changeset 0 b497e44ab2fc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/syncmlfw/common/wbxml/inc/syncml/smldtd.h	Thu Dec 17 09:07:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Commmand structs for SyncML document (DTD).
+#ifndef __SMLDTD_H__
+#define __SMLDTD_H__
+/*  Definitions                                                          */
+#include "smldef.h"
+#include "xmlelement.h"
+ * PCDATA - types of synchronization data which SyncML supports
+ **/
+typedef enum {
+  SML_PCDATA_STRING,                   // String type
+  SML_PCDATA_OPAQUE,                   // Opaque type
+  SML_PCDATA_EXTENSION,                // Extention type - specified by PcdataExtension_t
+  SML_PCDATA_CDATA                     // XML CDATA type   
+} SmlPcdataType_t;
+ * PCDATA - types of extensions for PCData elements
+ */
+typedef enum {
+  SML_EXT_METINF, // Meta Information
+  SML_EXT_DEVINF, // Device Information
+  SML_EXT_DEVINFPROP, // 1.2 CHANGES: Device Info Property 
+  SML_EXT_LAST    // last codepage, needed for loops!
+} SmlPcdataExtension_t;
+ * PCDATA - into this structure SyncML wraps the synchronization data itself
+ **/ 
+typedef struct sml_pcdata_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataType_t       contentType;   // The type of data which a PCDATA structure contains
+	SmlPcdataExtension_t  extension;     // PCData Extension type
+	MemSize_t             length;        // length of the data in this PCDATA structure
+	VoidPtr_t             content;       // Pointer to the data itself
+	IMPORT_C sml_pcdata_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_pcdata_s();
+	IMPORT_C sml_pcdata_s( const SmlPcdataType_t aType, const SmlPcdataExtension_t aExt =  SML_EXT_UNDEFINED );
+	IMPORT_C void FreeContent();
+	IMPORT_C void SetDataL( const TDesC8& aData );
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Data() const;
+	IMPORT_C void TruncateL( TInt aConsumed );
+	//CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	} *SmlPcdataPtr_t, SmlPcdata_t;       
+/* generic list of PCData elements */
+typedef struct sml_pcdata_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t	data;
+	struct sml_pcdata_list_s *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_pcdata_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_pcdata_list_s();
+	} *SmlPcdataListPtr_t, SmlPcdataList_t;
+ * Various flags which are actually declared and (EMPTY) elements in
+ * SyncML. This assumes at least a 16-bit architecture for the
+ * underlying OS. We need to review this if that is deemed a problem.
+ **/
+#define SmlArchive_f       (1<<0)	// Delete flags
+#define SmlSftDel_f        (1<<1)	// Delete flags
+#define SmlMoreData_f      (1<<2)	// MoreData flag
+#define SmlNoResults_f     (1<<3)	// No Results flag 
+#define SmlNoResp_f        (1<<4)	// No Response flag
+#define SmlFinal_f         (1<<5)	// Header flag
+#define SmlMetInfSharedMem_f (1<<6)	// MetInf Shared Memory Flag
+#define SmlDevInfSharedMem_f (1<<7)	// DevInf Shared Memory Flag
+ * Chal 
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_chal_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           meta;
+	IMPORT_C sml_chal_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_chal_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	} *SmlChalPtr_t, SmlChal_t;
+ * Credentials
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_cred_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           meta;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           data; 
+	IMPORT_C sml_cred_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_cred_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	} *SmlCredPtr_t, SmlCred_t;
+// 1.2 CHANGES: new common use elements
+typedef struct sml_item_s *SmlItemPtr_t;
+typedef struct sml_field_or_record_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlItemPtr_t			item;
+	IMPORT_C sml_field_or_record_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_field_or_record_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	}	*SmlFieldOrRecordPtr_t, SmlFieldOrRecord_t,
+		*SmlFieldPtr_t, SmlField_t,
+		*SmlRecordPtr_t, SmlRecord_t;
+typedef struct sml_filter_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           meta;
+	SmlFieldPtr_t			 field;		 // opt.
+	SmlRecordPtr_t			 record;	 // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           filterType; // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_filter_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_filter_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	}	*SmlFilterPtr_t, SmlFilter_t;
+// Changes end
+// 1.2 CHANGES: Source & Target divided to their own structs
+ * Source location
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_source_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           locURI;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           locName;    // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_source_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_source_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	}	*SmlSourcePtr_t, SmlSource_t;
+ * Target location
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_target_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           locURI;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           locName;    // opt.
+	SmlFilterPtr_t			 filter;	 // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_target_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_target_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	}	*SmlTargetPtr_t, SmlTarget_t;
+// Changes end
+typedef struct sml_source_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlSourcePtr_t           source;
+	struct sml_source_list_s  *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_source_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_source_list_s();
+	} *SmlSourceListPtr_t, SmlSourceList_t;
+//1.2 CHANGES: Source & Target parent
+ * Source & Target parent
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_source_or_target_parent_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t           locURI;
+	IMPORT_C sml_source_or_target_parent_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_source_or_target_parent_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	}	*SmlSourceOrTargetParentPtr_t, SmlSourceOrTargetParent_t,
+		*SmlSourceParentPtr_t, SmlSourceParent_t,
+		*SmlTargetParentPtr_t, SmlTargetParent_t;
+// Changes end
+ * ==============================
+ * SyncML Message Header Elements
+ * ==============================
+ **/
+ * SyncML header
+ * As the header is needed for each SyncML message, it's also the parameter
+ * of the startMessage call.
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_sync_hdr_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t  version;       
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t  proto;         
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t  sessionID;     
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t  msgID;         
+	Flag_t          flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlTargetPtr_t  target;
+	SmlSourcePtr_t  source;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t  respURI;    // opt.
+	SmlCredPtr_t    cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t    meta;     // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_sync_hdr_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_sync_hdr_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlSyncHdrPtr_t, SmlSyncHdr_t;
+// SyncML Body and SyncML container is not needed, as there are function calls
+// (smlStartMessage(), smlEndMessage()) that let the framework know when to start and end
+// the SyncML document
+ * =========================
+ * Data description elements
+ * =========================
+ **/
+ * Data in SyncML is encapsulated in an "item" element. 
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_item_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	Flag_t                generatorFlags;      // internal DO NOT TOUCH!
+	SmlTargetPtr_t        target;     // opt.
+	SmlSourcePtr_t        source;     // opt.
+// 1.2 CHANGES: SourceParent and TargetParent added
+	SmlSourceParentPtr_t  sourceParent;// opt.
+	SmlTargetParentPtr_t  targetParent;// opt.
+// Changes end
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        data;       // opt.
+	Flag_t                flags;      // opt. for MoreData
+	IMPORT_C sml_item_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_item_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlItemPtr_t, SmlItem_t;
+typedef struct sml_item_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlItemPtr_t          item;
+	struct sml_item_list_s    *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_item_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_item_list_s();
+	} *SmlItemListPtr_t, SmlItemList_t;
+ * ==============================================
+ * SyncML Commands (Protocol Management Elements)
+ * ==============================================
+ **/
+// 1.2 CHANGES: Move command added
+ * Generic commands:
+ * Add, Copy, Replace, Delete, Move
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_generic_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;      
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp, Archive (Delete), SftDel (Delete)
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlItemListPtr_t      itemList;
+	IMPORT_C sml_generic_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_generic_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	}	*SmlAddPtr_t, SmlAdd_t, 
+		*SmlCopyPtr_t, SmlCopy_t,
+		*SmlReplacePtr_t, SmlReplace_t,
+		*SmlDeletePtr_t, SmlDelete_t,
+		*SmlMovePtr_t, SmlMove_t,
+		*SmlGenericCmdPtr_t, SmlGenericCmd_t;
+// Changes end
+ * Alert command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_alert_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;      
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        data;       // opt.
+	// FOTA
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        correlator;	// opt.
+	// FOTA end	
+	SmlItemListPtr_t      itemList;
+	IMPORT_C sml_alert_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_alert_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlAlertPtr_t, SmlAlert_t;
+ * Atomic/Sequence command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_atomic_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;     
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_atomic_s(SmlProtoElement_t aType);
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_atomic_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	}	*SmlAtomicPtr_t, SmlAtomic_t,
+		*SmlSequencePtr_t, SmlSequence_t;
+ * Sync command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_sync_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;      
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlTargetPtr_t        target;     // opt.
+	SmlSourcePtr_t        source;     // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        noc;        // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_sync_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_sync_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlSyncPtr_t, SmlSync_t;
+ * Exec command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_exec_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;      
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	// FOTA
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        correlator;	// opt.
+	// FOTA end	
+	SmlItemPtr_t          item;
+	IMPORT_C sml_exec_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_exec_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlExecPtr_t, SmlExec_t;
+ * Get and Put command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_get_put_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;      
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        lang;       // opt.
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlItemListPtr_t         itemList;
+	IMPORT_C sml_get_put_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_get_put_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	}	*SmlPutPtr_t, SmlPut_t,
+		*SmlGetPtr_t, SmlGet_t;
+ * Map command:
+ **/ 
+typedef struct sml_map_item_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlTargetPtr_t           target;
+	SmlSourcePtr_t           source;
+	TInt 					 atomicId;
+	IMPORT_C sml_map_item_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_map_item_s();
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams()	);
+	} *SmlMapItemPtr_t, SmlMapItem_t;
+typedef struct sml_map_item_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlMapItemPtr_t          	mapItem;
+	struct sml_map_item_list_s  *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_map_item_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_map_item_list_s();
+	} *SmlMapItemListPtr_t, SmlMapItemList_t;
+typedef struct sml_map_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	  elementType; // InternalToolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;   
+	SmlTargetPtr_t        target;
+	SmlSourcePtr_t        source;
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlMapItemListPtr_t   mapItemList;
+	IMPORT_C sml_map_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_map_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlMapPtr_t, SmlMap_t;
+ * Results command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_results_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        msgRef;     // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdRef;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        targetRef;  // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        sourceRef;  // opt.
+	SmlItemListPtr_t      itemList;
+	IMPORT_C sml_results_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_results_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlResultsPtr_t, SmlResults_t;
+ * Search command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_search_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID; 
+	Flag_t                flags;      // NoResp, NoResults
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;       // opt.
+	SmlTargetPtr_t        target;     // opt.
+	SmlSourceListPtr_t    sourceList;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        lang;       // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        meta;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        data;
+	IMPORT_C sml_search_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_search_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlSearchPtr_t, SmlSearch_t;
+ * Status command:
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_target_ref_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t              targetRef;
+	struct sml_target_ref_list_s    *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_target_ref_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_target_ref_list_s();
+	} *SmlTargetRefListPtr_t, SmlTargetRefList_t;
+typedef struct sml_source_ref_list_s : public CBase
+	{
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t              sourceRef;
+	struct sml_source_ref_list_s    *next;
+	IMPORT_C sml_source_ref_list_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_source_ref_list_s();
+	} *SmlSourceRefListPtr_t, SmlSourceRefList_t;
+typedef struct sml_status_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	      elementType; // Internal Toolkit Field
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdID;          
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        msgRef; // Opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmdRef;
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        cmd;
+	SmlTargetRefListPtr_t targetRefList;  // opt.
+	SmlSourceRefListPtr_t sourceRefList;  // opt.
+	SmlCredPtr_t          cred;     // opt.
+	SmlChalPtr_t          chal;           // opt.
+	SmlPcdataPtr_t        data;
+	SmlItemListPtr_t      itemList;       // opt.
+	IMPORT_C sml_status_s();
+	IMPORT_C ~sml_status_s();
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlStatusPtr_t, SmlStatus_t;
+ * a little helper for typecasting
+ **/
+typedef struct sml_unknown_proto_element_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	SmlProtoElement_t	elementType;  // Internal Toolkit Field
+	} *SmlUnknownProtoElementPtr_t, SmlUnknownProtoElement_t;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Own additions
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+typedef struct sml_syncml_body_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	Flag_t flags;      // NoResp, NoResults
+	TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlSyncBodyPtr_t, SmlSyncBody_t;
+typedef struct sml_syncml_s : public CXMLElement
+	{
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool NeedsCleanup() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual CXMLElement* BeginElementL( TUint8 aTag, const TXMLElementParams& aParams = TXMLElementParams() );
+	IMPORT_C virtual CXMLElement::TAction EndElementL( TAny* aCallbacks, TUint8 aTag );
+	} *SmlSyncMLPtr_t, SmlSyncML_t;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generic list adder
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template<class T>
+void GenericListAddL( T* aList, T aNewItem )
+	{
+	if( *aList == 0 )
+		{
+		*aList = aNewItem;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		T c;
+		for( c = *aList; c->next; c = c->next )
+			{};	
+		c->next = aNewItem;
+		}
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generic list deleter
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template<class T>
+void GenericListDelete( T* aList )
+	{	
+	T* c = aList;
+	while ( c )
+	    {
+	    T* tmp = c;
+	    c = c->next;
+	    delete tmp;
+	    tmp = NULL;    
+	    }
+	}
+#endif // __SMLDTD_H__