* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of fotaserver component
* This is part of fotaapplication.
#ifndef __FMS_SERVER_H__
#define __FMS_SERVER_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <flogger.h>
#include <rconnmon.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <fotaengine.h>
#include "fmsclientserver.h"
#include "fmsinterruptaob.h"
#include "fmsdebug.h"
_LIT( KFotaInterruptFileName, "fotainterrupt.txt" );
const TInt64 KThresholdDiskSpace = 305152;
const TInt64 KDiskSpaceNotCL = 102400;
const TInt KRequestTriggerWaitTime(1000000);
class CFMSSession;
class CFMSServer;
class CFMSInterruptAob;
class CFMSServer: public CServer2
friend class CFMSSession;
friend class CFMSInterruptAob;
* Destructor
virtual ~CFMSServer();
* Static method which creates the server instance
* @param None
* @return CServer2*
static CServer2* NewLC();
* Stops the session and closes the server
* @param None
* @return None
void DropSession();
* Starts Active object to monitor for the interrupt
* @param aType, Interrupt reason
* @return None
void StartMonitoringL(TOmaDLInterruptReason aType);
* Starts Active object to monitor for the update interrupt
* @param aType, Interrupt reason
* @param aLevel, Level of the battery charge to monitor
* @return None
void StartBatteryMonitoringL(TOmaUpdInterruptReason aType, TUint aLevel);
* Starts Active object to monitor for the update interrupt
* @param aType, Interrupt reason
* @return None
void StartUpdateInterruptMonitoringL(TOmaUpdInterruptReason aType);
* Calls Active object's method to set the drive & size
* for memory interrupt
* @param aSize, Interrupt aDrive
* @return None
void MemoryToMonitorL(TInt aSize, TDriveNumber aDrive);
* Calls Active object's method to set the network bearer
* @param aBearer
* @return None
void NetworkTypeL(TInt aBearer);
* Writes the file with all the interrupt information
* @param aReason ,Interrupt reason
* @param aBearer ,Bearer id
* @param aDrive ,Drive to Download
* @param aSize , memory size to monitor
* @param aWcdmaBearer , 3G bearer or not
* @return None
void WriteToFile(TInt aReason, TInt aBearer, TDriveNumber aDrive,
TInt aSize, TBool aWcdmaBearer );
* Reads the file for the interrupt information
* @param aReason ,Interrupt reason
* @param aBearer ,Bearer id
* @param aDrive ,Drive to Download
* @param aSize , memory size to monitor
* @param aWcdmaBearer , 3G bearer or not
* @return TBool, says reading success or not
TBool ReadFromFile(TInt& aReason, TInt& aBearer, TInt& aDrive, TInt& aSize
, TInt& aWcdmaBearer );
* Checks for any interrupt pending
* @param None
* @return TBool
TBool RequestPending();
* Checks the network as part of other interrupts
* before triggering fota.
* In case of network down, it keeps network interrupt
* @param aBearer ,Bearer id
* @param aDrive ,Drive to Download
* @param aSize , memory size to monitor
* @param aWcdmaBearer , 3G bearer or not
* @return None
void CheckNetworkL(TInt& aBearerId,TInt& aDrive, TInt& aSize,TBool& aWcdma);
* Locks the session, so that new session will not be started
* before the previous interrupt monitory completion
* @param None
* @return None
void LockSession();
* Computes the variation configured
* @param None
* @return None
void FindVariation();
* Checks Charger monitoring supported or not
* @param None
* @return TBool, which says Charger monitory support
TBool ChargerTobeMonitered();
* Checks Network monitoring supported or not
* @param None
* @return TBool, which says Network monitory support
TBool NetworkTobeMonitered();
* Checks Phone startup monitoring supported or not
* @param None
* @return TBool, which says Phone startup monitory support
TBool MoniterAfterPhoneRestart();
* Checks Memory monitoring supported or not
* @param None
* @return TBool, which says Memory monitory support
TBool MemoryTobeMonitered();
* Checks for WLAN
* @param None
* @return TBool, which says WLAN availability
TBool CheckWlanL();
* Sets the Bool value which decides file deletion
* @param aValue, says whether the file to be deletd or not
* @return None
void DeleteFile(TBool aValue);
* Checks network and trigger fota engine in hard reboot case
* @param None
* @return None
void TriggerFotaL();
* For asynchronous network request to be
* logged on active object, using CPeriodic
* @param None
* @return None
void AsyncSessionRequestL();
* Destroys the CPeriodic object
* So that not to call the static method again
* @param None
* @return None
void StopAsyncRequest();
* Calls Active objects SetWcdma to set the bearer to 3G
* @param None
* @return None
void SetWcdma() ;
* Checks whether a phone call is active or not
* @param aStatus, on return contains the call status
* @return None
void CheckPhoneCallActiveL(TInt& aStatus);
* Starts montioring for active phone call end
* @param aPkgId, package Id of FOTA Update
* @param aProfileId, Profile ID of FOTA
* @return phone call active or not at that moment
TBool MonitorPhoneCallEndL(TInt aPkgId, TInt aProfileId);
* Logs Asynchronous montioring for active phone call end
* To avoid performance issues(like thread blocking call)
* @param None
* @return None
void LogAsyncCallMonitorL();
* Returns the FOTA Update packaged Id
TInt& PkgId();
* Returns the FOTA server profile Id
TInt& ProfileId();
* second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* Default constructor
* Calls when a New session is getting created
* @param aVersion
* @param aMessage
* @return CSession2*
CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
RFs iFs; //for file creation, writing & Deleting
RFile iFile;
TInt iSessionCount;
CFMSInterruptAob iFMSInterruptAob;
TBool iNetworkMon;
TBool iChargerMon;
TBool iPhoneRestartMon;
TBool iMemoryMon;
TBool iDeleteFile;
CPeriodic* iLogAsyncRequest;
//FOTA Server Profile Id
TInt iProfileId;
//FOTA Update package Id
TInt iPkgId;