changeset 61 b183ec05bd8c
parent 59 13d7c31c74e0
child 62 19bba8228ff0
--- a/terminalsecurity/SCP/SCPClient/src/SCPClient.cpp	Thu Aug 19 10:44:50 2010 +0300
+++ b/terminalsecurity/SCP/SCPClient/src/SCPClient.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:04:06 2010 +0300
@@ -19,20 +19,17 @@
 #include <e32svr.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
 #include <e32math.h>
 #include <e32uid.h>
-#include <barsc.h>
 #include <AknGlobalNote.h>
 #include <aknnotewrappers.h> 
 #include <AknQueryDialog.h>
 #include <AknGlobalConfirmationQuery.h>
 #include "SCPClient.h"
-#include "SCPQueryDialog.h"
 #include "SCPParamObject.h"
-#include <SCPNotifier.rsg>
+#include <scpnotifier.rsg>
 #include "SCP_IDs.h"
 #include <centralrepository.h>
@@ -40,23 +37,14 @@
 #include <TerminalControl3rdPartyAPI.h>
 #include <SCPServerInterface.h>
-#include <SecUi.rsg>
-#include <scptimestamppluginlang.rsg>
 #include <secui.hrh>
 #include <StringLoader.h>
 #include <bautils.h>
-#include <DevManInternalCRKeys.h>
 #include <featmgr.h>
 #include "SCPDebug.h"
 #include <e32property.h>
-#include <SCPPServerPluginDefs.hrh>
-#include <apgtask.h>
-#include    <e32property.h>
-#include    <PSVariables.h>
-#include    <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
 /*#ifdef _DEBUG
 #define __SCP_DEBUG
 #endif // _DEBUG
@@ -73,13 +61,12 @@
 static const TUint KDefaultMessageSlots = 3;
 static const TInt KSCPConnectRetries( 2 );
-const TInt KLockedbyLawmo (30);
 _LIT( KDriveZ, "Z:" );
 _LIT( KSCPResourceFilename, "\\Resource\\SCPNotifier.RSC" );
 _LIT( KSCPSecUIResourceFilename, "\\Resource\\SecUi.RSC" );
-_LIT( KSCPTimestampPluginResFilename, "\\Resource\\SCPTimestampPluginLang.rsc");
 // Uid for the application; this should match the mmp file
@@ -182,74 +169,6 @@
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RunDialog() Dialog execution wrapper
-// Initialize and run the query dialog
-// Returns: TInt: The return code from the dialog.
-//          Can leave with a generic error code.
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt RunDialogL( TDes& aReplyBuf,
-                RSCPClient::TSCPButtonConfig aButtonsShown,
-                TInt aMinLen,
-                TInt aMaxLen,
-                TUint aResId = 0,
-                TDesC* aPrompt = NULL,
-                TBool aECSSupport = EFalse,
-                CSCPQueryDialog :: TKeypadContext aContext = CSCPQueryDialog :: ENumeric
-              )
-    {
-    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> RunDialogL() >>> "));
-    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> RunDialogL() aContext = %d "), aContext);
-    FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
-    if(!FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSapDeviceLockEnhancements))
-	{
-			FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-		FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
-    if ( ( aPrompt == NULL ) && ( aResId == 0 ) )
-        {
-        return KErrArgument;
-        }
-    Dprint((_L("--> SCPClient::RunDialogL() start the dialog")));    
-    CSCPQueryDialog* dialog = new (ELeave) CSCPQueryDialog( 
-        aReplyBuf,
-        aButtonsShown,
-        aMinLen,
-        aMaxLen,
-        aECSSupport,
-        aContext
-        ); 
-    CleanupStack::PushL( dialog );            
-    if ( aResId != 0 )
-        {
-        // Load and set the prompt from a resource ID
-        HBufC* prompt;
-        prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResId );   
-        dialog->SetPromptL( *prompt ); 
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );       
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Set the given prompt
-        dialog->SetPromptL( *aPrompt );
-        }        
-    Dprint((_L("-- SCPClient::RunDialogL() dialog->ExecuteLD")));
-    TInt ret = dialog->ExecuteLD( R_SCP_CODE_QUERY );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( dialog );
-    Dprint( (_L("-- SCPClient::RunDialogL(): ret val %d"), ret));
-    return ret;
-    }
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
 // LoadResources() Resource loader
@@ -476,76 +395,13 @@
 EXPORT_C TInt RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock( TBool aLocked )
     Dprint( (_L("--> RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock( %d)"), aLocked ));
-    TInt autolockState = -1;
-    RProperty aProperty;
-    aProperty.Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState);
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock()Autolock state before %d"), autolockState ));
-    if((aLocked==0)&&(autolockState != EAutolockStatusUninitialized))
-    InformAutolockTask();            
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient sendreceive") ));
     TInt ret = SendReceive(ESCPServSetPhoneLock, TIpcArgs( aLocked ) );
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient sendreceive done") ));
-    aProperty.Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState);
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock()Autolock state after %d"), autolockState ));
-    // Put it here because, we cant change autolock status before sendreceive 
-    // Uninitialised state is Only at Bootup.
-    if((autolockState == EAutolockStatusUninitialized)&&(aLocked==0)&&(ret==KErrNone))
-        {
-        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock()setting autolock status") ));
-        aProperty.Set(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, EAutolockOff);
-        // This is startup and we are done with ISA unlock
-        // So set the Startup cenrep key so tht it is used in SeccodeQuery
-        CRepository* lRepository = NULL; 
-        TInt returnv;
-        TRAP(returnv, lRepository = CRepository :: NewL(KCRUidSCPLockCode));
-        returnv = lRepository->Set(KSCPStartupQuery, 1);
-        if(returnv==KErrNone)
-        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock()setting KSCPStartupQuery") ));
-        delete lRepository;
-        }
     Dprint( (_L("<-- RSCPClient::SetPhoneLock(): %d"), ret ));
     return ret;
-void RSCPClient::InformAutolockTask()
-    {
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::InformAutolockTask") ));
-    // Deactivation call, send the deactivation message to Autolock
-        RWsSession wsSession;
-        if ( wsSession.Connect() != KErrNone )
-           {
-           Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::InformAutolockTask():\
-               WsSession connection failed") ));        
-           User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
-           }
-        CleanupClosePushL( wsSession );
-        TApaTaskList taskList( wsSession );
-        TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp( TUid::Uid( 0x100059B5 ) ); // Autolock
-        if ( task.Exists() )
-            {
-            Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::InformAutolockTask():\
-               Autolock task found, sending msg") ));        
-            // No parameters, just a dummy buffer
-            TBuf8<8> buf;
-            buf.Zero();            
-            const TPtrC8& message = buf;                      
-            User::LeaveIfError( 
-               task.SendMessage( TUid::Uid( SCP_CMDUID_UNLOCK+1 ), message ) 
-               );           
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::InformAutolockTask():\
-               Autolock task not found") ));
-            User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wsSession
-    }   
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
 // TBool RSCPClient::QueryAdminCmd( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand )
 // Packs the command parameter into a buffer, and propagates
@@ -628,184 +484,6 @@
 // *********** Device lock new features ************* -->>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery()
-// Request the security code from the user and authenticate
-// through the server.
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery( RMobilePhone::TMobilePassword& aPassword, 
-                                        TSCPButtonConfig aButtonsShown, 
-                                        TBool aECSSupport,
-                                        TInt aFlags )
-    {
-    TInt lErr = KErrNone;
-    TInt lStatus = KErrNone;
-    TInt lResFileSCP = NULL;
-    TInt lResFileSecUi = NULL;
-    Dprint( (_L("--> RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery(%d, %d"), aButtonsShown, aECSSupport ));  
-    TRAP(lErr, lStatus = SetSecurityCodeL(aPassword, aButtonsShown, aECSSupport, aFlags, lResFileSCP, lResFileSecUi));    
-    if(lResFileSCP) {
-        CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(lResFileSCP);
-	}
-    if(lResFileSecUi) {
-        CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(lResFileSecUi);
-    }
-    Dprint((_L("<-- RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery(): lStatus= %d, lErr= %d"), lStatus, lErr));
-    CRepository* lRepository = NULL;  
-    TInt startup = 0;
-    TInt returnv;
-    TRAP(returnv, lRepository = CRepository :: NewL(KCRUidSCPLockCode));
-    returnv = lRepository->Get(KSCPStartupQuery, startup);
-    if(returnv == KErrNone)
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery()KSCPStartupQuery get done")));
-    lRepository->Set(KSCPStartupQuery, 0);
-    delete lRepository;
-    Dprint((_L("RSCPClient::SecCodeQuery(): startup ? %d"), startup ));
-    //Check if this is Startup Query and tht device is remote unlocked now ?
-    if(startup)
-        {
-        Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient] SecCodeQuery() startup remote Unlocked")));
-        return KErrNone;
-        }
-    else
-    return (lErr != KErrNone) ? lErr : lStatus;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RSCPClient::ChangeCodeRequest()
-// Show the current code query dialog and continue in GetNew
-// CodeAndChange.
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt RSCPClient::ChangeCodeRequest()
-    {
-    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient] ChangeCodeRequest() >>>")));
-    if(EFalse == isFlagEnabled) {
-        Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ChangeCodeRequest(): ERROR: Function not supported in this variant")));
-        User :: Invariant();
-        return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-    TInt lRet(KErrNone);
-    TInt lErr(KErrNone);
-    TInt resourceFileSCP(NULL);
-    TInt resourceFileSecUi(NULL);
-    // Check if the code change is allowed
-    {
-        HBufC8* addParamsHBuf = NULL;
-        TRAP(lErr, addParamsHBuf = HBufC8 :: NewL(KSCPMaxTARMNotifParamLen));
-        if(lErr != KErrNone) {
-            return lErr;
-        }
-        TPtr8 addParams = addParamsHBuf->Des();
-        addParams.Zero();
-        TInt status(KErrNone);
-        TPckg<TInt> retPackage(status);
-        TInt ret = SendReceive(ESCPServCodeChangeQuery, TIpcArgs(&retPackage, &addParams));
-        if((ret == KErrNone) && (addParams.Length() > 0)) {
-            // The server has sent additional parameters, ignore errors in processing
-            TRAP_IGNORE(ProcessServerCommandsL(addParams));
-        }
-        delete addParamsHBuf;
-        if((ret != KErrNone) || (status != KErrNone)) {
-            // Password cannot be changed now
-            return KErrAbort;
-        }
-    }
-    // Load the required resource files into this process
-    lRet = LoadResources(resourceFileSCP, resourceFileSecUi);
-    if(lRet != KErrNone) {
-        return lRet;
-    }
-    HBufC* codeHBuf = NULL;
-    TRAP(lErr, codeHBuf = HBufC :: NewL(KSCPPasscodeMaxLength + 1));
-    if(lErr != KErrNone) {
-        // Remove the resource files
-        CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(resourceFileSCP);
-        CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(resourceFileSecUi);
-        return lErr;
-    }
-    TPtr codeBuffer = codeHBuf->Des();
-    codeBuffer.Zero();
-    TInt def_code = -1;
-    CRepository* lRepository = NULL;
-    TRAP(lErr, lRepository = CRepository :: NewL(KCRUidSCPLockCode));
-    if(KErrNone == lErr) {
-        lErr = lRepository->Get(KSCPLockCodeDefaultLockCode, def_code);
-        if(def_code == 0) {
-            TRAP(lErr, lRet = RunDialogL(codeBuffer, SCP_OK_CANCEL, KSCPPasscodeMinLength,
-                                     KSCPPasscodeMaxLength, R_SECUI_TEXT_ENTER_SEC_CODE));
-            if((lRet) && (lErr == KErrNone) && (lRet != ESecUiEmergencyCall)) {
-                lErr = GetNewCodeAndChange(codeBuffer, KSCPNormalChange);
-            }
-            if(lErr != KErrNone) {
-                Dprint((_L("RSCPClient::ChangeCodeRequest(): Code change FAILED: %d"), lErr));
-            }
-            if(((!lRet) && (lErr == KErrNone)) || (lRet == ESecUiEmergencyCall)) {
-                // Cancelled by user
-                lErr = KErrAbort;
-            }
-        }
-        else if(def_code != -1) {
-            _LIT(KText, "12345");
-            TBufC<10> NBuf (KText);
-            TPtr codeBuf = NBuf.Des();
-            lErr = GetNewCodeAndChange(codeBuf, KSCPNormalChange);
-            if(lErr == KErrNone) {
-                lRepository->Set(KSCPLockCodeDefaultLockCode, 0);
-            }
-            else {
-                Dprint((_L("RSCPClient::ChangeCodeRequest(): Code change FAILED automatic: %d"), lErr));
-            }
-        }
-        delete lRepository;
-    }
-    Dprint((_L("<-- RSCPClient::ChangeCodeRequest(): %d"), lErr ));
-    // Remove the resource files
-    CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(resourceFileSCP);
-    CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile(resourceFileSecUi);    
-    delete codeHBuf;
-    return lErr;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
 // RSCPClient::CheckConfiguration()
@@ -852,7 +530,6 @@
     return ret;
 EXPORT_C TInt RSCPClient :: PerformCleanupL(RArray<TUid>& aAppIDs) {
-    Dprint((_L("RSCPClient::PerformCleanupL() >>>")));
     TInt lCount = aAppIDs.Count();
     if(lCount < 1) {
@@ -871,7 +548,6 @@
     TInt lStatus = SendReceive(ESCPApplicationUninstalled, TIpcArgs(ESCPApplicationUninstalled, &lBuff->Des()));
     CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(2); // lBuff, lWriteStream
-    Dprint((_L("RSCPClient::PerformCleanupL() <<<")));
     return lStatus;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
@@ -888,6 +564,48 @@
     return ret;
+EXPORT_C TInt RSCPClient::GetPolicies(RArray<TInt>& aDeviceLockPolicies) {
+    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> GetPolicies >>>"));
+    HBufC8* lBuff = NULL;
+    TInt lStatus = KErrNone;
+    TRAP(lStatus, lBuff = HBufC8 :: NewL((EDevicelockTotalPolicies - 1)  * sizeof(TInt)));
+    if (lStatus == KErrNone) {
+        lStatus = SendReceive(ESCPServGetParam, TIpcArgs(-1, &lBuff->Des()));
+        if (lStatus == KErrNone) {
+            // Copy data from lBuff to aDeviceLockPolicies
+            TPtr8 bufPtr = lBuff->Des();
+            if (bufPtr.Length() > 0) {
+                RDesReadStream lBufReadStream(bufPtr);
+                Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> Get from server complete, returning service request..."));
+                for (TInt i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
+                    TInt32 lParamValue = 0;
+                    TRAP(lStatus, lParamValue = lBufReadStream.ReadInt32L());
+                    if (lStatus != KErrNone) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    aDeviceLockPolicies.Append(lParamValue);
+                }
+                lBufReadStream.Close();
+            }
+            else {
+                lStatus = KErrGeneral;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    delete lBuff;
+    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> GetPolicies <<<"));
+    return lStatus;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------
  * Alternative function that can be used to set the Auto Lock period
  * Caller should have AllFiles access level
@@ -901,376 +619,101 @@
     Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> SetAutoLockPeriod(): %d <<<"), ret));
     return ret;
+EXPORT_C TBool RSCPClient :: IsLockcodeChangeAllowedNow(RArray<TDevicelockPolicies>& aFailedPolicies) {
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> IsLockcodeChangeAllowedNow() >>>")));
+    TInt lStatus = KErrNone;
+	TInt lErr = KErrNone;
+    // extra one for failed policies count
+    //koys: if leave happens what errorcode we should return??
+    HBufC8* failedPoliciesBuff = NULL;
+    TRAP(lStatus, failedPoliciesBuff = HBufC8 :: NewL((EDevicelockTotalPolicies + 1)* sizeof(TInt32)));
+	if (lStatus == KErrNone) {
+		lStatus = SendReceive(ESCPServCodeChangeQuery, TIpcArgs(&failedPoliciesBuff->Des()));
+		//koya: if leave happens what errorcode we should return??
+		TPtr8 failedPoliciesBufPtr = failedPoliciesBuff->Des();
+		TRAP(lErr, ReadFailedPoliciesL(failedPoliciesBufPtr, aFailedPolicies));
+		delete failedPoliciesBuff;
+	}
+	Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> IsLockcodeChangeAllowedNow() <<<")));
+    return (lStatus != KErrNone) ? lStatus : ((lErr != KErrNone) ? lErr : KErrNone);
+EXPORT_C  TInt RSCPClient :: VerifyNewLockcodeAgainstPolicies(TDesC& aLockcode, RArray<TDevicelockPolicies>& aFailedPolicies) {
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> VerifyNewLockcodeAgainstPolicies() >>>")));
+    TInt lRet = KErrNone;
+    TInt lErr = KErrNone;
+    // extra one for failed policies count
+    HBufC8* failedPoliciesBuff = NULL;
+    TRAP(lRet, failedPoliciesBuff = HBufC8 :: NewL((EDevicelockTotalPolicies + 1) * sizeof(TInt32)));
+    if(lRet == KErrNone) {
+        lRet = SendReceive(ESCPServValidateLockcode, TIpcArgs(&aLockcode, &failedPoliciesBuff->Des()));
+        TPtr8 failedPoliciesBufPtr = failedPoliciesBuff->Des();
+        TRAP(lErr, ReadFailedPoliciesL(failedPoliciesBufPtr, aFailedPolicies));
+        delete failedPoliciesBuff;
+    }
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> VerifyNewLockcodeAgainstPolicies() <<<")));
+    return (lRet != KErrNone) ? lRet : ((lErr != KErrNone) ? lErr : KErrNone);
+EXPORT_C  TInt RSCPClient :: StoreLockcode (TDesC& aNewLockcode, TDesC& aOldLockcode, RArray<TDevicelockPolicies>& aFailedPolicies) {
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> StoreLockcode() >>>")));
+    TInt lErr = KErrNone;
+    TInt lRet = KErrNone;
+    if (!IsLockcodeChangeAllowedNow(aFailedPolicies)) {
+        return KErrAccessDenied;
+    }
+    HBufC8* failedPoliciesBuff = NULL;
+    TRAP(lRet, failedPoliciesBuff = HBufC8 :: NewL((EDevicelockTotalPolicies + 1)* sizeof(TInt32)));
+    if(lRet == KErrNone) {
+        lRet = SendReceive(ESCPServChangeEnhCode, TIpcArgs(&aOldLockcode, &aNewLockcode, &failedPoliciesBuff->Des()));
+        TPtr8 failedPoliciesBufPtr = failedPoliciesBuff->Des();
+        TRAP(lErr, ReadFailedPoliciesL(failedPoliciesBufPtr, aFailedPolicies));
+        delete failedPoliciesBuff;
+    }
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> StoreLockcode() <<<")));
+    return (lRet != KErrNone) ? lRet : ((lErr != KErrNone) ? lErr : KErrNone);
+EXPORT_C  TInt RSCPClient :: VerifyCurrentLockcode (TDesC& aLockcode,RMobilePhone::TMobilePassword& aISACode,RArray< TDevicelockPolicies > &aFailedPolicies, TInt aFlags) {
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> VerifyCurrentLockcode() >>>")));
+    TInt lErr = KErrNone;
+    TInt lRet = KErrNone;
+    // extra one for failed policies count
+    HBufC8* failedPoliciesBuff = NULL;
+    TRAP(lRet, failedPoliciesBuff = HBufC8 :: NewL((EDevicelockTotalPolicies + 1)* sizeof(TInt32)));
+    if(lRet == KErrNone) {
+        lRet = SendReceive(ESCPServAuthenticateS60, TIpcArgs(&aLockcode, &aISACode, &failedPoliciesBuff->Des(), aFlags));
+        TPtr8 failedPoliciesBufPtr = failedPoliciesBuff->Des();
+        TRAP(lRet, ReadFailedPoliciesL(failedPoliciesBufPtr, aFailedPolicies));
+        delete failedPoliciesBuff;
+    }
+    return (lRet != KErrNone) ? lRet : ((lErr != KErrNone) ? lErr : KErrNone);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RSCPClient::GetNewCodeAndChange()
-// Show the new code request and verification dialogs and
-// send the change request to the server.
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt RSCPClient::GetNewCodeAndChange( TDes& aOldCode, 
-                                      TInt aMode,
-                                      TSCPSecCode* aNewDOSCode /*=NULL*/, 
-                                      HBufC** aNewCodePptr/* = NULL*/)
-    {
-    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> GetNewCodeAndChange() >>>"));
-    if(!isFlagEnabled)
-	{
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-	}
-    TInt err = KErrNone;
-    TInt ret = KErrNone;            
-    TInt maxLen = KSCPPasscodeMaxLength;
-    TInt minLen = 1;
-    // Fetch the minimum and maximum lengths for the code, if available.
-    // This feature is commented out for correction to BU error ID: BNIN-6LC3AP.
-    // Left in the code for possible inclusion in the future.
-    //FetchLimits( minLen, maxLen );        
-    // Request the new code and verify it. Repeat this until the codes match.
-    // Create the buffers on the heap
-    HBufC* newCodeHBuf = NULL;
-    HBufC* verifyCodeHBuf = NULL;
-    TRAP( err, newCodeHBuf = HBufC::NewL( KSCPPasscodeMaxLength + 1 ) );
-    if ( err == KErrNone )
-        {
-        TRAP( err, verifyCodeHBuf = HBufC::NewL( KSCPPasscodeMaxLength + 1 ) );
-        }
-    if ( err != KErrNone )
-        {
-        if ( newCodeHBuf != NULL )
-            {
-            delete newCodeHBuf;
-            }
-        return err; 
-        }    
-    TPtr newCodeBuffer = newCodeHBuf->Des();
-    TPtr verifyCodeBuffer = verifyCodeHBuf->Des();  
-    // Configure the buttons according to the mode
-    TSCPButtonConfig bConfig;
-    TBool ecSupport;
-    if ( aMode == KSCPForcedChange )
-        {
-        bConfig = SCP_OK_ETEL;
-        ecSupport = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        bConfig = SCP_OK_CANCEL;
-        ecSupport = EFalse;
-        }
-    TBool isMismatch = EFalse;
-    do // Repeat loop BEGIN
-        {
-        isMismatch = EFalse;
-        if ( err == KErrSCPInvalidCode )
-            {
-            err = KErrNone; // "reset"
-            }
-        newCodeBuffer.Zero(); 
-        TRAP( err, ret = RunDialogL( newCodeBuffer, 
-                                 bConfig, 
-                                 minLen,
-                                 maxLen,
-                                 R_SECUI_TEXT_ENTER_NEW_SEC_CODE,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 ecSupport) );
-        if ( ( ret ) && ( ret != ESecUiEmergencyCall ) && ( err == KErrNone ) )
-            {
-            verifyCodeBuffer.Zero();
-            /*TChar ch = static_cast<TChar>(newCodeBuffer[0]);
-            CSCPQueryDialog :: TKeypadContext lKPContext =
-                    (ch.IsDigit() ? CSCPQueryDialog :: ENumeric : CSCPQueryDialog :: EAlphaNumeric);*/
-            TRAP( err, ret = RunDialogL( verifyCodeBuffer, 
-                                 bConfig, 
-                                 minLen,
-                                 maxLen,
-                                 R_SECUI_TEXT_VERIFY_NEW_SEC_CODE,
-                                 NULL,
-                                 ecSupport));
-            }
-        if ( ( !ret ) || ( err != KErrNone ) || ( ret == ESecUiEmergencyCall ) )
-            {
-            break;
-            }            
-        if  ( verifyCodeBuffer.Compare( newCodeBuffer ) != 0 )
-            {                        
-            // Ignore the errors from showing the note, it's better to continue if it fails
-            TRAP_IGNORE(
-                // Show an error note, the entered codes don't match             
-                CAknNoteDialog* noteDlg = 
-                    new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(reinterpret_cast<CEikDialog**>( &noteDlg ) );
-                noteDlg->SetTimeout( CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
-                noteDlg->SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::EErrorTone );
-                noteDlg->ExecuteLD( R_CODES_DONT_MATCH );
-            );
-            isMismatch = ETrue; // Repeat code query
-            }        
-        if ( !isMismatch )
-            {
-            HBufC8* addParamsHBuf = NULL;
-            TRAP( err, addParamsHBuf = HBufC8::NewL( KSCPMaxTARMNotifParamLen ) );
-            if ( err != KErrNone )
-                {
-                delete verifyCodeHBuf;
-                delete newCodeHBuf;             
-                return err;
-                }      
-            TPtr8 addParams = addParamsHBuf->Des();
-            addParams.Zero();                                    
-            if ( !isMismatch )
-                {
-                // Try to change the code
-                TSCPSecCode newDOSCode;
-                newDOSCode.Zero();
-                err = SendReceive(  ESCPServChangeEnhCode, 
-                            TIpcArgs( &aOldCode, &verifyCodeBuffer, &addParams, &newDOSCode ) 
-                         );
-                if ( addParams.Length() > 0 )
-                    {
-                    // The server has sent additional parameters
-                    TRAPD( err, ProcessServerCommandsL( addParams ) );
-                    if ( err != KErrNone )
-                        {
-                        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::GetNewCodeAndChange():\
-                            Process cmds FAILED: %d"), err ));
-                        }                    
-                    }
-                if ( aNewDOSCode != NULL )
-                    {
-                    (*aNewDOSCode).Copy( newDOSCode );
-                    }
-                }
-            delete addParamsHBuf;
-            }
-        } while ( ( isMismatch ) || ( err == KErrSCPInvalidCode ) ); // Loop END
-    if ( ( ( !ret ) && ( err == KErrNone ) ) || ( ret == ESecUiEmergencyCall ) )
-        {
-        // Cancelled by user
-        err = KErrAbort;
-        }
-    if((KErrNone == err) && (aNewCodePptr != 0)) {
-        Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Updating new lock code to aNewCodePptr"));
-        TRAP(err, *aNewCodePptr = HBufC :: NewL(verifyCodeHBuf->Des().Length()));
-        if(*aNewCodePptr != NULL) {
-            (*aNewCodePptr)->Des().Copy(verifyCodeHBuf->Des());
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Updated new lock code to aNewCodePptr"));
-        }
-    }
-    delete verifyCodeHBuf;
-    delete newCodeHBuf;
-    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> GetNewCodeAndChange() <<<"));
-    return err;        
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommandsL()
-// Handle the commands in the server's param-buffer
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommandsL( TDes8& aInParams, 
-                                         CSCPParamObject** aOutParams,
-                                         TBool isNotifierEvent )
-    {    
-    if(!isFlagEnabled)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-    Dprint( (_L("--> RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommandsL()") ));
-    (void)aOutParams;
-    CSCPParamObject* theParams = CSCPParamObject::NewL();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( theParams );
-    theParams->Parse( aInParams );
-    TInt actionID;
-    TInt ret = theParams->Get( KSCPParamAction, actionID );
-    Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommandsL():Params parsed") ));
-    if ( ret != KErrNone )
-        {
-        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommands(): Can't get action ID: %d"), ret )); 
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        switch ( actionID )
-            {
-            case ( KSCPActionShowUI ):
-                {
-                TRAP( ret, ShowUIL( *theParams ) );
-                break;
-                }
-            case ( KSCPActionForceChange ):
-                {
-                if ( isNotifierEvent )
-                    {
-                    break; // Calling this through the notifier would jam the system
-                    // since the server is busy.
-                    }                                    
-                HBufC* codeHBuf = NULL;
-                codeHBuf = HBufC::NewL( KSCPPasscodeMaxLength + 1 );    
-                CleanupStack::PushL( codeHBuf );
-                TPtr codeBuf = codeHBuf->Des();
-                codeBuf.Zero(); 
-                ret = theParams->Get( KSCPParamPassword, codeBuf );
-                if ( ret == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    TInt lResFile = 0;
-                    TFileName resFile;
-                    resFile.Copy( KDriveZ );
-                    resFile.Append( KSCPTimestampPluginResFilename );
-                    BaflUtils :: NearestLanguageFile( CCoeEnv :: Static()->FsSession(), resFile );
-                    lResFile = CCoeEnv :: Static()->AddResourceFileL(resFile);
-                    CAknNoteDialog* lNoteDlg = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(CAknNoteDialog :: ENoTone, CAknNoteDialog :: ELongTimeout);
-                    CleanupStack :: PushL(lNoteDlg);
-                    HBufC* lExpNoteMsg = CEikonEnv :: Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_SET_SEC_CODE_AGING);
-                    lNoteDlg->SetTextL(lExpNoteMsg->Des());
-                    lNoteDlg->ExecuteLD(R_DIALOG_WARNING);
-                    CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(1); //lExpNoteMsg
-                    CleanupStack :: Pop(1); //lNoteDlg
-                    CCoeEnv :: Static()->DeleteResourceFile( lResFile );
-                    TSCPSecCode newDOSCode;
-                    ret = GetNewCodeAndChange( codeBuf, KSCPForcedChange, &newDOSCode );
-                    // If aOutParams is defined, return the new code
-                    if ( aOutParams != NULL )
-                        {
-                        (*aOutParams) = CSCPParamObject::NewL();
-                        (*aOutParams)->Set( KSCPParamPassword, newDOSCode );
-                        }
-                    }
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codeHBuf );
-                break;
-                }                            
-            }                
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( theParams );
-    Dprint( (_L("<-- RSCPClient::ProcessServerCommandsL()") ));
-    User::LeaveIfError( ret );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// RSCPClient::ShowUI()
-// Show the requested UI through AVKON
-// Status : Approved
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void RSCPClient::ShowUIL( CSCPParamObject& aContext )
-    {
-    if(!isFlagEnabled)
-	{
-		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
-	}
-    Dprint( (_L("--> RSCPClient::ShowUIL()") ));
-    TInt mode;
-    User::LeaveIfError( aContext.Get( KSCPParamUIMode, mode ) );
-    switch ( mode )
-        {
-        case ( KSCPUINote ):
-            {
-            // Get prompt
-            TBuf<KSCPMaxPromptTextLen> promptText;
-            aContext.Get( KSCPParamPromptText, promptText );
-            // Try to get note icon, default is to use "error"
-            TInt noteType = KSCPUINoteError;
-            Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::ShowUIL(): Creating note object") ));
-            CAknResourceNoteDialog* note = NULL;
-            if ( aContext.Get( KSCPParamNoteIcon, noteType ) != KErrNone )
-                {
-                noteType = KSCPUINoteError;
-                }
-            switch ( noteType )
-                {
-                case ( KSCPUINoteWarning ):
-                    {
-                    note = new (ELeave) CAknWarningNote( ETrue );    
-                    break;
-                    }
-                case ( KSCPUINoteError ):
-                default: // default to error
-                    {
-                    note = new (ELeave) CAknErrorNote( ETrue ); 
-                    break;
-                    }                         
-                }                                          
-            if ( note != NULL )
-                {
-                Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::ShowUIL(): Showing note") ));
-                note->ExecuteLD( promptText );
-                }            
-            }
-        }
-    Dprint( (_L("<-- RSCPClient::ShowUIL()") ));
-    } 
 // ---------------------------------------------------------
 // RSCPClient::FetchLimits()
@@ -1316,223 +759,31 @@
             aMax = KSCPPasscodeMaxLength;
-    }              
-TInt RSCPClient :: SetSecurityCodeL(RMobilePhone :: TMobilePassword& aPassword, 
-            TSCPButtonConfig aButtonsShown, TBool aECSSupport, TInt aFlags, TInt& aResFileSCP, TInt& aResFileSecUi) {
-    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> SetSecurityCodeL() >>>")));
-    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> input params - aButtonsShown=%d, aECSSupport=%d"), aButtonsShown, aECSSupport));
-    if(EFalse == isFlagEnabled) {
-        (void)aPassword;
-        Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ERROR: Function not supported in this variant")));
-        User :: Invariant();
-        return KErrNotSupported;
-    }
-    TInt lRet = LoadResources(aResFileSCP, aResFileSecUi);
-    if(lRet != KErrNone) {
-        return lRet;
-    TInt lDefCode = 0;
-    CRepository* lRepository = CRepository :: NewLC(KCRUidSCPLockCode);
-    lRet = lRepository->Get(KSCPLockCodeDefaultLockCode, lDefCode);
-    if(lRet != KErrNone) {
-        Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> ERROR: Unable to perform get on CenRep, lErr=%d"), lRet);
-        CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(lRepository);
-        return lRet;
+void RSCPClient :: ReadFailedPoliciesL(TDes8& aFailedPolicyBuf, RArray< TDevicelockPolicies>& aFailedPolicies) {
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ReadFailedPoliciesL() >>>")));
+    if(aFailedPolicyBuf.Length() < 1) {
+        return;
-    TInt currentLawmoState(0); 
-    Dprint( (_L("CSCPClient::lawmo cenrep") ));
-    CRepository* crep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDeviceManagementInternalKeys );
-    TInt reterr = crep->Get( KLAWMOPhoneLock, currentLawmoState ); 
-    Dprint( (_L("CSCPClient::lawmo cenrep done") ));
-    if(reterr != KErrNone) 
-        {
-        Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> ERROR: Unable to perform get on CenRep lawmo, lErr=%d"), lRet);
-        CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(crep);
-        return reterr;
-        }
-    HBufC* codeHBuf = HBufC :: NewLC(KSCPPasscodeMaxLength + 1);
-    HBufC8* addParamsHBuf = HBufC8 :: NewLC(KSCPMaxTARMNotifParamLen);
-    TPtr codeBuffer = codeHBuf->Des();
-    TPtr8 addParams = addParamsHBuf->Des();
-    if(currentLawmoState!=KLockedbyLawmo)
-        {
-        // rundialog with a new resource file
-        Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> lawmo current state !=30")));
-        TBuf<255> serverId;
-        serverId.Zero();
-        reterr = crep->Get( KLAWMOfactoryDmServerName, serverId );
-        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetSecurityCode serverid: %s"), serverId.PtrZ() ));
-        HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_SCP_LAWMO_LOCKED, serverId);
-        Dprint( (_L("RSCPClient::SetSecurityCode stringval: %s"), (prompt->Des()).PtrZ() ));
-        lRet = RunDialogL(codeBuffer, aButtonsShown, KSCPPasscodeMinLength, KSCPPasscodeMaxLength,
-                        0, prompt, aECSSupport);
-		if((lRet) && (lRet != ESecUiEmergencyCall) && (lRet != EAknSoftkeyEmergencyCall)) 
-			{
-			Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: LL User has updated the lock code..."));
-			lRet = SendReceive( ESCPServAuthenticateS60, TIpcArgs( &codeBuffer, &aPassword, &addParams, aFlags));
-			Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: LL addParams.Length()=%d")), addParams.Length());
-			Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: LL lRet=%d")), lRet);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-	        switch(lRet) 
-	            {
-	            case 0:
-	                lRet = KErrCancel;
-	                break;
-	            }
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
-        }
-    else if(lDefCode == 0) {
-        Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Default lock code has been set already by the user..."));
-        lRet = RunDialogL(codeBuffer, aButtonsShown, KSCPPasscodeMinLength, KSCPPasscodeMaxLength,
-                R_SECUI_TEXT_ENTER_SEC_CODE, NULL, aECSSupport);
-        if((lRet) && (lRet != ESecUiEmergencyCall) && (lRet != EAknSoftkeyEmergencyCall)) {
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: User has updated the lock code..."));
-            lRet = SendReceive( ESCPServAuthenticateS60, TIpcArgs( &codeBuffer, &aPassword, &addParams, aFlags));
-            Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: addParams.Length()=%d")), addParams.Length());
-            Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: lRet=%d")), lRet);
-        }
-        else {
-            switch(lRet) {
-            case 0:
-				lRet = KErrCancel;
-				break;
-            case EAknSoftkeyEmergencyCall:
-                //lRet = KErrCancel;
-                break;
-            case ESecUiEmergencyCall:
-                lRet = ESecUiEmergencyCall;
-                break;
-            /*default:
-                break;*/
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        TRequestStatus statusSave;
-        Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Default lock code not set by the user, requesting for the same"));
-        HBufC* msgConfirmSave = NULL;
-        CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* query = CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery :: NewLC();
-        if(aButtonsShown == SCP_OK || aButtonsShown == SCP_OK_ETEL) {
-            //msgConfirmSave = CEikonEnv :: Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_SET_SEC_CODE);
-             msgConfirmSave = CEikonEnv :: Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_SET_SEC_CODE_SETTING_QUERY_SERVER);
-            query->ShowConfirmationQueryL(statusSave, *msgConfirmSave, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY__OK, R_QGN_NOTE_INFO_ANIM);
-        }
-        else {
-            msgConfirmSave = CEikonEnv :: Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_SET_SEC_CODE);
-        	query->ShowConfirmationQueryL(statusSave, *msgConfirmSave, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO__YES, R_QGN_NOTE_QUERY_ANIM);
-        }
-        User :: WaitForRequest(statusSave);
-        CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(2); // msgConfirmSave query
-        if((statusSave == EAknSoftkeyYes) || (statusSave == EAknSoftkeyOk)) {
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: calling GetNewCodeAndChange() ..."));
-            TBufC<10> NBuf(KSCPDefaultEnchSecCode);
-            TPtr codeBuf = NBuf.Des();
-            TSCPSecCode lNewSecCode;
-            TInt lButtonCfg = (aButtonsShown == SCP_OK || aButtonsShown == SCP_OK_ETEL) ? KSCPForcedChange : KSCPNormalChange;
-            HBufC* lNewLkCodeBuf = NULL;
-            lRet = GetNewCodeAndChange(codeBuf, lButtonCfg, &lNewSecCode, &lNewLkCodeBuf);
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: GetNewCodeAndChange() complete, err=%d"), lRet);
-            if(KErrNone == lRet) {
-                /* This is being called as a workaround for a freezing issue with SecUI. This is in place
-                 * as a temporary measure until the source is identified.
-                */
-                TInt lTmpRet = SendReceive(ESCPServAuthenticateS60, TIpcArgs(&lNewLkCodeBuf->Des(), &aPassword, &addParams, aFlags));
-                Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: lTmpRet from SendReceive()=%d"), lTmpRet);
-                if(KErrNone == lRet) {
-                    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: updating CenRep ..."));
-                    lRepository->Set(KSCPLockCodeDefaultLockCode, 0);
-                    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: User updated lock code for the first time...err= %d"), lRet);
-                }
-            }
-            if(lNewLkCodeBuf) {
-                delete lNewLkCodeBuf;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Returning KErrCancel"));
-            lRet = KErrCancel;
-        }
-        if(KErrAbort == lRet) {
-            Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Returning KErrCancel"));
-            lRet = KErrCancel;
-        }
+    RDesReadStream readStream(aFailedPolicyBuf);
+    CleanupClosePushL(readStream);
+    TInt failedPoliciesCount = readStream.ReadInt32L();    
+    aFailedPolicies.Reset();
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ReadFailedPoliciesL failedPoliciesCount =%d"), failedPoliciesCount));
+    for(int i=0; i < failedPoliciesCount; i++) {
+        TInt32 temp =  readStream.ReadInt32L();
+        //aFailedPolicies.Append((TDevicelockPolicies) readStream.ReadInt32L());
+        aFailedPolicies.AppendL((TDevicelockPolicies)temp);
+        Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ReadFailedPoliciesL failed policy =%d"), temp));
-    if(addParams.Length() > 0) {
-        CSCPParamObject* tmp = CSCPParamObject :: NewLC();
-        TInt lTempRet = tmp->Parse(addParams);
-        if(lTempRet == KErrNone) {
-            lTempRet = tmp->Set(KSCPParamPassword, codeBuffer);
-        }
-        if(lTempRet == KErrNone) {
-            addParams.Zero();
-            HBufC8* tmpBuf;
-            lTempRet = tmp->GetBuffer(tmpBuf);
-            if(lTempRet == KErrNone) {
-                addParams.Copy(tmpBuf->Des());
-                delete tmpBuf;
-            }
-        }
-        if(lTempRet == KErrNone) {
-            CSCPParamObject* outParams = NULL;
-            /*
-             * aECSSupport when passed to ProcessServerCommandsL decides if the expiry note and subsequently change device lock
-             * code has to be shown or not. Normally if the lock code has expired, the same has to be prompted from the user and 
-             * has to be done only during device unlock. aECSSupport value is being passed to ensure that new lock code is prompted
-             * only during device unlock.
-             */
-            ProcessServerCommandsL(addParams, &outParams, !aECSSupport);
-            if(outParams != NULL) {
-                TSCPSecCode newSecCode;
-                if(outParams->Get(KSCPParamPassword, newSecCode) == KErrNone) {
-                    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> INFO: Updating encoded password received from the server into aPassword...")));
-                    aPassword.Copy(newSecCode);
-                }
-                delete outParams;
-            }
-        }
-        CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(tmp);
-    }
-    CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(4); // repository * 2, addParamsHBuf, codeHBuf 
-    Dprint(_L("[RSCPClient]-> SetSecurityCodeL() <<< lRet=%d"), lRet);
-    return lRet;
+    CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(&readStream);
+    Dprint((_L("[RSCPClient]-> ReadFailedPoliciesL() <<<")));
 // <<-- *********** Device lock new features *************