changeset 61 b183ec05bd8c
child 73 ae69c2e8bc34
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/remotemgmt_plat/syncml_ds_customization_api/tsrc/SyncFwCustomizer/customlistview.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:04:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "customlistview.h"
+#include <hbmenu.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <hblistwidgetitem.h>
+#include <hblistwidget.h>
+#include <QAbstractItemModel>
+#include <xqsettingsmanager.h>
+#include <nsmloperatordatacrkeys.h>
+#include <hbinputdialog.h>
+#include <syncmlclient.h>
+#include <syncmlclientds.h>
+#include <hbmessagebox.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+CustomListView::CustomListView( QGraphicsItem *parent )
+    : HbView( parent )
+    {
+    setTitle(tr("SyncFwCustomizer"));
+    populateModel();
+    createMenu();
+    }
+void CustomListView::editItem()
+    {
+    HbListWidgetItem* item( mWidget->currentItem() );
+    QString text = item->text();
+    QString content = item->secondaryText();
+	HbInputDialog *dialog = new HbInputDialog();
+	dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); 
+	dialog->setPromptText(text);
+	dialog->setPrimaryAction(new HbAction("Ok"));
+	dialog->setSecondaryAction(new HbAction("Cancel"));
+	dialog->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+	dialog->setValue(content);
+	dialog->open(this, SLOT(handleEditItem(HbAction*)));
+	}
+void CustomListView::handleEditItem(HbAction* action)
+    {
+    HbInputDialog *dialog = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+    if (dialog && action == dialog->actions().first())
+        {
+        QString text = dialog->value().toString();
+        HbListWidgetItem* item(mWidget->currentItem());
+        item->setSecondaryText(text);
+        mWidget->setCurrentItem(item);
+        saveKeyItems();
+        }
+    }
+void CustomListView::saveKeyItems()
+    {
+    QString notDefined = tr("Not defined");
+    XQSettingsManager* manager = new XQSettingsManager( this );
+    XQSettingsKey key1( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorSyncServerURL );
+    QVariant url = mWidget->item( 0 )->secondaryText();
+    bool err = false;
+    if( url.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key1, url );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key2( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorAdapterUid );
+    QVariant adapter = mWidget->item( 1 )->secondaryText();
+    if( adapter.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        bool ok;
+        int value = adapter.toString().toInt( &ok, 10 );
+        if( !ok )
+            {
+            value = adapter.toString().toInt( &ok, 16 );
+            }
+        if( ok )
+            {
+            QVariant var( value );
+            err = manager->writeItemValue( key2, var );
+            }
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key3( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsProfileAdapterUid );
+    QVariant profile = mWidget->item( 2 )->secondaryText();
+    if( profile.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        bool ok;
+        int value = profile.toString().toInt( &ok, 10 );
+        if( !ok )
+            {
+            value = profile.toString().toInt( &ok, 16 );
+            }
+        if( ok )
+            {
+            QVariant var( value );
+            err = manager->writeItemValue( key3, var );
+            }
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key4( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoSwVValue );
+    QVariant swv = mWidget->item( 3 )->secondaryText();
+    if( swv.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key4, swv.toByteArray() );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key5( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoModValue );
+    QVariant mod = mWidget->item( 4 )->secondaryText();
+    if( mod.toString().compare(notDefined) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key5, mod.toByteArray() );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key6( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncProfileVisibility );
+    QVariant visibility = mWidget->item( 5 )->secondaryText();
+    if( visibility.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        bool ok;
+        int value = visibility.toString().toInt( &ok, 10 );
+        if( !ok )
+            {
+            value = visibility.toString().toInt( &ok, 16 );
+            }
+        if( ok )
+            {
+            QVariant var( value );
+            err = manager->writeItemValue( key6, var );
+            }
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key7( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorSyncServerId );
+    QVariant serverId = mWidget->item( 6 )->secondaryText();
+    if( serverId.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key7, serverId.toByteArray() );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key8( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncMLStatusCodeList );
+    QVariant syncmlStatus = mWidget->item( 7 )->secondaryText();
+    if( syncmlStatus.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key8, syncmlStatus );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key9( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoManValue );
+    QVariant man = mWidget->item( 8 )->secondaryText();
+    if( man.toString().compare(notDefined) )
+        {
+        err = manager->writeItemValue( key9, man.toByteArray() );
+        }
+    XQSettingsKey key10( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsHttpErrorReporting );
+    QVariant httpErrorReporting = mWidget->item( 9 )->secondaryText();
+    if( httpErrorReporting.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        bool ok;
+        int value = httpErrorReporting.toString().toInt( &ok, 10 );
+        if( !ok )
+            {
+            value = httpErrorReporting.toString().toInt( &ok, 16 );
+            }
+        if( ok )
+            {
+            QVariant var( value );
+            err = manager->writeItemValue( key10, var );
+            }
+        } 
+    XQSettingsKey key11( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncMLErrorReporting );
+    QVariant syncMLErrorReporting = mWidget->item( 10 )->secondaryText();
+    if( syncMLErrorReporting.toString().compare( notDefined ) )
+        {
+        bool ok;
+        int value = syncMLErrorReporting.toString().toInt( &ok, 10 );
+        if( !ok )
+            {
+            value = syncMLErrorReporting.toString().toInt( &ok, 16 );
+            }
+        if( ok )
+            {
+            QVariant var( value );
+            err = manager->writeItemValue( key11, var );
+            }
+        }
+    delete manager;
+    }
+void CustomListView::syncNow()
+    {
+    HbInputDialog *dialog = new HbInputDialog();
+    dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); 
+    dialog->setPromptText(tr("Profile ID"));
+    dialog->setPrimaryAction(new HbAction("Ok"));
+    dialog->setSecondaryAction(new HbAction("Cancel"));
+    dialog->setInputMode(HbInputDialog::TextInput);
+    dialog->open(this, SLOT(startSync(HbAction*)));
+    }
+void CustomListView::startSync(HbAction* action)
+    {
+    HbInputDialog *dialog = static_cast<HbInputDialog*>(sender());
+    if (dialog && action == dialog->actions().first())
+        {
+        QString text = dialog->value().toString();
+        bool ok = false;
+        int profileId = text.toInt(&ok, 10);
+        if (ok)
+            {
+            // Open syncML session
+            RSyncMLSession syncMLSession;
+            RSyncMLDataSyncJob job;
+            CleanupClosePushL( syncMLSession );
+            CleanupClosePushL( job );
+            syncMLSession.OpenL();
+            // Need instance of data sync class
+            // For creating a data sync job, need to specify id of the profile used for synchronization
+            // If profile selected is PCSuite, it searches for the bluetooth device to sync with
+            job.CreateL( syncMLSession, profileId );
+            // close the job
+            job.Close();
+            // close the syncML session
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &job );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &syncMLSession );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void CustomListView::listSyncProfiles()
+    {
+    // Open syncML session
+    RSyncMLSession syncMLSession;
+    syncMLSession.OpenL();
+    CleanupClosePushL( syncMLSession );
+    RArray<TSmlProfileId> profiles;
+    // Get the list of available profiles into an array
+    syncMLSession.ListProfilesL( profiles, ESmlDataSync );
+    QString text = NULL;
+    for( TInt i = 0; i < profiles.Count(); i++ )
+        {
+        RSyncMLDataSyncProfile profile;         
+        profile.OpenL( syncMLSession,profiles[i], ESmlOpenReadWrite );
+        CleanupClosePushL( profile );
+        text.append( QString::number( profiles[i] ) );
+        text.append( tr(" ") );
+        QString qname( (QChar*)profile.DisplayName().Ptr(), profile.DisplayName().Length() );
+        text.append( qname );
+        if( profiles.Count() != ( i + 1 ) )
+            {
+            text.append( tr("; ") );
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(& profile );      
+        }
+    profiles.Close();
+    HbMessageBox::information(text);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &syncMLSession );    
+    }
+void CustomListView::resetItem()
+    {
+    //HbListWidgetItem* item( mWidget->currentItem() );
+    CRepository* rep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys );
+    rep->Reset( mWidget->currentRow() + 1 );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rep );
+    populateModel();
+    }
+void CustomListView::resetAll()
+    {
+    CRepository* rep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys );
+    rep->Reset();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rep );  
+    populateModel();
+    }
+void CustomListView::populateModel()
+    {
+    HbListWidget* widget = new HbListWidget;
+    XQSettingsManager* manager = new XQSettingsManager( this );
+    XQSettingsKey key1( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorSyncServerURL );
+    QString url = manager->readItemValue( key1, XQSettingsManager::TypeString ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key2( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorAdapterUid );
+    QString adapter = manager->readItemValue( key2, XQSettingsManager::TypeInt ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key3( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsProfileAdapterUid );
+    QString profile = manager->readItemValue( key3, XQSettingsManager::TypeInt ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key4( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoSwVValue );
+    QString swv = manager->readItemValue( key4 ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key5( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoModValue );
+    QString mod = manager->readItemValue( key5 ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key6( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncProfileVisibility );
+    QString visibility = manager->readItemValue( key6, XQSettingsManager::TypeInt ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key7( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsOperatorSyncServerId );
+    QString serverId = manager->readItemValue( key7 ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key8( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+        KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncMLStatusCodeList );
+    QString status = manager->readItemValue( key8, XQSettingsManager::TypeString ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key9( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+          KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsDevInfoManValue );
+    QString man = manager->readItemValue( key9 ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key10( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+          KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsHttpErrorReporting );
+    QString httpErrorReporting = manager->readItemValue( key10 ).toString();
+    XQSettingsKey key11( XQSettingsKey::TargetCentralRepository, 
+              KCRUidOperatorDatasyncInternalKeys.iUid, KNsmlOpDsSyncMLErrorReporting );
+    QString syncMLErrorReporting = manager->readItemValue( key11 ).toString();
+    delete manager;
+    HbListWidgetItem* result1 = new HbListWidgetItem();
+    result1->setText( tr("Operator server URL") );
+    if( !url.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result1->setSecondaryText( url );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result1->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result2 = new HbListWidgetItem();
+    result2->setText( tr("Sync adapter UID") );
+    if( !adapter.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result2->setSecondaryText( adapter );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result2->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result3 = new HbListWidgetItem();
+    result3->setText( tr("Profile adapter UID") );
+    if( !profile.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result3->setSecondaryText( profile );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result3->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result4 = new HbListWidgetItem();
+    result4->setText( tr("Customized SwV") );
+    if( !swv.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result4->setSecondaryText( swv );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result4->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result5 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result5->setText( tr("Customized Mod") );
+    if( !mod.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result5->setSecondaryText( mod );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result5->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result6 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result6->setText( tr("Sync profile visibility") );
+    if( !visibility.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result6->setSecondaryText( visibility );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result6->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result7 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result7->setText( tr("Sync server ID") );
+    if( !serverId.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result7->setSecondaryText( serverId );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result7->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result8 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result8->setText( tr("SyncML status codes") );
+    if( !status.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result8->setSecondaryText( status );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result8->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result9 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result9->setText( tr("Customized Man") );
+    if( !man.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result9->setSecondaryText( man );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result9->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result10 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result10->setText( tr("Http error reporting") );
+    if( !httpErrorReporting.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result10->setSecondaryText( httpErrorReporting );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result10->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    HbListWidgetItem* result11 = new HbListWidgetItem;
+    result11->setText( tr("SyncML error reporting") );
+    if( !syncMLErrorReporting.isEmpty() )
+        {
+        result11->setSecondaryText( syncMLErrorReporting );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        result11->setSecondaryText( tr("Not defined") );
+        }
+    widget->addItem( result1 );
+    widget->addItem( result2 );
+    widget->addItem( result3 );
+    widget->addItem( result4 );
+    widget->addItem( result5 );
+    widget->addItem( result6 );
+    widget->addItem( result7 );
+    widget->addItem( result8 );
+    widget->addItem( result9 );
+    widget->addItem( result10 );
+    widget->addItem( result11 );
+    connect( widget,
+    SIGNAL( activated(HbListWidgetItem*) ),
+    SLOT( handleItem(HbListWidgetItem*) ) );
+    connect(widget,
+    SIGNAL( longPressed(HbListWidgetItem*, const QPointF&) ),
+    SLOT( editItem()) );
+    mWidget = widget;
+    setWidget( widget );  
+    }
+void CustomListView::createMenu()
+    {
+    HbMenu* theMenu = menu();
+    connect( theMenu->addAction( tr("Edit")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( editItem() ) );
+    //connect( theMenu->addAction( tr("Save")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( saveKeyItems() ) );
+    connect( theMenu->addAction( tr("List profiles")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( listSyncProfiles() ) );
+    connect( theMenu->addAction( tr("Sync now")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( syncNow() ) );
+    HbMenu* subMenu = theMenu->addMenu(tr("Reset"));
+    connect( subMenu->addAction( tr("Reset item")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( resetItem() ) );
+    connect( subMenu->addAction( tr("Reset All")), SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( resetAll() ) );
+    }