changeset 0 b497e44ab2fc
child 59 13d7c31c74e0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/terminalsecurity/server/inc/TerminalControlServer.h	Thu Dec 17 09:07:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of terminalsecurity components
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include "TerminalControlClient.h"
+#include <SCPClient.h>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TerminalControl server panic codes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+enum TTerminalControlPanic
+	{
+	EPanicGeneral,
+	EBadSubsessionHandle,
+	EPanicIllegalFunction,
+	EBadDescriptor
+	};
+void PanicClient(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TTerminalControlPanic aPanic);
+*  CTerminalControlServer
+*  Description.
+class CTerminalControlServer : public CPolicyServer
+	{
+	friend class CTerminalControlSession;
+    class TTcProcessInfo
+        {
+        public:
+            TFullName           iProcessName;
+            TFileName           iFileName;
+            TInt                iHandle;
+            TProcessId          iId;
+            TModuleMemoryInfo   iMemoryInfo;
+            TBool               iCodeInRom;
+            TSecureId           iSecureId;
+            TBool               iProtected;
+        };
+	~CTerminalControlServer();	
+	static CServer2*    NewLC                   ( );
+	void                AddSession              ( );
+	void                DropSession             ( );
+	CObjectCon*         NewContainerL           ( );	
+	void                Panic                   ( TInt aPanicCode );
+	CTerminalControlServer();
+	void                ConstructL              ();
+	CSession2*          NewSessionL             (const TVersion& aVersion,
+	                                             const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+	//From CPolicyServer
+	CPolicyServer::TCustomResult
+	                    CustomSecurityCheckL    (const RMessage2& aMsg,
+	                                             TInt& aAction,
+	                                             TSecurityInfo& aMissing);
+    TTcProcessInfo      FindLocalProcessInfoL   ( const TDesC8 &aProcessName );
+    //
+    // Services
+    //
+	void                DeleteFileL             ( const TDesC8 &aFileName );
+    void                WipeDeviceL             ( );
+    void                DeepFactoryResetL       ( );
+    void                RebootDeviceL            ( );
+    CBufFlat*           GetRunningProcessesL    ( );
+	CBufFlat*           GetProcessDataL         ( const TDesC8 &aProcessName, TDesC8 &aDataName );	
+	TInt                GetLockLevelL           ( );
+	TInt                GetLockTimeoutL         ( );
+	TInt                GetLockMaxTimeoutL      ( );
+	void                SetLockLevelL           ( TInt aValue );
+	void                SetLockTimeoutL         ( TInt aValue );
+	void                SetLockMaxTimeoutL      ( TInt aValue );
+	void                SetLockCodeL            ( TDesC8& aCode );
+// --------- Enhanced features BEGIN ------------------
+	void 				SetPasscodeMinLengthL	( TInt aMinLength );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMinLengthL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeMaxLengthL	( TInt aMaxLength );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMaxLengthL	();	
+	void 				SetPasscodeRequireUpperAndLowerL	( TInt aRequire );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeRequireUpperAndLowerL	();	
+	void 				SetPasscodeRequireCharsAndNumbersL	( TInt aRequire );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeRequireCharsAndNumbersL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeMaxRepeatedCharactersL	( TInt aMax );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMaxRepeatedCharactersL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeHistoryBufferL	( TInt aBufferLength );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeHistoryBufferL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeExpirationL	( TInt aExpiration );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeExpirationL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeMinChangeToleranceL	( TInt aTolerance );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMinChangeToleranceL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeMinChangeIntervalL	( TInt aInterval );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMinChangeIntervalL	();
+	void 				SetPasscodeCheckSpecificStringsL	( TInt aChoice );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeCheckSpecificStringsL	();
+	void				DisallowSpecificPasscodesL( const TDesC8& aString );
+	void				AllowSpecificPasscodesL( const TDesC8& aString );
+	void 				ClearSpecificPasscodeStringsL();
+	void 				SetPasscodeMaxAttemptsL	( TInt aAttempts );
+	TInt				GetPasscodeMaxAttemptsL	();
+	void 				SetConsecutiveNumbersL	( TInt aConsecutiveNumbers );
+	TInt				GetConsecutiveNumbersL	();
+    void                SetPasscodeMinSpecialCharactersL   ( TInt aMin );
+    TInt                GetPasscodeMinSpecialCharactersL   ();
+    void                SetDisallowSimpleL  ( TInt aDisallowSimple );
+    TInt                GetDisallowSimpleL  ();
+// ----- enhanced features END ----------------
+	void                StartProcessByUidL      ( const TUid& aUID );
+	void                StartProcessByUidL      ( const TDesC8& aUID );
+	void                StartProcessByFullNameL ( const TDesC8& aName );
+	void                StopProcessByUidL       ( const TUid& aUID );
+    void                StopProcessByUidL       ( const TDesC8 &aUID );
+	void                StopProcessByFullNameL  ( const TDesC8& aName );
+    TBool               GetPasscodePolicyL      ( );
+    void                SetPasscodePolicyL      ( TBool aIsSet );
+	void 				SetIntValueL( TInt avalue, TInt aSCPCommandEnum );
+	TInt				GetIntValueL( TInt aSCPCommandEnum );
+	TInt            iSessionCount;
+	CObjectConIx    *iContainerIndex;
+	// Server policy
+	static const CPolicyServer::TPolicy         iTcConnectionPolicy;
+    static const TInt                           iTcRanges         [TC_NUMBER_OF_POLICIES];
+    static const TUint8                         iTcElementsIndex  [TC_NUMBER_OF_POLICIES];
+    static const CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement  iTcElements[TC_NUMBER_OF_POLICIES];
+    CArrayFix<TTcProcessInfo>*                  iProcessInfoArray;
+    RSCPClient iSCPClient;
+	};