
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TPackageState CFotaServer::GetStateL(const TInt aPkgId)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetStateL >>"));
+ TPackageState s = RFotaEngineSession::EIdle;
+ if (aPkgId >= 0) // Used by all clients
+ {
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ s = iDatabase->GetStateL(aPkgId,iLastFwUrl);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ }
+ else if (aPkgId == -1) //Used by DM UI to get the state of last fota operation
+ {
+ //Read status from fotastate last entry
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ RArray<TInt> states;
+ CleanupClosePushL(states);
+ iDatabase->GetAllL(states);
+ // Loop states.
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < states.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ TPackageState tmp;
+ TBuf8<KMaxFileName> tmpurl;
+ tmp = iDatabase->GetStateL(states[i], tmpurl);
+ FLOG(_L("***Package: %d, State = %d"), states[i],
+ (TInt) tmp.iState);
+ if (tmp.iState != RFotaEngineSession::EIdle)
+ {
+ s = tmp;
+ iLastFwUrl.Copy(tmpurl);
+ }
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("Status of current operation is %d"), (TInt) s.iState);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&states);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetStateL <<"));
+ return s;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::OnSyncMLSessionEvent
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::OnSyncMLSessionEvent(TEvent aEvent, TInt aIdentifier,
+ TInt aError, TInt /*aAdditionalData*/)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::OnSyncMLSessionEvent >>"));
+ if (iSyncJobId != aIdentifier)
+ return;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::OnSyncMLSessionEvent %d err:%d (id %d==%d?)"),
+ aEvent, aError, aIdentifier, iSyncJobId);
+ TBool end(EFalse);
+ if (iSyncJobId == aIdentifier)
+ {
+ switch (aEvent)
+ {
+ //EJobStart = 0
+ case EJobStartFailed: // 1 E
+ {
+ end = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case EJobStop: // 2 E
+ {
+ end = ETrue;
+ // Sync ok => do not try anymore
+ if (aError == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iSyncMLAttempts = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case EJobRejected: // 3 E
+ {
+ end = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ // ETransportTimeout , // 7
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (end && iSyncMLAttempts == 0)
+ {
+ if (iTimedSMLSessionClose)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" closing smlsession timer"));
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedSMLSessionClose;
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose = NULL;
+ }
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ }
+ else if (end)
+ {
+ if (iTimedSMLSessionClose)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" closing smlsession timer"));
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose->Cancel();
+ delete iTimedSMLSessionClose;
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose = NULL;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L(" starting smlsession timer"));
+ TRAPD( err2, iTimedSMLSessionClose = CPeriodic::NewL (EPriorityNormal) );
+ if (!err2)
+ {
+ iTimedSMLSessionClose->Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KSyncmlSessionRetryInterval),
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(
+ KSyncmlSessionRetryInterval), TCallBack(
+ StaticDoCloseSMLSession, this));
+ }
+ else
+ FLOG(_L(" iTimedSMLSessionClose err %d"), err2);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::OnSyncMLSessionEvent <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::GetUpdateTimeStampL
+// Gets time of last update. It is stored in a file.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::GetUpdateTimeStampL(TDes16& aTime)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetUpdateTimeStampL >>"));
+ TInt err;
+ RFileReadStream rstr;
+ err = rstr.Open(iFs, _L("updatetimestamp"), EFileRead);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" update time stamp file found,reading"));
+ CleanupClosePushL(rstr);
+ TInt year = rstr.ReadInt32L();
+ TInt month = rstr.ReadInt32L();
+ TInt day = rstr.ReadInt32L();
+ TInt hour = rstr.ReadInt32L();
+ TInt minute = rstr.ReadInt32L();
+ TInt year16 = year;
+ TInt month16 = month;
+ TInt day16 = day;
+ TInt hour16 = hour;
+ TInt minute16 = minute;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&rstr);
+ aTime.Append(year16);
+ aTime.Append(month16);
+ aTime.Append(day16);
+ aTime.Append(hour16);
+ aTime.Append(minute16);
+ }
+ else if (err != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR ( err );
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" update time stamp not found "));
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetUpdateTimeStampL <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::GetCurrentFwDetailsL(TDes8& aName, TDes8& aVersion,
+ TInt& aSize)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetCurrentFwDetailsL >>"));
+ TPackageState package = GetStateL(-1);
+ aName.Copy(package.iPkgName);
+ aVersion.Copy(package.iPkgVersion);
+ aSize = package.iPkgSize;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetCurrentFwDetailsL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::GetUpdatePackageIdsL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::GetUpdatePackageIdsL(TDes16& aPackageIdList)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetUpdatePackageIdsL()"));
+ __LEAVE_IF_ERROR(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::GenericAlertSentL
+// Generic alert sent, do cleanup. FUMO spec specifies cleanup need to have
+// for states 20,70,80,90,100. Called by syncml framework when it has sent
+// generic alert
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateL(const TInt aPackageID)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateL %d"), aPackageID);
+ TPackageState state;
+ TBool toidle(EFalse);
+ TBool deletepkg(EFalse);
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ state = iDatabase->GetStateL(aPackageID, iLastFwUrl);
+ switch (state.iState)
+ {
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadFailed:
+ {
+ toidle = ETrue;
+ deletepkg = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailed:
+ {
+ toidle = ETrue;
+ deletepkg = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData:
+ {
+ toidle = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateSuccessful:
+ {
+ toidle = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateSuccessfulNoData:
+ {
+ toidle = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadComplete:
+ {
+ state.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
+ state.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(state, KNullDesC8, EFDBState);
+ toidle = EFalse;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ FLOG(_L(" pkg %d (state:%d) doesnt need cleanup"), aPackageID,
+ state.iState);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (toidle)
+ {
+ state.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EIdle;
+ state.iResult = KErrNotFound;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(state, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ DeleteFUMOTreeL();
+ }
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ SetStartupReason(EFotaDefault);
+ if (deletepkg)
+ {
+ DownloaderL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL();
+ }
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ResetCounters()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ResetCounters >>"));
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TInt maxcount(0);
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Get(KFOTAMaxPostponeCount, maxcount);
+ err = centrep->Set(KFOTAUserPostponeCount, maxcount);
+ err = centrep->Set(KFOTADownloadRestartCount, KMaxDownloadRestartCount);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ResetCounters, postpone count set to %d, err = %d <<"), maxcount, err);
+ }
+TBool CFotaServer::IsUserPostponeAllowed()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::IsUserPostponeAllowed >>"));
+ TBool ret(ETrue);
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TInt count(1);
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Get(KFOTAUserPostponeCount, count);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ if (count == 0)
+ ret = EFalse;
+ else if (count == -1) //-1 signifies infinite postpone
+ ret = ETrue;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::IsUserPostponeAllowed, count = %d, ret = %d, err = %d >>"), count, ret, err);
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CFotaServer::DecrementUserPostponeCount()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DecrementUserPostponeCount >>"));
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TInt count;
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Get(KFOTAUserPostponeCount, count);
+ if (--count < 0)
+ count = 0;
+ err = centrep->Set(KFOTAUserPostponeCount, count);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ _L("CFotaServer::DecrementUserPostponeCount, tries left: %d, err = %d >>"),
+ count, err);
+ }
+TBool CFotaServer::DecrementDownloadRestartCount()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DecrementDownloadRestartCount >>"));
+ TBool ret (ETrue);
+ CRepository* centrep = NULL;
+ TInt count;
+ TRAPD( err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = centrep->Get(KFOTADownloadRestartCount, count);
+ if (--count < 0)
+ count = 0;
+ err = centrep->Set(KFOTADownloadRestartCount, count);
+ }
+ delete centrep;
+ centrep = NULL;
+ if (count == 0)
+ ret = EFalse;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DecrementDownloadRestartCount, ret = %d, err = %d <<"), ret, err);
+ return ret;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::StartNetworkMonitorL
+// Starts Network Monitoring operation for defined interval and retries (FotaNetworkRegMonitor.h)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::StartNetworkMonitorL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StartNetworkMonitorL >>"));
+ if (!iMonitor)
+ iMonitor = CFotaNetworkRegStatus::NewL(this);
+ iMonitor->StartMonitoringL();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StartNetworkMonitorL <<"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::ReportNetworkStatus
+// called by CFotaNetworkRegStatus for reporting status
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ReportNetworkStatus(TBool status)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ReportNetworkStatus, status = %d >>"), status);
+ iRetryingGASend = EFalse;
+ iNetworkAvailable = status;
+ if (iNetworkAvailable)
+ {
+ TRAPD (err, CreateDeviceManagementSessionL (iPackageState));
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Error %d occured while sending GA after retries"), err);
+ }
+ }
+ //No need of iMonitor anymore
+ if (iMonitor)
+ {
+ delete iMonitor;
+ iMonitor = NULL;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ReportNetworkStatus >>"));
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::CheckIapExistsL
+// Checks for IAP Id exists or not in commsdb
+// IAP Id used for resuming the download or for sending Generic alert
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFotaServer::CheckIapExistsL(TUint32 aIapId)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CheckIapExistsL >>"));
+ CCommsDatabase* commDb = CCommsDatabase::NewL(EDatabaseTypeIAP);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(commDb);
+ CApUtils* aputils = CApUtils::NewLC(*commDb);
+ TBool exists = aputils->IAPExistsL(aIapId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aputils);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(commDb);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CheckIapExistsL <<"));
+ return exists;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::IsDeviceDriveBusyL
+// Finds if device encryption or decryption is in progress.
+// It is harmful to restart device whilst encryption/decryption is in progress
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CFotaServer::IsDeviceDriveBusyL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::IsDeviceDriveBusyL >>"));
+ TBool ret(EFalse);
+ FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
+ TBool defeature = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
+ KFeatureIdFfDeviceEncryptionFeature);
+ FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
+ if (defeature)
+ {
+ TInt value(EOpIdle); // Encryption idle
+ RProperty::Get(KDevEncProtectedUid, KDevEncOperationKey, value);
+ if (value != EOpIdle)
+ ret = ETrue;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::IsDeviceDriveBusyL, ret = %d <<"), ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaDownload::SetIapToUseL
+// Sets the IAP ID to use. This menthod is used in fresh and resume download.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::SetIapToUseL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetIapToUseL >>"));
+ TInt aIapId(KErrNotFound);
+ // GET IAP FROM PROFILE ----------------------------------------------
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] 1"));
+ RSyncMLSession syncsession;
+ syncsession.OpenL();
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] 2"));
+ RSyncMLDevManProfile smlprof;
+ RArray<TSmlTransportId> connections;
+ TSmlTransportId transport;
+ RSyncMLConnection connection;
+ CleanupClosePushL(syncsession);
+ CleanupClosePushL(smlprof);
+ CleanupClosePushL(connections);
+ CleanupClosePushL(connection);
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] 1.1 opening syncml profileid %d "),
+ iPackageState.iProfileId);
+ smlprof.OpenL(syncsession, iPackageState.iProfileId, ESmlOpenRead);
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] 1.1"));
+ smlprof.ListConnectionsL(connections);
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] 1.3"));
+ transport = connections[0];
+ connection.OpenL(smlprof, transport);
+ TBuf8<20> iapid2 = connection.GetPropertyL(KNSmlIAPId);
+ TLex8 iapid3(iapid2);
+ iapid3.Val(aIapId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connection);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connections);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&smlprof);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&syncsession);
+ if (aIapId > KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iPackageState.iIapId = aIapId;
+ }
+ else if (iPackageState.iState != RFotaEngineSession::EDownloadProgressing)
+ {
+ // GET IAP FROM CURRENT CONNECTION ----------------------------------------------
+ FLOG(_L("IAP in DM profile is default. Hence reading from the connection manager..."));
+ TInt sockIapid(-1);
+ RSocketServ serv;
+ CleanupClosePushL(serv);
+ User::LeaveIfError(serv.Connect());
+ RConnection conn;
+ CleanupClosePushL(conn);
+ User::LeaveIfError(conn.Open(serv));
+ TUint count(0);
+ User::LeaveIfError(conn.EnumerateConnections(count));
+ // enumerate connections
+ for (TUint idx = 1; idx <= count; ++idx)
+ {
+ TConnectionInfo connectionInfo;
+ TConnectionInfoBuf connInfo(connectionInfo);
+ TInt err = conn.GetConnectionInfo(idx, connInfo); // iapid
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // conn, serv
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ // enumerate connectionclients
+ TConnectionEnumArg conArg;
+ conArg.iIndex = idx;
+ TConnEnumArgBuf conArgBuf(conArg);
+ err = conn.Control(KCOLConnection, KCoEnumerateConnectionClients,
+ conArgBuf);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // conn, serv
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ TInt cliCount = conArgBuf().iCount;
+ for (TUint j = 1; j <= cliCount; ++j)
+ {
+ TConnectionGetClientInfoArg conCliInfo;
+ conCliInfo.iIndex = j;
+ TConnGetClientInfoArgBuf conCliInfoBuf(conCliInfo);
+ err = conn.Control(KCOLConnection,
+ KCoGetConnectionClientInfo, conCliInfoBuf);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // conn, serv
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ TConnectionClientInfo conCliInf = conCliInfoBuf().iClientInfo;
+ TUid uid = conCliInf.iUid;
+ if (uid == TUid::Uid(KSosServerUid))
+ {
+ sockIapid = connInfo().iIapId;
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] IAP found from ESOCK %d"), sockIapid);
+ iPackageState.iIapId = sockIapid;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("[FotaServer] CFotaDownload::DownloadL uid %x"),
+ uid.iUid);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // conn, serv
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaDownload::SetIapToUseL, iap = %d <<"), iPackageState.iIapId);
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::GetSoftwareVersion
+// Gets the software version
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CFotaServer::GetSoftwareVersion(TDes& aVersion)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetSoftwareVersion >>"));
+ aVersion.Zero();
+ SysVersionInfo::TVersionInfoType what = SysVersionInfo::EFWVersion;
+ TInt error(KErrNone);
+ error = SysVersionInfo::GetVersionInfo(what, aVersion);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::GetSoftwareVersion,SwV=%S <<"), &aVersion);
+ return error;
+ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateL
+// Resets the Fotastate
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateToFailL()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateToFailL >>"));
+ TPackageState state;
+ if (!iDatabase->IsOpen())
+ iDatabase->OpenDBL();
+ //Fetch the software version that was before download from db.
+ state = iDatabase->GetStateL(iPackageState.iPkgId, iLastFwUrl);
+ state.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailed;
+ state.iResult = RFotaEngineSession::EResPackageMismatch;
+ iDatabase->SetStateL(state, KNullDesC8, EFDBState | EFDBResult);
+ iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
+ DownloaderL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL();
+ ReportFwUpdateStatusL(state);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ResetFotaStateToFailL <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::CreateDiskReservation()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CreateDiskReservation >>"));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DownloaderL()->CreateDiskReservation());
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::CreateDiskReservation <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::DeleteDiskReservation(TDesC& path)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DeleteDiskReservation >>"));
+ QString temp = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*> (path.Ptr()), path.Length());
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DownloaderL()->DeleteDiskReservation(temp));
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DeleteDiskReservation <<"));
+ }
+inline DownloadManagerClient* CFotaServer::DownloaderL()
+ {
+ if (!iDownloader)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Creating new download client..."));
+ iDownloader = DownloadManagerClient::NewL(this);
+ }
+ return iDownloader;
+ }
+void CFotaServer::DropSession()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DropSession >>"));
+ iSessionCount--;
+ FLOG(_L("Number of active sessions = %d"), iSessionCount);
+ if (iSessionCount == 0 && !iAsyncOperation)
+ {
+ StopServerWhenPossible();
+ ServerCanShut(ETrue);
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::DropSession <<"));
+ }
+static TInt StaticApplicationShutter(TAny *aPtr)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aPtr, User::Panic(KFotaPanic, KErrArgument) );
+ CFotaServer* srv = (CFotaServer*) aPtr;
+ srv->StopServerWhenPossible();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CFotaServer::WakeupServer()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::WakeupServer >>"));
+ ServerCanShut(EFalse);
+ if (iAppShutter)
+ {
+ iAppShutter->Cancel();
+ delete iAppShutter;
+ iAppShutter = NULL;
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::WakeupServer >>"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::StopServerWhenPossible()
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StopServerWhenPossible, sessioncount = %d, servercanshut = %d >>"), iSessionCount, iServerCanShut);
+ //Check if it's the right time to do so..
+ if (iSessionCount == 0 && iServerCanShut)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Shutting down the Fota server..."));
+ //Do some cleanup
+ if (iAppShutter)
+ {
+ iAppShutter->Cancel();
+ delete iAppShutter;
+ iAppShutter = NULL;
+ }
+ //Exit. This will stop the active scheduler too.
+ QApplication::exit();
+ }
+ else if (iSessionCount == 0)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("Diferring shutdown now. Started shutdown timer..."));
+ if (!iAppShutter)
+ {
+ iAppShutter = CPeriodic::NewL (EPriorityNormal);
+ iAppShutter->Start(KFotaTimeShutDown, KFotaTimeShutDown,
+ TCallBack(StaticApplicationShutter, this));
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //one or more client is still open
+ FLOG(_L("Diferring shutdown now."));
+ WakeupServer();
+ }
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::StopServerWhenPossible <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ServerCanShut(TBool aParam)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ServerCanShut, param = %d >>"), aParam);
+ iServerCanShut = aParam;
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ServerCanShut <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::ConstructApplicationUI(TBool aVal)
+ {
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ConstructApplicationUI, value = %d >>"), aVal);
+ if (!aVal)
+ iMainwindow.lower();
+ else
+ iMainwindow.raise();
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::ConstructApplicationUI <<"));
+ }
+void CFotaServer::SetVisible(TBool aVisible)
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetVisible >>"));
+ if(iFullScreenDialog)
+ iFullScreenDialog->SetVisible(aVisible);
+ FLOG(_L("CFotaServer::SetVisible <<"));
+//End of file