* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class declaration for CDiagEngineImpl
// system includes
#include <e32base.h> // CActive
#include <DiagEngineCommon.h> // MDiagEngineCommon
#include <DiagEngineObserver.h> // MDiagEngineObserver::TSuspendReason
#include <DiagResultsDatabase.h> // RDiagResultsDatabase, RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord
#include <DiagTestPlugin.h> // MDiagTestPlugin::TStopReason
#include <DiagSuitePlugin.h> // MDiagSuitePlugin::TStopReason
// user includes.
#include "diagenginestatemachineobserver.h" // DiagFwInternal::MStateMachineObserver
#include "diagenginestates.h" // DiagFwInternal::TState
#include "diagengineevents.h" // DiagFwInternal::TEvent
#include "diagenginecallhandlerobserver.h" // MDiagEngineCallHandlerObserver
#include "diagexecplanentryimplobserver.h" // MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver
#include "diagengineconfig.h" // TDiagEngineConfig
// Forward declarations
class MDiagTestPlugin;
class MDiagSuitePlugin;
class CDiagPluginPool;
class CAknViewAppUi;
class CDiagEngineCallHandler;
class CDiagPluginExecPlanImpl;
class CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl;
class CDiagExecPlanEntryImplTest;
namespace DiagFwInternal
class CStateMachine;
class CEventBasic;
class CEventCancel;
class CEventSendCompletion;
class CEventSuiteContinue;
class CEventTestCompleted;
class CEventTestProgress;
class CEventWatchdog;
* Diagnostics Framework Engine Implementation
* This class is the actual class that implements CDiagEngine.
* All actual work is done by CDiagEngineImpl class.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDiagEngineImpl ) : public CActive,
public MDiagEngineCommon,
public MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver,
public DiagFwInternal::MStateMachineObserver,
public MDiagEngineCallHandlerObserver
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aViewAppUi View App Ui that is using this engine.
* @param aObserver Engine observer.
* @param aDbSession Session to RDiagResultDatabase to create record.
* @param aPluginPool Initialized plug-in pool that holds plug-ins.
* @param aDisableDependency if ETrue, plug-ins should execute
* event if dependencies are not met.
* @param aExecutionBatch - array of test uids to execute
* @return new instance of CDiagEngineImpl*
static CDiagEngineImpl* NewL( CAknViewAppUi& aViewAppUi,
MDiagEngineObserver& aObserver,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
TBool aDisableDependency,
const RArray< TUid >& aExecutionBatch );
* Two-phased constructor. This function is identical to NewL,
* except that it pushs created object in clean up stack.
* @param aViewAppUi View App Ui that is using this engine.
* @param aObserver Engine observer.
* @param aDbSession Session to RDiagResultDatabase to create record.
* @param aPluginPool Initialized plug-in pool that holds plug-ins.
* @param aDisableDependency if ETrue, plug-ins should execute
* event if dependencies are not met.
* @param aExecutionBatch - array of test uids to execute
* @return new instance of CDiagEngineImpl*
static CDiagEngineImpl* NewLC( CAknViewAppUi& aViewAppUi,
MDiagEngineObserver& aObserver,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
TBool aDisableDependency,
const RArray< TUid >& aExecutionBatch );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aViewAppUi View App Ui that is using this engine.
* @param aObserver Engine observer.
* @param aDbSession Session to RDiagResultDatabase to create record.
* @param aPluginPool Initialized plug-in pool that holds plug-ins.
* @param aIncompleteRecordUid - Uid to the record to resume.
* @return new instance of CDiagEngineImpl*
static CDiagEngineImpl* NewL( CAknViewAppUi& aViewAppUi,
MDiagEngineObserver& aObserver,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
TUid aIncompleteRecordUid );
* Two-phased constructor. This function is identical to NewL,
* except that it pushs created object in clean up stack.
* @param aViewAppUi View App Ui that is using this engine.
* @param aObserver Engine observer.
* @param aDbSession Session to RDiagResultDatabase to create record.
* @param aPluginPool Initialized plug-in pool that holds plug-ins.
* @param aIncompleteRecordUid - Uid to the record to resume.
* @return new instance of CDiagEngineImpl*
static CDiagEngineImpl* NewLC( CAknViewAppUi& aViewAppUi,
MDiagEngineObserver& aObserver,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool,
TUid aIncompleteRecordUid );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CDiagEngineImpl();
* Execute tests. This implements CDiagEngine::ExecuteL
* @see CDiagEngine::ExecuteL
void ExecuteL();
* Set custom execution parameter.
* @see CDiagEngine::SetCustomParam
void SetCustomParam( TAny* aCustomParams );
* Suspend execution.
* @see CDiagEngine::SuspendL
void SuspendL();
* Resume suspended execution. This implements CDiagEngine::ResumeL
* @see CDiagEngine::ResumeL
void ResumeL();
public: // from MDiagEngineCommon
* Returns current execution plan.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ExecutionPlanL
virtual const MDiagPluginExecPlan& ExecutionPlanL() const;
* Stop current execution of tests.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ExecutionStopL
virtual void ExecutionStopL( TCancelMode aCancelMode );
* Resets test execution watchdog timer.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ResetWatchdog
virtual void ResetWatchdog();
* Resets test execution watchdog timer.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ResetWatchdog
virtual void ResetWatchdog( TDiagEngineWatchdogTypes aWatchdogType );
* Resets test execution watchdog timer.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ResetWatchdog
virtual void ResetWatchdog( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aExpectedTimeToComplete );
* Get App Ui reference that launched Diagnostics Engine.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ViewAppUi()
virtual CAknViewAppUi& ViewAppUi();
* Get App Ui reference that launched Diagnostics Engine.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ViewAppUi()
virtual const CAknViewAppUi& ViewAppUi() const;
* Get Database Subsession for record open for writing.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::DbRecord
virtual RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord& DbRecord();
* Get Database Subsession for record open for writing.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::DbRecord
virtual const RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord& DbRecord() const;
* Get reference to Plugin Pool
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::PluginPool
virtual CDiagPluginPool& PluginPool();
* Get reference to Plugin Pool
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::PluginPool
virtual const CDiagPluginPool& PluginPool() const;
* Add a text to configuraiton list option.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::AddToConfigListL
virtual void AddToConfigListL( TConfigListType aListType, const TDesC& aText );
* Remove a text from configuration list.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::RemoveFromConfigListL
virtual void RemoveFromConfigListL( TConfigListType aListType, const TDesC& aText );
* Create a common dialog.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::CreateCommonDialogL
virtual CAknDialog* CreateCommonDialogLC( TDiagCommonDialog aDialogType,
TAny* aInitData );
* Stop watchdog activity temporarily.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::StopWatchdogTemporarily
virtual void StopWatchdogTemporarily();
* Check if current engine is being executed with dependency disabled.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::IsDependencyDisabled
virtual TBool IsDependencyDisabled() const;
* Get custom execution parameter.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::CustomParam
virtual TAny* CustomParam() const;
* Send a command to application.
* @see MDiagEngineCommon::ExecuteAppCommandL
virtual void ExecuteAppCommandL( TDiagAppCommand aCommand,
TAny* aParam1,
TAny* aParam2 );
private: // from MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver
* Observe plugin execution progress
* @see MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver::ExecPlanEntryProgressL
virtual void ExecPlanEntryProgressL( CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aSender,
TUint aCurrentStep,
TUint aTotalSteps );
* Observe plugin execution completion
* @see MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver::ExecPlanEntryExecutedL
virtual void ExecPlanEntryExecutedL( CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aSender );
* Observer critical error from plug-in execution entry.
* @see MDiagExecPlanEntryImplObserver::ExecPlanEntryCriticalError
virtual void ExecPlanEntryCriticalError( TInt aError );
private: // from DiagFwInternal::MStateMachineObserver
* Handle state transition
* @see MDiagEngineStateMachineObserver::HandleStateChangedL
virtual void HandleStateChangedL( DiagFwInternal::TState aPreviousState,
DiagFwInternal::TState aCurrentState,
const DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEventPreview );
* Handle event.
* @see MDiagEngineStateMachineObserver::HandleEventL
virtual void HandleEventL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* Handle error.
* @see MDiagEngineStateMachineObserver::HandleError
virtual DiagFwInternal::TState HandleError( DiagFwInternal::TState aCurrentState,
TInt aError );
private: // From MDiagEngineCallHandlerObserver
* Handle call handling state change.
* @see MDiagEngineCallHandlerObserver::CallHandlerStateChangedL
virtual void CallHandlerStateChangedL( TDiagEngineCallHandlerState aState );
private: // from CActive
* RunL from CActive
* @see CActive::RunL
virtual void RunL();
* DoCancel from CActive
* @see CActive::DoCancel
virtual void DoCancel();
* Handle error
* @see CActive::RunError
virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
private: // Private Constructors
* C++ Constrctor
* @param aViewAppUi - Reference to Appui.
* @param aObserver - Reference to engine observer. (Generall app)
* @param aDbSession - Session to the database.
* @param aPluginPool - Reference to plug-in pool.
* @param aDisableDependency - Whether to disable dependency check.
* @param aIncompleteRecordUid - Uid to the record to resume.
* If this UID is aIncompleteRecordUid == TUid::Null(), it will create
* a new record.
CDiagEngineImpl( CAknViewAppUi& aViewAppUi,
MDiagEngineObserver& aObserver,
RDiagResultsDatabase& aDbSession,
CDiagPluginPool& aPluginPool );
* Second phase constructor for creating a new record.
* @param aDisableDependency - Whether to disable dependency check
* @param aExecutionBatch - Array of plug-in uids to execute
void ConstructNewRecordL( TBool aDisableDependency,
const RArray< TUid >& aExecutionBatch );
* Second phase constructor for resuming incomplete record.
* @param aIncompleteRecordUid - Uid of DB record to resume from.
void ConstructIncompleteRecordL( TUid aIncompleteRecordUid );
* Second phase constructor common.
* Initializes items that are common to both new session and resuming session.
void ConstructCommonL();
private: // Event handlers
* State handler function for EStateCreatingPlan
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInCreatingPlanStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* State handler function for EStateRunning
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInRunningStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* State handler function for EStateCancelAll
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInCancelAllStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* State handler function for EStateSuspended
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInSuspendedStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* State handler function for EStateFinalizing
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInFinalizingStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
* State handler function for EStateStopped
* @param aEvent - Event to handle.
void HandleEventInStoppedStateL( DiagFwInternal::CEventBasic& aEvent );
private: // Other private functions
* Start creating execution plan
void StartCreateExecutionPlanL();
* Handle Plan created event
void HandlePlanCreatedL();
* Notify test progress event to engine observer
* @param aEvent - test progress event.
void NotifyTestProgressL( DiagFwInternal::CEventTestProgress& aEvent );
* Report plug-in execution result to observer and continue to the next test.
* @param aError - Error code to report to observer.
* @param aResult - result to report to observer.
void NotifyResultAndContinueL( TInt aError, CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* aResult );
* Commit db record to DB.
void CommitResultsToDb();
* Notify observer that last plugin is completed and engine is now stopped.
* This could also mean that execution has failed.
* @param aEvent - last completion event
void NotifyLastPluginCompletedL( DiagFwInternal::CEventSendCompletion& aEvent );
* Execute next plugin in the plan
void ExecuteNextPluginL();
* Suspend engine
* @param aReason - Reason for suspending.
void DoSuspendL( MDiagEngineObserver::TSuspendReason aReason );
* Add event to state machine.
* This functions makes sure that correct resume event is added to
* the state machine depending on the previous state.
* @param aReason - Resume reason.
void AddResumeEventL( MDiagEngineObserver::TResumeReason aReason );
* Resume engine
void DoResumeL();
* Handle Skip
void HandleSkipL();
* Handle cancelling of all plug-ins
void HandleCancelAllL();
* Start delay timer for test plugin
* @param aPlanEntry - test plugin entry in plan to execute.
void StartTimerForDelayingTestL( CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aPlanEntry );
* Start Executing a test plug-in
* @param aPlanEntry - test plugin entry in plan to execute.
void DoExecuteTestPluginL( CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aPlanEntry );
* Start Executing a suite plug-in
* @param aPlanEntry - suite plugin entry in plan to execute.
void DoExecuteSuitePluginL( CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aPlanEntry );
* Callback function for plugin delay timer expiration.
* @param aPtr - pointer to "this"
static TInt PluginDelayTimerExpiredL( TAny* aPtr );
* Callback function for watchdog timer expiration.
* @param aPtr - pointer to "this"
static TInt WatchdogTimerExpiredL( TAny* aPtr );
* Handle watchdog time expiration.
* @param aEvent - Watchdog event.
void HandleWatchdogTimeoutL( DiagFwInternal::CEventWatchdog& aEvent );
* Function to stop currently executing plugin
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
* @return Test Result. NULL if plug-in was a suite. Ownership transferred
* to caller.
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* StopCurrentPluginL( TCancelMode aStopMode,
TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Function to stop currently executing test plugin
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
* @return Test Result. NULL if plug-in was a suite. Ownership transferred
* to caller.
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* StopCurrentTestPluginL( TCancelMode aStopMode,
TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Function to stop currently executing suite plugin
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
void StopCurrentSuitePluginL( TCancelMode aStopMode, TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Function to create test stop reason based on input parameter
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
* @return Test stop reason
MDiagTestPlugin::TStopReason TranslateTestStopReason( TCancelMode aStopMode,
TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Function to create suite stop reason based on input parameter
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
* @return Suite stop reason
MDiagSuitePlugin::TStopReason TranslateSuiteStopReason( TCancelMode aStopMode,
TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Function to create database result type based on input parameter
* @param aStopMode - Reason for stopping the execution.
* @param aIsWatchdog - ETrue if this is because of watchdog timeout.
* @return Database result type.
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult ConvertToDbResult( TCancelMode aStopMode,
TBool aIsWatchdog );
* Create database result item with just result.
* @param aCurrentItem - Currently executing item
* @param aResult - Result type
* @return Database result item. Ownership transferred to caller.
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* CreateDbItemL(
CDiagExecPlanEntryImpl& aCurrentItem,
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem::TResult aResultType ) const;
* Call TestSessionEndL on all plug-ins.
void NotifyPluginsOfTestSessionEnd();
* Stops all active requests
void StopAllRequests();
* Cleans up incomplete test session during engine destruction.
* This function should be called only from destructor.
void CleanupIncompleteTestSession();
* Finalizes test session. This will notify plug-ins, finalize DB record and
* notify application.
void FinalizeTestSessionL();
private: // private data
* iViewAppUi - Reference to View App Ui. Passed to plug-ins to allow
* view switching.
CAknViewAppUi& iViewAppUi;
* iObserver - reference to engine observer.
MDiagEngineObserver& iObserver;
* iDbSession - Database session.
RDiagResultsDatabase& iDbSession;
* iDbRecord - New record created for current test session.
RDiagResultsDatabaseRecord iDbRecord;
* iRecordId - New record id created for current test session.
TUid iRecordId;
* iPluginPool - Reference to the plug-in pool.
CDiagPluginPool& iPluginPool;
* iCustomParam - Custom parameter.
* Ownership - Client.
TAny* iCustomParam;
* iBatch - list of items to execute.
* Ownership - Individual elements are owned by plug-in pool.
RPointerArray< MDiagPlugin > iBatch;
* iWatchdogTimer - Timer for watchdog.
* Ownership - this
CPeriodic* iWatchdogTimer;
* iLastWatchdogValue - Last watchdog value set.
* This will be used when ResetWatchdog() is called without
* any value specified.
TInt iLastWatchdogValue;
* iPlan - Execution plan
* Ownership - this
CDiagPluginExecPlanImpl* iPlan;
* iStateMachine - State machine.
* Ownership - this
DiagFwInternal::CStateMachine* iStateMachine;
* iSuspendedPrevState - previous state just before suspended.
* This is used to resume to correct state.
DiagFwInternal::TState iSuspendedPrevState;
* iSuspendReason - Reason why engine was suspended.
MDiagEngineObserver::TSuspendReason iSuspendReason;
* iResumeReason - Reason why engine is resumed.
MDiagEngineObserver::TResumeReason iResumeReason;
* iSuspendedResult - Temporary result from test plug-in when engine is
* suspended. When test is suspended just before being able to save the
* test result, its result is saved here, so that when resumed
* it will use this result instead of re-executing.
* Ownership - this
CDiagResultsDatabaseItem* iSuspendedResult;
* iCallHandler - Handles call states
* Ownership - this
CDiagEngineCallHandler* iCallHandler;
* iContinueIncompleteRecord - Indicates whether engine is supposed to
* continue from an incomplete record.
* ETrue if engine is working with incomplete record.
* EFalse if engine is working with a new record.
TBool iContinueIncompleteRecord;
* iEngineConfig - Confiugration information about engine.
TDiagEngineConfig iEngineConfig;
* iEngineError - Error code of engine.
TInt iEngineError;
// End of File