* Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of terminalsecurity components
#include <e32debug.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "SCPParamObject.h"
#include "SCPClient.h"
#include "SCPDebug.h"
/*#ifdef _DEBUG
#define __SCP_DEBUG
#endif // _DEBUG
// Define this so the precompiler in CW 3.1 won't complain about token pasting,
// the warnings are not valid
#pragma warn_illtokenpasting off
#ifdef __SCP_DEBUG
#define Dprint(a) RDebug::Print##a
#define Dprint(a)
#endif // _DEBUG*/
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::CSCPParamObject()
// C++ constructor
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// No implementation required
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::NewL()
// Static constructor
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CSCPParamObject* CSCPParamObject::NewL()
CSCPParamObject* self = CSCPParamObject::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::NewLC()
// Static constructor, leaves object pointer to the cleanup stack.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CSCPParamObject* CSCPParamObject::NewLC()
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPParamObject::NewLC()")) );
CSCPParamObject* self = new (ELeave) CSCPParamObject();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPParamObject::NewLC()") ));
return self;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPParamObject::ConstructL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::GetParamLength()
// Return the length of the given parameter.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::GetParamLength( TInt aParamID )
TInt ret = iParamIDs.Find( aParamID );
if ( ( ret != KErrNotFound ) && ( ret >= 0 ) )
ret = ( iParamValues[ret]->Des() ).Length();
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Get()
// Retrieve the given value from the arrays
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Get( TInt aParamID, TDes& aValue )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// Find the object
TInt index = iParamIDs.Find( aParamID );
if ( ( index != KErrNotFound ) && ( index >= 0 ) )
// Retrieve the value
if ( aValue.MaxLength() < ( iParamValues[index]->Des() ).Length() )
ret = KErrOverflow;
aValue.Copy( iParamValues[index]->Des() );
ret = index;
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Get()
// Retrieve the given value from the arrays, trying to
// convert it to an integer.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Get( TInt aParamID, TInt& aValue )
TBuf<KSCPMaxIntLength> convBuf;
// An integer should fit into 16chars, if not, it's an error
TInt ret = Get( aParamID, convBuf );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
TLex lex( convBuf );
ret = lex.Val( aValue );
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Set()
// Insert or replace the parameter value of aParamID with
// aValue.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Set( TInt aParamID, TDes& aValue )
TBool isNewParam = ETrue;
TInt ret = KErrNone;
// Create a buffer for the value
HBufC* newValue = NULL;
TRAPD( err, newValue = HBufC::NewL( aValue.Length() ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return err;
TPtr newValPtr = newValue->Des();
newValPtr.Copy( aValue );
if ( err != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPParamObject::Set(): ERROR: \
HBufC Allocation failed") ));
ret = err;
// Check if we've got this ID already
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iParamIDs.Count(); i++ )
if ( iParamIDs[i] == aParamID )
// Remove the old entry
HBufC* tmpValue = iParamValues[ i ];
iParamValues.Remove( i );
delete tmpValue;
iParamValues.Insert( newValue, i );
isNewParam = EFalse;
if ( isNewParam )
// Create a new value
iParamIDs.Append( aParamID );
iParamValues.Append( newValue );
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Set()
// Convert the int into a descriptor and propagate to Set.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Set( TInt aParamID, TInt aValue )
// Convert the value
TBuf<KSCPMaxIntLength> convBuf;
convBuf.AppendNum( aValue );
return Set( aParamID, convBuf );
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Unset()
// Remove the given ID along with its value from the arrays.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Unset( TInt aParamID )
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
// Check if we've got this ID
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iParamIDs.Count(); i++ )
if ( iParamIDs[i] == aParamID )
// Remove the entry
HBufC* tmpValue = iParamValues[ i ];
iParamValues.Remove( i );
delete tmpValue;
iParamIDs.Remove( i );
ret = KErrNone;
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Reset()
// Reset the ID and value arrays.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Reset()
return KErrNone;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::Parse()
// Parse a previously compiled buffer, and add the parameters
// found to the arrays.
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::Parse( TDes8& aBuffer )
TInt ret = KErrNone;
TInt intSize = sizeof( TInt );
#ifdef UNICODE
TInt charSize = 2;
TInt charSize = 1;
#endif // __UNICODE
if ( aBuffer.Length() == 0 )
// OK, nothing to parse
return KErrNone;
if ( aBuffer.Length() < intSize )
return KErrArgument;
// The number of parameters is the first TInt in the buffer
TInt numParams = *(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &aBuffer[0] ) );
TInt curOffset = ( 1 + numParams * 2 ) * intSize;
if ( aBuffer.Length() < curOffset )
// The buffer must not be shorter than the header
return KErrArgument;
for ( TInt i = 0; i < numParams; i++ )
// 2 ints per param, offset 1 = ID, offset 2 = length
TInt curID = *(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &aBuffer[ (i * 2 + 1) * intSize ]) );
TInt curLen = *(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &aBuffer[ (i * 2 + 2) * intSize ]) );
#ifdef UNICODE
TPtr curDes( reinterpret_cast<TUint16*>(&aBuffer[ curOffset ]), curLen/charSize );
TPtr curDes( &aBuffer[ curOffset ], curLen/charSize );
#endif // __UNICODE
curDes.SetLength( curDes.MaxLength() );
curOffset += curLen;
if ( aBuffer.Length() < curOffset )
ret = KErrArgument;
ret = Set( curID, curDes );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::GetBuffer()
// Form a buffer containing the stored parameters
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CSCPParamObject::GetBuffer( HBufC8*& aBuffer )
// Calculate the space required
// The format is:
// <numparams> + <numparams>*(<paramid><paramlen>) +
// <numparams>*<paramvalue>
TInt intSize = sizeof( TInt );
#ifdef UNICODE
TInt charSize = 2;
TInt charSize = 1;
#endif // __UNICODE
TInt headerSpace = ( 1 + iParamIDs.Count() * 2) * intSize;
TInt dataSpace = 0;
TInt i;
for ( i = 0; i < iParamValues.Count(); i++ )
// Add the size of each value
dataSpace += ( iParamValues[i]->Des() ).Length() * charSize;
TInt spaceNeeded = headerSpace + dataSpace;
HBufC8* buffer = NULL;
TRAPD( ret, buffer = HBufC8::NewL( spaceNeeded ) );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPParamObject::GetBuffer(): Allocation FAILED") ));
TPtr8 bufPtr = buffer->Des();
TUint8* theBuffer = const_cast<TUint8*>( bufPtr.Ptr() );
// Header
*(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &theBuffer[0] )) = iParamIDs.Count();
for ( i = 0; i < iParamIDs.Count(); i++ )
// 2 ints per param, offset 1 = ID, offset 2 = length
*(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &theBuffer[ (i * 2 + 1) * intSize ] ))
= iParamIDs[i]; // ID
*(reinterpret_cast<TInt*>( &theBuffer[ (i * 2 + 2) * intSize ] ))
= ( iParamValues[i]->Des() ).Length() * charSize; // length
TInt curOffset = headerSpace;
// Copy the values after the header
for ( i = 0; i < iParamIDs.Count(); i++ )
TAny* target = &theBuffer[ curOffset ];
TPtr sourceDes = iParamValues[i]->Des();
const TAny* source = static_cast<const TAny*>( sourceDes.Ptr() );
memcpy( target, source, sourceDes.Length() * charSize );
curOffset += sourceDes.Length() * charSize;
bufPtr.SetLength( curOffset );
aBuffer = buffer;
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::WriteToFile()
// Write the output from GetBuffer to a file
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CSCPParamObject::WriteToFileL( TDesC& aFilename, RFs* aRfs /*= NULL*/ )
HBufC8* paramBuffer;
TInt ret = GetBuffer( paramBuffer );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPPluginEventHandler::WritePluginConfigurationL(): FAILED \
to get the configuration buffer: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
CleanupStack::PushL( paramBuffer );
RFs* fsSessionPtr;
RFs fsSession;
if ( aRfs != NULL )
fsSessionPtr = aRfs;
User::LeaveIfError( fsSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fsSession );
fsSessionPtr = &fsSession;
TPtr8 paramDes = paramBuffer->Des();
RFile configFile;
// Make sure that the target directory exists
ret = fsSessionPtr->MkDirAll( aFilename );
if ( ( ret != KErrNone ) && ( ret != KErrAlreadyExists ) )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPPluginEventHandler::WritePluginConfigurationL(): FAILED \
to create the target directory: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
// Create or replace the existing file
ret = configFile.Replace( *fsSessionPtr,
EFileShareAny | EFileWrite
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPPluginEventHandler::WritePluginConfigurationL():\
FAILED to replace configuration file: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
CleanupClosePushL( configFile );
// Write the data
ret = configFile.Write( paramDes );
if ( aRfs != NULL )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // configFile
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // configFile - fsSession
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramBuffer );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPPluginEventHandler::WritePluginConfigurationL():\
FAILED to write configuration file: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFile()
// Fetch the configuration from disk
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFileL( TDesC& aFilename, RFs* aRfs /*= NULL*/ )
TInt ret;
RFs* fsSessionPtr;
RFs fsSession;
if ( aRfs != NULL )
fsSessionPtr = aRfs;
User::LeaveIfError( fsSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( fsSession );
fsSessionPtr = &fsSession;
RFile configFile;
ret = configFile.Open( *fsSessionPtr,
EFileShareAny | EFileRead
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFileL(): Failed \
to open config file: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
CleanupClosePushL( configFile );
TInt size;
ret = configFile.Size( size );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFile(): Failed \
to get config file size: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
HBufC8* paramBuf = HBufC8::NewL( size );
CleanupStack::PushL( paramBuf );
TPtr8 paramDes = paramBuf->Des();
ret = configFile.Read( paramDes );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFile(): Failed \
read configuration data: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
// Parse the parameters from the buffer
ret = Parse( paramDes );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( paramBuf );
if ( aRfs != NULL )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // configFile
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // configFile - fsSession
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPParamObject::ReadFromFile(): Failed \
to parse buffer for parameters: %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSCPParamObject::~CSCPParamObject()
// Destructor
// Status: Approved
// ----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CSCPParamObject::~CSCPParamObject()
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPParamObject::~CSCPParamObject()") ));
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPParamObject::~CSCPParamObject()") ));
// End of file