* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: DS Sync flow
#ifndef __NSMLDSAGENT_H__
#define __NSMLDSAGENT_H__
#include <e32base.h>
#include <SyncMLObservers.h>
#include "nsmldbcaps.h"
#include "nsmldsdefines.h"
#include "NSmlAgentBase.h"
#include "nsmldsagconstants.h"
#include "nsmlagentlog.h"
#include "nsmldsnetmon.h"
#include <rconnmon.h>
class MSyncMLProgressObserver;
class CNSmlDSContent;
class CNsmlDSNetmon;
class CNSmlDSProfile;
* OMA DS protocol engine.
* @lib nsmldsagent.lib
class CNSmlDSAgent : public CNSmlAgentBase
public: // constructors and destructor
* Symbian two-phased constructor.
* @param aObserver Observer callback through which a sync client is informed.
static CNSmlDSAgent* NewL( MSyncMLProgressObserver* aObserver );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CNSmlDSAgent();
public: // new functions
* Start the synchronisation process with a remote server.
* @param aStatus Asynchronous call result code.
* @param aProfileId ID of the used profile.
* @param aConnectionId ID of the used medium.
* @param aTypeArray Used to specify content specific synchronisation types.
* @param aSyncInitiation Specifies whether the session is client or server initiated.
* @param aSessionId Used session id.
* @param aAlertPackage SyncML 1.1 server alert package.
virtual void Synchronise( TRequestStatus& aStatus,
TSmlProfileId aProfileId,
TSmlConnectionId aConnectionId = -1,
CArrayFix<TNSmlContentSpecificSyncType>* aTypeArray = NULL,
TNSmlSyncInitiation aSyncInitiation = EClientInitiated,
TInt aSessionId = 0,
HBufC8* aAlertPackage = NULL );
* Launches the Auto-restart exe if the Sync is interrupted
* because of Network failures
* Before launching the Netmon.exe,Profile details will be stored
* into Cenrep
void LaunchAutoRestartL(TInt aError); //from CNSmlAgentBase
TBool IsSyncClientInitiated();
public: // enumerations
// Status when synchronisation is completed (normally or abnormally)
enum TNSmlAgentSyncStatus
ECompletedOK = 0,
private: // enumerations
// DS specific state coding enumerations, common enums with DM
// are specified in CNSmlAgentBase
// sub-states under begin state
enum TBeginSubState
//server alerting level state coding
enum TServerAlertState
// server initialisation level state coding
enum TServerInitState
// Client resend map info level state coding
enum TClientResendMapInfoState
void ClientResendMapInfoStartingMessageStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoMakingAlertStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoMakingStatusStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoMakingMapStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoMakingResultsStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoStartingSyncStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoEndingSyncStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoEndingMessageStateL();
// client modifications level state coding
enum TClientModificationsState
// map acknowledge level state coding
enum TMapAcknowledgeState
private: // constructors & operators
* Standard C++ constructor.
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
* @param aObserver Observer callback through which the sync client is informed.
void ConstructL( MSyncMLProgressObserver* aObserver );
* Prohibit copy constructor.
CNSmlDSAgent( const CNSmlDSAgent& aOther );
* Prohibit assignment operator.
CNSmlDSAgent& operator=( const CNSmlDSAgent& aOther );
// Begin sub-state functions
void BeginSubStartStateL();
void BeginSubReadSettingsStateL();
void BeginSubSyncmlCmdsInstanceStateL();
void BeginSubServerAlertingStateL();
void BeginSubOpenContentInstancesStateL();
void BeginSubCreateLUIDBuffersStateL();
void BeginSubScanMapInfo();
// Server Alerting state functions
void ServerAlertStateL();
void ServerAlertStartMessageStateL( SmlSyncHdr_t* aSyncHdr );
void ServerAlertAlertCmdStateL( SmlAlert_t* aAlert );
void ServerAlertEndMessageStateL( TBool aFinal );
// Server Initiliasation state functions
void ServerInitialisationStateL();
void ServerInitStartMessageStateL( SmlSyncHdr_t* aSyncHdr );
void ServerInitStatusCmdStateL( SmlStatus_t* aStatus );
void ServerInitResultsCmdStateL( SmlResults_t* aResults );
void ServerInitAlertCmdStateL( SmlAlert_t* aAlert );
void ServerInitPutCmdStateL( SmlPut_t* aPut );
void ServerInitGetCmdStateL( SmlGet_t* aGet );
void ServerInitEndMessageStateL( TBool aFinal );
// Client Modifications state functions
void ClientModificationsStateL();
void ClientModStartingMessageStateL();
void ClientModMakingStatusStateL();
void ClientModMakingResultsStateL();
void ClientModStartingSyncStateL();
void ClientModMakingUpdatesStateL();
void ClientModEndingSyncStateL();
void ClientModEndingMessageStateL();
void ClientResendMapInfoStateL();
// Server Modifications state functions
void ServerModificationsStateL();
void ServerModStartSyncStateL( SmlSync_t* aSync );
void ServerModEndSyncStateL();
void ServerModStartAtomicStateL( SmlAtomic_t* aContent );
void ServerModEndAtomicStateL();
// Map Acknowledgement state functions
void MapAcknowledgeStateL();
void MapAckStartMessageStateL( SmlSyncHdr_t* aSyncHdr );
void MapAckStatusCmdStateL( SmlStatus_t* aStatus );
void MapAckAlertCmdStateL( SmlAlert_t* aAlert );
void MapAckEndMessageStateL( TBool aFinal );
// Finishing state functions
void FinishingStateL();
// Open Database related instances
void OpenDatabaseInstancesL( TBool& aEnd );
//Scans for MapInfo and loads if exists
void ScanMapInfoL(TBool &aEnd);
void CreateLUIDBuffersL( TBool& aEnd );
// Create SyncML commands instance
void CreateSyncmlCmdsInstanceL();
// Sync Log functions
void InfoMessageToSyncLogL( TInt appIndex, TInt aErrorCode );
// Read SyncML DS settings
void ReadSettingsL();
// Session ID get/update
TInt GetSessionIDL();
void UpdateSessionIDL( TInt aSessionID );
// Finishing
void FinishL();
//Launches the Netmon exe
void LaunchNETMONL();
//Saves the profile-info to cenrep
void SaveProfileInfoL();
//Stops the current ongoing session
void StopDSSession();
TBool CheckProfileIdL();
void TerminateAutoRestart();
void ReplaceIAPIdL();
private: // functions from base classes
* From CActive. Cancels the currently ongoing asynchronous operation.
void DoCancel();
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Alert command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlAlertCmdFuncL( SmlAlertPtr_t aContent);
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Get command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlGetCmdFuncL( SmlGetPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Put command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlPutCmdFuncL( SmlPutPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Results command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlResultsCmdFuncL( SmlResultsPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Status command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlStatusCmdFuncL( SmlStatusPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Sync header structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlStartMessageFuncL( SmlSyncHdrPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param final Last part of the command (yes/no).
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlEndMessageFuncL( Boolean_t final );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Sync command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlStartSyncFuncL( SmlSyncPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlEndSyncFuncL();
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Atomic command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlStartAtomicFuncL( SmlAtomicPtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlEndAtomicFuncL();
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Sequence command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlStartSequenceFuncL( SmlSequencePtr_t aContent );
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlEndSequenceFuncL();
* From MWBXMLSyncMLCallbacks.
* @param aContent Move command structure.
* @return Parser API return code.
Ret_t smlMoveCmdFuncL( SmlMovePtr_t aContent );
// Main state functions
* From CNSmlAgentBase. Calls the correct main state function depending
* on the current state.
void NavigateMainStateL();
* From CNSmlAgentBase. Advances the state machine to the next main state.
* The next state depends on the current and (possibly) previous state.
void NextMainStateL();
void InitialiseSubStates(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Beginning state functions
void BeginStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Client Initialisation state functions
void InitStartingMessageStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void InitAlertingStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void InitDeviceInfoStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void InitAskingDeviceInfoStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Server Modifications state functions
void ServerModUpdatesStateL( const TDesC8& aCmd, SmlGenericCmd_t* aContent ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Data Update Status state functions
void DataUpdateStatusStartingMessageStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void DataUpdateStatusMakingMapStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Client Alert For Next states functions
void ClientAlertNextMakingMapStateL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Agent Log functions
HBufC* NonceL() const; //from CNSmlAgentBase
void SetNonceL( const TDesC& aNonce ) const; //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Sync Log functions
void FinalizeSyncLog(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void FinalizeSyncLogL();
// Synchronisation Log functions
void WriteWarningL( TNSmlError::TNSmlAgentErrorCode aWarningCode ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void WriteWarningL( TInt appIndex, TNSmlError::TNSmlAgentErrorCode aWarningCode ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void WriteWarningL( TInt appIndex, TNSmlError::TNSmlSyncMLStatusCode aWarningCode ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void CheckServerStatusCodeL( TInt aEntryID ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void CheckCommandsAreReceivedL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Authentication functions
CNSmlAgentBase::TAuthenticationType AuthTypeL() const; //from CNSmlAgentBase
void SetAuthTypeL( CNSmlAgentBase::TAuthenticationType aAuthType ) const; //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Free resources
void FreeResources(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
// Error Handling functions
void Interrupt( TInt aErrorCode, TBool aImmediatelyInterruption, TBool aStatusError ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void InterruptL( TInt appIndex, TInt aErrorCode, TBool aImmediatelyInterruption, TBool aStatusError ); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void FinaliseWhenErrorL(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
TBool Interrupted(); //from CNSmlAgentBase
void PrepareSyncL( CArrayFix<TNSmlContentSpecificSyncType>* aTypeArray );
void DoErrorEvent( MSyncMLProgressObserver::TErrorLevel aErrorLevel,
TInt aError, TInt aTaskId, TInt aInfo1, TInt aInfo2 );
//stores the suspendedsync status
TNSmlSyncSuspendedState CurrentState( );
TNSmlSyncSuspendedState CurrentStateInFinishing();
TNSmlSyncSuspendedState CurrentStateInReceiving();
TNSmlSyncSuspendedState CurrentStateInClientAlertNext();
TNSmlSyncSuspendedState CurrentStateInServerAlertNext();
TBool SyncFailure();
* Mapping of the Alert code is done
static TNSmlPreviousSyncType MapAlertCode(TDes8& aAlertCode);
static TPtrC8 MapAlertCode(TNSmlPreviousSyncType aAlertCode);
* Reads the Cenrep Key for the Suspend & Resume feature
* The feature will be enabled if the aKey value is set to 1
static void ReadRepositoryL(TInt aKey, TInt& aValue);
* Publishes and resets sync session details
void SetDSSessionInfoL(CNSmlDSProfile* aProfile);
void ResetDSSessionInfoL();
private: // data
// DS specific state codes
TBeginSubState iDSCurrBeginSubState;
TServerInitState iDSCurrServerInitState;
TClientResendMapInfoState iCurrClientResendMapInfoState;
TBool iMapResendStatusPackage;
TBool iDSMapOpeningStarted;
TServerAlertState iDSCurrServerAlertState;
TClientModificationsState iDSCurrClientModState;
TMapAcknowledgeState iDSCurrMapAcknowledgeState;
// Sync Type (given for all contents);
CArrayFix<TNSmlContentSpecificSyncType>* iDSSyncTypeArray;
// Client's current Sync Anchor
TTime iDSClientNextSyncAnchor;
TBool iDSDeviceInfoRequestByClient;
TBool iDSDeviceInfoRequestedByServer;
// switch for Map Acknowledgement
TBool iDSWaitingForMapAcknowledgement;
TBool iDSDatabaseOpeningStarted;
TBool iDSLUIDBufferingStarted;
HBufC* iDSServerId;
// DS protocol version
TSmlProtocolVersion iProtocolVer;
// progress observer
MSyncMLProgressObserver* iDSObserver;
// session id
TInt iSessionId;
// 1.1 server alert package
HBufC8* iServerAlertPackage;
// Owned classes
CNSmlDSContent* iDSContent;
TBool iErrorNotified;
CNsmlDSNetmon *iDSNetmon;
TBool iAutoRestartInitiatedSync;
TBool iUpdateLastAnchor;
typedef CNSmlDSAgent* (*TNSmlCreateDSAgentFunc) ( MSyncMLProgressObserver* aObserver );
* Creates new instance of the CNSmlDSAgent class.
* @param aObserver Progress callback observer.
* @return The newly created instance.
IMPORT_C CNSmlDSAgent* CreateDSAgentL( MSyncMLProgressObserver* aObserver );
#endif // __NSMLDSAGENT_H__
// End of File