* Copyright (c) 2000 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of terminalsecurity components
#include <e32debug.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <PSVariables.h> // Property values
#include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
#include "SCPServer.h"
#include "SCPSession.h"
#include "SCPLockSettingEventHandler.h"
#include "SCPLockNotificationEventHandler.h"
// For Central Repository
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "SCPCodePrivateCRKeys.h"
#include "SCPLockCode.h"
#include <RemoteLockSettings.h>
#include <SCPParamObject.h>
#include <featmgr.h>
#include "SCPDebug.h"
#include <TerminalControl3rdPartyAPI.h>
#include <TerminalControl3rdPartyParamsPlugin.h>
#include <utf.h>
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
CSCPSession::CSCPSession( CSCPServer& aServer )
: CSession2(),
iServer( aServer ),
iLockCommandState( ESCPLockCmdStateIdle ),
iUnlockMessageSent( EFalse ),
iLockOperationTimer( NULL ),
iPendingCallStatus( NULL ),
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
void CSCPSession::ConstructL()
// Static constructor.
CSCPSession* CSCPSession::NewL( CSCPServer& aServer )
CSCPSession* self = CSCPSession::NewLC( aServer );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Static constructor, leaves object pointer to the cleanup stack.
CSCPSession* CSCPSession::NewLC( CSCPServer& aServer )
CSCPSession* self = new(ELeave) CSCPSession( aServer );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::~CSCPSession()")) );
delete iLockOperationTimer;
iLockOperationTimer = NULL;
delete iNotificationHandler;
iNotificationHandler = NULL;
delete iSettingHandler;
iSettingHandler = NULL;
iPendingCallStatus = NULL;
if(iALParamValue) {
delete iALParamValue;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::~CSCPSession()")) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TBool CSCPSession::IsOperationInProgress( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand )
// Checks from the state variable, if the given command is actually in progress
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSCPSession::IsOperationInProgress( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::IsOperationInProgress( %d )"), aCommand ));
TBool ret = EFalse;
if ( aCommand == ESCPCommandLockPhone )
if ( ( iLockCommandState == ESCPLockCmdStateInProgress )
|| ( iLockCommandState == ESCPLockCmdStateInProgressAcknowledged )
ret = ETrue;
if ( aCommand == ESCPCommandUnlockPhone )
if ( iUnlockMessageSent )
ret = ETrue;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::IsOperationInProgress(): %d"), ret ));
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TBool CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand )
// Set the state variable accordingly, if it was set in a waiting state
// and return the status value respectively.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( %d )"), aCommand ));
// The return parameter, set this if the ack was awaited
TBool ret = EFalse;
if ( aCommand == ESCPCommandLockPhone )
switch ( iLockCommandState )
case ( ESCPLockCmdStateInProgress ):
// Acknowledgement received, now just wait for the actual
// call to finish
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( %d ): \
Lock-op acknowledged"), aCommand ));
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateInProgressAcknowledged;
ret = ETrue;
case ( ESCPLockCmdStateFinishedAckPending ):
// OK, the operation is completed
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( %d ): \
Lock-op acknowledged"), aCommand ));
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateIdle;
iUnlockMessageSent = EFalse;
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( %d ): \
Completing wait"), aCommand ));
User::RequestComplete( iPendingCallStatus, KErrNone );
iPendingCallStatus = NULL;
ret = ETrue;
case ( ESCPLockCmdStateIdle ):
// Flow through, nothing here
case ( ESCPLockCmdStateInProgressAcknowledged ):
// Flow through, nothing here
// No action
if ( aCommand == ESCPCommandUnlockPhone )
if ( iUnlockMessageSent )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation( %d ): \
Completing Unlock-event"), aCommand ));
ret = ETrue;
// Complete the call
iUnlockMessageSent = EFalse;
User::RequestComplete( iPendingCallStatus, KErrNone );
iPendingCallStatus = NULL;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::AcknowledgeOperation(): %d"), ret ));
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleGetCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Gets the stored code from the server and returns it to the
// client thread.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleGetCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleGetCodeMessageL()") ));
TSCPSecCode code;
if ( iServer.GetCode( code ) != KErrNone )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
aMessage.WriteL( 0, code );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleGetCodeMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleSetCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Reads the code from the client buffer, and sends it to the server.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleSetCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleSetCodeMessageL()") ));
RMobilePhone::TMobilePassword code;
aMessage.ReadL( 0, code );
TSCPSecCode curCode;
iServer.GetCode( curCode );
if ( curCode.Compare( code ) == 0 )
TInt retErrorNone = KErrNone;
// The codes are already the same.
User::Leave( retErrorNone );
#ifndef __WINS__
// No access to the ISA side in emulator
// Check the given code, leave on error
iServer.CheckISACodeL( code );
#endif // __WINS__
TInt ret = iServer.StoreCode( code );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
User::Leave( ret );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleSetCodeMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Fetches the stored code from the server, reads the new code
// from the client side, and calls the method to change the code.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL()") ));
RMobilePhone::TMobilePassword newPassword;
aMessage.ReadL( 0, newPassword );
// Possible leave will result in an error status for the client
iServer.ChangeISACodeL( newPassword );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Send the code in slot 0 to the server for storage.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL()") ));
HBufC* codeHBuf = HBufC::NewLC( KSCPMaxEnhCodeLen + 1 );
TPtr codeBuf = codeHBuf->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 0, codeBuf );
if ( !iServer.IsValidEnhCode( codeBuf ) )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL(): ERROR:\
Invalid code format") ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codeHBuf );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
iServer.StoreEnhCode( codeBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codeHBuf );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleChangeCodeMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleSetLockStateMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Sets the DOS lock setting to enabled/disabled,
// and activates or deactivates Autolock via SetDOSLockSetting.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleSetLockStateMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleSetLockStateMessageL()") ));
TInt lockState = aMessage.Int0();
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetLockStateMessageL(), lock command: %d"),
lockState ));
SetDOSLockSettingL( lockState, ETrue, aMessage );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleSetLockStateMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::SetDOSLockSettingL( TBool aLocked, const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Checks whether a lock operation is already in progress, if not,
// starts the operation by creating the two active objects responsible for handling
// the call, and sets the state variable accordingly.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::SetDOSLockSettingL( TBool aLocked,
TBool aAutolock,
const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Only one lock/unlock phone command can be in progress at a time
if ( ( IsOperationInProgress( ESCPCommandLockPhone ) )
|| ( IsOperationInProgress( ESCPCommandUnlockPhone ) )
|| ( iServer.IsOperationInProgress( ESCPCommandLockPhone ) )
|| ( iServer.IsOperationInProgress( ESCPCommandUnlockPhone ) )
User::Leave( KErrInUse );
// Fetch the stored password from the server
TSCPSecCode storedCode;
if ( iServer.GetCode( storedCode ) != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleLockPhoneMessageL():\
FAILED to get stored code!") ));
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
// Create a timer object for this call
iLockOperationTimer = CSCPTimer::NewL( KSCPLockOperationTimeout, NULL, this );
// Set the state parameter for this session, a lock command is now in progress
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateInProgress;
#ifndef __WINS__ // The notification handler is not used in emulator
// Don't create the notification handler if it won't be used
// (because DOS lock won't be disabled)
if ( ( aLocked ) || ( ( !IsSMSLockActiveL() ) && ( !IsAutolockActive() ) ) )
iNotificationHandler = CSCPLockNotificationEventHandler::NewL( &iServer, this );
#endif // WINS
iSettingHandler = CSCPLockSettingEventHandler::NewL(
aMessage, this, aLocked, aAutolock, &iServer );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Checks if the given operation is in progress, and acknowledges the
// message. The return value is computed based on the calls, if either
// is true, so is the return value.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL()") ));
// Check the process permissions for this call
switch ( (TSCPAdminCommand)aMessage.Int0() )
case ( ESCPCommandLockPhone ):
// Only Security Observer allowed
if ( aMessage.SecureId() != KAknNfySrvUid /*KSCPServerSIDSecurityObserver*/ )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL():\
ERROR: Permission denied") ));
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
case ( ESCPCommandUnlockPhone ):
// Only Autolock allowed
if ( aMessage.SecureId() != KSCPServerSIDAutolock )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL():\
ERROR: Permission denied") ));
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL():DEFAULT:\
Permission denied") ));
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
// Check from the server, if another session has initiated a lock operation
// Also if an acknowledgement was awaited for this operation, the return
// value should be true
TSCPAdminCommand commandQueried = (TSCPAdminCommand)aMessage.Int0();
TBool ret1 = iServer.IsOperationInProgress( commandQueried );
TBool ret2 = iServer.AcknowledgementReceived( commandQueried );
TBool ret = ret1 || ret2;
// Return the reply
TInt retWrap = (TInt)ret;
TPckg<TInt> retPackage(retWrap);
aMessage.WriteL(1, retPackage );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleQueryMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleGetLockStateMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Retrieves the Autolock status and returns it as the lock state.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleGetLockStateMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleGetLockStateMessageL()") ));
// Check the autolock variable
TInt autolockState; // the state
TInt checkFor; // the "active state"
TInt err( KErrGeneral );
RProperty Property;
err = Property.Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState);
checkFor = EAutolockOff;
err = Property.Get(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs, KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus, autolockState);
checkFor = EAutolockOn;
User::LeaveIfError( err );
TBool ret = EFalse;
if ( autolockState > checkFor )
ret = ETrue;
if ( autolockState == checkFor )
ret = ETrue;
TPckg<TBool> retpackage(ret);
aMessage.WriteL( 0, retpackage );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleGetLockStateMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Extract the parameters and send them to the server, then pack the response.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint((_L("[CSCPSession]-> HandleSetParamMessageL() >>>")));
TBool oldALState = EFalse;
#ifndef __WINS__ // No need to check for lock setting changes in emulator
if ( ( (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0() == ESCPAutolockPeriod ) ||
( (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0() == ESCPMaxAutolockPeriod ) )
// Save the old Autolock state, the lock setting will have to be
// changed, if the period is changed from 0 -> X or from X -> 0.
oldALState = IsAutolockActive();
#endif // __WINS__
// Copy the client data into a local buffer
HBufC* setBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesLength(1) );
TPtr bufPtr = setBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL( 1, bufPtr );
TBool lNotifyChange = EFalse;
TPckgBuf<TUint32> lCallerIDBuf;
aMessage.ReadL(2, lCallerIDBuf);
TBool lSetParamRequired = ETrue;
const TSCPParameterID lParamID = (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0();
/* Check if the new value is the same as the old one, call SCPServer
* only if the values are different (or old value was not found)...
switch(lParamID) {
case ESCPMaxAutolockPeriod:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeRequireUpperAndLower:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeRequireCharsAndNumbers:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeExpiration:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMaxRepeatedCharacters:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMinChangeTolerance:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMinChangeInterval:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeCheckSpecificStrings:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMaxAttempts:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeConsecutiveNumbers:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeHistoryBuffer:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMinSpecialCharacters:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMinLength:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeMaxLength:
case RTerminalControl3rdPartySession :: EPasscodeDisallowSimple: {
HBufC* lOldValue = HBufC :: NewLC(25);
TPtr lOldValPtr = lOldValue->Des();
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> Initiating GetParameterValueL(), fetching earlier values..."));
TInt ret = iServer.GetParameterValueL(lParamID, lOldValPtr, aMessage.SecureId());
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> GetParameterValueL() completed, ret=%d"), ret);
switch(ret) {
case KErrNone:
// If the old and the new values are same, no need to set them in SCPServer
if(0 == (lOldValue->Des().CompareC(setBuffer->Des()))) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> INFO: Old and New values are the same..."));
lSetParamRequired = EFalse;
lNotifyChange = EFalse;
else {
lNotifyChange = ETrue;
case KErrNotFound:
lNotifyChange = ETrue;
User :: LeaveIfError(ret);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(lOldValue);
if(lSetParamRequired) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> Initiating SetParameterValueL()..."));
TInt ret = iServer.SetParameterValueL(lParamID, *setBuffer, lCallerIDBuf());
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> SetParameterValueL() returned, ret=%d"), ret);
User::LeaveIfError( ret );
// Should the message be completed immediatelly?
TBool completeRequest = ETrue;
#ifndef __WINS__ // No need to check for lock setting changes in emulator
if ( ( lParamID == ESCPAutolockPeriod ) ||
( lParamID == ESCPMaxAutolockPeriod ) )
// Autolock state may have changed, check if the lock setting must be changed.
TBool currentALState = IsAutolockActive();
if ( ( !oldALState ) && ( currentALState ) )
// Autolock activated, enable lock
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): Enabling DOS lock") ));
SetDOSLockSettingL( ETrue, EFalse, aMessage );
completeRequest = EFalse;
else if ( ( oldALState ) && ( !currentALState ) )
//Autolock deactivated, disable lock, if SMS Lock is not active
if ( !IsSMSLockActiveL() )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL():\
Disabling DOS lock") ));
SetDOSLockSettingL( EFalse, EFalse, aMessage );
completeRequest = EFalse;
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): SMS Lock active,\
leaving DOS lock on") ));
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): Autolock (Max.) period\
changed, no lock change") ));
#endif // __WINS__
// Ok, complete the message here
if(completeRequest) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> aMessage.Complete()..."));
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
if(lNotifyChange) {
HBufC8* lTmpBuff = HBufC8 :: NewLC(setBuffer->Length());
// No need to return an error condition if notification (subsequent) fails!
TRAPD(lErr, NotifyChangeL(lParamID, lTmpBuff->Des(), lCallerIDBuf()));
if(KErrNone != lErr) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> INFO: NotifyAllStakeHoldersL() could not complete, lErr=%d"), lErr);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(); // lTmpBuff
else {
/* Control gets here only if lParamID == ESCPMaxAutolockPeriod or
* if lParamID == ESCPAutolockPeriod and if the
iALParamID = lParamID;
iALParamCallerID = lCallerIDBuf();
if(iALParamValue) {
delete iALParamValue;
iALParamValue = NULL;
// No need to return an error condition if notification (subsequent) fails!
TRAPD(lErr, iALParamValue = HBufC8 :: NewL(setBuffer->Length()));
if(lErr == KErrNone) {
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(setBuffer);
Dprint((_L("[CSCPSession]-> HandleSetParamMessageL() <<<")));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleGetParamMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Check the access permissions, then extract the parameters and send
// them to the server, then pack the response.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleGetParamMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleGetParamMessageL()") ));
// Check the access for this parameter
switch ( (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0() )
// For the current parameters, we allow Gs and Terminal Control Server
if ( ( aMessage.SecureId() != KSCPServerSIDTerminalControl ) &&
( aMessage.SecureId() != KSCPServerSIDGeneralSettings ) &&
( aMessage.SecureId() != KDevEncUiUid ) )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): ERROR:\
Permission denied") ));
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
// Init a local buffer to store the return value
HBufC* getBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( aMessage.GetDesMaxLength(1) );
TPtr bufPtr = getBuffer->Des();
TInt ret = iServer.GetParameterValueL(
User::LeaveIfError( ret );
// OK, send the data to the client side
aMessage.WriteL( 1, bufPtr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( getBuffer );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleGetParamMessageL()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleCheckConfigMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Propagate the check config -call to the server.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleCheckConfigMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// Check if the server configuration is in sync
TInt valerr = KErrNone;
TRAP( valerr, iServer.ValidateConfigurationL( aMessage.Int0() ) );
Dprint( (_L("CSCPServer::ConstructL(): Validation returned: %d"), valerr ));
// Write the return value to slot 1
TPckg<TInt> retPackage(valerr);
aMessage.WriteL( 1, retPackage );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessageL()
// Copy the given data into a local buffer, and propagate the call
// to the server.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession :: HandleAuthenticationMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage ) {
TSecureId id = aMessage.SecureId();
switch(id.iId) {
case KSCPServerSIDAutolock:
case KAknNfySrvUid:
case KSCPServerSIDGeneralSettings:
case KSCPServerSIDSysAp:
case KSCPServerSIDTerminalControl:
case KSCPServerSIDTelephone:
case KSCPServerSIDLog:
default: {
Dprint( (_L("[CSCPSession]-> ERROR: Permission denied") ));
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage()") ));
HBufC* servBuf = NULL;
TInt status = KErrNone;
// The slot 0 contains the given password
TInt passwordLen = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
if ( passwordLen > 0 )
servBuf = HBufC::NewLC( passwordLen );
// We cannot accept an empty code
Dprint( (_L("<-- ERROR: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
returning KErrArgument, buffer empty") ));
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TPtr servBufPtr = servBuf->Des();
TInt ret = aMessage.Read( 0, servBufPtr );
// Try to get the ISA code from the server, giving the password and flags
TSCPSecCode isaCodeToReturn;
CSCPParamObject* addParams = NULL;
TInt flags = aMessage.Int3();
if ( ret == KErrNone )
status = iServer.CheckCodeAndGiveISAL( servBufPtr,
flags );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( servBuf );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
// Fail the call
Dprint( (_L("<-- ERROR: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
returning %d"), ret ));
User::Leave( ret );
// If additional parameters are passed to client side, add them to slot 2
if ( addParams != NULL )
HBufC8* paramBuf;
TInt pRet = addParams->GetBuffer( paramBuf );
if ( pRet != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
failed to get additional parameter buffer: %d"), pRet ));
TPtr8 paramPtr = paramBuf->Des();
if ( aMessage.GetDesMaxLength( 2 ) >= paramPtr.Length() )
aMessage.Write( 2, paramPtr );
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
WARNING: not enough space for additional parameters") ));
delete paramBuf;
delete addParams;
// OK, we either have the correct ISA code or don't, return it to the client in slot 1
User::LeaveIfError( aMessage.Write( 1, isaCodeToReturn ) );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage(): %d"), status ));
User::LeaveIfError( status );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessageL()
// Copy the given data into local buffers, and propagate the call
// to the server.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessage()") ));
HBufC* oldPassBuf = NULL;
HBufC* newPassBuf = NULL;
TInt oldPasswordLen = aMessage.GetDesLength(0);
TInt newPasswordLen = aMessage.GetDesLength(1);
if ( ( newPasswordLen == 0 ) || ( oldPasswordLen == 0 ) )
// We cannot accept an empty code
Dprint( (_L("<-- ERROR: CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessage():\
returning KErrArgument, buffer empty") ));
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
oldPassBuf = HBufC::NewLC( oldPasswordLen );
newPassBuf = HBufC::NewLC( newPasswordLen );
TPtr oldPassPtr = oldPassBuf->Des();
TPtr newPassPtr = newPassBuf->Des();
// Read the strings, slot 0 = old password, slot 1 = new password
TRAPD( err, aMessage.ReadL( 0, oldPassPtr ) );
TRAP( err, aMessage.ReadL( 1, newPassPtr ) );
// A buffer for the updated DOS password
TSCPSecCode newDosCode;
CSCPParamObject* addParams = NULL;
if ( err != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("<-- ERROR: CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessage():\
failed to read the strings to server side: %d"), err ));
err = iServer.CheckAndChangeEnhCodeL( oldPassPtr, newPassPtr, addParams, newDosCode );
// If additional parameters are passed to client side, add them to slot 2
if ( addParams != NULL )
HBufC8* paramBuf;
TInt pRet = addParams->GetBuffer( paramBuf );
if ( pRet != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
failed to get additional parameter buffer: %d"), pRet ));
TPtr8 paramPtr = paramBuf->Des();
if ( aMessage.GetDesMaxLength( 2 ) >= paramPtr.Length() )
aMessage.Write( 2, paramPtr );
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
WARNING: not enough space for additional parameters") ));
delete paramBuf;
delete addParams;
if ( err == KErrNone )
// Copy the new DOS code to slot 3
TInt ret = aMessage.Write( 3, newDosCode );
if ( ret != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
WARNING: failed to write the new DOS code to client-side") ));
/* Get the very first character of the new lock code and set the default input mode of the
lock code query on the basis of the first character. */
ch = newPassPtr[0];
def_mode = ch.IsDigit() ? 0 : 1;
CRepository* repository = CRepository :: NewL(KCRUidSCPParameters);
CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
User::LeaveIfError(repository->Set( KSCPLockCodeDefaultInputMode , def_mode) );
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(repository);
/* Set the value in the cenrep that the default lock code has been changed if it is not
* already set
* */
repository = CRepository :: NewL(KCRUidSCPLockCode);
CleanupStack :: PushL(repository);
User :: LeaveIfError(repository->Set(KSCPLockCodeDefaultLockCode, 0));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
repository = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newPassBuf );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( oldPassBuf );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleChangeEnhCodeMessage(): %d"), err ));
if ( err != KErrNone )
User::Leave( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::HandleQueryChangeMessageL()
// Check from the server, if the password is allowed to be changed.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::HandleQueryChangeMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::HandleQueryChangeMessage()") ));
CSCPParamObject* addParams = NULL;
TInt ret = iServer.IsPasswordChangeAllowedL( addParams );
// Return the reply in slot 0
TPckg<TInt> retPackage(ret);
aMessage.WriteL(0, retPackage );
// If additional parameters are passed to client side, add them to slot 1
if ( addParams != NULL )
HBufC8* paramBuf;
TInt pRet = addParams->GetBuffer( paramBuf );
if ( pRet != KErrNone )
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
failed to get additional parameter buffer: %d"), pRet ));
TPtr8 paramPtr = paramBuf->Des();
if ( aMessage.GetDesMaxLength( 1 ) >= paramPtr.Length() )
aMessage.Write( 1, paramPtr );
Dprint( (_L("WARNING: CSCPSession::HandleAuthenticationMessage():\
WARNING: not enough space for additional parameters") ));
delete paramBuf;
delete addParams;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::HandleQueryChangeMessage()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::LockOperationCompleted()
// The method is called from iSettinghandler, when the call has
// been completed. The active objects are deleted, and the state
// is set to reflect the situation.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::LockOperationCompleted()
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::LockOperationCompleted()") ));
// Delete the timer, the call is complete
if ( iLockOperationTimer )
delete iLockOperationTimer;
iLockOperationTimer = NULL;
if ( iNotificationHandler )
delete iNotificationHandler;
iNotificationHandler = NULL;
if ( iSettingHandler )
delete iSettingHandler;
iSettingHandler = NULL;
iPendingCallStatus = NULL;
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateIdle;
iUnlockMessageSent = EFalse;
if(iALParamValue) {
TRAPD(lErr, NotifyChangeL(iALParamID, iALParamValue->Des(), iALParamCallerID));
if(lErr == KErrNone) {
Dprint( (_L("[CSCPSession]-> INFO: Notification complete...") ));
else {
Dprint( (_L("[CSCPSession]-> INFO: Unable to complete notification...") ));
delete iALParamValue;
iALParamValue = NULL;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::LockOperationCompleted()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::Timeout( TAny* aParam )
// This method will be called in case the lock operation times
// out.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::Timeout( TAny* aParam )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::Timeout()") ));
// Since the timeout should only occur if the system is
// somehow in an invalid state, reset all the state information
// here.
if ( ( iUnlockMessageSent ) ||
( iLockCommandState == ESCPLockCmdStateFinishedAckPending )
// Signal timeout by completing the request
User::RequestComplete( iPendingCallStatus, KErrCancel );
iPendingCallStatus = NULL;
if ( iNotificationHandler )
iUnlockMessageSent = EFalse;
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateIdle;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::Timeout()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::LockOperationPending( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand,
// TRequestStatus* aStatus )
// Saves the status ptr of the pending call, and sets the relevant
// state variable.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::LockOperationPending( TSCPAdminCommand aCommand,
TRequestStatus* aStatus )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::LockOperationPending()") ));
iPendingCallStatus = aStatus;
*iPendingCallStatus = KRequestPending;
switch ( aCommand )
case ( ESCPCommandUnlockPhone ) :
iUnlockMessageSent = ETrue;
case ( ESCPCommandLockPhone ) :
iLockCommandState = ESCPLockCmdStateFinishedAckPending;
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::LockOperationPending()") ));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TBool CSCPSession::IsSMSLockActiveL()
// Retrieves the SMS Lock status using the Remote Lock
// Settings API.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSCPSession::IsSMSLockActiveL()
TBool smsLockState = EFalse;
CRemoteLockSettings* smsLockSettings = CRemoteLockSettings::NewLC();
if ( !smsLockSettings->GetEnabled( smsLockState ) )
smsLockState = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( smsLockSettings );
return smsLockState;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// TBool CSCPSession::IsAutolockActive()
// Retrieves the Autolock status using by retrieving
// the period from the server.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSCPSession::IsAutolockActive()
TBool ret = EFalse;
TInt autolockPeriod = 0;
TInt servRet = KErrNone;
TRAPD( err, servRet = iServer.GetAutolockPeriodL( autolockPeriod ) );
if ( ( err == KErrNone ) && ( servRet == KErrNone ) && ( autolockPeriod > 0 ) )
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// The initial entry point for a service call, propagates the
// call based on the function.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
switch ( aMessage.Function() )
case ( ESCPServSetPhoneLock ):
TRAPD( err, HandleSetLockStateMessageL( aMessage ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
aMessage.Complete( err );
case ( ESCPServSetParam ):
TRAPD( err, HandleSetParamMessageL( aMessage ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
aMessage.Complete( err );
case ESCPApplicationUninstalled: {
TInt lErr = KErrNone;
TRAP(lErr, HandleCleanupL(aMessage));
if(lErr != KErrNone) {
case ESCPServUISetAutoLock: {
TInt lErr = KErrNone;
TRAP(lErr, HandleSetALPeriodL(aMessage));
if(lErr != KErrNone) {
TRAPD( err, DispatchSynchronousMessageL(aMessage) );
aMessage.Complete( err );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// void CSCPSession::DispatchSynchronousMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
// A dispatch function for synchronous calls, calls the function dependent
// handler method.
// Status : Approved
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CSCPSession::DispatchSynchronousMessageL( const RMessage2 &aMessage )
Dprint( (_L("--> CSCPSession::DispatchSynchronousMessageL()") ));
switch ( aMessage.Function() )
case ( ESCPServGetCode ):
HandleGetCodeMessageL( aMessage );
//#ifndef __SAP_DEVICE_LOCK_ENHANCEMENTS ..recheck
// No longer supported for enhanced security code
case ( ESCPServSetCode ):
HandleSetCodeMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServChangeCode ):
HandleChangeCodeMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServQueryAdminCmd ):
HandleQueryMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServGetLockState ):
HandleGetLockStateMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServGetParam ):
HandleGetParamMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServCheckConfig ):
HandleCheckConfigMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServAuthenticateS60 ):
HandleAuthenticationMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServChangeEnhCode ):
HandleChangeEnhCodeMessageL( aMessage );
case ( ESCPServCodeChangeQuery ):
HandleQueryChangeMessageL( aMessage );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
Dprint( (_L("<-- CSCPSession::DispatchSynchronousMessageL()") ));
// End of File
TInt CSCPSession :: NotifyAllStakeHoldersL(const RArray<const TParamChange>& aChange, TUint32 aCallerID) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> NotifyAllStakeHoldersL() >>>"));
if(aChange.Count() < 1) {
return KErrNone;
RImplInfoPtrArray implArray;
CTC3rdPartyParamsEcomIF :: ListAllImplementationsL(implArray);
TInt numberOfPlugins = implArray.Count();
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> numberOfPlugins=%d"), numberOfPlugins);
for(TInt i = 0; i < numberOfPlugins; i++) {
CImplementationInformation& info = *implArray[i];
TUid implementation = info.ImplementationUid();
HBufC* text = HBufC :: NewMaxLC(info.OpaqueData().Length() );
TPtr opaqueData(text->Des());
TUint pluginUID;
TLex lex(* text);
lex.Val(pluginUID, EHex);
TUid id(TUid :: Uid((TInt)pluginUID));
if(TUint32(id.iUid) != aCallerID) {
CTC3rdPartyParamsEcomIF* plugin = CTC3rdPartyParamsEcomIF :: NewL(implementation);
CleanupStack :: PushL(plugin);
TRAPD(leaveCode, plugin->DeviceLockParamChangedL(aChange));
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(); // plugin
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(text);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(&implArray);
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> NotifyAllStakeHoldersL() <<<"));
return KErrNone;
TInt CSCPSession :: HandleCleanupL(const RMessage2& aMessage) {
// Copy the client data into a local buffer
TInt32 lCount = aMessage.GetDesLength(1);
/* // If the caller is not SCPEventHandler the deny access
if(aMessage.SecureId() != KSCPEvntHndlrUid) {
return KErrPermissionDenied;
// Atleast one application id has to be present in the received message (atleast 8 bytes)
if(lCount < sizeof(TInt32)) {
return KErrArgument;
RArray<const TParamChange> lChangeArray;
RPointerArray<HBufC8> lParamValArray;
HBufC8* lBuffer = HBufC8 :: NewLC(lCount);
TPtr8 bufPtr = lBuffer->Des();
aMessage.ReadL(1, bufPtr);
TInt lStatus = KErrNone;
TRAPD(lErr, lStatus = iServer.PerformCleanupL(lBuffer, lChangeArray, lParamValArray));
if(lErr != KErrNone) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> ERROR: SCPServer was unable to complete the operation lErr=%d"), lErr);
User :: Leave(lErr);
TInt32 lCallerID = aMessage.Identity().iUid;
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> Total parameters changed=%d "), lChangeArray.Count());
if(lChangeArray.Count() > 0) {
TRAP(lErr, NotifyAllStakeHoldersL(lChangeArray, lCallerID));
if(lErr != KErrNone) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> ERROR: NotifyAllStakeHoldersL() could not complete, lErr=%d"), lErr);
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(3); // lParamIDArray lParamValArray lBuffer
return lStatus;
TInt CSCPSession :: HandleSetALPeriodL( const RMessage2& aMessage ) {
Dprint((_L("[CSCPSession]-> HandleSetParamMessageL() >>>")));
TBool oldALState = EFalse;
TBool lNotifyChange = ETrue;
#ifndef __WINS__ // No need to check for lock setting changes in emulator
if ( ( (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0() == ESCPAutolockPeriod ) ||
( (TSCPParameterID)aMessage.Int0() == ESCPMaxAutolockPeriod ) )
oldALState = IsAutolockActive();
#endif // __WINS__
TPckgBuf<TInt> lALPeriod;
aMessage.ReadL(0, lALPeriod);
User :: LeaveIfError(iServer.SetAutolockPeriodL(lALPeriod()));
TBool completeRequest = ETrue;
#ifndef __WINS__ // No need to check for lock setting changes in emulator
TBool currentALState = IsAutolockActive();
if ( ( !oldALState ) && ( currentALState ) )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): Enabling DOS lock") ));
SetDOSLockSettingL( ETrue, EFalse, aMessage );
completeRequest = EFalse;
else if ( ( oldALState ) && ( !currentALState ) )
if ( !IsSMSLockActiveL() )
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL():\
Disabling DOS lock") ));
SetDOSLockSettingL( EFalse, EFalse, aMessage );
completeRequest = EFalse;
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): SMS Lock active,\
leaving DOS lock on") ));
Dprint( (_L("CSCPSession::HandleSetParamMessageL(): Autolock (Max.) period\
changed, no lock change") ));
#endif // __WINS__
if(completeRequest) {
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]-> aMessage.Complete()..."));
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
else {
Dprint((_L("[CSCPSession]-> HandleSetParamMessageL() <<<")));
return KErrNone;
void CSCPSession :: NotifyChangeL( TInt aParamID, const TDesC8 aParamVal, TUint32 aCallerID ) {
RArray<const TParamChange> lChangeArray;
const TParamChange lChange(aParamID, aParamVal);
TInt ret = lChangeArray.Append(lChange);
if(KErrNone != ret) {
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(); //lChangeArray
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]->INFO: Initiating notification to all the StakeHolders..."));
TRAPD(lErr, NotifyAllStakeHoldersL(lChangeArray, aCallerID));
Dprint(_L("[CSCPSession]->INFO: Notification to all the StakeHolders complete..."));
CleanupStack :: PopAndDestroy(); //lChangeArray