changeset 0 b497e44ab2fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/syncmlfw/common/sosserver/src/NSmlConnection.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:07:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Symbian OS Server source.
+#include "nsmlsosserver.h"
+#include "nsmlroam.h"
+#include "NSmlTransportHandler.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlConnection::CNSmlConnection( const TInt aProfId, const TInt aTransId )
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CNSmlConnection::CNSmlConnection( const TInt aProfId, const TInt aTransId, CNSmlSOSSession& aSession ) 
+: iProfId(aProfId), iTransId(aTransId), iSession(aSession), iDataPtr(NULL, 0, 0)  
+    {    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CNSmlConnection::~CNSmlConnection()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete iBuffer;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TInt CNSmlConnection::FetchDataL()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNSmlConnection::FetchDataL()
+    {
+    TInt ret(KErrNotFound);
+    if ( iProfId < KMaxDataSyncID ) // DS Profile
+        { 
+        CNSmlDSProfile* prof = iSession.DSSettings().ProfileL( iProfId );
+        if ( prof )
+            {
+            CleanupStack::PushL(prof);
+            // Check if transport id differs from one saved to profile.
+            if ( iTransId != prof->IntValue( EDSProfileTransportId ) )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+                return KErrNotFound;
+                }
+            // String lengths. (+1 is because of zero-length strings which are added to streams also).
+            TInt urllen = prof->StrValue( EDSProfileServerURL ).Size();
+            TInt unlen = prof->StrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthUsername ).Size();
+            TInt pwlen = prof->StrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthPassword ).Size();
+            CBufFlat* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL( KDefaultNSmlBufferGranularity );
+	        CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
+	        RBufWriteStream stream( *buffer );  
+            CleanupClosePushL(stream);
+            stream.WriteInt32L( urllen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDSProfileServerURL );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( prof->IntValue(EDSProfileIAPId ) );
+            CNSmlRoamTable* roamTable = CNSmlRoamTable::NewL( *iSession.DSSettings().Database() );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( roamTable );
+            CNSmlIAPArray* array = roamTable->GetItemsForIdL( iProfId );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( array );
+            for ( TInt i(0) ; i < array->Count() ; i++ )
+                {
+                stream.WriteInt32L( array->At(i) );   
+                }
+            TInt iapCount = array->Count() + 1;
+            while ( iapCount < KMaxIAPCount )
+                {
+                stream.WriteInt32L(0); // write zero values to IAP ids that doesn't exist.
+                iapCount++;
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array); 
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(roamTable);
+            stream.WriteInt32L( prof->IntValue(EDSProfileAutoChangeIAP ) );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( prof->IntValue(EDSProfileHttpAuthUsed ) );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( unlen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthUsername );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( pwlen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthPassword );
+            stream.CommitL();
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+            delete iBuffer;
+	        iBuffer = buffer;
+	        CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );    
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+            ret = KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    else    // DM Profile
+        {
+        CNSmlDMProfile* prof = iSession.DMSettings().ProfileL( iProfId );
+        if ( prof )
+            {
+            CleanupStack::PushL(prof);        
+            if ( iTransId != prof->IntValue( EDMProfileTransportId ) )
+                {
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+                return KErrNotFound;
+                }
+            TInt urllen = prof->StrValue( EDMProfileServerURL ).Size();
+			TInt unlen = prof->StrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthUsername ).Size();
+            TInt pwlen = prof->StrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthPassword ).Size();
+            CBufFlat* buffer = CBufFlat::NewL( KDefaultNSmlBufferGranularity );
+	        CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
+	        RBufWriteStream stream( *buffer );  
+            CleanupClosePushL(stream);
+            stream.WriteInt32L( urllen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDMProfileServerURL );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( prof->IntValue( EDMProfileIAPId ) );
+			stream.WriteInt32L( prof->IntValue(EDMProfileHttpAuthUsed ) );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( unlen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthUsername );
+            stream.WriteInt32L( pwlen );
+            stream << prof->StrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthPassword );
+            stream.CommitL();            
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+            delete iBuffer;
+	        iBuffer = buffer;
+	        CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );    
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+            ret = KErrNone;
+            }
+        }    
+    return ret;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TInt CNSmlConnection::DataSize()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNSmlConnection::DataSize()
+    {
+    return iBuffer->Size();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// const TPtr8& CNSmlConnection::ReadData()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TPtr8& CNSmlConnection::ReadData()
+    {
+    if ( iBuffer )
+        {
+        iDataPtr.Set(iBuffer->Ptr(0));    
+        }    
+    return iDataPtr;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TInt CNSmlConnection::UpdateDataL( const TDesC8& aData )
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNSmlConnection::UpdateDataL( const TDesC8& aData )
+    {
+    TInt ret(KErrNotFound);
+    if ( iProfId < KMaxDataSyncID ) // DS Profile
+        {        
+        CNSmlDSProfile* prof = iSession.DSSettings().ProfileL( iProfId );
+        CleanupStack::PushL(prof);
+        RDesReadStream stream;
+        stream.Open(aData);
+        CleanupClosePushL(stream);
+        TInt maxlen(0);
+        TInt pc(0);
+        // Transport Id
+        TInt transportId = stream.ReadInt32L();
+        prof->SetIntValue( EDSProfileTransportId, transportId );
+        CNSmlTransportHandler* tHandler = CNSmlTransportHandler::NewL( ESmlDataSync );
+        CleanupStack::PushL(tHandler);
+        tHandler->CreateL( transportId );
+        CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray& propArray = tHandler->Array();
+        CNSmlIAPArray* array = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>(1);
+        CleanupStack::PushL( array );
+        // Server URI
+        maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+        prof->SetStrValue( EDSProfileServerURL, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+        for ( TInt i(0) ; i < propArray.Count() ; i++ )
+            {
+            if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlIAPId() ) )
+                {            
+                prof->SetIntValue( EDSProfileIAPId, stream.ReadInt32L() );
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlIAPId2() ) )
+                {
+                TInt IAPId2 = stream.ReadInt32L();	
+                if ( IAPId2 ) // Add IAP id only if it has a value.
+                    {
+                    array->AppendL( IAPId2 ); 
+                    }   
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlIAPId3() ) )
+                {
+                TInt IAPId3 = stream.ReadInt32L();	
+                if ( IAPId3 ) // Add IAP id only if it has a value.
+                    {
+                    array->AppendL( IAPId3 ); 
+                    }   
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlIAPId4() ) )
+                {
+                TInt IAPId4 = stream.ReadInt32L();	
+                if ( IAPId4 ) // Add IAP id only if it has a value.
+                    {
+                    array->AppendL( IAPId4 ); 
+                    }   
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlUseRoaming() ) )
+                {
+                prof->SetIntValue( EDSProfileAutoChangeIAP, stream.ReadInt32L() );
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPAuth() ) )
+                {
+                prof->SetIntValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthUsed, stream.ReadInt32L() );
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPUsername() ) )
+                {
+                maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+                prof->SetStrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthUsername, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPPassword() ) )
+                {
+                maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+                prof->SetStrValue( EDSProfileHttpAuthPassword, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+                }
+            }
+        if ( array->Count() ) // Check if array has values.
+            {
+            CNSmlRoamTable* roamTable = CNSmlRoamTable::NewL( *iSession.DSSettings().Database() );
+            CleanupStack::PushL( roamTable );
+            roamTable->PutItemsL( iProfId, array );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(roamTable); 
+            }
+        ret = prof->SaveL();
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pc);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array); 
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tHandler); 
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+        }
+    else    // DM Profile
+        {
+        CNSmlDMProfile* prof = iSession.DMSettings().ProfileL( iProfId );
+        CleanupStack::PushL(prof);
+        RDesReadStream stream;
+        stream.Open(aData);
+        CleanupClosePushL(stream);
+        TInt maxlen(0);
+        TInt pc(0);
+        // Transport Id
+        TInt transportId = stream.ReadInt32L();
+        prof->SetIntValue( EDMProfileTransportId, transportId );
+        CNSmlTransportHandler* tHandler = CNSmlTransportHandler::NewL( ESmlDevMan );
+        CleanupStack::PushL(tHandler);
+        tHandler->CreateL( transportId );
+        CSyncMLTransportPropertiesArray& propArray = tHandler->Array();
+        // Server URI
+        maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+        prof->SetStrValue( EDMProfileServerURL, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+        for ( TInt i(0) ; i < propArray.Count() ; i++ )
+            {
+            if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlIAPId() ) )
+                {            
+                prof->SetIntValue( EDMProfileIAPId, stream.ReadInt32L() );
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPAuth() ) )
+                {
+                prof->SetIntValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthUsed, stream.ReadInt32L() );
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPUsername() ) )
+                {
+                maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+                prof->SetStrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthUsername, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+                }
+            else if ( !propArray.At(i).iName.Compare( KNSmlHTTPPassword() ) )
+                {
+                maxlen = stream.ReadInt32L();
+                prof->SetStrValue( EDMProfileHttpAuthPassword, HBufC::NewLC(stream,maxlen)->Des() ); pc++;
+                }
+            }
+        ret = prof->SaveL();
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pc);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tHandler); 
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(prof);
+        }   
+    return ret;
+    }