changeset 61 b183ec05bd8c
parent 59 13d7c31c74e0
child 62 19bba8228ff0
--- a/fotaapplication/fotaserver/FotaServer/src/fotaupdate.cpp	Thu Aug 19 10:44:50 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1993 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:   starts update sequence
- *
- */
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <fotaserver.rsg>
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include <AknBidiTextUtils.h> 
-#include <biditext.h>
-#include <gdi.h>
-#include <fotaengine.h>
-#include <apgtask.h>
-#include <SyncMLNotifierParams.h>
-#include <aknradiobuttonsettingpage.h> 
-#include <akntitle.h>
-#include <schtime.h>
-#include <csch_cli.h>
-#include "fotaupdate.h"
-#include "fmsclient.h"
-#include "FotaReminderDlg.h"
-#include "FotasrvSession.h"
-#include "fotaserverPrivateCRKeys.h"
-#include "fotaserverPrivatePSKeys.h"
-// ============== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ============================================
-TInt WriteUpdateBitmapL( const TDesC& aText, const TDesC& aFile)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("WriteUpdateBitmapL writing %S to %S w/ txtdir"),&aText,&aFile);
-    TSize   screensize = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels();
-    TInt                width  = screensize.iWidth - KBmpMargin*2;
-    TInt                height =  screensize.iHeight;
-    CArrayFixSeg<TPtrC>*   lines = new CArrayFixSeg<TPtrC>(5);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(lines);
-    CFbsBitmap*         bitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
-    bitmap->Create(  TSize(width,height), EColor64K );
-    CFbsBitmapDevice*   device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( bitmap );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( device );
-    const CFont* font = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId(EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont);
-    CFbsBitGc*          context;
-    User::LeaveIfError( device->CreateContext( context ) );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( context );
-    TInt                ascent = font->AscentInPixels();
-    TInt                descent = font->DescentInPixels();
-    context->UseFont ( font );
-    context->Clear(); // bg color
-    // Visually ordered text
-    HBufC* wrappedstring = AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndWrapToArrayL(
-            aText, width,*font, *lines);
-    CleanupStack::PushL ( wrappedstring );
-    TBool dirfound (ETrue);
-    // direction of text, affects alignemnt
-    TBidiText::TDirectionality direction = TBidiText::TextDirectionality(
-            *wrappedstring, &dirfound );
-    // Print visual text to bitmap
-    for ( TInt i=0; i<lines->Count(); ++i ) 
-        {
-        TPtrC l = (*lines)[i];
-        TInt top = (ascent+descent)*(i);
-        TInt bot = (ascent+descent)*(i+1);
-        TRect rect (0, top ,width, bot );
-        CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign alignment = 
-        direction==TBidiText::ELeftToRight ? CGraphicsContext::ELeft 
-            : CGraphicsContext::ERight;
-        context->DrawText(l, rect, ascent, alignment);
-        }
-    height = (ascent+descent)*lines->Count() + descent;
-    bitmap->Resize( TSize(width,height));
-    bitmap->Save( aFile );
-    context->DiscardFont();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wrappedstring );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( device );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bitmap );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lines );
-    return 1;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PackageFileName  Creates pgk filename ,like 5.swupd
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PackageFileName( TInt aPkgid, TDes8& aFileName )
-    {
-    aFileName.AppendNum(aPkgid);
-    aFileName.Append( KSwupdFileExt8 );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// PackageFilePath  Creates pk file path, like c:\\private\\102072C4\\5.swupd
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void PackageFilePath( TInt aPkgid, TDes8& aPath )
-    {
-    TBuf8<20> fn;
-    PackageFileName ( aPkgid,fn);
-    aPath.Append(KSwupdPath8);
-    aPath.Append(fn);
-    }
-// ============================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CFotaUpdate()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CFotaUpdate::CFotaUpdate() : CActive(EPriorityNormal) 
-                {
-                CActiveScheduler::Add( this ); 
-                iNotifParams.iNoteType  = ESyncMLFwUpdUnknown;  
-                iNotifParams.iIntParam  = 0;
-                iChargeToMonitor = 0;
-                iFinalizeLater = EFalse;
-                }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::~CFotaUpdate()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    if(iScheduledUpdate)
-        {
-        delete iScheduledUpdate;
-        iScheduledUpdate = NULL;	
-        }
-    iIntervalType.Close();  
-    iInterval.Close();  
-   if(iCentrep)
-       {
-       delete iCentrep;
-       iCentrep = NULL;
-       }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::NewL 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CFotaUpdate* CFotaUpdate::NewL (CFotaServer* aServer)
-    {
-    CFotaUpdate* ao = new (ELeave) CFotaUpdate();
-    ao->iFotaServer = aServer;
-    return ao;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateResults
-// Checks if there is update result file available (meaning that update just
-// took place)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateResults( RFs& aRfs )
-    {
-    RFile   f;
-    TInt    err;
-    err = f.Open ( aRfs, KUpdateResultFile, EFileShareAny );
-    f.Close();
-    if ( err!=KErrNone )
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    FLOG(_L(" CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateResults  update result file Found! "));
-    return ETrue;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::ExecuteUpdateResultFileL
-// Read result code from update result file and update state accordingly. 
-// Show notifier "Update succesful". Do some cleanup.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::ExecuteUpdateResultFileL( RFs& aRfs )
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::ExecuteUpdateResultFileL >>"));
-    iFs = &aRfs;
-    TInt                err;
-    RFileReadStream     rstr;
-    TInt                result;
-    TInt                msglen;
-    HBufC8*             message=NULL;
-    HBufC16*            message16=NULL;
-    TBool               deleteData ( EFalse );
-    // Open update result file
-    FLOG(_L("opening rstr 1/2  "));
-    err = rstr.Open(*iFs,KUpdateResultFile ,EFileRead|EFileStream);
-    FLOG(_L("opened  rstr 2/2  "));
-    if(err) FLOG(_L("   update result file open err %d"), err);
-    User::LeaveIfError (err );
-    FLOG(_L("       0.1"));
-    CleanupClosePushL( rstr );
-    FLOG(_L("       0.2"));
-    // Read resultcode 
-    result = rstr.ReadUint32L();        FLOG(_L("       0.3"));
-    msglen = rstr.ReadUint32L();        FLOG(_L("       0.4  result: %d  \
-    msglen:%d "),  result, msglen);
-    if(msglen != 0)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("       0.5  reading msg"));
-        message         = HBufC8::NewLC(msglen+1);
-        TPtr8  ptrdesc  = message->Des();
-        TRAPD ( err2, rstr.ReadL(ptrdesc) );
-        if ( err2 != KErrNone && err2 != KErrEof)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("  file read err %d"),err2); User::Leave( err2 ); 
-            }
-        message16 = HBufC16::NewLC (message->Des().Length());
-        message16->Des().Copy( *message );
-        FLOG(_L("   1 update result: %d"),  result) ;
-        FLOG(_L("   2 dbg msg: %S"),message16);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message16 );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("       0.6 "));
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rstr ); 
-    // Map resultcode to FUMO result code
-    RFotaEngineSession::TState  fstate  
-    = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailed;
-    RFotaEngineSession::TResult fresult 
-    = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
-    TDriveNumber drive;
-    TBool toencrypt =   iFotaServer->NeedToEncryptL(drive);
-    FLOG(_L("   3"));
-    switch ( result )
-        {
-        case UPD_OK:
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateSuccessfulNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResSuccessful;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNone, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotFound, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
-            }
-            break;
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResCorruptedFWUPD;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotSupported, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResCorruptedFWUPD;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotSupported, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResPackageMismatch;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotSupported, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-        case UPD_FATAL_ERROR:
-            {
-            fstate = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateFailedNoData;
-            fresult = RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
-            deleteData = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotFound, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("   3.1 invalid result: %d"), result);
-            LaunchNotifierL ( ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote, KErrNotFound, toencrypt );
-            }
-            break;      
-        }
-    // Find the state 60 (update  progressing) -> 100 (etc)
-    RArray<TInt>    states;
-    TPackageState   state;
-    CleanupClosePushL (states);
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL();
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->GetAllL(states);
-    FLOG(_L("   4.1 found %d states "),states.Count() );
-    for(TInt i=0;i<states.Count(); ++i ) 
-        {
-        TPackageState   tmp;
-        tmp = iFotaServer->iDatabase->GetStateL(  states[i]  );
-        FLOG(_L("   5 got state "));
-        if ( tmp.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateProgressing )
-            {
-            state = tmp;
-            state.iState    = fstate;
-            state.iResult   = fresult;
-            FLOG(_L("   6 Updating state id %d  to %d ,result %d  ")
-                    ,state.iPkgId, state.iState,state.iResult );
-            iFotaServer->iDatabase->SetStateL(state,KNullDesC8
-                    ,EFDBState|EFDBResult ) ;
-            }
-        }
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&states);
-    // Delete request file
-    err = BaflUtils::DeleteFile ( *iFs, KUpdateRequestFile );
-    if ( err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound ) 
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("   6.1  req file deleted, err %d"), err);
-        User::Leave(err); 
-        } 
-    // Write timestamp (shown to user in device management ui)
-    if( fresult == RFotaEngineSession::EResSuccessful )
-        {
-        RFileWriteStream    wstr;
-        TTime               time;
-        User::LeaveIfError( wstr.Replace( *iFs, KUpdateTimeStampFileName
-                ,EFileWrite ) );
-        CleanupClosePushL ( wstr );
-        time.HomeTime();
-        TInt                year   = time.DateTime().Year();
-        TInt                month  = time.DateTime().Month();    
-        TInt                day    = time.DateTime().Day();    
-        TInt                hour   = time.DateTime().Hour();    
-        TInt                minute = time.DateTime().Minute();    
-        wstr.WriteInt32L(year) ;
-        wstr.WriteInt32L(month) ;
-        wstr.WriteInt32L(day) ;
-        wstr.WriteInt32L(hour) ;
-        wstr.WriteInt32L(minute) ;   
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (1); // wstr
-        }
-    // Delete package content
-    if ( deleteData  && state.iPkgId > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        iFotaServer->StoragePluginL()->DeleteUpdatePackageL( state.iPkgId ) ;
-        }
-    // Report state back to syncml server
-    if ( state.iPkgId >= 0 )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("   6.1 creating device mgmt session for profile %d")
-                ,state.iProfileId);
-        iFotaServer->CreateDeviceManagementSessionL( state );
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        FLOG(_L(" No state found in 'update progress' mode! cannot report\
-        status to DM server "));
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::ExecuteUpdateResultFileL <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::DeleteUpdateResultsL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::DeleteUpdateResultFileL( RFs& aRfs )
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::DeleteUpdateResultsL "));
-    // Delete result file
-    BaflUtils::DeleteFile( aRfs, KUpdateResultFile );
-    BaflUtils::DeleteFile( aRfs, KUpdateRequestFile );
-    BaflUtils::DeleteFile( aRfs, KUpdateBitmap );
-    BaflUtils::DeleteFile( aRfs, KRestartingBitmap );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::RunL
-//  Handles user selection (button press: accept/ cancel update)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::RunL()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L( "[FotaServer] CFotaUpdate::RunL() >> %d"  ),iStatus.Int() );
-    TBool       handled( EFalse );
-    User::LeaveIfError(iNotifier.CancelNotifier(KSyncMLFwUpdNotifierUid));
-    iNotifier.Close();
-    if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Exiting...."));
-        TApaTaskList taskList(iFotaServer->GetEikEnv()->WsSession());
-        TApaTask task=taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid));
-        if(task.Exists())
-            {
-            task.EndTask();
-            }
-        return;
-        }
-    // Handle update start query
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery || iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdForceQuery || iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeLimitQuery)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("   update start query"));
-        // User pressed accept
-        if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
-            {
-            handled = ETrue;
-            HandleUpdateAcceptStartL();
-            }
-        // User pressed later
-        else if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrCancel )
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("USER PRESSED LATER"));
-            handled = ETrue;
-            HandleUpdateAcceptLaterL();
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdStartQueryEnc )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("   update start query"));
-        if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
-            {
-            FLOG(_L(" user accepted query to decrypt memory"));
-            handled = ETrue;
-            TRAPD(err, iFotaServer->DoStartDecryptionL());
-            if (err == KErrNotReady)
-                {
-                HandleUpdateErrorL(err);
-                }
-            }
-        else if (iStatus.Int() == KErrCancel )
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("User pressed cancel. Don't decrypt. Stop."));
-            handled = ETrue;
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdNoReminder , KErrNone );
-            }
-        }
-    // Handle battery error
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote )
-        {
-        if (iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrBadPower || iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrBadUsbPower)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("       battery note"));
-            if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
-                {
-                handled = ETrue;
-                // Still check batt. (user might have connected charger)
-                HandleErrorBasedonChargingTypeL();
-                }
-            else if (iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrDeviceMemoryBusy)
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("Do nothing. Stop the update."));
-                iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-                }
-            else if (iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrBadPowerForEnc)
-                {
-                if (iFinalizeLater)
-                    {
-                    FLOG(_L("Finalizing update now..."));
-                    iFinalizeLater = EFalse;
-                    iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    //  Handle update complete notification
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote )
-        {
-        handled = ETrue;
-        DeleteUpdateResultFileL( iFotaServer->iFs );
-        if (!iNotifParams.iEncryptReq)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("Going to finalize update..."));
-            iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdNoReminder )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L(" No Reminder selected"));
-        if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
-            {
-            handled = ETrue;
-            FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-            iUpdateState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
-            iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL();
-            iFotaServer->iDatabase->SetStateL(iUpdateState ,KNullDesC8,EFDBState);
-            iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
-            // Report state back to syncml server
-            if ( iUpdateState.iPkgId >= 0 && iUpdateState.iSendAlert )
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("   creating device mgmt session for profile %d")
-                        ,iUpdateState.iProfileId);
-                iFotaServer->CreateDeviceManagementSessionL( iUpdateState );
-                }
-            iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-            }
-        }
-    if ( iNotifParams.iNoteType == ESyncMLFwUpdResultNote && iNotifParams.iEncryptReq)
-        {
-        if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("User wanted to start encryption..."));
-            iFotaServer->DoStartEncryptionL();
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("User do not want to start encryption."));
-            }
-        if (!iFinalizeLater)
-            iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    if ( !handled ) 
-        {
-        }
-    FLOG(_L( "[FotaServer] CFotaUpdate::RunL() <<" ) );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateAcceptStartL()
-//  Handles user selection of NOW
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateAcceptStartL(TBool aSkipBatteryChk)
-    {
-    TBool	enoughPower (EFalse);
-    TInt usbchargingsupport =0;
-    if (aSkipBatteryChk)
-        {
-        enoughPower = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-        //centrep = CRepository::NewLC( TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid));
-        TRAPD(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid)));
-        if(err)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("reading from cenrep failed"));
-            }
-        if(centrep)
-            {centrep->Get( KFotaUSBChargerEnabled , usbchargingsupport );
-            if(usbchargingsupport != 0 && usbchargingsupport != 1)
-                usbchargingsupport =0;
-            delete centrep;
-            } 
-        centrep = NULL;
-        enoughPower = CheckBatteryL(usbchargingsupport);
-#if defined(__WINS__)
-        enoughPower = ETrue;
-        }
-    // Failure due to low battery
-    if ( !enoughPower )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Launching low battery notifier"));
-        if(!usbchargingsupport)
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote, KErrBadPower );
-        else
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote , KErrBadUsbPower );
-        }            
-    else
-        {
-        UpdateL();
-        }   
-    }
-void CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateErrorL(TInt aError, TInt aValue)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateErrorL, error = %d, value = %d >>"), aError, aValue);
-    switch (aError)
-        {
-        case KErrNotReady: //Called from within StartUpdate
-            {
-            LaunchNotifierL(ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote,KErrDeviceMemoryBusy);
-            }
-            break;
-        case KErrBadPower: //Called from fotaserver when battery power is not enough
-            {
-            iChargeToMonitor = aValue;
-            CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-            TRAPD(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid)));
-            if(err)
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("reading from cenrep failed"));
-                }
-            TInt usbchargingsupport =0;
-            if(centrep)
-                {centrep->Get( KFotaUSBChargerEnabled , usbchargingsupport );
-                if(usbchargingsupport != 0 && usbchargingsupport != 1)
-                    usbchargingsupport =0;
-                delete centrep;
-                } 
-            centrep = NULL;
-            FLOG(_L("Launching low battery notifier, usbsupport = %d, state = %d"), usbchargingsupport, iUpdateState.iState);
-            if(!usbchargingsupport )
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("Here 1"));
-                if (iUpdateState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
-                    {
-                    FLOG(_L("Here 2"));
-                    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote, KErrBadPower );
-                    }
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote , KErrBadUsbPower );
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            {
-            //Do nothing
-            }
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateErrorL <<"));
-    }
-void CFotaUpdate::HandleEncryptionErrorL(TInt aError)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleEncryptionErrorL, error = %d >>"), aError);
-    if (aError == KErrBadPower)
-        {
-        iFinalizeLater = ETrue;
-        LaunchNotifierL(ESyncMLFwUpdErrorNote, KErrBadPowerForEnc);
-        }
-    else 
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Unknown error. Ignored"));
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleEncryptionErrorL <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateAcceptLaterL
-//  Handles user selection of Later
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::HandleUpdateAcceptLaterL()
-    {
-    TInt fotaUpdateAppName (EFotaUpdateDM);
-    TInt err = RProperty::Get( KPSUidNSmlDMSyncApp, KNSmlCurrentFotaUpdateAppName, fotaUpdateAppName );
-    FLOG(_L("Setting iHandleUpdateAcceptLater to True"));
-    if (!err && ((fotaUpdateAppName == EFotaUpdateNSC) || (fotaUpdateAppName == EFotaUpdateNSCBg )))
-        {
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();		//make sure it is not called 2 times				
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iHandleUpdateAcceptLater = ETrue;
-        ShowReminderDialogL();				
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CFotaUpdate::HandleErrorBasedonChargingTypeL
-//  Handles the error based on charger type supported by the device
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::HandleErrorBasedonChargingTypeL()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleErrorBasedonChargingTypeL >>"));
-    if (iUpdateState.iState == RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate)
-        {
-        if (iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrBadUsbPower)
-            {  
-            FLOG(_L("handling usb charger error "));
-            SetUpdateFailedStatesL();
-            FLOG(_L("calling for monitoring  the battery"));
-            iFotaServer->MonitorBattery(iChargeToMonitor);
-            iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TInt usbcharger = KErrNone; 
-            TBool enoughPower = CheckBatteryL(usbcharger);
-#if defined(__WINS__)
-            //It will not come here, just used for testing.
-            enoughPower = ETrue;
-            if (enoughPower)
-                {
-                //User has connected the charger
-                FLOG(_L("User has connected the charger"));
-                UpdateL();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("User hasn't connected the charger"));
-                //User hasn't connected the charger, hence notify user to update later.
-                SetUpdateFailedStatesL();
-                //Call reminder here
-                if(!iHandleUpdateAcceptLater)
-                    {
-                    FLOG(_L("calling HandleUpdateAcceptLaterL"));
-                    HandleUpdateAcceptLaterL();
-                    }
-                iHandleUpdateAcceptLater = EFalse;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else //must be during encryption after update
-        {
-        if (iNotifParams.iIntParam == KErrBadUsbPower)
-            {
-            iFotaServer->MonitorBattery(iChargeToMonitor);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            //nothing to do for dynamo charging
-            }
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::HandleErrorBasedonChargingTypeL <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  CFotaUpdate::SetUpdateFailedStatesL
-//  Set the state to update failed
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::SetUpdateFailedStatesL()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::SetUpdateFailedStatesL >>"));
-    iUpdateState.iState = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
-    iUpdateState.iResult= RFotaEngineSession::EResUpdateFailed;
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL();
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->SetStateL( iUpdateState ,KNullDesC8
-            ,EFDBState|EFDBResult );
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::SetUpdateFailedStatesL <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::DoCancel()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::DoCancel()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::DoCancel() >>"));
-    iNotifier.CancelNotifier(KSyncMLFwUpdNotifierUid);
-    iNotifier.Close();
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::DoCancel() <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::RunError(TInt aError)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CFotaUpdate::RunError(TInt aError)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::RunError >> err %d"),aError);
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::RunError << err %d"),aError);
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CSyncMLNTestAppAO::LaunchNotifierL
-// Shows one of the following queries: "update now?", "update success",
-//  "update fail", "too low battery"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL( const TSyncMLFwUpdNoteTypes aNotetype
-        ,const TInt aIntParam, const TBool aEnc )
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL() >>  prof.Id: %d")
-            ,iUpdateState.iProfileId);
-    if (!IsActive())
-        {
-        TSyncMLFwUpdNotifParams         params;
-        params.iNoteType        = aNotetype;
-        params.iIntParam        = aIntParam;
-        params.iEncryptReq = aEnc;
-        TSyncMLFwUpdNotifParamsPckg     pckg(params);
-        iNotifParams.iNoteType  = params.iNoteType;
-        iNotifParams.iIntParam  = params.iIntParam;
-        iNotifParams.iEncryptReq = params.iEncryptReq;
-        iDummyResponsePckg = TSyncMLFwUpdNotifRetValPckg();
-        User::LeaveIfError( iNotifier.Connect() );
-        iNotifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse( iStatus,KSyncMLFwUpdNotifierUid
-                , pckg, iDummyResponsePckg );
-        SetActive();
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL() <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL
-// Shows the postpone information note when postpone limit feature is enabled.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL( const TSyncMLFwUpdNoteTypes aNotetype
-                                            ,const TInt aIntUserPostpone,const TInt aIntMaxPostpone,TIntervalType aIntervalType,const TInt aInterval)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL() >>  prof.Id: %d aIntUserPostpone: %d aIntMaxPostpone %d")
-                                            ,iUpdateState.iProfileId,aIntUserPostpone,aIntMaxPostpone);
-    if (!IsActive())
-        {
-        TSyncMLFwUpdNotifParams         params;
-        // Parameters to display the information note is displayed
-    params.iNoteType        = aNotetype;
-    params.iFotaUserPostponeCount = aIntUserPostpone;
-    params.iFotaMaxPostponeCount = aIntMaxPostpone;
-    params.iIntervalType = aIntervalType;
-    params.iInterval = aInterval;
-    /*
-    if(iReminderString.Length() > 0)
-        params.iSelectedReminder.Copy(iReminderString);
-    TBuf<5> aTime;
-    aTime.Zero();
-    for(TInt i = 0; i<iReminderString.Length();i++)
-        {
-        TChar ch = iReminderString[i];
-        if ( ch.IsDigit())            //separates digits from the string
-            {  
-            aTime.Append(ch); 
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    TInt val =1 ; 
-    TLex  lex(aTime);
-    TInt err = lex.Val(val); */
-    TSyncMLFwUpdNotifParamsPckg     pckg(params);
-    iNotifParams.iNoteType  = params.iNoteType;
-    iNotifParams.iIntParam  = params.iIntParam;
-    iDummyResponsePckg = TSyncMLFwUpdNotifRetValPckg();
-    User::LeaveIfError( iNotifier.Connect() );
-    iNotifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse( iStatus,KSyncMLFwUpdNotifierUid
-                                            , pckg, iDummyResponsePckg );
-    SetActive();
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::LaunchNotifierL() <<"));
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::UpdateL
-// Updates the fw: Creates input files for update agent and boots device to 
-// update mode.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::UpdateL()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL() >>"));
-    // Set state ........................................
-    iUpdateState.iState  = RFotaEngineSession::EUpdateProgressing;
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL();
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->SetStateL( iUpdateState ,KNullDesC8, EFDBState );
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB();
-    // Write update request for update agent..............
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  1 writing update.req "));
-    TBuf8<150>           dp2filepath;
-    HBufC16*             dp2;
-    RFileWriteStream    wstr;
-    CleanupClosePushL ( wstr );
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  2 getting pkg location"));
-    iFotaServer->StoragePluginL()->GetUpdatePackageLocationL( 
-            iUpdateState.iPkgId,  dp2filepath  );
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  3 craeting update.req") );
-    User::LeaveIfError( wstr.Replace( iFotaServer->iFs
-            ,KUpdateRequestFile, EFileWrite ) );
-    wstr.WriteInt16L( 1 ); // version number is  1
-    wstr.WriteInt32L( 1 ); // count   of cmds is 1
-    wstr.WriteInt16L( 0 ); // requestid is 0
-    dp2 = HBufC16::NewLC ( dp2filepath.Length( ) );
-    dp2->Des().Copy( dp2filepath );
-    wstr.WriteInt32L( dp2->Des().Length() + 1 ); // length of filename + null
-    wstr.WriteL( dp2->Des() );
-    wstr.WriteInt16L( 0 ); // null character
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dp2 );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wstr ); // wstr
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  4 craeting update.bmp") );
-    // Write update graphic for update agent ...............
-    HBufC*              updatetxt;
-    HBufC*              restarttxt;
-    updatetxt  = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_APPS_FOTA_UPDATING );
-    restarttxt = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_APPS_FOTA_RESTARTING );
-    WriteUpdateBitmapL( updatetxt->Des(), KUpdateBitmap );
-    WriteUpdateBitmapL( restarttxt->Des(), KRestartingBitmap ); 
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( restarttxt );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( updatetxt );
-    TRAPD(error,FindScheduleL( ETrue)); //deleting the schedule (fix for failed update) 
-    if(error)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  error in deleting previous schedule") );	
-        }  
-    // Simulate update agent by writing result file.
-    CRepository* centrep( NULL);
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TRAP(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
-    TInt simulate(KErrNotFound);
-    if ( centrep ) 
-        {
-        err = centrep->Get( KSimulateUpdateAgent, simulate );
-        }
-    delete centrep;
-    if ( simulate>0 )
-        {   
-        FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL  5  - writing update.resp"));
-        RFileWriteStream    respstr;
-        CleanupClosePushL ( respstr );
-        User::LeaveIfError( respstr.Replace( iFotaServer->iFs, KUpdateResultFile
-                , EFileWrite ) );
-        respstr.WriteUint32L(UPD_OK);
-        respstr.WriteUint32L(15);
-        respstr.WriteL(_L("UPDATE DONE!"));
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &respstr );
-        }
-    CRepository* centrep2 = NULL;
-    TRAP( err, centrep2 = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) )
-    if (err==KErrNone ) 
-        {
-        centrep2->Set(  KFotaUpdateState, EFotaPendingGenAlert );
-        if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-            centrep2->Set(  KFOTAUserPostponeCount, 0 );
-       }
-     delete centrep2;
-    // Boot to update mode 
-    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdRebootNote, KErrNone);
-    FLOG(_L("   waiting 2 sec to keep 'restarting' visible"));
-    User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(2000000));
-    RStarterSession     starter;
-    FLOG(_L("           starter->Connect"));
-    User::LeaveIfError(starter.Connect());
-    starter.Reset(RStarterSession::EFirmwareUpdate);
-    starter.Close();
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::UpdateL() <<"));
-    }   
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CheckBatteryL()
-// Cheks if there's enough battery power to update
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CFotaUpdate::CheckBatteryL(TBool aUSBChargingsupported)
-    {
-    TInt        chargingstatus( EChargingStatusError );
-    TInt        batterylevel( 1 );
-    TBool       enoughPower( EFalse );
-    // Read battery
-    FLOG(_L("   0.9 checking batt level"));
-    RProperty   pw;
-    User::LeaveIfError(pw.Attach(KPSUidHWRMPowerState,KHWRMBatteryLevel));
-    User::LeaveIfError(pw.Get( batterylevel ));
-    pw.Close();
-    if(aUSBChargingsupported)
-        {
-        if ( batterylevel >= EBatteryLevelLevel2 ) 
-            enoughPower = ETrue;
-        //return enoughPower; 
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError(pw.Attach(KPSUidHWRMPowerState,KHWRMChargingStatus));
-        User::LeaveIfError(pw.Get( chargingstatus ));
-        pw.Close();
-        // Too low battery, power insufficient
-        if ( batterylevel >= EBatteryLevelLevel2 ) 
-            {
-            enoughPower = ETrue;
-            }
-        // But charger is connected, power sufficient
-        if ( chargingstatus != EChargingStatusError
-                && chargingstatus != EChargingStatusNotConnected )
-            {
-            enoughPower = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    if (!enoughPower)
-        iChargeToMonitor = EBatteryLevelLevel2;
-    FLOG(_L("   1.0 batt level: %d  (0..7), chargingstatus %d")
-            ,batterylevel,chargingstatus);
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::checkBattery %d"), enoughPower?1:0 );
-    return enoughPower;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL
-// Starts fw updating (shows a notifier to user). 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL( const TDownloadIPCParams &aParams )
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL(TDownloadIPCParams aParams) >> \
-    pkig:%d"), aParams.iPkgId );
-    TSmlProfileId profile(KErrNotFound);
-    // Get update state from db
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL( );
-    iUpdateState = iFotaServer->iDatabase->GetStateL( aParams.iPkgId );
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB( );
-    FLOG(_L("   0 "));
-    if ( iUpdateState.iPkgId == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("  STATE NOT FOUND pkgid %d"), aParams.iPkgId);
-        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
-        }
-    // Resolve profile id
-    RSyncMLSession sml;
-    TInt                    tmp1;
-    TSmlServerAlertedAction tmp2;
-    TBool	                tmp3;
-    TInt					tmp4;
-    CleanupClosePushL( sml );
-    sml.OpenL();
-    // Use stored profile
-    if ( aParams.iProfileId == KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        iFotaServer->GetProfileDataL( &sml,iUpdateState.iProfileId
-                ,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
-        profile = iUpdateState.iProfileId;
-        }
-    // Use passed profile. If error, then try to use stored profile
-    else
-        {
-        TRAPD(err, iFotaServer->GetProfileDataL( &sml,aParams.iProfileId
-                ,tmp1,tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 ) );
-        if ( err != KErrNone )
-            {
-            iFotaServer->GetProfileDataL( &sml,iUpdateState.iProfileId
-                    ,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4);
-            profile = iUpdateState.iProfileId;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            profile = aParams.iProfileId;
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &sml );
-    // Must update package state with fresh params (it could be empty)
-    TUint fields = EFDBState | EFDBPkgName|EFDBVersion;
-    if ( profile != iUpdateState.iProfileId )
-        {  
-        fields |= EFDBProfileId;
-        }
-    iUpdateState.iProfileId     = profile;
-    iUpdateState.iPkgName       = aParams.iPkgName;
-    iUpdateState.iPkgVersion    = aParams.iPkgVersion;
-    iUpdateState.iState         = RFotaEngineSession::EStartingUpdate;
-    iUpdateState.iResult		= KErrNotFound;
-    iUpdateState.iSendAlert     = EFalse; // HJHA-6MJCFE . This operation will
-    // not reach any final state.
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->OpenDBL( );
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->SetStateL( iUpdateState, KNullDesC8, fields );
-    iFotaServer->iDatabase->CloseAndCommitDB( );
-    CRepository* centrep2 = NULL;
-    TRAPD( err, centrep2 = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) )
-    if (err==KErrNone ) 
-        {  TInt val;
-        //
-        centrep2->Get(  KFotaUpdateState, val );
-        if(val == EFotaUpdateInterrupted)
-            centrep2->Set(  KFotaUpdateState, EFotaDefault );
-        }
-    delete centrep2;
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL  2"));
-    //new code
-    	 TInt client = iFotaServer->GetInstallUpdateClientL();
-       if( CheckUpdateVariations() && 
-   			client!= CFotaSrvSession::EOMADMAppUi &&  
-         client != CFotaSrvSession::EFMSServer ) 
-       {
-       TInt callactive(EFalse);
-       RFMSClient fmsclient;    
-       TRAPD(err,fmsclient.OpenL());
-       if(err == KErrNone)
-           {
-           CleanupClosePushL(fmsclient);
-           FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::startupdate FMS for active call >>"));                
-           TInt err1 = fmsclient.IsPhoneCallActive(callactive);
-           FLOG(_L("IsPhoneCallActive returns %d  >>"),err1);       
-           }
-       if(callactive)
-           {
-           FLOG(_L(" active phone call found"));           
-           FLOG(_L("putting call end Ao start pkgid=%d, profileid=%d"),iUpdateState.iPkgId,iUpdateState.iProfileId);
-           TInt err1 = fmsclient.MonitorActivePhoneCallEnd(iUpdateState.iPkgId,iUpdateState.iProfileId);
-           FLOG(_L("MonitorActivePhoneCallEnd returns %d  >>"),err1);    
-           }
-       else
-           {
-           FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL  2"));
-           TDriveNumber drive;
-    TBool ret (EFalse);
-    TRAPD(err2, ret = iFotaServer->NeedToDecryptL(iUpdateState.iPkgId, drive));
-    if ( err2 == KErrNone )
-        {
-        if (!ret)
-            {
-            //Drive is not encrypted
-			DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL();
-            //LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            //Drive is encrypted.
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQueryEnc, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        HandleUpdateErrorL(err2);
-        }
-           }
-       if(err == KErrNone) //fms opening error
-           {
-           CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fmsclient);
-           }
-       }
-   else
-       {
-       FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL  2 DM UI Install update"));
-       //LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-           TDriveNumber drive;
-    TBool ret (EFalse);
-    TRAP(err, ret = iFotaServer->NeedToDecryptL(iUpdateState.iPkgId, drive));
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        if (!ret)
-            {
-            //Drive is not encrypted
-			DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL();
-            //LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            //Drive is encrypted.
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQueryEnc, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        HandleUpdateErrorL(err);
-        }
-       }                   
-    //new code
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::StartUpdateL(TDownloadIPCParams aParams) << \
-    pkig:%d"),aParams.iPkgId);
-    }
-void CFotaUpdate::DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL: >>"));
-    //CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TInt CustomNotes = 0;
-	if(iCentrep == NULL)
-	{
-    TRAP(err, iCentrep = CRepository::NewL(TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid)));
-    if(err)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL: reading from cenrep failed, returning ENormal"));
-        LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-        return;
-        }
-	}
-    err= iCentrep->Get( KFOTAUINotesCustomization, CustomNotes);    
-    if (err)
-        CustomNotes = 0;
-    iFOTAUICustomization = CustomNotes;
-    if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-        {
-        //TRAP(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid)));
-        //if(err)
-        //    {
-        //    FLOG(_L("DetermineNoteType: reading from cenrep failed, returning ETrue"));
-        //    return ETrue;
-        //    }
-        TInt fotaUserPostpone = 0,fotaMaxPostpone = 3;
-        if(iCentrep)
-            {
-            iCentrep->Get( KFOTAUserPostponeCount , fotaUserPostpone );
-            iCentrep->Get( KFOTAMaxPostponeCount , fotaMaxPostpone );
-            }
-        iFOTAUserPostponeCount = fotaUserPostpone;
-        iFOTAMaxPostponeCount = fotaMaxPostpone;
-        if(iFOTAUserPostponeCount < iFOTAMaxPostponeCount)
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL: returning EPostponeLimit"));
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeLimitQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            //return EPostponeLimit;
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            FLOG(_L("DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL: returning EForceStart"));
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdForceQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-            //return EForceStart;
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL: returning ENormal"));
-        LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdStartQuery, iUpdateState.iProfileId );
-        //return ENormal;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CreateRadionButtonArrayLC
-// Creates the array of radio buttons to display 
-// on radio button setting page
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CDesCArray* CFotaUpdate::CreateRadionButtonArrayLC( const TScheduleEntryInfo2 aScEntry,
-        TInt& aSelectionIndex)
-    {
-    // selection defaults to 0
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::CreateRadionButtonArrayLC >>"));  
-    aSelectionIndex = 0;
-    CDesCArray* array = new (ELeave) CDesC16ArrayFlat(4);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(array);
-    for (TInt i=0;i<iInterval.Count();i++)   
-        {    
-        switch (iIntervalType[i])
-            {
-            case EHourly :
-                {
-                HBufC* string1 ;
-                if(iInterval[i] == 1)
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_FOTA_RADIO_DIALOG_1HOUR_REMAINDER);
-                else
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_HOURS , iInterval[i] );
-                array->AppendL( string1->Des() );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string1 );
-                if(aScEntry.Interval() == iInterval[i] && aScEntry.IntervalType()== EHourly ) 
-                    aSelectionIndex = i; 
-                }
-                break; 
-            case EDaily:
-                {
-                HBufC* string1; //= StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_DAYS , iInterval[i] );
-                if(iInterval[i] == 1)
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_FOTA_RADIO_DIALOG_1DAY_REMAINDER);
-                else
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_DAYS , iInterval[i] );
-                array->AppendL( string1->Des() );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string1 );
-                if(aScEntry.Interval() == iInterval[i] && aScEntry.IntervalType()== EDaily ) 
-                    aSelectionIndex = i;
-                }
-                break;
-            case EMonthly:
-                {
-                HBufC* string1 ;//== StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_MINUTES , iInterval[i] );
-                if(iInterval[i] == 1)
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_1_MINUTE);
-                else
-                    string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_QTN_FOTA_REMINDER_MINUTES , iInterval[i] );
-                array->AppendL( string1->Des() );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string1 );
-                if(aScEntry.Interval() == iInterval[i] && aScEntry.IntervalType()== EMonthly) 
-                    aSelectionIndex = i;
-                }
-                break; 
-                /*case EYearly:
-    		     {
-    		     tempChar.Num(iInterval[i]);
-    		     HBufC* string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_FOTA_RADIO_DIALOG_YEAR_REMAINDER , iInterval[i] );
-               	 array->AppendL( string1->Des() );
-               	 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string1 );
-               	 if(aScEntry.Interval() == iInterval[i] ) 
-               	          aSelectionIndex = i;
-    		     }
-    		     break;*/
-            }
-        }
-    if(iIntervalType[iIntervalType.Count()-1] == ENoReminderOn )
-        {
-        HBufC* string1 = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_FOTA_RADIO_DIALOG_NO_REMAINDER);
-        array->AppendL( string1->Des() );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string1 );
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::CreateRadionButtonArrayLC <<"));  
-    return array;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::ParseScheduleString()
-// Parse the schedule string from cenrep
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::ParseScheduleStringL()
-    {    
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::ParseScheduleString() >>")); 
-    GetSchedulesInfoL();
-    iInterval.Reset();
-    iIntervalType.Reset();
-    TBuf<5> aTime;
-    TBuf<9> aSched,tempChar;
-    aTime.Zero();
-    aSched.Zero();
-    //TText*sep =   (TText *)ksep.Ptr();
-    TBufC<1>ksep(Ksep);
-    TText *t = (TText *)ksep.Ptr();      //just for Initialization
-    for(TInt i = 0; i<iscInfo.Length();i++)
-        {
-        TChar ch = iscInfo[i];
-        if ( ch.IsDigit())            //separates digits from the string
-            {  aTime.Append(ch); 
-            }
-        else
-            {  
-            aSched.Append(ch);             
-            *t = ch;
-            if (*t ==     'h' || *t =='H')      //hour
-                { iIntervalType.Append(EHourly) ;
-                TInt val =1 ; 
-                TLex  lex(aTime);
-                TInt err = lex.Val(val);
-                if (err)
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(1);
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(val); 	
-                    }
-                }
-            else if (*t ==     'd'|| *t =='D')      //daily
-                {iIntervalType.Append(EDaily);
-                TInt val =1 ; 
-                TLex  lex(aTime);
-                TInt err = lex.Val(val);
-                if (err)
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(1);
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(val);  	
-                    }
-                }
-            else if (*t ==     'm'||  *t =='M')   //minute
-                {iIntervalType.Append( EMonthly);
-                TInt val =1 ; 
-                TLex  lex(aTime);
-                TInt err = lex.Val(val);
-                if (err)
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(1);
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    iInterval.Append(val);  	
-                    }
-                }
-            /* else if (*t ==     'y')   //year
-                  {iIntervalType.Append( EYearly);
-                    TInt val =1 ; 
-               	    TLex  lex(aTime);
-               	    TInt err = lex.Val(val);
-               	    if (err)
-               	    {
-                        iInterval.Append(1);    
-               	    }
-               	    else
-               	    {
-               	     iInterval.Append(val); 	
-               	    }
-                  }*/
-            else if (*t == ':')   //colon
-                {
-                aTime.Zero();
-                aSched.Zero();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    TBool  checkSchInfo =EFalse;
-    if(iInterval.Count() == iIntervalType.Count() )
-        {  
-        for (TInt j =0 ;j< iInterval.Count();j++ )
-            {                                                 //setting to default 1h:4h:1d:3d
-            if(iInterval[j] < 0 || iIntervalType[j] > 3 ) 
-                {   
-                iInterval.Reset();    iIntervalType.Reset();
-                iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly); 
-                iInterval.Append(4);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly); 
-                iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily); 
-                iInterval.Append(3);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily);     
-                checkSchInfo =ETrue;
-                break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {        
-        iInterval.Reset();    iIntervalType.Reset();
-        iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly); 
-        iInterval.Append(4);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly);  //setting to default 1h:4h:1d:3d
-        iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily); 
-        iInterval.Append(3);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily);     
-        checkSchInfo =ETrue;
-        }
-    TPtrC16 lastFive =  iscInfo.Right(5);
-    _LIT( KNoRem , "NROFF");
-    TPtrC noRem( KNoRem );   //check for No Remainder
-    if (lastFive != noRem || checkSchInfo)
-        {
-        iIntervalType.Append(ENoReminderOn);
-        }
-    else
-        { 
-        iIntervalType.Append(ENoReminderOff);
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::ParseScheduleString() <<"));
-    } 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::GetSchedulesInfoL
-// Get the schedule info from the cenrep
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::GetSchedulesInfoL()
-    {
-    CRepository* centrep = NULL;
-    //TBuf<255> scInfo; 
-    centrep = CRepository::NewLC( TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid));
-    if ( centrep )
-        {TBuf<255> temp;
-        if (centrep->Get( KFotaOptionsForReminderDuration , temp )==KErrNone && temp.Length() )
-            {   FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::ParseScheduleString taking from cenrep <<"));
-            temp.Trim();    //read from cenrep
-            iscInfo.Copy(temp);
-            }
-        else
-            {                               //else set to default
-            iscInfo.Copy(KDefaultSched);  
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(centrep);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iscInfo.Copy(KDefaultSched);    //else set to default
-        }	
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::ShowReminderDialogL
-// Prepare and display Reminder Dialog using RFotaReminderDlg
-// on radio button setting page
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::ShowReminderDialogL()
-    {
-    // Push default content to navigation pane and change title
-	if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-	    {
-	    //if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-	    //    {
-	        if(iCentrep)
-	            {
-	            // When User has pressed Later, Postpone limit has to be Incremented
-	            iFOTAUserPostponeCount = iFOTAUserPostponeCount + 1;
-	            iCentrep->Set( KFOTAUserPostponeCount , iFOTAUserPostponeCount );
-	            }
-	    //    }
-	    if(iFOTAUserPostponeCount > iFOTAMaxPostponeCount)
-	        {
-	        // When User presses the end key during a Force Update Query or a Update Warning note, Force Update Query should be shown again.
-	        TIntervalType   tIntervalType;    
-	        TInt tInterval;
-	        tIntervalType = (TIntervalType)EEndKeyReminder;
-	        tInterval = 1;
-	        CreateScheduleL ( iUpdateState.iPkgId, tIntervalType ,tInterval );
-	        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-	        return;
-	        }
-	    }
-    CEikStatusPane* statusPane = iAvkonAppUi->StatusPane();
-    CAknNavigationControlContainer* naviPane = NULL;
-    HBufC* originalTitle;
-    CAknTitlePane* titlePane = NULL;
-    originalTitle = HBufC::NewLC( 50 ); //KNsmlMaxTitleSize
-    if ( statusPane && statusPane->PaneCapabilities( 
-            TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidTitle) ).IsPresent() )
-        {
-        naviPane = ( CAknNavigationControlContainer* )
-        statusPane->ControlL( TUid::Uid(EEikStatusPaneUidNavi) );
-        naviPane->PushDefaultL();
-        titlePane = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>
-        ( statusPane->ControlL( TUid::Uid(
-                EEikStatusPaneUidTitle) ) );
-        if ( titlePane->Text() ) 
-            {
-            originalTitle->Des().Copy( *titlePane->Text() );
-            HBufC* titleText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-                    R_QTN_DM_TITLE_SETTINGS_DIALOG );
-            titlePane->SetTextL( *titleText );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleText );
-            titleText = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-    TApaTaskList taskList(iFotaServer->GetEikEnv()->WsSession());
-    TApaTask task=taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid));
-    if(task.Exists())
-        task.BringToForeground();
-    // Construct radio btn list and launch radio button dlg
-    TScheduleEntryInfo2 en=FindScheduleL( EFalse );
-    TInt radioSelectionIndex( KErrNotFound );
-    TRAPD(error,ParseScheduleStringL());  
-    if (error)
-        {
-        iInterval.Reset();    iIntervalType.Reset();
-        iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly); 
-        iInterval.Append(4);  iIntervalType.Append(EHourly); 
-        iInterval.Append(1);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily); 
-        iInterval.Append(3);  iIntervalType.Append(EDaily); 
-        iIntervalType.Append(ENoReminderOn);
-        }
-    if(iInterval.Count() > 4)
-        {
-        for(TInt i= 4;i <iInterval.Count();i++)
-            iInterval.Remove(i);
-        }  
-    CDesCArray* itemArray = CreateRadionButtonArrayLC( en,radioSelectionIndex );
-    TInt aEvent(KErrNone);
-    CFotaReminderDlg* aFotaReminderDlg = CFotaReminderDlg::NewL(radioSelectionIndex,itemArray,aEvent );
-    FLOG(_L("after creating fota reminder dialog"));   
-    CleanupStack::PushL(aFotaReminderDlg);
-    TInt presentPriotiry = CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().OrdinalPriority();
-    TInt presentPosition = CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().OrdinalPosition();
-    CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().SetOrdinalPosition(presentPosition, ECoeWinPriorityMedium);  //setting the priority to medium for activation on top of global notes
-    TInt ret = aFotaReminderDlg->ExecuteLD(CAknSettingPage::EUpdateWhenChanged);
-    CleanupStack::Pop(aFotaReminderDlg);	     							
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( itemArray );
-    CEikonEnv::Static()->RootWin().SetOrdinalPosition(presentPosition, presentPriotiry); //resetting to previous priority
-    FLOG(_L("****Event key = %d"),aEvent);
-    if (aEvent == EEventKey)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Exiting...."));
-        TApaTaskList taskList(iFotaServer->GetEikEnv()->WsSession());
-        TApaTask task=taskList.FindApp(TUid::Uid(KOmaDMAppUid));
-        if(task.Exists())
-            {
-            task.EndTask();
-            task.KillTask();
-            }
-        return;
-        }
-		if(naviPane)
-    	naviPane->Pop();
-    if(	titlePane )
-    {	
-    	if ( titlePane->Text() && originalTitle ) 
-        {
-        TRAP_IGNORE( titlePane->SetTextL( *originalTitle ) );
-        }
-    }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( originalTitle );
-    task.SendToBackground();	
-    CreateNewScheduleL(ret,radioSelectionIndex);	
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CreateNewScheduleL
-// Creates the new schedule
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CFotaUpdate::CreateNewScheduleL(TInt aRet, TInt aRadioSelectionIndex)
-    {
-    TScheduleEntryInfo2 en=FindScheduleL( EFalse );
-    TIntervalType   tIntervalType;    
-    TInt tInterval; 
-    if ( aRet && aRadioSelectionIndex== 0 ) 
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Creating reminder: for 1st option"));
-        tIntervalType = (TIntervalType)iIntervalType[aRadioSelectionIndex];				
-        tInterval     = iInterval[aRadioSelectionIndex];
-        if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-                    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeNote , iFOTAUserPostponeCount, iFOTAMaxPostponeCount, tIntervalType,tInterval);
-        en=FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-        CreateScheduleL ( iUpdateState.iPkgId, tIntervalType ,tInterval );
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    else if(aRet && aRadioSelectionIndex == 1 )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Creating reminder: 4 hours"));
-        tIntervalType = (TIntervalType)iIntervalType[aRadioSelectionIndex];				
-        tInterval     = iInterval[aRadioSelectionIndex];
-        if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-                    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeNote , iFOTAUserPostponeCount, iFOTAMaxPostponeCount, tIntervalType,tInterval);
-        en=FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-        CreateScheduleL ( iUpdateState.iPkgId, tIntervalType ,tInterval );
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    else if(aRet && aRadioSelectionIndex == 2 )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Creating reminder: for 2nd option"));
-        tIntervalType = (TIntervalType)iIntervalType[aRadioSelectionIndex];				
-        tInterval     = iInterval[aRadioSelectionIndex];
-        if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-                    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeNote , iFOTAUserPostponeCount, iFOTAMaxPostponeCount, tIntervalType,tInterval);
-        en=FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-        CreateScheduleL ( iUpdateState.iPkgId, tIntervalType ,tInterval );
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    else if(aRet && aRadioSelectionIndex == 3 )
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Creating reminder: for 3rd option"));
-        tIntervalType = (TIntervalType)iIntervalType[aRadioSelectionIndex];				
-        tInterval     = iInterval[aRadioSelectionIndex];
-        if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-                    LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdPostponeNote , iFOTAUserPostponeCount, iFOTAMaxPostponeCount, tIntervalType,tInterval);
-        en=FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-        CreateScheduleL ( iUpdateState.iPkgId, tIntervalType ,tInterval );  
-        iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-        }
-    else if (!aRet || aRadioSelectionIndex == 4)
-        {
-        FLOG(_L("Deleting reminder, btn press %d"),aRet);
-        TScheduleEntryInfo2 en=FindScheduleL( ETrue );
-        if ( !aRet ) // cancel pressed
-            {
-			if(iFOTAUICustomization)
-			    {
-			    if(iCentrep)
-			        {
-			        	// When User has pressed Later and then does a cancel for the warning query, Postpone limit has to be decremented
-			        iFOTAUserPostponeCount = iFOTAUserPostponeCount - 1;
-			        iCentrep->Set( KFOTAUserPostponeCount , iFOTAUserPostponeCount );
-			        }
-			    }
-			DisplayInstallationNoteTypeL();			
-			}
-        else			  // ok pressed
-            {
-            LaunchNotifierL( ESyncMLFwUpdNoReminder , KErrNone );
-            //iFotaServer->FinalizeUpdateL();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::FindScheduleL
-// Finds fotaupdate schedule (named [102072c4])
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TScheduleEntryInfo2 CFotaUpdate::FindScheduleL( const TBool aDelete )
-    {
-    TScheduleEntryInfo2                     ret;
-    TInt                                    err;    
-    RScheduler                              sc;
-    TTime                                   t; 
-    TTsTime                                 time;
-    TSchedulerItemRef                       scitem; 
-    CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>*     	aSchRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat <TSchedulerItemRef>(5);
-    TScheduleFilter                      	aFilter(EAllSchedules);
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.Connect() );                             // xx
-    CleanupClosePushL( sc );
-    CleanupStack::PushL(aSchRefArray);
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.GetScheduleRefsL( *aSchRefArray,aFilter) );  // xx
-    FLOG(_L("Schedule items: "));
-    for ( TInt i=0; i<aSchRefArray->Count(); ++i  )
-        {
-        TSchedulerItemRef it = (*aSchRefArray)[i];
-        if ( it.iName == TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid).Name()  )
-            {
-            TScheduleState2 sc_state;
-            CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>*  sc_entries = new CArrayFixFlat <TScheduleEntryInfo2>(5);
-            CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>*            sc_tasks  = new CArrayFixFlat <TTaskInfo>(5);
-            TTsTime                              sc_duetime;
-            CleanupStack::PushL( sc_entries );
-            CleanupStack::PushL( sc_tasks );
-            FLOG (_L("%d. schedule handle: %d name:'%S'"),i,it.iHandle, &(it.iName) );
-            err = sc.GetScheduleL ( it.iHandle , sc_state, *sc_entries,*sc_tasks,sc_duetime ); // xx
-            TDateTime  dtm = sc_duetime.GetLocalTime().DateTime();
-            FLOG(_L("   schedule duetime:%d:%d"), dtm.Hour(), dtm.Minute());
-            if ( err ) FLOG(_L("     schedule  sc get err %d"),err);
-            else 
-                {
-                for ( TInt k=0; k<sc_entries->Count();++k)
-                    {
-                    TScheduleEntryInfo2 sc_entry = (*sc_entries)[k];
-                    ret = sc_entry;
-                    TTime sctime = sc_entry.StartTime().GetLocalTime();
-                    FLOG(_L("         schedule entry %d int-type:%d int:%d start: %d:%d"),k,sc_entry.IntervalType(),sc_entry.Interval(),sctime.DateTime().Hour(),sctime.DateTime().Minute());
-                    }
-                for ( TInt j=0; j<sc_tasks->Count();++j)
-                    {
-                    TTaskInfo sc_task = (*sc_tasks)[j];
-                    FLOG(_L("         schedule task  %d  '%S'"),sc_task.iTaskId,&(sc_task.iName) );
-                    if ( aDelete && sc_task.iName==TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid).Name() )
-                        {
-                        FLOG(_L("          schedule DeleteTask %d"),sc_task.iTaskId);
-                        User::LeaveIfError( sc.DeleteTask(sc_task.iTaskId) );       // xx
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            if ( aDelete )
-                {
-                FLOG(_L("     DeleteSchedule %d"),it.iHandle);
-                User::LeaveIfError(sc.DeleteSchedule(it.iHandle ));                 // xx
-                }
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sc_tasks );
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sc_entries );
-            }
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aSchRefArray );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sc);
-    return ret;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CreateScheduleL
-// Creates fotaupdate schedule (named [102072c4])
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CFotaUpdate::CreateScheduleL ( const TInt aPackageId 
-                                   ,TIntervalType  aIntervalType
-                                   ,const TInt aInterval)
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::CreateScheduleL ()") );
-    const TInt KRepeatForever = 0;
-    const TInt KTaskPriority = 1;
-    _LIT(KFotaScheduleExe, "Z:\\sys\\bin\\fotaschedulehandler.exe");
-    RScheduler                              sc;
-    TTime                                   t; 
-    TTsTime                                 time;
-    TSchedulerItemRef                       scitem; 
-    CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>*     scentries = new CArrayFixFlat <TScheduleEntryInfo2>(5);
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.Connect() );                                       // xx
-    CleanupClosePushL( sc );
-    CleanupStack::PushL(scentries );
-    t.HomeTime(); 
-    switch (aIntervalType)  //create schedule based on the interval type 
-        {
-        case EHourly :
-            t = t + ((TTimeIntervalHours)aInterval);
-            break;
-        case EDaily  :
-            t = t + ((TTimeIntervalDays) aInterval);
-            break;
-        case EMonthly :
-            t = t + ((TTimeIntervalMinutes ) aInterval);
-            break; 
-        case EYearly  :
-            t = t + ((TTimeIntervalYears ) aInterval);
-            break;
-		case EEndKeyReminder:
-                        aIntervalType = (TIntervalType)EHourly;  
-                        t = t + ((TTimeIntervalMinutes)aInterval);
-                        break;
-        default :
-            User::Panic(KFotaPanic, KErrArgument);
-        }  
-    time.SetLocalTime( t );
-    TScheduleEntryInfo2 scentry1(time, aIntervalType, aInterval, (TTimeIntervalMinutes)1440 ) ; // xx
-    scentries->AppendL( scentry1 );
-    scitem.iName = TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid).Name();
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.Register(TFileName( KFotaScheduleExe ), 0 ) );    // xxx
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.CreatePersistentSchedule(scitem, *scentries) );   // xxx
-    FLOG(_L("created schedule %d  %d:%d"),scitem.iHandle, t.DateTime().Hour(),t.DateTime().Minute() );
-    TTaskInfo taskInfo;
-    taskInfo.iName      = TUid::Uid(KFotaServerUid).Name();
-    taskInfo.iRepeat    = KRepeatForever;
-    taskInfo.iPriority  = KTaskPriority;
-    TFotaScheduledUpdate fotareminder( aPackageId, scitem.iHandle );
-    TPckg<TFotaScheduledUpdate>   fotareminderpkg(fotareminder);
-    HBufC* data = HBufC::NewLC(fotareminderpkg.Length());
-    data->Des().Copy(fotareminderpkg);
-    User::LeaveIfError( sc.ScheduleTask(taskInfo, *data, scitem.iHandle) );  // xxx
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( scentries );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sc);                                         // xx
-    return scitem.iHandle;
-	}
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateVariations
-// Checks the Install update note display,when a phone call is active
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateVariations()
-    {
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateVariations >>"));
-    CRepository* centrep( NULL);
-    TRAPD(err, centrep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidFotaServer ) );
-    if (err) FLOG(_L("Error reading FotaServer cenrep... %d"),err);
-    TInt supported(KErrNone);
-    if (centrep ) 
-        {
-        err = centrep->Get( KFotaUpdateNoteDisplayAlways, supported );
-        if (err) FLOG(_L("Error reading cenrep key... %d"),err);                
-        delete centrep;
-        centrep = NULL;
-        }
-    if(supported) //means note to be displayed when a call is active
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    FLOG(_L("CFotaUpdate::CheckUpdateVariations <<"));
-    return ETrue; //means note should not be displayed when a call is there
-    }