changeset 46 c15b68295419
parent 40 588ad05716be
child 47 dd41e7de3375
--- a/remotemgmt_plat/diagnostics_plugin_api/inc/diagtestpluginbase.h	Sat May 01 10:33:10 2010 +0530
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,589 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Diagnostics Test Plug-in  Base class
-#include <DiagTestPlugin.h>     // MDiagTestPlugin
-#include <ConeResLoader.h>      // RConeResourceLoader
-#include <DiagResultsDatabaseItem.h>    // CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult
-#include <DiagEngineWatchdogTypes.h>    // TDiagEngineWatchdogTypes
-class CDiagResultsDbItemBuilder;
-class TDiagTestPluginBasePrivateData;
-class CDiagPluginConstructionParam;
-class CAknDialog;
-*  Diagnostics Framework Test Plugin  Base Class
-*  This class provides further simplification of test execution.
-*  It handles execution parameter and reporting results to engine
-*  @since S60 v5.0
-class CDiagTestPluginBase : public CActive,
-                            public MDiagTestPlugin
-    {
-public: // C++ Destructor
-    /**
-    * Destructor.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual ~CDiagTestPluginBase();
-protected: // new API for derived class
-    /**
-    * C++ constructor
-    * 
-    *   Note that BaseConstructL() must be called to complete object construction.
-    * @param aConstructionParam Construction parameters.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CDiagTestPluginBase( CDiagPluginConstructionParam* aConstructionParam );
-    /**
-    * 2nd phase Base class constructor
-    * This initializes CDiagTestPluginBase class. Derived class must call this
-    * method in its ConstructL() method.
-    *  
-    * @param aResourceFileName Drive and name of resource file in format
-    *                          <path>:<rsc_file_name>
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL( const TDesC& aResourceFileName );
-    /**
-    * Verify that all dependencies are satisfied. Also returns a list of
-    * failed dependencies.
-    *
-    * @param aEngine. Reference to engine, which provides references to
-    *   database session and plug-in pool.
-    * @param aFailedUids. If ETrue is returned, the parameter is NULL.
-    *           if EFalse is returned, the parameter points to an array that
-    *           can be used to query UIDs of failed dependencies. Client is
-    *           responsible of closing the array.
-    * @return ETrue if all dependencies are executed successfully.
-    *         EFalse if one or more dependencies are failed.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TBool AreDependenciesSatisfiedL( MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-                                            RArray<TUid>*& aFailedUids ) const;
-    /**
-    * Check result of dependencies. This will check each dependency and
-    * determine the best overall result of all the dependencies.
-    *
-    * @param aEngine. Reference to engine, which provides references to
-    *   database session and plug-in pool.
-    * @param aFailedUids. If ESuccess is returned, the parameter is NULL.
-    *           Otherwise the parameter points to an array that
-    *           can be used to query UIDs of failed dependencies. Client is
-    *           responsible of closing the array.
-    * @return Result of the dependency check. If multiple depencies or suites
-    *   are included, it will return the most appropreate result.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult VerifyDependenciesL( 
-        MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-        RArray<TUid>*& aFailedUids ) const;
-    /**
-    * Returns execution parameter. 
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @return Execution parameter.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TDiagTestExecParam& ExecutionParam();
-    /**
-    * Check if current test session has dependency check skip flag set.
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    * 
-    * @return ETrue if dependency check is disabled for this execution sesison.
-    *   EFalse if dependency check is enabled.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool IsDependencyCheckSkipped() const;
-    /**
-    * Check if current test is being executed to satisfy dependency or
-    *   if it is being executed explicitly.
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @return ETrue - If it is to satisfy dependency.
-    *   EFalse - If it is being executed explicitly.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool IsDependencyExecution() const;
-    /**
-    * Get custom parameter passed to from the engine
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    * 
-    * @return Custom parameter. Ownership is not transferred.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TAny* CustomParam() const;
-    /**
-    * Get currently result db item builder.
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @return Reference to current CDiagResultsDbItemBuilder.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CDiagResultsDbItemBuilder& ResultsDbItemBuilder();
-    /**
-    * Report test progress test observer.
-    *   This function will call engine's TestProgressL method with watchdog
-    *   type value that is based on plug-in RunMode.
-    *
-    *   If EAutomatic plug-in, it will use EDiagEngineWatchdogTypeNonInteractive.
-    *   If EInteractiveView or EInteractiveDialog, EDiagEngineWatchdogTypeInteractive. 
-    *
-    *   When watchdog is timed out, it will stop test with test result
-    *   CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EWatchdogCancel.
-    *
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @param aCurrentStep - Current execution step
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ReportTestProgressL( TUint aCurrentStep );
-    /**
-    * Reset watchdog value and watchdog failure result type.
-    *   When watchdog is timed out, it will use the given result type as
-    *   value to report back to engine.  
-    *
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @param aWatchdogType - Type of watchdog requested.
-    * @param aResultType - Result to report when wachdog is failed.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ResetWatchdog( TDiagEngineWatchdogTypes aWatchdogType,
-                                 CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult aResultType );
-    /**
-    * Reset watchdog value and watchdog failure result type.
-    *   For most plug-ins, the other ResetWatchdog should be better. 
-    *   This should be used only if specific time must be given for the step.
-    *
-    *   When watchdog is timed out, it will use the given result type as
-    *   value to report back to engine.  
-    *
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @param aTimeToCompletion - Time needed to complete current operation.
-    *   Unit is in microseconds.
-    * @param aResultType - Result to report when wachdog is failed.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ResetWatchdog( 
-        TInt aTimeToCompletion,
-        CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult aResultType );
-    /**
-    * Reset watchdog value and watchdog failure result type to default values.
-    *   This will also reset watchdog on engine.
-    *
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ResetWatchdogToDefault();
-    /**
-    * Report test result to test observer. 
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    *   This function will also call StopAndCleanupL(), which will call 
-    *   DoStopAndCleanupL(). After CompleteTestL() is called, ExecutionParam() and
-    *   other test state specific API will fail.
-    *
-    * @param aResult - Test result.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult aResult );
-    /**
-    * Stop current execution and free any data associated with the test.
-    *   This method will call DoStopAndCleanupL() function to allow
-    *   derived class to clean up.
-    *   
-    *   It will also call DismissWaitingDialog() and CActive::Cancel().
-    *
-    *   If derived class overrides ExecutionStopL() function, this function
-    *   must be called by derived version of ExecutionStopL() to allow
-    *   proper clean up of CDiagTestPluginBase.
-    *
-    *   @see CDiagTestPluginBase::ExecutionStopL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StopAndCleanupL();
-    /**
-    * Run a dialog that waits for response. It is highly recommended that
-    * all plug-ins use this function to display dialogs since it can detect
-    * deletion of dialogs.
-    *
-    * The difference from normal dialog RunLD is that this function returns 
-    * ETrue if dialog exited due to user response and 
-    * EFalse if it was by other means, such as object deletion or
-    * by DismissWaitingDialog() method. 
-    * 
-    * 
-    * The normal dialog response is returned via aDialogResponse reference.
-    * This function can only display one dialog at a time. Calling it again 
-    * while it has not been returned will cause panic.
-    *
-    * @param aDialog - Pointer to dialog to run. If the dialog does not have
-    *   EEikDialogFlagWait flag set, it will panic with EDiagPluginBaseBadArgument
-    * @param aDialogResponse - Response from the dialog.  
-    *   For detailed values @see avkon.hrh "CBA constants". E.g. EAknSoftkeyYes
-    *   The only exception is that if cancel is pressed, it will be 0.
-    * @return ETrue if dialog is exiting due to user response.
-    *   Efalse if dialog is dismissed withou user input. 
-    *   If EFalse is returned, plug-in MUST NOT act on the response.
-    *   Also, since plug-in may have been deleted,
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool RunWaitingDialogL( CAknDialog* aDialog, TInt& aDialogResponse );
-    /**
-    * Dismiss the waiting dialog. This will cause the RunDialogLD() function to return with
-    * aIsUserResponse = Efalse. If nothing is being displayed, this function
-    * does nothing.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void DismissWaitingDialog();
-    /**
-    * CCoeEnv
-    *   @return Reference to CCoeEnv.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CCoeEnv& CoeEnv();
-    /**
-    * Check if current test is being executed as a single plugin or 
-    * as a part of a suite
-    *   Note that this function should be called only during test execution. 
-    *   If called in other states, it will Panic with EDiagPluginBasePanicInvalidState
-    *
-    * @return ETrue - If run as a single plugin
-    *   EFalse - If run as a part of a suite
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool SinglePluginExecution() const;
-protected:  // to be implemented by derived classes
-    /**
-    * Execute test. This is called by CDiagTestPluginBase::RunTestL()
-    *   Note that CDiagTestPluginBase takes ownership of all parameters
-    *   given in RunTestL() function. If specific parameter is needed
-    *   use the following set of functions:
-    *
-    *   Parameters are available via the following APIs.
-    *       Observer:               ExecutionParam().Observer();
-    *       Engine:                 ExecutionParam().Engine();
-    *       Dependency Execution:   IsDependencyExecution();
-    *       Skip Depdency:          IsDependencyCheckSkipped();
-    *       Custom Parameter:       CustomParam();
-    *
-    *   Also, a new instance of CDiagResultsDbItemBuilder is created and
-    *   accessible via:
-    *
-    *       Result Db Item Builder: ResultsDbItemBuilder();
-    */
-    virtual void DoRunTestL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * Stop current execution and free any data associated with the test.
-    *   This is called by StopAndCleanupL
-    */
-    virtual void DoStopAndCleanupL() = 0;
-    /**
-    * This is called by CDiagTestPluginBase::ExecutionStopL() to allow 
-    *   the derived class to provide additional behavior in ExecutionStopL().
-    *   Default implementation does nothing. For more information about
-    *   how this is called, @see CDiagTestPluginBase::ExecutionStopL()
-    *
-    * @param aReason - Reason why ExecutionStopL() is being called.
-    * @param aTestResult - Test result to write to in database.
-    *   This is IN/OUT parameter. By default, it contains default result based on
-    *   aReason. Plug-in can provide different test result, assign new result
-    *   to this variable.
-    *
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void DoExecutionStopL( MDiagTestPlugin::TStopReason aReason,
-                                            CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult& aTestResult );
-protected:  // From CActive
-    /**
-    * RunError. Handle leaves from test. If test is currently running, 
-    * CDiagTestPluginBase will handle the error by calling 
-    * CompleteTestL( CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::EFailed ). If test was
-    * not running, it will return the error back to active scheduler.
-    * 
-    * If this behavior is not desired, derived class should override this
-    * method.
-    * 
-    * For parameters and return value, 
-    * @see CActive::RunError
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
-protected: // from MDiagTestPlugin
-    /**
-    * Handle execution stop.
-    *   @see MDiagTestPlugin::ExecutionStopL()
-    * 
-    *   This method does the following:
-    *       a) Call DoExecutionStopL()   
-    *       b) Call StopAndCleanupL()  -> Calls DoStopAndCleanupL()
-    *       c) Return either EWatchdogCancel or ECancelled depending on
-    *           the stop reason. 
-    *   
-    *   Note: If derived class wants override this function, be sure to 
-    *   call StopAndCleanupL() to allow proper clean up of 
-    *   CDiagTestPluginBase class. StopAndCleanupL() will call
-    *   DoStopAndCleanupL(). 
-    *
-    *   @see DoExecutionStopL()
-    *   @see StopAndCleanupL() 
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* ExecutionStopL( TStopReason aReason );
-protected:    // from MDiagTestPlugin
-    /**
-    * Get the name of the service that the plug-in provides.
-    *
-    * @return The name of the service.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC& ServiceLogicalName() const;
-    /**
-    * Get logical dependencies. One plug-in can have multiple dependencies to 
-    * other plug-ins.
-    *
-    * @param aArray An array of logical names.
-    * @see ServiceLogicalNameL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void GetLogicalDependenciesL( CPtrCArray& aArray ) const;
-    /**
-    * Return the type of the plug-in. 
-    *
-    * @return The type.
-    * @see TPluginType.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TPluginType Type() const;
-    /**
-    * Create an icon that represents the plug-in.
-    *
-    * @return An icon. 
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual CGulIcon* CreateIconL() const;
-    /**
-    * @see MDiagPlugin::IsSupported
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsSupported() const;
-    /**
-    * Get the order number that this plug-in should appear in its parent list.
-    *
-    * @return TUint order number.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TUint Order() const;
-    /**
-    * Get UID of the parent.
-    *
-    * @return The parent UID.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TUid ParentUid() const;
-    /**
-    * @see MDiagPlugin::SetDTorIdKey()
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void SetDtorIdKey( TUid aDtorIdKey );
-    /**
-    * Get title of the plugin. Default implementation in CDiagTestPluginBase 
-    *   will leave with KErrNotSupported. If plug-in has a title, plug-ins 
-    *   must override this method.
-    * @see MDiagPlugin::GetTitleL() 
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* GetTitleL() const;
-    /**
-    * Get description of the plugin. Default implementation in 
-    *   CDiagTestPluginBase will leave with KErrNotSupported. If plug-in 
-    *   has a description, plug-in must override this method.
-    * @see MDiagPlugin::GetDescriptionL()
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* GetDescriptionL() const;
-    /**
-    * Reserved for future use/plugin's custom functionality. 
-    *
-    * @param aUid   Unique identifier of the operation.
-    * @param aParam Custom parameter. 
-    * @return TAny pointer. Custom data.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TAny* CustomOperationL( TUid aUid, TAny* aParam );
-    /**
-    * Reserved for future use/plugin's custom functionality. 
-    *
-    * @param aUid   Unique identifier of the property
-    * @param aParam Custom parameter.
-    * @return TAny pointer. Custom data. 
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual TAny* GetCustomL( TUid aUid, TAny* aParam );
-    /**
-    * Initialization Step. This method is called before any plugin are executed.
-    * This can be used to clean up any left over data from previous execution 
-    * sessions. All plug-ins in execution plan will have a chance to clean 
-    * up before any plug-ins are run.  This is a synchrouns method.
-    *
-    * @param aEngine - Reference to engine.
-    * @param aSkipDependencyCheck - If ETrue, plug-in will be executed
-    *   even if dependencies are not executed.
-    * @param aCustomParams Custom parameters for plug-ins. 
-    *   It can used to pass arbitrary data from application to the plug-ins.
-    *   Owership is not transferred and plug-in must not delete
-    *   this parameter.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void TestSessionBeginL( MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-                                             TBool aSkipDependencyCheck,
-                                             TAny* aCustomParams );
-    /**
-    * Cleanup Step. This method is called after all plug-ins in the 
-    * execution plan is completed to clean up any left over data from 
-    * current sesison. This can be used to clean up any data that
-    * provides dependent service created for its dependencies.
-    * This is a synchrouns method.
-    *
-    * @param aEngine - Reference to engine.
-    * @param aSkipDependencyCheck - If ETrue, plug-in as executed
-    *   even if dependencies are not executed.
-    * @param aCustomParams Custom parameters for plug-ins. 
-    *   It can used to pass arbitrary data from application to the plug-ins.
-    *   Owership is not transferred and plug-in must not delete
-    *   this parameter.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void TestSessionEndL( MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-                                           TBool aSkipDependencyCheck,
-                                           TAny* aCustomParams );
-    /**
-    * Execute diagnostics test.
-    * @see MDiagTestPlugin::RunTestL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void RunTestL( TDiagTestExecParam* aExecParam,
-                                    TBool aSkipDependencyCheck,
-                                    TBool aDependencyExecution,
-                                    TAny* aCustomParams );
-    /**
-    * Suspend test.  
-    * @see MDiagTestPlugin::SuspendL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void SuspendL();
-    /**
-    * Resume test. 
-    * @see MDiagTestPlugin::ResumeL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual void ResumeL();
-    /**
-    * Create test result detail.
-    * @see CDiagTestPluginBase::CreateDetailL
-    */
-    IMPORT_C virtual MDiagResultDetail* CreateDetailL( 
-        const CDiagResultsDatabaseItem& aResult ) const;
-private:    // private functions
-    /**
-    * Stop and clean up CDiagTestPluginBase
-    */
-    void BaseStopAndCleanup();
-    /**
-    * Utility function to get all dependent test plug-ins. If suite is found,
-    * it will be expanded to test plug-ins.
-    * @param aEngine. Reference to engine, which provides references to
-    *   database session and plug-in pool.
-    * @param aPluginList - Output array. Upon completion, it will hold
-    *   list of test plug-ins. If this plug-in does not depend on any tests, 
-    *   it will be empty.
-    *   Ownership of individual items are not trasferred, so ResetAndDestroy()
-    *   must not be called.
-    */
-    void GetAllDependentTestsL( MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-                                RPointerArray< MDiagTestPlugin >& aPluginList ) const;
-    /**
-    * Utility function to check results of tests in array and come up with
-    * best overall result of tests. 
-    * @param aPluginList - List of test plug-ins.
-    * @param aFailedUidList - Output array. Upon completion, it will contain
-    *   list of uids that failed.
-    * @return Overall result of dependent tets.
-    */
-    CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult SummarizeOverallTestResultsL( 
-        MDiagEngineCommon& aEngine,
-        const RPointerArray< MDiagTestPlugin >& aPluginList,
-        RArray< TUid >& aFailedUidList ) const;
-private:    // Private Data Type
-    // Forward declaration.
-    class TPrivateData;
-private:    // Private Data
-    /**
-    * Plug-in constructor parameter.
-    * Ownership: this
-    */
-    CDiagPluginConstructionParam* iConstructionParam;
-    /**
-    * CCoeEnv. This is needed for handling resources. 
-    */
-    CCoeEnv& iCoeEnv;
-    /**
-    * Plug-in base's private data
-    */
-    TPrivateData* iData;
-    };
-// End of File